Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P25 255D Tafsir Al-Zukhruf 45-56
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The transcript discusses the history and use of Islam, including the implementation of the holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy. The segment also touches on the use of knitted clothing for accidents, including the French Spring and the French God. The segment also touches on the political debate between Musar Sam and Musar Deier, where Sam suggests Deier should be removed from the throne, while Deier argues it is too soon to do so. The transcript also touches on the confusion surrounding Musar Lisanna's message in the Quran, including his response to the Saudi Arabia "monster" and his statement about the Saudi Arabia's "monster" in a surah sharara foundation class. The transcript concludes with a discussion of the meaning of "light" and "we" in relation to he's "light" and "we" in relation to he's "light" and "we" in relation to he's "light."
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was and ask man those people who are a cell now we sent men publica before you Maru Selena of messengers meaning as the messengers when we sent before you, how could the prophets of Allah send a mass those prophets?
They weren't alive at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam correct. So how was he to ask the previous messengers? This is not meant literally. It's like a rhetorical question that think about it. A Jimena did we make men do Nila Murni besides the Most Merciful ally hatten gods, that were your baboon that were to be worshipped? Did we ever send any messenger before you telling people that there are other gods that they should worship besides Allah? Did any prophet of Allah preach schicke No, never insert the Nahal Ayah 36 Allah says Welaka Bharath Nafi Coolio Matira Xulon, a Nero but Allah which then he will talk with, every Prophet was sent to convey the message of the
heat. And now an example is given to reassure the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but will also know Musa certainly We sent Musa Ali Salam Biya Tina with our signs Illa for their own to fit our own. What were the signs the miracles to fit our own one mother, he and his Mala, Mala, chiefs, elders, and over here Mala is referring to the people of their own the the Egyptians, because remember that in that kingdom, there were the people of their own and there was also the Bani Israel eel. Mala refers to the people of their own. Right. And from within them also it refers to the close people of their own as in his core tears.
So we sent Musa alayhis salam to fit our own, and his Mala, his elite, for color. So he said, Musa alayhis salam said in near Rasulullah Villa aalameen Indeed, I am the messenger of the Lord of the Worlds Fela merger a home then when he came to them, be it now with our signs. What was the reaction? Either home at once day, meaning for our own and his men minha at it at what at the miracles yelled how Khun they laugh at once. Immediately they laughed at the miracles that Musa Anissa RAM showed them. They laughed. Why did they laugh? Making fun of Musa Salaam?
You see anything that is serious? That is important that has grabbed the attention of people.
If you laugh,
what happens?
It distracts people. What else does it do? Something very serious is going on. Like a father is yelling at the son. And the daughter sitting next to the son starts laughing. What happens all that seriousness? Destroyed? All that impact is destroyed, isn't it? So at once they laughed, why? To destroy the effect of those miracles. And they laughed in mockery. And I add over here doesn't just refer to the miracles but also the message that Musa alayhis salam gave Allah subhanaw taala says women marry him and we did not show them men I attained any sign in law except here it was a baru greater min ot have done it, sister, sister. What does it mean by sister, meaning the one preceding
it, every miracle was greater than the miracle that preceded it.
So each subsequent miracle was greater than the previous one.
So the miracles just became stronger and stronger, greater and greater. But what was the reaction of in our own in his people, mockery, denial, belittling those miracles. Allah says what a HUD now home and we seize them Bill either be with the punishment y la la homeo Jiun perhaps they would return and what is the punishment over here refer to the many minor punishments that were sent upon fit our own and his people, like for example, water turning into blood, what else? The frogs and the locusts and the lice and all of that in total Arafa 130 We learn Welaka hudna Allah fit our own a bit Bisi Nene. They were seized with drought when oxy Mina Thammarat a shortage of produce la la mia the
karoun so that they would remember la I love them York
Your Own. So what happened? What call and they said, Yeah, a USA hit. They said to Musa alayhis salam, all magician
how are they addressing you? They're calling him a magician, or magician or the ruler now Robert Call upon your Lord for us Bhima because of that which are he that he has promised or in the near you as in because of what he has promised you. You pray to your God because of what he has promised you. And what is it that Allah had promised mozarella sinner, that if these people would repent, Allah would remove the punishment. So in other words, they said, you make dua to your Lord to remove this punishment, and when he will remove it in analemma. Dune, indeed, we shall be guided surely, we will be guided meaning if the punishment is removed, for sure, we will believe in you.
What happened, fella muscle when cause Schaffner on whom we removed from them or other other the affliction? What was their response either immediately home day meaning for our own in his people? What did they do? Yen kozun They broke their word. En kozun NACA known Kafta NACA is basically to undo or not, it's to unravel. What is knitted. You know, for example, a knitted sweater, or sometimes even your hijab, what happens a small thread, you pull it out, and the whole thing is destroyed. This is ruined a ribbon, you get that wrong thread and you start pulling it what's gonna happen, the whole ribbon is ruined. This is NUCCA because that one thread was keeping it all
Right? So NACA is also used for breaking a promise. Either humean kozun. Immediately, they broke their promise which promise which covenant that they had made with Musashi salaam, that if this affliction is removed, we will believe affliction was removed, and they did not believe. In fact, when the affliction would be removed, what would fit our own do whenever that fit our own and fit our own called out, he proclaimed for you call me in his nation. He made this big announcement, big proclamation in his people honor. He said, Yeah, call me oh my people. Elisa, is it not leave for me, Maluku the kingdom of missile of Egypt? Does the Kingdom of Egypt not belong to me? Who's the
king here? For our own set to his people? He asked them whose kink? What would the response of his people be who you are, of course, will help you heal and Harrow. And he said and these rivers and how plural of the word now have these rivers tragedy mentality? They flow beneath me meaning under my control, which rivers is you referring to?
There is a river of Nile. But why is it rivers? Because of course a river. What happens it splits doesn't it? And that is how the Nile is in the north of Cairo the Nile splits into two branches. All right. So he said these rivers they flow beneath me meaning under my control. I fall out too soon, then do you not see?
Why did from say this? Why did he do this? Because every time they would go to Masada, Sana and they would request him to ask Allah to remove the punishment and the punishment will be removed for our own would be afraid that people are now going to listen to Musa they're going to believe in Him. So what a politician he was, alright, a real politician, you would stand up proclaiming His people whose King, I am the king. Right? He would reinforce his position. We learned elsewhere in the Quran also intro to Nazareth i a 23. where Allah says that for her shut off another throne. He gathered all his people. And nada, he made this announcement that for all Anurag Bukovel Arla, he said, I am
your greatest Lord, I am your great lord
and a high Iran and then he went on comparing himself with Musar de Sena and you will see something very similar to what the machine of Morocco are doing. He said I'm Anna Hi Ron. Or am I not better meaning of course, I am better men. Then how that this person who? A lady who are Maheen this guy who is mahine, who is insignificant. Wala yokkao Do you been and he does not even make himself clear he does not even express himself eloquently. Do things he is saying
About Musa and s&m in order to ridicule him. What are these two things? First of all, he says that most of our listeners Maheen Maheen, from how well known Hone weakness, and Mahina is one who is despicable one who is weak. One who's ordinary, doesn't have any real significance. Why does he call mozarella? Salah Maheen because Musa Hassan was from the Bani Israel. So he says he's my heel, and I am king.
The whole Mulk of missile is mine, and Musa, what does he have? He's from the slaves.
You understand what he's doing over here? And look at how he's addressing Musa oralism have
this, this lowly person, he's Maheen. Secondly, he says about most artists, and I'm that les Accardo up, he is nowhere near Ubu he clarifies meaning he hardly makes himself clear. What is our own saying? Is he saying that Musar listener is not clear in his message, his message doesn't really make much sense.
And was that true? No, because Allah gave most of our listeners so Tom will be clear evidence is clear proofs. And Musar in Assam spoke very clearly and eloquently and very powerfully in the Court of Federal. And we have seen the different verses in the Quran that show how mozarella Sinha presented proofs one after the other, clarifying his message, he was not unclear at all. But for our own calls him unclear. This is similar to how the Quran is vicar. It's a reminder, it's very clear in its message. But people say Oh, it's so confusing.
In the class that I taught last weekend, it was at a university campus. And during one of the lunch breaks, as all the sisters were out, there was this lady who saw a lot of women in hijab, so she was curious. And she found out that there is an Islamic class going on. And she wanted to come in. So they let her in. And she stayed for almost the entire session. And at the end, she came to me and she said, All of this makes so much sense.
It makes so much sense. I agree with you, 100%. And Jesus, I believe in Allah, but I am a Christian, but whatever you said, makes so much sense. And she was going on and on. She couldn't disagree with the Quran at all. That's what she was saying. This is how the Quran is but yet there will be people who will say, I don't get it. I just don't get it.
fit our own, could not understand the clear message of Musa alayhis salam. Either he was lying about it. This pretending that he didn't get it. Or he really didn't get it because of his own blindness. Right. Secondly, what are your car do you be know? What does it mean? He's making fun of mozzarella his salaams disability.
It is said that most artists Anam Q would stutter.
And this is what's mentioned in the Quran in surah sharara Ayah 13, where Musa alayhis salam said way illegal Saudi wala young, politically Sunni, my tongue doesn't flow, meaning I stutter in my speech. And this is why Musar listened and prayed why LuLaRoe couldn't melissani That untie the knot, which is in my tongue. Give me the ability to speak clearly. So for our own, he knew about this. And he was making fun of mozzarella his Salam Layyah care do you beam? But we see that despite this physical difficulty that Musala Sam had, it didn't affect his Dawa. You know, he expressed the message clearly. But for our own out of all things. This is what he picked on. And what does it
show? The loneliness of fear
that he's ignoring the message of Musar lesson and he's just stuck on the fact that Musar Lisanna had a slight lisp or that he would stutter. While I occurred to you been, you see how superficial frown was, and that's exactly how the machine of muck our superficial
that Why did Allah not choose one of the richest people why Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ferroan said follow Allah so why not all pa it was sent our lay on him a sweet Alton bracelets mean the hub of gold. If Musa is really the prophet of God, how come he doesn't have bracelets of gold? A swivel plural of the word see well and see what is used for bracelet. How come he doesn't have bracelets of gold he support because for our own and his men, this is how they would dress up that they would wear gold even the men a lot of gold. So he said if Musa is really of higher status than how come he doesn't possess these worldly riches. I mean they have been of gold, oh Judah, or he
Mara, who with him Al Malaika, to the angels mokhtari, Nene inconjunction mokhtari. Nene plural of McTernan and McTernan is when two or more things are joined together. How can the angels don't accompany him, escorting him everywhere he goes, if he's really the prophet of God, why not all of this? You know this bump this glamour? Why not?
Very similar to the people of Makkah. This is how worldly people view things in terms of worldly riches. First, the Hoffer coma who fit our own. Allah says first the Hoffa coma who He bluffed his people is the Huffer coffee for coffee. What does coffee mean? That which is light in weight, and the word is also used for someone who is light as in they're not determined. They lack determination, they lack awareness, naive, right. So first, the Hoffer coma who he found them light and he found them naive. He found them lacking any understanding. He was playing with them. He was deceiving them, and they didn't even realize
the truth of musasa was so evident, was so evident. But for all his lies, and his criticism and his baseless objections, they got influenced by them first the half Acoma, Hoffa Akbar who so they obeyed Him. They were in awe, a fit our own of his position of his wealth, and they obeyed Him. In the home Ken Coleman faceting Allah says, Indeed, they were a people who were defiantly disobedient, it was their fault. Also, you can't just blame for our own for their misguidance because Allah subhanaw taala gave them some intelligence, also some reasoning also, but they didn't use it.
And many times, you know, people will blame others. Right? They will say, Oh, it's all my fault. All my friends are like that. No, you're making your friends as an excuse.
Sometimes people will blame their circumstances, they will blame the people who are around them. But no, we can't blame others, we have to take responsibility for ourselves. First the half Acoma HuFa Akbar who Allah says in the home cannot calm and faceting don't blame for around it was their fault also, for llama Assa fauna. So when they angered Us as a foreigner
is used for anger. When someone is upset, severely angry, it's severe.
So for llama, as a foreigner Hamza, when they angered Us in the comnav, in home, we took retribution from them. And what was that retribution? What was that punishment that for Al Roker now whom Ultramarine We drowned all of them. So it's as if the people of Makkah are being worn.
If you don't change your ways, you will suffer the same and also further allow home so we made them seller find a precedent. We're methylene and an example for who lil ATHLEAN for the later generations the word seller seen lanpher chlorella the word salad
Seneff is basically used for that which is before another
meaning in time, one came before the other the word salad is used for righteous predecessors. Also, there were people who came in the early generations, right? They came before us now they're gone. We're here, you understand? So Salaf is used for predecessors for fathers, or the word Salaf. is used for a thing that has passed. It's over. It's gone.
So fragile now home seller fan. We made them a precedent. Meaning every time people look back to this ancient civilization,
it's over. It's gone. Well, masala, and they're an example. For who for the later generations, that it doesn't matter how rich you are, how much authority you have, how much power you have. What matters is your actions into the Zakharova ate earlier we learned for Alekna a shed the minhang babushka well MOBA methyl are willing, it's an example a threat for those who are doing similar things. Let's listen to the recitation
was a woman of Salem,
Oregon, Berlin Kamiya. Mussolini
do near walk Murni
On the
wall a father of cell moves be
a mother or father in your soul or be
Bowman Oh to
walk all the way
in mana
villain gaseous now I'm normal Lada either home Mian goes home one
round up for me all foamy sunny Moon comb is
the lady who
will be for Lola
will want to
have been
really looking for stuff off cell phone and move up on hold in a home can all go
Mary fed John
inshallah we'll conclude over here so pentacle long will be handed a shadow Allah land, a stockbroker to a Santa Monica. Allah he will