Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-016C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 106-107
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The Torah Law was supposed to be for guidance and any actions made by gods were considered valid. The history of abuse and the implementation of god-watching laws is discussed, including the use of god-watching laws during the pandemic and the importance of women inheriting wealth and property from their husbands. The book on LUMO is recommended for students and anyone criticizing it should not use it, as it is essential for every student and everyone. The legal framework for capital punishment and the importance of justice in obtaining purity is also discussed.
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Next if Allah subhanaw taala says man and self mean 1809 See her Net TV lady minha Ole Miss Lee her, we do not abrogate a verse or cause it to be forgotten, except that we bring forth one that is better than it or similar to it. Now, another thing that, you know, the people of the book, basically criticized the Prophet sallallahu earlier sent them over was that, you know, you claim that you will receive revelation from God, and that, you know, your book, the Scripture confirms what was revealed previously, any we have read the description of the Quran that it is Musa Deacon, right, that one that confirms the truthfulness of what came before. So if you are from the same line
of prophet hood, or you know, you are basically from believer in divine revelation, you say that you are a prophet of Allah, just as you saw in SLM was just as Musa alayhis salam was then how come the law that you follow is different from the law that we follow? You see, why is your law different? And it is true that there are many matters in which the law that we follow, including dietary laws, a there are different from the laws of the Torah, all right. So, there is an important concept that we need to understand which is a concept of nested abrogation, okay, where a law is replaced by another law, okay? Or it is changed slightly. Okay. And this is something that Allah subhanaw taala
has done any from Prophet to Prophet scripture to Scripture, and also within the Quran. Why? Because the Quran or revelation is supposed to be for guidance, okay. It is supposed to be for guidance, it is supposed to be observed, it is supposed to be practical. And over time, any over you know, since the time of Adam or a Salam, there are many things that have changed drastically. For instance, at the time of Adam alayhis, salam, his children were allowed to marry one another. Why? Because think about it. All the human beings that existed at the time were basically who the children of Adam and Hawa. Right? You know, it is said that the children that her work would give birth to would be in
twin sets, basically, in twins, okay? A male and a female child would be born together. So they were allowed to marry someone from a different twin pair. But is this something that was allowed later on? No, not at all. This is something that became prohibited later on. Why was it permissible at the time because who else would people marry? Okay, who else with the children of alimony said I'm married the only human beings that existed at the time were their siblings. At the time, this is something that was permissible. Later on, it was prohibited. Okay. Before the torah was revealed before the law of the torah was revealed, all foods were permissible, okay, there was no concept of
this is unlawful, this is lawful, and all foods were permissible, but with the law of the total odds, what happened? Certain foods were made impermissible. And this is something that Allah subhanaw taala also mentioned in the Quran, right? Before the law of the Torah, any there were things that were considered immoral, okay. But there was no penalty, okay? Or there was no penal law, there was no punishment. But with the law of the TODO what happened there was punishment for this crime, punishment for that crime, punishment for this offense, punishment for that offense. And really, if you look at the love the Torah, it is so detailed and there are portions of it, which I
have read to you already in class, about punishment for, for example, breaking the Sabbath punishment for disrespecting or cursing the parents, right. So there are punishments, okay. And before the law of the Torah was given, those punishments were not given any day did not even exist. Okay. So the Jews, basically they raised this issue, that you claim to be a prophet of Allah, same God, right? You claim to be confirming the Torah. Well, how come some of the laws that you follow are slightly different? Well, that is because there is abrogation. Okay. Allah subhanaw taala has a right to give a law to a certain nation, and then change that law later on for another nation. All
right, so we learned about how restarting is Sinan? Anyone he came? He changed some of the laws of the Torah. Okay. Meaning for the people. He changed them. They were no longer required to observe the same laws. You know, some laws were canceled other laws.
were changed. And this is one of the reasons why the Jews denied him that how come he does not follow the law of the Torah? Okay? So because they argued that, you know, if you say that God changed the law, you're saying that God changed his mind. And for someone to change their mind, it means that, you know, they came to know of something that they did not know before, or it basically shows weakness on their part, but that's not the reason, Allah subhanaw taala change the law over time for different nations. Why because different nations, you know, lived in different realities, things changed for human beings, and the law always had to be practical, observable. And also
another thing is that within the Quran, there is abrogation, how you know, that the Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years, right, it was not revealed in one day, it was revealed over a period of 23 years. And why was that done? So that people would be able to internalize and practically follow the law, you see, societal change requires time for people to change the way that they think to change their culture to change their you know habits it takes time. So, for example, when it comes to the prohibition of alcohol, it was not given on one day, no, it was revealed gradually, right. So for example, at the beginning, we learn about how you know Allah subhanaw taala
revealed that oh, you will have believed do not go near prayer while you are intoxicated. So in a situation where you are intoxicated, do not perform prayer, wait for the effects of alcohol to wear off completely when you are in your full senses. Then pray. Okay, then another I was revealed after some time, which is yes. Aluna. carnal humbly will Mesa Kulfi Hema is when Kobe Ramana fallenness. They ask you about alcohol and gambling tell them there is a big sin in it. But there's also some benefits. However, the sin is greater than the benefit and it was left there. Okay. And then the iron sutra after some time was revealed, where Allah subhanaw taala describes alcohol and gambling
as the work of shaytaan. Okay, and then it has said fudged any boo hoo avoid it, stay away from it, keep away from it. Okay, fudge any boo hoo, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also clearly, any he told people that it is prohibited, okay, now, the prohibition of alcohol was not given in one day. Why? Because for people who are used to drinking alcohol, and He for whom alcohol is a major part of their lives, they would need time in order to accept that, okay, this is something that is not good for us and is something that we're going to stay away from. So this is just one example of how there is abrogation, that initially, something was permissible, later on, it
was completely prohibited. Okay? Likewise, you know, when it comes to inheritance, now, in Arab society, there was no concept of women inheriting the wealth of, you know, their fathers or their husbands, no concept of that, in fact, women were treated as property as part of the estate. So for example, if a man died leaving behind a widow, you know, his brother, for example, or his son would inherit the widow any automatically she would be married to them, she did not have any choice of her own, okay. Now, imagine if on the first day the law of inheritance is given, people would not accept it, people would have a lot of difficulty accepting it. So, the matter of inheritance also was given
gradually, right, the law of inheritance was given gradually. So for example, at the beginning, with respect to the widow, it was revealed that, you know, a man is allowed to make a will in favor off his widow. Okay. And she has a right to stay in his house for a year. Okay. Basically gave the message to people that a woman has a right over her husband's property after his death, and she is her own person, she has property rights. Okay. And then after some time, another verse was revealed, which was that the waiting period is not a year, but the waiting period is four months and 10 days. Okay? And after that a woman is free to marry someone else. And she will just take her share of
inheritance. And that's it. So the point that I'm making over here is that certain laws were given gradually. Okay, and this means that a ruling was given, which was changed
Interest later on for the benefit of people. And this is a privilege that was given to the companions that they were the only ones who, you know, got to follow certain verses. Okay? We are not able to follow them because they're no longer applicable. Okay? They're no longer supposed to be followed. They have been canceled, they have been abrogated. Okay? Another thing is we see for example, that, you know, pseudo Zab okay, it was revealed at a time when, you know, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe, salam, the Companions, they went through a lot of difficulty, a lot of difficulty, there was so much loss of lives, so many enemies from within the hypocrites and the people of the
book, you know, in an Irish and we learned that sootel Zab was the same length as Surah Al Baqarah. It was really long, okay. And the people would recite those verses, the prophets of Allah who are listening would recite those verses, and those verses were basically a consolation to the Companions, a consolation to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Okay. Like, for example, one ayah in total, regarding the incident of if the incident of the slander against I shall do a lot more on how Allah subhanaw taala says, don't think that it is evil for you. It is actually good for you. Right, so there were similar verses, which were a consolation to the Prophet salallahu, alayhi
wasallam and to the Muslims, but those verses are not in total Zab anymore. There were costs to be forgotten. Okay. Why? Because this was a special favor for the companions. This was a special privilege reserved for them. Okay, so when we're talking about pneus in the Quran, abrogation in the Quran, remember that there's three types of noscope. Basically, three types of abrogation in the Quran. First is the abrogation of the verse. Okay, the abrogation of the verse, and not the ruling, not the law. What does that mean? That means that the law is going to be followed, but the verse is not there in the Quran. Okay, the verse is not there in the Quran. And if you think about it, any
there are verses that are in the Torah, okay, that gives certain rulings All right, which are to be followed by the Muslims also, but you will not find that verse in the Quran. Okay, like, for example, the punishment for a married Zanny, a married person who commits Zina, the Bible says very clearly, very clearly, that the two have to be stoned to death the two will be killed. Okay, meaning the man and woman who are married, any man who is married, and he commits fornication, a woman who is married and she commits fornication and irregardless man or woman, they will be killed. The punishment is murder. It's death, basically. Okay, this punishment we will not find in the Quran.
But is the ruling applicable? Is it part of Islamic law? Yes, it is. It is. But you will not find the ayah in the Quran. Okay, but the ruling is there. Another example is for instance, you may have heard of the statement that about the greed of the son of Adam that if he had two valleys of gold, he would want a third. Right? The if he had two valleys of gold, he would want a third. So this was actually an idea, okay, in the Quran that was recited, but it's no longer part of the Quran. But is the meaning still applicable? Absolutely. It is. Is it still relevant? Yes, it is. Okay, so this is the first type of notice that the verse is not in the Quran, but the ruling is there. Okay, the
ruling is there. Secondly, the second type of pneus is that the law is abrogated. Okay, but the verse is not abrogated. The verse is still in the Quran, it is still in the most Huff. For example, I mentioned to you regarding the prohibition of alcohol, alright, the first idea that was revealed about it that all you have believed do not go near prayer while you are intoxicated, and that is still in the Quran. Okay, now from that I Oh, we cannot derive that. Okay, you are allowed to be in a state of intoxication. That's not allowed because that law has been abrogated by a later verse, but the verse is still the most have and it is still recited. Okay, and the third type of abrogation
is that both the law and the verse have been abrogated. Okay, meaning they're no longer in the Quran. For example, so to zap I parts of Surah Arsa. Ne we don't even know what they were exclusively for the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it's no longer there in the Quran. So this is basically
The you know, three types of abrogation. Okay, I'll repeat quickly. First is abrogation of the verse and not the law. Second is abrogation of the law and not the verse. And the third is abrogation of the law and the verse, okay. Now, one thing you should know is that when it comes to abrogation, abrogation is only in law, okay? Not in information. Okay, not in Kabul. So for example, the verses of the Quran that inform us about the events of the past or the events of the future, okay, those are not changed, why because fact is fact an event that will happen is going to happen. And he those details are not changed, the change is only in law. And Allah subhanaw taala has all the right to do
that. And the minima they have discussed different benefits of abrogation, what are the benefits, the benefits first, as we see in this ayah, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that net DB lady minha, Ole Miss Lee, that the new version, the new law, okay, is better than the previous, how is it better? It is better because it is easier for people or it is clear for them. Right? So it's a blessing. It's a mercy. Okay? And also the concept of pneus. What does that remind us? What does that show us that Allah is the legislator, okay? The source of law is who it is Allah or xojo. And he has the right to give a law and he has the right to change the law or to cancel the law. Okay, he
can do whatever he wants. He is the source of the law. And another benefit of NUS is that, you know, especially where, within the Quran, there is abrogation that certain commands were given and then they were changed later on, or they were cancelled later on. This is a part of gradual revelation. Right? This is an acknowledgment of the fact that people need time to change. This is Allah subhanaw taala His mercy His favor on this OMA especially in the Companions, that they were given that time to make the required changes in their lives. Another wisdom is that this is basically a test okay, this is a test for people. You know, for example, in certain Nahal i 101, Allah subhanaw taala says
what either but does not I attend McKenna I attain, that when we replace a verse with another will Allah who are Allah will be my universal and Allah is most knowledgeable of what he revealed. Paulo in Nama and tomato some people say that you are basically a fabricator, you are inventing things, that one day you say one thing another day you say something else, after some time you change the law, you are making all of this up. So for some people, it's a test by actor whom lie on the moon, rather most of them do not know. You know, when it comes to behavioral change, you know, you need to give people time, any change that you bring about even in your personal life, you need to take baby
steps, right? And Allah subhanaw taala is our Aleem, he is ever knowing he is Hakeem he's ever wise. He knows what his servants need. And so if the law of the Torah right, it is changed now. Any we're not to follow the Mosaic Law exactly as it is. There are only parts of it that we follow parts of it have been changed. Allah subhanaw taala has the right to do that. And if within the law of the Quran, you know, there were changes. Then again, Allah subhanaw taala has the right to do that there's wisdom behind it. And here we are told Allah Tala and Allah Allah co Leisha encoded, did you not know that Allah is over everything or deed ever April, he can do whatever he wants. He need This
is Allah's mercy on his slaves, that he has not burdened them with sudden changes, because that would be very difficult for people. And Inshallah, if you want to read more about this topic, one book I would recommend is the book on LUMO. Quran, the sciences of the Quran by Dr. Yasir qadhi. It is an older book, and he was written, I think, at least 15 years ago, if not more, but it's written in a very simple way. It's very easy to understand, you know, especially this chapter on abrogation. If you have this book, make sure you read it. Make sure you read this chapter. And if you don't have this book, I encourage you to purchase this book. This book is an essential for every student of the
Quran. Okay. Lumo Quran by Dr. Yasir qadhi If someone can please post a link or something. It's an excellent book. It's written really well very clearly.
Then Allah subhanaw taala says and I'm Tara lamb and Allahu Allah, whom will customer what you will do not know that to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. Allah subhanaw taala owns everything. So why are you trying to restrict the power of Allah, any Who are you to criticize that Allah subhanaw taala should not change the law or he cannot change the law that he has revealed. He has every right to do that. And he owns everything. He knows everything. He can do whatever he wants, you can criticize all you want, you can object all you want, but what is your criticism going to do? It's not going to make a difference. And if you turn away, then when Allah
come in, don't allow him in will leak you will aniseed you do not have besides Allah, any protector or any helper, you don't have any ally to assist you to protect you and you have no helper to help you. other than Allah. So you belong to Allah. Allah owns everything. And Allah is your protector, Allah is your helper. So whatever Allah subhanaw taala has commanded you with do it with confidence, because sometimes we begin to fear people, especially you know, when it comes to Islamic law, okay, when it comes to the shittier oh, by the way, Sharia law, this is the same as saying chai tea, okay? Should er means law. So, when it comes to the law that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed, be very
confident about it. Okay? And no matter how much people criticize, or no matter how much people villainize the shitty ah, remember that this law is the best law. And don't be afraid. Because, you know, like I mentioned to you the Bible is very clear about putting to death people who Forney. Kate, the Quran does not say that the law of the Bible, the love of Torah is much, much more harsh, much more harsh, you know, there are parts of the Bible which are considered to be extremely violent, okay, extremely violent. This professor of mine in a class that he taught on themes of the Bible, and he he spent a long time discussing how violent the Bible is. And I was like, wow, you
don't typically hear people talking about this. You know, people point all these fingers at the Quran. The Quran is misogynistic. The law is very brutal, the law is very barbaric. It is not. First of all, remember that the penal law that we have the punishments, especially when it comes to capital punishment, this is originated in Mosaic Law, meaning in the law of musante sin and the law of total it earlier we learned about how when they you know, when the bunny is slightly worship the calf, what was the punishment, the people who worship the calf had to be killed, right, that is mentioned in the Bible as well. So that is the basis the origin of capital punishment. Okay, for who
for the mortared, even Mirtha doesn't the one who leaves Islam. Okay. So this is actually based on what on the Mosaic law. So don't let people bully you. And don't let them make you think that the shittier is violent, or the shittier is unfair, or the shittier is barbaric. If people say that they have not read the Bible, they have not read the Torah. They don't know what they're talking about. The law that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed in the Quran, it is based on justice, it is based on mercy. Allah subhanaw taala tells us that he has sent this messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, why where you are and who is Surah home, while Allah Allah Allah T cannot RLA him basically to make
the law easier. And he think about the dietary laws that the Jews are supposed to follow or even the cleanliness laws, the purity laws, they are so difficult, so difficult, you know, for example, when it comes to obtaining purity, all we need to do is take a hosel right or simply remove the impurity take a bath or make will do depending on what situation you're in. But in the Mosaic Law, purity is obtained over time, and depending on what defilement you are in, okay, you have to spend seven days, 10 days, 15 days or whatever amount of time any before you can become pure. So it's not just a simple act that you just go wash up or you just Go change your clothes or you just make ablution or
you just take a bath that does not make you pure, there is also time required. So the law that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed in the Quran. It is a law that is based on mercy and justice. It is beautiful. It is easier and this is the reason why there is abrogate
tion. This is a reason why the law of the Quran is different from the love of the Toba because the law of the Quran is supposed to be easier NET team behind him and her. This is something better, right? Oh Mithi ha or it is something similar, right? So don't you recognize Don't you know the fact that Allah owns everything and you have no protector, no helper besides Allah. This is the law that Allah has given. All right, and this is for your benefit if you turn away your loss