Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P29 295B Tafsir Al-Qiyamah 1-15
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The Day of Judgment event is a event where people discuss false and false statements, including accusations of bribery, bribery, and bribery. The "work" or "work of doing things" concept is discussed, and animals and humans have different ways of doing things. The "by the way" and "by the way" concepts are also discussed, with emphasis on being aware of one's actions and not just knowing what was done. The importance of being rewarded for one's actions is emphasized, and the need to be careful about deeds and be honest with oneself is emphasized.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Surah Toluca, Yama pseudo Qiyamah is a murky salah. And it mentions the description of a little Yama, the resurrection, the Day of Judgment. And there are also proofs and arguments in support of the Day of Judgment.
Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, Lao OCO see Mobio middle Qiyamah lair? No.
Oak Simo. I swear, Bo middle piano by the Day of Resurrection. Love. The verse begins with a very powerful word, which is the word love. No. And law is used in many different ways. But when a sentence begins with the word no, what does it mean when you say no, you're basically negating whatever has been said so far, whatever people are discussing about whatever false ideas they have. You say no. And then you say what you have to say. So law, this is negation of what is in the mind of the listener. And what is in the mind of the listener. Remember, this is a mucky, Surah
people we're in denial of the Hereafter off the day of judgment of the truthfulness of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so let me know what you say is wrong. What you think is wrong? You deny oximeter, I swear, be yo Milka Yama. By the day of the
intro to tarragon is seven. Allah subhanaw taala says Zarma livina cafardo a layabout? I thought those who deny have asserted that they will never be resurrected. Only Bella will not be led to birth gonna say of course, and by my lord, certainly, definitely you will be resurrected.
So, last oxime will be your meal piano. No, you're wrong. You deny the Day of Judgment. You deny I swear by it. It is so true. No matter how much you deny. I swear by yo mill piano. What is the Yama from off well mean camellia como to stand and to rise and piano from ca meaning that which will stand that which will be established and the Day of Judgment is called yarmulke Yama because all people will stand that day.
All people will be resurrected that day. Yo Ma Yakumo nasil lira Bill Alameen it's the day when all mankind shall stand before the Lord of the Worlds. It's the day of the AMA because it's the day when the witnesses will stand yo maya Kuhmo has had
it's the day when the witnesses will stand to give their testimony. oxime will be yo mill piano I swear by the Day of Resurrection, Wallah. And no again to your false ideas to your denial. Oak see move enough Scylla warmer, I swear an oath by the NAPS that is low warmer that is ever reproaching that constantly reproaches law again is repeated over here. Some have said that law is actually visa it meaning it's not going to be taken in its literal sense. Rather, it's going to be taken as a ID and this is a common thing in the Arabic language that to emphasize something or to hyperbolized a statement, they would say law.
So while our auxin will be enough Scylla worm this lab is to further strengthen the oath to say it more powerfully. That I swear by the reproaching soul lawanna Lamb well mean loan and what does loan mean to report someone for the wrongs that they have done?
Somebody has done something wrong and you don't leave them alone. You approach them you make them feel bad for what they have done by scolding at them pointing out their fault repeating what they have done in different ways. This is lone Lewa Fila, what does it mean? One that reproaches once? No, it reproaches again and again. So the knifes that is the worm, meaning the knifes that consumes you because of the guilt. It doesn't leave you. It doesn't stop making you feel bad. You see sometimes it happens with people that they have done something wrong and others have forgiven them. But are they able to forgive themselves?
Have you know why? Because of the Snapseed lawanna, the knifes has this characteristic that it reproaches again and again, and how often it happens that you remember, a silly mistake that you made maybe 10 years ago, but you remember it now and you feel horrible about it. Or you do something wrong and other people say it's okay. It's okay. It's fine. I'll actually help you out with it. But your heart doesn't let you agree with it. Nuff said. lawanna. Why is this being mentioned over here? Because by the old when old sir taken, something is being proven, right? So what is being proven over here, that you will be resurrected? The Day of Judgment is certain. You deny resurrection? It's
so real that I actually swear by it. You deny a resurrection? Well, you know what, I swear by the reproaching soul, the reproaching soul is proof of the Day of Judgment
reproaching soul, what does it mean? There's morality?
You know, people, no matter where they are, no matter how educated or or uneducated, they maybe they have this inner sense that this is okay. And this is not okay. This is right. And this is wrong. Even babies, isn't it? Even babies? No, I mean, there have been studies done in which children have been, you know, shown this stuffed toy that does aggressive things, right. And then another software that doesn't do aggressive things, things like that. So they have been shown one to do things which are not nice, and others do things which aren't nice. And children instantly, you know, babies, they will incline towards the more innocent one, and not the main one. I mean, what does the baby know
about who's innocent and who's mean? It's built in, it's built in. So Neph, Scylla, wama, this inner conscience that we have, this is a proof of resurrection off the Day of Judgment. Because the day of judgment means what? That you will be held accountable for what you've done.
There's a right way of doing things, and there's a wrong way of doing things. And you have the choice to choose whatever you want. But then you will be held accountable. Now, if there is this accountability at the end, this is why you feel bad when you do something wrong, and you feel good when you do something good.
So it's built in the inner conscience is a proof off of what? Of The Day of Judgment? Because if there was no judgment, then why as human beings, would we feel good or bad about things? Have you seen animals fighting with each other? You know, I had birds. Lots of you know, those small parrots love birds, right? I had lots of those. And what happens with them is that their population increases very quickly, they multiply very quickly. So I remember we started with just a few of them in a big cage. And over time, they reproduce so fast. That one morning I came, and I saw that one bird was dead. I mean, badly. Badly was like wings pulled out and bleeding. It was gross. And I'm
like, what happened? I'm like, gin, what happened? Like a mouse got in, maybe? I don't know something happened. Alright, so we got rid of it. The next day, we see another bird is dead. And the next day we see eggs are broken and thrown out of their nests. What's going on? It's because they were crowded. Now the females that were fighting over the nests, so they were fighting each other to the point of killing each other, killing each other's babies. So we basically had to take some birds out. We had to, and I couldn't believe that these birds so cute. I mean, so beautiful. These birds are killing each other over nests.
And then they've killed a bird. And now they've taken over its nest and look, she's so happy.
Wow, not even feeling bad. I mean, the dead body is there. And she's going about her business seriously, because they don't have any morality, right? They don't have that sense that murder is wrong. You don't just go to somebody's house and kill them and throw them out and take over their house. You don't do that. Really. But human beings have that sense, right? They have that conscience because birds will not be held accountable. We will be so the NEF Silla. Whammer is approved off the day of judgment
by AXA will Insano. You see people are born with desires. We have arco and we also have shower. We have intelligence and Chihuahua desire. Angels. They only have alkyl in the sense that they are only programmed to worship Allah they
Don't have any desires. Like, oh, come on, let's eat. Let's take a day off. No, they don't have that we do.
When it comes to animals, they have Shaohua NorCal. They just do whatever they please. No sense of, okay, we've eaten a lot. It's about time that we organize and you know, somebody gives the event and we pray together. No, nothing like that. No Arkel only Shaohua
right. And when it comes to other creation, there is nothing they neither have occurred nor shanwa Like, for example, a plant or a stone.
I mean, you don't see stones mobilizing or rocks mobilizing, and you know, causing a riot somewhere or choosing a president or anything, it doesn't happen. Right? It doesn't happen amongst stones. It doesn't happen in buildings, they don't do that. Right? Because they don't have any alcohol. No shower no alcohol nothing. Now human beings, they have Ockel and Shaohua right. Now what happens is that the knifes let a mountain be su one of its characteristics is that it urges you to do evil. Evil is so tempting because of the Shaohua you want to do something wrong and you say no Arruda Villa but what happens Come on No our the villa come on a stuffer Allah right. Even that battle
keeps going on until when a person ends up doing something wrong. Then what happens? And of Silla Juana? Why did I do that? What was I thinking? What's wrong with me? And then when a person repents, seeks forgiveness than what happens with my inner, so while our auxin will be knifes Illawarra, Allah says, As I will Insano does man think a learn that never Nedjma we will assemble a Lama who his bombs or alarm Florida album? Does man think that we will not assemble his bones? Meaning what's the difficulty that man has in believing in the Day of Judgment? Is it that he thinks that Allah is not capable of putting his bones together? After they have scattered through the earth? That when a
person has died, his body has decomposed and the bones have scattered even you know, they have fallen apart? Does he think that Allah cannot do that?
Bella? Yes, of course we are. We are capable of assembling the bones, gathering them together, putting them together connecting them again. And not just that the reason we are capable Isla up on a No sir we are banana. We even have the ability to proportion out his banane his fingertips.
No, sir, we're from seeing well, yeah, that's we're, what does this we're mean to make something level, right to level it to smoothen it meaning complete it proportionate well. And banana is the plural word. Okay. It is said that the singular form is banana. Don't Don't think of bananas. Okay? You could because they're very similar. But banana is actually the fingertip the tip of your finger.
Okay, not just fingers. This is what this is what fingertip. So tell me something. Your fingerprints. Are they unique to you? Yeah, they're like your barcode, right?
Allah subhanaw taala says that we are not just capable of bringing together man's bones. We are able to fully proportion out even his fingertips with his unique barcode. Meaning down to the minute just detail. We can resurrect him fully exactly as he was before. This is Allah subhanaw taala this power into the SE nya 78 Allah subhanaw taala says well Baba Bella methylene wanna see a halacha kala May your healer Lama here Amin, people challenge they say that who will bring these bones back to life when they have when they have become brittle. Only you hear her lady and shatter her a well Amara, who will bring them back to life who will revive them? The One who created them the first time So
Bella Gardena, Allah a new Sir, we are banana Bell you Riedel Insan. But the thing is that men desires what does he desire? What does he want? Leah Judah.
The reason why he deny His resurrection is because he wants to do whatever he pleases. He doesn't want to be held accountable. He doesn't want to have any rules and regulations. He wants to be free. He will
wants to Lea Jura amama yep Jura Fujimura failure Voodoo is to commit sin. And basically 5g to someone who doesn't consider bad as bad. Like the fitrah has been harmed so much or has been corrupted so much that a person no longer recognizes wrong as wrong. So yes, he will go on killing one person after the other and you won't even feel bad about it. This is what man wants to do the F doula Amana that he wants to commit sin how Amana who before himself before himself meaning wherever he's going, continue in the future, to never stop. A man is used for place and time.
So no matter where he goes, and no matter how long he just wants to fulfill his desires. This is why he rejects the Hereafter. And in his denial, yes aloo he asks the yearner yom will be Yama, when a Yana when a yen is basically a yuan or you earn a u which m time meaning when. So he asks, when will the day of judgment be? Not what he has to prepare for it? Rather when it is going to be? And is he asking this because he's really serious? Like a person might be very serious about taking their exam so they say okay, when is the final exam? I'll just study two days before it know when this is out of denial.
Because what would the answer be? Only Allah knows where coluna Mata had a word who In Kuntum, Saudi thing, same thing, a yearner yom will piano, Allah says for either so when birdie called Basa when the vision is dazzled, buddy, bow, rock off bark, lightning. And when you see lightning directly with your eyes, what happens? What happens? You're not able to see that clearly anymore, isn't it? I get it confuses you that bright light, it confuses you. It hurts your eyes. It frightens you, it worries you. So when you're called Buffer, Baraka when used for Buffer is when the site becomes confused or dazzled. When a person is not able to see the right course. And also, when fear is in
the eyes of a person.
He saw afraid he so frightened that the eyes are fixed open. Betty Akaal bizarre because you see bark lightning, when the eyes are constantly open mean you see the glistening of the eyes, right? So for either barrier calabasa meaning when the vision is dazzled, people will be so afraid that fight will be in their eyes and out of that fight. They will not even close their eyes. This is mentioned in sort of Ibrahim I afford you to also that Allah subhanaw taala says the Day of Judgment is Yeoman Tosh hustle fi Hill absorbed. It's the day when eyes will stare in horror. Will husafell coma and the moon has cassava. It has become dark. Cassava hos infer. Husk is when something is swallowed up.
It sinks into the earth it's swallowed up by the Earth. This is colorless. And the husk of the moon is used for the eclipsing out the moon because you no longer see it. This is just like when something is swallowed up by the Earth. Can you see it anymore? No, it's gone.
So this is the eclipsing of the moon. And when the moon is Eclipse, you don't see it. It's dark.
So in other words, when the moon will become dark, why will it become dark? Why will it become eclipsed? Why will it lose its light? Because the source of the moon's light is the Sun and the Sun we learn Kuvira it will be wrapped up closed. No more light. Well husafell Come on, we're Jumeirah shumsa will come out and the sun and the moon shall be joined together. What does it mean by this meaning they shall be joined together in terms of their darkness, both will become dark, the sun will produce no more light and the moon will reflect no more light, what Jumeirah shumsa will cover their state will be combined meaning they will become the same light less
dark Jumia shumsa Welcome are also means that physically, literally they will be combined together they will become one entity. Which one is bigger? The sun is so it's like as if
Sun will swallow up the moon.
Your cool in sun and then men will say, Yo Mama even on that day, Angel mufaddal Where is the place of escape? How can I exit? Where can I get out from? How do I get out of here? * muffle my father, Farah Farah to run out of fear. My father is a place where a person runs from or where person runs to, in order to save himself. He will ask Where's the exit? Color? No, law was all there is no refuge, there is no place where you can hide and save yourself. Levels of there's no escape, there's no getting out of here
was a is from the root letters Well, ze Ra. And the word was out means Melda a place of shelter.
A place where a person takes refuge so that he can protect himself and basically to set that was out as a place that a person would find somewhere in a mountain, like a big rock behind which he can hide or cave or a hole somewhere so that he can enter it and save himself. And you see the word wizard is also from the same root and Wizard is a heavy load. Because Mountain High Mountain is huge, big heavy rocks are huge, big heavy. Lau was all there is no refuge in a ROB beaker to your Lord Yo Ma II then that day is Al Mustafa calm, the place of permanence. Now you go back to him, you don't run away. You can't hide. You will be taken to him. Musa call the place of karar. What is
curar mean to become still, you've gone through so much so many stages. And there's so much going on, you can't run away. Now you will finally arrive where to your Lord, where he wants you to be for judgment for accountability in a ROB Baker here will make even more stock. And when a person will be brought to his Lord, you in a bowl in San than man will be informed Yo Ma even that day, what will he be informed off? Bhima Adama off whatever he sent ahead, what a hora and whatever he kept back or whatever he delayed. On the Day of Judgment, a person will be informed about all of his deeds. And the deeds are basically divided into two categories over here. Firstly, Malka, DOMA, and secondly,
my ahora. But the more you add, the more is to send something ahead.
To send forward to do first and a ha You are Hirota theory is to delay
or to put something at the end to do it later. To send it later. So the opposite of ADAMA, what does it mean, then we mount Adamawa.
It is said that this means firstly, he will be informed of whatever deeds he did in his life, whether they were good or bad. That is Maka Dhamma.
And he will also be informed of those deeds
which he started. But others continued after him.
They continued after him. So even though he died, other people continued those things. And so they will be entered into his record, because he started it. Like in Hadith, we learned that whoever start something good, then he gets reward for doing it. But he also gets the reward of all those who followed him in that afterwards. And the same applies to sin. Also, in Hadees, we also learn about how there are three things which continue to benefit a person after he dies. And what are those three things?
Charity, right, that is continuous in the sense that it continuously benefits like for example, a person used some money arranged for some clean water somewhere. Right? So even though now he's dead, people have access to clean water, because of what he did. And so every time somebody drinks that water, it's like as if that man is giving sadaqa he is no longer there. But because he or made that arrangement. For others. It's like he's constantly giving sadaqa Secondly, beneficial knowledge, meaning knowledge that he taught knowledge that he preserved, he presented to people, so even though he's gone, people are learning from that knowledge, like look at the book of mumble hurry. All
right. In those times people could only teach their books, right how in classes and things like that the teacher is sitting there, the author is sitting there and he will
To narrate to his students right, you can just go buy a copy from somewhere these days you can access Buhari on your phone, right on your book, you see Buhari everywhere, knowledge that is being benefited from an article that somebody has written.
And it could be something that also
and thirdly, a righteous child that prays for him.
So mouth Adama whatever good or bad that a person did in his life and sent for the hereafter. My aha, whatever continued have good or bad after his death,
but because he started it, it's still being entered into his record.
So we will not just find out the deeds that we performed, but also the effect of our deeds.
Remember, so with yeah seen the beginning of Sofia seen what do we learn in No, no, no, no he'll moda right, and then went back to boo Malka demo what I thought we are recording whatever they have sent ahead and also their thoughts, their traces whatever they have left behind. So on the Day of Judgment, a person will find out about this. No, really, we need to think what am I doing? What am I investing in today? So that when I die, I will still get some edges as I'm in my grave.
Because when you're in your grave, you can't do anything. Can you pray? Can you recite Quran? No, you can't, it's not going to help you.
So we need to do something right now today, so that when we're in our graves,
we're still getting reward.
And we need to be careful about those things, which will become a permanent burden on us.
Be now Adamawa Uh huh, have another interpretation of this is that Malka Dhamma meaning what he did first in his youth
basically, what he gave priority to and my aha, what he did later, in his old age, what was not really important to him, so he left it for later. And there is a difference between things that you accomplish in your youth and things that you accomplish in your old age. Malka demo can also be understood as what he did first as in he did it immediately. And my aha as in he put it right to the end, delayed and procrastinated,
Malka demo
basically everything
in total can have we learned well, what do I do my army do how little while are usually more of Boca Harada Berlin Belal Insano. Allah says rather, human being is Allah Neff See he upon himself, he is a basura he is one who sees
on the Day of Judgment, a person will be informed about all of his deeds, but you know what, even if he's not informed about all of his deeds, he knows who he is, and he knows what he deserves. This is similar to how in total Islam I have 14 We learned if God Kitab Kapha enough sickle yo Malika Seba, read your book, and you know yourself about what you deserve.
No long accounting needs to be done to figure out what you deserve and what you don't deserve. See your book and you know, you know exactly what you deserve. And really, if you're honest with yourself, you know where you stand.
If you're honest with yourself, you know where you stand, where you are lacking what you need to improve, what you need to stop, what you need to have the courage to just start
Belial in Santa Allah and FC Heba sera basura is one who sees and you see mostly raw data at the end, is for further emphasis that he sees very well. He knows very well. Another meaning of this idea is that on the Day of Judgment, a person will be able to see law as an a witness against himself.
That when a person will be informed about his deeds, what will many people do, they will present excuses or they will lie? Yes, even to Allah on the Day of Judgment. So then what will happen? Allah will seal their mouths, and then the body of the person will speak against him.
So I learned up see Brasil Bistrita as in a witness, in sort of * I have 24 Allah says, Yo Mitesh How do I lay him Alsina To whom will add more or Judo home be McHenry or maroon? Their tongues, their hands, their feet will testify against them and they will ask that what's wrong with you walk calmly deluding him Lima Shaheed Marlena Why are you speaking against us?
They will say to their skins because even the skin will speak against a person. Well, I'll call the euro. Even if he presents. If he throws my Vela his myvi. What am I the excuses plural of the word Mara Vera, from the word or though what is it other than excuse? Basically, when you've done something wrong, you know, you shouldn't have done it. How do you get out of it? By offering an excuse? What is that excuse? Oh, I did this because of such and such. You say something to get yourself out of trouble. That is a rule.
Allah says no matter how many excuses he offers on the Day of Judgment, no matter how much he argues to defend himself, his body will testify against him, his limbs will speak
101 comma the euro.
Instead of Lafayette I have 52 Allah says Yo my lion for Lolly Mina, Mara lira to whom the day when the wrongdoers will be in such a state that their excuses will not benefit them. It will not help them. And really in this world also. I mean, like you can present excuses. You can tell people you can tell your professor, for example, I couldn't do this because of this industry. No, it doesn't work. Well Oh, come on the euro. There's another interpretation of this idea, which is that my Theed is taken as applauded of the word mirror the mirror thou and mirror thou is such a curtain screen. So now with the previous I have been in San Juan FC basura a person sees himself well oh, I'll come
on. Even if he throws curtains, meaning even if he shields himself from people when doing something wrong, is in your own body watching
because when we're doing something wrong, what do we do we try to hide from people. Right? Close the door, draw the curtain, put a passcode these are all screens to prevent people from finding out what we're doing. But even if no human being finds out about what we're doing, which human being is a witness to it, ourselves, our own body remember this body that you feel so comfortable in it's not going to speak for you on the Day of Judgment it's loyal to Allah its creator
one Oh l comma Euro.
Now a very important lesson is start which we will look at after listening to the recitation
this may learn your Mern your wahi love
the movie
Bella for DD now
believe every
for either you can bounce on. Well first off,
we're Jumia Shem to
your pool.
Sand we even
was Isla de que
You will not
be my demo