Tamara Gray – #AnseTalks Muharam Is About Fresh Starts

Tamara Gray
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The speaker discusses the upcoming New Year and how they are receiving new people from the um lil. They talk about the importance of having a fresh start to the New Year and how they want to approach it by having a new Christmas celebration. They also mention their past experiences as a teenager and how they want to bring their new Christmas celebrations to the New Year.
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Our new year begins in Muharram, which is the third of three sacred

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months that come in a row. It's right after Hajj. We can think

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about people going back from Hajj within and and we are receiving

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the people that are coming back from hash those of us who didn't

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go we're receiving them. They're coming to us. And this is a whole

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new start for the ummah. This is a new start for the ummah. How is it

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a new start for the ummah? It's a new start for the Ummah because if

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you are the one who went to Hajj, you have a clean, fresh, empty

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pages book. And if you are receiving your relatives and

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friends and community members who have been in hajj, your your

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community, is filled with people that have a fresh start, and so

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together, we can have this fresh start. How do we as a culture

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approach a new year? I know for every year of my life, when I was

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a teenager and January would come around, I would be thinking about

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my new year's resolutions. That's what I'd be thinking about my new

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year's resolutions. And for us, as now, when I became a Muslim, I

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still think about resolutions, because a resolution is connected

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to what it's connected to a fresh start,

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and it's in that is connected to Toba, to Toba and forgiveness.

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