Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P30 299D Tafsir Al-Naziaat 15-24

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speaker discusses the history and significance of the Prophet sallser alayhi wa sallam, which is the hub for pride and rebirth. They also touch on the use of words like "fit our own" and "fit our own" to describe actions and words, as well as the history of the use of these words in various context. The segment also touches on the importance of fearing the presence of Islam in one's life and the use of "mozarella S-2020" and "monkey" to describe situations or people. Finally, a woman named Arla discusses her views on the god of war and uses propaganda to describe herself.

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			* attack a hadith of Musa * attacker. Has they reached you Hadith Musa the story of Musa
alayhis salaam? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is addressed here that have you heard of the
story of Musa? Has it reached you that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam not know about the
story of Musa? course he did. And this is a story that's mentioned so many times in the Quran. So
why is this question being asked * attacker has it reached you? Meaning, recall that story, bring
that story to mind, for it is a very important and relevant story. Because what do we see in these
verses? That are how the people of Makkah denied the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam how he was
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			telling them about the truth and what is their response, mockery, denial. So the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam was comforted over here that think about Musa look at how he was denied just
because people deny a reality. That doesn't change that reality at all. Haven't you heard about Musa
in the NADA Hora boo hoo when his Lord called him Bill worthy in the valley worthy worthy is Valley
well Dahlia Elmo goddess which Valley was this where his Lord called him? It was in the valley that
is mocha does mocha does as in sacred mocha This is from a cough dial seen pods are what is God's,
the Holy Place the Holy Land, right. Why is it called such because basically, what does that you
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			could do is to create distance to distance something from impurity to completely cleanse and purify
it. So from this mock up this is used for that which is pure that which is holy that which is
sacred. So I'll while they look at this, the Sacred Valley, which Sacred Valley was this off to? Dwa
is the name of that valley. Remember when Musa and his sunnah was journeying from meridian. And on
the way it was cold, it was dark and what did he see on the mountain at a distance fire and he told
his family stay here. I'll go get some fire from the mountain. Maybe I can talk to those people over
there. Get some guidance. Or I can bring some fire so that you can warm yourselves. Largely it
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			caminha, Bill Culberson, oh, edgy do Island Neri Houda he said I can bring to you some fire. Or
maybe I will find some guidance from the people of that fire. They can tell me which direction I
should go to. He went looking for a particular kind of guidance and Allah subhanaw taala gave him
far better guidance. So when he reached over here, as he was going to the mountain, remember within
the mountains, there is valleys. So he was in this particular valley, and this valley is of Tula and
Allah subhanaw taala says it is sacred. How is it sacred? Why is it sacred? Because Allah spoke to
mozarella salaam there, even there there who are boo hoo, his Lord called him. He called out to him
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			he addressed him. And what did he say In summary, the details of this canal are mentioned in other
places of the Quran. But here to summarize, Allah says is the hub Isla Farah owner in the hotel
Hall, the main thing that Musa listen I was told was what that is hub, you go, Ill fit our own to
fit our own, go to fit our own. Why? Because in the hotel Hall, indeed he has transgressed, he has
rebelled. What is the law of the land? Always think of water when you think of this word. Limb
mouthal Man,
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			when the water overflowed. Think about the tsunami, you all have seen pictures of it, images of it.
Alright, how the water just came? And what did it do? It swept everything took everything in its
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			Wasn't there a limit set for the water? There was? But did the water stop at that limit? No, it
didn't. What did it do? It just kept going, kept going kept going. This is thought that the limit
that has been set one doesn't stop there. He ignores that limit and just keeps going forward keeps
going ahead in full force.
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			So fit our own has the law. He has rebelled. He has transgressed. He has transgressed the proper
limits that human beings must observe. How did we get our own rebel? Of course he had rebelled
against Allah. But had he rebelled against humanity, against mankind, definitely.
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			against Allah
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			out, of course, he was associating partners with Allah. But worse than that he was claiming to be
God wasn't he? And then against people, how was he rebelling? enslaving an entire nation killing
their children, killing their children. So in have enough in our own in the whole doll, go to fit
our own and stop him because he has rebelled football, then say to him, how do you stop this
transgressor? In what manner? say to him? Holika Holika hon would look up for you. Meaning, do you
have any interest? Would you like to in other words, halacha Isla Anta zurka? Do you have any
inclination? Any interest towards that you purify yourself? Meaning would you like to purify
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			yourself? Are you interested?
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			Ask a question. Don't impose, ask a question. Would you like to be purified? Would you like to
improve yourself? Would you like to better yourself? Are you interested? You see, there's two ways
of getting people to agree with you. One way is that you tell them order them, Do this,
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			do this? Or do that? Or don't do this, don't do that. Will they listen to you? Will they be on the
same page as you? Will they agree with you? Not necessarily. Because the moment you feel that
somebody is ordering you?
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			They're telling you? What does it mean? They're claiming to be better than you or they're more
superior than you and you don't want to accept their superiority? So even if they're telling you to
do the right thing, will you listen? Will you know? Unless there's some kind of fear? Right, only
then you will listen otherwise? No, you won't.
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			The other way of getting somebody to agree with you is to ask them what they think.
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			Ask them what they think.
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			Which is basically Shura consulting them, like the prophets of Allah, where do you send them? He got
the Sahaba to do amazing things. His
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			but did he order them do this, don't do this, you go here, you don't go there. He would ask the
Sahaba this is the situation advise me or people advise me. You know, the first battle was which one
the Battle of but and remember that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he had emigrated to
Medina with the MO hygiene and how many more hygiene were there? Not that many only 100 something?
Initially, there were only a few more hygiene and how many unsalted were there? Hundreds and
hundreds, right because they were the locals. Now remember that when the Prophet sallallahu already
was setting them migrated to Medina that was that migration was based on the Aqaba pledge. The Aqaba
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			pledge. What was that pledge that the unsought they pledged to support and defend the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once he would be in Medina.
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			So they basically said, as long as you're with us in our city, we will protect you, we will defend
you, we will support you. They had not promised to defend him out of the city. You understand? Now
where was the Battle of whether was it in the city of Medina was outside the city of Medina. So the
prophets of Allah who are who said him could have told the unsought I'm your prophet, I am ordering
you. Come, we have to fight the enemy. But is that what he did? No. He asked them, he said, oh,
people advised me.
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			He is the messenger of Allah. And he saying, oh, people advise me
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			and the people are quiet. And then finally Sargon Moraga will do Lahore on whom he understood. He
was of the unsought. He said, there are sort of love perhaps you mean us? You're asking us, meaning
the unsought and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Yes, I want to know what you have to say about
this. And sabam rodelle Dylon who showed his full support.
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			He said that, go ahead, do what your Lord wants you to do, and we are with you. We are with you so
much so that if you tell us to go jump in the ocean, we will do that. Whatever you say. You take our
wealth you spend of it, we don't mind. We love that. We will support you wholeheartedly. And because
sadly murottal de la Horne who he gave his support, what happened? Him being the leader of the
insock what happened the hundreds of the insol they were on the same page. And this is why saga noir
there'll be low on who he was 30 years old, by the way when he embraced Islam. And he was 36 years
old when he passed away. And when he passed away.
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			The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam took his janazah quickly. You know why?
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			otherwise the angels will.
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			Because the angels are so eager 1000s of angels attended his funeral. And the outage of Allah shook
with delight. When Soglin were our little DeLorean who passed away, it shook with delight. Why?
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			Because the righteous soul is coming to meet Allah.
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			It is said that it was the carriers of the throne, and Lady Naomi Luna louche who shook with
delight. But regardless Sargon or Aldo Dillo are no look at what he achieved. Why? Because he was
the one to give full support to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he became the
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			He became the door. And then after him so many more came forward. But what's important for us to
notice over here is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not impose his intention or his
plan on the companions. He asked them about what they wanted. This is prophetic wisdom. We see this
wisdom being taught to Musa alayhis salam also, when he sent to fit our own imagine for our own
who's not going to listen, by the way.
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			But Allah subhanaw taala tells Musar isn't that your job is to do things properly, wisely. So when
you address for our own even ask him halacha illa Anta Zakah? Would you like I have something of
benefit to share with you? Are you interested? Would you like it?
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			And someone who's already selfish and greedy, if you're offering to give them something even more
good? Will they be willing to take it? Generally? Yes.
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			He was planning to have a class for men. So I took two works, I give it to my husband. And I
approached my sons, you know, to tell you that, you know, that he also should go right, and applied
in a good way. So one of my son, he said to my husband, by by, you know, the new classes coming?
Would you like to go with us? So, my husband asked if you want to go? He said, Yes, I want to go,
although he was not getting to know them difficult was, you know, was explaining, but he was sitting
there, just sitting behind his desk that he showed is an after the class, did you enjoy the class?
Is that Yes, you want to come with me that? Yes, we will go together and humble.
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			You see, one way is that you tell somebody go to class, go learn something. When are you going to
learn? You learn so many things of this world? You do so many things. Give some time to the dean
also give some time to your author also make them feel guilty? Are they going to listen? No. And the
other simple, would you like to come on? Let's go. You know, you're giving them the opportunity to
decide. You're giving them some power over that decision. You're not imposing your decision on them,
and it works. So for all halacha illa Anta Zakka now notice this is fit our own, who has thought ah,
but still Allah subhanaw taala says to Musa Lisanna that talk to him in this manner. And another
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			place in the Quran for Kula Allah Who Cole Allah Yinon la Allahu Yetta that Kuru Oh Yaksha surah
Taha, I have 44 that speak to him with a gentle word, in a gentle manner. For cool halacha illa Anta
Zakka would you be willing to are you interested? What the eka and I can guide you in our obika to
your Lord for Tasha, than you will fear
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			I can guide you to your Lord so that you will develop the right fear of your Lord. What do we see
here at the ACA? I will guide you hedaya I offer you hedaya. What is hedaya? What is he Daya
guidance two types of your IRA hedaya is sharp and hedaya Tofik what is it I insured. It showed this
to direct someone towards a destination meaning to give them information as to how to get to their
destination. Give them information. So it Shad is like
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			all right. And the prophets they brought knowledge they gave knowledge. The other hedaya is off.
They'll feel the ability to implement that knowledge use it, apply it, act upon it. And that can
only happen when ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada allows a servant he helps him this is why iya can our Buddha
IACA necessary we asked you for help to even do some good. So what are the ACCA Husar listen I was
told to say to fit our own that I will guide you. Meaning I will give you the knowledge
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			in Arabic to your Lord for the Asha. So you will fear so
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			For What does fascial results? What does it mean then? Right guidance, beneficial knowledge? What
should it produce? In the heart of a servant?
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			What feelings? What feeling of Hashem
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			know knowledge must produce fear, fear of who? of Allah?
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			And If knowledge is not producing fear of Allah in the heart, then what does it mean? It's not
knowledge. It's not real knowledge. It's not actual knowledge.
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			Because the result of hidayah is Hashem of Allah.
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			And if a person is thinking that I am upon the right guidance, but there's no mushiya, that's not
right guidance. So how do you know? How do you know whether you have really benefited from knowledge
or not? How do you know whether you are upon right guidance or not? How? What's the visible sign of
it? How do you check that?
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			Hashem of Allah, if the Hashem of Allah is there, then and hamdulillah
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			it is with Allah Sophia. But if the fear of Allah is not there in the heart, than a person is lost,
he's doing things the wrong way.
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			What is the hashish of Allah? What is hatia fear that is based on knowledge and awareness.
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			Fear, that is of someone why? Because you realize their greatness. You know, you understand how
mighty how great they are, this is why you fear them.
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			This is question So, right guidance and beneficial knowledge must produce fear of Allah in the heart
of the servant. What the eka ILA beaker for Tasha, has she a results from hedaya It's the fruit of
hedaya Fasting What does fasting produce? The por la la comme
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			la lako that the cone
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			so knowledge must produce fear also, for Allah who saw he showed him Musala Sam showed for fit our
own. I'll tell Cobra The greatest sign. Cobra, greatest one. What was the greatest miracle that
Musar listen, I'm sure it fit around. But was the main miracle and musasa was given the staff right
that how it turned into a snake. So when he showed him this big sign, what was fear owns response
for Canada. So he denied were our saw and he disobeyed GABA. He denied the truth Arsa he disobeyed
meaning Musala his salon in total out of 107 Allah's parenthesis for Al Karasawa. Either here sir
Burnham will been mozarella Sinha through his staff and it became into a huge snake clear evidence
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			snake, when Azaria the WHO for either he obey Allah within led, he took out his hand and his hand
was glowing for those who could see, but for our own Cannavaro saw some Uddevalla then he turned his
back. Yes, sir. He was running. He turned his back running away. This is one interpretation of this
idea. Meeting when Musa listen, I'm showing him the biggest miracle which was what the staff turning
into a snake fit our own. He denied how he called that magic. And he didn't stay standing, he
actually got afraid. And he turned around and ran away.
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			Because it is said that the snake went straight towards for our own self in our own was terrified of
the bottle.
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			And you saw he ran away.
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			Another interpretation of this idea is that at the bottle, he turned away, leading from accepting
the miracles.
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			And yes, he began striving. Why in order to plot against musante his Salam.
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			He didn't just say okay, things will work out. No, he worked hard to counter the effect of Musa
listen I'm speech and the miracles that he displayed. he strove hard. He worked really hard. Yes,
sir. And this should embarrass us that look at the length to which fit our own is going to oppose
Musa alayhis salam, the effort that he's putting in to oppose Musala sinner when Pharaoh knew that
he was wrong, and he knew that Musab Hassan was too
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			You're still here? Yes, sir.
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			So why should we be embarrassed? That how much effort are we putting in? To strive for the truth, to
show truth as truth to work for it? When people work so hard to spread their lies? Why cannot we
work hard to spread the truth? Why not? Some dubara? Yes, sir. For Hashanah, Fernanda, then he
gathered, meaning his people, his armies. And then Fernanda, he called out, he called out meaning he
made an announcement. He assembled his men, all of his people, and he made an announcement. Why did
he have to make an announcement to reassure his people and to remove any effect of Masada, synonyms,
speech, and miracles on them? So what did he announce for color? So he said, No boo como are Allah,
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			I am your Lord, who is our Allah the highest?
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			What a liar. And how he wouldn't loser. He used the description that Musa alayhis salam give for
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			He stole the words from there.
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			And he used them to describe himself with
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			for color and Abu Kamal Arla, because you see Musa SNM, he used convincing arguments, he used solid
evidence in his speech.
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			Right for their own What did he have?
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			What did he have? Nothing, nothing solid. So what did he use them? He stole the words of Musashi,
Suriname, and he applied them to himself. And he lied.
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			And he's using propaganda over here, look at what he's doing for her show off another. He called all
his people, and then he's addressing them. And he says, an Arab boo como Allah, because before if
Iran was just one God, you know, a God, of the many gods, or king of the many kings, because it was
a polytheistic nation. They believed in multiple gods, right? But this idea of one supreme god, who
has power over everybody, I mean, this is something very amazing. So for our own said, I am your
greatest Lord, into the Sharla i a 24. You know, when Musar listen, I'm said that we are the
Messengers of your Lord, for our own ask that what is this Lord of the Worlds one out of Buena?
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			aalameen? Who was the supreme God, the Lord of the Worlds? So Musa listen, I'm sad. So the shirt I
had 24 colorable somehow where it will only one man Boehner whom he is the Lord of the heavens and
the earth and whatever is between them. In verse 26, he said Rob buco world Booyah, econ. He is your
Lord and the Lord of your forefathers. In verse 28. Rob will my sneaky will Mercury be warmer
Boehner Houma, the Lord of the east and west and whatever is in between.
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			So basically the Lord of everything. Right. Now this is very impressive. People were definitely
affected by the speech. So if in our own was insecure, he was afraid that people we're going to
believe in Masada Sena. In fact, his own wife did Vinci. So he's losing his control, and he's
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			So what does he do? He calls all his people. And he says hon Komal Arella. Musa talks about one
supreme god, well, you know what is the highest god, the most supreme God into the zoafia 51 We
learn when other fit our own if you call me he made an announcement amongst his people. Alia call me
la Salim will call Misra oh people, am I not the king of missa la Saleem Alchemist, what have you
and how would that dream into it? Don't these rivers flow under my command? I found out too soon.
Don't you see? Verse 52. I'm Anna Hi, Roman had a lady who were Mahina. And while I occurred to you
been, I'm not better than this one who can barely speak and make himself clear. Meaning Am I not
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			better than Musa?
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			So he said an Arab Bukom Allah Allah, he lied.
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			Now a human being is saying, I am your God.
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			You know, we wonder people say crazy things. And so certain individuals say the most outrageous
things and people will believe and they will accept. We find this astonishing that how could this
happen? Well, it happened at the time of Musa Lisanna something much worse. A man claimed to be God.
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			And what it is people do? What did they do? They said yes.
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			Into the Zuko fire 54 Allah says first the hoof Acoma, HuFa Athar, who he
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			found his people light, light minded.
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			For all thought, oh, who, so they obeyed Him.
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			They weren't really people who use their mind. So he used lies and big words. And what happened,
they obeyed him in their own candle common faster clean. They were themselves disobedient people.
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			Oh my God.
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			There is a brother that was commenting once about the coming of the JAD, and how, basically most of
the world's going to believe that he has claimed that he's God. And he said, You always find it so
fascinating, because in the future, we're supposed to be more intelligent, so advanced and all that
stuff. But he said, despite him having one lazy eye, despite him having so many signs that he has so
many in deficiencies, people will still accept his claim of being God. And then he said, and that's
very believable, if you see like, how he was commenting how celebrity was being followed and run
after in the streets and stuff and all the things that we do right now, that make absolutely no
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			sense. So it wasn't far fetched that people would actually believe a human being exactly. I mean,
the general his description is given that one of his eyes is like a dried grape. Just imagine, you
know, like a reason.
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			Just imagine it's like, dry and it's like bulging out, and it's purple, and it's ugly.
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			And this man, in another nourish, and we learn about how, you know, huge bill, but not very pleasant
at all. And this man will say, I am God, and people will believe in him. Whereas generally people
are not attracted to or they don't really go for such individuals, but they will believe in him.
People believed in for our own also, what is the lesson here? What is the lesson here? Be careful,
don't fall for people's words. Just because somebody has made an impressive speech. They have used
big fancy words.
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			And just because they have a large following, and just because they're very popular, doesn't mean
that you have to go crazy after them also. Use your intelligence that Allah subhanaw taala has given
you analyze what this individual is saying.
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			And then accept the good they have to offer and leave the bad that they have to offer. Or leave what
you disagree with. Don't just accept everything they're saying because they're so popular.
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			This is the lesson over here for color and Abu Kamal Arla fit our own claim to be God and His people
believed him