Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P24 249C Tafsir Ha-Mim Al-Sajdah 30-33

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the Islam teachings of Jesus Christ, including the importance of remaining firm and not committing to anything that is not important to oneself. They stress the need to be mindful of one's behavior and not let fear or grief hold them back, as well as the importance of finding a person who gives support and helps. The sh symbol for Islam is discussed, as it is a symbol of Islam's "angelf centers." The importance of dressing up guests at Jannah for a welcoming gift and blessing from Allah is emphasized, along with the need to practice what you preach and be a woman of the people.

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			In the Levina, indeed those people who follow they said, Rob Boone, Allah, our Lord is Allah. They
said with their mouths, and they said with their hearts, they said honestly, that our Lord is Allah.
Sama, then,
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			meaning then, despite the passage of time or with the passage of time, even after a long time, how
were they is still Camuto they remained firm. It wasn't just an emotional high where they said, our
Lord is Allah. And then the next day they forgot that statement. No, then CYMA that with the passage
of time, even after 10 years, 20 years is the camo, they remained firm, they remained firm, on their
belief that their Lord is Allah.
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			Some muster camo. Sama also means Moreover, on top of that, meaning, first they say, Robin Allah,
and then on top of that, they also remain firm, because it's easy to say things. But it's difficult
to prove them with your actions. So those who say, and the proof, they say their Lord is Allah, and
then some Mr. Camo, they remain firm. Then what happens? That unnecessarily where I lay him all Mala
Iike the angels descend upon them. Why? Allah that do not meaning the angels say to them, that do
not the harmful you all fear, while others are no and do not grieve? No need to fear no need to
worry. No need to feel sad. Rather, what have Shirou and rejoice be hopeful be glad. About what
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			build Jana with Jana with Paradise, which paradise allottee which contem. You have been to our dune
you have been promised from well, I mean, the word a promise, meaning the Jana, that your Lord has
promised you be hopeful for that and be glad about that. And when you're glad about that, then you
don't need to have any fear. And you don't need to have any worries whatsoever. Who says this to
them. The angels say this to them do who do Alladhina Kalu Robin Allah, some muster combo. Those who
say our Lord is Allah and then they adopt is the comma is the ANU we studied this word earlier at
the beginning of the surah. And it's the combo remember it has two meanings is the comma has two
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			meanings. The first meaning is to become right and proper. So they said Our Lord is Allah, and then
they corrected themselves accordingly. That if they were previously doing something wrong, they left
that wrong action. Why? Because now they believe my Lord is Allah.
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			If they were not doing something they were supposed to before. So muster karma means that they came
into obedience into the realm of obedience. Now they became obedient to Allah. So disobedience was
replaced with obedience. So muster calm, who they corrected themselves. The second meaning of is the
camo is the farmer is to remain on deviating the firm to remain stable and firm. That no matter what
happens, a person does not go off track. So they have themselves together up on the straight path,
some must accommo then such people receive the help of the angels how Allah says that unnecessary do
I lay him on Mala Iike? The angels descend on them? The word tetanus Zulu, right, that and as Lou,
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			you see the extra tab at the beginning, what does that mean? The benefit this gives is that the
angels how they descend is that they descend peacefully bringing calmness and tranquility. That
under Zulu, meaning, it's not that they come harshly because you see, sometimes somebody comes they
arrive, but they come in such a rush and they leave in such a rush. It's as if a storm came in left.
All right, no, that Dinah's Zulu, they come peacefully, bringing calmness and tranquility and
tetanus Zulu also gives the benefit of that they descend repeatedly, again and again, whenever the
situation requires the angels come and accompany them. When they're afraid when they're in some
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			difficulty when they're going through something
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			pile throughout their lives at the time of death, even in the hereafter. Why in order to aid them,
and when the angels come, they say let the Hoffer while at the zoo, do not have any hope and hope is
fear regarding matters of the future.
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			That what if I get hurt? What if I suffer? What if something harmful happens to me? So don't fear.
It's all good. You're fine. Nothing bad's gonna happen. And even if something bad happens, you're
good in sha Allah, let the harmful don't have any fear while at the zoo. Do not grieve and who
doesn't is grief over what has happened in the past. Do not have any regrets. Don't worry about what
you've lost, what has left you know, so let the half while others No, don't fear, rather be at ease
and do not grieve rather be content. How? Because you replace fear and grief with hope. And when you
replace fear and grief with hope, then that sadness turns into joy and happiness. What up shiru
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			rejoice, be glad, be happy about Jana, that your Lord has promised you, meaning look forward to the
reward. Look forward to the reward. And when a person looks forward to reward that Allah has
promised then that brings him supper. It brings him patience. It brings him firmness, it brings him
stability, then he doesn't remain shaky anymore. He keeps his feet firm. So what up Shiro Bill
Jannetty, Letty, come come to our dune. The Janna that your Lord has promised until the Toba is 72
Allah subhanaw taala says why the law will move me Nina will move me now. Allah has promised the
believing men and the believing women. What has he promised them Jana 10 bedroom and tactical
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			unharmed. gardens beneath which rivers will flow hardly been a fee her in which they shall abide
eternally. Why am I sucking up a yerba 10 Fijian neTea and homes that are good in the Gardens of
Eden in the Gardens of Eternity, what it blood will mean Allahu Akbar and the pleasure the approval
of Allah that is a greatest reward that Luca who will foster or leave that is the great attainment.
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			This is good news for who for those who say our Lord is Allah and then they become firm. We learned
earlier at the beginning of the surah that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was instructed
all in Nama and Vishal mythological, you have eladia and nama Illa who Camila Hua foster Ki Moon,
LA, what was the call of the prophets? What was the call of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
that all people your Lord is one. Therefore, faster chemo la he make yourselves straight. correct
yourselves. Right? and stabilize yourselves in your journey to who to Allah, that make Allah your
ultimate goal and concern because he is your only God. So it's the chemo either he correct
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			yourselves for him. Make him your ultimate goal and concern. So those who respond to the call of the
prophets, and this was the call of the prophets that all people say your Lord is Allah, and then be
firm. This is similar to how a man came to the Prophet sallallahu. And he was send them and he said,
O Messenger of Allah, tell me something about Islam, that I will not have to ask anyone about it
after you. Meaning something that once you told me, that's enough for me, I don't need any more
detail regarding that from anyone else. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said call men to Billa
sama stop him. Say I believe in Allah. And then it stalking is stalking, meaning correct yourself,
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			reform yourself, do as Allah requires from you and then be firm and steadfast with the challenges
with the difficulties that come along the path. Just don't give up. Don't allow yourself to go off
track become firm on the heat. So do not commit schicke become firm on following the messenger. So
do not practice innovation. become firm on obedience and do not commit disobedience.
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			This is a staccato amount of the Allahu Anhu intercepted once he recited this idea and he said bye
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			Allah, the steadfast are those who remain firm on obedience to Allah. Allah, the Nakamura buena
Allah to muster, como, who are those who are steadfast, those who remain firm upon obedience to
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			And he said, Do not run about from place to place like a fox,
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			like a fox, that wherever you find benefit, you go there. And then as soon as that's over you go
somewhere else and then you go somewhere else and you go somewhere else. No, this is not Alladhina
como, who are those who are steadfast who remain firm in their obedience to Allah, Earth man nobilo
horn who said, they are those who perform their deeds sincerely for the sake of Allah. Because what
is the key to steadfastness? What is the key to steadfastness it is lost it is sincerity. Because
when you're doing something for the sake of Allah, then you do it no matter where you are. Why?
Because no matter where you are, who's watching you
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			your status as Allah servant doesn't change depending on where you are.
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			You understand our status forever is what that we are Allah servants so I am Allah servant at home,
I am Allah servant at the masjid I'm Allah servant when I'm driving, I am Allah servant if I'm in
the court, I am Allah servant. If I'm at work or at school, I am Allah servant when I'm shopping,
I'm Allah servant when I am in a Muslim country in a non Muslim country, no matter where I am my
status has Allah servant. Does it change? Does it change? No, it doesn't. It doesn't. And when a
person remembers that I am Allah servant. And with that sincerity, he's performing the good that
he's performing, then what is it that will that will come in his life, firmness and stability,
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			steadfastness upon what is right now, you see, is the karma is not something easy. It is difficult.
It's not easy to change your habits. Because remember, the first meaning of is the karma is to
correct yourself, right? Previously, where a person was doing something wrong. Now he leaves it, and
he corrects himself. Previously, where were sins now he says bye to them, and He replaces them with
good habits. There's a lot of change, reform. And then you see things that we find difficult to do.
doing them once or twice, it's manageable. But doing them consistently, it gets harder and harder.
It gets harder and harder. And I'm sure you've been through it. Yes, eventually, it gets easy. But
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			there's that phase at the beginning at least where every single day you're struggling. Every single
day you're struggling. Like I remember the first time I wore that are via alright, and to school and
things like that it was extremely difficult. The first time I covered my face, I was like, I'm gonna
die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. Literally, I felt like that.
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			I felt like the whole world was staring at me and I wasn't a Muslim country. And nobody was looking
at me. But I felt so self conscious. And I felt so frightened and so scared. I can't even explain
that feeling.
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			It is difficult. Because you know what, the first thing you have to do is deal with yourself, make
yourself cooperate with yourself. And that is extremely difficult. Because the knifes I'm telling
you the nafs is a very, very difficult creature to control. You can control a wild beast, but the
knifes keeping it in control is extremely difficult, extremely difficult. Because the knifes is such
that in enough setelah amount or tumby Su, it constantly urges you to do what is wrong. You know,
previously, we learned that there are friends there are people who influence you who encouraged you
to do wrong things. Well, sometimes that that evil voice is coming from within.
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			So it's the comma is difficult. It is difficult. You have to fight against yourself, you have to
convince yourself and then remaining steadfast. Because what happens is that initially maybe you
have a lot of support from people, but then after a few days you hear words of criticism. Right?
Then you hear a little bit of more noise and more, you know talk and things like that and it becomes
hurtful. So it's the conga is challenging.
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			It is challenging. Think about it. Two days in a row. You gotta perfect you're on time and the third
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			what happens? We're human right? So it's the color is difficult and this is just struggling with
yourself. Think about opposition from outside. That is even more difficult. And at these times when
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			person holds himself firm, then Allah brings him more strength. How? Through the angels. This is
similar to how the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Whoever tries to be patient than Allah gives him
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			So, I live in a condo Robin Allah through Mr. Karma, they say our Lord is Allah, and then they
correct themselves. They remain firm, they hold themselves in place, they do their best. Then Allah
subhanaw taala sends them external support, also to help them stay firm. And what is that support?
It's in the form of the angels, that the angels remain in his company, that the angels inspire him
with positive thoughts, the angels calm his worries and fears. Because really, when you're bringing
about that change in yourself a good change of is the karma, then do you have health? You have
cough? Yeah, I just gave you an example. I felt like I was gonna die. Alright, do you have a reason?
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			Yeah, it's normal. You have worries, you have fears. But what happens is that when you hold yourself
firm in place, that no I am Allah serve. And this is what Allah wants me to do. So whether I like it
or not, I have to make myself do it. And when you make yourself do it, that Allah sends you the
strength that you need, in the form of angels, who inspire you with positive thoughts, calm your
fears, and worries, put things in perspective for you. So you realize it's not really a big deal.
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			The similar to how and simple and file is number 12. Allah subhanaw taala says, If you heal up Buka,
il Mala Ekati, an imarco for 32 Latina Armano. This happened in one of the battles that the Prophet
salallahu Salam participated in. And what happened, Allah told the angels that for therapy to Latina
Avenue, keep those who believe firm, this was the Battle of budget. It was a very difficult time.
Because remember, this was a coincidental battle. It wasn't planned from before. Right? It wasn't
planned from before. And the Muslims just happened to be what 300 something. And then when she came
over 1000 So it was a very difficult situation that the Muslims found themselves in, but they kept
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			themselves firm. They didn't allow themselves to run away. And when they stayed put, Allah sent
help. The angels latter half, what others no, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is
no person who goes out of his house, except that there are two flags at his door. Meaning when a
person is going out of his house, right, as he's stepping out, there are two flags at his door. One
flag is in the hand of an angel. We don't see it, of course, all right, one flag is in the hands of
an angel and the other in the hand of a shaytaan. If he goes out in the cause of what Allah loves,
then the angel follows him with his flag, and he remains under that flag until he returns to his
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			house. And that flag, what does it mean?
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			What does it mean? Not just protection, but it's also like, you know, this is royalty. You know,
this is a special person. It's like the angel is celebrating.
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			You know what I mean? Celebrating. So, the person when he steps out of his house in order to do
something that Allah likes, then the angel accompanies him throughout until the person returns. And
if a person goes out of his house in the cause of what displeases Allah, than the shaytaan follows
him, and he remains under the flag of the shaitan until he returns to his house, this hadith isn't
was not the hermit that's authentic hadith. So, a person is either befriended by the angels or he is
befriended by the devil. Whose company do we seek we need to ask intro to sharara i A 221 Allah
says, * will not be Okoma Allah Montana solution I'll clean then as Zulu Allah coolly affecting a
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			theme. There are some on whom tetanus Zulu Allah, human Mala Iike the angels descend on them, in
order to accompany them, in order to encourage them and there are others upon whom the Nez Zulu
shall clean, shall clean descend on them, in order to accompany them and encourage them. So who are
those who are accompanied by shall clean? Then as Zulu Allah clearly affecting a theme every lying
sinful person?
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			So the angels when they come? What do they inspire latter half, while others no
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			Why? Because it's the karma. One of the things that it brings a person is loneliness, loneliness,
because a person was having fun, you know, living heedless life doing whatever he wanted with
others, perhaps. And now he said, a boon, Allah semester como All right, he said, My Lord is Allah
and then he became from he corrected himself as he corrected himself isn't going to lose the company
that he previously had. He is. So what did we learn here, that this person is not alone in reality,
because He is accompanied by the angels? So much so that even if a person suffers some pain in the
way of Allah, some physical pain in the way of Allah and is that possible? It happens right? He
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			suffered some physical pain in the way of Allah and he remembers Allah at that time. Then again,
that then Isidore la human Mala Iike, What's the proof of that? We learned that in one of the
battles, one of the companions, he was Valhalla de la. He was defending the Prophet sallallahu
earlier Salaam. And while he was defending him, someone came and attacked him and cut off his
fingers. And as his fingers got cut off, he said,
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			That's all he said. He said, and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, You should have said Bismillah,
for if you had said, Bismillah, the angels would have picked you up. The angels would have picked
you up. I mean, this is how much angels love the person who is in the way of Allah. This is how
concerned they are. For a person who is in the way of Allah. We learned earlier, that how the angels
who are carrying the Throne of Allah, even those angels, pray for those who believe. Imagine, they
pray for those who believe. So Allah subhanaw taala has so many angels. Here we learned that certain
angels day especially come to accompany to defend, to protect, and to support the believer in the
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			way of Allah. Likewise, we learn that when a person is verbally attacked, also in the way of Allah,
then the angels defend him.
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			And does it happen that a person gets verbally attacked by others? Yes. Because of his karma. Yeah,
he does get verbally attacked by many different people. So we learned that once two people were
arguing in the presence of the prophets on Allah who already was on them, and while they were
arguing, one of them was constantly saying Arnica Salam meaning
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			Salam Alikum you know, I don't want to say anything mean, I don't want to say anything bad just
Arnica Cena. That's it. He didn't want to abuse the other, while the other was constantly verbally
abusing him. He didn't want to retaliate. He just kept saying, are like a sinner. And the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is an angel present here. Each time, this one person abuses
the other verbally abuses the other than the angel defends you. Why? Because if you're saying, I
like a Santa,
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			because of your esta coma, you're holding yourself right? That I am not going to say anything bad.
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			I am not going to abuse the other with my tongue. This is a staccato
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			because you have the option of lashing out on the other person, right and saying to him, What will
make him quiet, but you hold yourself on the correct path on the way that Allah likes. And you
remain firm. Because controlling your tongue when you're angry in a heated argument, is it easy, my
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			Is it easy? It's not easy. But even at that time, when a person controlled himself, then what
happens? Allah brings him patience. And Allah sends angels to give him that support and also to
defend him. Then we also see that when a person has is the karma, in the worship of Allah,
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			in the worship of Allah when a person is worshiping Allah and he has this the comment that time
meaning he keeps himself firm on herbs other than the angels. Are there also.
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			Is it easy to sit in one place and continue to worship Allah?
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			Let me give you an example. When you finish your prayer, right, and you know that there are certain
of God which if you say, then all your sins will be forgiven, even if those sins are like the foam
on the sea. Right and what are those QCA saying Subhan? Allah Alhamdulillah Allah Hooper 33 times,
alright, and it takes what two to three minutes, maybe less more depending on your speed on how you
say it. All right. But what happens when you say a Salam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah? What does your naps
want from you? Get up, get up and go do something. Right. Get up
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			and go speak to somebody get up and go check your phone or you know do this or do that. Phil must
talk all me means Hold on. Wait here, stay put, and don't get up and don't even look at that phone
until you've done your call.
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			So when a person in Hadith we learn that when a person remains sitting in his prayer place, after
salah, and of course why is he sitting there daydreaming? No, is doing liqueur is worshiping Allah.
Then Salah to La Hill, Mala Iike to then the angels pray for him. Well, Salah tomar Lee and their
prayer for him is Allah humble Fiddler who, Allah whom are humble, that Oh ALLAH forgive the servant
of yours, or Allah have mercy on him. The angels pray for him. And if a person remains sitting
waiting for the next prayer, then the angels again, they pray for him Allahumma Fiddler who
Allahumma hameau so Mr. Karma we think is still karma is like, you know, for people who are being
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			tortured physically and then they have to say yes, I believe in Allah for me, there's no comma, you
know, because I'm living a normal life No, for us as boys to come or do. Because our tests are
hidden. You know, they're not that obvious. We have to hold ourselves firm after Salah, we have to
hold ourselves firm, before the Quran, we have to hold ourselves from, you know, doing the basic
things like praying on time and wearing the hijab and speaking the truth and controlling our tongue.
And when a person controlled himself, then Allah sends him that strength also. Also, we see that
Olivia called Robin Allah so Mr. Camo, they remain firm. And they seek Allah's help. They remember
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			Allah, then the angels, literally guard and protect him from any harm, any danger coming to him, how
there's a hadith in which we learn that whoever says, Whoever says done times at the end of mockery,
so after maghrib Salah he says 10 times what La ilaha illallah wa who la sharika the whole Milko
Allah who will hunt you're here where you meet, well, who are Allah, Felicia encoded 10 times after
motive than Allah sends for him protectors to guard him from shaitan until morning.
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			Allah sends him who protectors
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			and who are these protectors, their angels who will guard him against Trayvon until the next
morning. So that doesn't violate human melodica when a person is upon the path of Allah, struggling,
striving to remain firm, fighting against himself, and any other evil suggestion to lead him astray,
to let his naps go a little easy. A when a person is firm with himself, then Allah does not leave
him alone, than this person is given the best company who keep him firm who bring him strength and
courage so that he does not give up despite the hostile environment that he is in. Instead of
CalFire 13 and 14 we learned in Alladhina Kalu la buena Allah so Mr. camara fellow home for nearly
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			him wala homier Zeno these are the people who shall have no fear, nor will they grieve. Hola, Iike
us how will Jana they are the companions of Jana Holly Dena fie her abiding there in eternally Jezza
MB MacConnell Yama known as recompense for what they used to do. So that danessa la human Mala Iike
when is this? When is it that the angels descend on them? When some have said this is only at the
time of death? But no, what we learn from hadith is that the angels descend on them repeatedly,
again and again. Every time there is a need. So really a person who is keeping himself firm on the
path of Allah then Is he alone?
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			Is he alone? Not alone. He's in the best company. So never ever think that you are lonely. When you
are doing something, right. Even if you're the only person doing it, everybody's chilling.
Everybody's talking and you're the only person sitting there doing your thought after Salah. So be
it. You're not alone. You're in the best company. There are those who are praying for you know, we
are meaning the angels say to them that we are only open your friends Phil hieratic dunya in the
life of the world in the worldly life in the world.
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			We live We are your friends. Oh, Leah * of wali and who is Wally, a friend, but why is a friend
who expresses their will to help you and support you?
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			You see, there's different types of friends some friends are Yeah, hi, I know you, you know me.
Yeah, we just had fun but by, you know, but then there are friends who say, if you need me Call me.
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			Right? You need me? Let me know. Let me know if I can do something for you. Then there are friends
who just say that and there are friends who actually mean that right? And then there are friends who
do even more than that. They don't just say if you need me call me they just show up. Right? They
don't ask you if you need water, they'll just bring it to you. While he is who someone who offers
their willingness to support you to help you. They offer it to you. So not only can Phil hire to
dunya in this shows the well wishing and the love the angels have for believers,
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			that we are willing to always help you we are willing to always support you
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			know Alia Oaken Phil higher to dunya in the worldly life praying for you, helping you guarding you,
encouraging you will fill Hera and also in the Hereafter, in the hereafter hereafter begins from the
moment of death onwards. So at the time of death you're not alone in the grave you're not alone at
the time of resurrection you're not alone in how should integrate gathering you're not alone.
Alongside you until you enter Paradise because we are your friends willing to help you and support
you and to ensure your safety in sorta Radha 23 We learn well Mala equal to Yahoo Lunala him when
Kali bad The angels will enter upon them from every gates and I'm going to alikhan beam is about to
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			welcome and for you to give good news of Jana that for you fee her in it meaning in Jana is man that
which the the he it desires, what desires and phosphoricum your souls? Earlier we discussed about
how difficult it is to control the soul and UPS isn't it? It's difficult, but those who is the combo
they control their naps, they try to be patient Allah grants them patients, they try to be firm and
Allah grant them firmness, then what will happen to such people in Jannah? There they can have
whatever their knifes desires that the heat. Sheen how well or Yeah, Xiao Hua
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			What does Xiaomi desire and Xiaomi has like carnal desires almost like you know, your natural human
desires, which, you know, when you pursue them in this life, it's not exactly a positive thing. Or
it's not exactly
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			a very good thing. You know, it could cause you harm. Like, for example, one is to eat. And if you
just eat whatever you want all the junk in the world and everything you desire, even if it harms
your body, but it just eat it, eat it eat it. Are you going to suffer because of that? Yes.
00:33:16 --> 00:34:03
			Alright, when it comes to sleeping also, same thing. So, once I configure mad dash there, he
unphysical all those natural desires that you were controlling the whole time in the world. Now let
them loose, let them loose and fulfill them, because you know what? They can actually be fulfilled?
Because in dunya, can the desires of the knifes ever be fulfilled? Can they ever be fulfilled? No,
it's not possible. You know, that moment when you just finished like your second burger. And then in
your mouth, you have that lovely taste, and you could actually enjoy more, but you know that your
stomach cannot handle it. Your mouth is not satisfied. It's still craving that lovely Shake Shack
00:34:03 --> 00:34:17
			sauce or something. But what happens your stomach is full, it doesn't have any more space. It
doesn't. So in the world, is this is true desires cannot be fulfilled.
00:34:18 --> 00:34:23
			Pursuing desires only brings dissatisfaction to a person.
00:34:25 --> 00:34:33
			I'm not saying that next time you want a burger, don't eat it, eat it, but realize that your
ultimate goal should not be to satisfy your burger cravings.
00:34:34 --> 00:34:47
			It shouldn't be that because if you make your ultimate concern, fulfillment of your desires, you
can't do what's important. You can't have is to call them because after having those three burgers
told me Are you going to be able to get it first of all?
00:34:48 --> 00:34:54
			Are you going to have the energy to stay awake and do some liquor? No way. You're going to be
falling asleep.
00:34:55 --> 00:34:59
			You're not going to find joy in this. You won't
00:35:00 --> 00:35:34
			So welcome fee how mad dash the he unphysical SD comma requires curbing your desires but it brings
Jana and what does Jana bring fulfillment of desires welcome and for you fee her in it meaning in
Jana is mad that their own whatever whatsoever that you request that their own from it the same
route doll I mean well da to call to ask so mad that their own idea is to demand to ask for
00:35:36 --> 00:36:18
			So whatever you ask for it's yours, loose Xulon all of this is noozle as accommodation from who men
are afforded Rahim hospitality from the Lord who is Forgiving and Merciful. Muslim, known Xyla is
that which is prepared for a guest that which is prepared for a guest. I want you to think from the
perspective of a host. If you're a host, and you know you have some guests coming over maybe to stay
over for a couple of days. Will you prepare for them? What you generally don't prepare for yourself?
00:36:20 --> 00:36:22
			Yeah, like for example.
00:36:24 --> 00:36:51
			Food. Okay. Will you bring out those bed linens that don't generally come out? Yeah. Will you bring
out that nice candle that you don't generally use? You will right? Will you bring out those nice
fancy toiletries which you don't generally use you do? Why? Because what you prepare for a guest is
special. Everything is special.
00:36:53 --> 00:36:59
			Jana, and all of its blessings, they are described as Newzoo.
00:37:00 --> 00:37:39
			Hospitality, as if those arriving in Jannah are Allah's guests. And the names of Allah that are
mentioned over here are folded Rahim. Because really, no one can enter Jannah except with the
forgiveness and mercy of Allah. No Xulon men are folded Rahim. You shall be Allah's guests. This is
a welcoming gift and blessing from the one who has forgiven your sins, and the one who is merciful
and kind towards you. And who says all of these statements are the statements of the angels,
positive statements that the angels Inspire.
00:37:40 --> 00:38:24
			In the hearts of those who say Rob Boone, Hola, Semesta como, then Allah says woman and who is us
and who better Arlen in speech, who is better in speech, meaning whose speech is better man than the
one who die he calls in Allah to Allah. The person who calls people to Allah, his speech is the best
speech near Allah. It's the best voice near Allah. It's the best words near Allah.
00:38:25 --> 00:38:26
			As people we talk a lot.
00:38:28 --> 00:38:33
			Maybe we write a lot, the best speech near Allah
00:38:34 --> 00:39:05
			is that in which you are calling people to Allah, you are inviting them to Allah, you are inviting
them to worship Allah to have hope in Allah to ask for his forgiveness to hope for his reward, to
have hope in His mercy. maidment da in Allah, it is said that this is the person who calls people to
La Ilaha illa Allah who invites people to La Ilaha illa Allah Some have said that this is the mu
00:39:06 --> 00:39:18
			This is who the mu oven the person who gives the advance because the other than what is an
announcement and in the other than, what is the person saying?
00:39:19 --> 00:39:42
			Hi yah la sala. Hi ya ll fella. And before that he says a shadow Allah Allah, Allah Allah. Alright,
and Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. What is he doing? He's calling people to worship Allah. So the best
call near Allah, according to some is a call of the event. The best announcement is the announcement
of prayer.
00:39:43 --> 00:39:44
			And we learned that
00:39:45 --> 00:39:55
			those who give up and will be the tallest on the Day of Judgment, tallest sticking out from the rest
literally standing out.
00:39:56 --> 00:39:59
			So this is definitely something beautiful that we should encourage our
00:40:00 --> 00:40:21
			were brothers, sons, husbands, whoever, any men within our family, we should encourage them to do
especially little children. Because once they learn, the person who gives the man will be the
tallest. Alright, every kid wants to be the tallest right? In their class. So woman is no Carmen
Miranda it Allah
00:40:22 --> 00:40:30
			and calling people to Allah. Anytime that you're calling people to Allah, is that a difficult thing
to do? It is.
00:40:32 --> 00:41:13
			Does that require us to comma? Oh, yeah. Because you have to force yourself to remain in place and
keep talking or keep discussing. Right? And these conversations sometimes can be extremely
difficult. Exactly. You face opposition, or just face those awkward looks and responses. You could
talk about random bags. But when you're talking about Allah, when you're talking about religion, it
just becomes awkward. But remember, that the words you say, when you're calling people to Allah, are
the best words near Allah. It's the best speech you could have ever given the best conversation you
could have ever had.
00:41:15 --> 00:41:59
			Well, I mean, I certainly had any alter does righteous deeds. Because it's not just about telling
people do this, do this, do this. But it's also about practicing what you preach. You have to make
yourself do that good also, well, I mean, I saw your hand He leads by example, what color and he
said, in many indeed I am menial Muslimeen of those who surrender. Meaning I surrender myself to
Allah, my lord, my Creator. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Peale, who calls people to
righteousness, then there would be reward for him like the reward of those who
00:42:00 --> 00:42:06
			adhere to that righteousness. So for example, if a person were to call someone invite someone to do
something good,
00:42:07 --> 00:42:20
			all right. And then they actually listened to him, they actually do that good. So then the person
who did the Dawa, he will get the reward of the good deeds of those who followed him. Why?
00:42:21 --> 00:42:44
			Because he taught them, he called them he invited them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also
said, By Allah, if Allah guides, even one person through you, that is better for you, then to
possess the most valuable of candles. The best of property even won't match the reward that you
could get by guiding someone.
00:42:46 --> 00:43:00
			And you see over here, there's three things that are mentioned. He calls to Allah, He does
righteousness himself, and he says I am of those who surrender to Allah. And all of these three
require is to karma
00:43:01 --> 00:43:02
00:43:05 --> 00:43:06
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00:43:09 --> 00:43:10
			messed up on
00:43:16 --> 00:43:17
			to the half
00:43:24 --> 00:43:28
			what other she Oh Mila Jun Atletico
00:43:29 --> 00:43:30
			to to.
00:43:33 --> 00:43:35
			National only
00:43:38 --> 00:43:40
			Hi, duniya
00:43:42 --> 00:43:43
			wala Khun fi,
00:43:45 --> 00:43:47
00:43:49 --> 00:43:50
00:43:54 --> 00:43:54
00:43:57 --> 00:44:03
			walkie woman central goal
00:44:09 --> 00:44:15
			for the whole walk on in any minute, Mussolini