Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-021B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 153

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of patient mental health and avoiding painful behavior is crucial to managing difficult situations. The success of achieving success in a trial is rewarded and help for one's behavior. The importance of praying for Islam requires patience and prayer, as it is difficult to overcome painful decrees. The speaker emphasizes the need for observe patients and finding the right people to support. The success of achieving success in a trial is also highlighted, and listeners are encouraged to call upon Allah in their daily lives.

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			Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Yeah, uh you her Lavina Amano. All you who have believed is their
enormous Sabri was salah, seek help through patience and prayer. In Allah Hamas saw beteen indeed
Allah is with those who are patient, meaning he helps them, he does not abandon them. Now, in the
previous idea, we learned that Allah subhanaw taala tells us that we should remember him, and that
we should be grateful to him, and that we should not be ungrateful to Allah. And here Allah subhanaw
taala is telling us to seek His help, and to observe patients. And the thing is that in life, either
you are, you know, experiencing a blessing, so you are happy about it, you are enjoying it or you
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			are experiencing a trial, a difficulty. So you are in pain and sometimes, you know, it's both that
you are simultaneously experiencing in joy and sadness, you are simultaneously experiencing a
blessing and a loss. So the thing is that every single moment of our lives, we need to make sure
that we are remembering Allah, we are thanking Allah for what we have, and whatever difficulty that
we are experiencing, we are seeking the help of Allah also, we are observing patients and seeking
the help of Allah. So when a person remains between subject and Shuker, right, meaning they are
observing patients or they're observing gratitude, or they are observing both at the same time and
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			that is definitely possible, that one moment you are experiencing solder over your pain and in the
next instant or at the same time, you are also grateful for what Allah subhanaw taala has given you.
So when there is supper and sugar and Vicodin, then a person is guided to that which is best, then a
person is able to make the right choices make the right decisions in their life, and they receive
the help of Allah as well. Now we learned earlier in skeletal Bukhara that the Bani Israel eel, they
were addressed. That was their enormous somebody was salah, that seek help through patience and
through prayer. Meaning don't just struggle, don't just suffer in silence. Don't succumb to the
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			trials in life. What you should do is you should seek the help of ALLAH is three No, seek Allah's
help, because you need it. And there is nothing wrong in admitting your weakness. In fact, this is
being human, that yes, I am not perfect. Yes, I am not on my own capable of handling this
difficulty. Yes, I am weak. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran Well, holy * inside Obear
ephah The human being has been created weak. So it is perfectly human to feel weak and incapable and
incompetent, of dealing with the difficulty before you. But what is not okay is that we just keep
suffering, or that we think that suffering is patience, and that we don't need to, you know, improve
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			our condition and that we don't need to, you know, seek the help of Allah. No, we must seek the help
of ALLAH because ALLAH subhanaw taala is himself telling us is there no, seek help? Any you cannot
deal with these difficulties on your own? You need the help of Allah? Is there enough? And how is it
that you seek the help of Allah? Through two things mentioned over here? What are these two things
the first thing is suburb. And the second thing is Salah. What is suburb suburb is have some knifes,
it has to hold oneself together. Meaning you don't allow yourself to fall. You don't allow yourself
to give up. You don't allow yourself to quit, which means that you know, of course, when a person is
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			feeling weak, or when a person is feeling afraid, then they feel like giving up they feel like
quitting they feel like just surrendering. But supper is that you don't quit somebody is that you
hold yourself together. You bear the hardship, okay, but you don't allow yourself to be blown away
by the hardships. The renumber say that suburb is of three kinds. One type of suburb is that you
observe patients over obeying Allah subhanaw taala. So for example, it's time to pray, but you're
very tired. So being tired means that
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			Are you? Okay? You're feeling weak? You don't feel like praying. So you say, I'm not going to pray.
Okay? You just keep playing down. That is not suburb. suburb is that yes, you are tired. But you
push yourself that no, it's time to pray, I have to pray. So you make yourself get up, you make
yourself you know, do we'll do an even if you have to sit and pray, you do that, even if you just
perform the fold, you do that this is sub. Okay? The second type of sub is to be patient, in staying
away from sin. What does that mean? That means that sometimes the temptation to do something wrong
is so strong, that you lack the willpower to refrain from it. So somebody is that you make yourself
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			stay away from that sin, no matter how hard it is. But you you know, for example, you close your
eyes, you turn away, you walk away, you bite your lip, you do whatever you have to, in order to stay
away from that sin. So that exercise of staying away from sin, this is also supper. And then the
third type of subject is to observe patients over the painful decrees of Allah, meaning those things
that happen in life, which are painful. So for example, you know, somebody says something really
mean to you, or you experience some kind of loss, or your head is hurting, or you find out that you
just failed the test, or that, you know, you wanted to go somewhere, but then you realize you can't
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			go, you fall ill. So these are things that are not in your control, they're not in your control. So
Saba is also over such painful things which are beyond your control, and that you accept them as
Allah's decree, and you do not get angry with Allah, you don't get upset with Allah. Rather, you say
it'll lead to Billa Yarrabah, I am pleased with you this happened by your permission, I accept it.
And that means now that you're going to make the best of the situation. And that means that
inshallah that trial will also be a means of reward for you, it will be a means of purification for
you, it will be a means of helping you draw closer to Allah. So is there in all the suburbs seek
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			help through patience. Now, when you seek help, what that means is you're trying to better your
situation, how does suburb better your situation? Southern does not necessarily remove the
difficulty. Okay, subject does not necessarily ease your pain. But in Hadith, we learn that whoever
tries to be patient than Allah subhanaw taala gives him patients may at the Sorbonne, you submit
Hola. Whoever tries to be patient than Allah subhanaw taala gives him sub Allah's prompt or gives
him the ability to bear that difficulty. And in life, there are going to be difficulties. So when
you observe patients, what happens is you become stronger. It doesn't mean you put yourself in
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			difficulty. No, but when you are in difficulty, and you tell yourself that No, I'm not going to give
up, I'm going to think good of Allah, I'm going to do my best I'm going to make myself do what is
right, then you become stronger. And as you become stronger, what happens is that little little
things don't bother you anymore. You know, for example, for childhoods, and great for, for them to
do math homework, for instance, simple math problems, is very difficult. But when they keep doing
them, when they keep solving those problems over and over again, whether in homework or at school,
by the time that they reach grade five, you know, those same math problems are very easy for them to
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			solve. Right? By the time they reach high school. Again, those math problems are even more easy to
solve. So supper, it helps you deal with life's problems, it helps you become stronger, and the lack
of support. On the other hand, what does it do? It does not increase a person's capacity. And then a
person is not able to accomplish much in life. So for example, if you have homework to do, and you
say, I can't do it, you have to press allow you say I can't do it. And anything that comes you say I
can't do it, I'm not going to do it. This is too hard. I quit, I give up. Well, what's going to
happen your capacity is not going to increase. You're not going to grow as a person. So is there
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			enormous subsidy? Yes, things are not going to be easy. Things are not you know always
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			is convenient, but you have to observe patience and seek Allah's help through that suburb. And then
we see at the end of the ayah that in Allah ma sobbing indeed Allah is with those who are patient.
Right. So when you seek Allah's help by doing what you can by observing subvert and what will
happen, Allah subhanaw taala will also help you Allah's Prontera will also give you Subhan Allah
will strengthen you. So is there you know the summary and then is there you know, the Salah as well
seek Allah's help through Salah as well through prayer as well. Now, generally, what do we say when
someone is struggling? We said just draw it, right? Meaning just make dua and you'll be fine. Well,
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			yes, you have to make dua. But that's not the only thing you do when you're in difficulty. You also
have to do sub and sub doesn't mean suffer in silence. Somebody is active. This is action sub
doesn't mean inaction. Okay? So yes, you're going to pray for relief? Yes, you're going to ask Allah
for strength, but you're not just going to sit in one place and let things happen as they happen.
You also have to do something and your part is Sabra. Okay? What you have to do is submit. So is
there enough somebody will swallow now we see that you know, Salah when you ask Allah subhanaw taala
for help, specifically through prayer, in difficulty This is a means of strength and relief. You
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			know, we learned about even our bustle de la hora know that he was given the news of the death of
his brother for any person to be given such news is painful. And immediately he got up and he began
praying Salah So someone asked him that Why are you praying Salah any it's not time for prayer. So
he said, Have you forgotten this idea? Yeah, are you Alladhina and monastery noticeably was similar,
that all you who believe seek Allah's help through patience and through prayer. And this is not only
da this is actually Salah that you get up, you make will do you face the Qibla and you start
praying, right voluntary prayer, we learn about salah, the wife of Ibrahim alayhi salam, that when
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			she was captured by the king, and the king intended to be physically intimate with her, and he for
any woman, imagine the show is extremely difficult, extremely difficult. You need to know that you
are a captive you cannot go away. And this man who has so much power, you know over you intends to
physically harm you and sexually enjoy you any What are you supposed to do in that situation? We
learned in Hadith that when Surah ra Hassan was in that situation? What did she do, as the king
would be coming toward her she would begin to pray Salah Okay, she would get up and she would say
Allahu Akbar and start praying salah and the king would become paralyzed, he would not be able to
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			move. So this happened multiple times until the King you know, he gave up and he set her free and to
please her any because he was afraid that he had done something wrong now, so he gave her a lot of
wealth and a lot of gifts as well. Any how did Salah handle that situation? She began praying Salah,
the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also was what we learned that whenever, you know
some difficulty, befall him, fuzzy are Illa salah, he would immediately pray. This was his response.
So you know, there are times when you're feeling so anxious. And sometimes, you know, you feel very
alone in your difficulty. You're just in your head, because you don't even know who to talk to.
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			Right? And how to talk to someone. And sometimes even talking to people is not helping. Because the
fear that you have is real, it's not imaginary. The danger that you expect is real. It's not
imaginary. So how do you console yourself? Because if you don't console yourself, you don't calm
yourself. I mean, you feel that your heart is going to burst. So how are you supposed to handle such
situations? You know, you don't have control over that situation. Any you can't fix it, you can't
make it better. How do you console yourself, you console yourself by turning to Allah and especially
praying Salah because you know when you're praying Salah you can't look right you can't look left.
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			When you're praying Salah you cannot walk around. You cannot fold laundry. You cannot do anything.
You just have to stay in one place and look down at the place of such the and recite the
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			Couldn't recite Quran and talk to Allah, especially in pm What are you doing? You put your hands
over your chest, right the place where your heart is having those palpitations inside but you put
your hands over your chest and you're reciting Surah Fatiha ear canal Buddha year kind of staring at
in a slot almost the team, any this is how you console yourself. So it's their enormous Sabri was
salah. It's like Allah subhanaw taala is advising us that, you know, don't just keep suffering, help
yourself. How do you help yourself? By seeking the help of Allah? How do you seek the help of Allah
by doing the best that you can support? And by asking Allah subhanaw taala through prayer in Allah
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			hamara slobbering indeed Allah is with those who are patient. And you know, when you pray, one of
the things that you ask Allah for is so but also that you're Allah, you give me strength, you make
this easy for me, you remove this difficulty for me, you help me. So is there enough of a summary of
Salah in the Lahoma Savini and in order to practice Sobor we have to do a number of things. First of
all, we need to ask Allah for Sabra. Okay, asking Allah for sobre doesn't mean that you are asking
Allah subhanaw taala for difficulty. No, what you're asking is that your Allah the difficulty that I
am in right now, give me the ability to do Sabra in it. Okay. And Allah subhanaw taala says in the
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			Quran was better warmer sub ruca illa biLlah Be patient and your summary is not possible except with
the help of Allah, meaning you can only have patients when Allah Subhana Allah gives you the
ability, when Allah subhanaw taala helps you in order to do something, we also have to learn what
subject is and how one can be subject and we have to practice subject and we have to learn how
people before us did something. Right. Like for example, Allah's pantherella told us first a bit
come on saba alula eyes me Mina Russell, that be patient just as the ocular Azzam of the messengers
did Sabra before you? Meaning the messengers especially the older Azzam, the prophets who had a lot
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			of determination, like no Haile Salam, Ibraheem Alehissalaam, Musa alayhis, salam, re salah, his
Salam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he these are prophets who had a lot of
determination, so reflect over their lives, and see how could they do something, you know, we think
somebody has just suffering in silence, or just crying or not crying or not, you know, experiencing
any emotional pain or not expressing it. That's not the way of these profits, what we see somebody
in their lives is determination, not quitting. And in order to not quit, you need to do certain
things. You need to for example, hold on to the right people, right, who will keep encouraging you,
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			you need to hold on to the right thoughts, right. So whatever it is that you need in your situation,
figure that out, is there enough, somebody who was salah, and you see in Allah hamara Sabreen,
indeed, Allah is with those who are patient. This is so encouraging, right? Because think about it,
if Allah is with someone, that means they're not alone. That means they're not alone. If Allah is
with someone, Allah has help us with someone that it doesn't mean what difficulty they're in, they
have the help of Allah, that means a loss pantherella can solve that problem for them. Right? You
know, like Musa alayhis salam when he was standing before the water and the Bani Israel side that's
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			it, we have been overtaken because fit our own was approaching them from behind. Musa Listen, um,
did not quit. He observed somebody at that time and what was that sub, that color in the Maria Ruby
sejati there is no way that we are overtaken over here, because with me is my Lord and He will guide
me and what happened? Allah's parents, Allah guided him, Allah subhanaw taala told him to throw his
staff into the water and the water split in half. So what happened here? Allah was with Musa alayhis
salam. So we also need to observe Sobor because when we observe Sobor than Allah is with us, Allah
is with those who are patient. And what does it mean that Allah is with those who are patient? This
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			is Maria of Rama, that Allah's Mercy is with them so he gives them courage. He gives them
contentment, they know that they're not alone. So they're calm in difficulty. They know that Allah
subhanaw taala here
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			gives me that almost panel title will answer my door that Allah will make a way for me just as he
made a way for Musa alayhis salam. Allah is with those who are patient, He strengthens them, he
helps them, he stabilizes them so they don't quit. Right? And then Allah is with those who are
patient, this is also Maria of does deep meaning he increases them in their rewards. Because every
single moment that you are being patient, you're not quitting, you have hope. You rely on Allah, you
are trying every single moment, then that means that you are receiving reward from Allah. So in
Allah Mara sobbing, and you will not see the reward right away, that reward will be in sha Allah
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			stored in the hereafter. So is there enough as somebody was taller in the Lahoma sobbing, and this
shows us that when a person is patient, then their status increases near Allah, you know, a YouTube
early his salaam, his trials that he went through, they're well known. And the fact that his trial
was not for a day or a night or for a week. His trial was for many, many years in some narrations we
learned for 18 years, that's a lifetime. And imagine a YouTube earliest set and throughout that
time, he observed patients Allah subhanaw taala tells us and sort of sad I have 44 that in now,
which are the now hello sabe. Indeed, we found him to be patient near my lab do what an excellent
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			slave he was, What an excellent worshiper, he was, in know who a web indeed he was off to returning
to UCLA. And he kept turning towards Allah. And this is something that you keep turning towards
ALLAH, any every moment in every pain, every difficulty. Yeah, it'll be out of Europe. Call upon
Allah in the Lahoma. Sobbing Indeed, Allah is with those who are patient