Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P26 261C Tafsir Muhammad 4-6
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The history of Islam is discussed, including the deaths of Muslims and the use of deadly weapons. The importance of protecting oneself and not letting anyone in until the end of the battle is emphasized. The use of language in writing and the importance of learning from the experience is also emphasized. The speakers emphasize the need to protect one's legal rights and not let anyone know their actions.
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For either so when lucky dumb you meet,
notice when you meet, not if you meet, when you meet, meaning you will, it's just a matter of time sooner or later you will meet. And when you do meet Alladhina Cafaro. Those who deny, and this meeting is referring to meeting in battle encounter in battle. So this verse is specifically talking about certain commands that were given to Muslims concerning battle. Now, before we proceed, what is the background? Remember, sort of Muhammad is a very early Madani surah
in Makkah for 13 years, what was the strategy that was given to Muslims, that whatever persecution you face, what should be your response
of it patience, avoidance, don't confront, don't fight. I mean, a man like remodel Dylan Warren, who, if he wanted, he could have gone and be done with Abuja. He could have, he had the confidence. I mean, he was somebody who got up one day, and he said, I'm just gonna go kill Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he could have done that, you know, he could have gotten up and taken care of many of them was shaking, but that would create further problems. So for those 13 years, what is it the Muslims were commanded over and over and over again? Patience, forgiveness, so much so that we learned that say to those who believe that they should forgive, forgive a young Pharaoh, they should forgive
those who do not expect the punishment of Allah, meaning their enemies who have been oppressing them, forgive them. So, so far, the strategy was avoidance. Right? And the prophets of Larson for this very reason he left Moca also because if he remained in Makkah, what were the Michigan doing now? They were raising their weapons against him. Remember, a whole group of them had come surrounded his house in order to attack him together. Now, if somebody has surrounded your house, what does that require you to do? You also pick up the weapons, isn't it? But Maga is a holy land. Right? And the Prophet sallallahu sunnah was told leave. He left Makkah, the Muslims left Makkah.
But did the mustachian stop over there? No, they came after the Muslims. In Medina. They initiated the aggression as we learned in the Quran. They were the first ones to initiate acts of aggression and violence against the Muslims. So for instance, we learn that when the prophets of Allah migrated to Medina, the Mushrikeen, the Quran, they wrote a letter to our beloved obey
Abdullah bin obey. Remember, at this point, he was still not a Muslim. I mean, he was never really a true Muslim. But at this point, in the early years of the Medina, an era he had still not accepted Islam. All right. And the Quraysh wrote a letter to him. Why, because he was a leader of his people. Remember that before the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came, the people of Medina had basically decided that they were going to appoint our beloved obey as their king, as a unified leader, which was unheard off. in Arabia, Arabs didn't do that they were too proud to have only one leader, every tribe had their own chiefs have their own elders. So anyway, they wrote a letter to Abdullah bin
obey, and to some other was stricken from the tribes of Medina. And they said basically, that you have given protection to our companion, meaning Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, we swear by Allah, you must fight him or expel him, or we will come to you in full force, until we kill your fighters and capture your families. So basically, they're not really giving them a choice. They're saying, either you fight them or we will come fight you either you expel Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam or we will come and fight you. So when this news reached our beloved and obey and some other Mushrikeen, they actually gathered together to fight the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they gather
together to fight the Prophet sallallahu radiocentre. But when this news reached Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he actually went and visited them. He went and spoke to them. And he said that the threat of the Quraysh to you has reached its end, meaning it's over. They could only threaten you. They can't actually do anything to you. What are you doing? If you're raising your weapons against me with me? Are other believers also? And who are these other people? They are your own children, your own brothers, will you fight your own people? If you're going to fight your own people, you're already giving the Victory Banner to your enemy. Right? So what are you doing so the prophets of
Allah said and basically
calmed them down. And our beloved obey. From this point onwards we see that he always had this grudge against the Prophet sallallahu sallam. But anyway, the Mushrikeen they instigated people of Medina against the Prophet salallahu Salam. And it didn't stop here. It didn't stop here. We see there once Sargon murottal de la hora and whom he went to Makkah to perform Ramadan.
And so I've been more a little lower and who was a local of Medina. When he went to do Aurora, he was confronted by someone shrieking in the huddle. And he was challenged that What are you doing, you have given refuge to our people, you've given refuge to Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and here you are freely walking about the streets of Mecca, you think you're safe here, You're not safe here, you're not welcome over here. So basically, he was given a message that as long as you are cooperating with the prophets on a lot is on them. You're not with us.
You are not welcome over here. And it was a clear message of violence against anyone who associated with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And there are many other incidents like this. And in these circumstances that Allah subhanaw data revealed, versus allowing and not just allowing but commanding the Muslims to fight back. Why? Because it is not fair for people to live in so much oppression and injustice. It is not correct. We learn in the Quran that those who when they're oppressed, they help themselves young testosterone. And this is a part of helping ourselves. You know, the reason why many people find this fighting in Islam, you know, the fact that the prophets
of Allah Islam participated in so many battles defined this problematic is because when many people look at religion, they can only think about forgiveness, right. But forgiveness is a virtue. And defending oneself is also a virtue, standing up against oppression is also a virtue. Because if we don't stand up against it, we are with it, isn't it, we are promoting it, we are letting it spread. We are part of the problem then. So somebody has to stand up against the oppression and not let it continue. You know, generally when we think about religion, we think of you know, if somebody gets you on one cheek present the other cheek, but this is not how Islam is.
So, in these verses, we will see how the command to fight is given insert or hedge we learn Allah subhanaw taala says, Oh, the Nelly Lavina you oughta Luna be unknown, lowly mu permission has been given to those who were fought. They have been fought over and over again. Why has permission been given to fight back the unknown literal because they've been oppressed? Right, and total Dakota also there are many verses pertaining to fighting those who fight you. And we're not going to go into the detail of that. But the general thing that I want you to extract from this is that it was in this situation that these verses were revealed. All right.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Medina, how was he living in constant fear, not just him, but the other Muslims also. So I want to give you a brief although you've studied zero, but it's always a good reminder to keep the context in mind. In order to understand the verses correctly, this is part of the seat. When we study the verses of the Quran, then we must look at the Sunnah. And part of looking at the Sunnah is also to look at the Syrah. So just a brief overview of how the Prophet saw a lot of sudden was and the Muslims were in the first few months. In Medina, we see that firstly, the Muslims always had their weapons with them.
The prophets of Elijah was not able to sleep comfortably through the night. Why? Because there was always a danger of the machine coming and harming them.
Because that is what they were doing. So in the first year after Hijra in a barrel of oil was the Hijra
in the month of Ramadan, in the month of Ramadan in the first year, what happened? A group of 30 Muslims, right with Hamza al de la Mourinho, they went and they intercepted Abuja Hall and his people there was no basically no fight, but there was an encounter. All right, Abuja Hall and his people before we continue this, remember that in order to maintain security within Medina to keep the Muslim lives safe in Medina, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would send groups of Muslims in various parts around Medina. Why? To keep an eye on the activities of the enemy? What are they doing? Right, because part of protecting yourself is
As awareness, you have to be aware of the threat. Right? What's happening on the other side? What are they doing?
And whenever the Muslims learned about a trade caravan of the machete cane, they would go and stop the caravan or intercept the caravan. Why? The reason was to show strength to the machete King, stop bothering us. If you don't let us live in peace, we're not going to let you live in peace. Because many people say, Well, you know what the Battle of other was fought, because it was a Muslims fault. They went after the trade caravans with the people of Makkah had to defend themselves. It's very simplistic, but the reality is far greater than the simple statement. And what is that, that the machine had constantly been harassing them? I mean, look at the two incidents that I mentioned to
you earlier, how they sent a letter to the people of Medina, and those people of Medina who went to do and what not, they weren't safe in Makkah. Right. So part of showing strength to them, which they Keen was that every time their trade caravans would be going, they would be intercepted. So in the first year, we see in the month of Ramadan, there was an expedition in the month of Shawwal. Again, there was an encounter. All right, the following year, we see in the month of Suffolk, and encounter in the month of Rabil. Oh well and encounter Jamal Hola, Jamal okra encounter. Roger. Another encounter Shaban. Nothing happened, however, in the month of Ramadan was the Battle of but I mean,
if you look at it, which month was it, that the Muslims could actually live in peace? Seriously, and these are just a few things that I've mentioned to you.
Not even a single month went by where the Muslims could say, well, you know what, we're at peace now. So they're living on their own, let us live on our own. No, they weren't allowed to live in peace. Another thing was it for 13 years, Muslims were trained to forgive and forgive and forgive. And now they were being told, fight back. And that's not easy.
You understand? It's not easy. When you have been suppressing yourself, training yourself to be patient and not answer back and not defend yourself.
It's very difficult for you to even say one word in your defense. It's very difficult.
So this is why we will see in the following verse, how the command to fight is explicit, to make it clear for the Muslims, that now you must stand up and defend yourselves. Enough is enough.
And we will see a lot of detail over here. And it might feel a little too graphic to us. But it was kind of necessary for the Muslims to hear this from the Quran. To know that yes, we're allowed to do it because for 13 years, we're told no fighting, no fighting, no fighting. So here the details are given. Allah says for either Nikita Medina Cafaro when you meet those who disbelieved meaning in battle, for barberie kabhi for then barber Rickerby striking of the next meeting. When you're in battle, then you're not going to go start negotiating. Then there's fighting
you're not going to say well forgiven, overlook, know, you're facing them in battle. So then get right into it. You understand for barberie kabhi BB to hit to strike a record. Next, hitting the next I mean it's quite obvious attack with the objective to kill
Hepta until either when a hunt to move whom you have inflicted slaughter a hunt to move them, sir ha noon. Sahana. Sahana is basically when something is hard, or rather thick, you know, concentrated liquid, for example, right? That it's difficult to move. It's difficult to pour even.
Like for example, if you're pouring water out of a jug is it easy to pour comes out so smoothly. But if you're pouring out of one bottle into another, then what happens? It takes time. Honey takes time, doesn't it? This is the homeowner when something is thick, alright that it's difficult to move it around from this earth hunter who bourbon when it's used for battle. In terms of violence, it means that someone was beaten so much that he couldn't move from his place. He couldn't move basically immobile.
What this means a con to move them in the context of battle is that you have weakened the enemy you have worn out the end
To me, you have broken the strength of the enemy because you met the enemy in battle, and you went right into it. And either a huntable home when you've broken the strength of the enemy, and at this point the enemy begins to retreat. Don't let them retreat, don't let them escape for should do without further then should do secure. And without, the bonds should do Shin dial dial, what does that mean? To strengthen something basically, over here it's giving the meaning of tying up and without, without well off and without is that which is used to bind something or someone right to bind, for instance, a captive, so chains, fetters, ropes, whatever it may be. So if I should deal
with that, what does it mean? What does this mean? Capture who? Prisoners of War. All right. So going back to the beginning, when you confront the enemy in battle, then don't start negotiating and don't start thinking about forgiveness and tolerance. Allah has allowed you to fight these people have come to fight you then fight them and when you fight them verbal record and then when you've broken their strength and as they're retreating should do without all right. Remember what happened in the Battle of or hurt what happened the strength of the enemy had not been completely broken and the Muslim started running and basically they began should did without before a con to move them
what happened and
the victory turned into a loss for ima, then either mon number or do a favor afterwards. Meaning after the battle the captives that you have either you can show favor to them what ima feeder or you can take ransom from them feed that on fed Alia Vidya Vida is to free someone by taking a ransom. Well, Mr. Fida, so two options are given. Had that until delva. I'll help boo. Dallara, it puts down well dot L herbal, the war I was out, aha, it's burdens plural of the word wizard. What are the burdens of war burdens that people are carrying in war? What are the weapons, so had that Daga I'll help you I was out of her meaning, until the people in the war put down their weapons, meaning this
will carry on until basically the battle is over. And basically, things are back to normal.
What this means is, there is a beginning to the war and there is an end to it. There is a beginning and there's an end, not that it should continue and continue.
There is a beginning when does it begin? When you see the enemy? When you see them in Battlefield. When is it over?
When the people put down their weapons, then it's over. So in other words, this fighting is restricted to the battle only.
This fighting is restricted to what to the battle only. It should not carry on forever.
VALIC that is meaning this command Allah is giving you this command to fight the enemy Allah is giving you for reason. Because well oh yeah, sha Allah, if Allah wanted, lent us or Amin home, he himself would have taken revenge from them into surah. nassarawa is to help in the Surah is to help oneself. Right. And when it's against someone, it is to take revenge from the enemy. So if Allah wanted, he could have taken revenge from these people himself. How
we see the previous nations once their prophets left them. Did Allah punish those people? Yes. How? An earthquake, a scream a flood. Right? something or the other happened. And Allah punish those people. But here what was happening? The people of Makkah, were not punished through an earthquake or through a flood.
They were punished at the hands of those whom they had been oppressing.
They were punished through their own victims. Well, oh, yeah, sha Allah Who Lanta salamin home? Well, I can but Leah beluga. So, he may try Bauder comm some of you Baldon through others and with more trial, the sincerity of people is revealed. When Lavina Cuttino feasable Allah and those people who are killed in the way of Allah filleting you little armor Allah home, then Allah will never waste their deeds.
Their deeds will be rewarded for their efforts will not go waste. Allah will grant them success. So suffering in the way of Allah is not actually suffering. What is it? It's actually gaining? What do we see in this ayah the message is quite straightforward, alright, the rules of battle have been given, the limits have been set, when it begins when it ends, right. And in particular, what has been mentioned that in battle Lorber recall, verbal recall basically means Kill, kill the enemy, right? Once their strength is broken, then take captives. Once the captives are taken, then for Immerman embargo were ima feeder option is given either you can take ransom, or you can show favor.
What do we learn from this? What do we learn from this, that even prisoners of war are not to be treated with gluten? Because Allah gives only two options, either Minh,
and if you cannot do one, then for that,
either be good to them. And if you can't do that, then just take the ransom and let them go.
What do we learn in the Syrah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Battle of butter. What happened? Many people of Morocco were taken as captives after the battle, and the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he kept them in the houses of different Sahaba. So basically, they weren't just died up in a dungeon. All right, in a jail locked up in a place. No, they were kept as prisoners in the houses of different people.
All right, why? There were many benefits in this. Firstly, the benefit was that it wouldn't be burdensome on the entire community, to provide for all of these captives. One person in one house, you have to feed not a big deal, because food for one is enough for two, so the whole family's eating, they can also share their food with that prisoner. Secondly, another benefit was that these people Michigan who had come to fight the Muslims, they had never really seen Muslims were practicing their Islam. They had always hated on them from a distance. So when they were kept as captives in the houses of Muslims, they saw real Islam, and that changed their perspective on Islam
and Muslims.
So for example, we learned that one of the prisoners of war disease he said that the unsalted Muslims in whose house I was kept gave me bread morning and evening. But themselves, they only ate dates. Now this was a big deal. Because bread is made from what
wheat and wheat was not grown in Medina. It was imported. It was brought from outside of Medina from a sham or from Yemen. It was important it was pricey. It was in limited quantities. So he said that they would offer me bread morning and evening and themselves, they would only eat dates. This was Minh.
Another person so hailed when we learned about him. Remember, so Haldeman amor, he was there at the Treaty of Arabia, right. He's the one who brought the treaty. So he was captured in the battle also Battle of butter many years before who they be. And somebody told the prophets on the laws and advised him that Sohail is a fiery speaker.
Meaning he speaks very powerfully, and he speaks against you a lot. So have some of his teeth broken, so that he wouldn't dare speak in public again. You understand that break his teeth, some of them not all, but some of them. Some of them are broken. He never had the confidence to speak in front of people eloquently again. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, if I have his teeth broken, Allah will break my teeth. Although I am a prophet, meaning this is something I'm not allowed to do. Because Allah has given only two options in my mana, were ima feeder, either show favor or ransom, Ransom and let go. Then we see the story of sama bin OSA is not related to the
Battle of an incident that happened much later. But you're familiar with it. What how samama he was a leader of his people. He was from yo mama and he was captured brought in Medina as a captive. And he was basically kept in the masjid. And for many days he was there. And every day the prophets Allah Lawson would come and ask him about how he was doing what he thought. And so mama would say that if you kill me, then you're going to kill a person whose blood carries a lot of weight. If you want some ransom Ask and you will be given a
And if you let me go, then this gesture will be appreciated. So every day sama would say this. And then finally the prophets of Allah and one day came and he said, Let him go, no ransom, no punishment, nothing. Let him go. And so Allah went, washed up and came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and embraced Islam. Alright, so for Mr. Munda min Bardot. We're iMail feeder. Now, one more thing, remember that by the command to show favor? What is forbidden?
What is forbidden? oppression, torture, exactly. Any kind of torture, any kind of abuse is forbidden. Even though it's not mentioned explicitly, but it's understood, if only two options are given, that means there is no third option. If you have to treat them nicely, then that means you cannot torture, there is no abuse. There is no room for it.
One more thing, we seen in the co2 there were some captives who were actually killed. They were captured and then they were killed. So doesn't that go against Magnum? Or Frida? Right? Apparently, it seems to go against it. Remember that it wasn't just any captive who was killed. It was people who were well known for their hatred, not just their hatred, but their violence against Muslims for a very, very long time.
All right. And it was only those few individuals who were killed because of the fact that they were big enemies, great enemies. And the reason why they were killed as captives is because they survived the battle. All right, so these were big enemies. But we see that this was not generalized in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. What lessons can we learn from this idea for ourselves?
I'm not talking about battle. Okay, I'm not talking about fighting. I'm talking about personal lessons that we can gain to improve our selves as human beings as servants of Allah. What can we do?
Okay, okay. Good. Dawa through actions, right? The reason why the captors were kept within the houses of Muslims or in the masjid was so that they would see how Muslims are so Dawa through actions and also an effort to let people see what we do. And not always be secretive. Share, invite, you know, it's the month of Ramadan perfect time to interact with your neighbors with the excuse of Ramadan. You know, take a package of dates. Take some mangoes, people love mangoes. So when you get mangoes for your fruit salad, you know, take a couple of nicely put them in a fancy basket, take them, right. Yes.
Yes, that rebel evil with good?
If you're in a position to get back at someone, or even, you know, retribution, don't give in, I guess, be better. What's what she was saying Repel evil with goodness. Yes. And one more thing. Here, it's made very clear that the purpose of battle is not to expand your territories. It is not to, you know, just kill, kill, kill and quench your thirst for killing people know, what is it it is to break the strength of the enemy?
Because if the enemy is still equipped, they're not going to let you live in peace. Right?
Yeah. Also, there's this thing going on. It's called me a Muslim. And the government is basically encouraging Muslim people to invite their neighbors that are not Muslim, so that they add to star in Ramadan so that they can meet them and understand that it's how Islam really works and how your neighbors or your friends
go ahead.
I was also thinking that sometimes when we are faced with a trial or like something hard is happening in our lives, we need to realize that it's happening so that the people like the Sahaba needed to realize that this was going on, so almost like reveal, divert. So we need to realize that these hardships are happening in our life to improve ourselves, to improve our condition. Towards the end of the I O what is mentioned that those who are killed in the way of Allah, then their deeds will never be wasted.
They're striving their efforts will not go waste. Rather Allah will give them reward Allah will bring them success even after they have gone. I mean, Musa we will remain I'll do the horn thing by far he's one of my favorite companions. Because look at what he suffered in Makkah. And right at the beginning of the Medina and Aaron passed away
I passed away. He never saw the Treaty of her Davia. He never saw the conquest of Makkah. Right? Nothing like that. But what does Allah say? Don't feel pity for those who have even lost their lives in the way of Allah because they have not lost Allah who will not waste their deeds, Allah will grant them success. Say D Him, He will guide them guidance after death. Because they will put it oh, they were killed. Allah says saya de him, Allah will guide them what kind of guidance is this? In the matters of the hereafter? Guidance, help at the time of facing one corner keys. All right. Guidance on the day of judgment to the gates of Jana Sahadi him Allah will guide them to Jana, when
you slowly Hoba Allah home, and he will amend their condition right now in the world. Yes, this suffered, but Allah who will amend their condition. What do we learn from this? When you apparently suffer, for the sake of Allah, it's not actually suffering. Even if it's hunger and thirst, while a person is fasting for the sake of Allah, it's not actually suffering. A person is gaining more when you sleep obala home where you will see the home, and he will admit them into a Jana Paradise, he will admit them into paradise, that I'll refer her Allah home that he has made known to them. I'll refer you refer tarrif. What does it mean?
The leaf, I'll refer it find Marpha. What is modified maruf? Well known, right to know to recognize something? Correct. So our offer is to give recognition of something to someone to tell them how to recognize something. So for example, you don't know you've never been to a particular store. Right? And your mom says when you go on the street, you will see a big red sign. That big red sign she's doing alfalfa, she's giving you the recognition that that red sign means you're at the right place. Right. This is our refer. So he has already made Jana. Well known to them, meaning they're familiar with Jana, they know what Jana is Jana doesn't need to be described over here. Because Allah has
given enough description to them to know that it's a place worth going to our refer Hala home,
he will admit them over there. Another meaning of our for Hala home is that once they enter Jannah they will know it like they know their homes in this world. When you go to a new place, a new place no matter how luxurious how fancy how comfortable it is. The fact that it is new, makes you somewhat uncomfortable, isn't it? For example, you know, just the other day 100 We visited the new school campus. And as we walked in, we're you know, I felt like I'm kind of lost over here. Such a big place you don't know where to go, what leads to what place we were locked out in the play area for so long, because I thought the doors were locked and they were not locked. They were just closed in
a certain way.
Right and there I am calling people, you know, one person after the other. I'm stuck in the play area with all these kids, somebody come and rescue us. And finally somebody came in they just lifted the latch and that's it.
Right? Why did we have this problem because we weren't familiar with the place. When you're not fully familiar with the place you're kind of afraid nervous. You're not fully relaxed. But Jana, once people will enter Jana, they will know it inside out.
I love for her to home. We learned in a hadith the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that by him in whose hands is the life of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning by Allah. Everybody will recognize his home in Jannah better than he recognizes his home in this world.
In this world, how well do people recognize their homes?
Very well.
in Jannah people will know exactly where their homes are when you feel a woman janitor, or I'll refer her home
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the word out Rafa also means to make something fragrant.
So I'll refer Hannah home, meaning he has made it fragrant for them, meaning it's already fully prepared. Because when you prepare a place, like for example, your kitchen or your guestroom for your guests were arriving. Then after you've set the whole place, the last thing you do is put the nice candle on. Right so our love for Hala home. It's been made fragrant already and waiting