Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-028A Translation Al-Baqarah 204-214 Word Analysis 204-206
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The transcript describes various speakers discussing various topics such as Jesus, Lavina, Lavina's appearance in a video, and Jesus's death. It also describes disputants and legal disputes, including claims of property ownership and disputes over rights. The concept of "immediate" is discussed, with speakers discussing various uses, including "immediate" and "immediate," and how it can be impressed. The use of Jahanna in English is also discussed, with emphasis on its use to signal pride and desire to leave one's opinion.
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salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh who are with bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah al Karim rubbish. Rocklea Saudi way a Sidley Emery wash Lulu rock data melissani of Kahu Kohli Allahumma. Nickleby was sadly Sonny was thrilled to have him at the Colby. I mean, you're but I mean, lesson number 28 Surah Al Baqarah verses 204 to 214. Let's do the translation first woman and among a NASCI the people man is who you are dibuka It impresses you. Paulo who his words fee in regard to or fee during al hayati, the life a dunya the worldly way you should do and he calls to witness Allah Allah, Allah over Mao, what fee is in Balbi
he his heart were Hawa and he Allah do is most hostile alphas, some of the disputants or alpha Assam in the dispute what either and when the one law he turns away, PSA his tribes fee in early the land, leave cedar so that he causes corruption fee had in it, where you liquor and he destroys ill health, the crops or the fields when Nestler and the progeny will Allah Who and Allah lead not you Hibou he loves Alpha sad the corruption what either and when the law it is said law who to him it ducky you'll be conscious of or you safeguard yourself from Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah took it takes hold of him Allah is to the pride bill is me in the sin or with the sin for his boo so sufficient
for him Jehan Nemo is *, when a bit sir and surely how evil is Elmy had the place of rest women and among a NASCI the people man is who yes should he he sells NAFSA who himself EBIT de la for seeking mandala de la he Pleasure of Allah or means to please Allah will Allah Who and Allah Allah Woofle is ever kind billary bad with the slaves? Yeah a you have or a Lavina those who are new they have believed all the WHO KNEW YOU ALL enter fi in a cilmi the religion of Islam or a sin me the submission calf that I'm completely collectively well at that Toby rule and you all do not follow Holdaway it footsteps a shaytaan of the shaitan in the whole indeed he locum is to you all are the
one and enemy will be known clear for invent if Zylon tome you all slip mimbar Dima after Jaya at GM it came to you all Alba ye now to the clear proofs Farlow more than you all know another indeed Allah Allah or Z xun is ever Almighty her Ki Moon ever wise. How do young Luna they await Illa anything except on that yet to whom Allahu Allah comes to them? fee upon Lulu Lin coverings men of Allah mammy the white clouds while Mala Iike and the angels were cobia and it was decreed Unruh the matter what ILA and to Allah He Allah to Jarrell it will be returned on Google all matters. Sell you ask Benny Israa eel children of Israel eel come how many attina home we gave them mean 18 A sign the
unit in clear woman and whoever you bet deal he exchanges near Mata blessing Allah He of Allah. Remember Dima after Jarrah to it came to him for inner then indeed Allah Allah Shadi do is ever severe alert Cobb in the retribution, Xena Hina it was adorned Lilla Dina for those who can't follow they have disbelieved adhere to the life of dunya the worldly way as Karuna and they ridicule Mina Lavina those who are manual they have believed well Lavina and those who ate the code they adopted consciousness of Allah folco, whom will be above them. Yo mo Qiyamah on the Day of Judgment, will Allah Who and Allah you
Yo Zuko he provides man home Yasha oh he wills be lady without his saben accounting canon nesu the people were omitted a community Wahida 10 single forbartha Allah who then Allah sent an nabina the prophets mobile shooting as ones who give good news one one Vereen, and as ones who warn what unzila and he sent down Laura home with them al Qaeda but the book will help you with the truth. Leah coma so that he judges Boehner between a Nursey the people FEMA in regard to what a stellar food they deferred fee in it warmer and none is Talofa he deferred fee he in it in LA except Alladhina those who owe to who they were given it mimbar Dima after Jaya at home will begin at the clear proofs came
to them Boolean with outrageous behavior or due to outrageous behavior Boehner home against each other for huddle Allah who then Allah guided Alladhina dos Who am I know they believed Lima to what is tele food they differed fi in it men of unhappy the truth be in the heat by his permission will Allah Who and Allah ye D He guides man whom Yasha oh he wills Isla to slit all clean a path Musa came straight um or rather did Huseby tomb you all think and that that the hello you will will enter a janitor paradise while a man while not yet yet to come, it has come to you all method who like that which came to and Lavina those who Hello the past on men cobbly calm before you all my sent
home It touched them Albert, sir all the hardship in their circumstances, what the raw Oh, and the hardship in their selves was on Zillow and they were shaken. Hector until your cola was sold the messenger said when Lavina and those who know they had believed Mara who with him Mata when na Su is helped Allah He of Allah, Allah verily in that indeed na Surah help Allah He of Allah curry boon is ever near Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Wamena NASCI and among the people man is who you are duplicate it impresses you. So among the people is someone meaning there's some type of people who you're a duplicate kolu who his words impress you. So your duplicate it impresses you What is it
referring to the pronoun he is referring to only the words of this person. So your Ducato logo, his words impress you. Now the word you are duplicate is from arain Jeem bap, ing Simba. And you may have heard of the word our job amazement, or your job to impress, to Astonish, and urge is amazement. So for example, when someone is very pleased with themselves very amazed, very impressed by themselves by what they have done. That is called urges, and it's a negative thing. And if you are happy with what you have done, you should thank Allah or zoologia. And you should attribute that accomplishment to Allah that it is with histo feel that you were able to do it. When a person falls
into the trap of urges, where they are impressed and amazed and astonished by themselves then this leads to arrogance. Okay, so you are duplicate this is from your job, and your job is to impress or to amaze someone. Now, when it is said that our Germany, Canada, that such and such amazed me, it means that it put me in wonder, and it amazed me I was so surprised by it. And there's two types of amazement. All right, there is the amazement which is positive, where you are impressed by something. And then there is the amazement, which is negative where you are shocked, and you're almost in disbelief because of it. So, here this is the positive kind. So, this is why the word has
been translated as impress. So among the people is who it impresses you, who is you referring to? First of all, it is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then after him, you can refer to any listener of this. If so, among the people is who is such that you're a duplicate, I will know who his word impresses you. Now his word impresses you meaning what he says. So his speech when he talks, his words impress you, but these words are of what kind, fill higher to Dooney
Yeah, they are in regard to worldly life, meaning according to worldly standards, concerning worldly matters, and if he would dunya these words are truly very impressive. What he says is very impressive. But when you look at those words, when you look at the content, are they in alignment with the teachings of the deen? No, not necessarily. Are they words that will benefit a person in the hereafter? No, not necessarily. So Phil higher to dunya This is describing the kind of speech that this person says which impresses you so the speech is fee in regard to worldly life, any it's not religious, it's not beneficial in the hereafter. Secondly, we can understand fee as during Okay,
meaning in this dunya yes, these words are very impressive. These words are very amazing. However, the same words will not impress you on the Day of Judgment in the hereafter. If a person speaks such words, on the Day of Judgment, they will be of no worth whatsoever, because these words are dishonest and they are insincere on the Day of Judgment. Or if a person tries to lie. If a person tries to, you know, use their words to get out of trouble, they're not going to work at all. So it may or Dougal carnival Phil hieratic. duniya. And then, where you she de la her, he called to witness your Shadle This is from sheen, her del shahada testimony. So you should do he this person,
he is referring to this person whose speech is very impressive. So he calls to witness who does he call to witness Allahu Allah, meaning he cites Allah as a witness, he swears by Allah he testifies by Allah, what I allow my fuchal be he over what is in his heart. And as you know, means heart, from the root letters off lamb, but meaning, he swears by Allah to prove the truthfulness of what he's saying. All right, he swears by Allah to prove the truthfulness of what he's saying. To establish his honesty. Okay, each other we'll talk more in the seat about what this means. Well, who Allah wa salam so these are his words. What about his actions his actions are that he is a lead Dolphy Assam
Allah do most hostile al his some of the disputants or al Hassan in the dispute? We'll just talk about the word Allah do but before that, I want you to look at the word on his arm. His arm is from the root letters Hall saw meme, okay? And his Psalm can mean two things. First of all, the word for Psalm can be understood as the plural of the word, hustle. Okay? And Hossam means disputant, meaning the one who disputes like for example, a plaintiff, right against a defendant or vice versa. So you're talking about one of two people who are in a dispute, okay, this dispute could be legal or it could just be a quarrel. So here's some disputants. Okay, so he is a letter of Islam he is most
hostile of all the disputants any I'm sure you have had quarrels arguments with many different people in your life. Some people when you argue with them, it's very easy to you know, come to some kind of resolution, some kind of conclusion. They're easy to talk to, they're easy to deal with. But then there are some people who are very, very difficult to argue with, right because they are very fierce, very harsh, very rude, very stubborn. So here's some floor love the word Hussam meaning disputants All right. And secondly, we can understand the word Islam as a dispute as a Muslim. Okay, dispute and Assam is basically to have a dispute to have a quarrel. Basically, this is when people
are fighting over rights Okay, meaning when there's claims that are made by different people and for example, a person claims that this property is mine the other says no, this is mine. So this is an example of a Hassan Okay, a dispute over writes a feud a quarrel. So this person is a lead duel his arm, okay, so we can understand the word Kusama is first of all, now like as an a person, plural of Hassan and secondly, we can understand it as a moustache as a noun. Okay? Now the word Allah do is from the root letters lamb than that, okay?
And a lead do is from lead. Okay lead or lead lead, meaning someone who is fierce in argument, but a lead is someone who is most severe very very stubborn very very harsh and fierce in fighting in quarreling. So you see the word Elad. Okay? This is super later form. You see how you have the word for example, Hudson. Okay, Hudson. Hudson is good. Okay. I sent a son is most good, which is why we translate vasanas Excellent. So Hassan good, son best. All right. So loaded someone who is hostile but Aled, most hostile. Okay, so he is the most hostile of the disputants meaning very argumentative. You don't want to argue with this person. They love to argue they're very
contentious, very stubborn, and very, very hostile. Indeed, they're not willing to come to any kind of resolution or compromise. They're just stubbornly establishing their own superiority, what either and when, so what Allah He turns away so more about the actions of this person. So his words are very impressive. He called Allah as a witness over what is in his heart and he's always trying to say that I'm very sincere, etcetera. But when it comes to argument, very, very argumentative and very hostile to what Allah He turns away. So good point when you see the Hamza at the beginning of the word of a noun, so for example, Allah do a son or alum. Okay, that alum most knowledgeable so
yes, that is a sign of the superlative but not always what either and when to Allah He turns away now the word toa is from well, lamb Yeah, well lay you only to turn away so when he turns away and even though the word is of past tense, we're translating it as present because of either because either changes the meaning of mildly of past into melodic into present. So when he turns away meaning when he leaves you when he goes away from you, because he just fought with you, we just had this very nasty argument he was very harsh. So when he leaves you and goes away well either to Allah He turns away and the word to Allah can also be understood in another way. Okay, there's a second
meaning of the word of Allah and you can make sure you add this to your notes and that is when he takes charge, okay, when he takes charge, because the word to Wiley is also to have Wilaya Wilaya as an authority and leadership, okay. So for example, when we say that Allah is the Wali of those who believe what does that mean that Allah takes care of them right? He is their friend and he also takes care of them. So what he that to Allah when he turns away or when he takes charge so basically when he has authority Okay, Willie you'll Amrish is the leader of a people okay because the willie you'll amor is the person who has a more as in command and he decides he has the final say as to
what should be done. So, when this person gains authority over people or when he leaves you, what does he do sorrowful LD, his tribes in the land. Now the word saga is from seen, alright, yeah, sorry. And sorry, literally, is to rush as and to walk fast. He took to go quickly on foot. This is why the sorry, in the camera in hedge, what do you do you go on foot. If you're not able to, of course, you can do it on a ride as well. But the point is that you're supposed to go back and forth between Safa and Marwa. And there is a certain part in the sorry, where men are required to walk even faster, almost like running. So when he turns away or when he gains power, he rushes, he goes
around very quickly. And he strives fill early in the land. Why leave Sidda v hat so that he causes corruption in it in what hat is referring to
the land the earth and you've seen that is from far seen that facade. So he causes corruption in the earth, His actions are very destructive in it they are such that they cause disorder when you Lika and secondly, his actions are what that he destroys her lamb calf
So he's tribes ye in order to cause corruption in the land and in order to destroy Haluk is destruction destroy what ill health one Nestle two things health is from how Rotha you can see the root letters in the word. And Nestle is from noon seen lamb you can also see the root letters in the word itself. Now house is as you can see crop or field you're talking about cultivation, agriculture you know produce etc and the word house applies to the land itself where farming is done and house also applies to the harvest the produce the crop so usually can help them he destroys the crops he destroys the fields when Nestler and the progeny and house you know this is basically food for
people and their animals. Right and Nestle is progeny nessa is from noon seen lamb and na Salah en su is to run down from a high place to descend basically okay and we learned in the Quran about the yet Dude dude that they will yen saloon from every high place when they will come out they will descend they will come down from every high place he and see loon same route. So progeny or offspring is called Nestle because it comes down any you're talking about descendants, right? And a mother gives birth to her child so the child comes out from the mother down. So Nestle progeny and the word Nestle can apply to the Nestle of people. So you're talking about children, descendants,
future generations, and it can also apply to the Nestle of animals. So for example, if a person has livestock, so Nestle would be livestock, because you raise livestock wise so that you know they will have children and so on and so forth. Your flock will grow increase, you will sell animals you will raise them for meat, milk, et cetera. So we usually can help our nursing will Lola you hibel facade and Allah does not love the corruption you boys from ha Baba. Allah does not like corruption meaning actions that cause decay that cause harm Allah subhanaw taala does not like them what either and when peeler it is said so when it is said LA who to him by who by anyone. Any when this person is
told that it tequila have Taqwa of Allah, any fear Allah in regard to what you're doing, look at your actions. Why are you causing so much corruption? Why are you causing so much devastation and destruction? You said something else and now you're doing something else when he's reminded of Allah and when he's told that you should fear Allah? What happens to him? Uh huh That Tiller is too big if a hada to it seizes him Hamza, ha. Then so it seizes him It takes hold of him, what takes hold of him, Allah is to the pride is iron zay zay. And the word is a has many meanings. One of the most common meanings of this word is honor. So here honor is in pride. Bill is me in the sin, it ceases
him. Okay. Now, what does it mean by Elisa to Bill ism, first of all, we can understand this as the pride in the sin isn't, by the way is from Hamza that mean? So first of all, this means that he is very proud of the sin that he is committing, okay? And he, he's very proud about the choices that he has made and the actions that he's been doing the things that he has been doing. And so that pride in the sin takes hold of him, so he refuses to leave those sins. Okay? Even though he recognizes that these are wrong things, this is sinful. This is not moral. This is not ethical. But he's so proud of what he has done so far, that he's not willing to leave it. So pride in the sin takes hold
of him, meaning he refuses to leave his sin. He's very proud of the sin and average Muslim, even when they realize that what they're doing is something wrong, it is sinful, even if they keep doing it, at least there is an acknowledgment that, you know, yeah, I know this is wrong, I shouldn't be doing it. But I hope Allah gives me the strength to leave it. You know, there's that acknowledgement at least now. And there's so many people I've met in my life, you know, for example, who don't fast who you without any genuine reason, you know, who openly you know, commit certain sins, but at least there's that acknowledgement that this is not right. This is wrong. They have that integrity to call
Wrong, wrong and right, right. But this is the opposite.
If they're proud of their sin, okay, secondly, a hada Toller is to be isn't what does this mean? That pride with the sin takes hold of him, meaning pride. Arrogance seizes him takes hold of him so that he commits even more sin, any his arrogance takes over his ego is hurt, okay? Because he was told fear Allah, and so his pride takes over and he carries on with the sin. So for his boo boo Jahannam sufficient for him is *. Meaning for a person like this, the only fitting punishment is Johanna, what a bit suddenly had and surely how evil it is, is the place of rest now has is from her scene about when you say has to be means this is enough for me, when you say has to be Allah, you're
saying Allah is enough for me. Right? So enough for him sufficient for him fitting for him is Johanna. And Jahannam is one of the names of hellfire. Right? And it is said that the word Jahannam primarily applies to a well, that is very deep and dark. So very deep and dark. Well, what does that mean? If something falls in it, it's gone. Right? If a person falls in it, there's absolutely no chance of their survival. So this is the primary meaning of the word jahannam. And it's also said that jam Jeem had meme, which is said to be one of the roots of the word Jeem. Her meme is to meet someone with a frowning face, you need to give someone a very stern look. And you know how there are
people who, when you first see them, at least they have a smile on their face. Or even if they don't have a smile on their face. They look normal, right? You can approach them you can talk to them easily. But then there's some people who before even you approach them they're staring at you they're frowning at you they have a stern look. You know if you've ever been to a doctor's office like this, and you see the receptionist like that, any you're afraid to even say hi you're afraid to even check in or ask a question. So not approachable, right? So Jahannam Hellfire ne it is a scary place where a person does not want to go. And it's filled with punishment and different forms of
punishment where there is no satisfaction whatsoever. No moment of pleasure of comfort of relaxation, nothing like that. So for husband who Jahannam Well, a bit suddenly heard, and surely how bad how evil is Jahannam as the me had now what is me had we had this from the root letters meme had that mud. Mud is a cradle. Okay, any, for example, the cradle for a baby? What's unique about the cradle is that you know, it's prepared from before, right? You have whatever bedding and then you have a top sheet, whatever you need, it's supposed to be a place of rest. Right? It's supposed to be a place of rest. So Jana has been called me head over here. Why? Because it's a home it's an
abode that is already prepared. Any it's already prepared, just as the baby's cradle is prepared before the baby's arrival even right so often it happens that even before the baby is born, the crib or whatever is prepared from before right before the baby is brought where the baby is going to be kept that places prepared. So Johanna has called me hat because it's pre prepared. Okay, and secondly gender was called me had this is sarcasm. Okay. This is similar to how it is said in the Quran. Well Bashir who be our loving Aleem, give him good news of the painful punishment. Any painful punishment is not good news. Right? But why is it said give them good news of the painful
punishment? This is sarcasm. Okay. And this is common in the Quran. Because well a bit sent me had any such arrogant people they think so highly of themselves. So they think that they will deserve the best that they will get the best Well, this is what they will get. Their place of rest will be Jahannam what a beat send me had