Tamara Gray – Formula for Joy

Tamara Gray
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses a problem with missing events and misses them, causing people to miss events and hesitate to attend. They suggest creating a formula for finding joy and walking on the path of " Easter" to find a way to walk on the path of joy. The speaker also mentions the impact of missing events on people's behavior and feelings.
AI: Transcript ©
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We have an epidemic in our community of mist fuddled. It's an

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epidemic where we're missing Fajr and we're missing Aisha. In the

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summer, we miss Aisha, and the rest of the year we miss Fajr, and

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people go to work often miss dor or mahlib or ASA. And these

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prayers, we have to understand, there is a formula. It's a simple

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formula. Do we want joy? Do we want to walk on the path of the

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awliya? We have to begin with our furud, our fuddled prayers. And if

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you know how it feels to miss one on one day, imagine how you would

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feel if you didn't.

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Imagine if you spent five years not missing a single funneled

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prayer. Five years. Where would you be? Think about that? What

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would that mean, five years without missing a single funneled

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