Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P22 219C Tafsir Al-Ahzab 32-33

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of being aware of one's status and character to avoid confusion and avoid soft or aggressive speech is emphasized. It is also important to be true and not be too soft. The need for control and communication in speaking is emphasized, along with avoiding double behavior during public appearances. The importance of protecting oneself is emphasized, and a news story about a woman who was not allowed to wear a dress is also discussed.

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			Then Allah subhanaw taala says yeah and he said an OBE all wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam. Now there for Lila their high rank is further being established over here Allah says less
tuna you are not at all less tuna from less than laser RIGHT LASER it is not less than a you are not
less tuna you all are not okay. So, let's do now you are not going to head in like any one minute
Nyssa among the women
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			or wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam you are not like anyone among women, your status is not
like that of other believing righteous women, you are more honorable near Allah, your award is
greater and so what is expected of you is also greater, right? You are superstars, you are in the
limelight. So you will must be extra careful also. Because everyone's eyes are on you. Your
interaction with people
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			must be proper, you must observe, you know, a very proper code of conduct. Because let's do not get
a hidden minute Nyssa you are not like other women. Recognize your status, know your rank. And
accordingly, your character should be accordingly your mannerisms should be accordingly. Your
dealings with people should be according to what your status, the level that Allah subhanaw taala
has given you. You understand over here. You see, again, same example a three year old child, if
he's creams in the store, is that okay?
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			I mean, it's embarrassing, but people look and they smile, and they look away, isn't it? But an 18
year old child, okay? If they start screaming in the middle of the grocery store, is that
acceptable? No, that's not acceptable, right? Because with age comes responsibility, isn't it? So an
18 year old has to behave like an 18 year old, not like a three year old? Why? Because there's a
huge difference between being three and being 18. Isn't it? Is there a difference? There's a huge
difference. So the wives of the Prophet sallallaahu Salam are being taught about their status.
realize who you are, you are the holder of who and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you have chosen
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			him, Allah has chosen you and you are doing a great exam and Allah will grant you great, your son,
your level is higher. So you have to carry yourself accordingly. You understand? You have to carry
yourself accordingly. So let's do NACA hidden Mina Nyssa in Ithaca tuna in if it the Kaituna you
have Taqwa if you have fear of Allah, and you see this clause over here, if you have fear of Allah,
what does this make very clear that your status is with the poor, not simply because you're married
to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.
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			So if you really have the core, then you must be careful about what has been mentioned over here.
Now before we continue, remember that the wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam their interaction
with people was also greater. Why? Because many people would come to the house of the Prophet
sallallahu sallam. So over here, the wives of the Prophet salallahu Salam are being given certain
guidelines how they must particularly speak with men. All right, so Allah subhanaw taala says in it
the Kaituna if you fear Allah, if you have taqwa, then the de quoi should not just stay in the heart
it should do something to your speech. Also, it should affect your speech also, how that fella then
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			do not the learner, you become humble and soft. Bill Powell in speech, meaning in your speech, don't
be extra soft in your speech to who to men. Okay. And notice what is mentioned over here in it the
Kaituna you should guard your speech out of fear of Allah, not fear of your husband, or fear of
people or fear of society. Your speech should be correct out of whose fear fear of Allah subhanaw
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			And one guideline that's given over here is let the Husqvarna build coal Do not be too soft and
speech. Now the word learner is from Hodor, halt blog or hover What does huddart mean? Hodor to be
humble to lower oneself. Now if you think about humility, it's really good, isn't it? But when it
comes to
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			Speech. Humility doesn't mean that talking very humbly, it means being very soft in speech. Okay?
Very soft in speech, like, you know, when if a woman is talking in a very tender way, in a very
affectionate way in a very loving way. And that's fine for a woman. I mean, she's not being
prohibited from talking like this at all. Just in certain situations, avoid talking in this manner.
Why? Because file tomorrow, then he will have tomorrow he will have desire, who a lady, the one who
feels I'll be in his heart is mob is disease. Because all sorts of people come you interact with all
sorts of people, and the one in whose heart is a disease which disease of sin for you. He will have
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			desire, meaning he will take interest in you. He will have dirty wishes for you. So guard your
speech, will ona and say meaning when you speak, how should you speak? Hola ma rufa a word that is
my roof that is appropriate. And this is beautiful. This means don't be completely silent, let's say
nothing and just shy away, no. speak confidently, speak properly, in a mild woof way, in an
appropriate way. Not rudely and not freely either. Professionally, colon a colon. Moreover,
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			now for me doesn't mean be offensive and be rude and be harsh. Okay. Now, what is being said over
here is that the control is with you. Right? You do not give an opportunity to was trained here to
take advantage of you. You see over here, the men have not been prohibited from speaking to the
wives of the Prophet salallahu Salam, nor have the wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam been
forbidden from speaking to non Muhammad we have gone to this extreme right? That if there's a
brother with a beard, don't even say salam, right? Your husband's friend comes in. Don't even say
salah. Right? And this is something that I honestly cannot understand. You know, it's amazing that
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			if people see me in a niqab, it's as if I don't exist. Seriously, I'm a person you can say salaam to
me no problem I can say Salaam. That doesn't mean that we have to go on talking talking but we can
have a normal conversation, unnecessary conversation and there is nothing wrong with that. We think
that being ultra religious, and this is our fault, actually. That we think religiosity is don't
speak to men.
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			The as wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam are being taught, speak, up speak. But how Hola.
Moreover, appropriate speech. So we've gone to extremes either we have gone to one extreme of not
speaking at all right? Or we've gone to the other extreme of speaking without any limits, without
even you know, following any code of conduct without even watching our speech. We've gone to the
other extreme, this idea teaches a beautiful balance right? That do things keep them in mind one
letter Darna below Do not be too soft in your speech.
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			Okay, meaning do not be inviting in your speech, do not talk in a very affectionate and in a very
loving way.
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			Speak how straightforward confidently convey what you have to convey. And then call Nicola ma rufa.
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			Secondly, golden ma rufa that which is appropriate that which is acceptable. You see, if the wives
of the Prophet sallallahu Sena had been forbidden from speaking to the men completely,
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			then you know what today we would not have many a hadith
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			I shall not allow on her in her house. Sahaba would come who would come and she would narrate how
they stood up, she would explain things to them, she would teach them
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			they would be in the masjid people would come and take fatwa from her and she would teach and mind
you it wasn't just a shell blow on her. It was also um Salah it was also have some of the low Anna
it was the wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam who narrated so many a hadith so many it's a
treasure. So if Allah had forbidden them from even speaking to men, then what would happen? We would
have been deprived of all this height and that's not a natural way of living anyway. Right? The
natural way is that there will be interaction there will be conversation, and each person must take
care of themselves. Don't blame others. Take responsibility, right, the control is in your hand.
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			Watch how you speak. Be careful about how you speak don't be too giggly and you know nor too shy.
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			Speak normally.
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			Anything you'd like to add or any question before we continue to the next I? Yes.
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			Yes, don't be too inviting
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			in studies of cases of assault and statements from like the the victims themselves, and of like the
person who assaulted them, a lot of the times the guys believed that, like the woman or whoever it
was, was asking for it, you know, like, they've gotten hints that, you know, the other person wanted
it, when that was not at all what they wanted. So a huge misunderstanding was created, because the
guys tend to interpret certain signals in one way, while the woman does not intend that at all. In
her mind, she's just being friendly. But for him, it's her inviting him. Interesting. Now, this
doesn't mean that, you know, we don't blame. We don't hold men responsible for their actions, they
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			are responsible for their actions, but at the same time, we see that the control is with the woman.
Right? That it depends on how much you talk, how you talk, how you look, it's your body language,
the words that you choose, it's the manner in which you speak, the control is with who it is with
you. So use that to your advantage. Then Allah Subhana Allah says, What calm now? What Karna WA and
Karna you should abide. And the word karma is from the root letters called Ferrara. The word is
actually Karana. But it has been shortened or abbreviated to just karma. Just like the word valenta.
shortened to Walter. All right. So that's from Lady. All right. And this is from Cara,
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			Cara, cough Ra, rah, rah. What does parar mean to remain in a place? Right, so I'm gonna remain
where feeble you Tichenor in your homes? Very interesting. All right.
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			I like this idea. A lot. Many people get offended. I don't know why. Karma feeble you Tichenor
remain in your houses. What does it mean by this, over a year, we see more guidelines are being
given to the wives of the Prophet salallahu audio sunnah. And the first is abide in your homes. Why?
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			Because you are celebrities. And when you will go out, people will recognize you from afar, you will
never be out of the spotlight. So avoid public appearances as much as you can. Otherwise your life
will be more difficult.
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			Because the wives of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, we're not ordinary women. Who were the
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			Has it ever happened that you're at a public gathering somewhere? And see that person? Or that
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			Or that person? Which person? Will that YouTuber? Oh, who can go to them? Okay? Can I take a picture
with you? You know, it's amazing that if a person even fix it, they pretend to be a celebrity, they
will be crowded,
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			they will be crowded, and people will gang up around them, and they will want to take pictures with
them. You know what I'm talking about? I saw a video like that where a person was pretending to be a
celebrity. All right, and they weren't actually a celebrity and people were stopping taking pictures
and whatnot. So you remember what happened to Diana? Princess Diana? How did she die?
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			Car Accident? Why?
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			Hmm? Trying to run away from WHO? Paparazzi. Right? Every now and then do we hear about this picture
that was taken of a certain princess or or of a certain high status woman? And then a whole issue
was created because of that. Right? Why is it that it's these poor women who are targeted and
everybody else? Yes, they're also targeted in a different way. But why these women because they're
in the spotlight aren't that
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			being a princess is no ordinary thing. Isn't it? Being the wife of a president is no ordinary thing.
Right? So people will talk about your clothes, people will talk about your hat people will talk
about your shoes, people will talk about your hairstyle, people will talk about everything.
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			They will make your life extremely difficult. And the thing is that someone have such a high
profile, the more they go out in public. All right, what happens is, the more people stare at them,
you know, for example, just the royal family. It's, I feel sad. I feel pity for them, honestly. It's
like the poor couple cannot even enjoy their children. You know, they have to hide everything.
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			They have to hide everything. And they just have to live this life. It's it's sad, really, it said,
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			we can enjoy it. Even if the goal is somewhere on a private beach. They're not left on their own. I
mean, don't get me wrong over here. I'm not saying that everything they do, we should do. I'm just
giving you an example, that when people are of a very high status, the rest of the people don't
leave them alone. And this is across all societies. All right. And what happens is that evil is also
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			Isn't it? So the wives of the Prophet salallahu Salam are being taught over here that realize your
ordinary deeds are also a big deal.
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			And this just comes as part of the package. That's just how it is. Right? Because for another woman
to go out of her house, normal, but for the wife of the Prophet said a lot of time to go out of her
house and go somewhere, do something, which is her need, whatever, that's her business, her choice,
her freedom, but it will be turned into news, you understand? It will be turned into a big deal,
whereas in reality, it's not really a big deal. But why is it that it'll be turned into a big deal
because of their status? All right. So this ayah does not mean that the wives of the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam were prohibited from going out of their houses. This is making them realize their
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			high status. And because of that, they must be extra careful about their ordinary deeds also,
because they're in the spotlight.
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			Now, we see that women, they went out of their homes at that time, even to use the toilet like
seriously, they had to, they had to go far away. And they would go in groups. Sometimes this was
something normal in that society, they would have to go it wasn't conceivable for a woman to just
stay at home. It wasn't possible. Likewise, the women would go out like the wives of the Prophet
sallallahu sallam, they would go out to visit one another, we learn about Ayesha Abdullah and how
even going to visit Beloved of the Lord when he was sick.
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			All right, so they went to visit one another. They would go to pray in the masjid. Don't we read in
Table hottie about women going to the masjid to pray? Right? They would go on expeditions with the
Prophet salallahu Salam, they would go for Hajj for Allah. There were a set he had a say have women
who traveled as we will learn. But they went with dignity.
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			All right, they were very careful about how they went. So over here, Allah subhanaw taala advises
the women that walk on a fee booty corner.
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			You see when women and even prestigious women when they're targeted in public, okay, this is a sign
of real moral degradation of a people.
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			And the sad reality is that this happens, and it will happen.
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			Because we don't know when men will learn. Not all men, there are some men, right? We're always
looking for fitna. I mean, think about it. If there's a woman, like Benazir who got killed in
Pakistan, I mean, doesn't that show the morality of the people that they don't have respect for a
woman that they will kill her? You understand? I'm not saying what everything she did was right. The
fact is he was a woman have some respect for a woman. Word women attacked in uprisings in Egypt,
terribly beaten, sexually assaulted, even recently at New Year's what happened in Germany?
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			Right? I mean, every now and then we hear of women, women being targets, women getting attacked. And
these are all types of women. Right? So it doesn't matter whether you're in Africa, Asia, North
America, Europe, it doesn't matter where you are.
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			It doesn't matter if you have a whole law system in place, a legal system in place. If you have
police, if you have whatnot, you have the presence of soldiers to ensure that their security,
despite all of that there will always be bad apples, there will always be people who will assault
women. This is just a sad reality. I'm not saying men are not guilty, they are 100% guilty for the
wrongs that they do. But because such men exist, what is it that the woman has to do?
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			What is it that she has to do?
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			protect herself? Right? She has to take care of herself. And we see that even in the most ideal
Islamic society because we hurl this accusation that, oh, it's a Western country, so it's morally
corrupt. Well, you know what, even in Medina, Allah subhanaw taala says, By Altomare, Allah the view
can be modeled, because you see, for a man to treat a woman with dignity. This is a matter of the
heart. This is a moral issue. And it can be made into a legal matter. But until the man is morally
upright, he cannot treat women with dignity. And when it comes to morality, moral values conscience,
that this is something that is not stagnant, nor is it something that's equal between people, it
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			increases or decreases people are at various levels, right. So there will always be those around who
will target women who will harass women. This has been going on from the very beginning, this is
part of human society. As sad as it is. Seriously it is because many people say well, you know what,
these are all irrelevant. Now.
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			because we're living in the 21st century, these are all irrelevant now because you know what men who
commit such crimes against women, they're penalized, they're punished. And you know what, now we
have police. Now we have this and now we have that Alhamdulillah these are all things that should
inshallah help us, you know, be a little bit more protected, but they do not guarantee 100%
protection, you understand? They don't guarantee 100% protection, because people will say, Oh, women
should not have to wear hijab, because if they're covering, then that means that basically women are
told that you are guilty, because you are beautiful, right? That men are not responsible, women are
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			responsible, the entire burden is being placed on the women. Well, that is because men are of a
particular nature. And that nature, you cannot change. Whether you live in Europe, or Africa or
North America or anywhere in the world, whether you live in 10th century or 15th century or 21st
century or 30th century, this is something that is part of men, and then men treating women with
dignity, this has to do with their morality. This has to do with their inner self. Right? Inner
purity and inner purity. People are not born with it. Right? It fitrah what happens to it, it gets
corrupted shaitan is there, isn't he?
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			Isn't he there? He is there, right? Evil is there. So these ayat are still relevant.
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			You understand? So we'll call Nephi BeautyCon? What does it mean that guard yourself when you go out
in public Be careful and avoid extra unnecessary public appearances anyway?
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			Because when you go in such places, then what will happen? Because you are you are a woman of high
status. People will target you didn't Abdullah bin obey target I should applaud her in her
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			Dinty he did right. created a whole scandal about her.
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			So this is something that will happen. Now this doesn't mean that women have to get locked up in
their houses. No, I should have a low on her even led an army.
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			She did.
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			I showed up the low on her. She went for Hajj. She went for Umrah, she traveled a set he has Allah
subhanaw taala praises such women the Quran those who travel in the way of Allah, but the message
here is when you go out of your house, then then be careful Be on your guard. And you know what? I
think part of this is also to take a self defense class no seriously because you have to protect
yourself don't you? You have to know how to protect yourself. So part of that is taking a self
defense class also. Inshallah
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			Secondly, another thing that is mentioned over here is while at the Virgina double Rudall Jaya
healing Yetta Lola wala and do not double Regina you display the Barbuda Helia the display of the
time of ignorance and owner the former one. What does it mean by the stubble notice from the letters
Bella Jean, all right, and Bucha is a tower. Now a tower is visible from very far. Even from
Mississauga, you can see which tower CN Tower so the Buttonwood is Ilhan Rosina, it has to display
adornment All right, to display adornment in order to attract in order to invite attention. All
right, so Latha Virgina Tobon, Buddha Healy, Yet Allah, it is to beautify, to highlight to
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			accentuate to reveal beautification. All right. So don't do that. Oh, women when you go out of your
house, especially in the way that people used to do at the time of ignorance before Islam.
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			Don't do it in that way. What does it mean by this second guideline is given over here, when you go
out of your house, check your appearance. Don't display yourself, do not go dressed in such a way
that your makeup, your hair, your clothes, your shoes, your fragrance, all of them are drawing
attention, or that your style of walking the way you carry yourself, the way you talk, the way you
interact with others should not be such that it's drawing attention. Right? So letter Virgina and
this is referring to observing the hijab. This doesn't mean that a woman is not allowed to dress up,
okay? She used to dress up but when she goes out, then she must be modest in her dressing and
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			inshallah we will learn about the balloon in greater detail in verses to come. This shows to us that
when a woman goes out, meaning when she's coming in the public,
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			then she must not display her adornment. Tell me something going in public doesn't just mean going
on a stage somewhere where people are watching what else
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			Does it include
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			going out where? Okay, how about going to school or going to work?
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			So one is your physical outing, right? You're going somewhere physically. And the other is
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			there is another way in which we interact with the public.
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			Virtual right social media. So when it comes to posting pictures over there sharing our pictures or
images over there, then in that alters the barrage appropriate. It's the same thing Allah saying
that about legenda. Don't do it about which don't display adornment. So each and every one of us
must think about ourselves, the pictures that we share online, what are they like, because any
person can go through them, right? Can they men and women, so we don't want to be doing something
wrong over here. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Do not ask about the
destruction of three types of people. And one of them he mentioned, a woman whose husband is absent
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			in order to take care of all her worldly needs, meaning he's gone to work basically. And she
displays her adornment because he's not around.
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			In another Hadees, we learn about a woman doing coverage and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said
that in Jannah, only such women will enter who are like this particular curl, there was a curl a
very rare kind of a curl and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said this is how the women will be just
like this crow is a very rare type, because majority of the women they fall into into what this kind
of double rich right? So when she has to go to a public place and she must take care of her
appearance also. Another thing Allah mentions in this ayah is welcomed the Salah and established the
prayer will attina Zia Katha and give this occur. Will Altair and Allah and obey Allah who Allah
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			Sula who and His Messenger notice something Salah zakah is mentioned when after
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			after what for admission of the bridge, right? Because many times we will disregard the hijab. Why?
Because we will think your job is not important. Salah Zakka charity, you know each command has its
own place. Right? Salah is important in its own place, and hijab is important in its own place.
Allah says in nama indeed only you read Allahu Allah Who wants liyu the Hebron come to take away
from you a register the filth of Hillel bade or people of the house, which house the house of the
Prophet, the household of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah wishes to remove impurity
from you. Allah wishes to remove all evil and filth from you, when you buy hillclimb total hero, and
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			he wants to purify you with a deadly meaning a complete, extensive, thorough purification. This is
what Allah subhanaw taala wants for you. And this is why he has given you these commands, these
commands have not been given to you in order to oppress you. Because if that was the intent, then we
would not have known the name of eyeshadow below on her, we would not have known her as a teacher,
we would not have known her as who she really was, we would not have known her. It's amazing how,
you know, there's a conference coming up the being the conference, the theme is what this year, love
Asha, when I heard about it, I was like the entire conference is going to be about I shall go lower
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			now. I mean, that tells you something about I should have the lower end, doesn't it? So if she was
an oppressed woman, a woman who was silenced a woman who was not granted her freedom of expression
of doing something in her life, then we wouldn't have known her.
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			Right? We wouldn't have known her. So the reason why Allah subhanaw taala has given all of these
commands. What's the reason?
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			What's the reason in the ayah? What does Allah subhanaw taala tell us, to purify you to clean you?
Right? Because if the wives of the Prophet salallahu Salam were displayed out in the open, then what
would happen? They would lose their dignity attacked and you know, harassed, and this is a kind of
fill the dirty eyes of men even they are a kind of filth. So the wives of the Prophet sallallahu
Sallam are advised to cover themselves in a way that the dirty eyes of men do not even set upon
them, keep themselves pure, keep themselves clean, keep themselves dignified.
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			Recitation of these
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			Nabil as to
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			Martin holy fireball now levy Barnaby
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			Mi MT
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			Fe bu u t
00:30:10 --> 00:30:14
			wodgina Turbo Jalaja he
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			No Salah Tina's
00:30:24 --> 00:30:28
			loss all in
00:30:31 --> 00:30:38
			Hebron como Regency, obey it you are you on your own taco you hero