Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-004B Word Analysis Al-Baqarah 8-16
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The speakers discuss the meaning of "monk," "naughty," "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a difference", "has a
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Okay, so let's go over the word for word again, women and among men means from and it also means a monk. So among a NAS though people a NAS, this is from the root letters noon scene, yeah. Or Hamza noon scene and inshallah we'll talk about what it means, right now during the session, I want you to write down the root letters in your book, okay? So that in sha Allah when we're doing that the proceed and I tell you the meanings, all you need to do is just fill in those blanks or you know, make note right next to the root letters. So, and ask the people so, among the people is Mayer Kulu. Who says, Now men look at this word men means among and men means who there is a difference right.
So, men from or among and men is who there is a difference mean with a customer means among and mean with the Fatah means who? Now this is why you know, that it is so important to recite the Quran properly, right? Because if you change just one halacha right, you just change one halacha not even the letter, you just change the sound, you change the meaning. And one of the best ways of making sure that you are reciting correctly is to recite slowly, especially these days in Ramadan, you know, we have certain goals that every day I want to be able to recite a certain amount of the Quran. And sometimes we rush to complete and in rushing, we start making so many mistakes. So to
avoid those mistakes, don't just wait for that time when you will be perfect. All right, rather go slowly. Let the real Khurana tell Tila recite the Quran with measured recitation, meaning pay attention to every letter every sound so Wamena Nassima Jaco Liu who says your Kulu This is from the letters cough wild lamb, what do they say they say Amen Now we have believed now am Anna means he believed and our mana we have believed you see the difference? The NA means we and this is from the letters hums me noon Amana Billahi we have believed in Allah Okay the question why are there two sets of root letters for the word unknown? This is a very good question in Arabic You will notice
this that sometimes for certain words there are multiple opinions okay, why because both convey a different meaning. So for example, a nests It is said that it's from the root letters known Senia NESEA means to forget. So, a nurse this is the category of the creation that tends to forget all right, meaning human beings naturally forget okay. And then a nurse It is also said this is from Hans Hamza known seen and owns means to be sociable. So people by definition, need to socialize need to interact and engage with one another. So basically, the root origin helps us understand the meaning of the word. Okay, and for some words, there are different opinions, some linguists say that
the word is from a certain set of root letters and other linguists have a different opinion and both are correct. Okay. And by the way, there are more understandings as well of the word and Nast that it's from a different set of root letters, but for now two are sufficient inshallah. So among the people are those who say that we have believed in Allah, Allah Billa he beat and mashallah you recognize this letter be in Bismillah wobbly Amil Asad and they say that we also believe in the day the last now, the last here, this is a description of the word alone in the day, which day the last day, so, this is the adjective the last All right. So the last day and which day is this the Day of
Judgment right? So alone this is from yarwell meme acid This is from Hamza hora. So they say we believe in Allah and the Last Day but the fact is that while Mao while not what now you notice that we are translating what as while okay we are translating what as while not end and this is also something that you should know that the letter wha does not always mean and sometimes it also gives a sense of the present state. Okay, how the current the present condition. So they say that we believe in a line the last two while in reality the present state is that not they are at all believers. They're not at all true believers. So when my while not home, they removed meaning or at
all believe
First, now men is a singular of the word meaning and but over here it gives a sense of at all. Alright? So they're not at all ones who believe or believers in your book you have ones who believe same thing believers. And this is from Hamza mean noon. You ha the owner, they tried to deceive, now you have zero, he deceives or he tries to deceive and you hide the Runa they try to deceive. You recognize now where the day is coming from. And this is from the letters holiday line. Who do they try to deceive these people? They try to deceive Allah. Who else will levena and those who which people Amma know they have believed? They try to deceive Allah and they also try to deceive those
who have believed Amma know this is Amina he believed Alma no they have believed from the letters Hamza made noon. So they try to deceive Allah and the believers wama Yahoo the owner Illa and Fusa home wama and not yet the owner they deceive Illa except and Busan themselves, so not they deceive except themselves, they only end up deceiving themselves. Now yes, the owner Do you notice over here that this is young the owner and previously at the beginning of the aisle, we read the word you hottie Runa you ha the Aruna Yehuda Runa what is common in these two words in the translation of these two words? Okay good they because we know the pronoun we see the year and the while noon All
right. So, this is common, the second thing is deceive right ha the line further is to deceive. So we have in the translation deceive, but for you ha the Runa we have additional meaning try to write we have you heard the owner try to and for you the owner just they deceive. So what is the difference in the Arabic between these two words you have your own any of the Runa and you have your own there is Elif there is a standing for Thai Exactly. So remember this rule, additional letters more letters, okay means more meaning when there's more letters there will be more meaning. And what I mean by more letters is letters besides the letters of the roots and the letters of the verb you
need the form of the verb. So here we have the Elif extra. So that gives the meaning of try to sow and not they deceive Illa and foster home except themselves and first is the plural of knifes knifes means oneself and Fusa home together themselves Okay, well while not yes Rudel, they perceive and first this is from the root letters noon ferrocene and one is your own while not the perceive. Now notice over here first we have warmer and not the second warmer is while not is there a difference and not while not okay question does the standing aloof on a verb always give the meaning off try to not always okay not always, but many times yes. Okay and insha Allah because you see the Arabic
language is so vast if I tell you about you know what the standing Alif always conveys or the different meanings that it conveys then that would be too much right? In you ha the owner. So, I will tell you based on what we have in the verses, okay, because our goal here is to understand the meaning of the Quran and learning Arabic appreciating Arabic that is a side benefit. Okay, in this course the goal is not to make you Arabic experts. The goal is to make you understand the meaning of the Quran. Inshallah. So here we have and not and while not even though the word in the Arabic is the same, but the translation is different. And that shows us that when we understand the meaning of
the words of the Quran, we cannot look at the words in isolation.
Okay, we have to look at the context. So yeah, so I'm explaining the meaning of why like that you have to look at the context the context will tell you, whether a word is giving one meaning or another. And this is true in every language. And this is the reason why, especially when you are translating, you know expressions from one language to another you cannot do a literal translation. If you do a literal translation.
it'll turn out to be very funny, right? It's not going to convey the right meaning, you know, like that sign that someone shared of a chicken slaughterhouse, the chicken murder place, something like that. So instead of the word slaughter, they had the word murder. Hey, it sounds so brutal. And I'm sure you have seen things like that, you know, where there's a poor translation, somebody literally just opened a dictionary or an app or Google Translate, but the word looked at the, you know, translation and they put that in, you can't do that with the Quran. Right? So this is why you will notice that the translation is not always identical, because we have to look at the context. So here
why is the first woman and not because they try to deceive Allah and those who believe and the fact is that they're only deceiving themselves. And while they're deceiving themselves they don't even perceive that they don't even realize so when I yeah Sharon yes you're alone is from shrew she Ninewa is the route fee Kulu be him model don't fee in Karoubi him their hearts muddled balloon is disease to lube is a plural of pulp called is heart Kullu hearts cough Lamba is the root and Murad disease so feel Karoubi him Maroon. Now do you see in in parentheses there is an is over here. And I mentioned to you earlier about how the ending of the words of the nouns tells us what the place of
that word is in the sentence. So we're not asking you to figure that out. In the parenthesis we have done that work for you so that you understand how the words connect with each other how the sentence is coming together, because we have to look at the words and we also have to look at the sentence so in their hearts is disease. What happens to that disease? fuzzer the homologue medulla, Allah increased them in disease. zada is the verb zada and it's from the root letters ze yeah done. Xia that means increase so zada he increased who increased Allah Who so Allah increase them mandala in disease, what a home and for them or their bone will be a punishment a Lehman ever painful. Now here
a Lehman is a describing are the boon. Remember in the previous verses we have our Dublin or Lehman, a great ever great punishment here this is a Lehman ever painful punishment either from either Alba and Aleem from hubzilla mean why a painful ever painful punishment be mad, because now look at this B and math. Earlier we learned to be means in or with, but here we are translating it as because because, again, we cannot look at the words in isolation. The meaning of the word is determined by context as well. If we were to say Bhima with what would that make any sense and for them will be a painful punishment with what they used to lie that would actually give a very wrong meaning. It
seems like the Lying is the punishment. So this is why you have to pay attention to how the words are translated and canceled they use to Kana means he was canceled they used to yeah can be Boon they lie. Now you see over here they lie is bolded that's what you're expected to memorize not what is in the parenthesis what is in the parenthesis inshallah I will talk about this at another time be ones who, why is it there, we will talk about that it's going to come a lot. And this is also something that I want you to understand that it's possible that I don't explain everything in one class. Okay, like there's a lot of grammar, etc, that I'm overlooking here, because knowledge has to
be learned gradually. Okay? And the words of the Quran are such that they are often repeated. So if something gets missed now, don't worry, if you don't understand something right now, don't worry insha Allah it will be covered again in sha Allah it will come again and you will learn at that time in sha Allah yak the wound This is from calf with Alba Katib July it could be wound li what either end when p let it is said Do you notice something strange over here it was slash is said is something strange and it is said is bolded. So remember that, you know we've established something which is that the meaning of words is also determined by their context. Okay. The meaning of words
is also determined by context. Now peeler on
Next own is actually a verb off past tense. It literally means it was said. So it is actually a verb of past tense it's very mildly. However, when a verb of past tense comes after either, you see either it changes the tense of the verb from past to present future. So not when it was said, but when it is said meaning every time that it is said to them a lot of see do fill out.
Okay? So this is why we have done this in the translation, that the literal translation is there. But then after the slash, the contextual translation is there. It is said, What are you expected to memorize you are expected to memorize the contextual translation, meaning that which is in bold, because it's not fair if you are expected to memorize both the goal over here the goal of the translation is to understand the meaning of the verse. So the contextual meaning will take precedence over literal meaning. And you know, there's two types of translations one type of translation is literal word by word. The other type of translation is contextual, you know that when
translation is done word by word, it can come across as completely incorrect. If you are bilingual, I'm sure this happens. That you know, sometimes poor translations give completely you know, opposite meaning or a wrong meaning. So the contextual meaning will always be given preference over literal meaning. Okay, and whenever you'll find it confusing, like what's going on over here, you will notice that in your book at the bottom of the page, there's the running translation as well. So you can read the full sentence to understand what's happening. So when it is said to them lack of see do fill out do you all do not cause corruption in the land? Now one question where's the you all coming
from? Why is it plural? How do we know it's a plural? There's a true question we haven't done this but you should be able to recognize excellent Masha Allah the Wow. Right like to see do the plural is coming from there. Where's the you coming from to the TA at the beginning, the root letters are fast seen that, okay, facade, so do not cause corruption, you will do not cause corruption fee in an illegal and an adult from the letters Hamza bod. Okay. Is there an assumed pronoun in Pilla it? Are you asking about the it as opposed to he, remember, I mentioned earlier that every verb gives you a pronoun. So, basically, you know, things in Arabic have agender, even inanimate things. And this is
common in many languages in French, even in Urdu, and I don't know about other languages, but, you know, even inanimate things have a gender. So, the table, you know, when you refer to it, it's either masculine or feminine, right, based on that you will use the verbs. Okay, so, the ILA, technically, this is masculine, but we translate as it to indicate that it's not referring to a person. So when it is said to them Do not cause corruption fill early in the land Kalu they say? Now you notice again over here Kalu technically is they said it's past tense, but in the context it means they say because it's coming after either. So when it is said to them, when it is said to
them, Do not cause corruption the land they say in nama indeed only national we mostly home are ones who make reforms. Now in nama indeed only this is a common word you will come across this many times and basically gives the meaning of hustler that only this so indeed only national week, national means we and this is a pronoun and the singular of this is Anna Anna means I national week. So they say indeed we are only mostly home ones who make reforms This is plural of Muslim, from the root letter sod lamb ha. Allah Verily, in the home indeed they this is inner and home remember the word inner from inner Latina cafardo. That same either from the beginning is applying to the verb that's
coming after. So Allah inner home homonym of Sedona they truly are those who cause corruption move Sedona Laura love moveset farseeing doll is the root. What I can buy land Nadia Sharon they perceive we are Sharon sheen or enroll we did this word earlier as well. What either Kayla and when it is said now you see the same words are coming again. What either appeal or the home and when it is said to them. Color means he said Kalu They said your Kulu he says Taylor it was said
and either killer it is said when it is said to them amino you all believe. Now notice over here um you know, what if the word was ama no with the fat * on the meme. What would that mean?
Man? No. I know means they believed. All right. Amino means you all believe so again the difference is just have one Hasakah fat how Orchestre the meaning changes? So notice the hollow cat as well. Okay? And mean you one person believe me? No you all all of you folks believe come on just as I'm gonna NASA the people have believed Okay, now I'm gonna literally means you believed but here a NASA is doing the action of Airmen and this is why we have put this together. I'm an unasked that people have believed although they say Now why is this being translated as their because this is coming again it's connected with either Okay, II that pillar then they say nope me no Shall we believe look
at the word up a shell this is a question. And note we know we believe Hamza mean noon as the root. So when they're told that believe just as the people have believed they say Shall we believe come out, I'm gonna sue for her just as the foolish ones have believed. So I'm going to sue for help. So for her is the plural of the word Sophie, seen Fahad is the root. Now you notice this. Sometimes the plural forms are very simple. Okay, you have a well known at the end or a yanwen at the end, very easy. But other times, you know, there's a huge difference between the singular and the plural. You have Sophie and sofa. So there's simple plurals and then there are complicated plurals Okay. Allah
verily in the home indeed they homeless sofa they truly are the foolish ones a sofa hot plural of Sufi what I can but lay on the moon they do not know your alimony they know this is from iron lamb meat. What either and when laku they meet now again you see what's happening? Why is laku they met being changed into their meat? Why are we changing the tense? Exactly Masha Allah because of the EDA and local they meet it's plural. Okay lucky yeah means he met lukou They met so when they meet who these people who say that they believe but they're not actually believers when they meet Alladhina amanu those who have believed although they say now again this is the meaning is changing from set
to say because of either it's connected with either they say we have believed and now
comes me know what either and when Hello Isla they are alone with why is it they are not they were because of EDA. Good. And hello Isla Hello means they were alone. Okay, and ILA This is a preposition in Arabic. And you will notice that sometimes the prepositions are with the verbs. Why? Because they give a certain meaning to the verb. So hello ILA is to be alone with Eli literally means two or two words, but we don't literally translate it or we don't give it the meaning of two words over here because in Arabic Allah makes sense with Hello in English, the word two words does not make sense with to be alone with so this is why we've put it as they are alone with and Hello,
this is from the letters ha olam well. So when they're alone with shale CLEANI him they're Shayateen Shayateen is the plural of shaitan and this is from the letters Chien pa known and Shayateen as in their satanic ones follow they say Why is it they say because of either they say in now Markham indeed we are with you all. Look at the word Inna. We looked at just in on its own that means indeed in now means indeed we like in NA are cleaner Alcocer indeed We have given you the coastal so in now with an LF means indeed we so they say indeed we are Mar come with you. Oh Mara means with Commons you are like in a Salam or Aleikum. What does that mean? Peace be on you all come. You said Giselle
como la who? Hiren Jezza Jessa Kela means you one person Jezza como la means you all plural. So they say indeed we are with you all in the mind deed only national we musta Z
one or one to walk mister has the owners of Florida Mr. Z and the route is has a Hamza All right. So Mr. Z one who mocks and was the only ones who mock Allah we Yes Desi Allah He mocks back be him at them. Now look at the word yes that is it this is a verb and most as the owner this is a noun right? So Allah marks back be him at them were muda whom and he extends them Yamato is the verb over here mean that that is the root word means and whom means them Masha Allah you know that so he extends them Fito Liana him in the rebellion. De Lian is rebellion him there's so the Liana you their rebellion this is their letters thought lane. Yeah, Yama home they wonder blindly. Yama Hoon the
well known indicates it's a plural Yama who means he wanders blindly Yama Hoon, they wander blindly. I mean, her is the root. Who like those Alladhina are those who is Tara would they have purchased How do we know it's there because of the wow, if it was Ishtar Ah It would mean he purchased his throw they have purchased and this is from Shane raw. Yeah. So they have purchased what Allah Allah tell them is guidance. Remember the word of barley. So same route blood lamb lamb. So they have purchased misguidance Bill Hoda in exchange for the guidance. So with is giving the meaning of in exchange for over here and that's why you have to memorize what's bolded and who they're from the
root letters had Alia meaning they gave Huda they gave up guidance so that they could take misguidance from us or not Robbie hat it was profitable. It'll be heard this from Robert how to be profitable. So Mt. I'll be happy it was not profitable T Jarrah, to whom their transaction fee jallat trade transaction. The gene Ra is the route woman and not can with a worm with the dean one ones who obtain guidance for love more that my dad had Alia is the root. So alhamdulillah we've gone over all of the words in sha Allah in the deceit. I'm going to tell you more about the meaning of the words and of course, the meaning of the verses as well, inshallah. So let's listen to the
recitation of these verses before we begin to proceed. And while the recitation is being set up, you can all stand up where you are, so that you can freshen up we've been in this class for almost an hour. So stand up and quietly listen to the recitation and try to understand the words to recognize the words to the best of your ability Bismillah Wamena Sima yaku
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Allah in
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