Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P30 306B Tafsir Al-Tin – Al-Alaq
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The title "by the beat of a tree" in the Bible is discussed in various parables, including the holy grail and holy spirit. The use of " "by the pen" and "has been" in relation to the creation of man is also emphasized. The title's use in personal relationships is also discussed, including relationships with people and leaders. The importance of not being intimidated and not being scared is emphasized in the title.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Surah 218
What Dini was a tune. What thenI by the fig was a tune and the olive. Allah subhanaw taala is taking an oath by two fruits over here. The fig and the olive. Why? What does this show us the importance of these two fruits with regards to the olive, it's understood it's mentioned in the Quran earlier also we learned in sort of the new Ayah 35 You will call them in shudder rotten mobile raka ze tuna,
Shadow T Mobile Raka, the blesser tree, which one is that the olive tree. Now if the whole tree is blessing, imagine the fruit of that tree how blessed it that would be.
And the theme also the fig also, thus it important because Allah subhanaw taala takes an old by hips.
And some have said that what is meant by the fig and the olive over here is the place where they are grown, meaning originally where these two fruits are from or the place that is well known for these two fruits and that is a little Shem the land of Sham.
The place where every Saturday Salam was given prophet hood. In fact, many prophets of Allah were from there in circle Israel the first ayah Allah subhanaw taala says Subhana Allah the Asahi de Leyland mineral Masjid Al haram, Al Al Masjid Al Aqsa, a lead Eva Rachna Hala, who
imagine how blessed that land is, if its surroundings or even bless it. What ODC Nene and by the mount of Sinai to two means mount use for a mountain that grows trees that has trees on it and seen in the Sinai Peninsula. And this is the mountain where Musar de Sena was given prophethood Well, Heather and this El Bella del Amin, this secure city with city the city of Makkah, where Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given prophet hood. And the city is described as Amin Amin, meaning the one who is in it is safe. Woman The holla who can Amina whoever enters it is safe and suitable Anca, buta 67 our mural Anna Jana Holloman Amina, and we have made haram in a secure place.
Three sacred places are mentioned over here. Which ones are they a sham? Secondly, the Mount Sinai and then thirdly, the city of Makkah.
And these three places are sacred. Why? Because of Allah subhanaw taala special honor and gift of guidance granted over there.
What Tina was a tune the place where Eastside s&m was given profit her booty seni Musala, Salah was given prophethood Heather Bella dill, Amin, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has given prophethood if you think about it, there are many fruits in this world, many mountains in this world, many cities in this world. Right? But Allah subhanaw taala mentions these what is it that makes these three superior to all the rest? What is it it's the gift of guidance that was given over there? The blessing of hedaya that was given over there
Laqad Hala canal insane insan the conclusion of the Oh, look at certainly Hello Carol insane we have created the human being fee so Anita queen in the best of stature. The queen is from cloth well meme and a woman is to make something crooked, straight. So something was crooked, you made it straight, you made it even or to make something in a right condition.
So Sanita queen, meaning in the best form,
the human being has been bestowed with the best form compared to all the other creatures. How so? If you compare the human body to that of any animal body, right, really, which one is better? In so many different ways, the human body. Just look at the size even. We're not too small, nor are we too big. Right? In terms of how our posture is we stand. We're not crawling, we're not on all fours, isn't it? And then look at our hands and are back and our limbs. We can climb we can swim and the brain that Allah subhanaw taala has given and the hands because of which we're able to make so many things like that. Hello
canal in Santa Fe is Anita queen. And it's not just a perfectly functioning body, but there is also a mind a soul inside reasoning,
empathy, feelings, emotion, logic,
locket Hala canal in Santa Fe or Sanita queen. I mean, you look at animals how messy they are.
Isn't it? When you wonder sometimes, like, what's wrong with them? How can an animal you know, like, you look at a cow, for example, so filthy from the back. Alright, in its food, where it's sitting, it will defecate, and then it will sit there, it'll sleep there, and then walking around, it's horrible, disgusting.
And then when they fight, how they fight and kill each other. They fight over their homes, they fight over food, they fight over different links.
But the human being Allah subhanaw taala preferred him over the rest of the creatures Laqad Hello Kunal in Santa Fe or Sanita cwieme. And if you compare this now with the oats, there's many mountains, many cities, many places, but these three are superior to the rest. Why? Because of the gift of guidance. Now the human being has been given the best physical body, Allah subhanaw taala honored men honored the human being well, I've got Corona bunny Adam. But then what happened? So Miranda now who, then we returned him? To what to becoming a speller, sir Faline, to become the lowest of the low.
Allah subhanaw taala put man here at the top of the food chain, all right at the top, but man brought himself where all the way down.
Allah honored man with intellect with dignity.
And with this intellect, and with the gift of guidance, what is it that we should be doing?
But what is it that we choose to do instead?
We are happy doing the most despicable things. If you think about it, when we lie when we're dishonest when we back by
we're becoming the lowest of the low
and what a human being. does things like
taking drugs, going drunk?
Dancing, I mean, honestly, dancing is something I can never comprehend.
Even if it's done with the vicar of Allah, or so called the God of ALLAH, any it's completely illogical to me. Allah gave you our Sanita coin in a walk with dignity. Why are you shaking your body and moving your hands and flicking your head around there? They're what's dignified in that stomping on the ground? What's dignified in that?
So Masada now who is philosophically when people kill each other? What are they doing? Something that's very dignified, are the exact opposite.
A spell a surfy lien. When we
get busy with live and loud,
then we are dishonouring ourselves. Because even animals don't do such things.
And when we sin,
we become the lowest of the low. This is why we learn that there are people who are worse than animals even.
What is it that makes them worse than animals? What? It's the choices they make, they choose to disobey Allah.
Through Maradona, who us fellas are feeling Allah give man, the most beautiful, dignified, able bodied and when we use this beautiful able bodied to disobey Allah,
we are bringing ourselves low
in the Lavina Avenue, except for those who believe what I'm you know, Sally hat and they do righteous deeds, fellow home agilon Lawyer Mamnoon. So, for them is a reward that is laden with no never to be cut off,
never to be interrupted meaning and less reward, why? Because they worked endlessly. They worked uninterruptedly for either follow up on sub. So for them is an endless reward.
Now, these verses have been understood in another way also, that somebody now who as far as I fill in, this is a metaphor for old age.
That how when a person is young, Sanita coeem And when they become old, then what happens?
So weak, so dependent, unable to even go to the bathroom,
into the Athena 68 woman, not a miracle, do not kiss fulfill hunk we reverse him in his physical form except
For those who believe and do righteous deeds, what does it mean? That those who do righteous deeds and youth, then they are not deprived of it still feel and reward in old age also, they continue even in old age. And when they're not able to give them their sickness or their weakness, because they did it continuously in youth, they still get reward.
Even our best for the long run, who said that he who reads the Quran does not reach out to the ruler more
decrepit old age ill Alladhina amanu why middle slowly hurt fellow home agilon Right arrow Mamnoon
so those who believe in do righteous deeds than what happens, they don't just have accented the queen in terms of their physical body. But what happens they become the highest amongst the creation, hula ecoffee Jannetty MCRA moon then their level becomes even higher than that of the angels such that the angels will envy them. This is who those who believe and do righteous deeds follow you can be recovered with the family. So what you can evoke or it makes you deny who or human being what makes you deny? What makes you reject Babu after after what, after what has been mentioned over here. What is it that still makes you deny? The deen the recompense? Meaning how come
you still don't believe even after Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned your reality that how Allah honored you by giving you this unique body
and then it is going to become old and deteriorate.
Doesn't that show you Allah's power over you?
He is the one who will resurrect you after you die. So even after this has been mentioned to you, what makes you deny how come you're not believing? Elise Allah Who is Allah not be Camille Herky mean, the most just of all, who judge?
Isn't Allah's judgment? The most just
meaning? Does it not make sense that there should be an afterlife there should be a recompense. Have you not seen in your life that everything decreed by Allah is best? So doesn't all this necessitate a final judgment also? And who would be a better judge than him? An ace Allah who will be coming hacky mean? We will listen to the recitation
Bismillah here, man you're walking. What? Dini was a two home. What? Oh, do you see any?
Well Ha,
me luck on the follow up on
Santa Fe. New double we
really mean in Lavina
Foley had you felt at home add your own more human No.
firmer you can leave Okay. Dean.
Law will be a little hacky me.
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. Surah. Allah, Allah
surah Allah.
The first five verses of the surah were the first revelation. And the rest of the verses of the surah were revealed. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam began openly praying in the home.
You all know the background of the first revelation. How the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam would spend many days in the cave of Hera and seclusion was beloved to him. And we learned that on a Monday, in the month of Ramadan, on one of its last 10 Odd nights
the angel came to him and commanded him it could read, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said mer and Bukhari I don't read, and the angel squeezed him until the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that
Bellone ajoute meaning I lost all energy. He didn't think that he could breathe anymore. And then the angel let go. And again the angel said it Cara and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Matt and I will call it again the angel squeezed him until he thought he had lost all energy and then released him. And then again for the third time, the angel said if Cara same thing happened, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Manna because the angel squeezed her now for the third time, and then let him go and said it caught up Bismillah beaker lady Holla Holla call incense Santa Miniloc ikura workbook, a crumb, Olivia. I love a bill column animal in Santa Malam er alum.
This was the first revelation.
What is the meaning Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim it crop this is a command, recite, read from the word Kerala.
There are means two things there are two meanings of Quran. One meaning is to read what is written
meaning from a book or from a paper from a parchment, anything that is written, you pick it up, and then you read it.
And this is what the prophets of Allah who already was salam understood when Gibreel told him if Quran
which is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in response, man, I caught it. I don't know how to read.
I don't read because he was on me. But this is not what Gibreel meant, that if Keira hasn't read from a paper, what he meant was the second type of Accra, which is to read to recite, from where from one's memory. So this is why after the third time Gibreel continued it Cara Bismillah Becca Levy Haluk read in the Name of your Lord, meaning your recitation will not be from paper. But it will come directly from who from your Lord. It will be in the name of Allah in the Name of your Lord. Now, this mica bow over here is understood as better off Maria. Meaning with his special favor on you. You will read not because you're reading from paper, you will read because of Allah special
favor on you. You will read with his blessing or bad can also be understood as bad of suburbia because of meaning due to communication from your Lord, because your Lord will inspire you. So it up this Mira beacon lady, in the Name of your Lord, because of his blessing, with his blessing because of his communication, you will read
and Who is your Lord? Allah the Halacha, the One who created what did He create? It's not mentioned over here. But it's understood. When the object is left blank, it's understood, fill it with anything and let the Hanoch meaning everything because Allahu Hollier coalition. Allah is the Creator of everything. So read in the Name of your Lord who created now the creation of man is specified color called insana. He created the human being Mina I look from I look, I look iron lamp off small quantity of congealed blood
that clings to the inside of the womb. This is basically the blood clot. When there is blood in something, what does it mean? It's a living thing. Correct. So this is basically when the note for
when the note for after fertilization has been attached to the womb it has settled in the womb. And now from the wall of the womb it is suspended. This is Alok Halacha, in Santa Mina Allah
the One who created men from a clinging substance. Why is the creation of men mentioned right at the beginning, because the One who created the human being is the one who has also guided him. He is the one who deserves to tell the human being what the human being must do, and what he must stay away from.
So he is the one who has sent messengers he is the one who has sent revelation, color call in Santa Miniloc. it corrupts read. The same command is given now for the second time, because now it is clear what kind of reading it is. It clot workbook, UK
wrong and your Lord is the Most Generous. A Quran. Notice it's not Kareem Kareem is also generous but a calm, most generous, most honorable, most noble. Why is this mentioned?
Why is Allah's generosity mentioned over here?
Because revelation, Quran guidance, what is it? It's Allah's generosity to mankind.
It's his special favor upon mankind, that he didn't just create them and leave them to fend for themselves and figure out on their own No, out of his generosity, he has sent guidance also, what a Bukal, a crumb. A Levy, I love a bill column, the one who has stopped by the pen,
or in is mentioned in the first revelation. Allah taught how by the pen, what is the pen, the tool of learning, the tool of seeking are in
it's with the pen that you preserve your knowledge.
It's with the pen that you preserve your knowledge so that you can review it and learn it and revisit it. Olivia lemma will column alum Al Insana, he taught the human being man lumea alum, what he did not know what men did not know.
Allah taught human beings, what he did not know about at all, what the human being was completely ignorant of. And really, if you think about it, when we are born, when we come out of the wombs of our mothers, what is it that we know?
Nothing, let our lamona shape
what you're looking for summer will absorb will have either Allah made for you hearing vision and heart so that you can learn
on normal insana Merlin Yarlung. And then not just that, he also sent revelation to teach men, but what is the way of human beings in general callala in Al Insana, layout or, indeed, man surely transgressors. Look at how needy he is before his creator before his master. But because of man's ignorance, what does he think? He thinks he doesn't need ALLAH. So he yuck the HA he transgresses What is this transgression against others against people and especially against Allah rebellion, disobedience, um, that meaning because Rahu he sees himself man sees himself as Istana as self sufficient.
Man thinks that he is not in need of Allah. Really? So many people think like this about I don't need God. I don't need to pray.
Oh, stone. But how could you think like that in the ILA or become Rudra indeed to your Lord is a Rudra the return? How can you feel self sufficient? You are going back to Allah where he will ask you He will question you at a levy and huh, have you seen the one who forbids? Now amazement is being expressed over here? Have you seen the one who forbids
forbids who other than a servant meaning a servant of Allah? Either Salah when he prays, meaning when the servant of Allah, Praise to Allah. Here's this guy who comes and yen Ha he stops him he says, Don't pray.
He forbids people from praying. Who is this Abuja *. These verses were revealed about who Abuja * who forbade the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from performing salah.
Imagine, he said don't perform your Salah in the Haram. We don't like to see it. Allah subhanaw taala revealed these verses and in these amazement is being expressed or ATIA. Have you thought about this? Have you considered this? in Cana on alHuda if he was upon guidance, who was upon guidance, the servant who was performing Salah
if he is upon guidance, meaning he's doing the right thing because he's worshipping the Lord of this universe. Oh, Mr. Rabbit, taqwa, or Amara he ordered he enjoined with Taqwa with righteousness. Meaning should he be stopped? Should he really be stopped from praying? Is he actually committing some crime? Why is he being stopped? What is he doing? He is up on guidance. He is worshiping the Lord of this universe. And if he tells other people
We'll do something. It is always something good. Should he be stopped? Why is he being stopped? What about the other man who is forbidding him or ATIA in Canada with our law? Have you seen meaning tell me in Canada, if he has denied what the one lead and he has turned away, meaning he has turned away from Allah. He denies the Oneness of Allah. He has no fear of Allah. Allah Mia olam be and Allah Yara Does he not know that Allah is watching him?
When he stops people from worshipping Allah,
what is he doing? Does he not have any fear of God?
God is watching him.
This is amazing. Look at how he's forbidding people from praying. Kola, no, let Ilam Yenta he if he does not stop, who does not stop Abuja Hill, the one who is stopping people from prayer. If he does not stop Lana Soufan, surely we will drag him Ben now Celia by the for Loch Ness fun scene fat iron. This is actually a verb. Even though the word ends with a than we it's actually a span the noon machine that at the end has been shortened with just a noon.
So NUS fun, suffer seem fine is to cease and drag forcefully.
If he doesn't stop, we are going to drag him been asleep by the forelock. What is the forelock? The front part of the head
where your bangs are? This is a NASA
Allah says we will drag him by his now Celia what kind of NASA does he have NASA in it for lock that is can you button line ha hardly at in sinning?
How could the forelock lie and sin? What is behind your forehead? What is inside your head? It's your brain? And what is the front part of your brain? What is it? It's the central executive right?
It's where all the decision making happens. It's where you decide what is right what is wrong. What is good, what is not good. It is where you decide what you should do and what you should not do. So this man NASA didn't care the button hardly. He's got his forehead. He's got his brain but what is his brain telling him to do to lie and to sin.
This is the NASA that he will be dragged with folly other so there he is so arrogant daring to stop Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from praying for the other. So go ahead. He should call. He should call who? Nadia who? His associates. This is not the name Nadia. Okay, the name Nadia is different. Many people say Oh, Nadia is not a good name. Because, you know, this has mentioned in the context of Abuja, * no, it's not the name Nadia, that's a different thing. This is nadie and who? Nadia who? Who as in his nadie what is nadie?
What the tuna fina de como la Mancha. What is now the assembly, a place where people get together they talk to discuss things meeting place or a meeting assembly. So follow their own idea who he should call his counsel, his associates his friends, that he discusses big plans with Sen. Rosa Vania. We will call does urbania Zephaniah port of the word Zinnia Ziba noon. Basically the Vania is used for guards, security guards, and from the same route, the word is used to describe a NACA NACA, the balloon what is now called a she camel, that is a balloon, meaning that doesn't let anybody milk her and if somebody even dares to come close to her, she will kick them
strictly guarding Have you ever seen a cow or a goat or an animal like this that people are trying to milk it but it doesn't let anybody come close? Anybody? This is a boon you dare come close to it. It'll attack you.
This is a veneer of near security guards to strictly and violently guard. So Santa Rosa banya. We are going to call ours Ivania and what is this referring to the angels of * can lead to terror who
Allah told his messenger do not obey this man do not obey Abuja, who was June and prostrate meaning to Allah, no matter how much people stop you, you have to prostrate to Allah because Your Lord created you for his worship, walk that him and draw near to Allah.
So what is the lesson for us in this that if anyone stops us from worshiping ALLAH, do we listen to them? No, led to their who was good. Go and do such that to Allah because that is a purpose of your existence, walk that and draw near to Allah. In a hadith in Sahih Muslim, we learned that Abuja Hill once asked his people, whether the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam placed his face on the ground. And why would he do that to do such that? So they said, Yes, he did. Yeah, he came here in the Haram and he performed his salah, and he put his head on the ground. And he did his such that so good, yeah, he got very irritated. And he said, If I see him do that, I will trample his neck. If I see
him inside the I will go and put my foot on his neck.
I will smear his face with dust. So what happened? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he came in the Koran, and he was praying salah. And when he went into Abuja, * came forward in order to put his foot on the prophets neck. But as he came close, all of a sudden he turned back. And it was as if he was trying to move something away from his hands. So people asked him, What's wrong with you? What are you doing? And he said, there is between me and him meaning Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a ditch of fire. And wings, meaning I see something as if something's going to * me. As if if I even come close, I will fall in that ditch of fire. Nobody else saw that only I would
have saw that. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam later said, that if he were to come near me, the angels would have torn him to pieces. And then Allah subhanaw taala revealed these verses can enroll in Santa Leia.
And this is true sometimes you will come across people who are so arrogant, so rebellious in their nature, that they don't submit to Allah themselves, but then they even forbid you. They even forbid you. So before them, don't become a coward. Don't feel intimidated. Don't feel scared, because your Lord is greater than them. Learn to care who was good work to
do such that fulfill the purpose of your existence and draw near to Allah seek His help, recitation Bismil
you're watching see if all Bismillah beacon the Holla Holla
son me
all Balkan
a levy on me
sun I lay up all along a wild stone in
oh eight
I'm better than either
A or B double O.
Gulla le in lemmya.
Ilana smile
now flee at
the baton coffee failure the owner the Santa Rosa.
was God