Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-003B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 6-7
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AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the various types of people who disbelive everything, including those guided, those with false expectations, and those with false expectations. They emphasize the importance of guidance and understanding the meaning of "use it, not just" in order to achieve success. The concept of "by" in the context of "by" is discussed, and the speakers emphasize the importance of being careful and not following people who disbelive. They also discuss the history of Islam, including the seal on the heart and hearing, the lack of knowledge and belief, and the use of punishment in actions.
AI: Summary ©
Let's look at it upside now. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in the Lavina Kapha Russa oni lay him.
Indeed, those people who disbelieve as for those who persist in disbelief. So ordinarily him it is the same. And bellota home, am Lambton their home, whether you warn them or not lie you me known they will never believe those people who disbelieve it is all the same for them, whether you warn them or you do not warn them, they will not believe. Now, in Surah Al Fatiha we learned about basically three types of people. We learned about Alladhina Anantara lay him the people whom Allah subhanaw taala bestowed His favor upon those people who are rightly guided, we learned about an Mahboob those who received the anger of Allah because they know the truth yet they refuse to follow
it. And then we learned about the body lean those who are lost and misguided, who don't even know that they don't know. And in certain Fatiha we basically ask Allah subhanaw taala for guidance that he or Allah make us follow the path of Alladhina Ananda relate him the people that you bestowed favor upon, not of those who received your anger and not of those who are astray. So in some other Fatiha We ask Allah for guidance and in Surat Al Baqarah. Right at the beginning, we are told that this book, the Quran is guidance that loughrea Buffy who the Lynmouth Ducane there is no doubt in the fact that this book is a guidance, it is guidance for who for the people who have to follow. So
it is made clear that to find guidance through the Quran, a person must fulfilled some prerequisites and what are those prerequisites, that a person must be a person of Taqwa? A person who is concerned about saving themselves guarding and protecting themselves? And how is it that a person safeguards themselves with Eman by believing with Salah by worshipping Allah and by InfoQ by spending on others. So such people safeguard themselves and they become more finely honed, those who are successful and remember that fella is success, meaning that a person finds what they desire and what is it that these people desire. They want guidance, they want Janna so they're mostly home. They
want Allah has in her arm. Allah says favor and approval. So when they follow the Quran, they receive that they find that so now in these two verses is the mention of the opposite group of people, those who are not upon guidance and those who will therefore not be successful. So we are told about such people that in the Levina kifaru Indeed, those who disbelieve what do they do, they disbelieve the kuffaar rule and kuffaar rule, meaning a Lavina Cafaro there are those who disbelieve meaning this is what they do, they do not leave comfort. They are persistent upon cover. And what is Cofer coffer means denial, refusal. So they refuse to believe they refuse to follow this book. They
refuse to believe in the unseen. And the word cover cover literally means a dudleya to cover to cover and hide something. So for example, in the Arabic language, the word calf it is actually used for a farmer or a tiller. Why? Because he covers the seed under the soil he hides the seed. And the night is also called careful because it covers everything with its darkness. So coffer Yes, it means to disbelieve, but why why is the word cover chosen for disbelief? Because when a person disbelieves what are they covering? They're covering the nature that Allah subhanaw taala created them upon, right the fitrah that each person is born with, because remember that all people are born as Allah
servants. So in Alladhina Cafaro those people who disbelieve what do they disbelieve in they disbelieve in what the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has brought? We learned earlier that the muda pain those who safeguard themselves, they believe in what in the unseen Alladhina? You mean on a bit of hype? Those who believe in the unseen then they believe
In Revelation when Medina Umina Bhima en de la Laker whammo on Zillman complete they believe in what was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and also what was revealed before him. So all the messengers and all of the books and then thirdly, they also believe in the hereafter will be accurate to homeopathy unknown in the hereafter there are certain so in the Ludhiana Cafaro those who disbelieve, meaning they do not believe in the unseen, they do not believe in Revelation, they do not believe in the hereafter. And when they deny all of these matters, what are they doing? They're not fulfilling the prerequisites for guidance, right, they deny these truths. So, what is
their condition? What is the condition of these people who disbelieve Allah subhanaw taala tells us that so well on RNA him it is all the same to them, what is all the same to them and delta home whether you warn them um lamingtons at home or you do not warn them? Whether you warn them or you do not warn them, it is all the same to them. And the fact is that lie you may known they do not believe. Now the word Sawa on Sawa means equality. And it also gives a sense of Mooster when meaning one that is equal and it also gives a sense of the midpoint of something, because when you are at the midpoint, then either side is equal. So Sawa owner, Allah means it is one and the same. Meaning
you go right or you go left you do this or you do that it is all the same. So So I own I lay him, it is all the same to them. Meaning whether this happens, or that happens, it will make no difference. So whether you warn them or you don't warn them, both are the same, it makes no difference. Now, what does it mean by endow you warn them involved is to inform someone of something, but you inform them of not just any random fact, but you are informing them of a potential danger of an imminent danger? And why are you warning them? Why are you informing them of that potential danger? You know, do you want to burst their bubble, you want to ruin their fun? You want to just you know, bring them
worry? No, you warn them out of concern, you want the best for them. So for example, if your child does not wash their hands begins to eat, you warn them that you know there could be bacteria on your hands, you could get sick, you need to wash your hands. So when you say you could get sick, is it that you want them to become sick? No, the warning is from a place of concern. So remember this, that every time that warning is mentioned in the Quran is not to threaten people or to ruin their fun? No, it is to make them aware because they need to know. So whether you warn them or you do not warn them, they do not believe. So this means that Dawa does not benefit these people. Right? No
matter what you tell them. It does not benefit these people, they refuse to listen and think about it. If warning does not benefit someone, then do you think good news will benefit them? No, it will not. Because, you know, generally you begin by mentioning something neutral. And then maybe you will mention an incentive. And if someone doesn't get it at all, then you get serious and you give a warning. So if a warning does not benefit that means that nothing else will benefit and Lolita whom am lamingtons at home law you will be known, they will not believe. Now one thing that we should understand about this idea is that even though the wording of this idea is general, any it seems
like it's talking about all the people who disbelieve right now who are not Muslim who do not believe then they will never end up believing. This is what the meaning appears to be on the surface. But remember that the application of this verse is actually very specific. Okay, it is very specific. And this is something that we should know about the Quran that there are verses, the application of which is general. All right, but there are other verses the application of which is specific. So this verse is talking about certain people who disbelieve that they are such that no warning can benefit them, and they're never going to believe and who are those disbelievers? It is
only those about whom Allah subhanaw taala knows from before. Allah knows from before, that these people will not believe no warning will benefit them. Because when this idea was
revealed there were people who disbelieved at that time. But then later on they believed, later on they accepted Islam by for example, at the time of the conquest of Makkah, we learned that some of the greatest enemies of the prophets of Allah who already who said them, or people who showed hostility at that time at the conquest of Makkah, eventually they believed like Abu Sofia. So this verse is not to be taken as a general judgment, okay? That you know, any person who doesn't believe we say about them, so I own I lay him under the home, I'm Lampton, did home let me know, because they disbelieved they're never gonna believe so. You know what, don't even bother, don't even tell
them. That's not what we are being told in this idea. This verse is not to be taken as an excuse, and it is not to be taken as something to pass judgment with. Rather, this idea is teaching us some important lessons. And what are those lessons? The first lesson is that there are people who will not accept no matter what you tell them. Why, because you do not have the power to guide people. You cannot force guidance down people's throats, you don't have that power, in spiritual causes. If 56 Allah subhanaw taala tells us that in Nicola de min or above, you cannot guide the one whom you love, meaning no matter how much you love someone and no matter how much you want them to be guided,
you can never make them be of those who are guided, why, because guidance is not in your hand. Your job is to convey, you can only inform you can only worn, but who is it that gives Tofik to people to accept guidance, it is Allah subhanaw taala. And remember the two types of guidance that we have been talking about or rather the different types of guidance that we have been talking about he Daya it shared the guidance of instruction, informing someone you can do that when you warn someone, but you do not have the power to give people that dough feed to make them change that is only in the hands of Allah and He knows who is worthy of it and who is not. That is his decision to make. So the
first lesson we learned from this idea is that guidance is not in your hand. You do not have the power to guide people you can only inform you can only tell the results are with Allah. Secondly, this idea is a reassurance for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and for any dairy being any person who is calling people to Islam, that it is not your fault if people refuse to believe, because it has not been said so our own our Lekha it is all the same to you. Whether you want or you don't know it's not you it's actually them so on our lay him, it is all the same to them. Right? They will not believe so it is not your fault, that they're not believing. You're doing your job by
conveying the message to them in spiritual care health, verse number six, Allah subhanaw taala says, fella I look at birth here on nepsac Arla 30 hem Ilam you may not be heard that hadith eSFR that perhaps you would kill yourself out of grief out of worry that these people are not believing in the Quran. Meaning don't take it personally. Don't take it so hard, it is not your fault. You can only convey You cannot force people to change. And then thirdly, this is also teaching us that you cannot save everyone, especially those people who do not want to be saved. You cannot save them. Each person has that freedom in this life to make their own choices. So if someone chooses to disbelieve,
yes, you can be sad for them. And you can desire guidance for them. And you can continue to warn and remind them and convey the message to them. But ultimately realize that you cannot save everyone, especially those who do not want to be saved. It's their decision. That's what they're choosing for themselves. So you know, this is the sad reality. But at the same time You be careful. You do not follow these people. You see New Relic is synonym we learned in Solitude i afforded to that when the water was rising, and the waves were like the size of mountains. No Halley's salaam saw his son. All right. His son did not board the ship. He did not believe in new Halley's salaam so he was not on
the ship with him. So his son was at a distance and no holidays salaam called out to him. He said yeah buena. Your kimono that oh my son come
embark with us get on the ship while at icon morale caffeine and do not be of those or do not be with those who disbelieve. So his father called out to him and he replied, sir we Isla jobaline yara Simoni Minh Alma. I will just climb on the mountain and I will be saved from the water. Know how to Salam Sadler, I'll see my Leo women amarilla he Lama Rahim. There is nothing that can protect you that can save you from the Command of Allah today. Except the only person who is saved is the one who receives the Mercy of Allah wahala Bina homegirl Mojo for catamenial McGraw pain. And then there came a wave, and his son became of those who were drowned. So if someone does not want to be saved,
you cannot rescue them, even our bus for the long war and who said that this idea was revealed regarding the leaders and the scholars of the Jews, such as who human octobe and carbon Ashraf, in these men were the leaders of the Jews. They had no knowledge of the Scripture. They knew the previous Scripture. They were waiting for, you know, the messenger. They saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they tested him. They spoke to him. They interacted with him they heard the Quran, but still they refuse to believe they were arrogant. They rejected the truth. So how can you save someone who does not want to be saved? The Huck, he said that this aisle was revealed about Abuja
and his men. So Abuja What do you think? Did he not recognize the truth of the Prophet? salAllahu alayhi wasallam? Absolutely, he did. And he was very obvious from the beginning, that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was not a liar. But it was a Bucha his ego, right, his arrogance and his refusal to change who he was, change what he knew. Remember the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam epithelium, what happened to him? At his deathbed, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, you know, just say one statement so that I can defend you on the Day of Judgment. Just one statement, just say Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. He kept urging him, but at the same time, Abuja,
Helen, you know, other people, they kept urging a bill Taalib that are you going to die on a religion that is different from the religion of your forefathers? Are you going to change who you are? And I will call him? He said, No, in he refused to c'est la ilaha illAllah. So what does this show us that the problem is not with the truth? The problem is not with the book of Allah. Because this book loughrea Buffy, there is no doubt in it. And Valley, Cal kitab. This is the book, the one that people have been waiting for, especially the people of the Scripture, yet they refuse. So the problem is not with the book, the problem is not with the messenger, the problem is not with the
truth. The problem is with these people who refuse to believe, who refuse to change.
So now the question is, why don't they believe? Or what happens when they don't believe khatam Allahu Allah Kulu be him. Why Allah summary him. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and upon their hearing, wire Allah abou Sati Himley Shaohua and over their vision is a veil. What a homer thou buena, Aleem, and for them is a great punishment. So this idea explains to us both the reason for the previous condition, meaning the reason why they refuse to believe the reason why no warning benefits them. And secondly, this idea also tells us the consequence of their disbelief, that what happens when they disbelieve what happens when they refuse that What am Allahu Allah pulumi him
Allah has set a seal upon their hearts. Now, Hutton Hutton is a tuber meaning to close something and set a seal on it, why would you close something and then set a seal on it because you want to secure it? Right? You want to make sure that nothing enters it and what is inside does not spill out. So for example, when there is a bottle of drink, and then it is sealed, there is a cork and you know it is sealed. What's the purpose? Why such a strong seal? Or even if you know it's just a plastic cap, and then there's you know, more plastic on top of it. Why the seal? And you know, there's warnings that if the seal is broken, then do not consume. Right? The seal is there for two reasons to ensure
that nothing comes out and nothing goes in. Likewise
on legal documents, what they used to do, and even now they continue with this practice that, you know, once it is complete, it's fully written out, you fold it up, you roll it up, and then you put wax on it. And then you engrave that with a stamp, you impress that wax with a stamp. Why? Because it shows that this is now sealed, nobody can open it, except for the recipient. So for something to go in, or come out, the seal has to be broken. So for example, if you want to drink out of a bottle that has a seal on it, you have to break the seal. But who is setting a seal over here, Allah is setting the seal over here. So who can break the seal that Allah has said, No one can? What's the
message over here that you cannot guide the one whom Allah allows to go astray, you do not have the power to change people's hearts, you can certainly try to influence but you cannot force the change. You cannot convert people by force that's not within your power. What am Allah who are allowed to be him, Allah has set a seal upon their hearts. Now the word Kulu is the plural of the word club, right. And I mentioned this earlier, and club is heart. But remember that you know, in the Quran, when the word club is mentioned, we're not talking about, you know, the physical heart, which pumps blood, et cetera, we're talking about called in the Quran. Even though we're talking about what's
inside the chest, it is referring to the mahalo firm, meaning the center of firm of comprehension, meaning the place where intelligence and comprehension lies. So don't confuse it with the brain. Don't confuse it with the physical heart. This is referring to different concepts. Even though the wording are the same, the concepts are different. So Hatha Mala, who are now coulby him, Allah has set a seal upon their hearts Wireles summary human also upon their hearing. So what does this mean? The hearts are sealed, and also the hearing is sealed. Now the word summer means the faculty of hearing, okay, the faculty of hearing. But again, in Arabic, when you're talking about hearing,
you're not just talking about the concept of perceiving or rather sensing sound. All right, there is sensation. But remember that after sensation, there's also perception. So for example, you hear a sound there sound waves that fall on your ears, and then there's all those amazing movements within the middle ear, et cetera. And then the brain perceives the sound and you make sense of that sound, you understand what is being said? Okay, so in Arabic, you know, summer is basically of three levels, there is the summer off hearing the sound, okay, then there's the summer of understanding what has been said. And then there is a summer off accepting what has been said. So for example, if
you say, to your child, or to your brother, can you please pass me the water? And they don't? And, you know, you're gonna say, Why don't you listen to me? Why aren't you listening to me? Did they actually not hear you know, they heard you, but they didn't listen to you, meaning they did not obey you, they did not accept what you said to them. So three levels of summer, there is the hearing. Secondly, understanding and thirdly, accepting. So here Hatami, Allahu Allah, Colombia, more or less summary him there somewhere is sealed, okay. And this is referring to the first level or even the second and the third, that they fail to perceive words of guidance, they fail to understand them and
they fail to accept them because the hearing is sealed. Now, when the hearts are sealed, and the hearing is sealed, what does that mean? Remember that the heart is it has a very important role physically and spiritually. Physically, of course, we know how important it is if it stops pumping, a person will not live anymore. But spiritually also, the heart is described as the king as the Melek of a person in the sense that whatever the heart decides the rest of the body is going to obey and follow. Okay, so the limbs like for example, your hands, your feet, your eyes, your mouth, all of these are what they are like, servants to the heart. The heart is the boss
Okay, so if you desire if you wish to eat something for if thought, what are you going to do? You're going to use your hands and your feet and your legs, right to stand in the kitchen to prepare the food or to go, you know, purchase it, your body is going to follow the heart. Right? So imagine if the heart is sealed, where they're supposed to be comprehension, the heart, which is supposed to be the place of Eman. If the heart is sealed, what does that mean? That means that Eman does not enter it. If the heart is sealed, a man does not enter it. And remember that the senses like for example, the ability to hear, and the ability to see, these are like windows to the heart, they connect the
heart with the outer world. So for example, what you hear what you listen to impacts your heart, right? You learn about it by listening to it, you look at something you see something, you understand it by seeing by looking by listening, you get information, you get goodness to reach your heart. But here what is the problem? The problem is that first of all, the heart is sealed, which means that even if something enters through the windows to the heart, nothing actually penetrates the heart. He man does not penetrate the heart. And then the other problem is that even the hearing is sealed. What does that mean? That even if a person is exposed to you know, listening to the
Quran, for example, the benefit will not go inside, there is sensation but not perception. So what's happening over here, there is blockage at both ends. The heart is sealed and the ears are sealed. So what does that mean? This means that this person is stuck between his heart and his ears. He is literally in his own head. He's literally in his own head. Because if he hears something new, something of benefit, it does not enter the ears, meaning he refuses to accept it. And if there's something that he knew from before, the fitrah that Allah subhanaw taala created him upon if he used his own reason inside, he could believe but the heart is sealed. So even that does not enter the
heart. So you see how this person is literally stuck between his heart and his ears. He's literally in his own head. Allah subhanaw taala told us and sort of cough i a 37 that in Nephi Valley con la vie Keira Lehmann cannula who collarbone indeed in that is surely a reminder for a person who has a heart. Meaning when a person's heart is alive, it is awake, it is not sealed, it is functional, then a person can learn, then a person can benefit from reminders. And what are these reminders, these reminders come in two forms. One form is the verses that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed the Quran and the Quran gives us many reminders, many warnings, many teachings and then there is another set
of you know, warnings or reminders that Allah subhanaw taala gives us through the creation through the world that we live in the signs that Allah subhanaw taala has created within the universe, for us to observe for us to listen to, for us to reflect on the different things that we learned the different things that we experienced the different things that we come across. So these people AlLadhina kifaru, right, whose hearts and hearing are sealed, they don't benefit from the revealed signs, nor do they benefit from the created signs. Then another problem is why Allah Abu sloty Humility Shaohua and upon their sites is a covering, I will slot as I mentioned is a plural of the
word bizarre, and it applies to both eyes and vision. So on their vision is in the shower, the shower is a covering, it's a veil, like for example a cloth that covers something but in such a way that it doesn't fully conceal by for example, you will notice that you know cloth even if it is covering your eyes, you can still see through it depending on how shear how thick it is or not. So depending on its thickness, all right and color and material etc. You can see and sometimes you will notice that even if your material is very thick, and even if it's on your eyes, you can still make out what is before you. You can still make out if you know something is moving in front of you. You
can figure that out. So Lee Shaohua Yes, it's a covering it is a veil on the eyes, which means that they fail to benefit from what is before them.
So, the ears are sealed, the heart is sealed and on the eyes is a veil. So if on the eyes is a veil, how will the Light of Faith enter into to Jaffe I have 23 Allah subhanaw taala mentions of Allah a terminator her the ILA Ha Ha hoo ha who have you considered the condition of the person who has taken his desire as his God, he worships his desire. So what happens? What Allah Allahu Allahu or their ailment, and Allah sends him astray, in spite of knowledge, meaning, even though that person has some knowledge, Allah subhanaw taala still sends him astray, because this person worships his desire. knowledge does not benefit him. Or it means when Allah Allahu Allahu Allah Illman that Allah
sent him astray based on his own knowledge. And he Allah knows that this person is not worthy of guidance. And then what happened will hurt him Allah summary he will call me he and he said a seal upon his hearing and his heart. Even here in this verse, we see that there is a seal on the heart and on the hearing in circle Jaffe also we learned well Hata Morales some are you will call me the seal is on the hearing and the heart was ajar. Allah Allah bustani Healy shower, and he placed on his site a covering. So then, when this person is like this, that the hearing the heart sealed, and the eyes covered for me, D him and Bardot Allah who can guide him after Allah, meaning if Allah has
decided not to guide this person who can guide them, nobody can. So again, the same message that you cannot save everyone, you do not have the power to guide people. So khatam Allahu Allah columbium Wireles summary him wa Allah of Assadi Himley Shaohua they don't benefit from what they hear, they don't benefit from what they see, no iman enters their heart. And even if they knew something from before, they fail to reason through that, they fail to understand through that, because the heart is sealed. So this is the reason why these people lie, you know, they do not believe. Now do you notice how the hearing and the vision are mentioned, the mouth, the tongue is not mentioned. Why? Because
the eyes and the ears are windows of, of knowledge. Meaning if you want to learn something, you learn how, by listening. And by observation. That's how you learn. You don't learn by talking. If you want to learn something, you have to listen, you have to observe, if you start talking, then that will inhibit you from learning, it will prevent you from learning. So here they are unable to learn they're unable to believe. Now, there could be a question in a person's mind that what's their fault in this? Any if Allah has said a seal on their hearts and on their hearing? And if Allah has, you know, placed a covering on their eyes, then how is it their fault if they don't believe? Of
course they will not believe if the heart is sealed, who can break the seal that Allah has said, Of course these people are not going to believe. So the question is, then, why has this happened to them? Okay, and Lavina Cafaro those who disbelieve in it, why has this happened to them? Why is it that their heart is sealed? What's their fault? Remember that what Allah subhanaw taala did to them where he set a seal on their hearts and their hearing? Allah's action is of jazz up? What does that mean, compensation and compensation comes when it comes after action. So they did something first. What did they do Kuffar who they disbelieved? And then Allah subhanaw taala compensated them He
punished them with a punishment that is suitable to the crime that they committed. And what is that punishment that punishment is the hut on the ceiling, and the covering in surah Taha is 124 to 126 we learn Allah subhanaw taala says women are allowed learn victory for inshallah whom Orisha tongue burn cow when Assura will yomo key Amity Irma the person who turns away from my reminder, then he will have a miserable life and we will gather Him we will bring him on the day of judgment in a state while that person will be blind color of the Lima harsh attorney Arma wakad. quintuple Sera. That person will say, Oh my Lord, why did you bring me on the day of judgment as someone who was
blind when I was able to see in the world? How come? Why have I
had been given this condition. Kuala Kedah Lika Attica iron tuna fantasy Taha, our verses came to you, but you forgot them, meaning you abandoned them what Cavalli glioma don't sir, so today you will be forgotten, meaning you will be abandoned. So who initiated this? What came first? The person's action? Which action that he rejected, he abandoned the verses of Allah. Then Allah subhanaw taala gave the compensation, the punishment and what is that, that this person will be made blind on the dude gentlemen, and here we learn that such people, their hearts are sealed, their hearing is sealed, their eyes are covered. So remember Allah subhanaw taala created people with
sound hearts, okay? Allah subhanaw taala created people not with sealed hearts. People are born on fitrah we learn Hadith in Sahih Muslim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever is born, he is born upon natural instinct. What does that mean? The fitrah the natural instinct is that any people are born with the condition that they're supposed to worship Allah, they belong to Allah, they're worshipers of Allah. That's their natural disposition. All right, but then what happens, the way that they are raised, that conditions them into becoming, you know, worshipers of something else? And the prophets of Allah, Who are you said and gave the example that just as a camel gives
birth to its young, right, you see that they are perfectly fine in the sense that, you know, their ears are intact, their nose, you know, is intact because what the Arabs what they would do is that they would cut the ears off their animals, okay, sometimes they would slit them, sometimes they would completely cut them off. And they will do that, you know, for different superstitious beliefs or, you know, for in order to dedicate them to their idols. So that camel was not born with a slit ear. Somebody did that to the camel, right? So just like that, people are not born with corrupted hearts, Allah subhanaw taala creates people on fitrah. That's their natural disposition to worship
Allah. So Allah is not unjust to his slaves. Right? Allah is not unfair to his slaves. Allah wants guidance and goodness for his slaves. Well, I yelled earlier about the hill coffee. Allah does not like disbelief for his slaves. So these people when their hearts are sealed, this is a consequence of their own wrongdoing. So this is like a punishment that they're given in this world. And then there is another punishment, a greater punishment that is coming later. And that is what a homer that winner Aleem for them is a great punishment.