Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P21 218C Tafsir Al-Ahzab 12-19

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The danger of losing one's property and family's safety is discussed, as well as the danger of misperceptions and negative consequences of not being friends with Muslims. The importance of breaking promises and avoiding distraction is emphasized, along with the need for people to make promises and turn against fools. The speakers also emphasize the need to avoid shamelessity and share success to achieve goal. The use of "has been" and "has been" in relation to actions and talk is also discussed.

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			Allah says what is and when you're Kulu he was saying who Ullman Alfie Kohn, the hypocrites? Well,
Lavina ficolo Be him Mara bone and those in whose hearts is a disease which disease of weak faith.
So two groups one of those who are really monastic, they have no faith in their heart and the other
those who do have faith but their faith is diseased with weakness. Alright, so these people they
began saying, mouawad and Allah man not wild and he has promised us Allahu Allah, wa Sulu and His
Messenger, in now Aurora except delusion. They said at this time, Allah and His Messenger have
betrayed us. There has been no good that we have found in supporting the religion of Allah. This is
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			what the deen of Allah has brought us to that our lives are in danger. Our city is in danger. Our
properties are in danger. Allah and His Messenger have betrayed us. This is what the Munna African
thought. They said, Where's the help of Allah? Doesn't Allah say that he will help those who help
him. And here we need to ask ourselves also, that when we are in difficulty, we must never ever
utter words of disappointment and Allah. We can always complain to Allah because who else can we
complain to? We can always express our fear and our worries and our agony in our you know, whatever
we are feeling expressive before Allah subhanaw taala and seek His help ask him for more and more
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			help. But never ever be angry with Allah.
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			Never be upset with Allah's decisions, because it doesn't fit a believer, a believer in hard times,
how was he patient and that is good for him. What if collards and recall when they said who said for
effort on a group mean home from them from Mangu? From among the hypocrites from among the people
who had weak faith, they said to the rest of the believers, they said yeah, a halaya three, all
people have yesterday. What is your trip
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			to Medina, Medina to NaVi the city of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam before the prophets of Allah
Sena migrated to Medina, what was it called? Yesterday? All right. But after the Hijrah it was
called Medina. So these people they said, oh people have yesterday.
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			Is there anything strange over here? People have yesterday.
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			Medina was no longer called yesterday.
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			They're reminding the people of the time before Islam.
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			All right. It's as if they're dissociating themselves from the Prophet salallahu Salam, they're
dissociating themselves from the MaHA giran from Islam. They said Yeah, Allah trib, learn, not more
Carmela calm, more calm, any standing lecan for you. You don't have any stability over here. You
have no strategic position over here. You have no firm ground over here. So what should you do found
zero, go back, go back where to your home's Muqaam muqarnas from the letters off while me call my
upper motor stand and muqam standing position. All right. So they said you can't stay standing here
for long you cannot face the enemy. What are you doing here you're wasting your time you're risking
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			your lives, leave the trench and go to your home and guard your property and guard your family.
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			This was a call to abandon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And what happened? Some people
did those with weak faith. They left the ranks of the Muslims. And they said you know what? We're
more concerned about our own personal lives, our property, our safety. So we're going why is the
venue and some people at least they had the dignity to seek permission? So yes, that they knew he
was seeking permission, who Federico min home a group from them from among who? For among those who
had weak faith, they began asking permission from WHO and Obeah from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa salam asking permission for what? To be allowed to leave the trench to be allowed to go back to
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			their homes in the city
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			to put down their weapons.
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			Because you see when you're afraid, what do you want? You want to avoid the situation right? But if
you avoided is it going to change the reality? You have to face it? You have to overcome it. Right?
And if you don't you hide you run away, the problem is is going to get worse. Correct. So they
wanted to hide they wanted to run away and they wanted that only hear the profit or loss on the
wire. Do your own some of these believers, they should take care of everything. And we should be
able to go and comfortably sleep and eat in our homes.
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			And what's the excuse that they gave
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			Yeah coluna they were saying Indeed butanna Our houses were you torn of bait. They said Our houses
are rotten, exposed.
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			This is the excuse they gave our houses are exposed, they're in danger. We have to go guard our
properties. So please allow us to leave the trench and go. The Word of Allah is from the root
letters I unwell RA and our ally is basically that which shouldn't be covered. Okay, it should be
concealed. Why?
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			Because it's not proper to expose it. It's not proper to leave it unattended because otherwise it's
vulnerable it needs protection, it needs protection, it needs covering
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			okay, this is what I would have means literally, from this the word Allah is also used for private
part why because it should be covered. Alright. So they said Our houses are exposed.
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			Why did they say this because the bunu Quran Allah had turned against the Muslims.
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			Allah says Why am I here? br Allah, their houses were not at all exposed. How?
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			Because when the bundle Quran, Allah when they betrayed the Muslims, the prophets on a lot of them
sent to 100 Muslims to go and guard the fortress where the families of the Muslims were 200 Muslims
regarding Secondly, they were not exposed. Why? Because who was guarding the city of Medina? The
Muslims were 2500 of them standing at one side of Medina guarding the city. How could the city be
exposed? While mahiya Bharara So why were they saying this? AUD Duna. They were not intending Illa
except fear or all to flee. This was just an excuse to get away to run away because they didn't want
to participate in the battle. What do we learn over here?
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			We see that when there is a problem that affects the entire community,
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			then we cannot run away from that problem.
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			Because if it's affected somebody if it's affected the community it has affected
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			us it has affected me.
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			You understand? Generally we are concerned about our own safety, security, whatever it may be, but
think about it if it's your own house. All right. And somebody is trying to get into your house. And
they get into your brother's room.
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			And they're going through his drawers and taking his money and taking his possessions would you say
Oh, not my arrow?
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			Would you say that? That would be foolish, right?
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			Muslims are like one body, aren't we? If somebody attacks your foot, somebody throws something on
your foot? What happens to your hand? Oh, thank God, not me. It's a reflex, isn't it? That your hand
will reach out to your foot to suit the foot. You don't have to tell your hand reach out to the foot
and suit the force. Your hand will do it automatically. Because it feels the pain. The brain feels
that the brain sends the command do something for your foot, right? This is how the Muslims are. So
when something affects the entire community, we cannot this leave some people to handle the old
situation and take shelter pretending as if we're not part of the equation at all. Thinking about
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			only oneself at the cost of letting the Muslims suffer this is wrong. Because the believers are a
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			Allah says Well, I will do that I lay him wallow and if do he let it was admitted that I'll haul
lamb I lay him upon them. What was admitted upon them, the enemy, the Army troops, if they had come
upon them upon who upon his people who are trying to run away from the trench men authority her from
it's up for who's applauded the authority of the city. What city the city of Medina up thought is a
plural of the word coat of cloth with a Dhama flower with a sukoon author and author means Gennep
side okay, so if the army troops had been entered upon them from all its UK thought meaning from all
its surrounding regions, meaning if the enemy came entered Medina from all sides, remember I
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			mentioned to you earlier that Medina was naturally protected from three sides, two sides volcanic
rock and the third side they palm orchards right. So Allah subhanaw taala is saying that if the
machine decided to come from where from the volcanic rock or through the orchards if they were to
come summer then so it will fit Netta su elu they were asked
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			When you ask someone for something you're requesting them to do something for you, you're demanding
something from them. Right? So if the enemy was to come into Medina from all sides, and then as they
entered into Medina, the Manasa cane they were demanded, meaning the Mushrikeen asked them when I
feel clean to do al fitna. What is fitna over here, betrayal fighting the Muslims. If the hypocrites
were asked to fight the Muslims, what would they do?
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			What would they do? Allah says to her, surely they would have come to it come to what the fitna
meaning then for sure they would participate in the battle wama and not the lob Besu they would have
remained behind with it INLA except yesira. Briefly, the birth Oh, from the root letter stand up
booth, the booth lamb Bertha,
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			to remain somewhere let me let me assume we have done these words before. So they would not have
remained meaning remained thinking about it, they wouldn't have said give me a day to think about
oh, God back to you tomorrow. Know, instantly, what would they do? Join the Mushrikeen against the
Muslims. Yes, era. yesira means easy, because what is easy is simple and significant, right and
significant amount. So you're seeing over here means briefly,
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			meaning they would have immediately offered their support for the Mushrikeen. What is being said
over here,
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			that the Mon Alfie Kohn, their loyalties are really not with you or Muslims. They're not committed
to faith.
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			Because when they're asked to sacrifice in the way of Allah, they hesitate. They make excuses,
they're worrying about their families and their properties. But if there's anything against the
Muslims, they're ready to do anything against the Muslims. So are these people your friends, don't
be fooled. They're not your friends. Because who's a real friend,
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			who's a real friend, a friend in
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			a friend in need,
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			is a friend. Indeed.
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			Because you see the mafia clean. The hypocrites who lived in Medina, verbally, they showed a lot of
support to the Muslims.
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			But when it came time to do something, they would make excuses. So you see people who give you
verbal support, you count on them. Right? You count on them. But then Allah subhanaw taala says,
when there's actually time to do something, they're not going to show up. In fact, they will happily
turn against you. They will do anything to harm you. So don't be deceived by them. What occurred and
certainly can who they had, they were I had Allah they made promise with Allah Makapuu from before,
LAN not you will Luenell at the bar, they will turn the backs about plural of the word double.
Meaning previously, they had given their pledge to Allah, that they will not turn their backs,
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			meaning they will not turn their backs from the battle and flee. This is what they had promised
before when they embraced Islam. What can I do Allah Hemus Oh ALLAH and ever is the Promise of
Allah, that about which one will be questioned? Who breaks His promise them?
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			Because over here, they were breaking their promise, right? Previously they had promised they will
never flee from the battle. And now they were clearly fleeing.
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			One of the signs of the hypocrites is what?
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			But when he promises, he makes a promise, he breaks it. What are ya the biller? None of us would
like to have such a friend who betrays us at a time when we need them.
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			Right. So let us not be such friends to others who abandon others at a time when they are needed.
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			Let's not be such people.
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			Because such people are disliked by people, and certainly desired show that they're disliked by who,
by Allah subhanaw taala also will say to them
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			learn will never young Farrakhan it will benefit you. I'll figure out who the fleeing meaning if you
flee if you get away, it's never going to help you in foreign tongue if you fled middle mouth from
death, because basically why is it that they didn't want to stand there guarding the trench they
were afraid of dying?
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			And this is not to say that death is not real. Of course it's real. We are afraid of dying, isn't
it? But if the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he participated in the digging of the trench and guarding
the trench, he understand then what's the lesson for the rest of the people? So Allah subhanaw taala
says that if you try to flee
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			It's not going to save you a minute mouths from death. Because eventually, sooner or later mean
you're going to die. Life is not forever in this world, or will ugly or from cattle
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			were even and then lead to matter owner, you shall not be given enjoyment in life except Khalil and
a little meaning if you run away from the trench right now, who knows somebody inside could also
kill you, isn't it? You could die in your own bed. If you run away from your obligation from
fulfilling your promise, what are you going to save a little bit? And that's going to be clean very
little. You know, for example, if we give our word to somebody, that you're moving houses, I will
come and help you. Right, I'll come back and I'll come I'll help you take the stuff and everything.
You have my support, I'll even bring lunch. And now what happens a poor friend is calling, calling
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			waiting. Are you coming? Not coming? What's going on?
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			And then you just turn your phone off.
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			Why? Because you realize that this is the time when that particular TV show comes in. You don't want
to miss it. For example, right? So okay, we break our promise. We betray somebody, we deceive
somebody, and we can make an excuse later on. Oh, my phone died. I completely forgot. You know, I
was sleeping. I fell asleep. I'm so sorry. I hope everything went well. You know, we can show our
fake apologies later on. How much did we really enjoy one TV show with guilt? And even if we ordered
some pizza and we're eating our pizza sipping on our drink, that would be with so much guilt, isn't
it? That guilt is going to eat you up? So when we break our promises,
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			it's not going to benefit us. How much are we going to enjoy? Just a little bit cold say manvel
Levy, who is that to Yasuko who could save human Allah from Allah in if a rather become he intended
for you sue an evil or rather become he intended for you Ramadan mercy, if Allah decides to send
something towards you, whether good or bad, who can save you from it? Who can protect you from it?
Nobody can. Wala Yeji Duna and they will not find a home for themselves when dunya lay besides,
Allah will Egon any protector, one earnestly Euro nor any helper? What does this ayah show that the
owner of gain and loss is a loss Python, if he wants to benefit you, no one can withhold His mercy.
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			And if he withhold His mercy from you, no one can give it to you.
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			Allah says God.
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			In fact, Yharnam Allahu Allah knows. Al Mora, within the hinders men come among you more or within
as a plural of the word more i wick, it's a very important word. More or less is from iron well
puff. Okay. And well, I'll make it is that I work on it. I work on it, meaning he prevented me from
what I wanted to do.
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			He prevented me from what I wanted to do. So I was determined I was set upon doing something. And
what happened? This person distracted me. Does it happen?
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			Does it happen? You go sit in the living room with your cup of hot chocolate, and your computer and
your book and you're like, I'm going to work on my assignment. Your brother comes and sits next to
you opens up his
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			something, some random video plays and then another random video plays and something else happens.
And as you're looking and sipping on your hot chocolate, you close your computer. All right, and
then he turns the TV on and you end up watching TV. And after three hours, you realize it's bedtime
and you haven't even gotten half of your assignment done. Is this real? happens right? So if that
happened to you, you would say our walk on me.
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			He prevented me he stopped me.
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			All right. I was set to do my work. He distracted me. But it's not going to work. It's not going to
work. Now also remember that your brother probably when he came and sat next to you he didn't intend
to distract you from your work. Right? And in that case, you can't blame him. Who can you blame only
yourself. But sometimes people do this deliberately.
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			Mothers, you know what I'm talking about? That if your child wants to do something, what do you do?
You distract them. It just works most of the time at least. Right? That if they see the phone and
they want to play with the phone, you distract them with something else. You show them something
else or they forget about the phone isn't it? You're at a store and they're looking at all those
things which are at the checkout and they want to buy the Kinder Surprise and the government
everything every random thing they want to buy it what do you give to them? Phone? Right you give
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			The phone, their eyes are off all those goodies and they'll forget about it. Now this you did
deliberately. This is our worker. So Allah says he knows a little more I will Keenum income those
who hinder others.
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			Deliberately stop others.
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			Allah knows those people who deliberately stopped others from helping the Prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam at this time, while QA Aileen and those who said Lee when he came to their brothers Aluma
Elayna come to us, come hide with us. Don't let the Muslim see you don't let the Prophet salallahu
Salam see you just come and hide
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			what are you doing Albert sir and they do not come to the bus bus might sell to us for battle,
right? They do not go to battle Illa kalila except for a few meaning only a few come or they go for
very little time for very little work just to please people.
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			So what is this ayah tell us that there. You know in difficult times, there are some people who will
not do anything themselves. And they will also discourage who others.
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			And be very careful about those who directly or indirectly discourage you from doing what you want
to do. This is very important. Any person who discourages you from doing what is important to you.
Be careful around them. Be careful around you know, sometimes it could be something as small as
you're trying to pay attention, take notes and the person sitting next to you is passing you a note.
Right and then you feel obligated to respond to it because it's a third note. Right? So you have to
say something you have to do something. Be very careful over there.
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			When I do an Alberta Illa Cadila they themselves didn't come and they also discourage others. Why?
Allah says a Chahat an icon, a Schatten. Greedy or you can translate this as indisposed toward you,
meaning they don't care about you, as you had done. This is the plural of the word Shaheed and to
hear is from their letters sheen. Ha ha. She'll remember the word show.
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			Well, my you are sure Hanif See, whoever is saved from the show of himself. What is your?
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			Anybody remember? Yes.
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			Okay, stinginess. And
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			there's another side to it. It's a combination of stinginess and greed.
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			When it's time to give Icahn give, when it's time to receive, give me everything.
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			Who has this kind of attitude? Somebody who cares about you?
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			Who, somebody who doesn't care about you at all. They're selfish. They're only concerned about who?
themselves so Allah subhanaw taala describes some people as a Shia hatten Aleykum they are
indisposed toward you. They have no love no mercy, no concern for you. They're only concerned about
Who? Who? themselves. This is why they're hiding. They're running away. They're making excuses and
they're throwing you right in the front under the bus fight either than when Joel Hoeve when the
fear comes fear over here first to battle when fear comes that will aid the home you see them young
Luna Ilica they are looking towards you but how the dude who are you new home that Guru Dan whare
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			Dahlia do to go around and are you know their eyes are used as a Florida Marine. Their eyes are
going around
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			why are they going around? The dude who are you know home? When is it that you cannot fix your eyes
on something?
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			Okay, you're avoiding. You're avoiding somebody. So the dude who are you know whom their eyes
constantly revolving moving around, meaning they don't even make any eye contact with you. Ken
Levine as the one who you'll share it is covered I'll add on him in a remote from death. Like a
person who is overcome by death. Meaning like a person who is close to dying
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			his eyes. Is he able to focus anywhere? Is he able to make eye contact with anybody? No he's not. He
will open his eyes close them you open his eyes look at you and then look away and then look down
and then close eyes again.
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			This is how these when I 15 are at a time of difficulty. They don't even make eye contact with you
for either than when the herbal health the fear is gone mean the battle is over. The enemy is gone.
Then what do they do? They don't make eye contact with you or no they
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			Really do
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			sell aku calm this might you they whip you be L sera thing with tongs that are headed in sharp. Hey
that is a plural of the word Hadid Hadid is iron alright a knife many weapons are made with iron so
the ultimate in Hey dad, meaning with sharp tongues what do they do with their sharp tongues? Salah
qoocam Salah Oh is from the room that are seen lamb cough sulk and so is basically to boil
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			to boil something in hot water. All right. And from this it's used for tongue lashing because it's
as hot water. It burns badly, doesn't it?
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			And when it comes to tongue lashing, that hurts even more.
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			So Salah, COCOM, VLC, nothing Hey, Dad, what happened to them just a little while ago, at the time
of fear, they won't even make eye contact. Now when the fear is gone, they're coming, lashing you
with their tongues speaking so confidently and accusing you almost there. So forward. What happened
over here, Allah says, uh, she had an island played. As you happen over here, we can translate this
as ones who are greedy, or that'll hide for good for who just for themselves, meaning now they're
coming to you because they want some benefit. Because Allah granted success to the Muslims, Allah
granted victory to them. So now they want to share of that success. What does this show to us that
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			at a time when they're needed, they're not available.
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			And at the time, when good news is being shared or good results are being shared, they want to make
sure that they get a share of that, and they will bully you into it, literally bully you into it
using their tongues. Again, we need to think about ourselves, what kind of friends what kind of
relatives, what kind of acquaintances? Are we at a time of need? Where are we? You know, there's two
situations right one is that when you are supposed to bring something to the table and the other is
when you receive something.
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			So when you have to give what happens and when you have to receive then what happens then when
African What did they do? When it came time to receive they use their harsh tongues so that the
Muslims would be pressured, forced to give them something just so that they could maintain their
dignity? Allah says Allah II Kalam you mean no such people they have not believed for Allah who are
Myrna home so Allah has wasted their deeds, what can early Quran Allah He a Sierra and that upon
Allah is easy.
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			The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, higher
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			modesty and Alarie ullery is controlling the tongue.
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			There are two branches of faith, meaning they're part of faith.
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			Being modest, and controlling your tongue, this is part of faith. And by that shamelessness, and ban
excessive talk, are two branches of hypocrisy.
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			The Prophet sallallahu Sallam also said what I fear for my own mother most is it's hypocrite, who is
Eileen and listen meaning he knows how to talk.
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			So we need to analyze ourselves when it comes to action. How is our action? And when it comes to
talk, how is our talk? Recitation
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			well, even the Ebola Munna people know unlearn enough
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00:28:50 --> 00:28:54
			well it's all
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			three Bella
00:29:02 --> 00:29:06
			from June Why is the new fairy
00:29:07 --> 00:29:09
			Minwoo Moon
00:29:10 --> 00:29:13
			Luna in an hour
00:29:17 --> 00:29:19
			II URI Duna.
00:29:22 --> 00:29:23
			What I will do
00:29:25 --> 00:29:26
			upper body
00:29:27 --> 00:29:29
			muscle fitness
00:29:32 --> 00:29:33
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			one up all day
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			long I mean,
00:29:43 --> 00:29:44
			alone and
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			he missed school or lay
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			on to you
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			or even
00:30:03 --> 00:30:04
00:30:13 --> 00:30:15
00:30:27 --> 00:30:28
00:30:30 --> 00:30:37
			we being me or any nannies wanting
00:30:41 --> 00:30:42
			to own
00:30:43 --> 00:30:46
			only she had
00:30:48 --> 00:30:48
00:30:50 --> 00:30:56
			home for a meal Oh, you gotta do
00:30:57 --> 00:30:59
			dad oral Ariana
00:31:00 --> 00:31:01
			yo shout
00:31:05 --> 00:31:08
			for either call for Santa
00:31:10 --> 00:31:12
			be unseen I think he died in a sheet.
00:31:14 --> 00:31:15
00:31:18 --> 00:31:27
			column you mean for babalawo our man worker another alikhan along here see all