Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 231B Tafsir Ya-Sin 1-3

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of reciting the surah in the context of the Bible is discussed, as it is a symbol of the beginning of every Surah except for Surah October. The title Islam is meant to demonstrate limited knowledge and attract listeners to the title. The use of " Haleem" in various religious settings is hinted at, and the holy book of Allah is a living guide for everyone. The importance of the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam in the holy book is discussed, as it strengthens the meaning of the word and strengthens the use of the word "has." The recitation of the Quran strengthens the meaning of the word.

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			inshallah we'll begin Surah Yaseen Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. So, have you seen is a Maki surah.
It has 83 verses about 730 words and approximately 3000 haruf.
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			This Surah Surah T are seen, there are some traditions some prophetic traditions in which the
excellence the virtue of Surah T are seen as mentioned. However, those narrations are not authentic.
So, for example, there are some narrations that mentioned that sort of the scene is the heart of the
Quran. But upon examination it is very evident that these narrations are not necessarily authentic.
It is perhaps because of these narrations, that sort of the scene has a very special place in the
heart of many Muslims. They give special attention to the recitation of the surah especially when
someone you know is unwell or if someone has a habit of reciting the Quran definitely they will
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			recite Surah Tia scene. This is one of the solos that is definitely memorized by many Muslims,
thinking that the soldier has some special status. Definitely the surah has a status because it is a
Surah of the Quran. It is the speech of Allah. So of course, the surah should be recited it should
be memorized, just as any other Surah of the Quran should be recited, and it should be memorized. So
what is the message of the surah? What does the surah tell us? Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim in the
name of Allah be Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, this is a
statement that is known as the bus Mala.
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			Meaning to say Bismillah and the best manner is a constant Mr. Killa verse that comes at the
beginning of every Surah of the Quran, except for Surah to Toba, meaning it is to be recited at the
beginning of every single Surah except for Surah October. And what does it mean by Bismillah al
Rahman al Rahim, that in the name of Allah who is a Rahman of Rahim, meaning I begin what I am
doing, by mentioning the name of Allah. Why is it that we mentioned the name of Allah, when we begin
something new, or when we begin something important? Because the name of Allah is not like the name
of any other. Allah subhana data tells us the bow raucous, more upbeat, the name of your Lord is
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			blessing. It has Baraka in it. Meaning just mentioning the name of Allah brings blessing in what we
are doing. If you think about it, when an animal is being slaughtered, and the name of Allah is
mentioned, at the time of the slaughter, then what happens that animal is halal for us to eat. But
if the animal is slaughtered and the name of Allah is not mentioned, then what happens? That animal
is not lawful for us to eat. It's not permissible for us to eat it. So what is it that makes that
meat halal or haram? What's the difference? The mention of the Name of Allah, if the name of Allah
is mentioned, the meat is halal. And if the name of Allah is not mentioned, the meat is haram. So
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			the difference comes with what the name of Allah. So the name of Allah is indeed very, very
powerful. It is indeed very blessed because it's the name of the Creator. It's the name of a rob the
Lord, the sovereign, the master, the maker of this entire universe. So Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim,
this is the etiquette that we have been taught also that when we begin the recitation of the Quran,
especially when we begin the recitation of a new Surah, then what is it that we should mention
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim to seek Allah's blessing in understanding the surah in earning the
reward and and also to understand the surah correctly, and also so that the message of the surah
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			reaches our heart so that our actions can change. Because it is so easy to read something but not be
affected by it. It's so easy to learn and understand something but not benefit from that knowledge.
So we mentioned the name of Allah seeking Allah's blessing in the action that we are doing. So that
this knowledge that we are getting over here, this reflection upon the Quran is something that's
useful for us. It is something that's beneficial for us Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Yes, seen ya
seen? Yeah.
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			seen our roof These are letters, two letters. Firstly the letter Yeah. and secondly the letter seen.
And these roof like for example, the huddle, Elif Lam meme. Or, for example, for her, many of the
roof of the Arabic alphabet, they appear at the beginning of different surah of the Quran. In fact,
29 Surah of the Quran 29 out of 114 Surah of the Quran they begin with this roof, and these roof are
known as the whole roof Macatawa meaning the disjointed letters, why are there multiple thoughts?
How are they disjointed? Because they are read in a very different way?
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			Generally, when we read the Quran, or when we say something in Arabic, we connect the sound of the
letters, right? Like for example Bismillah, the the letter bat we're connecting the sound of the
letter bear with the sound of the letter seen this. We don't read it as bad scene, right? But when
it comes to the movement of thought we actually say it will help we say the name of the letter. Why
is it that we say the name of the letter because that is how the Prophet salallahu Salam recited
this to the sahaba.
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			Now the question is, why do these rules come at the beginning of some sorrows of the Quran? They are
basically meant to demonstrate our limited knowledge.
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			Because if you think about it, it's just too hard to just two letters. Yeah, seen. But no matter how
much we try to find out to figure out the meaning, the exact meaning of these hurdles, can we figure
that out? No, we cannot. Which is why we see that those scholars who said that these who've heard of
Moca thought they actually have a meaning. They gave a variety of opinions. And in fact, none of
those opinions really has any sound basis for it, because there's no proof for it in the Quran and
Sunnah. So these rules, they basically demonstrate our limited knowledge. And you see when they're
recited, they're recited with a mud years seen, right Elif Lam meme. So they're also meant to
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			attract attention, right at the beginning of the surah. Roof are recited as Israel health and
they're recited with mud in order to attract attention. And we see that the airports, they
occasionally used disjointed letters at the beginning of their poetry. Why for a similar reason, to
attract attention to the speech that was to follow. And this is why we see that the people at the
time of the prophets on Allahu alayhi wa sallam, they never really asked him about the meaning and
purpose of these hoof because they understood the purpose, they got the message, and what was the
purpose, these hurdles are attracting the attention of the listeners. And these hurdles are hinting
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			at something? What are they hinting at? Firstly, our limited knowledge and secondly, the miraculous
nature of the Quran.
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			How is it that these rules give the message of the hint towards the miraculous nature of the Quran?
Because these rules are basically drawing the listeners attention to the contents of the Quran.
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			And if you think about it, the Quran is composed of which letters the letters of the Arabic
language, write the letters which are in the Arabic alphabet. So it is as if the people of the
language are being told the Quran is composed of the same letters that you use, that you are
familiar with. There are no letters in the Quran, no sounds in the Quran that are not in your
language. The Quran is in your language, but yet it is such that you cannot produce anything that
even matches the eloquence and the style and the perfection and the beauty of this speech. So it's
as though it's a challenge. Yes, seen do Halluf try it says if the Mushrikeen or those who denied
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			the Quran are being suggested that go ahead, give it a try. Use these two letters. Can you produce
something like the Quran? No, you cannot. So yes, seen at the beginning of the surah. Why, to
summarize, to attract attention, and secondly, to display man's limited knowledge. And thirdly, to
display the miraculous nature of the Quran. Yes, seen. It has also been suggested that this
particular set of Hood of mythos yes seen
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			The Lola have in the language of a particular tribe of plate, or according to others will have a
shear in that dialect. The letter Yeah. Was for Niddah like we say, yeah, uh, you have nests right?
In the Quran we learned Yeah, uh you have Nibi so yeah, yeah, it's for it means Oh, so yeah, it's
for NIDA and scene is an abbreviation of the word in son. All right, scene is just an abbreviation
of the word insan inside means, man. So yes, seen meaning oh man, which man yah Raju which man, the
man who has been spoken to meaning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. However, we see that
these roof as we learned earlier that these are not just unique to this surah 29 surah of the Quran
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			begin with roof Macatawa so if your scene has a meaning than the rest of the hood of Macatawa, it
should also have a meaning, but we don't learn of their meaning. Right. So then it is safest to say
that he has seen is of who Roof More Katara
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			so yes, in one PL en el Hakim, work by an en el Hakim by the Quran, that is Hakeem. Hakeem over here
is a description of Quran and wow at the beginning is for Kasam it is for the purpose of swearing an
oath. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is swearing an oath, Allah is swearing an oath by what? By the
Quran. And remember, that anytime an oath is taken, then the maximum I lay what is maximum I lay the
object by which the oath is being taken. Like for example, we say by Allah, right, we're swearing an
oath by who, by Allah, over here by the Quran, the Quran is Maxim LA. So remember that the McSorley
the object on which the oath is being taken is always always of great importance. Because if it did
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			not have any importance than Why would an oath be taken by it anyway?
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			You understand? Like, for example, when people are in a court and they have to take an oath, like,
for example, certain witnesses, right? If they're testifying, they have to take an oath. What book
is it? Or what is it that they have to swear an oath by usually, if it's a Muslim than they have to
swear an oath by, by the Quran? Right? Why the Quran? Why not some other book? Why? Because for a
Muslim, the Quran has great value, it has great importance. You understand? So what will Anil Hakeem
if Allah is swearing an oath by the Quran? What does that tell us about the status of the Quran?
about the importance about the rank of this book? Well, Quran Al Hakim, and remember the purpose of
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			an oath, why is an oath taken, it is always to emphasize what is being said. Meaning when a person
his word is not going to be accepted as is, then what does he do? He swears an oath, so that his
statement increases in weight. And when it increases in weight, then what will happen people will
accept it. Right? For instance, in a court, if a witness is testifying, I saw this happening,
alright. But those words are not accepted. He has to swear he has to take an oath. Why take an oath
to show that he is not lying at all, isn't it? So? We see that Allah subhanaw taala is swearing an
oath, but if you think about it, does Allah really need to swear an oath? No, he does not. Because
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			woman asked the Quran Allah He Kala, who is more truthful than Allah in speech, nobody. Allah is
most truthful in speech, Allah's word, because Allah has said something, it has value. Because Allah
has said something. It is true, it is unhealthy, it is a fact. But if Allah is swearing an oath,
then what message is being given in a very subtle way to us that you better pay attention to what is
being said? Because Allah is swearing an oath over here. So what? Anil Hakim by the Quran. That is a
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			him. Now before we continue, we need to look at the word Al Hakim, because Allah subhanaw taala is
describing the Quran as hacking. Now what does it mean by Hakeem hotkey means? lol hikma, one that
has hikma in it, meaning one that is off wisdom, one that is full of wisdom. So the Quran is full of
wisdom. It's a wise book. How is it wise? Firstly, in its contents, it's full of wise guidance, the
rules the injunctions that are mentioned in the Quran, they're all wise. How are they wise, because
they're according to the suit man's nature. They are logical, they are based upon fairness and
justice and reason. We, as human beings may fall short in our understanding, but the fact is, that
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			there is no discrepancy in the book of Allah, because it is full of wisdom. It's full of wisdom also
in its order, in its arrangement in its the deep, the way the Quran has been arranged. In that is
also hikma. Then we see there is hikma, there's wisdom also in the sloop in the style of the Quran,
how that where there are contents which require should that require some intensity, then we can feel
that intensity in just the words or in just the sounds and where gentleness is required, given the
contents given the message, then that gentleness that love is also felt it is also very evident. And
it's amazing how a person may not understand even a word of the Arabic language. But when they hear
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			the recitation of the Quran, then does it not impact them? Does it not impact them? It does? I mean,
think about it. When you did not study the meanings of the Quran, did you still enjoy listening to
the Quran? Yes, it's amazing. Our little children who don't understand a word of the Quran, they
love listening. Why? Because the very style of the Quran the very speech, the very manner of
recitation, the very words and the sounds, and the rhythm, all of that is very, very effective. So
it is Al Hakim, the Quran is full of wisdom, and therefore it is worthy of being followed. It's why
isn't it style. Also, that where there's warning, there's also good news it's very balanced. Then
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			the word Al Hakim, Al Hakim also means more gum. It also gives the meaning of more gum, meaning one
that is made firm, one that is perfected and solidified. It is perfected it's made firm, it is
solidified. So the Quran, it is solidified. It is perfected in its marvelous arrangement, in its
meanings, in its words. So it's basically a text that cannot be distorted. It's a text that cannot
be played around with. in solitude Iowan Allah subhanaw taala says, le flam Ra, Ki Tao, boon or Kima
Aya to who this is a book whose verses have been perfected in Surah Nisa ayah number 82. Allah's
pound Allah says, Well Can a man or in the lady la LaWanda Doofy is TLF and Kathy era, that if this
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			Quran was from someone other than Allah, than the people would have found in the Quran, a lot of
contradiction. So the Quran is more calm, it is perfected, how that there is no contradiction in it.
There is no contradiction in it. And so look firstly that I have 42 Allah says Laya D Hill badly
Luqman benei de he Well, I'm in confy 10 Zero min Hakeem and Hamid, that no falsehood can enter this
Quran neither from before it, nor from after it meaning anywhere in the Quran falsehood cannot be
admitted into it. So Quran is Hakeem as in mahkum. Its text is strengthened, it is perfected.
Another meaning of the word Hakeem is more came more came now this is with a Kassala under the calf.
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			And marking is that which makes firm mood penal Assia meaning that which strengthens the other.
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			So how is the Quran marking? It is such that if a verse of the Quran proves something, then that
verse is enough as evidence. Like for example, the
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			Quran tells us about the Day of Judgment, does it over and over again. So then even if we don't find
any scientific evidence where that is an evidence from the Quran sufficient? Yes, because the Quran
is marking, it gives strength
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			and insolate will Anam I have 115 Allah subhanaw taala says water met Kelly Mathura because say the
con word Allah, the words of your Lord are perfected how with truthfulness and fairness.
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			Then the word Hakeem also has another meaning. And you see, this is the perfection of the Quran.
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			Really, the fact that the words of the Quran are so rich in their meaning, and that are in the
Quran, they come over and over again in different ways. Each is only strengthening another IRA, each
part of the Quran strengthening and other parts of the Quran despite the fact that the Quran was
revealed over a period of 23 years. What does this show how perfect of a speech this Quran is, and
it can only only be the word of Allah, it can only be the speech of Allah, it cannot be the speech
of a human being. Because the speech of a human being is full of errors, especially if it is
composed over a period of 23 years, then it's bound to have many many errors.
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			The word Hakim what does it mean? How can is that which is decisive conclusive meaning that which
gives a Final Judgment, final judgment and that final judgment than that is accepted, it cannot be
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			Like for example, two parties they could be fighting with each other one says, I am innocent, the
other says no, I am innocent, both are blaming each other. But what happens when they go to the
judge and the judge says you are innocent and you are guilty? Then that is Hakim meaning the judge
is Hakim, he has made the decision and now it is known it is established, who is guilty and who is
not who is innocent and who is not final judgment. So when it comes to many religious matters was he
that people have differences, right people have differences. Now how do you tell what is right and
what is not? What is it that we have to refer to? We have to refer to the book of Allah, because it
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			is an Hakeem meaning it is hacking into the Shura. ayah number 10. Allah subhanaw taala says women
the left don't feel human che in for Hokku Illa Allah, that whatever matter you differ in, then it's
hokum. Its final judgment will be by who Allah, meaning you find that out from where from the speech
of Allah meaning the Quran, because it is Hakim. So yes, seen well, Anil Hakeem by the Quran, that
is wise. Now before we continue, if you think about it, wise hacking,
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			what can be described as hacking something that's living or nonliving?
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			living or nonliving? Living, right, rational or irrational living beings can be defined as wise. So
when Allah describes the Quran, as Hakeem, what does it teach us that the Quran indeed is a living
book, meeting and never ever becomes outdated, it will always be relevant, and it will always be
relevant to every single individual, every single individual, no matter what we are going through in
life, the Quran will be a living guide for us. No matter what stage we are at, no matter what we are
experiencing. We will always find something in the Quran that will be of benefit to us. Just like a
friend, who we can speak to who can advise us the Quran, just like that, for a believer is like a
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			living companion. One earn in Hakeem
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			here Allah subhanaw taala swears an oath by the Quran while describing it as Hakeem why in order to
prove that in Mecca, indeed you are Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Lemina al mousseline surely
you are amongst those who have been sent. The Quran is a proof that you are a messenger in colonial
mousseline. You see the statement, this is Joab person, meaning this is the response to the oath.
This is what is B
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			Established by taking the oath. Allah takes an oath while Quran Al Hakim. And what's the response?
What is being established? What is being proven through the oath, that in Colombina, mousseline
Indeed you are surely what Allah He you are definitely amongst those who have been sent.
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			Firstly, an oath has been taken. And then secondly, the statement in the Colombian mousseline, this
also has so much emphasis in it. Where do we see the emphasis? Firstly, in the word Inner Inner
means, indeed. And then laminal mursaleen the lamb over here, which translates as surely remember
this lamb is understood as lamb of Assam also, because there is an implied oath over here, it's not
said but it's implied. Always whenever we find Islam in the Quran, that translates as surely there
is an implied auth over there. So lemon, meaning surely will Allah He definitely I swear. So look at
the emphasis and what is being established over here that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is
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			indeed among the mousseline
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			among the mursaleen, meaning he is part of the same group of messengers that Allah sent, and
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the last of them. So you are among them, meaning you are one
of them, just as Allah sent Ibrahim earnest, Allah sent Musa alayhis salam, Allah has also sent you
you belong to the group of the messengers, mousseline. mousseline is a plural of Marcel. And it is
from the root letters last seen lamb Morrison translates as one who has been sent. Now, why is this
being emphasized so much? Because you see the people of Makkah, what is it that they accused the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam off like?
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			They said, You are lying, that you are a messenger of Allah, you're not a messenger of Allah, the
same man whom they took as the most truthful amongst them, whose suggestion they accepted. The same
man whom they trusted, whom they respected. Now what happened, all of a sudden they were calling him
a liar. Allah subhanaw taala mentions this in the Quran. That way Akula Larina Cafaro less than
Musella those who disbelieve they say less than Marcel, you are not a morsel. Allah says, in a
colonial mousseline, they say you're not a Musa. No indeed by Allah wala he and the Quran is an
evidence that you are indeed a Morrison.
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			Exactly. That the Quran is a proof you've seen when an oath is being taken by the Quran that shows
that the Quran itself is a proof that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is indeed a messenger of
Allah. Because this rhetoric was everywhere in Makkah, people were saying this all the time. You're
not a messenger, you're not a messenger. They were in denial. And many proofs were given like for
example, in the Quran, it is also said Khalil Mack on to bigger Amina Rasul say, I am not a novelty,
something new of the messengers, meaning many messengers have come before me. I'm not something new
in the Colombina, mousseline, in sort of baccarat 252, Allah says, Tilka Ayatollah Hina to her are
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			likable, help. What in colonial mousseline? These are the verses of Allah that we recite on you by
truth and indeed you are surely definitely amongst those who have been sent. So no matter how much
the deniers deny, no matter how much the mockers mock, no matter how much they hate, their lies
cannot change the status of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is indeed Rasul Allah. He is indeed mineral mousseline. And no
matter how much people deny this, their denial does not change that reality. In Nicola Meenal,
mousseline in a hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, My parable among the
prophets is that of a man who built a house and did a good and complete job, apart from the space of
one brick, which he did not put in its place, meaning the wall was complete, and the only thing that
was missing was one brick. The people started to walk around the building, admiring it and saying,
If only that brick were put in its place. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said among the
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			prophets I
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			Unlike that brick in colonial mousseline Indeed you are surely among the prophets. And you see over
here specifically, the Quran is being used as evidence, meaning that when a person studies the
Quran, then what is it that he will come to understand that the prophets Allah Allahu alayhi wa
sallam couldn't have been a liar, he could not have possibly made this up, there is no way that a
human being could invent this. Recently 100 Alive got the chance to study renewable Quran, the
science of the Quran in greater detail. And this is something that has really added to you know,
this year clean that certainly the Quran is the speech of Allah, there can be no other explanation,
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			because you're studying the history of the Quran, how it was preserved. Right? That itself is an
explanation, that it couldn't have been the word of a human being. Let me give you one example. All
right, one aspect of Lumo Quran and that is the growth of the Quran. All right, a half. Basically,
we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when the Quran was given to him, remember
that the people at that time who were they they were in rumination? All right, meaning the only way
they could learn something was how by listening. All right, they could only learn something by
listening. Majority of the people of that time could not read anything. They had never read
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			anything, they could not read anything. So what happened the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
requested that allowance be given in the recitation of the Quran,
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			meaning that people had their different dialects of speaking the same language. All right, the
Arabic language and not just the dialect, but also when it came to vocabulary. Certain words were
more common in certain dialects of Arabic language amongst certain tribes. And those same words were
unfamiliar in other tribes. All right, so the prophets of Allah, who already was salam requested
that the methodology of the recitation of the Quran should be very meaning there should be more ways
of reciting the same text. All right, and the allowance was given in Hadith we learned about this
seven out of all right, which means that the text is the same, but how are people reading it in
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			different ways? All right. And the remnants of that is the Quran of the Quran, the variant
recitations of the Quran, you remember surah Taha when we studied it? I had you listen to a
different recitation. All right. Now, these different recitations, you know, many people they use
this to prove that look, Muhammad salallahu Salam naroda villa, he made it up. It's not possible.
You know, why? Because when you look at the variant recitations, what is it that you see that every
variation, it's only complementing and beautifying and perfecting and adding depth to the meaning of
the Quran to the message of the Quran? Nowhere is it contradicting it. There is no contradiction
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			despite the variations. Every variation is only strengthening the meaning. Now, if you think about
it, the Quran was revealed in how many years 23 years, to a nation that was, Oh, me to a prophet who
was Omi. Alright, and then on top of that, there were variations in the recitation. Now, if you
think about it, there should be at least one or two places where there should be some kind of
contradiction, isn't it? If it was the work of a human being definitely there would be numerous
contradictions, but not even a single place? Do we find that with the variations in the recitation?
There is contradiction? Not at all. It only strengthens the meaning. Let me give you an example. In
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			the Quran, we learn, for instance, in Surah Baqarah All right, remember the story of that man who
passed by a town that was completely destroyed? Right? And then he wondered that how will Allah
bring this back to life? So Allah subhanaw taala cause that man to die, and with that man was his
donkey as well as his food. So the donkey was also made to die. And after a very long time, Allah
subhanaw taala brought that man back to life. Right? And then Allah subhanaw taala brought his
donkey back to life in front of him. Now the word that is used for the resurrection of the donkey is
K for noon. Shizu Ha, all right. Now Shaza is to resurrect all right, and another recitation is pay
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			for non Shiro her Nan she's who her noon she Ruha All right, these are very
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			In readings, but with a slight difference in the meaning, one means to raise and the other means to
resurrect. All right. Now, what does this mean? Both the recitations, what are they doing? They're
complementing they're strengthening the meaning. They're giving a more complete picture of what
happened. What happened that the animal was lifted up. All right. And in midair, it was brought back
to life in front of that men. All right. So Kay for noon she Zhuhai cave unknown she drew her and
from now on in sha Allah, I think I should focus on the variant readings. Alright. So that you
appreciate this aspect of the Quran also, that each variant reading only strengthens the meaning. It
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			only beautifies the meaning. It only gives a more complete picture. Because the Quran is what is it
it is L Hakeem. This is the strength the perfection of the Quran. It could not possibly have been
the word the work of a human being and the study of the Quran what does it prove that in Nicola
Amina al mousseline Indeed you are surely from among the messengers, recitation.
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			Bismil learn your Walkman you're walking.
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			Yeah, see green one.
00:36:33 --> 00:36:42
			Hacking in mob Saleen.