Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 220C Tafsir Al-Ahzab 37
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Now what happened? Xena, Blanca she agreed and the marriage took place in fourth year after Hyjal. And the two were married for about a year. And then after a year, problems arose between them. What were those problems? It is at the Dana without the law under the same vein of law to learn how we eventually married the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who was very generous. Okay, whose hand was the longest? Okay, Xena will do that one, huh? It is said that she was also very Sharpton. Okay. In fact, we learned in Hadith about how at one occasion there was an argument that, you know, the wives of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, there were two camps. There was a camp of Aisha at the lower end,
and there was a camper, Xena Flotilla, and so they were divided into two groups, you could say, okay, and there is this rivalry between Zayn Abdullah anhand I shall dwell on okay. Anyway, there are some narrations in which we learned that one Zenodo on how she went on, you know, talking to I should have the lower and have very angry with her, and I should have the lower and I was just listening and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told her I shall deliver on her retaliate. Alright, meaning, if she can say this to you, you can also defend yourself say something don't just stand here quietly. Susanna was a little I know she had a sharp tongue. Okay. And something that there
people are different. Right? You know, for example, sometimes we come across a person who is apparently, you know, they're memorizing the Quran, and then we see them talking. And we're like, Oh, my God, you talk like that stuff a lot. I have no respect for that person anymore. Because I saw them talking like that. I mean, yes, there is a manner in which we talk in a manner in which we don't talk. Right. But when people get angry when they get emotional, it's possible that they use certain language or words that we don't really appreciate. 100% But they're human being. So anyway, xenografted outline her she had differences with zeta Alomar and when many things and zayde little
doula one who, since he knew that initially, his proposal was refused. Why? Because of the fact that he was previously a slave. He knew the dynamic over here, right? He knew what Dana loved Lauren had thought about herself, and he knew what she thought about him also. And because of the huge difference in their status, the two were not able to get along very well. So what happened then, Allah subhanaw taala says, what if? And recall when the Kulu you said little lady to the one who Anoma Allahu Allah bestowed favor, I lay he on him. Remember when you said to the man, on whom Allah bestowed favor? Who is this? This is Zaid al de la horn who? What was the favorite that Allah
bestowed upon him? It was a favor of Islam. It was a favor of the prophets Allah Allah is Allah mean, ze the little one. Remember I told you about his story, that how he was kidnapped and then sold as a slave, one of the relatives of Khadija Rabelo on how bought him somewhere and gave him to Khadija LaWanda and Khadija Rabelo on her gave Zaid roba Lauren, who has a gift of the prophets of Allah, Islam and the prophets of Allah sent him set him free. Right. And he declared him as his adopted son, wasn't as a huge favor of Allah upon Cedro to lower No. I mean, what if he fell in the hands of Abuja?
What would become of him? Seriously? So Allah destroyed huge favor on him. Allah Allah bestowed the favor of Islam on him because he was one of the first converts, because he was in the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So when Khadija Lavon, who embraced Islam, they dropped the low on who he was a young boy at that time, he also accepted Islam.
So, now I'm Allahu alayhi wa naantali he and you will also bestowed favour on him meaning the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also bestowed favor on Zaid, what was the favorite that he showed him? The kindness that he showed him the fact that he raised him, he declared him his son, and then he got him married to his cousin Xena. This was really the Prophet sallallahu Sallam striving to bring the status of Zaid Rotolo Juan higher and higher in that society. He tried so hard. Firstly, he declared him his son, and then secondly, he had to marry his cousin.
This was the failure of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam on him not an anti LEE So what is it that the Prophet sallallahu said I'm say to say drop the Longhorn who he said to him, I'm sick, retain, keep, I Laker to yourself XO Jukka your wife. I'm sick. I like us. Oh, Jack, keep your wife I'm sick from the word insect and what does insect mean to keep something with oneself not let it go. Meaning do not divorce her. Do not
divorce your wife so we can see over here the day that of Lauren who he brought his complaints to who to who to the profits on a lot of things are not too well. She said this to me this happened that happened. I'm thinking of putting an end to this. So what are the profits on a lot of centum say to him, I'm sick i Lagos Oda keep your wife don't divorce her.
And moreover, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told him what tequila and fear Allah
fear Allah regarding your marriage? What are you even thinking about? And over here, we learned a very important matter, that anytime, you know somebody comes and complains about their married situation, right, they think you're the best marriage counselor, alright? Any Auntie any mother, any somebody in the family, or just because you happen to wear the hijab and somebody sees that you're praying Salah and you have a blue juice in front of you, then you must have a lot of knowledge of the religion and you must have the solution to my marriage problems. So anyway, when people consult you, which they will, if they do, what should your advice be always what do we see over here? Um,
sekali because out of meaning, try to fix things. Try to fix things, you see marital problems, they will arise, definitely. And immediately the thought should not be I want to end this. I'm not saying that ending the marriage is not an option. It is definitely an option. It's in the Quran. It's a part of our religion. It is there. But the only solution to marital problems is not just ending the marriage. Right? So discuss ways suggest ways in which the marriage can be fixed. So I'm sick I like a Zodiac watercolor and remind the person to fear Allah also.
Now what happened? Allah subhanaw taala says what toffee and you were hiding? Or a pseudo Lhasa Linus alone. You are hiding from halfaya to conceal to hide something, you are hiding phenol fsic in yourself, you are keeping a secret.
And that secret was such that mad that which Allah Allah, nobody want to disclose it, Allah was going to disclose it. Allah was not going to let it remain hidden. Nobody from the root bad al Well, if that and if that is to expose to reveal, to make something manifest. So Allah was going to
Allah was going to this close, if you wanted to hide it, you were trying your best to hide it, but Allah was going to disclose it. And why is it that you were trying to hide it? What the shadiness and you were afraid of the people. And you should remember that Allahu Allah, Allah is a hubco more deserving, and Tasha who, that you must fear him. Allah is more deserving, that you should fear him. Now what is it that the Prophet saw a lot of Cena was hiding over here. You see earlier in the Surah. What did we learn that an adopted son is not a is not a real son. So Zaid, little Dylan, one who who was previously called Zaid when Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was now called Zaid Bin hadiza.
Right. But remember that
there are many rules when they're taught to people information alone is not enough demonstration is also necessary, otherwise change is not going to happen. You understand?
You know, for example, if at a workplace people are told we should have respect for each other, you know, this is one of our rules, right? Our mandates, we have to do this, we have to do this we have to do this very beautiful in writing. Very beautiful concept. But you know what, you have to bring it into practice. And in order to bring it to practice, there are things that have to be done that might annoy some people that might offend some people. You know, for example, in our deen, what are we taught that people are equal in the sight of Allah in the Quran, aquamarine de la hui at Koco. And to really show that to really promote that to really prove that what are we taught that in Salah
when we stand how do we stand, shoulder to shoulder for two foot right next to each other? So even if it's a person who is of a very different status, very different background, you still have to stand next to them,
isn't it? So whether you like it or you don't like it, this change has to be brought you under
Stan. So, over here for people to accept in writing or on paper or in the book of Allah, that okay, adopted sons are no longer real sons fine, okay. But this change had to be brought in the society and for that somebody was going to be made to go through this, to really show that an adopted son is not a real son. And how is that going to be shown to people that you see a real son, biological son, his wife is who Muharram
even after divorce, you understand? So for a woman, her father in law is her permanent mom, even if she no longer remains married to her husband? She can never marry her father in law, you understand?
But when it comes to an adopted son, his divorced wife, then is their relationship with Muhammad over there? No, there isn't. All right. So what happened over here, Allah subhanaw taala was going to bring this change over here by making by choosing the family of the Prophet salallahu. Salam, to be an example for others. Because this change needed what a practical implementation it needed to be done, how practically not just in the eye, but practically also. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was informed about this throughway that once the marriage of zayde and Zainab radula Varna would end, he would have to marry who? Xena radula horn. Why, to show to prove to establish that an
adopted son is not a biological son. You understand what's going on over here? Now? Do you understand why the prophets on a lot of someone was hiding this? Do you understand why he was hiding this? What was he hiding over here? What don't we have enough seeker Mala humo de what Allah was going to show? What is it that Allah was going to disclose that eventually the Prophet sallallahu Sena was going to marry Xena, you understand? And the prophets of Allah Azza was trying to delay it as much as possible. Why? What does Shanna has? You are afraid of people? Why is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam afraid of people what was he afraid of? He was afraid of the reaction of their
You understand? Because when it comes to cultural norms or cultural values, rather,
you know, people are very strict about them.
Very strict about them. You know, for instance, when it comes to marriages, when it comes to weddings,
a woman is expected to wear a certain kind of dress in every culture, right? So for example, in certain cultures, you must wear red, no other color bus. You don't have a choice? No, no room for argument here, isn't it? In other cultures, I don't know what it is. But in every culture, there's some rules, some principles, some things that people must abide by, and there is no discussion over there. Whereas if you think about it, are they really? I mean, who said you have to wear red on your wedding day? Who said, Where did this come from? Or who said you have to wear white? Or who said that? You can't wear purple? Who said where is it from? It's just cultural practices, right? But we
adhere to them so strongly, that if we see somebody doing otherwise, or even thinking about doing something, otherwise we get offended, we get angry. You know, it's amazing. Weddings are supposed to be times when people are happy. But what do they turn into?
What are the turn into battles, war zones, just get lucky. They turn into war zones, literally.
There are so many problems that we put ourselves into why? Because we hold on so strongly, so firmly to cultural practices. Don't get me wrong over here. I'm not saying cultural practices are all wrong. I'm just giving you an example of how people are generally towards things that are common in their culture. Go ahead.
It was basically that if you're from a certain caste, you're not allowed to marry somebody from another caste, because they are your caste is supposed to have some specific characteristics, even though you're from the same religion, just because of your caste difference. You can't marry somebody. And if anything goes against it, then there's such a huge reaction. Right? People don't accept it.
You know, we had that discussion about changing your name after marriage. You take your husband's name or not. Right. So people women who choose not to take their husband's name after
They get married. It's just considered so wrong. Right? I'm not just talking about Western societies, even Muslim societies. Right? I remember there was a woman who had her husband's name. And then when she found out that this is, you know, Allah subhanaw taala says, that called people by the names of their fathers, she switched back to her father's name. And when she did that, people thought that she took a divorce or something. Right? And they were found together, they're living together, everything's fine. Something must be going on. She's up to something. Right? Because it's just culturally so wrong. So over here, so you see, amongst the Arabs, it was unheard off, that a
man would marry the divorced wife of his adopted son. This was unheard of. So the prophets of Allah is Allah He naturally feared the reaction the criticism of the people, but Allah subhanaw taala reminds him that of Allah who are helpful and Masha Allah has more right that you fear Him and this is a minor rebuke. Allah has more right that you should fear him for nama than when Baba he completed Zaidan Zaid minha from her what
I mean how what what does it mean? He divorced her okay. This is an expression because the word Whopper Walker is used for any Hajah any need which in order to fulfill a person has to exert some effort,
okay, in order to fulfill it, a person must exert some effort and when he fulfills it, then it is set acabo Ouattara who,
okay. So for example, a person is studying for a PhD. Okay, four years of a lot of hard work. So when they're finally done, and they're called a doctor, so and so then what does it mean they're done, they reach their goal. Okay, somebody applied for some work somewhere, they got it, they got their job, they worked for five years, six years, and then when they resigned, or after 30 years when they retired, then that is what are the other Watoto meaning he's done. Basically, what it means is that now there is no more connection over here there is no need for this relationship to continue. After a person has retired, there is no need for him to go back to work. All right. So
about minha photo, what it means is that divorce took place so this word is actually used for Talaq this expression is used for divorce.
So for alumna acaba ze don't mean how what do you see something interesting here
Zaid Bin how to settle do Lauren who is the only companion who is mentioned by name in the Quran? So when Allah subhanaw taala says, Allah the anomala who Annie, that Allah bestowed favor on him. This is one of the favors that Allah bestowed exclusively on Cedro to Lauren, and what is this favor? That Allah has mentioned him by name in the Quran? You know, even Abu Bakar of the law and who is not mentioned by name in the Quran, is he now he's not even a little Dilawar and who isn't? aren't evil de la hora isn't who is Zaid Abdullah Horus. So felon now they don't mean how upon meaning when the divorce happened. Then Zoa Janaka za wodgina We married you got you have to her meaning we made
you marry her. The word Janaka Allah married the prophets Allah Allah said I'm to Zainab Abdullah Juan Hmm, what does it mean by this? Who concluded this marriage contract who made it happen? Allah subhanaw taala did.
So the prophets of Allah Hassan basically had no choice over here did he? Allah have made it happen? And this Nica happened where in the skies above y li que saw that les Hakuna there is not an El Momineen upon the believers halogen, any Howard any discomfort, any problem concerning what PHE concerning as YG wives, either yet him of their adopted sons are there yet is a plural of dairy.
Either when although men Hoonah Ouattara when they have fulfilled from them need meaning when divorce has happened?
So, look back at this, what's the reason why Allah subhanaw taala made the prophets of Allah and I'll go through this in order that layer Kunaal and Medina
Hello, the believers should have no problem with respect to what with respect to fee as well as the other. Yeah, he him either cover woman who now Ouattara with respect to marrying the ex wives of their adopted sons when divorce has happened. So, this was to completely abolish the concept of an adopted son is like a real son. What Kana Amarula he and ever is the command of Allah Mfu Allah want to be accomplished, no matter how much people resist it, no matter how much people try to avoid it. When Allah subhanaw taala decide something, then it happens. Then it happens. Zeno gol de la Mancha, she used to boast before the wives of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, she used to say, you were given
in marriage by your families, while I was married to the Prophet salallahu Salam by ALLAH from over seven heavens.
That you only can happen through your father or somebody from your family, right? My mica who conducted it, who did it, who arranged for it? Allah subhanaw taala didn't. So she used to say this to the other lies of the prophets, Allah Salam, and this marriage took place in the fifth year after hige Allah in the month of the Ricardo All right, and the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when he did the walima we learned in Buhari that an a struggler Juan who he said that I did not see the prophets Allah isn't giving a better banquet on marrying any of his wives than the one he gave him marrying Zeno. Why was that so? Because that is the time when the Muslims had the money.
And what was the walima? He gave a banquet meaning over Lima with one sheep. That was the walima one sheep. So it was basically meat and bread. Did you want to say something?
I remember reading an article about the prophesies on marriage to his Anna Rhodiola. Line. Hmm. And basically in the article, they were saying that he married her because he actually liked her. Yeah. Okay, is that true? Okay. For this I have there are two interpretations. I was trying to avoid the other interpretation. I heard a lecture by Sharon also called the it's an hour and 20 minute long lecture and I didn't think that I could present all of that in this much time. But since you have touched upon it, I know that everybody is not going to go and listen to that hour plus long lecture. Let me just summarize it over here. Then. What we learn is that there are some narrations that we
learn about in some books of deceit, and some books of zero. But these notions are not found in the six books of Hadith, the famous Sahaba citta the six authentic narrations which are Bukhari Muslim, oh Buddha would not say that Timothy, and
living matter.
So these narrations are not found in these six books of Hadith, but there are found in some books of deceit and especially in the earlier books of deceit. So for example, we learn about these narrations in a tuxedo robbery. Ibiza, even Josie so early Mufasa rune All right, and what is this interpretation is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know this conflict was going on between zero below on who and Xena radula Horan had the conflict was going on from before. All right. And the Prophet salallahu Salam, according to these narrations, he went to the house of Zadroga lawan, who in order to speak to him, but he didn't find him there. And Zeno broke the law on
how was their the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he spoke to her. He saw her and at that time, there was no ruling of hijab. All right, so And mind you the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he had seen a little lower on her before many times. He was 40 years old when he received prophet hood. Alright, then a little too low on how was his first cousin, so he had seen her many times before, without hijab. All right. Now what happened? These reports, what they suggest is that the Prophet salallahu Salam, he liked her. Okay. Now before we continue, two things I want you to remember. Okay, first of all, what we need to understand over here is that the Prophet salallahu Salam, if he did like her there, if he
did, we need to remember he did nothing wrong. Okay. Allah subhanaw taala does not hold his servants accountable for the thoughts that occur in their hearts and minds. You understand? And if this is true, if it is, then this only shows to us the humanity of Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and the perfection and the strength of his character.
You ask your brother even you don't even need to ask him actually. Okay. See how his eyes go when he sees a girl?
Just watch his eyes. Okay, when
He sees a girl, regardless of whether he's 30 years old or 20 years old or is 15 years old. You know what I'm talking about, right? This is something natural within men. All right, these thoughts do occur. Forget about men. Let me ask you, when you see a guy,
do you sometimes think, nice beard?
Seriously, do you?
Why are we talking about men? Let's ask ourselves.
Honestly, when you see a guy, when you see a man, even if he's a religious man with a long beard wearing a cannula would thus be 100 miswak. Mysteriously, or even otherwise, any man you see, you are a human being.
All right, and you will be attracted to men. And likewise men will be attracted to women, there will be things, you know, in men, maybe their beard, or their height, or their fingers or their nails or whatever it is their work or the way they speak, their hairstyle, their glasses, their phone, whatever it may be, that might attract you, isn't a possible so why is it not possible the other way around? But what is necessary when these thoughts do arise when they do come? What is necessary that you say? Hold it right there?
Isn't it? You stop yourself?
Correct. So even if the Prophet salallahu Salam did find Xena Badillo on her beautiful over here, first of all, it was not the first time he saw her. All right. And secondly, if he did, he didn't do anything wrong. All right. And even if he hid it, well toffee Fein up sick, he hit that. All right, if he conceded that that is exactly what we're supposed to do. This is also a lesson for us. This is also a lesson for us, that if we do see your person and we find them attractive, and you're married or they're married, then stop,
don't pursue in some of these nations. What we learn is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said at that time, Subhana Moca liberal puluh exalted he is the Turner of the hearts. Right? Allah is perfect, meaning acknowledging own imperfection and then realizing that Allah is the One who turns the heart. Right. So Allah turned my heart in the correct direction. Don't let me do anything wrong. So this incident, if it is even true, then what do we understand His humanity, the strength of his character, the perfection of his character, and in this is also a lesson for us. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam didn't do anything wrong. He tried his best to keep the marriage but Allah
subhanaw taala was going to bring this out. What to Fifi Nuff said Mala who MOBA de and what was it that Allah subhanaw taala was going to disclose that Zellweger Janaka Ha, we got her married to you. What I want you to understand is that these narrations are found in the books of Hadith. All right, in the earliest classical books of Hadith, all right, because there are in modern times, Muslims who do say that these are fabrications or these were stories who were invented by non Muslims and whatnot. But these stories are found within Muslim texts, earliest of texts. All right. And the lesson we learned from here is that the Prophet saw a lot of Saddam was not hiding anything wrong,
and he was hiding something embarrassing, right? And the Prophet salallahu Salam, he did not pursue it, he did not continue with that. In fact, he tried to go against it and Allah subhanaw taala brought it about right. And and this is also a lesson for us that if we ever find ourselves in a situation like that, then what is the correct course of action, that one must stop oneself there seek refuge with Allah subhanaw taala Go ahead. In this article, it was basically talking about how I showed her the alone her had a niece who was very beautiful, and known for her beauty, and her name was also Aisha. And basically UNESP and magic are the low on who can like just happen to like,
come upon her and he like in the streets or something and he complimented her beauty. And I was wondering about that and they weren't midterms, obviously, but okay, I have not heard about this, but we do learn that at Hajj. There was a young woman who came to ask the Prophet sallallahu Sallam certain questions and the Prophet salallahu Salam, one of his relatives, a young man, he was there, and he was looking at her and she was looking at him. Okay, meaning she's asking the Prophet sallallaahu Salam o, but she keeps, you know, glancing at him, and he's also looking at her, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam turned his face away. Right? That don't look in this direction.
Don't do that, you know, if you want to do things the right way, if you really want this to go somewhere do things the right way. This is not the way. Right, I'm just checking people out, this is not appropriate.
So what do we learn in this is that Allah subhanaw taala makes it clear about the fact that adopted sons are not like, real sons. And, you know, this is this part of the life of the prophet Sallallahu sallam. This really makes you appreciate the Prophet salallahu Salam even more, what he really had to go through. You know why he was avoiding this was because he was afraid of the criticism that he was going to hear from people. Because when somebody goes against cultural practices, then what is the reaction they receive? It's horrible. It's a horrible experience.
You know, sometimes a marriage takes place between two people. And they're from different backgrounds, different cultures. And even decades later, there are some people who will say, Oh, she's from a different family, or he's from a different family. We all get over these cultural differences after decades, literally. This is a human weakness and this existed at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam also, but look at what the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had to go through in his personal life in order to establish the deen of Allah.
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