Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-031H Tafsir Al-Baqarah 232

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the importance of finding a marriage between a man and a woman after divorce. They emphasize the need for privacy and open communication to avoid violent behavior. The speakers also stress the importance of finding a way to avoid divorce and violent behavior, as it is difficult to avoid divorce. They provide examples of various divorce types and emphasize the need for open communication and privacy in marriage.

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			then it is said well enough to look to Manisa for beloved, Nigella Hoonah. And when you divorce
women and they have fulfilled their term. Now over here if our beloved Anna Angela Hoonah means
completion of the waiting period, all right, meaning the waiting period of the latter to Kuru has
come to an end, or if the woman was pregnant, she has given birth, okay, or if the woman does not
menstruate, then three lunar months are over. So we're not gonna Agila Hoonah. And if they have
reached the end of the waiting period, this means that Rudra did not take place, right? Because if
Rujuta takes place, then the waiting period also comes to an end. So for example, if a man gives
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			divorce to his wife, and a week later, he takes her back. All right through words, he says, I'm
taking you back then she is no longer in her waiting period. Okay, now, things are back to normal.
So, what you got to look to Manisa Ferber Laguna Agila Hoonah. Here, what is meant is that Rudra did
not take place, there was one menstrual cycle than the second one and the third one, and the man did
not take back his wife. So what does this mean? This means that now she is separated from him. She
is no longer his wife. All right. So remember, the purpose of the waiting period is what are one of
the objectives is that she is not going to get married to someone else. So now if the waiting period
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			came to an end, she is no longer married to him. What does it mean? It means that now she is free to
marry someone else. So it is said fill out our blue Hoonah. Now the woman is free, she is single
again, she is no longer married. All right. So now do not prevent them A and kitna as wotja Hoonah,
that they marry their husbands when either Toronto Boehner and Bill Maher wolf when they agree among
themselves on an acceptable basis. Okay, so what's going on over here? Remember, there are two
interpretations of this is the first interpretation is that for lateral DeLuna, here, the ex husband
is being addressed. Okay? That when you have given divorce, whether this was the first divorce, or
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			the second one, or the third one, okay, and the waiting period is over, no Rudra took place, and now
she is separated from you. This means that she is free from you, she's no longer your wife. So now
you or ex husbands have no control over their lives. So now do not prevent your ex wife basically
from marrying someone else. And Karina, as well, Jonah. All right, how could an ex husband prevent
the woman from marrying someone else? Well, it happens all the time. Sometimes men will threaten to
take the children away, they will threaten that, you know, I will not ever allow you to see your
children again. You know, their ego is so big. All right, rather so weak that they can't bear that
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			they're divorced wife, all right, or someone who was once married to them is now going to live
happily with someone else. So the men are addressed over here that filata alumina and Karina as
well, Jonah, you have no control over her life. Now she is her own person. All right. So she has the
choice to marry someone else. You don't have any say in that matter. The second interpretation is
that here, the family of the woman is being addressed. Okay, that when a woman is divorced, and her
waiting period has come to an end, and no juror took place, she is separated from her husband. And
now she wants to marry as well. jahana in a she wants to marry her previous husband, her former
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			husband. She wants to re marry him because remember, a new marriage can take place right after the
first and the second divorce. All right. So if they want to get married again, you do not prevent
them from marrying again. Okay. Now, let's say a man divorced his wife for the third time. Okay, for
the third time what happens after the third divorce, he can neither take her back in the waiting
period. Nor can he marry her with an unica, of course after the waiting period. However, if she
marries someone else, we learned about this if she marries someone else, and then that marriage
comes to an end. And now what happens the first husband proposes to her can that marriage take
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			place? Yes, it can. So the family is addressed over here that do not prevent the woman from marrying
her former husband. Okay, can you facilitate that marriage don't prevent it. Now there is a
particular incident that happened we learn about Markel or the law Mourinho that his sister
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			Got married to women. And then what happened is that the men divorced her and her waiting period
came to an end. And basically he did not do de jure. Okay. So what happened after the waiting
period, you know, she came back to her family. And after some time, the husband he sent a proposal,
the ex husband, he sent a proposal and Marco radula horn who got very angry at him, he said, and the
words are very interesting. In Hadith, Willard, he said, Yeah, Luca, or you idiot, basically, that
what kind of a man are you that I honored you? All right, I showed you so much respect by having you
marry my sister, and then you gave divorce to her, and then you did not take her back. And now you
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			dare to ask me again for her hand in marriage, I will not do that. I will not do that. So Mark and
Odilo Moreno got very mad basically at his ex brother in law, that How dare you first you divorce
her and then now after the waiting period is over, you propose to her again. But in her these we
learn that hustle and bustle he says farlam Aloha Jetta who la her will her Jetta her Isla barley
her. Allah knew how that men wanted his ex wife and how she also wanted him back. And he Allah knew
how they both wanted each other. So Allah subhanaw taala reveal this idea. And when the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called Mark luteolin Mourinho and recited this Iota him, Marco de la
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			Mourinho said some are a little bit more thorough, he said, some are a little bit shorter. And he I
hear my Lord and I OB, and then he called that men and he said, was a widow, okay, mocha, I will
marry my sister to you, and I will honor you so that marriage took place. So now the question is
that, why would a man do this, you know that he divorces his wife, he lets the waiting period come
to an end. And he did not do to do or now that she's separated. Now he proposes to her. Because the
thing is that, you know, when your circumstances change, and you spend time away from someone, it is
possible that now you remember them fondly. Now that your anger has subsided, all right, you are
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			less focused on things that you dislike about them, and you begin to appreciate all of their good
qualities, right? Because this is a fact that while someone could have certain characteristics that
really annoy you, they also have some good qualities that you can appreciate. And sometimes what
happens is that a person gets really angry at his wife because of the influence of his family, for
instance, or the influence of her family. Okay, the circumstances are such you know, children are
little or he's having a midlife crisis. He's struggling with his work, he's struggling with, you
know, his money and things like that. He's very short tempered, he's struggling mentally any in the
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			past two years where people's lives have been shaken to the core, you know, you can hear about so
many divorces taking place, why because things have changed, right? But also when things calm down,
and again they change because life is constantly changing, right? Then you realize that perhaps it
was a good idea to be married to that person and you miss them. So there is no harm, okay, but there
is a condition Allah subhanaw taala says either Torrado Boehner humble maruf when they have both
agreed with one another in the recognized way, in a way that is appropriate, meaning both parties
should be willing to marry, okay, the woman should be willing to marry this man and the man should
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			also be willing to marry her, okay. So, there should be willingness, either Corrado means first of
all, there should be willingness. And what this shows us is that no man should be forced to marry a
woman he does not want to marry. Sometimes it happens that the man does not get to choose his wife,
okay? It's the parents who choose the wife and they want a certain type of a wife for him. Why so
that they can get certain work done through her etcetera. Like I remember once a person, you know,
asked me that, do you know any good girl, I want my son to marry her. And you know, I knew that her
son was you know, mashallah well educated so I thought, you know, someone of similar background
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			would perhaps you know, they would be more compatible with each other. But the mother said that no,
no, no, I want someone who can do this and this and this and this and this kind of housework because
you know, I want her to stay with me and she will stay with me while my son is going to be in the
other city where he was studying and working. And you know, I appreciated her honesty. I appreciated
that but I also made it clear to her that this is unfair, that when you have your son married, you
are not getting free, you know housemaid services.
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			Okay, you are having your son married so that she will be his wife, not your servant. So you have to
be careful about that. So anyway, there are many situations where the family kind of force their son
to marry someone, or the other way around where a woman is forced to marry a man that she does not
want to marry. Okay? So this is not correct, because one of the conditions for the validity of Nika
is the real law. Okay. There are many conditions for the validity of Annika, you know, for example,
while he should be there on the side of the woman, then there should be witnesses, then there should
be Moher, right and other conditions. Another condition is real law on the part of both man and
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			woman. We learn that that hunt SAP or de la Mourinho, she went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam and complained that her father gave her in marriage, okay, without her approval, and he she
did not want to be married to someone. And her father married her to that man anyway. So she did not
like that. And she went to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam revoked that marriage, he annulled it, right. So III, that although Boehner home Bill Maher
roof, when they have agreed with one another, and he both are willing to marry, and this shows us
that, especially in this day and age, there is no harm. In fact, it would be good that you know, a
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			woman speaks to her prospective husband and sees you know that both of them are compatible. She's
happy about it, the man also any This is why even when a woman wears hijab, still the man is allowed
to look at her before marrying her. Why? So that there is some in a willingness, some kind of
excitement that yes, I am varying this person. I liked them. I want to be with them. So either
thought although being a humble maruf, so no man and no woman should be forced into marrying someone
that they do not want to marry. All right, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said,
that Latin qahal amo had to stop that a woman who has been previously married, okay, she will not be
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			given in marriage, except after consulting her the stepmom and there should be a clear conversation
with her. Her clear approval needs to be taken before she is married to someone else, who a woman
who has been previously married. However, in the case of a woman who has not been previously
married, then her silence is understood as her approval. Okay. Why? Because in that culture, in
young girls were very shy, they did not exactly, you know, express their wishes, etc. But this shows
us that, you know, there is a girl who was very vocal about what she wants, and what she does not
want. And your daughter lets you know that no, I don't want to marry this person, then you have to
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			listen to her. You can't force her into marriage, because either Toronto Boehner home Bill Maher
roof, so it has to be Bill Maher roof in the recognized way in a way that is appropriate. Now, like
I mentioned to you earlier that the man can see the woman, all right, even if she wears hijab, so
yes, he can see part of her hair, if she wears niqab. He can see her face, but it has to be in a way
that is appropriate. Okay, this doesn't mean that, you know, he says the Roshi should be fully
dressed up when I come. And you know, I should get some photos, you know, of hair and makeup and
things like No, a little bit is sufficient. So for example, if he comes and she is wearing her hijab
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			in a loose way, for example, to that a bit of our hair shows, that's fine. Okay, that's permissible,
but it shouldn't be that now the two are going on a date and the two are in seclusion, that is not
permissible. Okay, it has to be in a way that is appropriate. Now Inshallah, very soon we're going
to be talking about proposal and about basically Hitler to Nikka how a proposal should be given an
inshallah we'll cover that topic in more detail later. But here, the main thing is that either
thought Albina homebuilder model of marriage should only take place when both are willing to marry
one another.
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			All right. And also, another important thing is that if a woman is getting back with her ex husband,
now they're marrying again for the second time Nica is taking place. The doctorado Bina humble
Maroof must definitely happen in the sense that there should be some consultation, there should be
some, you know, open communication, so that the factors that lead to divorce before don't again lead
them to divorce, because some tangible changes have to be made. If those changes are not made. Then
again, divorce is going to happen, that either you or they'll be him and Callum and commute
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			He will human asset that is instructed to whoever Have you believes in Allah and the Last Day
meaning if a person truly believes in Allah and the Last Day, then they should facilitate such a
marriage and they should not hinder it. And ex husbands should not interfere in the lives of their
ex wives, if they truly believe in Allah and the Last Day and look at the example of Mark radula
Mourinho and he looked at his response, he said someone like Robbie will Tara, I hear my Lord and I
obey any even though before it was his ego that prevented him right. Now when he heard the Command
of Allah, He surrendered. He submitted Allah subhanaw taala says that he come as gala como
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			AutoHotKey. That is better for you and pure Wallah, we are lemmo we're into Mattarella moon and
ALLAH knows and you do not know. Now how is this better and pure? How is this as gasca means more
virtuous, okay? Meaning when you let two people who want to marry, get married, okay? When you
facilitate that marriage, this is more virtuous for you? How is this more virtuous for you because
you're letting something lawful happen. Think about it. A woman wants to marry a certain man, okay?
Or she wants to marry her ex husband and the family is not letting her the family is not allowing.
And there is no genuine reason. It's just Eagle. Okay? Allah subhanaw taala says that he can ask any
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			if you let that marriage happen if you facilitate that it is more virtuous. Because in a hadith we
learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that we do not see for those who love one
another, anything like marriage, meaning when two people love one another, and they get married to
one another, this is the best thing that can happen for them. Okay, any, this is the most beautiful
relationship that can exist between a man and woman who love one another. So think about it. This
woman was married to that man, yes, they were angry. And yes, you know, the husband was impulsive.
And you know, maybe there were other factors, he was under the influence of certain people. And now
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			that he's matured up, you know, he's had time to think for himself, he realizes it was a bad idea to
divorce his wife, he misses her terribly, and she also misses him, she wants to marry him, he wants
to marry her. But the girl's family is not letting that happen, this is wrong, they should let it
happen. Because if they let it happen, this is virtuous. You know, Nikka is something virtuous, it
is something good to happen for two people who love one another. Alright. So this shows us that we
should not come in the way of a lawful marriage from taking place in general, also, when two people
want to marry one another, and it is lawful for them to do so then we should facilitate that
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			marriage and we should support them. This is more virtuous than not letting them marry. You see,
sometimes it happens that young people they want to get married, right? So for example, a young guy,
he's in university, he meets someone in the MSA. And you know, he wants to marry her, she wants to
marry him. And the parents just keep saying no, no, not yet. Not yet, you have to complete your
master's degree first, right? Another four years or so, another five years or so another six years
or so. And then we will let the marriage happen. Or we you have to wait until your grandmother can
come and until your uncle can come and until so and so of the extended family can come and before
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			the marriage can happen. You have to complete your degree. You have to work a certain amount so that
you have a whole lot of money to splurge. And then we have to go back home and make all the clothes
and do all the shopping. So we need a minimum of two or three years before the marriage can happen.
This is wrong. This is wrong. When you don't let a marriage happen when you don't let a lawful
marriage happened. What are you doing? You are facilitating sin. Because think about it. The guy is
constantly thinking about the girl and the girl is also constantly thinking about the man that she
loves. All right, that she's infatuated with. There is heartbreak there is unfulfilled hopes and
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			wishes and unfulfilled desires and now their heart is distracted how can they focus on something
else? And sometimes you see that a woman who is in love or a man who is in love any they can even
make a straight conversation with someone right? So when you see that your child is in love, right
with someone who you know it's lawful for them to marry then facilitate that marriage. It doesn't
mean that as soon as they have a crush on someone you say okay, Annika no you have a good
conversation with them to help them see help them decide that yes, this is a good decision. Alright,
but then work towards that marriage. Okay, insert the note I have 32 Allah subhanaw taala says what
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			MK who am M income was slyly Hina min arriba de como ima econ, that those who are single among you,
you should get the married and especially
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			leave when they want to marry, you know, sometimes people have this fear that if they marry young
then how will they be able to, you know, live a comfortable life, let them establish their career
first let them you know, save a good amount of money first. Allah subhanaw taala says in your corner
for Cara, you will need him Allah hoomin fugly. If they are poor, Allah subhanaw taala will enrich
them from his favor. If they're poor, Allah subhanaw taala will enrich them, you don't worry about
you know how they're going to save a whole lot of money. Allah subhanaw taala is your provider and
their provider. So you should facilitate that marriage. All right, and just I think yesterday, or
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			day before so just very recently, I read somewhere that studies show that people who marry young
people who marry young their marriage tends to last long. Okay? Meaning the rates of divorce are
less in people who marry young and the reason is that they have not lived with someone else. Okay,
so their marriage tends to last longer. Inshallah, if I come across it I'll share that link with you
I thought it was very interesting. So that he can escala can walk up to her at the hub it is more
pure any because now you are abandoning your ego. Right so this is pure for your hearts like Marco
de la Mourinho said some are a little be with our and has an adversity who reported this incident he
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			said about Marco de la hora annual debt, Fatah, Oracle, Hamid Yetta, was the Caudalie umbrella that
he left the arrogance that he had in his heart. All right, and he surrendered to the Command of
Allah. So this is purification of the heart, right? That you oppose your Eagle basically, and you
let something lawful happen and you surrender to the Command of Allah. And if you don't let this
marriage happen, and especially in the case where a woman wants to marry her ex, then any you know,
constantly she's missing him. She wants to be with him, how can her heart be clean? She is always
thinking about a non Muharram she's wishing to be with her ex husband, who is now a non Muharram
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			right? You know, when she hears His names, that you know, something happens in her heart it he How
can her heart be pure and How can his heart be pure? So that E commerce gala como alto, if you
facilitate that marriage, this is better for you. And this is better for them. Well, Allahu Yarlung
Wawa and Tamila tharla Moon Allahu Akbar, Allah knows and you do not know Subhanallah you see, it's
possible that a woman that does not express you know her feelings to her parents. How is she
supposed to tell her parents that I really miss my ex and I really want to married him again, and I
really want to be with him. In many families. In many cultures, it's considered shameful for a woman
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			to express her feelings. So it's possible that a woman will never express she will never say
alright, so Allahu Yarlung will Antonella talamona Allah knows the state of their heart? You don't
know what's going on in the heart of someone? You may say that No, I know my son I know my daughter
know Allah knows. So facilitate the lawful marriage. Before we continue let's listen to the
recitation of these verses Bismillah ye either
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			want to see
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			who won he
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00:23:39 --> 00:23:41
			what to
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			with Google and a long URL equal more
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			equal meaning kita and B will
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			be what up Hola.
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			Hola hubby Felicia ye gnarly
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			y either
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			da Moodle
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			Krishna is watching either
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			know that he will be here I
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			mean, we'll be
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			there as
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			one long
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			Alright, now there's a few things I want to clarify before we move to the next idea. The next idea
is about child support basically. So before we get into that topic, a few things I wanted to
resolve. So just to make it very clear, remember that there are many
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			The two types of Talak there is Talak Algeria, which is revocable divorce and this is what is
mentioned in a Tala ko mandala 10 The words upon Alchemilla tan divorces twice. This is for
Aparajita year. Okay. So this is the first two divorces and first two divorces doesn't mean that a
man says Bullock Bullock No, this is Pollock waiting period begins and he does read your waiting
period comes to an end all right meaning it stops when he does rudrapur And then after some time he
gives the lock again. Okay. So in both of these products, he has the right to take back his wife.
All right, and these are the first two divorces and the waiting period of phenylketonuria is the
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			letter Kuru. All right. And I mentioned to you are the are the women who do not menstruate if
pregnant and of pregnancy, if they do not menstruate and three menstrual cycles. All right, in
philology at the man has the right to retract the divorce. All right. But this is only during the
waiting period. So within the philosophy of Kuru, he has the right to do to Jure and remember, he
can do to draw how through his words, or through an act of intimacy. And he has to make sure that
during this waiting period, she lives in the same house. And I mentioned if it is safe for her,
because sometimes it's not safe for her because the man beats her or something like that, then in
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			that case, you will spend her waiting period elsewhere, but in general, this waiting period has to
be spent in the house of the husband. Okay, and spending in the house of the husband does not mean
that she's not allowed to leave the house. No, what it means is that she's still married to him. So
she cannot marry someone else. All right, she can go out she will do all the things that she used to
do before all right and then in terracotta, do you remember that if the waiting period is over
without Rudra and the two have now separated then a new Nikka is possible, all right, it is possible
meaning it is permissible. On the other hand, the irrevocable divorce is called Full Apple back in
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			okay, but in it as in one that completely separates, and this is the third divorce and this is
mentioned in the words of ALLAH Fett in halacha. Then if he divorces her, alright, meaning the third
time, so this is a third divorce, and the waiting period for this is also the letter to Kuru.
However, the man does not have the right to retract the divorce during the waiting period. Okay. She
is no longer married to him because filata Hey, Lulu, who Membertou right she is no longer lawful to
him. So he does not have the right to take her back. And this means that she will not spend the
waiting period in the house of the husband or right of the man rather she will spend the waiting
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			period somewhere else. And the purpose of the waiting period is one to reveal pregnancy but also to
give her time before she marries someone else. Okay, because in some families, if it was up to them,
they would get their daughter married the day after she gets divorces because they don't care about
her feelings. Right? They just say compromise compromise just you know, is certain things like that.
So there is a waiting period before she can marry someone else. And if he tries to take her back, he
is committing Zina. Okay, it is unlawful, it is haram for her to take her back. Does she need
permission to go out of the house during a day? No, she does not. You know if, for example, the
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			husband any allowed her to it's understood that she goes to pick up the kids from school, where she
goes and does the groceries or she goes out for a walk and things like that you will continue to
live life as normal. Okay? It just means that she cannot marry someone else. This isn't the case of
the Lakota, Nigeria, okay. Now to local by no means that her Indra is now going to be somewhere
else. Okay? Because he does not have the right to do to joueur and after her waiting period, okay, a
new Annika with the same man is not possible. All right, unless she marries someone else. All right,
she married someone else. And that marriage comes to an end by chance. All right, and then she
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			marries the former husband again. And that is the lien or halala but remember, it cannot be done
with the intention of divorce. Any if a woman marries a second man, all right. Why? Just so that he
can divorce her so that she can marry the first husband? This is haram. Okay. In a hadith we learned
the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm cursed the one who does the lien and the one in whose favor
it is done. Okay, the one in whose favor it is done. So all the people involved in the process of
fake daleel basically or deliberate delille All right, all those people are cursed. So the former
husband, the second husband, the family
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			The the woman all of them receive the learner of Allah and when they receive the learner of Allah,
then how could things work for them? The allele is Allah Allah is where after the third divorce a
woman marries someone else. And that marriage ends so that now she can marry her first husband,
because after palapa inna remember that the husband cannot take her back neither with a new Nikka
nor does he have the right to do to do it during the waiting period. All right, one more thing I
want to clarify types of separation, okay, types of by noona This is the same thing just clarified
in another way. Now by Nuna is separation, meaning separation between husband and wife, this can be
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			basically through hula or through follow up. Okay, so the first type of by Nuna is by noona surah.
Separation, and this is separation after which a new marriage contract is required. So, for example,
a man and woman were married, the man divorced her first time. What does that mean? After it dies
over for the two to get back together, though, there must be a new Mica. And this is in three cases.
The first case is when a woman's waiting period comes to an end after a revocable divorce. Okay, and
in the waiting period, there was no de jure. So after the waiting period, what's going to happen?
The woman is going to be separated from the men. And if he wants to take her, he has to do a new
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			Nica with her a new marriage with her. Another type of ban on Asakura is when a judge upheld the
marriage. Okay, by for example, in the case where consent that we'll deal on more on how went to the
Prophet sallallahu where it is that even complained to him that you know, my father married me to
someone I do not want to marry with. So the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, an old the Nikka right.
So this has been una sola. Could that woman married that same man again? Yes. How would the new
Nikka a new marriage contract? The third type of separation is when a woman is granted Hola. Okay,
then she is separated from the men. Now what if, after a year, after a year, the woman wants to
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			marry that same man again, her ex husband, even though she's the one who do cooler, but now she
wants to marry him. All right, and he also wants to marry her. Can they get married? Yes, they can.
Although there is a difference of opinion among the Alana. So some say that No, and others say that
yes, it is permissible. And we discussed the reasons earlier that hula is not Pollock. And because
it is not the luck. I gave you all the arguments as to why it is not the luck. This is why after
hula and unica is possible. The second type of by noona is by noona Cobra, Cobra means major okay.
So this is separation after which a new marriage contract cannot take place. All right, and this is
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			when a man divorces his wife a third time okay he divorces or a third time, so then he can either
take her back meaning he cannot do two joueur with her during the waiting period, and he cannot even
marry her again. All right, he cannot marry her again with a new Nikka the only possibility is if
she marries someone else that marriage comes to an end and then he marries her