Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P25 253B Tafsir Al-Shura 36-37
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The speakers discuss the meaning behind certain items and their usage, including a tablet given to them by their parents. They touch on the importance of personality and minimalism, as it is temporarily with them. The speakers also touch on the history of major impressions and their consequences, including the Huns, ACA, and ACA's history. They emphasize the importance of forgiveness and learning to forgive anger to avoid embarrassment and embarrassment.
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Are we the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim is number 36.
From our so whatever ot term you have been given min che in of anything,
anything that you have been given, what does it mean? Whatever we have is because it was given to us, given to us by who, by Allah. Even if we did something to reach it,
we did something to acquire it, we could only get it because Allah allowed it because Allah facilitated
because so often you leave with money in your bag, but you return only with the money in your bag. You didn't find what you wanted, you couldn't buy what you were looking for, because it was not facilitated for you. So far Ma, ot DME main chain in whatever it is that you have been given and minchie in anything, whether it is big or small, whether it is money, or diamonds or house or job career status, whatever it is that you have, realize that it is feminine, higher to dunya. So it is Mutta. It is for enjoyment of Aloha, higher the dunya the worldly life, meaning the life in this world. That is where you use these things. Mata. Mata is that which is useful, that which is used,
but for a time, meaning for a limited amount of time. So the word Mata mean it is goods or things which you use, but you know that you have them temporarily only. And this is the reality of everything in this world. It is of benefit to us in this dunya just temporarily, it's not going to benefit us in the hereafter. We can't take our things with us, when we die,
the most personal things even will be left behind.
And they will be in the hands of other people. Think about it. What is the most personal thing that you have? Maybe it's your email. Maybe it's your phone. It's something that you don't give access to other people. You don't share that with other people. And maybe even if you want to, they have no interest in it, because they have their own email and they have their own stuff. But realize that even these things that we consider as so valuable to us and so personal, they are only Mutta or higher to dunya
they are used in this world. And then they stay here they finish here and we move on we go away we leave. Mattel hayati, dunya. Recently, in my house, I saw this very fancy tablet. All right, it was like a tablet computer had like a giant iPad kind of thing, but not really an iPad. Very huge. Fancy, very good.
I was wondering where that came from whose it was.
And my husband told me that tablet belonged to his coworker who died. He died suddenly in his sleep. And he had certain emails
related to work, which were necessary for the work to continue.
And so they couldn't access his personal email from a computer. So this man's wife brought the tablet so that his personal emails could be accessed. And all the relevant information could be taken from there for work purposes. And that gadget, sat in my house for a week. And I saw my husband you know, with a hard drive, accessing things and putting them on the hard drive so that he could take them to work and do whatever had to be done with them. And that really hit me because our email is like the most personal thing we have isn't
our gadgets, our phones, our tablets, our computers, they're so personal. We don't even share them with our family. But it's amazing. When we die these things are
They're no longer with us. They're no longer with us. This is the reality of everything of this world. It is temporarily with us. It's temporarily with us from a TA, hieratic dunya it is just of use in the worldly life. And we see this a lease expires a business contract, you know, it comes to an end, a job comes to an end, you know, things, they leave us and we move on everything in this life in this world, it slips away from our hands warmer, and that which is in the law, it is with Allah, meaning what he has in store in the hereafter. That is how you don't it is much better, much better in terms of value, in terms of its worth and benefit and quality. It's much better, whatever
call and it has more lasting, meaning its duration is eternal. Think about it. The things of this world, no matter how expensive they may be, no matter how valuable they may be, their worth is little. Why is their worth little because their worth is little, because they're not with us forever. mean that reduces their worth so much. Because they're not with us forever. They're with us only temporarily. And no matter how good they may be, they will always have problems. They will always have deficiencies. Even the best car you drive will one day stop working, isn't it?
It will happen. So Walmart in the lahi that which is with Allah have a huddle of reward, that is better, how it is heightened in terms of worth and what it is more lasting, meaning its duration is eternal, but it is for who Lilla Dena, amen. Oh, it is for those who believe what I love to be him and upon their Lord, he has to work alone there rely. This reward of the Hereafter is reserved for who those who believe and those who rely upon Allah. They don't rely upon themselves or their wealth or their power or their ability, they rely upon Allah and what is the Wakil Tawakkol is to trust someone other than oneself. To trust someone other than oneself. And give them you know, the charge
over your affairs in the sense that you accept whatever they decide. You accept whatever they do, you don't have any problems with it, that is the Oracle, the Oracle, it is defined as sickle arity mad Allah Allah, true, honest, sincere reliance upon Allah fie gel Bill Manasa with the frail Madonna, in acquiring something beneficial and in, in removing or rebelling, what is harmful. Murthy Kati biller and it is done with how holding on to Allah holding on to Allah meaning relying upon him and trusting him and knowing that he will make the best decision. So it is for who Alladhina amanu y&r a behemoth our cologne. What do we see in this is that whatever is from this world, then it's
worth is little, even if it's gold. Even if a person were to have the entire Earths fill in gold, it's worth would be little why? Because even if a person has the treasures of all room, they are temporary. They're not eternal. And whatever is transient, whatever is temporary, has little value.
It has little value. I mean, think about it, disposable items, things that can be disposed. So for example, disposable plates and cups and all of that they're worth as little which is why they're cheaper. Why are they cheaper? Because they're supposed to be thrown away after one use. So because they are temporary, their life is too short. This is why they're cheaper. Correct. And if something is meant to stay with you for life, then it's worth would be much more. So everything in this world it's worth as little because it is transient. In total CalFire 46 Allah says a man who will burn una Zina hypertonia they're just adornment of this worldly life. And adornment decoration. We all know
it's worth right there is a party. Forget about a party a wedding. How much is spent on wedding decorations, isn't it? How much is
bent, it's amazing on the stage and on the flowers and on the centerpieces and the candles and the decoration and all of that. But what happens as soon as the party's over
garbage, or it's returned, or it's just sitting in somebody's basement now, you know, God knows what's gonna happen to it. This is its value. It's just adornment. It's there, so that you can feel happy that you have it. But then it's just there with you for a little while, a man who will balloon Xena to higher dunya while back yet a solid heart, what is going to remain? What is going to stay what is going to live on our righteous deeds, they will hire owner in Europe because 11 will hire on amarilla.
And the thing is that the things of this world where they are a little worse, they are also a cause of immense grief and worry for a person. Think about how much we feel sad because of the things of this world.
I lost my ring, my bracelet broke, my email is full, my house is dirty. My laundry bin is full. My fridge is empty. I mean, the things of this world, what is it that they bring to you all the time? Grief or worry, isn't it or work? Eman teaches a person, the true worth of this dunya. So what happens, he changes his priorities, then his priority is not on the things of this world on the Xena of this world, rather, his priority is the treasures off because the treasures of ohana they have worth and they are eternal. So such a person then he relies upon Allah knowing that what he has lost, if a person has lost something, what he has lost was not of much worth in the first place. And
what he will receive from Allah for his patients inshallah will be much better.
So there's this concept called minimalism. And it's basically eemaan, but the non Muslim version. So it's like, they try to get rid of anything that they don't need, like worldly possessions that just, you know, are in the way, you know, and they focus on experiences and relationships more, and that way they achieve happiness in life. And, you know, it just shows that in our fifth row, we want this kind of thing. Because no matter how many things we have, the more things we have, the more problems we have. Isn't it
mean this look at how many toys kids have in general, the more toys they have hunger problems they have. I don't have this one. And she took that and he took that and he's not giving me this and he's not sharing this. And I can't find this piece and I can't find that piece. Right? And I'm bored of it. I don't like it anymore. And then the tidy up and the cleanup, non stop 24/7 It's only a source of grief. So
why not pay him yet our cologne. You see, in order to do our milk folly, you have to give up some dunya at least isn't it? You have to
so they rely upon Allah and they're able to give up the things of this world, whether in charity or keeping away from them in order to do something that's more useful and more productive. While not a behemoth of a karoun one Levina and those who yet then he buena there are those who avoid the edge then he Boonah each Tina Jeem known but jump what is jump site and each turnover is to avoid something
you know by moving away because when you move away, you move your site away. All right. So yet any Boehner they avoid now tell me something when is it the trip to avoid something when it's coming your way
when it's in front of you?
So they avoid kabba Iran isn't major since what is the word yet then you're gonna show that they have the opportunity to commit a major sin.
If they wanted to. They could. It's in their way they're faced with it. They can but yet then you buena they choose to shun they choose to leave they choose to avoid. They consciously avoid kabba Iran isn't major sense because sometimes we are very easy on ourselves because we say what could I have done I was in that situation.
Alright, well that is it.
exactly when you were supposed to avoid that wrong if you weren't in that situation then it wasn't relevant to you.
So yet then he brought up cabana cabana in Florida of the word Kabira. And what this could mean calf Bella that which is great. That which is big, major, serious. And kebabs are all major sins. What are they? They are those actions which are forbidden. Haram. They are forbidden meaning as Muslims were not allowed to indulge in those things, to perform those actions to do those things. They're forbidden. And how do we know that they're forbidden because firstly, there is a notice there is a text
prohibiting that particular action.
Okay, meaning there's a verse of the Quran there's a statement of the Prophet salallahu Salam clearly showing that that action is forbidden.
Right the word Haram has been used.
Like for example, or how Rama riba how Rama Riba, what does it mean that Allah has forbidden interest?
So indulging in riba dealing with riba would be what?
A major sin.
So that's the first thing about major sins. Secondly, a major sin is also that for which there is a head, meaning a punishment,
a punishment in this world. So for example, in truth note, we learned about the sin of accusing a chaste woman, or a chaste man of committing Zina, accusing someone of committing Zina without any proof
right when Latina, your moon Elmore, sonnet, so, this is a crime for which there is punishment. Right, there is a legal punishment of certain amount of lashes. So, this is a major sin. Thirdly, for this action could be lesson is that action for which there is the learner of Allah, the curse of Allah, meaning if a person were to do it, then he would incur the learner of Allah. It's mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah, that Allah has cursed such and such individual who does such and such action. Can you think of a particular action for which is learner?
Okay, yeah, there's that hadith that Allah has cursed the person who tattoos and gets it done. Right and also the eyebrows, all right. So that is a major sin. Likewise, the fourth thing is that it's an action for which there is a lot of Allah's Anger will already have Allahu Allah Allah is angry with him. And then the last one, how many points have I given you for the fifth is that there is nothing of Eman meaning Eman is negated.
Like for example, in certain Hadees we don't lay Samina such a person is not of us. Right militia. Falaise Amina so is not of us meaning his Eman has been negated because of the action because of the crime that he is doing. And there are many, many major sins that we learn about from the Quran and Sunnah. So those who avoid major sins,
and one fella Hush, and also the immoralities, meaning they avoid immoral actions also, Flash plural of the word fascia and fascia is that action which is in decent, meaning doing it is in decent, saying it is in decent watching it is indecent. You don't need, you know, a certain evidence or proof to tell you that this is wrong. Right? It's just the fitrah I mean, common sense will tell you that this is indecent,
right watching something inappropriate. It's indecent, it's fascia, it's just wrong. So wallflower hash, they avoid immorality is also and sadly there's so many immoralities that have been glorified or that have been beautified in the name of fun, for instance, just to become popular people will make such foolish videos, right in which they're pranking others and hurting others and finding others and scaring them and doing the most horrible things. And they're making videos out of them, getting a good laugh and getting hundreds and 1000s of likes and becoming famous through immoralities wylfa hash, remember, and sometimes we criticize people doing such things, but realize
that when we are watching it, we're adding more and more views to these things. We're also part of the problem. Fascia is that which is indecent, meaning it's doing it's saying it's watching
is all indecent.
Just because we're watching. It doesn't mean that we're out of the problem. Not we're part of the problem. So those whose focus is the ACA whose priorities the ACA, then, then how are they they avoid major sins as
as well as the immoralities. So in order to get to Gemini it's necessary to leave major sins and all types of immoralities. Whether the sins in moralities, or of the tongue, or inactions or in clothing, whether it is in the form of Libra or lying, falsely accusing others hurting and harassing others, all of these actions must be left.
In truth Nyssa 31 Allah says in touch 20 Bukoba yoga mat on how NanHu if you avoid the major sins that you have been forbidden from, then you could fit on come say ethical, we will expiate you for your sins, meaning we will forgive you your sins, one who will come with Colin Karima, and we will admit you into a noble entrance. And what is that noble entrance? Jana?
Then what either and when? Mao, holy boo, whenever they are angry homeo view your own there forgive
those whose priorities Jana?
When they get angry, what do they do?
They show their anger.
They display their anger.
What do they do?
yelled feel alone, they forgive? What does it mean? They do get angry.
Anger is something that's kind of unavoidable. All right, it's natural, it's human to get angry. What is the holdup? What is anger, that when you are displeased with something to such an extent that you want to do something, that displeasure that unhappiness is so strong inside your heart, that it is affecting your blood pressure, it's affecting the look on your face, it's affecting your breathing, and then you can't keep all of that within yourself. So what happens? words come out? All right, or there's aggressive behavior. This is all up. Now everyone gets angry. Some people get angry, a little.
And other people get angry a lot. Very frequently. It's normal. In fact, we see that even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would get angry, isn't it? Aren't there so many a hadith that tell us that he got angry? He did. However, everyone does not know how to forgive when angry. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knew how to forgive when he was angry.
But most people do not know how to forgive. forgiving someone when you're angry at the means not taking revenge. Whether that revenge is through words, or through some action or some behavior. So what either malleable home yellowfin rune. In other words, they get over their anger quickly. They don't stay angry. They let go.
And this is very, very important. We must learn to let go when we're angry. Because when we show anger to someone, than what happens, they're burying it. They're suffering, they're getting hurt. And who's also getting annoyed we are so forgive and let go get over it or else life will become extremely difficult. I mean, you know, when you stay angry, who's unhappy? who's unhappy, heal yourself far. And the funny thing is that the person you're angry at doesn't even know you're angry at them. Or they're so used to your anger and moodiness that quite frankly, they don't care anymore. They really don't. Right? They know that my mom's always getting upset with me. So whatever. She's
yelling, yelling, yelling, and the son is ignoring or the daughter is ignoring, she's got her headphones on and she's on her phone. If they call you said something, and then go into the room and shut the door and the mom is anchored boiling insight. She's too used to it. The daughters too used to it the husbands too used to it. Right? People are too used to it. So they don't even care anymore. They're hurt, but they don't care about your anger anymore. So who's suffering then? We are. Those who are angry are suffering. So what either Malibu home meal fee alone, there will be anger, that is natural, it is human. But it is necessary that we forgive those whom we are angry
with. We learned the Prophet sallallahu sallam said lad doll Bob Weller, Cal Jana
LA, del lob, Walla, Cal.
Jana, can you write these four words?
Love the love.
Well, I can Jana
What does it mean?
For you? Is
not for sure for sure lamb Lika means for you, okay?
Do not get angry and for you is Jana
a person came and asked the Prophet salallahu Salam, that what will distance me from Allah's Anger? What will save me from Allah's Anger, and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, let us
do not get angry, meaning you don't show anger to Allah's creation, and Allah who will not show anger to you. You forgive Allah's creation, and Allah will forgive you.
So this is why it's important that we learn to forgive the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, If anyone suppresses anger, when he is in a position to give vent to it, to show it, that Allah Who will call him on the day of judgment, before all the creatures, and offer him a huge reward that he can choose
who the person who has the ability to show anger, but he doesn't. So the believer does get angry. There are times and situations that naturally cause anger. But the believer does not get out of control in anger, he stays within limits. And we see that the Prophet saw a lot of sin when he got angry, his anger would be visible. In fact, in the Hadith, or description, such as his face appeared as if pomegranate had been splashed on His face had been sprinkled on his face. So read his face was
and that shows how extremely upset he was inside. But what kinds of words came out?
What volume? Were they at?
What was his body language? Like? What was his action? Like? It was controlled? Homeopathy don't they forgive? Because the thing is that when we show anger, we become very vulgar.
We become very obscene.
Honestly, very, very vulgar. We say things that are not acceptable. We look at people we give them such looks that are not acceptable.
And we go back and forth between, you know ourselves, and that's not acceptable either. So a believer when he is angry, he's still composed. He's still controlled. He stays within limits. And that is only possible if you forgive the other person. And what do we think I shouldn't be angry at him, I should be angry at her, she should not have done this. And she should not have said this. Let me give her peace of my mind. So she will learn. Well, did she learn when you showed her your anger? Did she learn? No, she hit you back the same way you hit her? Did the problem gets solved? No, it only got worse.
And the worst thing is that the HYAH that shyness that you had, with that individual, that higher is now gone. Because you know, with each person, there's a level of shyness, right, because of which we are appropriate. But when we are angry, and we say harsh things, and we do wrong things and what happens that barrier is gone. The barrier is gone. And if we have been obscene with one person, we can be obscene with another also with another also. So what eat them I'll hold the ball home meal for your own, they forgive and ask Allah to allow you to control your anger. Make dua for it. You might be making, you know, have this list in your mind about what dollars you want to make in the
month of Ramadan.
Add this dua because you know what all of us get angry. All of us do sometimes with our children. Sometimes it's our friends sometimes that we're parents, sometimes it's our husband, sometimes with our co workers, our friends, whoever we all get angry.
What we need is that in anger, we don't say things which are wrong and we don't do things which are wrong. So make dua to Allah. Yes.
Does something that hurts the other person. If both of them do to each other, they're never satisfied. So when they leave each other, they both have anger. However, if one person steps up and becomes a bigger person,
it makes you feel better about yourself rather feel worse if you were to hurt the person back or something. So basically showing anger will never solve any problem.
showing anger will never solve any problem. It will only aggravate the problem, it will only worsen it. So if your focus is is law, is really to solve the problem. Then, control your anger. Control your displeasure. Be careful about what you say and how you say it and what you do.
The Prophet saw a lot is that um he explained anger he said that it's a flame of fire that shape on casts in the heart of men, by which she fled
As a person who just flares up, his eyes become red and nerves, they swell up.
And that's what happens. Right? May Allah protect us. But if when we're angry, and when we're showing anger, if our words could only be recorded at that time
and played before us,
we would be embarrassed about
our anger.
We would be truly embarrassed.
It's not cool to show anger because what happens is that we watch TV and we say, Well, this guy looked so cool when he showed anger. You know, when he said that, and he gave that look and the way he walked out, you know what, I'm gonna do that next time. No, no, no, no, that's not an example for us. Who is an example for us? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? These verses are an example for us that what he them I'll label homeopathy rune when Medina ah, then the Buddha era isn't worth our hash. What either my volleyball home meal if you don't you see all of these qualities what do they show self control, discipline,
avoiding major sins avoiding even the indecent actions and then controlling anger also, let's listen to the recitation.
show you
how to do near one,
the long haul you are above on the
wall levena jets honeymoon aka me once in shower either volleyball will meal fuel