Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-034A Translation Al-Baqarah 253-260
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The transcript describes a series of disconnected sentences and phrases, with no clear context or topic. Colusa refuses to be afraid of her and she refuses to do so, while Yena eventually succeeds and becomes a woman named Lahu to Boehner. Carla gets killed and a woman named Missy later on the transcript recaps a video game where speakers recite a song and discuss various topics such as sexuality, drugs, and violence. The segment ends with a mention of a TV show and Missy.
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh who are the Rila human a che Pinilla Jean Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim wa salatu salam ala SUTA Hill Karim rubbish Rocklea Saudi way a Sidley Emery well hello looked at Emily Sani of Kahu Kohli Allahumma to Kirby was certainly certainly was thrilled to have him at the call be amenable olamine lesson number 34 verses 253 to 260. So translation reverse 253 tilcon rasuluh those messengers football now we gave preference to bar go home some of them are Allah over Barbin some men home among them, man is who can lamb Allahu Allah spoke to one ofera and he raised Barbra home some of them the Rajat in degrees were attina, and we gave Risa or usarla. His
Salam evening sun Maruyama of Meriam al begginer at the clear proofs were a year now who and we aided him Biru Hill kudos with the pure Spirit wallow and if sha Allah who Allah willed man not it good that Allah they would have fought one another Alladhina those who came min Bharti him after them mimbar Dima, after Jaya at home, it came to them and by Jeanette the clear proofs were lacking, but if Tella fu they differed from in home, so among them, man was Who am Anna he believed when in home and among them man was who Kafala he disbelieved? Wello and If Shah Allahu Allah willed man not equal data do they would have fought one another what are kidnapped but indeed Allah Allah EFR Lu he
does, man what you read he intends Yeah, uh, you have all Alladhina those who are new they have believed and feel cool you outspend me man from what Rosa cranachan we provided you all mean cleverly N before yet Tia it comes yelman a de la not by your own trade fee he in it. Wala and know who Latin intimate friendship wala and no Shiva or tone intercession? Well, Kathy Runa and those who disbelieve whom they truly a lolly moon or those who do wrong, Allahu Allah lair EDA, there is no God at all Illa except Hua he and hate the Ever Living the bestower of life. I'll tell you the independent and eternal, the Sustainer of All lad not to who it takes hold of him sin atone
drowsiness wala and nor no moon sleep Lahu To Him belongs Mao what Fi is in a summer what the skies warmer and what Fi is in the earth man who that is that a lady the one who yesh Pharaoh he will intercede are in the hula with him in law except be evening he by his permission. Er Alemu he knows now what Boehner ad him is before them is in front of them warmer and what Khalifa whom is after them is behind them. Wala and not you hate Luna they encompass be che in anything men from around me he has knowledge Illa except be Masha what He wills was the era Colusa you who his kursi has capacity for a summer what the sky is well out and the earth Wallah and not yet whoo hoo it burdens
him HIV Luma diligent maintenance of them to Hua Hua and he alertly Is that ever Hi. Allah Aleem the ever great, let ik Raha there is no coercion at all, or there shall be no coercion at all. fee in a dean the religion but already debate Yena it has become clear, a rush to do the right guidance men from Allah ye the misguided Vnus FURMAN So whoever he worked for he disbelieves big tall wood in the route where you mean and he believes Billahi in Allah for God then indeed a stem sucker. He has firmly taken hold beluga off the handhold and was the most firm landfill Osama there is no cracking at all Lucha for it will Allahu and Allah Semir on is ever hearing our Limon ever knowing
Allahu Allah wa ala U 's friend is protector a Latina of those who am an old they have believed your creed your home he brings them out men from a lulu mat the darkness is Illa into a node the light will Latina and those who care for all they have disbelieved, Alia or home their friends, their protectors of the hood or the target. You reduce their home they bring them out men from a nor the light ILA into a lulu mat the darknesses Hola, Iike dos os haobo are companions and natty of the fire home they fie her in it. Holly dune will be ones who remain eternally along Tara isla. Didn't you consider Allah the the one who had Jah? He argued with Ibrahim Ibrahim fie in regard to rugby he
his love and for the reason that Tao hula hula Allah gave him a Mulcair the kingship in when kala Ibrahim Ibrahim said, Rob be Maya Rob Allah de is the one who you ye he gives life where you meet to and he gives that Allah He said Anna I or he I give life what will me to and I give death color Ibrahim Ibrahim said for inner then indeed Allah Allah yet de Beacham See, he brings the sun men from Al Mushrik the East fat DB her so you bring it men from Al Maghrib the West furball heater, so he was dumbfounded. Allah the cover the one who disbelieved will Allah Who and Allah La not yesterday he guides unkown the people who are a lolly mean those who do wrong Oh or can lady like
the one who Mala Allah He passed by a yet in a town. We're here while it how we atone is fallen in Allah Otoshi her into ruins. Allah He said, And now how you ye he will give life to had he this Allahu Allah BARDA after motiva its death for Amata hula who so Allah gave him death may attack for 100 I mean years so madonn Bertha who he resurrected him color he said come how much Lavista you have remained Allah He said Labus to I remained Yeoman a day Oh, or Barbra some Yeoman of a de Paula he said bail rather Lavista you remained Miata for 100 I am in yours from blue. So you look ILA at thorough mica your food, Warshaw, beaker and your drink. Lemme at the Santa it did not write one
look and you look either at him America your donkey Wehlener gerada and so that we make you a turn a sign lunacy for the people one vote and you look Isla at alarm the bones okay for how known she is who how we raised them, so Medan next to her we call them with LACMA flesh Philomathean went to Bayona it became clear Lahu to him color he said our lemmo I know and that indeed Allah Allah Allah Allah over coolly every che in thin Kadir is ever able. What if and when Allah Ibrahim Ibrahim said Rob be my Rob areni You show me kafer how to hear you give life to Al Mota those who are dead Carla. He said oh, well I'm told men and haven't you believed Carla? He said Bella Yes indeed. Well I can
but Leah toma in so that it is satisfied can be my heart. Allah He said for hood the new take arbeiten for men have played the birds for so Hana. Then you incline them ileka towards you. So Medan age URL you put Allah upon Kali every jevelin Mountain Men Honda from them just a portion some more than other una you call them yet Tina aka they will come to you Surya rushing water alum and you should know and that indeed Allah Allah or Aziz xun is ever Almighty harkaman ever wise. Right let's listen to the recitation of these verses. Do go Busuu has been
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Are you ready
are you ready? Oh
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a year Allahu Allah.
Allah Allah colletion for the
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Majority Leader
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