Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P26 268B Tafsir Qaaf 20-45

Taimiyyah Zubair
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AI: Summary ©

The transcript describes a virtual reality (VR) meeting where participants will be accompanied by drivers and representatives. The virtual reality (VR) meeting is designed to be a virtual reality (VR) meeting where participants will be accompanied by drivers and representatives. The importance of facing negative behavior and avoiding Yo Accounts is emphasized, along with the need for actions to address actions and actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to address actions to

AI: Summary ©

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			When if you have a soul, and the Trumpet will be blown, the horn will be blown there Lika Yeoman
worried that is the day of the worried what is worried threat and warning? Meaning this is the day
when the warning that was given before will be carried out will be fulfilled. Did Allah warn about
the coming of the day of judgment? He certainly did.
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			And yes, this warning will also be fulfilled. Obey Ben Carbonell de la Horne who said that one night
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up, and he said, all people, remember ALLAH, or people
remember ALLAH, remember Allah, the raw dzifa is coming, followed by the raw Diffa yo methyl juphal
rajiva, that battle will differ. rajiva, the blast of convulsion is coming and it will be followed
by the subsequent one. Death and what it brings is coming death and what it brings is coming. It's
not far. Once a person has the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that what is the soul one of you
coffee, so it's coming? What is it? And he said, It is a horn that will be blown into. At another
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			occasion, he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that how? How shall I seek pleasure while Asahi will
come? Meaning the angel who's appointed to blow the trumpet.
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			He said, How shall I seek pleasure? When the saw herbal cotton has put the horn in his mouth and his
forehead is bent and he is listening attentively as to when he is ordered to blow the trumpet. We
don't listen attentively sometimes. But this angel is listening attentively as to when to blow the
trumpet. The Companions asked what should we say when the trumpet is blown? And he said, You should
say his spoon Allahu wa nierman Joaquin, Allah Allah He toa kangna her spoon Allahu wa nierman
Joaquin, or the LA hito wa Cal now.
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			And as for the long run, who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the
different days were shown to me. And among them Friday was also shown to me. And it looked like a
white mirror, in the middle of which was a black spot. So I asked what is that? And I was told that
our meaning that black.is representing what the day of judgment which means that the day of
judgment, the Trumpet will be blown when on a Friday, when Newfie Huff is sold, and the trumpet
shall be blown. And as we know the Trumpet will be blown how many times two times first the rajiva
then the Radhika the first blowing of the trumpet is when the sky Shawl in Chicago for Eden Shaka
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			this summer or for Cana to all that and get the hand and the sun will be wrapped up either Shem su
ko will not and the stars will be scattered evil koa Cuban data rot and the earth will be founded
can either do cattle or Buddha can the aka and the mountains will be like carded wool coloring and
the seas and the oceans will burst forth either will be helpful for JIRA
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			and the second blowing of the trumpet is what will bring about the resurrection. And that is what is
mentioned over here when Luffy cough is sold and the trumpet shall be blown. There Lika yomo worried
that is the day of the threat we're at and it will come cologne Upson, every person will come. No
one will be able to run away. Maha with it meeting with every person will be Issa was Shaheed set ik
a driver,
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			someone to drive him someone to ensure that he doesn't escape? He doesn't run away. He doesn't stay
sleeping sad. Someone to pick him up and take him to the hasher to the place of accounting, the
place of gathering where the people will be held accountable. Sam is from Seattle, so it was one who
drives someone Siaka is driving right? And remember in sort of the Zoomer we learned was see that
the meaning of driving changes depending on who is driving and who is being driven. So every person
will be accompanied by who a driver someone
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			to take him and wash I heed and also a witness meaning someone to testify to his deeds also.
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			That when a person will deny, when a person will not admit his deeds, there will be someone else who
will testify to his deeds that Yes, she did this. Yes he did that was shahid. Now who is Sam, and
who is Shaheed Some have said that this refers to the angels, which angels the same angels with
alopecia and the two receivers, an angel on the right and angel on the left these angels So on the
Day of Judgment, one angel is going to drive him, meaning ensure that he doesn't run away and
another angel is going to testify to his deeds.
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			Some have said that Sadek refers to a person's on his deeds, his actions, and Shahed refers to his
body, his body is going to testify.
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			Some have said that sir aquifers to the angel and Shahid refers to the shape lawn cutting,
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			because she thought clean will say that he asked this person did this sin, I enforce him. He did it
himself. It's his fault, his responsibility. Allah says Luca de Kunta, certainly you were feel a
flattened minha you were in unmindful pneus of this, you are heedless of this, you were in a state
of negligence concerning this. Think about it. If we have to go to a small gathering even, of maybe
100 people, and occasion when maybe two people are getting married. Or maybe it's another occasion,
how much we prepare for it. How much depending on how important it is we prepare accordingly.
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			This meeting of ours with our record of deeds, this meeting with Allah, how much are we preparing
for it? Allah says, well Sadhak Allah, Allah has spoken the truth when he has said Laqad calm the
field of Flathead minha you were in heedlessness of this? Because really, we are heedless of the Day
of Judgment. We don't think about it.
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			We don't pay much attention to it. fucka Schaffner so we have removed uncut from you live for aka
your covering.
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			Meaning that which covered you in the worldly life that prevented you from seeing reality as it is
the lip all of your state of heedlessness your ignorance, your faults excuses, whatever it is that
you blinded yourself with today, we have removed it for bustle Rocha Yo Ma Hadid, so today your
vision is sharp and you see things as they are law from the root letters line thought yeah loofah is
a covering something that is used to cover the word is also used for a lid
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			and for bustled hookah Liana Hadith hadith is used for iron or iron were had dice to sharpen
something like a knife. And from this the word is also used for sharp something that is sharp for
bizarro polyoma Hadid your vision is sharp now. You see what you ignored before.
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			It is sad many people think they will sleep after death. They will rest in peace after death. What
do we see here? It is after death that really people will see. Like it is sad that people are asleep
right now. And when they die, they wake up.
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			Right now in this world what is our condition? We are asleep. We're living our lives as if we are
sleeping. Day after day. moment after moment is slipping away from us. What are we gaining? What are
we taking from it? What are we producing in it?
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			What are we doing in it to prepare for the hereafter?
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			It as if we're sleeping for bustle hookah, Yama, Hadid, Wirkkala, Karina who and his companion will
say remember the word Corinne is used for companion, someone who's always by your side
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			will call or you know who his companion will say, have that. This is Matt, what leather you're with
me? I did prepared? Who is this green? It's the angel. The sidekick the driver, the one who brought
the person to the hasher he will say Oh Allah, here's this person with me are Thiede, ready
prepared, meaning this person is in my custody. He's ready for his job. Ready for his
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			Sam, now he can be judged.
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			It's his turn.
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			Is there any escape? Is there any running away? But we deceive ourselves thinking that in that huge
crowd will be lost.
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			And then somehow in that crowd will make it into paradise.
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			What does Allah say over here, the angel will bring the person and say here is this person ready for
his hisab. Another interpretation of this is that the angel will say, how that this is, meaning this
is the record. He will bring the record the book, the book of deeds, prepared with me, meaning I
wrote everything this person did and said, His record is here. Our deeds prepared.
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			Allah will say, LP Yeah, both of us roll boats. The second Shaheed will be told, throw feed Jahannam
in *, good luck a third in our need. Every person who is kafele and our need Cathar extreme
denier, the one who is extreme in his denial and in his ingratitude.
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			And I need I need obstinate, stubbornly defiant, obstinate to the truth. Or we could also understand
this over here as I need in his Schofer Kufa denying extremely denying how our need obstinately.
What does this mean? That as some people will arrive in the hasher without any hisab even they will
be thrown in *. I look to Yaffe Johanna, good luck affair in our needs. moneragala little hide
because we learned that some people Allah will be so angry with them. He will not even look at them.
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			He will not speak to them.
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			So what will become of such people? I'll Kia both of you angels throw such people into Jahannam
Calaca farriner Irony need mana a little haze Manasa preventer cathedral Manor the one who prevented
a lot. Of course he himself kept away but then he also stopped others from what little cave good
prevented others from good. What is good Eman, righteous deeds charity, good words good deeds he
stopped others prevented them from doing good Martha aggressor.
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			Martha transgressor someone who transgresses in his speech and his actions violating all limits,
moody doubter, one who did not have faith who did not have your clean, rather he had rave, doubt in
his heart about Allah about the hereafter. A lady the one who Jai llama Allah He Isla Han Aha, the
one who made with Allah, another god,
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			meaning he worshipped other than Allah, whether it was his own knifes or it was some idol for
Anthea, who, so throw him both of you, as if through him already, Phil either is shrouded in the
severe punishment. Notice the word alakea. Some have said that this command is to both the angels
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			and others have said that Ulpia what this means is a look at a look at that when something is said
over and over again. Then the person is dual meaning it is said as dual pa means LP LP. This is a
repetitive command that so many will be immediately thrown into *, because of what they will
bring on the Day of Judgment. Call ocarina who his serene will say now it's the shaytaan that will
speak because remember, each of us is accompanied in this life by an angel that inspires good in us
and a shaitan that whispers evil in Us. So Allah Karina who the shaitan now will say Robina Oh, my
Lord man utterly to who I did not make him a rebel. I did not make him transgress. At the light to
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			it. The law is to make someone commit the Leon to make someone crossed limits. In other words,
shaitan will say I didn't force him when I can. But Ghana he was feeble and buried in extreme air. I
didn't force him. He himself was an error. Shaitan will not take any responsibility. Imagine a
person is being thrown into *, because of who? Because of shaitan whispering
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			To him, and shaitan will say, I didn't force him. He listened to me. And really, we can blame the
situation that we are in for our actions. We can do that. And it is truth, the our environment, our
situation, yes, it affects our behavior. But when we perform a certain behavior, we are choosing
that behavior. And so we are responsible for it. Because no one can force us to do it. We can always
stand up and say, I don't agree with it. I'm not going to do this. I refuse, isn't it's
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			so he or she will not take any responsibility. And this is what we need to remember also, because
sometimes we blame the show pawn, we play the show pawn card, this is the excuse that we have, or
children who made me do it. Or sometimes we blame the dunya that we're living in the people that we
are surrounded with the peer pressure that we're facing, or the situation that we are in somebody's
making us angry, somebody's making us mad. We blame others external factors for our sins for our
wrongs. And the one that we don't blame is who ourselves
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			fall ocarina who Robina Murata way too well I can can have you been Allenbury. And Allah will say
Allah he will say, La Dr. Simola the year don't argue in front of me. Don't dispute in front of me.
Don't tell me whose fault it is and whose it is not all of you are guilty. All of you are wrong. Law
doctor see moolah, the year were called while in fact, a dumb to La con. I already sent to you I
already present it to you, Bill were IID with the warning, I gave you the warning already. So when
you did what you did, you chose it and you are responsible for it.
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			Man, not you but the loo it shall be changed. Oh the word. The word is not changed. Lidiya with me.
Which word? Meaning the promise that Allah has made? Or you could say the rules that he has set,
they are not to be changed. And what is that? In sort of such the Ayah 13 Allah says Well, I can
help calcolo mini la amla Anna Johanna mominul Ginetta when NASCI Ultramarine. Those who are guilty
of gin and men held shall be filled up with them.
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			This is a rule.
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			Those who are guilty will be punished.
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			My yarmulke Sue, you disobey whoever does wrong, then he will be recompensed for it. So on the Day
of Judgment. If a person starts blaming others, he made me do it. She made me do it that made me do
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			Is that going to change anything? No. May you but the little old Lulu day the word has not changed
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			and warmer and Nabila lamb Elizabeth and I am not at all unjust to the servants. Allah is not
unfair. His rules are not oppressive, they are fair, for no one will be punished except on account
of their sins in sort of life. It is 17 Allah says polyoma todos Coronavirus and Bhima cassava. This
is the day when every person will be recompense for what it has earned Lau wool milliohm there is no
loom on this day, which surah is this. Some of you are not writing the references Surah two off it
is 17
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			when I say a reference that means I want you to write it. Otherwise why would I say it? I should
just read the verse it will be faster.
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			So may you bet the little coal Lulu day yeah warmer and you will learn Lilla bead.
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			You see shaitan will blame men men will blame shaitan Allah will say don't argue in front of me.
Because I already warned you. What was the warning given to both shape on and men in solid solid 85
Allah says Allah Allah and nurjahan nama Minca were men Manta br caminho Ultramarine Shavon was
warned that Hal will be filled with you, and also with those who follow you. So now don't absolve
yourself of any responsibility either of you. Because the warning was clear. Whoever follows
shaytaan will end up with him. And it's clear as to where shaitan is going.
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			Allah says yo mon Oh Lu. It is the day when we shall say li Johanna to * Hallym tele T * are
interlocked t you filled up are you filled up? Have you been filled
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			in telepathy? Meme lamb Hamza mill is the fill of something. When something is full, there is no
more space. max capacity is
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			filled up
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			Allah who will say to * Helen Tala de Have you been filled? Because if you notice, and PA and Al
kiya again what does it mean? I'll pay I'll pay what does it mean so many people have already been
thrown into *. So how will be asked, Are you full? What the Kulu and it will say, Help me muzzin
Are there any more meaning Yes, there is more space. I am not filled up. There is more room for
anyone. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said that Hellfire will keep on saying, Are
there any more? Are there any more help me mozzie tell me mozzie as if asking for more.
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			Until Allah the Lord of power and honor will place his foot over it, he will place his foot over it
and it will say got got meaning sufficient
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			and then its various sides will come close to each other meaning * will contract
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			it will contract
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			there's so much space in it
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			that it will have to contract. Jana on the other hand, we learn that when when people have Janna
will enter Jannah and unless full meaning there's so many people in there, there will be places in
Ghana that are still unoccupied. So Allah who create a new creation, Allah will create more creation
to enjoy that. What was Leafa till Jana two and Jana will be brought near lil Mata kina for the
righteous lady Robert Heath not far along Magellan I'm in home. What was Leafa till Jana to Jana
will be brought near. For who, for those who have Taqwa for those who safeguarded themselves in
dunya. So Allah will protect them. In Aquila, Laila buried not far they will not have to bear much
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			hardship in order to enter it, Allah will bring it to them has, it will be said that this is meant
to our donor that which you are promised. Luckily, a web in her field, but for who for every person
who is a web, a web returner, one who frequently returns cathedral Roederer one who frequently
returns to Allah, how and when in ease and in hardship, in pain and in relief, while sitting and
while standing, returning to Allah thinking about Allah, in loneliness, and also when company at
home and when traveling when occupied, and when free turning to Allah, a web, in worship, in
repentance, in gratitude in patients seeking His help her feels a keeper cathedral hips. One who is
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			mindful guarding and alert of what of Allah's rights of the obligations that Allah has imposed on
him. Jana is promised for who? For the one who turns to Allah and the one who guards Allah's rights,
the one who guards his tongue, the one who guards his eyes, the one who guards even his bodily
movement, a web in her feels. Who is he? Men kushy or Ramana he is the one who fears the Most
Merciful notice it's not mine has she? Allah ha even that would be correct. It's mine has she Allah
mana. It's knowing that my Lord is Ever Merciful, most merciful, yet I fear him. Man Hushai Allah
mana bill AB in the unseen meaning when alone when nobody's watching, he's afraid of Allah. So he's
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			aware of he turns to Allah. He is Hatfield, he guards the limits that Allah has set, even though no
person is watching him. Or bill AB meeting when his Lord is in the unseen when he hasn't seen Allah
yet he fears Allah what Jah and he will come to Allah on the Day of Judgment. How big I'll be Muneeb
with a heart that is Muneeb returning,
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			meaning in repentance that Oh ALLAH. Oh my Rob, I am sorry.
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			That no matter what they've done, they know they've been deficient. They know there are mistakes.
What Yeah, because even Muneeb turning to Allah coming to Allah with repentance, or the Holo. Such
people will be told, enter it, meaning enter Jannah How bizarre
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			lamb with safety and security, safe from any harm, secure from any worry and fear that Lika that is
yo ml hollowed the day of eternity.
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			This is the beginning of eternity. This is the beginning of forever. Of happily ever after. There
Lika Yom will Holywood. Now there is no death. Now there is no loss. Now there is no hardship there
Lika Yom will Hulu salud
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			LA home for them. Maya shell una V ha whatever they wish they're in.
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			Well are they now mozzie And with us is even more
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			is additional.
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			No matter what they want, they will have it and Allah will have even more to give
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			for him, for his gifts will never end.
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			Little leadin Arsenal SNA what's the yard?
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			For those who do good is excellent reward and even more. And what is that even more?
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			It is seen Allah
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			Lahoma your show owner fee her they will have whatever they wish there in Walla, Dana mozzie And
with us is even more.
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			The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah will say to the people of paradise, or
people of Paradise, and they will say love bake wasabi, they will hire Obeah dake love bake our
Lord, here we are all good is in your hands. Allah will say are you happy?
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			Are you satisfied? They will say why shouldn't we be satisfied or our Lord, when you have given us
what you have not given to any of your creation? He will say, shall I not give you something better
than that? They will say Oh our Lord, what else could be better than that? And he will say, I bestow
my pleasure upon you and will never be angry with you after that. What are they now moseyed
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			and less reward?
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			His ultimate pleasure and seeing him
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			one of the hobbyists fool
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			warrior one
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			washer he the
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			fucka chef
00:28:27 --> 00:28:30
			Elma Heidi the
00:28:31 --> 00:28:32
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			party it
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			I need
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			very little
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			EB Shetty the
00:29:11 --> 00:29:11
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			King was
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			gonna be
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			to Eli.
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			Be wary the
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			In mozzie, the
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			Leila berry the
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			heavy meal men mushy
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			Mooney or the Hulu, hobbies
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			Hello the
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			UniFi Hawala Dana mozzie. The
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			ultimate safety is for those who safeguard themselves now
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			what come a lockdown and how many we have destroyed a biller home before them these people who are
in amazement and denial, they should take lesson. So many generations have been destroyed before
them and cognizant of generation home a short domain Humberto Shah, who were greater than them in
striking power. They had more physical strength FANUC kaaboo and the people of the past na Kabu,
they had explored Phil Bellard throughout the lens Nakaba Nakaba is to make a hole to pierce
through. And this is a metaphor for traveling. So now a couple Phil Billa they traveled they
explored through the lens. Holman Mahi is, is there any place of escape,
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			running away in the earth running away anywhere? Could they escape Allah's punishment? No, there is
no refuge from death in this world, no place of protection and safety from God's grasp. The only way
is to surrender to him in a fee there Lika the claw indeed in that is surely a reminder a powerful
reminder, but for who Lehmann can Allahu Allah, for the person who has a heart with which to reflect
with which to think in which to absorb Lehmann cannula who collarbone, oh, a summer, or he casts
hearing meaning he uses his hearing. He listens attentively. Well who was Shaheed while he is
present, meaning present in mind. If a person were to pay even a little attention, the surah the
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			warning that's mentioned here is sufficient to wake him up. But what can be done about those who
sleep who shut their ears and hearts are present yet they're absent?
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			Well, I've got Hala Kona summer where it will Allah and we have certainly created the skies and the
earth, warmer Boehner Houma and whatever that is in between them visit that the A Yemen in six days
warmer and not Messina, it touched us mill lube, any lube, any weariness. Lou lamb Weinberg is
tiredness due to the magnitude of the work that a person is doing. You get tired because it's too
big of a task. It's too difficult. Allah says mama send me lube. Again what is being emphasized is
Allah's power and ability. Don't doubt resurrection, don't doubt Allah's promises for spirit. And
now a message is given to the Prophets of Allah who earlier was salam. And those who follow his
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			path, that Be patient, or Allah MA or Kowloon over what the people say. The accusations they heard
let you the things they describe you with be patient over what they say was a big behind the Arabic
and do this be with the praise of your Lord, glorify with the praise of your Lord, busy yourself. In
this be fortify and strengthen your heart with the
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			the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was told to do the vicar in order to bring somebody in his
heart in order to deal with the difficulties that he was facing. Why? Because they could is
remembering Allah. When you remember him, you strengthen your connection with him. You remind
yourself of who you are worshipping, who you are striving for, who you are living for, and who you
are relying upon. And that brings southern so do this be when a biblical ruler is Shamsi Before the
rising of the sun will cover the robe and before the setting meaning in the morning and in the
evening? Wamena Layli and also in the night for Sabir who glorify Him.
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			Those nights when you cannot sleep those moments when you're awake, do the speaker glorify Him.
We're Uddevalla sujood and also ask
00:35:00 --> 00:35:17
			stir prostrations at the bottom deplored of the Buddha, the Buddha's and back meaning after sujood
sujood Plourde of the word said the meaning do they could end this be after Salah also. What is
meant by the spear over here in these verses is firstly they
00:35:18 --> 00:36:09
			literally says Subhan Allah who will be handy in different forms of the spear. And secondly,
remember the word this B is also used for Salah. So pray Salah at these times and after Salah again
do the cut was the mirror and listen attentively. Yo Wilma on the day when you nadolol munadi, the
caller will call me mccannon Purim from a place that is near. Listen attentively listen out for the
time for the day, when the caller will call from a place that's not far away. Meaning you will hear
the sound from very near. What sound is this? The blowing of the trumpet? Yo Wilma on the day when
yes Morona say Hatha, they will all listen to the blast to the scream. To the blowing of the
00:36:09 --> 00:37:02
			trumpet. Everybody would listen, Bill happy in truth meaning for real. There Lika yo Maha rouge,
that is the day of exit. That is the day of emergence meaning from the graves in national nahi when
you meet Indeed, it is We Who give life and we who caused the death what Elaine l must lead unto us
is the destination. Allah began this creation and to him it shall return including us when yo Mata
Chaka Khan or Lou on the day when the Shah couple or do the earth will split away, it will break
away on home from them. Meaning because of them, Ceylon rapidly, meaning Sirhan is describing the
state of the people sit or is the plural of sadder and sadder is one who is in a state of rushing.
00:37:03 --> 00:37:16
			So the Day when the earth will break away from them as they emerge rapidly, quickly, rushing out of
their graves to words the Husham
00:37:17 --> 00:37:56
			using that's difficult, that's why you're in amazement. Allah says that Luca has shown that is a
gathering our Lena upon us. Yes. See one that is easy. It's not difficult. Still people deny. Allah
says national RLM will be Mayor Kowloon. We know best about what they say. We know best about what
they say. The mockery, the denial, warmer untha And your Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are not
are laying him over them Beija bow at all a tyrant meaning you can't force them you cannot compel
them to believe that's not your job. What is your job for the caribou?
00:37:57 --> 00:38:18
			So remind with the Quran through the Quran, who Manuel Hoffa Where are you the the one who fears My
threat, those who fear that threat, then they will take benefit from the Quran, they will listen
they will change and may Allah make us amongst those people. Let's listen to the recitation of these
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00:38:27 --> 00:38:29
			to mean whom
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00:38:36 --> 00:38:37
			be loved.
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			Haley's in NaVi
00:38:46 --> 00:38:47
00:38:51 --> 00:38:52
00:38:59 --> 00:39:02
			thought he was
00:39:03 --> 00:39:05
			gonna Santa was the one
00:39:19 --> 00:39:21
			first B right
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			now was be handy. Big was be handy. bigger
00:39:32 --> 00:39:33
			nations you
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			want to
00:39:40 --> 00:39:41
			be who I
00:39:42 --> 00:39:45
			was sudo the first
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			behind the rock bigger
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00:39:57 --> 00:39:58
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00:40:02 --> 00:40:02
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			was Danny are you
00:40:17 --> 00:40:21
			buddy? Yeah yo man smart
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			to help
00:40:34 --> 00:40:40
			me do what Elaine. Mostly yellow my Dasha
00:40:48 --> 00:40:58
			Elena yesI national will be my up oh alone will
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00:41:06 --> 00:41:06
00:41:10 --> 00:41:22
			for February sorry the subclinical Lahoma become a shadow Allah EDA Illa. Anta stuff we look forward
to it like a cinema alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh