Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P29 294B Tafsir Al-Muddaththir 1-10

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speaker discusses the importance of warning people of hardship and pain, cleanliness, and codes in shaping one's appearance. They stress the need to avoid harms' memories and avoid dirty language and actions. The importance of being aware of one's behavior and not giving favor to others is emphasized. The speaker also mentions a woman who brought a bowl of water and a napkin to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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			Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Surah done with death it
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			suited them with death. It was the second revelation revealed to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
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			And the first revelation was it cannot read.
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			And in the second Revelation we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is instructed to
comb for answers to stand and warn.
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			And he's given guidelines with regards to his duty as a messenger.
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			That what is his work? What is his goal? And what should his manner be like?
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			The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there's a hadith narrated in Muslim that I stayed in
Hirak for one month. Remember that the prophets of Allah Who said I'm used to go and stay in the
cave for sometimes several days, and he used to, as I shall deliver on her reported yet the 100 he
would worship Allah. So he said that I stayed in Herat for one month. And when my stay was
completed, I came down and went into the heart of the valley. As he came down from the mountain, he
went into the valley. He said, I heard somebody called me out loud. I looked in front of me, behind
me, on my right side, and on my left, but I did not see anybody. I was again called, and I looked
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			about, but saw nothing. I was called again, and raised my head, and there on a chair, in the open
atmosphere, meaning in the sky, there was Gibreel
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			I began to tremble on account of fear, and I came to Hadiya and said, That's the Rooney de feu
Rooney. wrap me up, wrap me up.
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			And then Allah subhanaw taala revealed these verses Yeah, uh, you hold my home for and then we're
back after a cat bear with a yarmulke, Fatah here who are rouges up for jewel.
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			So these verses were the second revelation.
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			And I want you to look at these verses, keeping in mind that this was the second why he the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received
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			second where he
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			realized the importance of these commands. that these were the first instructions Rasul allah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given as a messenger
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			Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Yeah, are you home with death it all alone with the theists or you who
covers himself up with death it is from the word decel Del Sol Ra. And the thought is used for a
warm cloak, a warm shawl that is worn on top of one's clothes. Why would you do that? In order to
keep warm? Remember the prophets of Allah Who are your son when he saw Gibreel before he had just
heard him? Last time Gibreel came he had shaken him embraced him and shaken him and said to him it
crop it crop. And now what happened? He saw Gibreel sitting on a chair in the sky. So what happened?
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was frightened, he was shivering out of fear. And so when he
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			came home, he said, That's the Rooney and now he's trembling. He's covered up trying to take comfort
in a shawl in a warm blanket. And he's told ya a U haul Mudassir.
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			Or you who is wrapped up who is covered up in his garment trying to keep warm. This is similar to
yet a U haul Muslim mill, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was resting and he was addressed by the
state that he was in here also, this is an affectionate way of addressing someone by describing the
state that they're in. But you wonder why, I mean, this is part of Quran. Why, what do we learn from
this? It says if the prophets of Allah Who are you salams state of fear is being acknowledged? Allah
is mentioning it. Yes, you are worried? Yes, you are frightened. Yes, you are shivering. Remember,
Allah subhanaw taala knows our weaknesses. He sees and he knows he recognizes he acknowledges our
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			fears. The pain that we feel the hardships that we endure, they're acknowledged. Yeah, I you have
Madatha Yes, you are afraid
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			But you have a great duty to perform home, Get up, stand up, arise, for unsafe and worn, stand up
and worn. The first revelation was it put up, read, learn. And the second revelation is unveil,
warn, convey, read, learn, and convey fast on unfair undid arise and warn, why warn, because people
need to be warned.
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			They're on their way to destruction.
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			Aren't you going to get up and warn them home for under. And the thing is that there are situations
in our lives, when we get frightened when we are facing hardship when we are experiencing pain.
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			And when we sit with that pain, that pain is not necessarily going to go away. But when we start
worrying about others also, then what happens to our worries and our hardships and our pains. They
become small.
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			They become small. So yeah, a U haul mode does say you're frightened, you're cold, you're shivering,
you are seeking comfort, but you have to get up and you have to warn and your fears will go away.
You're shivering will go away come for unzips realize the need to warn people comfort and whatnot
back Africa bit what up Becca and your Lord fucka bit So glorify, meaning glorify Your Lord Kabir
sit that could be say Allahu Akbar, meaning declare Allah's greatness. Above all, this is your goal.
When you warn people of the Hereafter, then you must make them feel the greatness of Allah, you must
make them realize the greatness of Allah. The purpose of your warning is to magnify and glorify
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			Allah, what a buck Africa bid, and even otherwise, the purpose of your existence is what? To
celebrate God's greatness to declare His greatness, realize it, feel it, call to it, what a book
Africa bit with the burqa, and your clothing, meaning the clothes that you have on for the head, so
purify, meaning purify, and clean the clothes that you're wearing. By hit, this is a command to
clean something, meaning remove the uncleanliness from your clothes, wash your clothes, what's the
first fifth lesson the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given off the Hara of cleanliness
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			and what details are given no details are given is just said clean your clothes. Because if you tell
any intelligent person clean your clothes, they will know that it means there should be no filth on
my clothes. Right? And that includes the Jessa right and all the other terms that we have in fifth
All right, so what the yeah Becca felt the hit such a simple and clear command, clean your codes,
why clean your codes, because Gibreel was going to be his companion Quran was going to be brought to
him. So the one who was spending time with the Quran, must must take care of this. Take care of what
the cleanliness of their clothing from their underclothing to their outerwear, every part every
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			clothing that they have on even socks and hijab, and the hat that a person wears under the hijab.
Everything should be clean, clean clothes, not smelly, unwashed or stained, no fresh and clean with
the yellow book of Allah His while Rogers and uncleanliness filth defilement Rajim ze it said that
the origin of this word is rich and rich says filth and rajasa is to shake. It's basically used for
when a camel is overburdened and because of that it's wobbly in its walk Rogersville buried. So Rich
roots is used for filth defilement because just the presence of it or the sight of it makes you
shiver. It's just too gross to even look at. So the verbs what should you do for her daughter? So
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			leave it leave it
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			I remember fougere hijra, what does he mean? emigrate, leave it and go elsewhere. So, Phil, you must
avoid, you must keep away.
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			Wasn't the same thing said earlier that clean your codes. It was a lesson of cleanliness right. Now
another time cleanliness has been emphasized what Wood is a fad, you'll keep your clothes clean and
avoid every type of filth. This includes tangible filth and intangible filth. This includes dirty
words dirty language, dirty actions, places where dirty things are being done.
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			gatherings where dirty things are being done, avoid them what roaches or jewelry. Some have said
that this refers to idols and idolatry leave it but this is the second way. So rugs includes what
every type of filth who alleges a fire god? Look at how brief the verses are, and how clear they are
in their message. What Rudra is a fire drill? So what did the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam do?
He was given these commands. Right? He was given these commands. What did he do? He was told comfort
and the stand and warn. Did he stand and warn? Yes he did. There's a hadith in which we learn. This
hadith has been authenticated by Giovanni that how does one How did he said that at Hajj. He heard
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			that people had surrounded a man from among them, meaning he was an Arab. And they had said that
that man had become a Slavic meaning that men had left the religion of his people and people had
surrounded him. So he said, we also went to see who that man was, and why people were gathered
around him. And what that man was saying is that when we went to see, we saw that Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi, wasallam was standing and calling people to believe in Allah Alone.
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			Call for unzips
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			and the people had gathered around him, and they were denying him and hurting him.
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			But he kept calling them to toe heat. And this went on until mid day.
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			And the people were exhausted and they went away. But Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remained
there. Then after some time, a girl came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whose headscarf
was not covering her properly. She brought a bowl of water and a napkin.
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			He took the ball and drank from it. And then he washed himself, his face in his arms. And then he
said, Oh, my daughter, adjust your shawl
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			and do not fear for your father.
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			So had it he said that we asked people that Who's this girl?
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			And he said that we were told.
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			It is his daughter, Zainab.
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			He was told comfort and this and what did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do? He stood and
he warned, for how long? Just a few moments, no, from morning until mid day. And this was not the
only time he stood and warned many times. The second thing he was told was Bucha for cabbage.
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			Do Takbeer have your Lord mentioned his greatness? And did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
mentioned the greatness of his Lord? Yes, he did. Morning and evening. In his prayer, even outside
of prayer at the end of the prayer in front of people in the middle of the night. Just think about
so many ADKAR that mentioned Allahu Akbar.
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			He declared Allah's greatness. He was told what the back of the head clean your clothes. Did he
clean his clouds? Certainly he did.
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			We learned that I shall deliver on her. She said that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
wore a shawl, a black shawl. So I shall deliver on her said O Allah's Messenger. This looks so
beautiful on you. It contrasts so beautifully with you. It just looks beautiful on you. And she kept
going on and on about how it looked on him. She said then after some time, there was some smell
coming from the shawl. And this is very natural. If you wear something for some time, it's naturally
going to become smelly. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam got rid of it because he liked
good, beautiful fragrance. That is what he liked. With the back of the head. He cleaned his clothes
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			Not so much that he also made sure they smelled nice.
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			What do we do? Guess smells bad, but there's no stain on it so
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			smells bad, but there is no no Jassa on it.
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			So I'll wear it even though it stinks right off masalas and cooking and food and whatnot awared.
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			With the burqa Fatah hit,
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			we learned that once the Prophet sallallahu earning the salam visited some people and he saw a man
whose hair was messy, and he said, Could this man not find something to make his hair sit down? And
he saw another man wearing dirty clothes? And he said, Could this man not find something to wash his
clothes with? Like what's wrong with people with the fabric of the head? This is one of the first
things the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was ordered to do clean his clothes. It's a basic
lesson. Basic thing. And this is something we need to be careful about. Check your clothes or they
clean if you've been wearing a sweater or a jacket for the past one month, every day every day on
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			the bus and in the train in the car and outside in the mall and even in the restaurant. Then the
mean it's gonna need some kind of cleaning, some kind of freshening up. So pay attention to that
with the back of the head. What would is a fedora.
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			Another thing he was told was to keep away from uncleanliness did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam keep away from anything that would make him unclean? Or that would make him smell bad? Yes,
he did. So much so that he even avoided food that would make him smell once some food was brought to
him, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked What is it? Like you ask people what's in it?
For the dog Him about everything that was in it that was made off. And one of the things they
mentioned was that it has garlic in it. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said eat, you eat
it meaning I don't want it without any criticism. He said you eat. So the people as this is in
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			Makati. That how come like is it haram? Is there any reason? And he said eat Ivan eat it? Because I
converse with those whom you don't converse with? Meaning the angels.
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			He was so careful about this. And what do we do? Or like what's the big deal? Come on, I want to
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			I want to enjoy.
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			And then what happens when 50 People who have enjoyed a lot of spicy delicious food when they come
together? or 100 people or 200 people in a classroom then what happens? We know what happens
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			when Wood is a fad. Your Rhl de la Martin has said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam felt it
very much that unpleasant smell should emit from him, meaning he was very conscious about this.
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			very conscious about this.
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			But what are we conscious about?
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			Just our looks,
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			which is why we will spend 10 minutes standing in front of a mirror adjusting and readjusting our
hijab or the style of our hair over and over again. But what about the actual cleanliness of our
clothes? What root is a fragile, one atom known and do not confer favor, the stuck fit to seek more
LATAM known term known from the word man
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			and man is to bestow favor or to remind of it. So he's told this is a lesson in a class of
sincerity, that do not show favor to others do not do good to others. Why for the stuck fit, the
stuck there that you seek more you seek a thorough aesthetic value is to make more to seek more to
desire to multiply, meaning do not give favor to others seeking more out of them.
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			And you say Oh, I know that my friend is going back home. And she will go shopping. And so if I give
her a gift, hopefully she will bring me something to
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			let Amnon distracted somebody's wedding. And you give them a gift expecting that when you get
married or your child gets married, they will also give a gift. Last time notice that fit. Do not
show favor to others expecting more in return.
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			Don't do that. Do good for whose sake for the sake of Allah expect good from WHO? From Allah, not
from people.
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			And this is so important because see as human This is very natural. Whenever you do good to someone,
you do have some expectation of something in return. Even an acknowledgement which is why when we do
good to somebody and they don't even look up and smile or they don't
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			Say thank you, or they don't reciprocate, we get offended.
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			Right we're like yeah, you know, I actually did this for Allah sake, however, people should be more
grateful people should reciprocate. You know, we hint at them give indirect messages, what are them
notice that
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			if you remove this expectation from your life, that for example, if you are preparing food for
someone or if you are tidying up for someone, or if you are, you know, serving them water or if you
are even doing their laundry or driving them somewhere, don't expect even a thank you from them.
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			If you can bring this in your life, you will be able to do a lot of good
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			because what holds us back from doing good is what I'm not gonna get anything out of this person.
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			Right? This is what holds us back. Are we remember all those bask bitter experiences where we help
someone and they forgot about us completely.
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			We were there for them and when we needed them, they never showed up. You feel like you're the only
one giving you're the only one doing and others are using you. So what holds us back is expectation
and what brings disappointment is also expectation. So remember, no one owes you anything. Expect a
reward from Allah wala Tom noon, the stack, Wali Rob Vika first
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			Allahu Akbar, and for your Lord, be patience.
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			For the sake of Allah observe Southern,
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			not for the sake of good treatment from others. Because even when we're doing stubborn, what are we
expecting? or somebody's going to praise me for being so patient, alright, or somebody is going to
reward me You're being so patient. Somebody is going to acknowledge my patients. But what happens
that doesn't come? Well your obika phosphate if you're doing somebody do it for Allah alone, don't
do it for people don't do it for anything else. The beaker phosphate for the sake of him and Lyra
pika for your Lord as in in obedience to your Lord, because he's telling you
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			and Lila Vika meaning for his reward in hope of his reward, be patient. Earlier we learned fast with
Sabra and Jamila, you see how Sobrasada server is coming again and again. In the sodas over and over
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			While Europe because we're over what patience over what over the other, the hurt that you receive
from people
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			or sub over what over the commands that Allah has given you. While you're a beggar for space.
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			For either no peel off in now pool for either so when new Kira it will be blown fin now called in
that which is blown into meaning the trumpet? No para Naboo known tough rock Nakara is to blow into
something that is meant to be blown into
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			like a whistle, or a trumpet bugle. So now who is trumpet for either nucleolar Finn now goof? Which
trumpet is this? When is this going to happen? On the Day of Judgment? Allah says further Lika so
that meaning that time when the Trumpet will be blown, that sound when you will hear it, young man,
even that day will be Yeoman or a seed, it will be a day that is very difficult, very hard, very
tough. On who are ll Catherine? For the deniers laelia seed not easy at all. When the Trumpet will
be blown, then that day will be a very difficult day. For who for those who deny, not easy at all.
What does that mean then? That for those who don't deny, it will be easy. In sha Allah as in sort of
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			the normal is 87 Allah says, Well, my young for who feel sorry for fuzzy Armand, for some are what
the woman felt ugly in Insha Allah, that when the Trumpet will be blown, then whoever that is in the
skies in the earth will be frightened except for those whom Allah wills