Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P28 282C Tafsir Al-Jumuah 5-8

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the benefits of the Prophet's message, including its transmission of the Torah and its use of the Share for major books. They stress the importance of understanding the nuances of the Bible and avoiding confusion and misunderstandings. The history of Islam, including its lineage and use of symbolism, highlights the struggles of Muslims to overcome fear and anxiety, and the need for preparation and guidance from the creator to avoid deaths. The speakers also touch on the importance of learning the deen and its impact on personal growth and de frightening people.

AI: Summary ©

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			So the sending of the messenger the sending of the scripture was a huge favor of Allah subhanaw
taala upon who? upon all of mankind.
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			And those people who don't take advantage of this favor, Allah subhanaw taala says mirth, Allah
Lavina. Home melotel. Radha the example of those people who were made to carry the Torah. Who are
they? They are hoods. They were also given a scripture. What did they do? They didn't actually carry
it. They didn't give it its help. And Allah subhanaw taala gives her example, as that of a donkey
carrying books. A donkey who does not have any idea as to what it's carrying?
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			What he has on his back? Because we have been given this Quran as well. And it's not that we should
just be proud about being Muslim proud about being loved. The Prophet sallallahu said, I'm proud
about having this Quran. No, it's about accepting it. And it's about living by it.
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			Because the example of those people who were made to carry the Torah, and being made to carry the
Torah, what does it mean? That they were charged with implementing it? Her Millo, meaning they were
given the responsibility to implement it.
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			They were given the knowledge of it, though, and they were expected to live by it. But what did they
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			So Mala Mia Milou her, but then they did not carry it.
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			Meaning they did not carry it as they should have carried it. They did not live by it. They did not
abide by it. They fail to act in accordance with it,
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			generally, and also, in what pertains to the description of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam
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			that they were given all that knowledge, but yet they did not act upon it. They were given the news
of the coming of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he had when he came, they did not confirm him.
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			So they were made to carry the Torah. But they did not benefit from carrying it.
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			They did not give it its How
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			come a 30 female their example is like that of a donkey.
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			And a donkey, who is yeah, hamilo as far or who is carrying books, as far is a plural of SIFT. And
sift is used for a book a scripture. And Sephora means to brighten something would you Yoma even was
FIRA was full of meaning radiant. So Sephora is to make something bright.
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			So safe, as far are used for major books, books that have detail in them that have explanation in
them that shed light on important things that clarify things.
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			Like for example, at the FSI yearbook, what is it it's an explanation of the Quran.
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			You have the text of the Quran and then you have its explanation.
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			Similarly, any Shara any explanation or for example, or Hadees book, you have the text and then you
also have the explanation.
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			So, as far what big books, books that have explanation in them, great readme books with a lot of
knowledge in them.
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			So imagine a donkey that is carrying books, Allah subhanaw taala says the example of those people
who are given the total, but they didn't actually carry it. Their example is like that of a donkey
who is carrying books.
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			Does the donkey have any idea what what he's carrying?
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			Does he know? It doesn't make a difference? Whether he is carrying gold, or he is carrying coal, or
he's carrying salt? Or he is carrying a person or he is carrying wood? Or books? It doesn't make a
difference to the donkey? It's all the same?
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			What is his share at the end? What he's carrying? What does he get out of it? What does he get out
of it only fatigue? Only exertion, isn't it? So it doesn't benefit him in any way.
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			If he's carrying gold, he doesn't become richer. If he's carrying silver, he doesn't become
honorable, isn't it? So? If he's carrying mud, he doesn't become any lesser? No, it doesn't honor
him doesn't lower him because he does not benefit from what is on his back. So this is the example
of those people who are carrying the book of Allah but they don't give the hug of the book of Allah.
that at the end of it, their share is only a big burden. Their share is only tiredness, exhaustion,
fatigue. And over here we should also reflect on ourselves.
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			That the books that we
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			have the knowledge that we have the details that we have. What do they mean to us? Is it just
volumes and volumes, a set of 30 books, which we are just proud of carrying? That's it. Because if
it has not translated into our actions, if it has not affected our lives, if it hasn't changed our
actions, then it's like a donkey who was carrying books. So donkeys carrying books for several
months, gets tired several days, gets tired eventually gets rid of that load. And that's it moves on
to something else. Come with a little humor. Yes, millou esfera Allah says bit Sama, thermal calm in
Medina cat there will be a Atilla what an evil example, is of those people who have denied the
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			What does the Ayatollah refer to over here? The scripture that he revealed,
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			the Quran that he has revealed, especially those ad that confirm the truthfulness of the messenger,
sallAllahu wasallam. So the Jews, they were told about the coming of the Prophet, but when he came,
they did not believe in him when they did not believe in Him. In fact, what did they do? They denied
the Ayat of Allah that will reveal to them
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			well, Allahu Allah, they'll come a volley me, and Allah does not guide the wrongdoing, people.
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			Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us an example, teaching us a very important lesson from the people
of the past. That now you have been given the Scripture, but look at the people of the past. They
were also given a scripture, they read its words, they knew its letters. And it wasn't just that
they knew its words and letters, they also knew its explanation as far
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			as far a whole lot of knowledge, a whole lot of detail.
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			But despite all that detail, they did not understand a thing. Just like a donkey does not understand
a thing. He doesn't understand a word.
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			Instead of applying it in their daily lives, what did they do to the book, they corrupted it? They
changed it to suit their own desires. This is why Allah resembled them to a donkey. Come with it and
female. Yeah, me too, as well.
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			Because a donkey, when it's carrying books, what is it using? Just its strength? He doesn't benefit
from those books. Similarly, a person may be carrying a lot of knowledge, with his eloquence, with
his memory, with his writing, in his books in his library, but if it does not benefit him, if it
doesn't change him, if it does not affect him, then he's just like a donkey.
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			So what do we see here? There are some people who benefit from the book of Allah. And there are
other people who do not benefit from the book of Allah.
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			Those who benefit from the book of Allah, Allah exalts them, raises them in their project in dunya,
and akhira, grants them success.
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			And those who do not benefit from that book that Allah has revealed, then they're like a donkey.
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			Just imagine if somebody calls you a donkey, how would you feel? Isn't it an insult? It's a huge
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			It's a huge insult, because a donkey symbolizes what?
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			What is a donkey symbolizes? foolishness, stupidity, that how foolish could a person be?
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			Similarly, this is foolishness that a person is carrying the book of Allah. He has a huge load of it
upon him, but he doesn't benefit from it.
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			You know, this is it scares me so much. Sometimes when I look at all the books and all of the notes,
I wonder, is it just as far as that we are carrying? Or does it have an effect on our lives? Because
if it hasn't had an effect on our lives, and we're no different than a donkey, and if it has an
effect in our lives, if we have changed in any way, then we have truly benefited from the Quran.
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			There is a book by who says formula way to the Quran.
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			In that he mentions that the Quran opens its doors only to those who knock with the depth of
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			Those who want to gain guidance from the Quran. They're the ones who benefit
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			who knock with the depth of yearning, sincerity of purpose, and exclusiveness of attention.
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			Sincerity of purpose exclusiveness of attention, they're the ones who will benefit from the Quran,
that befit its importance and majesty. And only those are allowed to gather its treasures, while
they walk through it, who are prepared to abandon themselves completely do its guidance and do their
utmost to absorb it. They're the ones who will benefit.
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			It may therefore quite possibly happen, that you read the Quran endlessly, turn its pages
laboriously resign.
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			ate its words beautifully, study it most scholarly and still fail to make an encounter with it that
enriches and transforms your whole person.
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			For all those who read the Quran, do not profit from it as they should. Some remain unblessed. Some
are even cursed.
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			Some are even cursed.
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			When can a person benefit from the Quran, when he is sincere, when he wants guidance, when he wants
to benefit when he reads the Quran with this yearning, you will find something from the Quran. And
when he does not approach the Quran with this desire, then no matter how much time he spends, no
matter how much effort he puts in, it will not benefit him whatsoever. It will not have any impact
on him.
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			You know, like the mafia clean about them. It has been said that they went out as they came in. They
came in with Gopher, they left with Gopher, they did not benefit at all. This should not be the way
of a believer that he learns the Quran, and he leaves exactly how he was before. No, there should be
a change, a change in the heart,
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			a change in purpose, a change in feeling a change in thinking, a change in mentality, a change in
action. And if that change has not come, if the transformation has not come, then a person has not
benefited. And this is extremely worrisome. extremely worrisome. If you think about it, he Daya what
does that mean transformation going from one point to the other. It means that a person has changed.
He's not the same. So after studying the Quran, if the thinking has not changed, if the way of
performing Salah has not changed, if the way of dealing with people has not changed, the way of
thinking about Allah subhanaw taala has not changed. If the purpose in life has not become better
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			than a person has not benefited, then what's the difference between a person and a donkey who's
carrying that book?
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			There is no difference.
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			What an evil example this is Allah says BIP Sama, Thurlow Comilla Medina cut there will be a Atilla
Allah who lay tilcon was Bernie mean, Allah does not guide those are the main people. What does it
show? If a person does not benefit from the Quran? Whose fault is
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			it his own fault? Whose injustice is it? It's his own injustice. He has done a little bit to
himself. Allah did not do on him. Allah gave him the Quran. He did not benefit he did not change.
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			Muthana loving
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			daughters, melon Melania mero cannot
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			be Santa's fellow Camilleri in
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			Walla Walla De La Palma warning
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			Yes, very true that sometimes a person keeps delaying change that I will do this later. I will
improve my salah later I will learn this later. I will spend more time reading the Quran later. But
the thing is the time to change is now the time to improve his now if the improvement has not gone
while the Quran has been recited every day, then when will it come? When a person is far from the
Quran? No. The change must come now. When hamilo Torah when the book has been given that the change
must come if it doesn't come, then a person is very, very unfortunate. gaining knowledge of the deen
is not about getting a big title that a person learns so that he can become famous person learned so
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			that he can have a title with his name before his name. No, that should not be the focus. That
should not be the goal. The goal the reason of learning the Quran learning the deen is that a person
brings about a change in himself.
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			He improves himself
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			and if he doesn't improve himself, then carrying a huge title even does not make him any different
than a donkey.
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			Because this is the example that Allah gives of a person who does not benefit from the knowledge
that he has. If you think about it, the word that has been used over here as far as far as what such
books with a lot of detail, a lot of knowledge. So they know a lot, but yet they don't benefit from
it. Not even a little bit.
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			blue is
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			the same as
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			Paula hula.
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			Hola says Kalia and you are Latina her to say all you people who became your hood in Xanten. If you
claim and Nicole Alia Allah that you are only up for Allah, Min dune and NAS besides people, then
what should you do? First Amanda will mode then you should wish her death in quantum Saudi clean if
you should be truthful
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			if you think that you are the only app, Linda he for Allah meaning exclusively, that you are the
only Olia of Allah Mendola NASS to the exclusion of all other people. Then why are you here for the
Amanda will mount and wish for death in quantum Saudi clean if you truthful in your claim?
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			Because you heard we're very proud of being who
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			they were very proud of being the children of the prophets. We learned in sort of May that is 16.
We'll call it the LEA hoodoo and the Surah nobuna. Allah He was.
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			So we are the children of Allah. We are the beloved ones of Allah. And they used to boast about me,
the children of Israel eel, meaning your Coburn and salaam, who was the son of Helene Allah, who was
a son of Ibraheem Alehissalaam.
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			So they were very, very proud of their lineage. Very proud of that. And so many prophets had gone
from amongst them, isn't it so?
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			So because of that, also, they were very proud that prophethood has been with us.
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			And because of that many, many favors were bestowed on the money Israeli look at how Allah subhanaw
taala saved them from fear
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			that the sea was parted, special favors were bestowed on them. So if you think that you are the only
Alia for Allah, Madonna, Nas, then wish for death. Why are you living in Estonia? In quantum
cytosine, this is mentioned in Surah Baqarah i 94, as well, the cool incarnate Laquan McDonald
character in the LA Harleys are the main duty nurse for the manual mode in quantum Saudi thing.
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			And if you think about it amongst Muslims, even, this is the only thing that is left, that we're
just proud of being Muslim, isn't it? We don't know what the Quran says. We don't know what we're
supposed to do. Even if we do, we don't bother to do it. But we're just proud of the fact that we
are Muslim. We're just proud of the fact that we are right. So Allah says if you're so proud about
it, then pray for death so that you should get to your Jana. But Allah says Allah Tama No, no
whoever done they will never wish for it. Why be my customer ID him because of what their hands have
put forth.
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			Because of the actions that they have done.
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			They know very well about the wrong things that they have done. This is why they will never pray for
that. They're afraid of that.
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			Well, Allah who are living below the mean, and Allah is Knowing of the wrong doors.
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			In total, Bacala is 96 we learn? Well, he didn't know Bahasa Nursey, Allah hayati, Wamena,
Alladhina, Ishaku, YAHWAH, do a hottie home low your unmoral Alfa Sana and you will surely find them
the most greedy of people for life even more than those who associate others with Allah. Even more
greedy for life than wish the King who don't believe in the Accra. They want to live more. One of
them wishes that he could be granted life of 1000 years. He doesn't want to die. Why don't they want
to die? What does Allah subhanaw taala say? And this is what's the reason because of the sins that
they have committed.
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			So it shows that they were guilty. They knew the wrongs that they were doing. And when a person
knows about the wrongs that he's doing, he doesn't want to die. He doesn't want to face its
consequences. What's the solution to that? The Oba repentance, but when a person is lost in this
dunya he doesn't even do Toba.
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			He's afraid of death. He doesn't prepare for that. But at the same time he keeps telling himself
I'll be fine, I'll be fine. Allah will forgive me. He will place me in general because I belong to
this OMA, the prophet will do Shiva.
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			Now, what are those crimes that the yahood committed? Me my ultimate ID him what is it that they
did? Which is why they are afraid of death? What are the different crimes that they committed?
killing so many prophets of Allah, disobeying the prophets of Allah, disbelieving in Muhammad
Sallallahu Sallam altering their books even then saying inappropriate things as well.
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			Into earlier in one I want 81 182 We learn Lakota Samir Allahu Kolon Medina Carlu in Allah for clear
on when
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			they say about Allah that Allah is located and they say about themselves. We are very rich. Allah
says sunup to boo Makalu will Kotla humble Ambia ability help when a Kulu colada will Hadiya Valley
Karima caught them at ID con
00:19:53 --> 00:19:59
			into the monta Hina io 13 Wheeler. Yeah, you're Latina Armano lead at our local one Hollywood Allah
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			rarely don't befriend the people who Allah is upset with. Why was ALLAH upset with them? Why are
they Mulu? Because of the many wrong things they did.
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			So on one hand, they were very proud about being people of the book. But on the other hand, what
does Allah subhanaw taala, save for the year assuming and they have despaired off the Hereafter.
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			And at the same time, they're also very greedy for life. And in this is a huge lesson for us. What's
that lesson? That we should not just be proud about being people of the Quran, but we should
actually do something that we see this behavior very common amongst Muslims, even in fact, that
whenever death is spoken off, people become extremely worried. They say, don't talk about the stuff
don't scare us. While you say you're gonna go to jail now why are you afraid? Why are you so
depressing? But we see that the Sahaba or the Lauren, who did they have fear of death? No. Remember,
that's a hobby. He was having dates. He had dates in his hand, he threw them and he ran to the
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			battlefield. They weren't frightened of that. They weren't afraid of that. Why? Because when a
person knows that he's doing his best, when a person is striving his best. When a person acts on
what Allah wants him to do, then it gives him confidence. It gives him hope.
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			And what is it that makes a person fearful? What is it that makes him a coward? Guilt? Guilt makes
you a coward.
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			Allah says call in Al moto lady to fill Runa men who say indeed the death from which you flee for in
the hula KCON indeed, it will meet you this death that you're trying to escape the feel Runa the
Verona from fell off at all? What does it mean, to run away from something dangerous and harmful in
order to protect oneself?
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			So this death that you are running away from, you're not preparing for it? You don't want to face
it, you don't want to think about it, no matter how much you try to avoid it, can you avoid it? No,
for inner hula pecan, it is going to meet you eventually. So matura, duna, ilani, middle havila
shahada, then you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witness, you will be returned
to the one who knows everything the hidden and the apparent.
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			He knows the secrets and also what you let out. He knows everything for you to be Oh can be my
quantum term alone, then he would inform you of what you used to do.
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			What does this show to us? That death is something that a person cannot escape. And the solution is
not avoiding it. The solution is preparing for it.
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			The solution is preparing for it. The solution is that a person does something we learned in sort of
cough is 90 wotja at SOHCAHTOA multiple health, it will come with certainty it will definitely come
in total Arafa 34, we learn while he coolly omit an urgent for Elijah julu Home latestuc Luna satin
whenever you're stuck the moon.
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			So yes, the people of the book are being addressed. But the message is general. There is a lesson
for everyone in this. This is why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said that profusely mentioned the
destroyer of pleasures, and what is that? Death. Because when a person remembers death, then he
becomes careful.
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			He becomes careful about what he says about what he does. A man he said that while a fisherman was
fishing, he threw his net in the sea. A fisherman was fishing and he threw his net in the sea and it
came back with a human skull.
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			He looked at it and he started crying. And he said, If you were honorable, Your Honor did not delay
your death. If you were wealthy, your wealth did not delay your death. If you were poor, your
poverty did not delay your death. If you were generous, your generosity did not delay your death. If
you were strong, your strength did not delay your death. If you were a scholar, your knowledge did
not delay your death. And he kept repeating these words and he kept crying.
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			Because no matter who a person is, eventually he will meet death. This is why a person must prepare
for it all the time. And the way to prepare for it is owl through the guidance that Allah has sent,
which is a huge favor of Allah.
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			allow you
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			in as you Fetterman Futterman our motor in
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			tune for
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			what I add them in
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			Huh Oh
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			ad him long
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			that you're gonna be okay
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			us on
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