Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 229D Tafsir Fatir 33-38
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The transcript describes three categories of people who will be admitted to Jannah, including women, man, and woman. Some will be considered Halyna, who has settled in the home of duration, and the woman in these categories will be called Halyna. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding work and not getting bored of work. The segment also touches on the concept of death and how it is revealed through negative experiences, with the speaker explaining that death is not a deathless outcome.
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Allah says Jana to Arden in for them are Jannette gardens of either of eternity of perpetual residence for who? For those who are Saba Campbell Hyatts you Hello Nephi her, you Hello now They will be adorned fie hat in it with what men are salad with bracelets plural of the word. See? Well, you remember the word Surah
Surah Surah means a chapter, right? And the word Seiwa from the same root is used for a bracelet. Because a bracelet like for example, a bracelet that's made of pearls, for instance, it's a string in which there are so many pearls, one after the other after the other, it's a set of pearls, right? So this is what a sutra is like also so many at each like a pearl together. So you Hello Nephi Ha Min Assa where they will be adorned in Jannah with bracelets, bracelets of what mean the Hubin of gold will Lulu and pearls.
Wali Bassel home and their clothing fi hat in it will be headed on it will be of silk. This is a reward of who of those who are savvy Conville Hi rod be eaten Allah. You see there are levels of Jana. And whatever level of work a person did in the dunya accordingly will be his level in Jana, even our bus Rabelo Arne who said that those who are foremost in good deeds will enter Jannah without being called to account meaning without any hisab.
And then he said those who follow a middle course, meaning looked asleep average. Like for example, they read themselves but they don't pass it on. They're very good in their personal life, but they don't care about others. Right or sometimes once in a while, they do end up committing something wrong
because they're a human being. And then they allow themselves to fall in situations where they will do something wrong. So such people even our basketball below on who said those who follow a middle course will enter Paradise by the mercy of Allah only meaning by his special favor, and that is after he forgives them.
And those who wronged themselves
those who wronged themselves Lolly Molina FSI, then they will only enter Paradise by the intercession of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because we learn that some people they will be admitted into hellfire because of the sense that they have committed
and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will be allowed to intercede, all right, and because of his intercession, these people will be taken out of hellfire and then they will be admitted into Jannah. So three categories of people all belonging to the Muslim ummah, they have the book, some give the book a lot of importance. Some give average importance, and some, they don't really give it that much importance. The book Allah subhanaw taala has given them yes, they believe in the book, they believe in Allah. And because of this reason, eventually all will be admitted into agenda. But depending on how much a person has invested in the book, how much benefit he has
extracted from the book.
Accordingly, a person's level will be in Paradise will call you and they will say Alhamdulillah all praise is to Allah. When they will be admitted into Jana, they will say all praise is to Allah, Allah, the herbarium Nell has been the one who has removed from us all has been what has hasn't sorrow, grief, pain
in this world is there hasn't
is there hasn't, there is a lot of hasn't. It's amazing how one moment you can be happy. And then the next moment you're said, why because of something you read, right? Or because of something you heard, or because of what you see, you are wearing the most comfortable clothes, you are living in the most comfortable house, you have your family around you, but still your heart is not at peace, you have some hesitant you have some grief. And that grief could also be because of yourself because of what you did because of the mistakes that you've made, because of the wrongs that you've done and every one of us does wrong. So in this world, there is has an end the ultimate hasn't is the husband
of the Day of Judgment, the grief of the Day of Judgment, and what is that that a person is deprived of Allah's mercy.
So as hubba Enel husband, they will say Alhamdulillah that all our husband is gone. And this is what will happen when a
person will enter Jannah grief will be gone. The moment a person steps into Janna sets one foot in paradise, then he is parting with grief. This is what Jana is there is no grief in Jana, there is no worry, no regret no sadness in Jannah there is only Ridwan there is only happiness and happiness upon happiness. So much so that the people of Ghana will be asked by Allah, what do you want? And they will say, Oh Allah, you've given us more than what we could imagine. What else could we ask for? And Allah will insist that they ask for something. Allah will insist that they ask for something.
So I'll have Arnall has been the one who has removed all grief from us in Nara burner Allah foon shockula. Indeed, our Lord is surely Forgiving and Appreciative. Because really, if it was not for Allah's forgiveness, no one, no human being is deserving of paradise. Because if we compare the gifts that Allah subhanaw taala has bestowed upon us and the actions that we perform, then really we would be guilty. We would hold ourselves guilty, no matter how much good we've done, we've always done more bad. Really, this is how we are and ALLAH is forgiving. So it's only because of his forgiveness that we have been admitted into Jana and shackled he is so appreciative because of which
we have received all of these rewards. It's not that we earned them in any way in not a banana lover for unshackled, Allah the the one who the people of Jannah will say that Allah is the One who are Halyna, who has settled us a handler, a handler from the root letters Hi lamb lamb, is to call someone to descend. Right? Basically handler is to untie a knot, right? When a person is traveling, the tie of their baggage. And in the old times that even today actually, you will find that people wrap like a string or rope or something around their suitcase so that it doesn't open. Right? So when you get to your destination, what do you do? You untie that knot you open up your baggage,
right? So this is a Halla to cause someone to descend to land somewhere, meaning now they have reached their destination. So Allah the A Halina Tao mahkamah He is the one who has settled us in the home of duration mahkamah from off, wow, meme TM do reside. So we'll call that meeting the home the place of residence, the place of ever lasting stay. This world is not the place of everlasting stays it. In fact, any place you go to in this world, you know that you're there, you're there only temporarily. The only place of ultimate duration the place of residence that can actually be called home is what the home of paradise. So Allah has settled us in this place of residence min fugly he
out of his bounty for he is not obligated at all to admit even a single servant in Jannah
he is not obligated
because he is learning and we are fuck it we are for Cara and a Ronny is not obligated to give something to affiliate I mean it's good but he's not obligated.
So, Min fogli he out of his bounty exclusively. And in this home of paradise, la Yama sunnah, it does not touch us, fee her in it meaning in the home of paradise. It doesn't touch us what doesn't touch us. Nothing urban. Any fatigue wala Yama? sunnah fie? Hua Liu who nor does any lube, touch us in Jana? Do things will not touch the people of paradise meaning they will not even come near the people of paradise. What are these two things firstly, non stop and secondly, low. NASA is fatigue. Right? Meaning when a person gets physically tired. Do we get physically tired in dystonia? How?
When is it that we get tired?
Okay, when we do a lot of work, but sometimes I mean that work we're doing for ourselves, right? Just maintaining ourselves.
Or for example, we get tired having fun, right? Like for example, you go to a party, you eat and then you're talking and then you feel like just falling asleep on your friend's couch. You don't even have the strength to get out of their house. You got tired having fun?
right when you go to Wonderland, right? Do you get tired at the end of the day? Oh yeah, you almost cannot feel your legs anymore. We get tired having fun. Have you ever gotten tired talking to your friend? Just talking talking, talking, talking? Of course we do. Do you ever get tired after eating out somewhere? Yes.
But in Jannah there is no Nussle. Of course, there is no work. But then there will be no fatigue after having fun even there is no physical exhaustion.
And there is no lube lube is so interesting local land labor. Law is basically fatigue of the mind weariness of the mind, meaning boredom. When you've done something way too many times that you're just bored of it. You've been doing it for too long. Do you frequently do often that it's become boring for you?
You know, for example, personally, I enjoy washing dishes, alright, because I think it's very therapeutic.
Honestly, okay, don't get me wrong here. As in when I'm washing dishes, it's like, you know, you can just do your they could quietly and as long as there's no other work, it's very therapeutic.
Meaning I enjoy that moment. But then what happens is that when you have to wash dishes like five times a day, or you wash dishes, and then the next thing you see the sink is full again. Or that one day you enjoy washing dishes. And the next day, again, there's a pile of dishes and the following day again, there's no getting out of it. What happens even though you find it a little or actually very therapeutic, what happens after sometimes you get bored of it,
isn't it, you get bored of it, you want to break, you just you're done. You don't want to do it anymore.
And this is human nature, that when we do something, even though it's good for us, even though we may enjoy it at that time, after something we get bored of it, we want to change we want something more exciting.
But in Jannah there is no lube. Why? Because there is too much to enjoy too much to do. Too many good people to meet too many places to explore too many good things to experience so there really is no boredom in Janna.
Indonesia what happens? You have these you know, for example, top five restaurants that you'd like to eat at and then what happens after a year or two you're like I'm bored I want to change once something different. So let's drive out of town to a different city just so that we can eat out over there.
Right let's just go out of town to a different city so that we can go to their local park. Right we want to change
but Jana there is absolutely no lube. Lube is also you know, when you just fed up,
you're fed up, you want to get over it. Do you want to leave what you're doing and just try something else? Do something else. It's too monotonous. There is nothing like this in Jana Lai Yama sunnah fie Hannah Sorbonne, Wallah. Yama, sunnah fi Hello hope. This is the home of paradise. But this is for who? Those who?
Where does this begin from? Alladhina yet Luna Kitab Allah. Those who read the book of Allah, explore the book of Allah, study, recite, learn, Dietsch pass it on act upon it. They're the ones who will be given this honor along with our lemon who will Lavina Cafaro and as for those who disbelieve law, whom now who Jahannam for them is the fire of *. Such fire that lie you cola I lay him lie you cannot allow him it shall not be decreed upon them. What will not be decreed upon them death, meaning they shall never die, fire will do so that they could die. Law you could or lay him cover Allah is also to end something to conclude it to do away with it.
So law you could RLA him, they will never be ended they will never be finished so that they could die. Meaning there is no death in hellfire. Well, are you hopeful? Nor will it be reduced on home from them men or their behalf from its punishment? They shall never die, and the punishment will never be lightened it will never be reduced. Cada Licona Jersey thus do We recompense Good luck for every ungrateful person. Notice the word Kofoed over here ungrateful. Why am great, ungrateful. Why is it that the people of * are described as ungrateful?
Because what is in gratitude? That first you don't even recognize
The gift that has been given
and if you don't recognize it, you don't acknowledge it, you're not even going to use it.
And if a person acknowledges that he sees it if he doesn't use it that is also a form of ingratitude. Because what is gratitude? Thank you for this gift. Yes, I will use it you open it right away you start using it. But if the Quran is with us yet we don't open it. If the Quran is with us, yet we don't recite it. If the Quran is with us, yet we don't reflect on it. If the knowledge of the Quran is with us, yet we don't act upon it. Then what is this except for ingratitude
Cavalli candidacy Calaca foods? Were home and they your study Hoonah fee her they will scream out in it. Your study Hoon is thorough, hot sod raw salt. Salt is to wail to cry loudly to scream in distress. So they will be screaming wailing in hellfire, saying what Robina Regina Oh our Lord, get us out of here. Take us out of here. Robina Regina, remove us from hellfire. Why? Nirmal Solly Han so that we can do something good, which good? Leila lovey Kunta normal other than what we used to do, before we wasted our lives before we did what we should not have done. Now please give us one chance. Take us out of here so that we can do all those good deeds that we ignored that we left. But
will this chance be given? No. Allah who will say our alum did and not know our miracle, we give you age did we not give you a life and age meaning a long life? Amalia middle is to give her more meaning to give ah to give years to live? Did we not give you a life? My Yetta that girl that he could remember meaning he could take a lesson fee he in it in what in that life? Mantra Cara, the one who would take a lesson? Meaning were you not given a life that was long enough in which a person who wants to take our lesson
would have taken a lesson. A person who wants to learn would have learned
wotja accom and on top of that, he came to you who came to you and muddied the Warner Prophets were sent the Quran was their warning was clear. Yet you did not take advantage for those who saw test from earlier loyally mean them in mislead. So for the wrongdoers, there shall be no helper.
What is this is telling us that the people in * when they will not face any death when they will not die, and the punishment will not reduce,
it will neither lighten nor will it go away despite the passage of time because we learn in a hadith, that at a certain point when every person will be at his destination than death will be slaughtered, death will die, there will be no more death. It will be eternity for those in Jannah and eternity for those in *.
So then the people of * they will wail and they will beg for one more chance saying that we will never make the same mistakes, we will do better this time. And how often is it that in life also, we say these kinds of things. If I could just have one chance I would do this in this, I would do it so differently.
I would work so much harder, I would do a much better job. If only I could do it all over again. If only I could have another chance. So the people in * will also beg for this. But their response that will be given to them is what? That you were given a long enough life in which you could have learned a lesson. You didn't have to come to * to learn.
You could have learned in life but the fact is that you yourself ignored it. You yourself did not pay attention. I will I'm no I'm mikemaya that goofy human that come? Did you not live for so long? In the world that you could learn and understand.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said two men came to me and helped me by my arms and took me to a difficult mountain. And this is the angel taking the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in order to show him parts of the unseen
they took me to a difficult mountain pass and they said climb. I said I don't have that much strength to climb and they said we will make it easy for you. So I began climbing. When I reached the peak I heard law
out screams and shouts. I asked what is this? And they said, these are the screams of the people of *. Yes steady who Nephi her. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah has left no excuse for a person who is given a life of 60 years.
A person who's given a life of 60 years, he has no excuse, he has no excuse. Meaning in those 60 years, certainly there were moments in which in which he would think about the purpose of his life, in which he could think about Allah in which he could reflect on death, in which he could reflect on himself, his behavior, his actions, where he is going
60 years is long enough to have at least a few chances a few times in which a person would think about these matters. And if he really tried to seek the truth, he would find it. Now this doesn't mean this doesn't mean that if a person lives a shorter life by for example, 40 or 30, or 20, then he has an excuse. No, each person will be accountable. But the one who has lived so long, really has no excuse. Because there are plenty of lessons in this life that make us think about the meaning of life that make us think about Allah that make us think about God that make us think about where we came from where we are going about death. In the Lucha Indeed, Allah Ali more Weber's summer worth
you will have, he is the Knower of the unseen, meaning the unseen matters of a semi wealthy will all of the heavens and the earth. In the horror Lehman be there to sue indeed He is Knowing of that, which is within the trusts, nothing is hidden from Allah.
Nothing at all. Anything that is hidden in the sky or the earth, Allah is aware of that, in fact, anything that's hidden within the chest of a person, even that Allah subhanaw taala is aware of.
What's the point of saying this over here? What's the message here? That Allah's decisions are based on his perfect knowledge?
So, if He decrees for such people to be punished in this manner,
then he knows that they are worthy of it. And if on the other hand, he rewards some other people than he knows, he knows what he should give them in the hall or leave them be that a soldier He is Knowing of that which is even within the chests, meaning which the hearts conceal
that's listen to the recitation Jen
to Adini the whole owner your cologne Fe I mean as we all
whirlybird soon feel free walk all over him Don't
de Hannah
Lila I am Asuna free
AMS suna
home one levena
Barling more door fossa one
Canna GZ oh we're home meals funny food Fe now
region metal
comun melody says oh poor family. Wally mean I mean awfully.
long, wavy Santa
be the
Pentacles or be handed a shadow of
a stockbroker to a ceremony.