Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P24 248C Tafsir Ha-Mim Al-Sajdah 5-8

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the confusion and pride surrounding the Quran and their dislike for it. They also discuss the meaning of words and their differences between English and Arabic. The importance of having multiple sentences and emphasizing the importance of understanding the meaning of "one God" in a sentence is emphasized. The speakers also discuss the benefits of giving charity and not giving everything to anyone without it. The speakers stress the importance of following rules and not making mistakes. The conversation also touches on the importance of man in bringing reward to people, such as thank-you for a meal or a blessing, and the importance of a "gu hiring reward" that is not a burden.
AI: Transcript ©
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I will call you and they say their excuses for not listening. What are their excuses that could open our hearts our fee akin nothing. They are inside coverings. Akina is a plural of the word Kenan calf no noon, and Kenan is used for a protective covering a wrap. So they say our hearts are within protective coverings, they are wrapped, they are veiled. They're masked.

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And when something is masked, then what does it mean? What does it mean? Is something going in something coming? Oh, no, it's closed. It sealed. So they say they themselves are saying Our hearts are within coverings mimma concerning that which the de Runa la he you call us to?

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Meaning that which you call us to through the Quran? And what is it that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam invited the people to through the Quran, though hate belief in the Hereafter, right? beautifying their character, analyzing their actions, their treatment of others, right? So they said that our hearts are within coverings concerning that would you invite us to? What does this mean? This means that our hearts are already full. Because when is it that you wrap something you close it when it's full? Right? So our hearts are already full. We have no space for what you call a stew. Our hearts are fully occupied. So this is why we can even offer you a listening ear to pay attention

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to the Quran so that we can accommodate it in our hearts. Now we have enough we know enough. We are in no need of the Quran. This is what they meant. We'll call coluna fee akin nothing Minmatar de Runa LA, we're fee and in another excuse me there Nina, our ears portion of the word Odin in our ears is working on heaviness. Heaviness, weight. This is what worker means. And when it's used for ears, it refers to deafness. All right.

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So it's as if they're saying that the Quran is too heavy for us to listen to. It's too confusing and boring. So listening to it is very hard, and it's unbearable, just as when there's a heavy weight that you're carrying, eventually what happens it becomes unbearable. So this ain't listening to it is unbearable for us. It's very difficult.

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And then another excuse to say one bein in our bailiwick and between us and you is hijab on a screen a curtain there is a barrier between us and you a screen preventing us from understanding you. So we don't get what you're saying. Min benei now Albania hijab one, so far, man, oh, Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you go ahead and work and do what you got to do in Ghana? Indeed we are Milan wants to do meaning we're going to do what we want to do. You do your thing we're going to do our thing.

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These words,

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imagine these words that these people are saying? What do they mean by these excuses, or by the statements that we have no interest in the Quran, our hearts are already full, our minds are already full. And besides listening to the Quran is too difficult. We're not interested in it. And then there's a barrier between us and you. There is such a huge difference between us and you now, because of this Deen of yours, we have become like aliens to each other. So you know what, you go your way we go our way. Our ways are not the same anymore.

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These words are basically expressing their extreme dislike and aversion to the Quran. Because even if they said these words from their mouths, in their hearts, they can't really deny the Quran, which is why the greatest enemies even in the middle of the night, they will go and try to listen to the recitation of the Quran. But these words are expressing their extreme aversion and their dislike towards the Quran. You see, at the beginning, what is mentioned heart. The heart is the center. Right? It's the king whatever enters the heart enters the whole body. Because the heart is the King, the ruler, the boss of the whole body. Right? And the windows of the heart are the ears and the

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eyes. Whatever we see whatever we listen to,

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that is what enters the heart. With regards to the hearts they say the hearts are in covers. With regards to the ease

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years they say they're heavy. With regards to the eyes, they say there's a screen between us and you. So if all the means of guidance are closed, they themselves have closed the doors. How was the hawk going to go in? How is the truth going to penetrate?

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Allah says and so too soft, I have five fella Meza who Oiselle Allahu Kaluga when they deviated than Allah because their hearts to be deviated, meaning they are closing the doors of guidance themselves,

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for their hearts to say do full is do heavy eyes, there is a screen. So if they are closing the doors of guidance upon themselves, why would guidance be forced onto them?

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All say Allah subhanaw taala says respond to them and say, in nama indeed only Anna I am Bashar on a human being Miss Lacan like you. I am a human being just like you. You have Ilya. And it has been inspired to me and NAMA, that indeed only Eli, who come Your God is ILA Anwar is one God, before we go into the * of the ayah. I want you to look at two words here in NEMA and a nama. What's the difference?

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What's the difference in Nama and nema?

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So in the spelling, what's the difference? The fat panda Khasra one begins with inner the other begins with N. What's the meaning of the word inner?

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What's the meaning of the word unknown? That Indeed,

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indeed, that indeed so basically, they're saying the same thing indeed. And MMA in both cases is giving the meaning of only right meaning nothing but this.

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Now, there is a slight difference in the spelling All right, and remember that the word inner Alright, inner comes at the beginning of a sentence

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All right, in and all its forms in in NEMA E with the customer, all right? It comes where at the beginning of a sentence now you might say well, the ayah begins with the word cool

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all right, but remember that a sentence in the Arabic language a Joomla is not necessarily what begins after an IO mark and ends with another IO mark, okay. One I can have multiple sentences, because what is a sentence a statement a combination of a few words that give a complete meaning, all right. So only is a command and then begins a sentence in nama Annabel Sharon, myth lo calm. So at the beginning is enough. And if there is a need to emphasize somewhere in the middle, then the word Anna is used. Do you understand in at the beginning of sentence and Anna is where were in the middle, back to succeed. So in Nama and Bashar Oh Miss Lacan, you have a layer a nama Isla hukum

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illa huwa

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I am here to tell you that your God is one God, that is what I'm inviting you to. And you say this is too difficult to understand. You say there is a screen between me and you. And so you can't even understand the simple fact you don't get this clear message your God is one God and when he is one, then what should you do? First the key mu la he fell, so, is the key move. You all take a straight course la he to him is the chemo Eli he from the word is the karma is the karma from a karma which is from pm karma Yakumo cough well I mean, what does that mean? pm

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to stand up right? Call him is a person who's standing right. If Karma What does karma mean to make something stand to raise establish to set up something. So for example, if karma to Salah what is a karma to Salah, the setting up of prayer meeting the time has entered, everybody got together now form your roles, right? Set up yourselves for prayer. That is a comma to Salah. From this establishing the prayer meaning performing the prayer correctly properly at the right time regularly, consistently. All right, that is a comma to solid. Now, here we have the word is the comma

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is the comma. Write the scene and the extra letters giving extra

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Like for example, e Ekena, with E Canis 13 minus 13. Right. What does that mean we seek help? Right? Is the hara, what does istikhara mean? We're seeking clade. All right? We're asking Allah for help.

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So the scene and data is different. It has multiple benefits. One benefit is that it gives meaning off seeking, that you're seeking something. All right.

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But every word that has the scene and data in it, like Mr. Pim is the karma doesn't necessarily give the meaning of seeking. All right.

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Another benefit is, so we have to look at other benefits of these additional letters. And that is mobile Java, what is bombala? To do something excessively. All right, alright, excessively with a lot of effort strenuously. So, first, Aquino, Eli, he doesn't mean that you should seek straightness, what it means is that you should become upright, you should do your best and become upright in the way that Allah wants you to. So it's still common, this is the second benefit that I gave you off the letter seen into, and that is, that is off mobile, ah, all right off trying your best to do something really well. So it's the common is to become right to become straight to take

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the right direction.

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What does it mean to take the right direction? Allah Shuddha? Just as the word was the key, what does Mr. K mean? One that is straight.

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All right, meaning one that is rightly guided, it's going to take you to the destination is the karma also means to continue in the way of truth.

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To continue in the way of truth how I'm deviating Lee, meaning once a person is on the path, then they don't deviate from it.

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Which is why the word is the karma is also used for steadfastness and stability and firmness on the right path. So what are the two meanings of a stick karma, the first meaning is to become right in a right state, to become straight to take the right course to take the right direction. So a person was previously misguided and now he takes the right course. And the second meaning of his karma is to become

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to become firm, firm and steadfast. So first Takimoto la he, what does it mean? La he to him to who? To Allah. Make him your ultimate goal and concern.

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Take a straight course towards him.

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Alright, first, the chemo Lee. It's like, buckle up, get ready for the journey. All right, adopt the right course. And once you're on the right course, then remain on it. undeviating Lee, don't leave it no matter what happens. stay firm on it. First the chemo Eli he and how will you do that? Through faith and obedience. So believe in Him and DO what He wants you to do? was still fuel who? And seek Forgiveness from him? For what? For what seek forgiveness for what? For your shortcomings for your errors? Because

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tell me something when you get into the driver's seat, right? You just gave your D one or your Jeetu whatever, you just passed your exam. All right. And you remind yourself okay, this is how I'm supposed to drive and you know, you're very careful on the road. And you you're driving, right? This is first the chemo lie. You're following all the rules, and you're going straight to where you have to go. Are you going to make mistakes?

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Are you gonna make mistakes? Of course you will. Are there gonna be times when all of a sudden you hear people honking at you because you're not exactly in your lane? Does that happen?

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Does it happen that you know you are speeding? Yes. Are you going to make mistakes, you're definitely going to make mistakes. So first Akina la vie. Make your goal who? Allah subhanaw taala your ultimate goal and concern should be Allah and take a straight course towards him. undeviating the meaning don't pursue something else or someone else your goal is Allah Now journey towards him.

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And when you're on that path, as you make mistakes, what are you going to do? dwell on those mistakes? No was

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tall Pharaoh who seek forgiveness from him. Well, where are you little Mushrikeen? And whoa meaning a great destruction for those who associate others with Allah, when he alone is deserving of worship, but still they associate others with him for such people a great destruction. Who are these people? Alladhina they are those who lay you tuna? They do not give a Zika does a cow? Who are the Mushrikeen? Those who do not give the Zika? Now, what does he mean by Zika? What is

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one of the five pillars of Islam? Right? What is the cut

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obligatory charity, isn't it? Meaning it's a certain percent of your money, of your assets or whatever it is your property that you have to give in charity at a certain time, you don't have any right over it. So for example, if you have a certain amount of gold, right, a certain amount, and you've been sitting with it for a whole year, then after a year, you have to give a certain percentage of it away to to those who are deserving of it. That is a cat. All right. Now Alina, lay your tuna Zika. Remember that Zika was something that was made mandatory later on in the life of the prophet Sallallahu sallam. So basically, it was made mandatory after the Hijra. In Medina, that is

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where the rulings came.

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All right. So this surah is a Maki surah

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you understand that smokey surah? Technically, there was no the cat at that time. So what does it mean by as a cat over here? Well, it means charity.

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Because even if there is no the cards that a person has to give, but they have money, shouldn't they be giving charity to others?

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Even if your religion does not dictate that you must give in charity Doesn't your humanity the fact that someone is needy does not demand from you that you give to those who are needy? Doesn't that it does. So Allah then Allah you don't as ricotta. The Mushrikeen are being reprimanded over here. They're being criticized over here, especially those who lived in Makkah, because many of them were extremely wealthy,

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extremely wealthy.

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But despite having so much wealth, they would not give to the poor.

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In fact, they would take more from the poor.

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So Allah didn't allow you to Nazir katha. Allah is criticizing them for they're not giving charity. This is referring to the cattle man.

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The words the cat over here can also be understood in its literal sense. All right, and that is off purification and that is the cattle naps purification of the soul. So Alladhina allow you to Nazir Katha those who do not give Zeca meaning those who do not perform purification, meaning those who do not give their souls the purification that the souls need the scrubbing that the souls need. And every soul. Every person is in need of spiritual cleansing. Isn't it? Because the process of Ischia does kiya purification? What are the two main steps? The first step is the clear, right to get rid of the filth? Isn't that what your mom teaches you all the time when you're cleaning? First you

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first you get rid of the garbage. Right? First you sweep the floor. You get rid of all the dust first you vacuum right? First you get rid of all the grease. First you rinse the dishes, isn't it? Then what do you do? What's the next step? The LEA adornment

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then you Beautify.

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Alright. So, every soul is in need of purification. Because as human beings we have weaknesses. We develop bad habits. We end up doing things saying things which are not appropriate. We end up developing certain bad habits that we don't even realize. So we have to pay attention to the state of our soul. So loud tuna Zika they do not purify themselves of schicke of other sins. Were home and they bill Irati in the hereafter home Kathy room they are deniers they deny the Hereafter they reject the hereafter, the hereafter, including resurrection, reward, punishment, accountability, they reject all of that they don't believe in it.

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Now notice how all of these things are tied together. First is schicke. associating partners with Allah and what's the reason behind that? Not knowing

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And who Allah is.

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The second is not giving the cat not giving to those who are needy, or not purifying themselves.

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And when would a person do that? When he doesn't

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understand himself when he doesn't know himself when a person forgets Hola, who does he forget himself?

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When a person forgets hola than who does he forget the creation?

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So Alladhina la yo tuna Zika. And then we see well whom Bill accurate to whom cafiero They deny the hereafter, because what is it that keeps a person attentive belief in the hereafter. Alright, so self development, alright, the cat of the knifes self analysis, right analyzing oneself, they're essential for a Muslim. For the person who believes in Allah, it is necessary that he must see himself recognize himself that he must rid himself of spiritual impurities. And a person would pay attention to this when he understands though hate when he understands that my master is one, it is Allah who I have to please. And when a person believes in the hereafter as well. And when a person

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does not recognize Allah, then he is neither merciful to himself noisey merciful to the creation. On the other hand in the Lavina ama no indeed those who believe believe in who Allah in the hereafter while I'm in asylee hat and they also do righteous deeds, because Eman leads to

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whether it is the angle of the skier, or it is the angle of zakat.

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So those who believe in do righteous deeds, law home at your own for them is a reward, what kind of reward ladle Mamnoon which is not going to be cut off, which is not going to be interrupted. The word Mamnoon is from the letters meme noon, noon man.

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Not the word man literally is used for that which is weighed by meaning anything with which you weigh things may use an OBE and Mamnoon is Mozu meaning that which is weighed,

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what is weighed? So for example, a bag of apples. All right, it's weighed, so that you know how much you're supposed to pay for it. Right? So this is my balloon that which is weighed. Right now, you remember the word mana? La Casa de Manila, who Allah has certainly shown favor. So Mon, is also used for a blessing a favor. What kind of favor Nirma, tequila, a heavy, major important blessing.

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A huge favor.

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And from this, we are told do not destroy your charities through man. What is man also to remind someone of a favor that you've done to them? Because when you remind them then that favor feels very heavy.

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All right. So I didn't lay them on noon Mamnoon a reward that is vital Mamnoon Mamnoon. Here, what does it mean? It means that the reward will not be such that they will be constantly reminded of it so that they feel burdened.

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Has it ever happened with you that you receive a gift? And because of that gift, you feel burdened,

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you feel burdened, you feel that, instead of a gift, you've been given a burden? Why? Because now you have to return the favor. You understand? You've taken a favor. So now you have to return the favor. You've taken a favor. So now you have to pay for it.

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Right? Like for example, you enjoy a very amazing dinner, but then the bill comes. Right? And when the bill comes, you feel the burden of it, you understand? So Lahoma gentleman I'm doing the first meeting is that the reward is such that they will never be reminded of it such that they would feel burdened. So in other words, in general, people will just chill and not have to worry about anything.

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In this world, what happens even from your parents when you receive one gift after another after another after another, and then another and then another what happens you feel kind of guilty?

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Do you feel like that? Or you don't? You're like who cares? I'm getting it for free. So why should I bother? No, it's something normal. You feel burdened by receiving gifts

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But in Jana, there is no such burden. People don't have to feel guilty enjoying the blessings of Jana in dunya. Do you feel guilty sometimes, for example, you go to your friend's house. All right. And the dinner table is laid out with food and she says, Please help yourself. So you go and you pour a lot of food and you go and eat it, but then you really like it and you want to go get another serving. I can only look so bad. I already ate so much. How can I go get another serving? But then you will get it anyway. And then you want to take some home? Can you do that?

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Now have some HYAH isn't it? Stop already, but you're enjoying it. But with that enjoyment is a certain level of guilt or burden in Jannah there is no such burden. There is no such guilt. Even when you're on the millionth cup of your drink. There is no guilt, no guilt at all.

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Secondly, the word Mamnoon Munna also means to cut something, to cut something. Because in Arabic, there's this expression that earlier son, yuck. Third, listen, that when you show favor to someone, it cuts off their tongue meaning then they can't say anything to you. So if you want to make someone quiet,

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right, you want to make sure they don't criticize, you just give them a huge gift. You give them a gift, and that's it, they're never going to open their mouth against you. Okay. So, this is what the word Mamnoon also means one that has been cut off.

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one that will not be cut off favors that will never end

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rewards that will never be exhausted.

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In duniya, does it happen? You have a certain number of points, certain number of rewards, certain number of chances, certain number of refills. And that's it. You run out of it. But in Jana ladle Mamnoon

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in total in Chicago 25 Allah says Lahoma June, little Mamnoon into Assad I have 54 Allah says in the head Allah is gonna mela Humann nerfed This is our provision mean that we shall give you and it shall never ever be exhausted. Why? Why endless reward for continuous deeds? Because it's the karma. What does that require? That you start something good and then you leave after a month?

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You start something good, you do it for about a year or two and then you stop you give up? What is this the karma is the karma in a law is that once you get behind the wheel and you start driving, you don't stop until you get to the destination. You don't give up in the middle. Because if you give up in the middle, you're not getting to the destination. It's the color requires continuity, steadfastness. So those who continuously obey their Lord, for them is a continuous reward.

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Because how does that want your son in law Your son is the reward for your son anything except for your son? No, for your son is your son. What you do is what you get.

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So low hum eduroam Hallo Mamnoon because of their continuous effort, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said for travelling or sick person, his deeds will be recorded in accordance with what he used to do when he was resident or Well, meaning if a person has a habit of doing something good. All right. But then what happens one day, he's unwell. And because of that He's sleeping. He's not able to stay awake. And because he's sleeping during his illness, he is not able to do that good deed.

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So then is he going to miss out on the reward? No, the reward is still going to be recorded. Why? Because he had a habit of performing that good deed.

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Likewise, now a person is traveling. And because of his travel, his routine is upside down. All right, you missed that window or the time when he could perform that good deed. So is he going to miss out on their award? No. Allah is generous for those who are steadfast in his way.

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Recitation of these

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will all follow Munna for me

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he wants me

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Pull in

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Miss local mu

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la he was still feel home while

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emotionally clean, alert enough Dawn Zeca

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in a Latina

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