Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-038B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 282 Part 2

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of writing in Arabic is emphasized, as it is a duty to pay and requires a long process to complete details. The speakers stress the importance of being mindful of writing and avoiding wasting time while writing. The use of language in legal cases and the importance of privacy in financial decisions are emphasized. The importance of having at least one witness to a transaction and being treated equally is emphasized, as it is a duty to pay and requires at least one men and two women as witnesses. The negative impact of women on society, including threats and assaults, is also discussed.

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			Now Allah subhanaw taala tells us well are you backcare T Boone a October coma Allama Hola. Wala yet
Becca T. Boone? What the statement means is that let no scribe refuse to write as Allah has taught
him while I hear about and he should not refuse who should not refuse Kathy Boone ascribe, meaning
the scribe should not refuse, he should not refuse to do what and yet tuba to write, why should he
not refuse? Because Kumar Allahu Allah, Allah is the One who has taught him so he should benefit
people with the knowledge that Allah has given him. Now the word yet Abba is from the root letters
Hamza? Yeah, Abba, we learn about a bliss that when Allah subhanaw taala commanded him to make such
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			that to Adam and his salaam, what happened IBLEES Abba was stuck. Bara what can aminal carefully
Abba he refused, right? So here when I get back out to the cath lab should not refuse to right come
on lemma Hola. Because Allah has taught him or as I mentioned, you can see the translation come out
also means just as meaning he should write just as Allah has taught him he should not refuse to
write. And the word or lemma is from the root letters or inland meme or lemma is to teach to give.
So Allah is the One who has taught him. Now, what this means is that writing is a skill, okay, that
especially at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. Not everyone possessed any was a
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			skill that was not with everyone in the community. So we learn from this that those who know how to
write especially when it comes to legal documents, okay, if you know how to write them, then do not
refuse to help people rather assist them cooperate with them in good work. Allah subhanaw taala
tells us with our our know our little bit he was taqwa, cooperate with one another in good matters.
And by extension in you what this shows is that if you will know how to read legal documents, okay,
how to fill out legal forms, all right, and your parents need assistance, your spouse needs
assistance, your sibling needs assistance, your friend needs assistance, then assist them. All
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			right, give them some of your time. And the time that you give them in, let's say filling out their
form, writing a document something like this filling out these matters. Any this is going to be
esodoc from you, right? An act of charity from you. So Allah has given you the privilege of knowing
legal matters, being able to read them, being able to understand them, being able to fill out these
forms, etc. Allah has given you this skill, this privilege. So what our sin come at us and Allahu
ILEC, do good to others, as Allah has done good to you give sadaqa from the wealth of your
knowledge, right? benefit people with what Allah subhanaw taala has taught you, and especially when
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			they are in need of you, then Do not deprive them. And when Allah subhanaw taala favors you with
realm with knowledge or with some kind of wealth with some kind of status, then benefit people
through that. And here, I would really want to appreciate the sister who is writing the root letters
right now. And also the other words, you know, this is a skill that not everyone has to be able to
write on the spot to be able to write Arabic text to be able to quickly write the root letters to be
able to quickly write you know, the other words correct spelling correct halacha when mashallah look
at the word alien, she's even written the Kassala the sukoon. So doing so this is an act of charity.
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			Right? And we are encouraged over here that when you have the skill of writing allah subhanaw taala
has given you this privilege, then use that to benefit others. There are so many people who have so
many skills and they're able to bring ease to others. You know, for example, if the sister was not
writing at this moment, then students will be struggling on their own. I remember seeing students
struggling in class, you know, writing Alif as a li F, because they weren't sure as to how to write
it in Arabic, you know, off as QA F because they weren't sure as to how to write it down, writing,
you know, singulars in English, so you know, when someone assists you, you learn so quickly, your
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			work becomes easy. So Allah by Kathy Boone and Jacobo Kumar hola hola. So this is a huge lesson for
every single one of us. When Allah has privileged you with wealth, Allah has privileged you with
knowledge, Allah has privileged you with some status, then use that privilege to benefit the
creation of Allah
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			Don't just sit with that privilege, rather give sadaqa from it, right? When we have wealth, we
should give sadaqa from it. Likewise, when we have alien, we must give sadaqa from it, when we give
sadaqa from it, then we learn that you spend and Allah will spend on you, right? Allah subhanaw
taala will increase you. And this is an easy way of earning so much reward. So while a McHattie been
able to welcome our lemma, hola. You know, sometimes your parents ask you to fill out a form, you
know, maybe online or on paper, and it's literally gonna take just 10 minutes of your time, 15
minutes of your time, but, you know, sometimes we delay or we feel like it's a burden. We don't want
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			to do it, those 15 minutes 10 minutes can go just staring at a wall, you know, just daydreaming
Subhanallah you can give from your time and earn so much reward. You know, we learned that the one
who creates ease for others helps someone Allah subhanaw taala will create ease for them on the Day
of Judgment, don't we want ease on that day and you know, when you help someone like this, that you
fill out a form for them, you write for them, you read for them, you explain a document to them, you
bring them so much relief, you know their stress goes away, you know their worry goes away, they
feel so much more confident. So bring joy to others. Now, in the next part Allah subhanaw taala
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			tells us failure Aktobe while young Lily levy or Leigh Hill Haku will yet the pillar of ABA who well
I have a husband who shy so, let him write and let the one who has the obligation dictate and let
him fear Allah his Lord and not leave anything out of it Alright, so fairly Aktobe so, he should
write who should write the scribe should write now notice over here this is the second time the
Scribe is being commanded to write first it was said Well, yes. And now it is said fully Aktobe
right. So two times already the scribe has been commanded to write why two times the order my say
this is Tokyo, this is emphasis that he should not refuse he should write. Other say that this is
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			more than just emphasis there is actually cease in this that CS is to establish a command that sees
the Hamza senior seen. So there is meaning the command to write is being established over here that
this is a must. And there is urgency in that, okay? Meaning the scribe should not delay the writing.
All right, he should not keep people waiting. So for example, two people are contracting a
transaction that involves a delayed payment. So they ask someone who knows how to write that,
please, can you record this for us? And he says,
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			Yeah, I can come to me tomorrow. Okay. So they go to him the next day. And he says, all I'm so
sorry, I'm busy right now. I can't do it. Come to me next week. And so they come to him next week.
And he says, I'm sorry, just just sit here, just wait for a little bit, I'll do it. Okay, and then
they sit for like, 10 hours. And then finally he does it for them. This is not correct. Failure
octobe He should write, meaning just do it. Do it right away. If not right away soon. Any don't
delay the writing, do not keep people waiting. You know, there's urgency over here. And if you are
really preoccupied with something that you cannot leave, then tell them that you are unable to and
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			refer them to someone else. Okay. But what this shows is that it really does not take long to write
a document of this nature. Because what is basically being written in this document is who the
creditor is hold the debtor is what has been lent, or sold, or right and what is the payment and
when it is due. And if there is witnesses who the witnesses are. So there's just a couple of things.
It's half a page long. All right. So the scribe does not have to finalize the details. It takes long
when you have to finalize the details, when you have to keep asking Okay, so what's going on? Have
you agreed on this? And now the creditor debtor arguing still now you're sitting there waiting for
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			them to finish their argument to come to some kind of decision and then you're right, no, you go to
the scribe when all the details are sorted out, all right. So fairly Aktobe he should write
immediately without delay, while you Lille. And now when he is going to write who's going to tell
him what to write while you live. He should dictate who should dictate Hola, Dr. Leigh Hill, by the
way, based on
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			On wali Aktobe and fairly active diplomacy that this teaches us the obligation of learning how to
write, because this part of more um, a lot of you know, financial dealings cannot be fulfilled
without someone knowing how to write. Okay. So this shows us that learning how to write is an
obligation, not on every individual, but on the community. So it is a fob key fire, meaning in every
community, there must be at least some individuals who are literate, who know how to read and write,
because this leads to the fulfillment of these commands that Allah subhanaw taala has given now
William Lane, he should dictate William Lane, this is from the route letters meme lamb lamb, and M
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			Lal is to dictate and there is another word in lap meme Lam Hamza in lap, it's the same end both the
words are used interchangeably, and both the words mean the same thing. Okay, so in total for con, I
have five, we learned will call yourself liberal or Willie Nick tatoeba here to La La he booklet on
what is Lila? That they say that the Quran is just stories of the former people. So these stories
are tomb law, they are dictated to him morning and evening. But this is a completely false thing to
say but the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam because he did not know how to write. So anyway, William
Lille he should dictate who should dictate a lady I lay Hill help a lady the one who I lay he upon
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			him is a HELCO the duty meaning the duty to pay all right. So in other words, the debtor, the one
who is taking on the loan, the one who has to make the delayed payment, all right, he is the one who
has to dictate to the scribe, what the scribe should write, okay. Why, so that the debtor knows what
he owes and by when, and this also shows us that the job of the Scribe is to just write and the
Scribe is not responsible for what is being agreed upon, he is only going to write what is being
dictated to him, he cannot write on his own, and he cannot write something before it is dictated to
him. So he can only write what he is told. And here while you may, Allah de la he'll help the
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			debtor, the one who is dictating is given another instruction that will yet the pillar or Bahu, he
should fear Allah his Lord, meaning he should be honest, he should be truthful, in what he is
dictating, he should fear Allah wala yerba Hussmann, who che and he should not reduce from it
anything layer because this is from the root letters Baja scene box is to reduce. So he should not
reduce men who from it, from what from the Dane from the details of the Dane, che anything, meaning
he should dictate correctly, honestly, and he should dictate the exact agreed upon details. So for
example, if it's six months and three days, he should dictate that he should not deduct anything
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			from the term and he should not deduct anything from the amount the money that he owes. And this is
one of the reasons why you know, in checks, for example, when the amount is written, the word only
is there at the end. Right? So I remember when I was little, I was so surprised seeing checks like
1000 only. Okay, was it How was 1000 Only it's not a little amount, it's a huge amount, but the only
is there to mark that you know, this is the end candidates exactly 1000 not 1050 not 1020 and things
like that. So well yet the pillar her Ebola because men who shaped her he should not reduce anything
from the agreed upon term and amount. Now, for example, the debtor will dictate something like I saw
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			and so he will mention his name and borrowing $1,000 from so and so the person that he's borrowing
the money from for three months from this date, or I so and so and borrowing $1,000 from So install
until September 18. Okay, so he has to dictate his name, the debtor, the name of the creditor, what
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			He is borrowing when the amount is due. All of these details are going to be dictated and he should
be honest and truthful. Well yet the killer robber who will I have Hussman who? Shaya now for in
then if so if cannula de la he'll help Canada he is who is a linear legal help the one upon whom is
the duty to pay, meaning the debtor, the same guy, the debtor, if he happens to be someone who is
Sufi, foolish, oh, or law or even week out or late yesterday or who are you Mila Hua, he himself is
not able to dictate. Now what's going to happen? Then Valium, Lil Walia, who will then his Welly his
guardian is going to dictate with justice. So what does this mean? This means that if the debtor,
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			the one who is incurring the debt, the one who has to make the payment, the one who is borrowing, if
he is not able to dictate, or he should not dictate, why should he not dictate because he is Sufi,
brief? All right, when Shala, I'll explain to you then, in His place, His guardian, his wali is
going to dictate, but still, it is always going to be the debtor, the debtor or the debtors
representative, who is going to dictate the transaction to the scribe, and it's not going to be the
creditor, the creditor is not going to dictate it's always going to be the debtor or the debtors
representative. All right. Now the first case is that he is Sophie. Now Sophie from the root letters
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			scene for her remember sofa at the beginning of just to say a call to sofa hat earlier on in total
buckler. Also, we learned a lot in the home homeless sofa hub. They're the ones who are foolish.
Sophy is basically someone who is fluffy fluffy for Arkell, meaning someone who is not very
intelligent. All right, meaning in their mind, they're very light. Because Haviv mean someone who is
light, something that is light. So why are they light in their brains? This could be different
reasons. One is that they don't know how to manage money well. So for example, someone has a bad
habit, they keep borrowing money, and then they never return it. All right, or they make poor
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			financial decisions. And they're going deeper and deeper in depth. All right, or they are wasteful,
okay? Or they don't understand legal language at all. So for in Canada, our legal HELCO Sufi Han,
okay, for example, they don't even know what creditor means what credit means. They don't know what
delayed payment means. What installments means. And you see, when it comes to financial matters,
every country, every era, you know, has new systems, new terminology. And you really have to know
what these matters are, when you are dealing with them. So if someone is not that able, you need
they don't have all of that knowledge. They don't have that much understanding, then it's best for
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			them to not dictate themselves rather their guardian who has better awareness of these matters
should dictate okay, because for example, if someone is Sufi and he they don't know these financial
matters very well they don't understand what they're getting into. So Sophie hon Oh Larry fan, Larry
if from blood I infer dwarf is weakness. And here the root of my say Larry if means that this is a
child, okay, which shows that even children are allowed to borrow money, some children are, you
know, very business minded from a very young age and you know, they want to grow their money. So,
they want a loan in their case, the child should not be the one who is you know, dictating rather
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			their guardianship. So, this is the leaf thirdly law yesterday you learn not yesterday rule he is
able Yes, the lawyer who is from law well our aim is to borrow is to have the ability to do
something so layer stuck to you he is not able to a human law to dictate human law is from meme lamb
lamb same route as well, human. So why would a person not be able to dictate himself? There could be
different reasons. One reason could be there's a language barrier. Okay. So for example, the
creditor and describe, let's say they speak English, and the debtor is not able to speak English.
Okay, well
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			Are they they're in a place where English is the language, the debtor does not know the language. So
then in his case, he's not himself going to dictate because he doesn't even know what he's saying.
So now his representative, his guardian is going to dictate. So he is not able to dictate one reason
is language barrier. Another reason could be that there is a disability, for example, a person is
literally not able to speak, all right, they're not able to hear they're not able to speak, they use
sign language, and the scribe does not know the sign language. All right, or the creditor does not
know. So a person does not know how to speak or he's not able to speak, okay? It could be, for
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			instance, the person had a stroke, and so they're not able to speak or they have a cold, they don't
have their voice anymore. It happens, right? So they're unable to dictate, in their case volume,
literally, you will hardly feel human. Again, you see the lamb over here. Lamb is of armor, he
should dictate who should dictate what Li You his guardian, who's Guardian, The Guardian of the
debtor, okay. And the guardian of the debtor will follow the same rules as the debtor himself. Okay,
which is that he has to dictate with justice. All right. Now, there's a question Who is the Willie
Willie, by the way is from the root letters. Wow, lamb Yeah. Now, who is the Willie Willie is you
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			know of two kinds. Basically, one kind of Willie is the shutter equally meaning the Wali who is
appointed by the Shakira and that is the Father. So for example, the Wali of the child is the father
of the child, okay. So this is one Wali, the Father, all right. The Wali of a woman who is married
is now her husband, for example, okay, or the family of a woman who is not married is also her
father, or could be her brother. So, this is the Wali, The Guardian appointed by the shittier. And
each case differs in general, it is the father, okay. But in some cases, the second type of wali is
the Wali, The Guardian that is appointed for a person, by law or by the judge. Okay. So for example,
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			someone is known to be wasteful, or someone has a very bad credit history, they keep borrowing, and
they are unable to pay back the loan and they're going deeper and deeper in debt, they have many
dependents. And so it's known that this person is not very smart in managing their money, they're
wasteful. So based on their history, or based on how they've been managing money, the law appoints
that this person is not allowed to engage in any financial transactions alone independently, all
right, they must have their representative or their guardian with them. Okay. And the law has the
power to do that. So, volume linearly, you will build. Now in this case, again, the Wali is going to
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			dictate in place of the debtor. Now, this shows us that our deen the law that Allah subhanaw taala
has revealed is accessible to everyone, that even if someone is a minor, who is borrowing money, or
someone who has a disability because of which they're not able to speak, all right, or it could be
literally someone who is not mentally stable, you know, it's possible that someone has an illness.
Like for example, if someone has bipolar disorder, for instance, or some other kind of disorder,
especially in certain disorders, what happens is that people go through a manic phase, right, or a
phase in which they begin to spend a lot of money, like literally a person who will go and spend
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			1000s of dollars in one night in one day. Right? They have these grand perceptions of themselves,
you know, so if someone is not mentally stable, or someone does not have a good credit history, all
right. Still, they should be able to buy things on credit, they should be able to take loans, yes,
not on their own, not alone. Because if they do it on their own, they're going to get themselves in
trouble. All right, they're going to make a mistake, they're going to may be exploited. Right? So
their guardian is going to be with them and their guardian is going to dictate so that the Guardian
knows what the debtor is getting into. Right? So we see that our dean is so perfect that everyone is
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			being given the opportunity to borrow money, because sometimes yes, people need to borrow money in
order to improve their financial
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			decision to buy something to invest to you know, grow their business and things like that. So, we
see that Allah subhanaw taala protects all people through the laws that he has revealed. Now this is
with regard to writing the transaction. Now, there is another thing involved in a transaction of
this nature Indane which is the matter of witnesses. Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala says was, does he
do Shahe Dany Marija Alikum was does he do and you will call as witness who Shahe they need two
witnesses? Who are these two witnesses going to be Mary jolly come from your men. All right, now
what's the shadow Shahida in both of these words from the root letters Sheen has done okay? And
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			shahada is testimony. Now especially do seek witnesses or call as witness Where did the meaning of
call or seek come from the scene and TA right, just as in Ness Therrien Ness Therrien we ask for
help we seek help. So especially do you should seek witnesses call as witness how many witnesses
Shahi then this is the dual of the word Shaheed Shaheed is a witness, someone who testifies someone
who bears witness someone who is present who sees a transaction taking place. And these two
witnesses should specifically be Marija Lee come from your men regional is the plural of the word la
jewel, and Rajul is Amen. Root letters rajim. Now, now, we see that here witnesses are mentioned and
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			this shows us that when the transaction is a major one, then yes, witnesses are needed in addition
to documentation, you want to record the transaction and you also want witnesses. All right. Again,
calling witnesses this is not mandatory, it is better just as when it comes to writing it is not
mandatory, it is better it is most the hub depending on the nature of the transaction, depending on
who you're dealing with. Use your judgment. So as does she do Shaheed any Maria Alikum. Now, when
regional are mentioned, and comb is mentioned your men what this means is Muslim men, okay, Muslim
men, and Rajul is an adult, not a child. Rajan is a man, not a woman. All right. So what this means
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			is that it has to be to Muslim men, doesn't matter whether they are free or slave. What matters is
that they're Muslim men. So this means not the testimony you cannot have two children, male children
be a witness, all right, you cannot have two women be a witness, you cannot have non Muslims be a
witness. In such a case, there is one exception in certain math either I have 106 We learn that when
people are traveling, and then you know, there is a matter of someone dying, then in that case, the
testimony of a non Muslim can be taken, but that is an exception. Okay. Not the general rule in
general was that she Lucia had any marriage alikhan All right. Now, remember that in different
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			matters, different types of witnesses are required. In the case of for example, accusation of
fornication for male witnesses are required. Even if there are 50 women to testify, their testimony
will not be taken in the matter of who dude who do the any legal punishments, only male witnesses,
their testimony will be taken. In the case of Rhodora what Allah is suckling, nursing babies, the
testimony of one woman even is sufficient. Okay, so different matters require different types of
witnesses. All right. So what does she do Shahe Dany Marie Jericho, Allah subhanaw taala says for in
then if lamea qu now Raju Laney la mia Hakuna there are not lamb naughty Hakuna they two were
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			meaning if you do not have two men for Elomi Hakuna Raju Lane Raju lane is the dual of the word
Allah June then Farah Jhulan. Then a man one will attend and two women. If you cannot find two men
to bear witness to the transaction, then you will have one men and two women testify or rather bear
witness followed on one row Aton one more
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			attempt in rattan is the dual of the word imra. imra is a woman, okay. So in the absence of two men
it is one man and two women. Can it be for women? There is if the laugh in this matter, some orlimar
say that yes, you can just have four women bear witness to this transaction and if needed later,
they can come and testify but other Obama say no, it cannot be for women and this is the majority it
has to be one man and two women all right, and these witnesses are going to be men man from among
who don't loan Amina shahada, you all are pleased with as witnesses the Bona you all are pleased
with meeting both parties the creditor and the debtor are happy they agree with these individuals
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			being witnesses from through letters that all blood Yeah, what are the yet to be pleased with? Mina
shahada as witnesses a Shahadat is a portion of the word Shahid from the letter Sheen had that. So
now there is a question, why is it that in place of one man, you have two women testifying? Why not
one woman? Why two women? And why can it just not be to women total? Or why does it have to be men?
So there could be different reasons for this? It's possible, I don't know, I have not done the
research a low Arlen, it's possible that there are gender differences when it comes to memory
recall. Okay. And I'm sure the research that is done these days, or recently is based on
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			participants who are educated participants who have been to school participants who are from this
modern world. And the reality may be very different. So it's possible that current research shows
that there is no gender differences when it comes to memory recall. Or it's possible that women
score better when it comes to memory recall. But remember that you cannot generalize them. Why?
Because in different societies, men and women, they're not always the same in the sense that they
don't always get to experience life in the same way. It's well known that in many parts of the
world, women do not have the privilege to go to school, all right, they don't have the privilege of
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			literacy. And even if they do, they don't necessarily use the education that they have acquired, in
the sense that they're not really dealing with numbers, they don't necessarily have a job that
requires them to, you know, apply what they learned in school, many women in many parts of the
world, they don't have that much freedom or protection in the sense that there are so many social
pressures or threats, or acts of violence, aggression against women, that if they come and testify,
people are going to assault them. In the SubhanAllah. These days, also, we see that if a woman dares
to speak somewhere, or speak her mind, in some way, there is you know, bullying, there are threats,
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			death threats, there is assault, damage to property, damage to you know, her life, her family, and
I'm not talking just about the West, we think that the West is everything. It's not, we live in a
bubble, where, you know, we see men working women working, and we think, you know, both should be
treated equally, or both should be given equal responsibility. And this is very unfair, because the
reality of women in the West is not the reality of women in many parts of the world. All right, so
Allah subhanaw taala is just, and he gives to each person what they are able to bear. And this is
the column of Allah, Allah subhanaw. Taala has said that, in the absence of two men, one men and two
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			women will testify. And, like I mentioned that Allah subhanaw taala only gives two individuals what
they are capable of carrying. And if someone is given more than what they can bear than that is
injustice. So if someone is weak, or they don't have privileges that someone else has, then they
should not be given to bear what someone who is more privileged than them is given to bear. So those
who expect that a woman should do what a man does, they're committing alone. And typically, if you
think about it, women any they experience hailed menstruation every month. And menstruation is what
we learned in total Bukhara, either. It is a hurtful condition. Pregnancy. This is one Arla one and
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			it's not just pregnancy after pregnancy is nursing and then weaning any, it takes so much out of a
woman. So if a woman is burdened with what a man is,
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			burdened, then that is Lorem on her. And majority of the societies remember they are patriarchal.
Okay, you might not like patriarchy, that's another issue. But we have to recognize the fact that
even though many people will say that women are men should be treated equally, the reality is very,
very different, very different women do not, in reality have the same privileges and rights that men
have. I'm not saying that's how it should be. But this is what the reality is. And many times we see
that women are not as aware of, you know, financial matters, and systems as men are aware. And you
see, in so many marriages, women are forced to give up their money. Right? I mean, this happens
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			today also, that, you know, a woman gets married, and she is basically bullied into giving up her
massage. So sometimes, if it can happen that a woman is not given her mother, then you think she can
be called as a witness somewhere, and she's called as a witness, and then other people overpower her
or they ignore her. They don't take her seriously. This is also a problem, right? That women are not
taken seriously. If they become firm, then people will say, Oh, she's being so hormonal. All right,
if you know, she insists, other labels will be used. So here, basically women are being protected.
All right, women are being protected. And sometimes people will use women in order to market certain
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			things or in order to make something look more appealing, more innocent, you know, more credible, or
the opposite. So this is why it's not just women, who will be brought as witnesses to a financial
transaction. It has to be one man and two women, two women together will take the place of one male
witness. So for elimina Cornaro giulini For our June one MRA, Attorney mentor Dona Mina Shuhada. Why
Allah subhanaw taala explains and Toddla irida Houma for to the killer irida Humann okra, what's the
role of the second woman that and that the villa, the villa, she makes a mistake. All right, the
last from Bala L bar, lamb lamb, which is basically to go astray. And this doesn't necessarily mean
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			misguidance in religion, no, this is coming in its literal sense that if she makes a mistake, all
right, who makes a mistake is that Houma one of them too. So if one of the two women makes a
mistake, then what will happen to that Kira? Then she will remind to the Kira from Val kufra Ted key
to remind so she will remind who will remind him that Houma one of them to Aloha the other one, so
the one who is talking if she makes a mistake, then the other will remind her, the other woman will
remind her, okay, and there's a very interesting incident about this is the mother of Imam Shafi.
Okay, it is said that she was called to testify, you know, regarding some matter with another woman,
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			and the judge intended to take the testimony of each woman separately. So, basically what he wanted
was, he wanted to take the testimony of one woman and then he wanted to take the testimony of the
mother of Imam Shafi. So the mother of Imam Shafi, she said that you cannot do that you cannot take
separate testimony from us, because Allah subhanaw taala says until Linda is the home alpha to that
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			any the other woman is there, just to remind the first if the first makes a mistake, if the first
one forgets, so, she is there basically to confirm her or to correct her if there is a mistake. And
this is actually very interesting, you know, sometimes it happens that you are talking with someone
and your children are there, you say something and your children correct you Right? Or the siblings
are sitting together, talking to someone one says something and the other correcting. So when such
correction happens, then the truth comes to light. So Anta Lilla irida Houma for to the Kira era
human. And another benefit of this is that now a woman cannot be pressurized, right? Because
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			sometimes it happens that if you are like in a courthouse and you have to testify or take the stand,
this can be scary. And when fear overcomes you, no matter how well you know something you can
forget, you can make mistakes. Right and especially when witnesses are grilled, right, then the best
of them can say something that they will regret later or they can make a mistake. So a woman will
not be called to testify.
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			on her own, she will always have another woman by her side. And this gives her confidence this gives
her courage. This makes her more certain of what she is saying. And again in this is support and
protection of the woman, all right, because many times women can be pressurized to say something
false and things like that. So there is protection of women in this Anta Lilla era Houma for to the
cura Manohara and remember that Islam is for all people, right? Whether people are literate or not,
whether women are you know, educated or not, Dean is supposed to be accessible to all types of
people and the laws that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed are such that they can be applied in
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			every situation. So, what is revealed in this idea, it can be applied in a small village. All right,
and it can be applied in a very modern society also. This is the beauty the perfection of the deen
that Allah has revealed. By the way the word aura is from Hamza Hora Hora the other and this is a
feminine version of the word Aha. Her means other okra means other also her is female and okra is
for female