Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 221B Tafsir Al-Ahzab 45-48
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The Prophet sallama's actions, including his mission to deliver messages of Islam to the people, his use of his partner as a messenger, and his use of his reputation as a sherried cabinet are considered important in the history of Islam. The importance of knowing the rules and practicing them in practical ways is emphasized, as it is crucial for achieving Allah's pleasure. The speaker discusses the history and success of the Prophet sallama's marriage, his preference for men over women, and his use of the word "backward" in worldly terms. The importance of avoiding harms caused by anyone's actions and not worrying about harms is emphasized.
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Yeah, are you Hanabi you? Oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Orissa NACA, indeed, We have sent you. Allah subhanaw taala is the one who sent the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a messenger, with a mission with a task and what was that task to convey the messages of Allah to mankind to deliver this Amana this trust off what he of revelation of Allah's laws of his commands to people, no matter how much some people oppose or they dislike, or they do not find themselves to be comfortable with the law of Allah still, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was to convey. Why, because in NA Arosa NACA, we have sent you the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam did not make
this religion up. He did not make these commands up. Allah is the One who sent him. Allah is the One who revealed this law upon him. So indeed We have sent you and we have sent you as a share hidden as a witness, one Mobis sheelane and as a bringer of good news, one of y'all and as a Warner, this is who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once, we see that in Surah Al Aqsa right at the beginning, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told to fear Allah and do not care about what the enemy say what the opponent say, and that out of the fear of Allah, he should obey, and he should also convey and the commands that we have seen in the Surah. So far, we see that they are
directly affected the personal life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It wasn't just something that affected the Muslim community in general, it actually affected the life the personal life of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. And for this, of course, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was putting his honor, he was putting his honor at risk. He was putting his reputation at risk. And this is something that had been happening from day one. The day of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam began conveying the message of Allah, what happened. He was now described not as a Sadiq and Ameen, but rather he became into he was known as sherried cabinet. Right, so I hit so on and so
forth. His honor was at risk from day one. But at this point, in Medina, we see that all of a sudden, there was too much opposition. Because you see, there were people amongst the Muslims also, who are not too comfortable with the laws that were revealed at that time. Why because they contradicted the cultural norms, they went against the cultural norms of that society. And this was something that was difficult for some people to accept. And as always, when change happens, some people, they are fine with the change. And some people they do not like change, and they make a lot of noise when even the slightest of change happens. So there were these hypocrites, there were
people with even weak faith who were believers, but with weak faith, who criticize the Prophet sallallahu Sallam either openly or silently in their hearts or in their private conversations. So we see that all of these verses over here, they are defending the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So whether it was during the life of the prophet Sallallahu sallam, or today, if it happens, that the honor the life, the personality of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is attacked, we should remember that the prophets on a lot of sort of didn't do all of this out of his own desire, he did it. Why? Because Allah ordered him. So if we have a problem with the decisions that the prophets on the line
is in the mid, in fact, we have a problem with who, Allah then when he has a villa, if a person has a problem with, for instance, the marriages of the Prophet salallahu Salam, then they have a problem with the law of Allah. And if a person has a problem with the law of Allah, then what can you say to them? How can you try to please them? If a person is not happy with Allah? Can they be pleased with us? Can they be happy with an explanation that we can provide them? No, they cannot be. So over here, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being defended. Allah defends his messenger. Allah says, Yeah, are you hunmanby You all Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in now was a lurker. We are
the ones who have sent you as a shahid Shahid is who a witness, Shahid is from shahada one who makes shahada one who gives testimony. Right, and you can only testify to something that you have witnessed, right. And when you're testifying, when you're giving testimony, you're basically informing, isn't it?
you're informing I saw such and such happen. So you are informing you're giving some news. So the word Shahid is understood in a number of ways over here. First of all, it's understood as Shahid, meaning more a bit more meaning one who informs one who conveys. So we have sent you as a shahid that you must testify to people meaning inform them, tell them conveyed to them, convey to them what that which has been revealed to you, you cannot hide it, you cannot keep it to yourself, you must convey it because Allah is the One who sent to you with this mission. Secondly, showerhead over here also means witness, meaning one who will testify. So you have been sent to see to observe and later
you will testify meaning on the Day of Judgment, you are going to testify. And this is something that we learn about in the Hadith also, for example, there is a Hadith and Behati, in which we learn the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that on the Day of Judgment, no harm to his salaam will be brought. And he will be asked, Did you convey the message of Allah? And no, early his Salam will say, Yes, oh, Lord, and then his nation will be asked, Did he convey Allah's message to you? And they will reply, no warner came to us, the Prophet, no, who will say I conveyed and what will his people say? Nobody came to us. We didn't know they will lie on the Day of Judgment, imagine they
will lie to Allah, because the person will do anything at that time to save himself from punishment. So no, hallelujah salaam will be asked, Who are your witnesses? You say that you conveyed even though Allah knows But justice is being established. Right? So no Highness and I will be asked Who are your witnesses? And he will reply, my witnesses are Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his followers. So the prophets on a lot of sudden will be asked, did Noah convey? His OMA will be asked, Did no convey and the Prophet salallahu Salam will bear witness that yes, no Halle Salam conveyed. Now the question is, was the Prophet sallallahu Sallam there were no Hallasan and was sent as a
messenger was he know were we there was the owner of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam there, then On what basis will they testify? You see, you give testimony on the basis of what knowledge that you have right information that you have first hand knowledge that you have firsthand experience that you have, you saw something happen, right? The Prophet sallallahu Sena was given the Quran and in the Quran, Allah tells us that new highly Salam conveyed and woman of the Quran Allah He pillar, who can be more truthful than Allah, in Word in speech. So the prophets of Allah to send them will testify his Allah will testify based on what what testimony what evidence will they present, on what
basis will they say that no Halesowen conveyed because of the Quran? You understand? Because of the Quran. So we have sent you as a shahid as a witness. And thirdly, Shahid also means Hakim, meaning one who judges according to what has been revealed to him. So over here the prophets Allah mod seven wants to judge according to all according to the Quran that was given to him. And what's the proof that the word Shahid is also used for a judge? We learn for example, the story of use of artists Salam was Shahida Shahid,
mean a holy Ha, that is showerhead. He testified meaning he judged All right, in the story of use of our lesson. Remember when the wife of the disease, right, she blamed use of an s&m She accused him, and she tore his shirt, remember? So use of it as salam said, I'm innocent. I didn't do anything here. And she said, No, I'm innocent. So then someone judged, someone gave this ruling. And that person is described as a Shahid and what was a judgement that he made, that if the shirt is ripped from the front, then who is guilty use of Peninsula, but if it is ripped from the back, then what does it mean? who's guilty? The wife of diseases guilty, right, so Shahid, Shahid, over there means
judge. So over here also Shahin has been understood as Judge, meaning, all messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we have given you the Quran so that you judge according to it, we have sent you with knowledge with the law, so that you may implement it, you may practice it. Law is not just meant to be written. It's meant to be practiced, isn't it? So for example, if you go in, give your G one test and you get 100%. Right? But then, when you go for your practical test, you don't follow the rule.
OLS Is that gonna get you a license? Is that going to get you a G two or G? No, it's not. Even if you got a if you scored 100%. In your written test, your knowledge information is perfect. But if the implementation is not there that knowledge is, what is it? It's useless. So Allah has revealed this law so that it may be practiced and who's going to bring it in practice? Who's going to show to the Ummah, how this knowledge is to be practiced? It's Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Orissa laka share hidden. We have sent you as a witness, one MOBA sheelane. And also one who gives good news MOBA should one who gives Bashara bush right what is Bush law? Good news. So we have sent
you as someone to convey good news.
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't just come to warn people against Hellfire against punishment, before warning is what good news, good news for what that if you obey Allah, if you follow His commands, then there is good that works for you in this life, and in the next move Bashir, one of the era now the Warner also because this is sincerity at this is well wishing when the message is complete, that when you give good news, and you also give warning, when you tell somebody the benefits of doing something, and you also tell them about the loss if they were to do otherwise. Right, you tell them the pros and the cons. That is justice, isn't it? So for example,
you know, when you're buying something, why is it that you have to go read reviews? Why? Because you want to know what are the real pros and cons and who will tell you the real pros and cons as to people who have purchased that item who have used it. Right? They can tell you the benefits as well as the the harmful the bad side of it. Right? So MOBA sheelane, one of you the Prophet sallallahu Sallam conveyed good news of Allah's forgiveness of Jannah of reward for those who obey. And he also gave warning. Because if people are not warned, even that is unfair, even if that warning may sound harsh, even if that warning may sound, you know, difficult, or uncomfortable, but it's necessary
because that is the truth. Right, hiding reality hiding the truth that is injustice. So the Prophet sallallaahu Salam clearly conveyed to people about Allah's punishment also, if they were to go against Allah's laws,
whether Ian WA and their Ian meaning we have also sent you as a da e, who is dairy that is from Da da line, well, the iron route to call that he is one who calls so you have been sent as a caller, as one who invites you are to invite, invite meaning invite people, invite people to what call them to what do Illa Allah to Allah? This was the mission of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam call people do Allah
to Allah. Yes. What does that mean? call people to Allah, meaning tell them about who Allah is.
Tell them about who their lord is, so that when they recognize him, they run towards him. They strive towards him. They pursue his pleasure, because this is what we were created for to worship. Allah subhanahu wa taala
called people to the obedience of Allah subhanaw taala where they are in, in Allah, and this is what all of the prophets did. They called people to Allah, they didn't call people to worship them.
You understand? In the Quran, for example, into earlier Amman is 79 Allah subhanaw taala says Maracana li Bashar in a minute do hola hola que taba will help me one noble water. Some may call le nurse Coonoor Eva the Li Min Dune, Allah wa lacking Kula Rob Benny Hinn. It can never happen, that Allah gives to a man, the Scripture prophethood, wisdom, knowledge, all of that. And then he says to people, be my servants. No, a prophet of Allah would never say to people
observe me, what would he say? Be Rabbani Yean. What does Rabbani he mean? Worshippers off the Lord, meeting worship Allah. So whatever the prophets of Allah who are who Salam taught, whatever the Prophet sallallahu Sallam conveyed, ultimately that leads us to who
that leads us to who? To Allah, it's a connection. You understand, it's a connection for us. It's a way for us to attain Allah's pleasure. So whether en il Allah He the evening he, by his permission, his permission, meaning Allah's permission, what does this mean? That you cannot even call people to Allah, you cannot even invite them to Allah. Allah, Allah subhanaw taala allows unless he facilitates, unless he gives the ability,
you understand? That you can try your best to call people, you can try your best to convey the message. But you will only find success when Allah's help is there, when Allah has even is there be evenly here. So anytime you find yourself struggling, that how can I convey the message of Islam to this individual? How can I take the Quran to this person? How can I defend Islam over here? How can I instill the love of Allah in this person? What can I do? What is it that we need to do? First and foremost, ask Allah for even that Oh Allah, you will give me the ability you will make it possible for me you show me the ways
the evening he
secondly be isn't he also means that you are doing this by Allah's permission, meaning you're doing this because Allah is the one who told you we're Darian it Allah and this is connected with the previous that we have sent you as a shahid MOBA. SHOULDNA did that rien il Allah and you're doing all of this, why? Because we have sent you the evening he
you see at the beginning of the sent we sent you, right and here it is. Be evening he meaning the Prophet sallallahu Sallam whatever he conveyed. He didn't do it out of his own desires. It wasn't his wishes. It wasn't whatever his mind came up with. No, he was a messenger, one who was conveying because Allah ordered him. Allah told him was he Rajan and you are also sent as a Suraj Suraj that is monniera What is suraj Siraj is a lamp
All right see Raj is a lamp from the root letter seen or Jean and Suraj is a lamp that is lit with oil. Okay, don't think of a lamp as in a lamp that you have on your night table. Okay, an electronic one, right with a light bulb in it. You're talking about that which has been lit with oil. So there is oil there's a wick and that has been lips. Okay, so when that is kindled, the wick is kindled and there's oil. What do you think is going to happen to the oil also, isn't that going to illuminate?
And it's not just light, it's actually beautiful. Why do you think we have candles as decoration? Why? Because they look beautiful, isn't it? We like them not just for the purpose of fragrance but for the purpose of for the purpose of decoration, right? So Siraj is a lamp that is bright, meaning it's bright in itself, and it also illuminates it spreads light. Right? It's bright and clear. And it's also beautiful.
Alright, so Suraj your personality, your life your Sierra, your character is like a Siraj that is Manila. Now see lodge itself is lights, but Allah subhanaw taala further describes it as monniera mooneyes from node
All right monied one giving node,
one that is radiating node node as in light. So we have sent you as a Sirajul Manjula meaning as an illuminating lamb
illuminate illuminating lamp, think about a place that is dark.
And then you turn the candle on. Right or you turn the light on. Now that light itself is bright, but it's also brightening. It's also illuminating its surroundings. There's beauty. There's warms and because of that light, there's also clarity, you're able to see things that you wouldn't otherwise
See, and what you see now you can identify it as something good or as something harmful. Without it, you could really get hurt. Right? Like, for example, if it's dark, and you think that this is a place to sit, right, or this is a place where I can put my foot.
Can you misunderstand what that thing actually is? Very easily. Right? I remember my father told me a long, long time ago, this is in Pakistan, when he was a little child. He said it was nighttime. And he was walking. All right, and there was a big lamp, a big light, okay. And he was going towards that place. And as he was walking, he thought that this big black thing, it's mud, right, it was ground. And he said that as I stepped, I felt nothing under my foot.
And so he took a step back.
Alright, the light was behind him, the light was there. So he said, I took a step back. And then when he looked carefully, it was actually a well,
it was a well
So the light was there, but it was not enough for him to see what that place actually was. He thought it was safe to step on.
This is how dangerous darkness is that we really don't know what one step might lead us to what disaster it could bring us in. So isn't like necessary, then?
isn't it necessary. So the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his personality, Allah describes it as a Sirajul monniera. Just as we need light, we need the example of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, if we don't have his example, we could really be putting ourselves in danger, not just danger, disaster, we would be harming ourselves. And we see this, that each time we drift away from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, we actually harm ourselves. We actually deprive ourselves.
So the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a see Rajan monniera It's a perfect example. It's bright and clear. It radiates hedaya radiates guidance. Without it. We wouldn't know how to follow the Quran. We will know how to practice the religion of Allah.
So over here in these verses, what do we see? The qualities the attributes of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam are mentioned. What are his attributes? What are his attributes? Tell me from the eye. So I a number 45. What's the first attribute mentioned in it number 45. Before Shahid and Naveen
and nubby he was a prophet. Secondly, Shahid, thirdly, MOBA share, then Nithya. Then there en il Allah and then Sierra John Mooney, ra, right. And then from inner Ursula, aka, a seven one inner Ursula aka Agasa laka shows that he was also a Rasul. So Nabil Rasool, Shahid, Bashir, Mo Bashir, Nadine, Dari and Suraj. And this description of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is also mentioned in the Torah. It's recorded in Muslim Muhammad that Abdullah bin Amerikaner asked of the lama. He narrated the description of the prophets of Allah to send him into tota. Right. And he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hasn't been described in the Torah with some of the qualities in
which he was described in the Quran, meaning they're almost identical. He said, Yeah, you have to be in our salah. Kusha hidden one Mubasher on one zero. We're Harrison little omanhene for untag D wa SULI Some may to call motor working laser before when whenever Lee when Willa sahab and Phil as well, while I yet feroza year bissa year well I can er fu WellSpan well,
that oh Prophet Verily We have sent you as a witness, a bear of glad tidings and as a Warner, a savior of the illiterate. Anyone who will save who? The unlettered nation, you are my servant and my messenger and I have called you al mutawa kill. Who is Al mutawa kill one who realize one who relies upon who Allah. You are not harsh or severe, or noisy in the marketplace. You do not repay evil with evil, but you owe
overlook and forgive,
and the description continues. So this is very similar.
Allah says, Well, best she didn't walk meaning and give good news to the believers.
You must convey good news to the believers be another indeed the home for them mean Allah from Allah is Fub learn a bounty that is Kabira that is great.
Tell the believers give them this good news that Allah will give them fabuland Kabira a great father. Now what does follow me follow means preference meaning when someone has been preferred over another. So the believers have been given a great preference, a great virtue over the rest of mankind, meaning the Allah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have been preferred over the rest of mankind in a great way. And what is that way?
What is that way that the OMA of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has been preferred over the rest of the omen?
How are we lucky? How are we fortunate
that our Prophet is who? Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
This is a great fortune. We have to be proud about this. Not shy about it. That our Prophet was Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the best man, the best of all Prophets best in so many ways. Perfect example, successful, forgiving, tolerant and successful in so many ways. You know, the problem that many people have with Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam is, you know, when you look at, for example, the previous prophets, so for instance, Isa husana, he faced a lot of opposition from his people, right? They were in a mission to kill Him. Very few people believed in him the Hawara human were how many, very few, right, but Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he was given worldly
success also, you understand? He was given religious success, worldly success. He was not just a prophet, but also a political leader. You understand? And then at the same time, you have the height of spirituality. All right, and then also perfection in worldly terms, how that firstly, the worldly success that Allah subhanaw taala gave him, Allah granted him victory over all of his enemies, whether they were the machine or the hood, whether or it was the hypocrites any kind of enemy, Allah gave him victory over his enemies. And then, if you look at his personal life also, that is also amazing
that he didn't just have one wife, he had many, not just for many, and every wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam loved that marriage, took that marriage as a privilege. Because when every wife of the Prophet salallahu Salam was given the choice, you can stay, or you can go, you have the choice. Remember, we learned about it in the Surah? What is it that each wife of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam choose? What did you choose? Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa salam.
So, so many different forms of perfection of success were combined in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his enemies turned into his friends, his companions are so many.
Right? And then the people who surrounded him were also the best people, the best generation learned, committed people who sacrificed, knowledgeable, you know, in so many ways, they were successful people. So it's like, you know, people cannot understand how could all of this be combined in one individual? Because when we think about a person who has many wives, we think, oh, there must be a problem.
Or when we think about someone who has worldly success, oh, he must be very brutal. Right? When we think about someone who's very spiritual, we think, Oh, he must be a very backward in worldly terms. We think that success comes with many deficiencies, and that is true for majority of mankind. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was given all of these virtues by Allah subhanaw taala. He was made the best prophet because he was to be the last prophet. So when we think about the Prophet salallahu Salam, when we study his life, when we look at his examples, never ever shy away from any aspect of his life. Be proud of it. I am proud that my Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had
multiple wives, he was actually able to keep every single wife happy. I think that's a great accomplishment that tells you a lot
write about that man, as a husband as a companion. I am proud that my Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was granted success over his enemies. We shouldn't shy away, we should be happy about this. This is part of our inherited something that we should be proud about. So Allah says give good news to the believers that they have I mean, Allah He fog lung Kabira this is something that we should be happy about, not something that we should shy away from.
This is a great preference that the Ummah has been given over the rest of the nations that their prophet is Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Franklin Covey law. Secondly, Fadil also means a great reward, that they will have a great reward from Allah. Because of course, we're the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had to struggle in the way of Allah with him who's struggled,
who struggled, those who believed in him. And it wasn't just the people who believed at that time, even today, when people have to strive so hard to defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to promote his mission. So for those believers, there is a great reward. Allah tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Wallah and do not tilter you obey do not obey al Cathrine while Munna Philippine, those who deny and those who are hypocrites. You don't need to obey them. Who are I caffeine, those who openly rejected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who came and attacked him from front. Right. And they were far from the Prophet sallallahu sunnah, meaning they didn't
live in Medina, they weren't right next to him. These were al Cafferty, who wear them when African those who attacked him from the back, those who were with him, in Medina, those who are close to him. So any kind of enemy, any kind of enemy far or near the one who attacks you from fun or from behind. You don't need to obey them. Instead, do what you are supposed to do, and ignore any kind of opposition will die and leave or their home. They're hurt. While and that what does that mean? Leave it
leave it don't pay attention to it.
All right. And it's from the root letters well dial I would do that which has been left
that which has been left. So while dial are in is the root. So there are meaning leave. What should you leave there other? What does he mean by this leave their other meaning the hurt that they cause you leave that hurt, don't pay much attention to it, ignore the hurt that they cause you? Meaning the words that they say the blasphemous statements that they say, the false accusations they hurl at you the propaganda they create about you the noise they create about you. There are other home just leave it Yes, it hurts, but leave it Why leave it? Because the more you will, you know, bother someone who's angry, or someone who hates you, the more you touch them, what's going to happen,
they're gonna get even more angry, isn't it? So? You know, for example, if a child is misbehaving, is it going to help if you sit with them and say, You need to calm down and you know, explain the whole situation to them? No, it's not going to work. What do you need to do? Pick them up, sit them down somewhere, and walk away.
Right? I'm not saying that's always a solution. But sometimes that is the solution. You just have to walk away. Because if you try to talk, they're not going to listen. Right? So those who hate you from inside, those who don't think anything good about you. Their mission is to have the world hate you. Their mission is to destroy Islam. They hate the Quran, they hate the book of Allah, they hate Muslims, they hate the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they're either it hurts you don't even pay attention to them. Don't even pay attention to them. Because you see fire. It's such that if you don't know how to put it down, if you don't have the strength to put it down completely what's going
to happen? You're only going to make it spread. Right? So don't retaliate. Don't worry about taking revenge because such people will only attack you more. You can't seal their mouths with our other home.
So the other one, what's the meaning ignore the hurt that they cause you? And this by extension means that don't worry about harming them or taking revenge because they will only attack you more
with our color and Allah but what about the
also allegations they have hurled against the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the kind of words and descriptions they have described him with which are unfair, which are wrong. What about them? Allah says, Without Quran Allah rely upon Allah.
Allah will preserve his image. Allah will preserve the reputation of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Waka Fabi, Matthew Akela And sufficient is Allah as a disposer of affairs? Is it not enough for you to trust on him?
Is it not enough to trust on Allah? subhanaw taala? Is he not capable of taking care of the affairs of His servants? He is fully capable. So trust Allah,
and believe these enemies to Allah, He will take care of them.
Because you see the kind of words that even today people say about the prophets of Allah Salam, they're so hurtful. Whether it's a word, they say something they write about him an image they draw, whatever they do, it's hurtful. But what does Allah subhanaw taala? Tell us over here, leave it, ignore it.
Because the more you touch them, the more harm they will try to cause you. Right? And this is what we see. The more noise we make, the more fun people make of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, or the more they try to mock at him, or at the Muslims. Go ahead.
One of my students, he's in grade 11 You're studying chemistry. And out of sudden he asked, Oh, I did some mistake, I think can you help me? I think in my test and your religion for marriage is not allowed. I said yes. Then he said i She was quite young, right? Oh, I did a blunder over there. And I didn't discuss anything. Yes, for a manual. So then he said, you know, look at teacher, we have a book Rights of Woman. So when they are teaching the you know, religion, they are teaching about Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, everything. But they are not giving you know, the right material of the Islam. When they are teaching about four wives, they're teaching about about Aisha Alterna, and
they are also giving them the Book of Rights of Woman also in the Catholic school. So we have to be very careful about you know, sending our kids like, this is my opinion. Yeah. I mean, you know, you will always come across people whose mission is to find problems within Islam. And such people are not just out to find problems with Islam, they want to find problems in religion, period. Recently, I was listening to a lecture in which the speaker he was saying that, if we want to call people to the worship of Allah, we have to defend religion. We have to defend religion, not just Islam, we have to defend religion in general, because people who will attack Islam, many times they will
attack religion in general. And if religion is not sacred, then Islam will also no longer be sacred. You know, this is, it's really beautiful, because every now and then we come across individuals or people. And this has been happening from the beginning. People who will attack the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, who will attack the Quran, who will attack Islam, right, they will blame Islam, for the actions of a few individuals, right? They will say that Islam is such and such, because some of its followers are such and such. Right? So this hurts, it hurts a lot. Allah subhanaw taala is saying other, it hurts a lot. But what do you need to do?
People will really want to discuss, go ahead and talk to them. And that conversation will be beneficial. But there are other types of people who are not going to listen anything. And there's no point in trying to defend your religion to them. Because if they really wanted to understand the religion, they would look at the religion as a whole. If they really wanted to study the Prophet sallallahu sallam, they would study every aspect of his life, not just take one nourish and out of Buhari and say that, Oh, he married a girl that was nine years old.
Or that she was six years old or that she was this and she was there. If they really wanted to know the Prophet salallahu Salam, they will do justice to the study of this beautiful man.
But the thing is, they're not out to know Him. They're out to criticize him, and those whose mission is to criticize the Prophet sallallahu sallam, then the best thing you can do is just ignore them. Let the haters hate and let them die in their hatred. Let them say whatever they want, they're not going to accomplish anything. Seriously. You just stay focused on your work. When I totally erase caffeine, well, Mona feel clean. What are other home what color color and Allah worker Fabula he will kill one there are people who hated the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in his very lifetime. So many. What happened?
What is success?
So, no they weren't. So don't worry about any enemy of the Prophet later. Because they're not going to be successful either. We will listen to the recitation yeah
be you
Gosh, I
bet she'll oh one of your
long knee. What's your origin?
What does she remind me? What does she really mean to be?
mean Allah He found London cabbie.