Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P25 252D Tafsir Al-Shura 30-35

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the concept of injuries and disaster, forgiveness, and protection. They emphasize the importance of forgiveness and a focus on forgiveness in difficult situations. The speakers also touch on the use of the word alum and its relation to the military, and the importance of remembering to be patient and stay focused on the positive way of the world.

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			warmer and whatever Asaba come, it's truck you men mostly, but in any disaster Fabi ma then because
of what meaning it is because of that which caste Sabbath it earned it acquired a the comb your own
hands. If a disaster has struck you that is a result of your own doing way our full and He pardons
Allah pardons, I'm Cathy, from much, meaning there are so many things that you do, whose
consequences Allah does not make you taste in this world. But yes, there are some deeds whose
consequences Allah does make you taste here.
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			Warmer Asaba saga calm MIM mostly within look at the word, a Saba mostly, but from the root letter
saw dwell.
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			And it's all that basically is when something hits the target.
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			Meaning it hits what it was supposed to hit.
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			It reached where it was supposed to reach, meaning it was meant to happen. It was supposed to
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			You couldn't have missed it, and it couldn't have missed you.
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			And this is exactly how injuries, disasters are accidents, that that's exactly how they are, isn't
it? Because it was a matter of just a split second difference even, you know, how do you landed
somewhere? How do you arrive somewhere, even two seconds late, you could have been prevented from
that injury. If you had fallen at a certain angle, you could have been prevented from that injury,
isn't it?
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			But when something bad happens when a disaster happens, it's as if everything came together in order
that we may suffer from that most labor. So it was supposed to happen.
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			And why did it happen? Furby man cassava a vehicle it is because of what you yourself have done. So
don't blame Allah. It was your own fault. It was because of your own sins. Because sins, what they
do is that they create a barrier between us and Allah subhanaw taala they create a distance between
us and Allah's mercy.
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			And we are safe, we are protected we can survive as long as we have Allah us.
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			And if he were to take that away, even for a moment, if he were to take his protection away from us,
even for a moment,
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			then we would suffer. So when ma Asaba come in mostly button, Fatima cassava ad come it's because of
your own sins way our foreign cathedra but the fact is that Allah pardons so many of your sins, and
this is true. Because if we were really to test the consequences of all our sins, we wouldn't be
alive. Really, we wouldn't be
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			you know, once a person was extremely unwell and the reason why he was in that condition is because
he had made dua that Oh Allah, punish me with whatever punishment you've saved for me in the
hereafter meaning give me that punishment here.
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			So he was in a miserable condition. And when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam learned about that he
said he should have asked Allah for forgiveness and Aafia.
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			Don't ask Allah for punishment. Ask Him for what forgiveness and protection and well being because
he can forgive and he definitely forgives. So well for him. cathedra so what is it that we need to
ask Allah subhanaw taala for morning and evening
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			forgiveness. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that what people seek forgiveness for I
seek forgiveness 100 times a day
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			100 times a day the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would seek forgiveness. And this is
something that really we should make a habit of morning and evening even if we can say a stop for
Allah to lay like 10 times morning and evening make it a habit.
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			It's the FAR is necessary. Because if we don't do is the fall our sins, they can have such such
effect on us. They can make our life so difficult, so miserable, they can prevent us from so much
good. So we should beg Allah for pardon all the time. And anytime we are struck by some difficulty,
then again, what do we need to do instead of getting depressed? Think about what think about what
think that this is a result of my own doing. So again, instead of getting depressed, seek
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			Is the fall
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			you see, when we are struck by some Disaster Financial physical emotional in the family, any kind
somebody falls ill generally we think oh you know this may be somebody's evil eye right, this may be
magic or this may be because of this and this and this reason, okay. It may be evil I it may be
magic, it may be ABCD whatever it is, but it happened because,
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			because who allowed it, Allah allowed it.
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			Allah allowed it to happen.
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			So, if Allah allowed that difficulty to come our way, what do we need to do? Turn to Him that Oh
ALLAH remove this difficulty for me, and I beg you for your pardon. I beg you for your forgiveness
and I realize I confess I admit my mistakes. So yeah, foreign cathedra he does pardon a lot.
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			In sort of thought that I have 45 Allah says, well, oh, you ask it Allah Who NASA be Maccha Sabu
methodical parallel body him in depth. If Allah were to punish people for what they have done,
meaning here now in this world, that not a single creature would be alive on this planet.
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			The sins of people are so many. So we need to seek forgiveness from Allah, warmer and warmer and not
unto him you be more cheesin at all, once to cause failure due to Allah fill early in the earth, or
mana come meaning you cannot escape from Allah, you cannot run away from him. If he intends to send
something evil, your way, there is no way you could avoid it. No way.
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			And don't we see this in our lives that sometimes we take so many precautionary measures to avoid
something to avoid a particular disaster. And despite all our efforts, what happens? What we were
avoiding, comes our way. So the fact is that when Allah decreased something for a person than the
person cannot escape it. So what we need to do is ask Allah for forgiveness, and raffia and
protection wom Allah calm and you do not have been dunya Allah besides Allah Mianwali Yin, any
protector while on asleep, nor any helper. If Allah is angry with you, the No one can save you. No
one can open the doors to goodness, if Allah closes those doors for a servant, woman it and all of
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			his signs an example is given now that all his signs are L Joe, Eddie, the ship's Joanne, plural of
the word jatiya. And jatiya is that which moves and the word God is also used for a girl actually a
young girl, because little girls do the state board. Well, they don't constantly on the move. So
women at El Djawadi obviously signs are the ships that move that flow were filled battery that sail
in the sea, and how is it that they sail Cal our alarm? These ships they appear like the mountains
are allowed plural of the word alum and what is alum are in same route, right? Our LM is a mark
assign It's also used for a flag
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			because through an item, you know something through a mark, you know something through a sign you
identify something.
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			All right. So for example, a particular road, the road sign tells you that this is the road that
you're on. That's an island okay. So, the word on Mr. Lam the plural of that is also used for
mountains. Why? Because mountains are also landmarks
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			right mountains are also landmarks. And the word alum is also used for an outstanding personality.
Because again, they are very well known. So women iOttie Hill Djawadi Phil botanical or lamb huge
ships, and they're sailing
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			on top of the water. Aisha if he wants you skin, he can still meaning he can make it still. What are
the how the wind? If he wants, he can make the wind still.
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			And if the wind is still as if the wind is not blowing in any direction, then what will happen to
ships that have sails on them?
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			What will happen can they move they're just stuck stuck on water. Right moved around by the water
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			isn't at all. So if you want he can do that failed willona So they would remain locked lamb lamb
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			Hola Lolita to remain so they would remain meaning the ships would remain are aware kid motionless
plural of the word Rokita law calf doll. And Rokita is one that is stationary, immobile still. So
they would remain motionless Allah Allah He upon its law back as an upon its surface upon the
surface of the water.
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			So in other words, even a massive giant ship cannot move, unless and until Allah subhanaw taala
allows it to
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			realize that if anything is facilitated, it's made possible for us it's because Allah allowed it.
And if something is made difficult for us, it's because Allah prevented it.
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			Allah Humala, man Euro Lima out later Wallah more clear Lima Aminata in a fee Delica indeed, in
that, that I add are surely signs for who luckily So bear in Shaku for every patient and grateful
servant, who was about one who is patient in hardship and who is shackled one who is grateful in
comfort. In other words, he doesn't forget Allah, no matter what situation he is in, and this is how
we should be if we are going through some difficulty and we realize this is a result of my own doing
then turn to Allah. And if we are enjoying something and we realize that there are so many wrong
things I've done again turn to Allah. So in the field Attica ly ethical Colas of bear in Chicago, or
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			you Bic Hoonah he could destroy them what the chips you Bitcoin Wow bow off work. Work is to perish
upon becoming weak
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			when something becomes so weak that eventually it's finished.
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			Oh, you will be gone now. He could destroy the ships were in the middle of the ocean.
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			And isn't it that so many times ships are found with where at least they were found a low or low now
it's happens or not, but ships are found with people dead in them.
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			They were stranded at sea they ran out of supplies and what happened?
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			Finished they couldn't make it to the shore. So the died at sea in their ships you become
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			and sometimes a ship is destroyed literally in the middle of the ocean. And so it thinks you will.
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			And again, that would be be maca, Cebu, because of what they have done. They did something
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			because of which they were prevented from God's mercy. We are for and Kathy's but always remember
that Allah pardons much. Now, these verses they don't mean that if we find somebody suffering from
some difficulty, we begin to judge them.
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			And we think that oh, they must be very sinful. They must be doing something terrible. The thing is,
all of us are sinful. All of us do terrible things. And if we are living, We're surviving. We have
anything good. It's purely because of Allah's mercy upon us. So don't exalt because Allah has kept
you in His protection. It's his favor.
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			And if we find someone in difficulty, again, don't begin to judge them. Because while they're doing
something wrong, remember that we are also doing something wrong.
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			But what we need to do at such times is remind one another what the well so Bill helped me with the
Walsall bissap remark, remind one another to be patient remind one another to seek forgiveness, to
turn to Allah to ask Allah for protection and wellbeing and always focus on the positive way our
foreign cathedra Ya Ya Allah and he would know who would know Alladhina Yuja de Luna, those who
dispute Fi is Tina concerning our science, our versus being those who are always
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			you know, always disputing contending regarding the verses of Allah, you know, they're not
surrendering, they're not accepting, they're not submitting. They should know from these events,
that Mariela home, they do not have memories, any place of escape my his house other higher thought,
escape. Mahi is a place of escape, or a time to escape. So these events should teach people those
who are hostile towards Allah's religion. These events should teach them that they are always always
dependent on Allah.
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			They can never escape from Allah's grip from Allah's knowledge, Allah is always able to seize them
and punish them. And this is something that we need to remember also, that when we are doing
something wrong, and we are persistent on it, doing it over and over again
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			We need to realize
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			a luck and sees me, Allah can punish me.
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			So these ayat where they give a lot of hope they also bring a lot of warning. Let's listen to the
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			Bhima ad for Kathy
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			be more dizzy and I feel
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			sleep wanting to
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			use Team Z hat I have
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			nothing either
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			got the Wi
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			my heels,
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			we see that on the one hand, Allah subhanaw taala can make the wind still, so the wind doesn't blow
at all. And on the other hand, we see that Allah subhanaw taala can destroy the ship's ubicada. And
that could be by sending violent winds. So the same wind, which is a means of movement and getting
to your destination could also be a source of destruction.
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			Right? The wind isn't whose control in Allah's control and that is what we need to remember. It's
not the things that protect us. It's Allah who protect us. It's not our knowledge and our planning
and our insurance and our this and our that that will keep us safe. It's Allah,
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			who will grant a safety because of which we will remain safe. So there is no refuge no protection,
except with who, except with who, with Allah
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			subhanaw taala will be handed a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta a stuffy Luca what a tuberculate a
sunnah morally correct delivered
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