Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P24 249B Tafsir Ha-Mim Al-Sajdah 25-29

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The United States is a culture where mistakes are made against people, causing harm to their lives and causing negative consequences. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding mistakes and not feeling guilty about them, as well as finding critical people to support and provide support. The segment also touches on the historical and political context of Islam, including its impact on society and the potential for violence.

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			suited for Senate. We will begin from Iowa number 25.
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			Earth will name and Shakeology, Waka yagna. And We appointed LA home for them all on our friends. We
appointed for them certain type of friends, what kind of friends fuzzy, you know, so they adorned
they beautified the home for them, meaning their friends beautified for them, my Boehner ad him that
which was before them, warm Al Khalifa home, and that which was behind them, meaning of their sins.
They beautified their sins for them. The word a yagna is from the root letters off. Yeah, blood.
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			And the word K is actually used for the thin membrane that is on an egg. So between the egg and the
egg shell, you know, there's that white thin membrane, which is very difficult to remove. That is
what Kyle is. So tiled is to attach something to the other by yoga is to attach something to the
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			The PU a Yabba tequila is to put one thing with another assign it. And when over here it is used in
the context of friendship. What does it mean by yagna? Allah home Khurana that they were put in the
company of certain friends, those friends were attached to them just like the shell or the membrane
is attached to the egg
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			attached completely attached. And the word Purana is the plural of the word Corinne. What is
studying Korean is used for a friend, but there are many words in the Arabic language that are used
for friend glean from the word cotton. Cotton is also used for a century, right? A long period of
time, multiple generations. So a Korean is someone with whom a long period of time is spent. You
understand? So not just a friend because you were with them in school once upon a time, or six years
ago, you knew them right? Or five years ago, you knew them? No, it's somebody who's been with you.
You've been with them for a long time. And generally, the word Kareem is not used for a good friend.
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			Rather, it's used for a friend who has some bad influence on the other. So for example, shaitan, we
learned that every person with him is a shaitan, trying to misguide him constantly whisper evil, and
suggests evil thoughts suggest evil actions to him. And that Chopin is known as Kareem. Why? Because
he is constantly with the person and constantly trying to be a bad influence on him. So we're kind
of Nyla home Khurana. What does it mean by this, we look at the previous verses in the previous
verses what was mentioned, those who are the enemies of Allah, the are there of Allah, who don't
even bother to listen to the call of the messenger who don't even bother to listen to the message of
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			the Prophet, and they deny blindly. And also they're wrong thoughts about Allah subhanaw taala that
Allah doesn't know about what we're doing. And so they continue to perform sin without realizing
that their own body is going to be a witness against them. So here, what is mentioned that these
people they committed sin, they persisted on their wrong, forgetting that their lives will be
witness against them. Why? Because they were constantly in bad company. They surrounded themselves
with people who are not a good influence on them. Instead, they were a bad influence on them. And so
in the company of these people what happened? They even forgot that Allah is watching me. They
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			forgot that Allah is listening to me.
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			They forgot that and it's amazing how there are so many things that a person would never do on their
own, they would only do it when they're with their friends or with a certain group of people. So
what kind of Nyla home Khurana for the yen hula hyung Medina ad him what are called for him, and
these funds beautified, adorn for them that which was before them, and that which was behind them.
What does it mean by this, that which was before them and behind them meaning of sin, their sins?
And why aren't sins described as before and after? Because there are some sins which a person has
committed already right. And there are other things that a person is committing at present, or he
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			will be committing in the future he intends to commit them. He plans to commit them. And you see
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			What happens if you've done something wrong? It burdens you. Right? It weighs heavily on you, you
live with some kind of regret. But certain friends, what they will do is that they will make you
feel that if you did something wrong, that was justified, they will not allow you to feel bad about
your mistakes. In fact, they will encourage you to commit more mistakes, they will encourage you
that you should do more of this wrong stuff. Let me give you an example. Let me make this realistic.
Okay. Let's say you are a, you know, teenager
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			in school. Okay. Even if you're an adult, imagine when you were a teenager. All right? And in
school, and you come across this guy, and he looks pretty hot, or is that how guys are described?
Yeah, okay.
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			I feel old sometimes.
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			Anyway, and you see him and you're like, Ah, stop it, Allah, he and I shouldn't look at the guy like
that. And your friend passes by inches, like, you started reading the face? What's going on?
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			And do you know this guy? Does he know you? Do you know him? And you're like, No, no, no stuff for
the law stuff, but a lot. And then what happens? Like it's okay, it's okay. I can understand, you
know, even I have a crush on so and so. But you can't take him. And then what happens? A whole
discussion starts. And here you were feeling guilty about looking at a guy in a particular way. And
somebody's making you feel like, Yeah, you should do more of this. And if a group of friends is
talking about boys, boys, boys the whole time, what happens? You feel kind of dumb that you don't
have a crush on anybody. You know what I mean? So it's as if you are encouraged to dwell on wrong,
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			you are encouraged to continue the wrong and not feel guilty about anything wrong you did in the
past. Let's say you cheated on an exam. Alright, and a friend saw you. And then she's giggling with
you. Right? And she's kind of encouraging you that yes, let's do it again. You see many people, they
end up doing wrong things. Why? Because of who?
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			Because of who? Their friends because of their company. Why? Because friends will adorn sins for you
that you would not find good, you would not find beautiful. You know, when somebody is trying drugs
for the first time, why are they doing it because somebody almost bullied them into it. Right? Why
don't you do this? It's like you're not cool enough if you don't try this already. Alright, so
fuzzy, you know, Lahoma Boehner ad him, one more homophone. They adorn for them their sins, which
sins the past and the future.
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			And so when a person finds things beautiful, how is he going to repent? How is he going to seek
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			And also fuzzy Ian hula Han Medina ad him what is before them meaning of a hero? And what is behind
them as an of dunya? What does it mean by this? The matters of the year? So for instance,
accountability, reward and punishment, they just beautify this whole thing for them that no, no,
it's okay. You'll be forgiven. Allah is Most Merciful. He won't hold you accountable. And the
matters of dunya also, this is the same this is something wrong, but it's okay. Everybody does it.
Everybody has fun. You all to chill, take it easy. So for the year no Lahoma Boehner ad him warmer
Hall for him. Just as for shaitan Allah's Panthera says yeah, you do homeboy human need Him Who Am
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			I? You're either homeless shelter, no Illa, hoorah shaitan, he promises them, and he also gives them
false hopes. But the promises of shaitan are nothing except for delusion, deception. So for zillion
who Lahoma Boehner ad him when Al Khalifa whom will help and it was justified, or lay him, against
them upon them, I will I will use the word which word the Decree of Punishment meaning they were
deserving of it, fee Omen amongst other nations plural of the word OMA, meaning they will end up
having the same fate as other nations which nations are colored men ugly him that passed before them
mineral jinli Well ins of gin and men in the home candle Ha, serene indeed they were all losers. So
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			just as previous nations before them of men of jinn had gone astray, misled by their friends,
likewise, these people on the same path misled by their friends, ending up at the same place in the
home Kandahar City in India.
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			They're all losers.
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			Now, this idea, this is basically warning us against the company that we have the people that we
surround ourselves with, what do they do? And what do they encourage us to do?
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			Apparently, it seems from the word waka yagna, that certain bad company is forced on some people,
because Allah is saying that we have assigned to them these funds. So one might say, Well, what's my
fault? If certain company has been destined for me? What's my fault in that? The thing is that Allah
subhanaw taala does not force Bad Company on anybody. All right. What happens is that in every
group, people look for those who are like them.
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			People look for those who are like them, who will agree with them, who will tell them to do what
they want to do.
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			And we see that good people look for good people, and people who have other inclinations look for
those who have similar inclinations. Even amongst the Sahaba people who were sincere believers, was
there not of the love and obey the hypocrite? He was surrounded by good company, wasn't he? But what
did he look for people who were like him? And did he find them? Yes. Did he find a following? Yes,
he made his own tribe, he became a leader of that tribe, amongst the purest believers amongst the
sahaba. So we can ever say that, well, it's not my fault. Because, you know, I go to school or or I
live in this country, I live in the society, my family's like that. No, the thing is that whatever
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			you want inside, your friends are basically a reflection of who you are. Because we see that frown
and SEO where they're not married, where they're not married, of course, they were, but good fit our
own influence us here. Good. He, he couldn't. He even tortured her abused her physically, to somehow
have her give up her fate? But did he manage to do that? No, imagine they weren't married. But still
frown could not influence us here. So we can't always blame our friends for the wrong that we do, we
have to take responsibility. And we must realize that the people that I am surrounded with are
actually a reflection of who I am. So if you want people around you to change begin to change from
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			where from yourself, and you don't like it except that you are an average of the five people that
you hang out with.
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			You are an average of five people that you hang out with, that you are usually around. So the five
top people that you interact with, that you sit with, that you eat with, that you talk to, then you
become an average of them. So for example, if there's a woman, and she's constantly around children,
without having any conversations with adults, or reading a book or anything like that, what's going
to happen, even in her normal conversation, she's going to start talking about Kitty stuff, isn't
it. And we see children on the other hand, who are always interacting with adults, what happens,
they start talking about really mature stuff. So this is true, our friends are a reflection of us.
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			So we can never put the blame entirely. And our friends on our friends, we have to take
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			So I'm in a program at school where it's a very, very limited group of people. It's literally like
1520 people since grade four that we've been stuck together. And now I'm in grade 12. And it's like
the friends we can have in that group are very limited. And we have to take the same classes, the
same courses, everything right. So I was never satisfied with the kinds of friends I had there. And
the choice there was that either I stay with that group and bear the kind of stuff they would talk
about, or kind of distanced myself from that group and not get any help on assignments and stuff
that we would do in those classes, but have good friends and then 100 I chose friends who aren't
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			necessarily from that group, but they're good. And I still get the work and I'm good at it.
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			You see, this doesn't mean that we have to cut ourselves off from people just because somebody
appears to be a bad influence on us. We pretend like they don't exist anymore. No, there is going to
be some interaction like we see. Our beloved obey lived in Medina, right? Don't we find a hadith in
which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam spoke to him or he came and spoke to the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam or there was interaction with other companions there was right. So what I'm telling
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			Then you is not that you should completely cut off from people who seem to be a bad influence on
you. But when you see that someone is adorning sins for you, something that is clearly wrong, but
they're beautifying it for you, then be wise, Be wise over there.
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			You know, for instance, if there's a particular individual at school, and every time you sit with
them, you get in trouble because of the fact that they talk a lot, or they're always on their phone,
and they engage you in their conversations also, and the teacher gets upset, and they get detention,
because of them. You also get detention, this happens once, twice, three times, four times, wake up,
when you go to class, and when you see them and they call you to sit next to them, go choose a
different spot, be wise, right. So when it comes to the matters of the world, also, we have to be
wise, when it comes to the matters of agora. When it comes to the matters of the end, we have to be
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			extremely careful. Because fuzzy Yun who Lahoma Boehner ad him one our whole phone, this is so
dangerous. This is so dangerous, that a person begins to see sins as beautiful. He is attracted to
sin. This is so dangerous. Friends who will put you to sleep who will put your inner vision to
sleep, they will make you internally blind. So you can't see the right from wrong and the wrong from
right. You can't tell the difference between the two. This is so dangerous.
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			So we have to wake up over there. In total Arafa 202 We are taught what you who I know whom amo Duna
home filha ye Samila. You soon that their friends, they pay them into misguidance. And then they
don't fall short. Meaning they make sure that their lead into misguidance. And support for Karna
your 28 Also we learn your way later litani limited for Lannon kalila. Oh, I wish I had not taken so
and so as a friend, because law could have been linear and decree bother it journey. He took me
astray from the message after it had come to me. Meaning I knew what I was supposed to do what I was
supposed to avoid. But this person pushed me into misguidance. Yes. Like nowadays, it's in the
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			fashion that everybody has some guys in high school or in university, you have to have one guy. So
one of my I know somebody, of course, he was a grad student, she was not having any boyfriend. So
when she went to university, the break time, everybody used to go to their girlfriends, and she was
stuck. So finally, like you said that you find the company you are, she found a girl because she was
alone, she found a girl who was Christian, and she was practicing Christian. She said, in our
religion, even we don't make boyfriends unless until we are eating or we are crossed that age. So
she said I'm very practicing girl and I don't make boyfriends like this. So she found her company
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			and she is enjoying now with her.
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			You see, there is a time when you have to experience that loneliness. Right? It's part of the
process. You experience that loneliness. And then Allah subhanaw taala does give you the best
company, the best of friends who are a good influence on you and who help you stay firm.
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			So what do we learn from this idea that
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			we have to look for people? Okay, we have to ensure that we are in the company of
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			those who will not congratulate us when we've done something wrong. Those who will not clap for us
when we've done something wrong. So look for those who are either critical.
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			All right, who are critical in the sense that they are able to tell you when you've done something
wrong, alright, they're neutral towards you. They will not agree with everything that you do. They
have this level where they will advise you and they will correct you if there is a need. Because if
you're surrounded by people who are constantly saying, Yeah, you're good, you're good, you're good.
You're never gonna know where you're making mistakes where you're falling short.
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			We'll call in Ludhiana CAFO and those who disbelieve, say, let us Maru do not listen, we have the
Quran to this Quran.
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			Those who disbelieve say to each other so you see the effect of Bad Company. They say don't even
listen to this Quran and we discussed earlier about how easy it is to just listen and how difficult
it was for them wished he came to not listen to the Quran. Because the Quran was so attractive in
its wordings in its rhythm. So they said don't listen to this Quran and instead well Lo Fi and make
noise in it. Lala contact reborn so that you will overcome the ugly bone laying Lamba you will be
superior you will overcome meaning your way shall prevail. The call
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			On will not be heard it will not be understood. Now look at what they said well Lo Fi make noise in
it Allah subhanaw taala tells us that when the Quran is recited what should you do? First Tamiya
rule level one say to listen to it and be silent. These people said, Do not listen to it, and
instead make noise the exact opposite. And one low fee lamb Lane Well, law law who literally it is
used for the chirping of the birds, and not the beautiful chirping but the noisy chirping All right,
noisy chirping. Because sometimes, you know, these sounds that can be so loud that it's difficult to
carry a conversation, it's difficult to hear the person who's talking to you. So find this one low
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			fee, what the word means is that you make noise, make noise, how that you raise your voices, right?
Start whistling and clapping and just start talking loudly so that the Quran cannot be heard, drown
out the sound of Quran with your noise, drown out the sound of the Quran, how with your noise, do
something at that time, say something at that time.
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			Secondly, one low fee heat low, what kind of speech is low? Useless then unnecessary, inappropriate.
Alright, so one low fee meaning speak nonsense.
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			And what they meant by that was that when the Quran is being recited, and serious stuff is being
spoken about, at that time, crack a joke, or pass a comment that will basically destroy the effect
of the Quran. For instance, we learned earlier about how the vs concerning the home when the
prophets Allah Watson recited them, what did Abuja who? He said to his maid, servant, go bring some
bread and something right butter and dates or something. This is a coup, and everybody began
laughing. That here is Muhammad salallahu Salam reciting such serious verses about punishment in the
hereafter hellfire. And here Abuja you know, he just said that the film is better and dates. So well
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			hopefully he says such things why law Allah Kentucky Boone so that you will overcome when the Quran
will not be heard, it will not be understood, then your way shall prevail. Now, this was a scheme,
right? It was a trick on their part, create distraction when the Quran is recited so that people
don't even learn about the Quran. This is similar to how never been our Hadith. He went to different
places and he came back with stories of different legends of different countries, right? And then
every time somebody was being affected by the Quran, he would distract him with his dancing women
who would give him alcohol and sing to him and tell him stories. So likewise, people came up with
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			this plot also.
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			felon who the kana Allah says We shall definitely make them taste who Alladhina Cafaro those who
deny what will we make them taste or they have been shoddy then a severe punishment. Well, a nudge,
Xia know whom And surely we shall definitely recompense them with what a SWOT worst off ality, can
we I'm alone of that which they used to do. Their recompense will be according to the worst actions,
the worst crimes that they committed, we learned elsewhere, but certain people Allah will reward
them according to the best deeds that they performed. And we see the same for punishment. The
punishment will be according to the worst crimes that occur, that is Jezza recompense of our other
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			Illa enemies of Allah or that is a plural off. I do. Because a Friend of Allah would never do such
that when the Quran is recited, he's not listening. Know, a friend of Allah would pay attention to
the words of ALLAH, he wouldn't even make noise at that time to get distracted from that recitation.
So then he can Jezza who are the Illa he now what is the Jezza it is a now LA home fee have for them
in it is that will hold home of eternity. Why? Jezza and a recommends Bhima candle because they used
to be a attina with our vs. Yes, why don't they reject and remember the meaning of Jehovah? What
kind of denial is this? With, with knowledge?
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			So such people are described as the enemies of Allah?
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			Who are the enemies of Allah?
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			Who are the enemies of Allah?
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			Who don't listen to the Quran and don't let others listen? Either. They exert their efforts in
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			Meeting people from the Quran willkommen Lavina Cafaro and those who disbelieve, they will say, when
in the fire, when they shall be given their punishment, when they will meet their outcome, they will
say Robina our Lord arena show to us. Sure to us, Allah veiny
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			the word is not a Lavina what is it? Allah veiny and Allah veiny means the two who
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			those two, the two who are the learner, they both misled us, the two who misled us, Meenal Ginni
while ins among the jinn and men, meaning from among the jinn, and among people, those who misled
us, show them to us. We want to see them, those who brought us here, we want to see them. Why, so
that Niger Aluma, we may make them we may place them, both of them.
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			Beneath Acorda Amina our feet, we want to trample over them, we want to walk over them, we want to
crush them with our feet Akademia throne of the word, Adam, what is this show how angry they are at
those who misled them. But it's amazing how in the world, how easily they follow them and they obey
them, they listen to them. So obediently and humbly look at how this friendship is turning into
hate. How that love is turning into anger, Lea corner, so that both may become meaningless, Falleen
amongst the lowest, the most of best, a spell in plural of the word, a spell and who is a spell? One
who is most low, meaning we want to see them to ensure that they are getting the worst treatment
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			over here, we want to make sure that they are in a worse position than us. And if we have to crush
them with our feet, we will do that.
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			Look at how this friendship has turned into hatred. What do we see here? Typical that how people
will be angry at each other in hellfire today, yes, there are many bonds of friendship and love. But
remember any bond of friendship that is based on disobedience to Allah, then this friendship is
going to turn into hatred, this apparent love is going to turn into enmity.
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			This commitment that people have today is going to turn into rage in the hereafter. So anyone who is
a means of taking you away from Allah, remember, in reality, they're not your friend.
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			And in reality, you are not their friend either.
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			Because if we are helping each other disobey Allah, this is not friendship. What is friendship that
you want the best for the other, you help the other?
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			It was mentioned earlier about how friends they help you and your assignments and your projects and
your work, right you hang out with them. Why? Because you want good for your friends and your
friends want good for you.
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			But if there was a person who was working to harm you, and you're working to harm them, will you
call this friendship? No. So any cooperation on sin, remember, that is not friendship, even if it's
done in the name of friendship, in reality, it is not friendship, and we see how all such bonds will
be destroyed in the hereafter when people will meet their result.
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			Now it is said that the two who misled us among the jinn and men who are these two remember that in
Surah NAS what do we learn that Allah the US reserve useful duty nurse, meno Gina tea oneness, that
shaitan the one who misguides people is not necessarily only for among the gin, but they're also
from the people because we're shaytaan whispers evil thoughts. There are people who will come and
not whisper but speak out.
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			Evil suggestions to us. Right? So Allah veiny middle genuine introverts to any person who has been a
cause of misguidance whether human or jinn. Some have said that the two over here is specifically
referring to the leader of Ole Miss guiders among the Djinn and who is that Iblees
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			and from among the humans, who is it?
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			Why kabhi because what did Kobe will do? He initiated aggression, he initiated oppression.
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			He initiated murder and many other sins.
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			He was the first one to
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			Do it, how you see it bliss in the skies in the heavens. It was his jealousy for Adam or a sinner
that led him to disobey Allah subhanaw taala and let him to his cover. Right, and to so many wrong
things in the world. Who was it? It was corbeil who was envious of his brother, because the
sacrifice of His brother was accepted and His sacrifice was not accepted. And out of that envy, what
did he do? He killed his own brother
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			linty so, he initiated sin in the world. So,
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			people in * will say we want to see Iblees and kabhi the leaders the pioneers of sin of
disobedience to Allah, those who initiated sinning we want to see them in order to make sure that
they are getting the worst treatment
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			and we see how friendship will turn into hatred even in general. All right, recitation
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			work on yield
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			whenever I
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			add one
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			more help
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			hone will help
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			me or Mammon to me
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			mean alleging
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			false Ed, walk all the NACA Oh lettuce merrily had
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			jersey and us what
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			woke all
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			no Gerawan uma
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			Amina Ali Hakuna spending
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			Yeah, that's exactly that where we are leaving our friends sometimes or wondering if they're really
a good influence on us or not, we need to analyze ourselves also that what kind of a friend Am I
right? Am I a positive a good influence on somebody? Or am I just encouraging them when they're
wrong and not correcting them when they need to be corrected? What kind of a friend am I? Right
because a person is on the religion of his friend. Our friends are a reflection of us, and we are a
reflection of our friends. So if anything goes wrong, then it's equal responsibility as we see in
the last verse that we learned that both will be suffering. And on the other hand, where there is
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			good then in sha Allah that good is also shared.