Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P30 300A Tafsir Al-Naziaat 25-46

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The Internationalator's message is not only about killing people, but also about the use of force in actions and behavior. knuckle authority is essential, and individuals should learn to fear before taking a lesson. The Day of Judgment is a virtual virtual reality where people will be rewarded for their actions, and individuals will be given a score based on their actions. The importance of staying true to one's desires and developing physical strength is emphasized, along with the need for individuals to develop their bodies to handle challenges and avoid becoming annoying.
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For ohada Hula who. So Allah sees him how nocturnal are FIRA within a couple of akhira well hola and also of the hola
what is knuckle noon calf lamb? We read this word long ago in total Bakara
what is nickel and exemplary punishment
exemplary punishment meaning such a severe punishment that is given to someone that becomes a deterrent for others that when others see it when they hear about it the never dare to do the same thing. Nick Khalil karate will hola and so from this knuckle is also used for terrible punishment exemplary punishment meaning very severe. What is this Nicola well hola what is Acura and Ola are referring to one meaning can be Africa referring to the hereafter and an Gula referring to the world. So Allah punished him with a severe punishment when in the Hereafter, but also in the world. What is his punishment in the hereafter instead of Lafayette I have 46 And now your Aluna Elena will
do one where is she? Yeah. Well, mythical Masato Erdos, he'll have her own a shutdown either a shutdown or other sort of affair I have 46 This is the punishment in the hereafter. What about the punishment in the world
of being drowned? And if you see even before drowning, where there are some other punishments, minor punishments upon our own and his people, yes. What were they the famine, the blood, the frogs, the locusts, etcetera, etcetera. So Nikhil akhira will hola insolate rude i a 98 also the punishment in the hereafter that frown will be given as mentioned yep to coma who Yamaha piano T for our the homeowner. He will lead his people to the fire
on the Day of Judgment just as He led them in this world. He will lead them into the Hellfire for a while the whole loan a cattle activity will hola another interpretation is Alaska. Well hola is referring to Alaska meaning the last transgression and an owner meaning the first transgression,
the last transgression and the first transgression? Because our own didn't just thaw once or twice, right? How many times did he thought many times when Musa alayhis salam was born at that time what was happening? The children of the Bani Israel you were being killed right before that they had been enslaved. And then what happened? When Musa al Islam came as a messenger for our own restarted that genocide where he started killing their babies again.
Right? He rejected Musa listen, I'm in his court, and he rejected him. In the arena where Mossad ism defeated all the magicians and all the magicians believed in him. And what it found do over there, he killed all the magicians, isn't it? And then what happened? One warning, after another warning, after another warning each time there were sent with a punishment. What would frown say? Almost I pray to your Lord, remove this from us. If it's removed, we will believe we will let the Bani Israel go did he know he didn't. So there was a series of crimes,
isn't it? series of crimes. So here Allah says that he punished him, Allah punished for our own, for what? For his final crime and the first one and everything in between. In other words, fit our own was punished because he deserved it for all those crimes that he had committed.
Some have said another interpretation of this idea is knuckle authority will hola meaning this was an exemplary punishment for who, for the people who would come later I'll akhira meaning of the later generations. And Allah the first mean the people of that time also
an exemplary punishment for the people who lived at the time of Finneran and all the subsequent generations until the Day of Judgment, in the fi Valley calorie Broughton, Lima Yaksha indeed in that is surely a lesson, but for who? For who? Lima Yaksha for the one who fears the one who fears Allah, He will take a lesson from this what is the lesson? This is our test? Because Allah says and this is a lesson for the one who fears so the one who fears Allah has taken a lesson. You understand? The one who fears Allah has taken a lesson from this incident. So if you are of those who fear Allah, what is their MO
Well, that you have taken from these verses. What is the lesson that we can take?
It's your turn now. What is the lesson think? Look at the verses in the field early calorie Broughton Lima in Yahshua look at the verses again. * attacca Hadith Musa either nada Hora boo Bill Whaddon moped the co2 in her elaphe Rome in a hotel for call halacha illa Anta Zakka what are the aka in Arabic Alfa Daksha for Allahu Ayat al Cobra, for Canada, where I saw some algebra. Yes sir, for her shadow. Fernanda father and Rob buco Arla for a herder, who Laguna Khalil karate. Well.
And how much of this Deen are we using to purify ourselves? You know, our habits are still the same. Are we still backbiting? Are we still talking about lies? Are we still walking? You know, with fatales and stuff? Or once we learn this Deen? Are we really purifying ourselves? From all that? bad habit? Yes, because funeral home was sent a message also Musar Lisanna was sent to frown to offer him guidance. Did Musala Sam deliver? Yes, he delivered that for our own change. Did he get as a pKa? No, he didn't. So what happened then? His result is there. So if while taking knowledge, if our actions are not changing, then what are we doing? I think another lesson would probably be that when
Allah subhanaw taala sends guidance your way, then it's your duty to accept and if you turn away from it, then your outcome is this will be similar to
me. Guidance is a gift. It's a gift and not accepting it rejecting it. And then look at the Julianne over here that he doesn't just say, Oh, I'm not interested. Thank you very much. No, yes.
He's opposing it. But look at the end. So those who oppose Allah has been, no matter how mighty they become, don't fear them. Because look at the end of it our own. Sometimes we see very powerful people who are doing a lot of wrong things. So we shouldn't follow like the masses and agree with what they're doing. Because even we may not see their evil outcome in dystonia, they will have to face a consequence in the opera. So basically, if you look for xi of Allah, as mentioned, right, we begin to fear those who are in front of us. But successful is a person who fears Allah. So Micah, I feel like just reading this the reason why like for own games, so much power and might was because
of like the feeble mindedness of his people. And so if we're seeing hard times and bad leaders now, it really says something about that, like, you know, where we're forgetting how much of an effort are we making, to understand the Quran and see, people are fit our own. They weren't feeble minded in worldly terms, right?
In the sense that, look at their skills, what they built, what they crafted, the things they use, the tools they use, they're still there today.
They were very advanced in worldly terms. But when it came to right and wrong, it's as if they were blind over there. When it came to morality, when it came to justice. It's as if they were blind. They had a completely different standards for themselves. And a completely different standard for the bunny is slightly for our own is lying outright. The Magicians are defeated, they all believed, but look at the masses. So this is a problem. If we're very smart in worldly terms, very intelligent in our worldly work. But when it comes to right and wrong, morality, justice, we turn a blind eye over there. This is a big problem. And many times we look at different situations like oh, they're
not Muslim. So whatever happens happens. All those people are living in a different part of the world too bad for them. I mean, what's happening in Syria every single day. It's terrible. But it's as if we don't care because it's not happening close to us.
Because we don't have relatives over there. But if a tragedy, falls close to home, then what happens? We're all getting worried. We're so selfish, just concerned about ourselves. So let us use our intelligence in in matters of right and wrong in matters of justice also, that are people being treated fairly. Are they being treated equally?
Um, I was thinking that looking at ferons reaction to the advice of masala salaam, many times people in our lives have come to us with advice whether it's good or bad relevant to us or not, we should always check what kind of reactions we have to that. I mean many times people are telling us something good and our reaction is so harsh tourism that or we get defensive we're not just turning them away but like we're harming ourselves in the process.
I mean, Musar listen abroad good to fit our own halacha Elon does occur and thrown refuse to accept
Alhumdulillah we're finishing this course right. So, the words are the Arabic of ataxia and we are having a lot of opportunity to you know, to do in other courses also. But if our action is not going to change and we are doing this course and that course so it's quite horrifying right? I was looking at the worst of Al Baqarah vermelha will be awful in Amaya Malone, Eliza Vera whatever we are doing it. So if we are doing different type of you know quotients whatever it should come into our in action directions.
So very, a lot of comments about how when we study the Quran, it should be transformative and we should change and, of course, the first intention for seeking knowledge is to better yourself. But then, for own after he turned away from Mousavi Sam, he strove so hard to make sure that his message wasn't heard. And there's something not right about us collecting so much by not sharing it further with other people. So we should really try our best to also do that. Yes, but as we take we must also share
so Megan was just thinking after what this is just said that there was also a tip for Dawa as well that you know how Musa Muslim presented it to her own he presented it as advice as a gift. So how often is that when we take whatever we learn to someone else? How is it that we presented them? Do we make it enticing for them? Or do we you know, shoo them away.
Earn Tom Usha, do hello, con me semma. Are you a more difficult creation? Or is it the sky?
For our owns response to this beautiful advice was what? Arrogance? Right? And when a person is arrogant, what does he think? I'm the best? I'm the best. The people of Makkah, the prophets of Allah were to send him his warning them and what do they say? Are we going to be resurrected? When our bones have decomposed and they have become natural? Allah says unto him, I shall do Hello, can I miss summer? What do you even think about yourself? Are you a mighty creation? Or is it the sky? What's bigger? You are the sky? What's bigger, what's stronger? What's more firm? What's more solid? It's the sky. Who created the sky? Allah did. So for him to create you once and then for him to
recreate you? Why would that be difficult?
The maker of the sky can resurrect you, Ben Aha, he has built it. Allah has built the sky. And we think sky is a space right? Just basil. What's the building in the sky? Because banana is to build to make a structure. The sky is not just space. It's not just emptiness. We know that there's hidden forces within I mean, just look at the gravity of the earth. Right and look at the distance between the planets and the stars and the sun and the moon. And then how they're moving all of this banana. This hidden structure that we don't see who built it. Allah built it, or Rafa. sanka her he raised its some some seem mean calf is used for the vertical height of something. Samak is used for the
camel hump, so some cover its ceiling. Rafah some kaha he raised its ceiling meaning he raised it high for some were her then he proportioned it so why is to make something smooth. And really when you look at the sky What do you see? Smooth plane
I mean how it's amazing what Allah Shalala Ha, and he darkened it's night. Oh, partial rainbow sheen. A lush, lush is basically to be them sighted to have hazy vision to be able to see but not very clearly. And that's exactly how the night is. It's not like pitch black that you can't see anything you can but barely. So Alba Shalala he darkened it's night. What a Ha ha ha. And he extracted its brightness, meaning in the nighttime The sky is dark. And in the day 100 Aloha. He brings out its Baja Baja brightness, the light of the sun
every single day this happens the night and the day follow each other. Well Allah BARDA Gallica the HA HA, and the earth after that, the HA HA, he has spread it meaning this is how the sky is. And then Allah has also created the earth after the sky and how did he make it the haha the hat from the letters dal how well the who it's basically to expand an area and how would you do that that you clear out an area so any pebbles and rocks you pick them up and you remove them any trees you cut them off and you remove them this is how you expand an area. So this is the how it is said that this word is used for an ostrich that uses its foot or leg to clear out an area in order to lay its eggs
in order to build its nest.
So what do we see here? The earth the HA HA
Allah subhanaw taala he spread out the earth meaning he made it vast livable
he spread it out he made it vast wide so that you can live on it easily.
Secondly, it is also said the HA HA mean he separated it separated it from what from what it was joined with before and what is that Allah who are them?
But we know for sure that the earth and the sky What were they like?
And then we separated them? 100 You mean him? Uh huh.
He brought out from it meaning from the earth it's water.
So the water of the Earth has come from where? from it. We learned about Hadith about iron that it was sent down. But the water of the Earth has come from where? From it llama Aha. And also, he took out its mother ah, it's pasture morale. la pena, la, la Laurie Shepherd. It's basically a Monaro is faster or grass or things like that, that girl from the earth which animals eat. So a hodge I mean her MA MA from the earth water gushes out for your use, and from the earth. Allah subhanaw taala also gives you water and plants so that you can live on it. In other words, Allah has made the earth livable for you. self sustaining, you're not dependent on other planets for your water and your
pasture the food has to come from Mars and the water has to come from Jupiter know everything you have where in the earth. Well gee Bella Rosa and the mountains I will set her he has set it firmly I will sell raw seen well also the last yet Musa anchor. So it's basically when something is deeply rooted. So while G Bala Arosa he has anchored mountains on the earth, just as ships are anchored in water
while G Bala Orissa meaning he has set these mountains very firmly upon the earth, why why all of this muda I local wali UNAMI come as provision for you and also for your grazing livestock. You drink the water you eat these plants, who else does your animals to and then who benefits from those animals? You do? So whose favor is it on you night and day every moment of your existence? It is Allah then how could you forget him for either Jaya at your palm metal Cobra but when there comes the greatest overwhelming calamity of thumb, I'll Cobra thumb. For me mean thumb is a calamity that overpowers all other calamities. You know, for example, every day of your life, you have some
problems, some issues, whatever issues they may be, you got a tiny cut on your finger, you have too many assignments to submit, you have to go somewhere you have to go there. And then what happens? Such a big disaster happens that you forget about every petty issue.
Right? And there's only one main problem that you can think about. It's overwhelmed every other calamity.
The Day of Judgment is a thumb motto, Cobra, the greatest overwhelming calamity. Meaning there is no calamity there is no catastrophe. There is no disaster that the world or the people of the world have experienced except that the Day of Judgment will overpower it. It will be worse than every other calamity that mankind has ever witnessed.
A thumb knuckle Cobra. And tama is also a calamity that is continuously overwhelming. You can't get over it. You cannot run away from it.
You can't hide from it, it doesn't go away. There is no escape or relief from it. You see some problems they come in, they go away. But then some they linger. They chase you through your life. The Day of Judgment is what a fun little Cobra never ending over whelming
calamity yo Mejia to the cuddly Insano Messiah. And it is the day when men will remember what he strove for. What will he remember? Messiah? What is it that I ran after? Because sorry, is basically to run to walk fast. So what is it that I ran after? What is it that I walked fast towards?
What is it that I strove for, that I worked hard for? And this is something we need to ask ourselves today? Because this is what we will remember on the Day of Judgment.
What am I running for today?
If I'm walking fast somewhere, what is that? If I'm working, hard, striving, panicking to complete, rushing hard to complete. What is it? Is it something that will benefit me only today? Or is it something that will benefit me on the day of judgment? Yo, Maya, the coral in Sonoma Zara. And this is so embarrassing, because if we honestly ask ourselves, what is it that we rush towards?
What is it?
What is it it's worldly things? And what is it that we rush through Salah that which will benefit us in the hereafter? Yo Maya Kuru in Santa Murcia were breweries at il Jahai mu and hellfire will be exposed
brought into view for who Lima era for all those who see Hellfire will be brought.
It will be displayed buoys at Barrow Ze is to display to be visible. As we learn in Hadith that Hellfire will be brought in 70,000 reigns, each being held by 70,000 Angels, it will be brought so that people can see it for amomum Baja than asked for the one who transgressed the hall again, overstepped the bounds the limits that Allah has set what I thought I'll hire the dunya and he gave preference to the worldly life. And this is why we rebel, because we are preferring the dunya over the
what will bring us enjoyment now over what will bring this relief eternally. I thought it had the dunya but this is so dangerous because for in Naja Hema he'll, then indeed Hellfire will be his refuge. These verses are very scary. For amomum Thala what Athol had the dunya what is the result?
What is the result? Jehoiakim
what a Mammon half Amma camara B. And as for the one who feared the position of his Lord
the one who is afraid that I am going to stand before my Lord, and he's going to ask me what will I say? And because of that fear, what does he do? One 100 nappsa en el Hawa, he stops his knifes from the desire
he stops himself from chasing his desire. Desires are very, very overpowering. What is her well, desire and why is it called however, because you fall in front of it.
And when you pursue it, you fall you become weak. It's such a strong craving such a strong desire, that you will even cheat and lie or you will even do that which is impermissible in order to fulfill that desire.
But when is it that a person can curb this desire? Minh Ha farmer camara be the one who fears the position of his Lord.
He knows his Lord and he fears him or he fears standing before his Lord than this person for internal Janata he'll,
then indeed Jana, that will be his abode
to place
is two characters. One aboard is Jehane the other is Jana. What takes to hellfire?
Follow Ethel HYAH duniya basically following the desire and what is it that takes to Jenna? Ha from a coma to be one 100 up Sauron. Hello?
Yes Aluna car Anissa RT a Jana Musa her. They ask you about the hour when is its arrival Melissa Ross meanwhile, same route as Arosa. What does it mean to anchor a ship? So they ask you about the hour? When is it going to be anchored? Just like a ship, it arrives and it's anchored. So in other words, when is the Day of Judgment going to happen?
Instead of preparing for it, this is all to talk about. Allah says FEMA anthelminthic raha FEMA in what meaning in what position Anta Are you mean Vic Raha to mention it? Meaning Who are you to mention it? Who are you to tell them when the day of judgment is going to be? You don't know about it. Isla Rob become on Taha to your Lord is its mantra her What is mantra? finality where something ends. So it's knowledge ends with who with Allah, meaning only he knows about it. It's final knowledge is with him. You can ask different people but no one will be able to tell you this knowledge is with whom? Allah in nama Anta Monday, Romania, Russia, you are only a warner for those
who fear it to those who fear the hour, they will benefit from this warning. Under whom yo Morona ha it will be on the day that they see it. They see what the hour how will it be, then? How will they feel then that lum yell bustle that they did not remain? Illa she Yeah, except an afternoon. Oh, boo ha ha or in mourning. Right now it's as if they cannot wait for the hour, they impatiently ask about it. For when the Hour will come? It will be as if they did not remain in the world except for nr Ashiya. Or its Buddha who's the head
of the world? Our Ashiya afternoon, Buddha morning time. And what is that afternoon is how many hours? These days it's so short. As soon as the morning ends, you see the evening is on its way already? Do ha how short is the morning again, very short. What does it mean? On the day of judgment? The life of this world will seem so short. Why do we find it difficult to control our desire? Because it's as if we're afraid? How am I going to live through this one day or another day? How am I going to fast this whole day? And on the Day of Judgment? The entire life will be like how much? Just an afternoon or a morning? What does it mean? Any hardship or any enjoyment that you go
through in this world? Its reality is that it is temporary. So prefer the hereafter over the Estonia. If you prefer the enjoyment of this world, remember it's temporary. And if you choose to strive here, then remember even that striving will be limited. It's not going to go on forever. So be wise and make the right decision. Can Nahum yo Morona LOM el Besu Illa Arusha yet an elbow ha ha. Let's listen to the recitation of all of these verses
go Hadith Musa
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towards the end of the surah the idea that we're unmanned in half I'm a coma or b one 100 nappsa Anil Hawa. Then what is the result for intall Jana, he al Magua. In contrast, earlier we learned that for amomum Taho what athel higher the dunya than what is the result for in Ninja Hema. He Elma WA. So there's two ways of living. One way is off the hall rebellion, that in the fulfillment of one's desires in the fulfillment of one's wishes. A person doesn't even care about the limits that Allah subhanaw taala has set. So he transgresses them and what is the reason because what Athol higher to dunya he's giving preference to worldly life. And as fun as it may seem, without any
limits, living life in this way, fulfilling every possible desire, and just preferring the now over everything else. As fun as it may seem, in reality, how is it? How is it? It's terrible, because what is the end for enlarger Hema Helma Well, on the other hand, man Hoffa Nakamura be the one who fears the position of his lord and this can be understood in two ways. Firstly, the MACOM of his Lord that how great my Lord is, he fears the great position of his Lord. He fears the power of Allah, Allah's ability, his status, so out of respect for that he doesn't disobey man ca pharmacom Or B. And secondly, he fears the standing before his Lord that one day he has to stand before his
Lord and answer him. So out of that fear, what does he do Nahan NAFSA Anil Hawa, he stops the knifes from the desire then for this person Jana is His abode. Now, not enough sinal however, saying no to yourself, this is basically what it means to forbid the knifes from the desire that when there is an inclination to do something that Allah subhanaw taala does not allow. Then there a person says no to who? To who? To himself to herself. You see, saying no to others is very easy, isn't it? People go and ask you Hey, can I borrow your phone? Can I borrow your car? Can I have this? Can I have that? You say no no, no, no. But your naps? Does it ask you to do something also say this look here, do
this sleep some more, eat some more. But saying no to yourself is very, very hard. This is our greatest battle in life. Disciplining our own knifes. If you think about it, why do we get sick?
Why do we gain extra weight? Because we can't say no to ourselves. Why is it that we can't find time for work? Because we don't say
No to ourselves. All right, we're too busy enjoying ourselves. We don't want to say no to ourselves. So, this is where life becomes difficult. Now, remember that this Hawa, Hawa, desire this can be in different forms, it can be in the form of food cravings it can be in the form of the desire to adorn and beautify oneself. It can be in the form of sexual urges, whatever it may be when it's beyond the limit of halal and when it is beyond the appropriate limit in the sense that it falls into excess into a Seraph. That is where you have to say no to yourself, and as hard as it is, it is necessary. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, You're fighting against your knifes and desire for the
sake of Allah is the most superior form of jihad. The most superior form of jihad is what? Fighting against to your own self.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that with respect to Islam, the most superior believer is the one from who stung and hence other Muslims are safe to the best believers who, from who stung enhance, other Muslims are safe.
But the Hadith continues fighting ones knifes for the sake of Allah is the most superior jihad.
The best form of jihad is what? To fight against your own self, and those who stand up to their knifes and desires for the sake of Allah, or the most superior mu hygiene.
It's a form of Hijra. It's a form of immigrating for the sake of Allah. Those who say no to themselves.
They are one immigrants in the way of Allah.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that HAL is surrounded by desires, and Jana is surrounded by things that the knifes finds difficult.
Jana is surrounded by what? Things that the nafs finds difficult. And * is surrounded by what?
What desires.
So if a person is basically fulfilling one desire after the other, just having fun, then what does it mean? What path is he upon? And if a person is constantly battling themselves, whatever battle that might be, then What path are they on? It's clear
Nahan, NAFSA, annual Hawa, whatever that desire may be extreme desire for sleep for comfort, physical pleasure, whatever it may be, but controlling the knifes, this is what leads to Jana for in nogen Netta he Elma WA. So check yourself? How frequently do you refuse yourself?
How often do you refuse yourself? This is necessary? Because without it a person cannot make it agenda. Anything you'd like to say? Yes. You know what? Siblings, right? When we get the same thing, we fight a lot. And something similar to me and stuff, right? So then when outside of siblings, like maybe cousins or in laws or somebody get the same thing? We can't say much, right? Because they're something of course, I mean, with your siblings, you can fight it. You get upset over something you say, right at their face. But when it comes to other people, you can't you can't do that. That means you have the ability to control yourself.
Is it because we think that oh, it's so hard, I can't do it. I can't resist it. I can't help it. You can. Because you have the ability to control your tongue when you're outside. You have the ability to control your anger when you're in front of other people. You're not as weak as you think you are. So I just wanted to say something that like two days ago, something similar happened. And in my head I was constantly battling Oh, I'm gonna say something I'm gonna say something but I was like no, why this is something so petty of this dunya Why am I going to create a fight over something so small? So it was like a constant battle in my last days like, and then you know, a few days later would
come back to my mind. Okay, no, you have to say something now. I mean, so seriously, battling with nerves. Subhanallah is really tough because it keeps coming back to you. Almost like on Tuesdays on me. It's not going to leave you but really it can leave you if you stop thinking about it. Exactly. And this is where you seek Allah's help. Also, you have to develop the strength to fight your knifes don't let your inner beast become so strong that you're defeated before it, fight it, weaken it, discipline it. In physical color class we learned about nine doors of our body right Subhanallah I was really reflecting on it so difficult to control or you know, the first door mouth sometimes you
If we just say everything and then we realize why he said this right we cannot take these words back. So may Allah subhanaw taala you know, protector for all these. So the author had mentioned that Allah Subhana Allah has made the human being such that he's made different doors for him in the sense that your eyes are like doors you take information in through your eyes through your ears, through your nose, and then your mouth is also a door right from which you take in food. But then you also spill things out you also say things that is where the battle is. These two eyes are so motivating this I've memorized them and put it on the somewhere on the your mirrors where you can
remember because 24/7 Go into conditions either to please yourself or to pieces please people or to so in the reward is Jana. So it's very easy to control if you just remember at that time that now what I have to do, because the reward is so big yes. Remember the goal, right and then the battle becomes easy. You get the strength
Subhanak Allahumma be handed a shadow a La ilaha illa Anta stuff Hirokawa tuberculate A Cinnamoroll a cobra Tala Hubert Academy