Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P21 217D Tafsir Al-Ahzab 6-8

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the meaning of "arise" and its significance in the Prophet sallama's actions. They stress the importance of trusting one's messenger and not denying one's sincerity. The speakers also touch on the negative impact of the Prophet sallama's actions on people's relationships and family, including the importance of balancing personal relationships with family members and not being caught in the bubble of pride. The COO's actions during the Islam protests are emphasized, and the importance of the covenant for verifying actions is emphasized.

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			Then Allah subhanaw taala says, unabIe you I am Number Six, and number you the Prophet meaning the
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam He is Allah, he is more worthy, he is more worldly. The word
hola means more worldly. Now Wiley is for their letters while lamb. Yeah. All right. And what is it
literally mean? When two or more things that are like each other, come one after the other. All
right with nothing that is not from them coming in between. And I know it's a long definition but
just understand the concept. Okay? So two or more things that are the same, right that belong to the
same category. So for example, let's say group Fatima, is there a group whatever?
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			Okay, there is a group Fatima. So, let's say five students from group Fatima, they are sitting next
to each other. All right. And there's no person sitting between them who doesn't belong to group
Fatima. This is the literal meaning of the word volley. Okay. closeness, right. So first of all,
there's closeness and then there's togetherness there. There's unity over here being together. So
this is the meaning of the word Well, now the word wali is understood in different ways. It's
understood as friend, it's understood as protector. It's understood as one who is close to the
other. All right. So over here, Allah bill more meaning. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is
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			most wali to the believers. This has been understood in two ways. First of all, hola means Accra,
meaning closest,
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			the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is closest to the believers. He is closer to them near to
them in terms of care, concern, sincerity. All right, men and fusi him then themselves, meaning than
they are to themselves unfussy him themselves, or to each other, themselves or to each other.
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			What does this mean? That no matter how sincere a person is to himself, the Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam is always more sincere to him.
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			A believer cannot well wish for himself the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted good
for him.
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			Think about it, how often is it that we're concerned about ourselves, our well being our success?
Isn't it our welfare? We're so concerned about it. But the Prophet salallahu Salam was more
concerned for our success for our well being for our safety, our security, our success and dunya and
akhira. He cared about us more than we care about ourselves, I mean, unfussy him. And mean
unforeseen is also understood as then the believers are to each other. So for example, our parents
want good for us, our friends want good for us. But the prophets have a lot of centers love and care
and compassion and concern for us, was always greater than even the care and compassion that our
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			parents have for us.
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			Think about it. Just think about the incident of a thought if
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			who is that person? Who is that person who would be humiliated and chased out of a city
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			to the point that his feet are bleeding and when he takes his sandals off, his skin gets peeled off?
And then when he's asked revenge, he says, No.
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			Can you imagine? He said, No, no revenge over here. You never know maybe from their children. There
will be those who who will believe doesn't that show to us at the Prophet sallallahu Sallam really
wanted good for the believers for his ummah.
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			Because generally, when we are in pain, who is it that we think about first and foremost, ourselves?
Our reputation is our security, our physical health, our safety, but the Prophet salallahu Salam, he
cared more about the OMA than he cared, then we can care for ourselves. So unabIe you hola Bill
McMurray, Nina, men and foresee him no matter how much sincerity the believers have for each other.
The Prophet salallahu Salam is more sincere, why is this being said over here?
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			Because these commands are being given to us through who through the prophet Sallallahu Sallam
right, he was going to show the practical implementation of all of these commands which are to come
in the Surah. So when we know that somebody wants good for us more than we want good for ourselves,
do we develop trust in them? We do right? So what we are being told over here is
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			Just trust your messenger. Just trust him. Don't doubt his sincerity.
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			Never ever doubt it. So if there's any command that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave you just take
it, because the prophets have a lot of send them only wanted good for you. If He prohibited you from
something, accept that prohibition, because he only wanted good for you. You know, many times we
find ourselves in a situation where we are being told to do something that we don't want to do at
all. But the other person who's advising us, what do they tell us? Just trust me.
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			Right? Just trust me.
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			Why is it that we listen to them because we can see the concern, the sincerity in their eyes, we can
feel it in their words, we can sense it.
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			An example of this would be parents, right? But what does Allah subhanaw taala tell us that the
Prophet salallahu Salam,
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			he cared more for us than we could care for ourselves. Secondly, the reason why this has been
mentioned is because they the low iron, who was no longer going to be called the son of Muhammad
Sallallahu sallam. So there may be those who feel sorry for him.
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			For who, for they throw the low iron who? Well,
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			they should know that the well wishing of all the believers combined is less than the well wishing
of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for a little too long. This change will not change him in his
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			The change of name is not going to change the affection that the Prophet salallahu Salam has for say
that alone.
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			Now unabIe you hola me, Nina min and fusi him. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is closer to
them closer to believers than themselves. If you think about it, even parents do not bear this much
hardship for their children. As much as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam bore for his Alma
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			Allah subhanaw taala testifies to this in the Quran when he says Lapa Jia ACOEM Rasool lumen and
fusi come Azizullah li ma anethum hurries, sunnah. Aliko
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			anything you suffer, it's very difficult for the prophets of Allah to set them to bear that. And
he's very hurries for anything good for you. He wants success for you, Bill Momineen are all for
Rocky with the believers He is compassionate and kind, merciful.
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			You see, many times that happens that even our closest loved ones what will happen at a time of
difficulty, even they will, you know, leave us or they will say okay, this is your problem. You've
got to deal with it. Has it ever happened that you are in a lot of pain, you're you're sick, you've
got fever, and you're like, oh, come here, like Yeah, I'm coming. Isn't it? Like they showed that
even they're getting fed up of taking care of you of looking after you?
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			The Prophet sallallaahu Selim always had more concern. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Anna Mola
Mola Mola, Allah Who, there's a hadith in Abu Dawood, that I am the molar of the one who has no
molar, meaning I am the patron I am the relative, you could say, of the one who doesn't have any.
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			Because there were many people in Arab society who literally had no idea about their family. Because
how often it would happen that Arab tribes would read other tribes, and they will just capture
children and then sell them into slavery and then sold from one family to the other, to the other to
the other. And by the time he's freed, he doesn't even know where he's from, or who he is. So there
were people like this. And this is something that will always happen. You know, the rules are there,
well, the rule only about him. But human beings are imperfect, right? So even in the most ideal
Islamic society, like that of Medina, there were people who had no idea about their lineage. And you
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			know what, that's fine. That's fine.
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			Because human beings are imperfect. So there will always be cases of people who, for example, have
no idea about their identity about their family background, and that is fine. The prophets on the
lawn is Adam, he said, Anna Mala, Mala Mala, who I am the molar of the one who has no molar. What
that means is that if this person were to die, who were to take care of their family, I would if
this person were to die, and they had a debt, who's going to take care of it? I would you
understand? So unabIe you own a bill meaning I'm in and foresee him. The second meaning of Ola is
ona meaning a hacker, the hacker meaning more entitled, more deserving.
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			Okay, because we're only the one who's close to you. He has the most hacker
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			on you, he has the most right upon you, isn't it? So unabIe you own our bill Momineen I'm in unfussy
him, meaning the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is more worthy, more deserving off the
believers than they deserve themselves than they deserve each other.
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			What does it mean by that? Do you have a right upon yourself? Do you have a right upon your let's
say your money? Do you? Your well being? You do right? You have a right upon yourself. But the
profits on a lot of firms right upon us is greater than our right upon ourselves. Why?
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			Let me make this easier for you. If let's say you got a summer job, okay, and you made some money,
you earn some money, okay? You earn that money and you went and you bought yourself, let's say, a
bike. Okay. Now, how do you treat that bike? What do you say? It's
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			mine, isn't it? So even if six years later, when you don't ride that bike anymore, for whatever
reason, and somebody says, Why don't you give it away? What do you say?
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			I bought it with my money. It's mine. So even if it sits and rots, and you know, that's whatever, I
don't care, it's mine. I have a right upon it. Nobody can take that bike away from you can they?
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			Can they know? I mean, generally the things that your parents give you, you know, okay, your parents
gave it to you. So you're like, Okay, fine, you have a right upon it. But if it's something that you
bought yourself, even your parents can't take it away from you. This is what happens in our
families, right? So, what we learned from this is that unabIe you own I've been winning them in
unfussy him the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has more right upon us, than we have a right upon
ourselves. Meaning we should care about the Prophet sallallahu Sallam more than we care about
ourselves. Why? Because he did for us what we wouldn't even do for ourselves.
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			Really, he did.
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			The way he endured
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			the way he suffered the way he sacrificed. We wouldn't even do it for ourselves. Nobody would work
hard. As much as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did, you know, receiving revelation, even with
something so heavy, so difficult, so painful. So much so that the Prophet salallahu Salam was
sitting on a camel and the revelation came on a journey and what happened? The camel, you know, its
knees, its bones, they could be heard cracking as it was trying to walk, the pressure was so much on
cold wintry nights, what would happen the Prophet salallahu Salam would sweat? Can you imagine?
Would we ever go through that much difficulty just to receive maybe a page of the Quran?
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			Would we
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			think about it? How much do we care about ourselves we don't actually care about ourselves. We get
trapped by our own desires. The prophets on the line has sacrificed a great deal for us and this is
why Allah subhanaw taala says a newbie you hola will move meaning a min and foresee him. His right
is always greater. So defend him, support Him, love Him, obey Him, follow Him. This is his right?
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			The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said there is no believer except I am the closest of all
people to him in this world and in the hereafter recite if you wish, and then he recited this idea.
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			Have you ever felt lonely? Have you ever felt that? Maybe there was nobody who cares about you? Have
you had those moments? When you feel like you don't know who you belong to?
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			You know, this idea is about those believers in particular who don't have families.
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			Okay, so if ever you come across, if you yourself happened to be or you come across somebody who
doesn't know about their identity, really, they don't know what country they're from, who their
family is, who their parents are, or they feel alone simply because they never saw their parents.
They grew up away from their parents because their parents passed away or for whatever reason, and I
can totally understand the loneliness that you can feel. What does this is such a big comfort, the
Prophet salallahu Salam is your Wali. He's your Wali. He did things for you long before even you
were born. He cared about you. He promoted your rights long before even you were born. You are a
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			part of his own Ma, you're not alone error.
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			The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is close to
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			You he said there is no believer except that I am the closest of all people to him in this world,
and in the hereafter unabIe you Oh labile mood meaning him in and forcing him what as well as you
and his wives meaning the wives of the prophets of Allah already or Santa, who are the Omaha to whom
their mothers whose mothers the Mothers of the Believers are Mahat is a plural off on meaning the
position of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is like that of a mother. Now, this doesn't
mean that they're like biological mothers. No, it's the status that Allah subhanaw taala granted the
wives of the Prophet sallallahu sunnah, that just like your mother is, you know a man he cannot
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			marry his mother. Likewise, no person could marry the wives of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, even
after his death. Right? Just as a man has to respect his mother. Similarly, he was to respect the
wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was wired you who? Omaha to whom? And this is so
beautiful. You see, I showed the lawanna Did she have any children of her own? No, she didn't. But
it's amazing how when the Sahaba would come in the tabby rain would come to learn from her to ask
her they would call her as Oh Mother. Oh Mother, look at the honor that Allah gave her. Then Allah
says what oh no, our hammy and those of relationship. The possessors of the wounds literally meaning
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			those our relationship those who have blood ties with each other bow the womb, some of them are
Hola, they are closer, meaning more entitled,
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			they have more right? Be burden to others, meaning those of blood relationship people who are
related through blood, they have more right upon each other compared to who compared to who compared
to the rest of the believers. And this is according to what fee Kitab Allah in the decree of Allah
Kitab over here means decree command law, or it can be indigitous kitab as a no homophobes. So
according to the law, the decree of Allah, blood relatives,
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			they have rights upon each other, more rights than who made more money than the believers in
general. What does this mean? This means that people who are related through blood, they have
greater right upon each other than those who are related to you through your faith.
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			You understand family ties, family ties, you know, blood ties, they have their own place. You see,
you consider all the Muslims as your brothers and your sisters, right? They have a special place in
your heart in your life.
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			But then there are certain rights that Allah subhanaw taala has granted to those who are related to
you through blood, like your mother, like your father, like your brother, like your children, you
understand your uncle's, your aunts, these are people who are related through blood, they have their
own place, they have their own rights, and those rights can never ever be disregarded, can never
ever be ignored. Just because you love or you have more affection for some other group of believers,
you understand? Now this I in particular, what this is referring to is remember when the Muslims
migrated to Medina, what happened? The prophets of Allah Islam established Goolwa brotherhood
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			between the believers, correct. And that meant that a mohajir, an immigrant was now made a brother
of who? And I'm sorry. All right. So when they were made brothers, what did that mean that if one of
them died, the other would inherit, inherit what? His property? They were brothers, indeed. And this
was allowed, initially at the beginning, when this idea was revealed,
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			the previous command was abrogated.
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			You understand? And this is such a beautiful balance that Allah has taught us over here, because
sometimes what happens is that in our zeal and our, you know, emotional state, or our love for
certain believing brothers and sisters, we compromise on our duties, our obligations to our
families, that would be low.
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			Remember that one of the companions, he was very well off, right? And when he was close to his
death, he asked the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, I'm basically leaving behind only one
daughter, right? She's going to inherit, can I give all of my wealth as charity for the Muslims in
general? And the Prophet sallallaahu Salam didn't permit him.
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			He didn't, he said, only up to a third and he said even that is a lot.
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			Even that is a lot. Because what happens is that sometimes when
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			You are, you know, studying the religion or trying to follow the religion properly, you may develop
certain differences with your family members. But those differences should never ever lead you to
cut ties with them. It should never ever lead you to commit injustice with them. Because these
relationships they are sacred, declared sacred by who? Allah subhanaw taala the right has been taken
away from us, we don't declare, or you are my brother, and you are my sister and you are my mother
and you are this we don't choose. Allah chooses our relatives for us. And these relatives, these
relationships are sacred, and we have to respect them and disrespecting them would be disrespecting,
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			who? Allah subhanaw taala.
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			I mean, of course, the law is more than just this. This is just one side of the law that I
explained, we do learn about it that, for instance, a non Muslim does NOT inherit from a Muslim and
vice versa. All right, that has its own place. This was done initially for the MaHA JRun. Because
they had nobody, they had no place to stay.
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			You understand. They had left behind their family, their tribe and they were like people without any
protection, any support. We are human beings, right, we need social support. I don't mean by social
support that we need financial support, always we need love. We need company, we need friends, we
need people when we can call our own. So that has its place. But this IDE reminds us that blood
relatives have their own place, and that can never ever be ignored. All right. So after this idea,
now the inheritance rights that had previously been given to believers with whom there was a Hawa,
now those rights were finished. Okay? So now only who would inherit those with blood relationships.
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			All right, so Mina and what many are among the believers, while more hygiene and amongst the
immigrants, right, meaning the immigrants who had migrated to Medina in LA, except there is an
exception that is made over here that you may give them some of your property and stuff are Alou
that you do. Isla Olia II come towards your Olia your close associates, meaning your friends and who
are these only your close best friends, your brothers and sisters in Islam, you do something towards
the model file that which is appropriate that which is acceptable. And what is this referring to?
The 1/3 Right, they will see you that may be done in their favor.
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			All right. And that is the maximum that you can do.
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			Canada Alika that is filled Kitabi in the book must pura inscribed must do it from the letters seem
a little subtle, to make a line to write in lines. So this is something that has been written
recorded. This is a decree so this must be observed. Go ahead.
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			1/3 of the total estate, okay, that's the maximum. It's not the minimum but the maximum. All right.
Any other question about this?
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			What's the lesson that you learned from this if for yourself?
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			What inspiration do you take from this if for yourself?
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			Your friend is a friend and your mom is your mom.
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			Okay, your Quran teachers, your Quran teacher, and your father is your father never showed
disrespect to your father in love for your Muslim friends. You understand?
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			So important, a dub.
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			And you see when we cross these lines that leads to such forms of extremism and violence.
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			If that could make you sick, literally it makes you sick.
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			That How could people be like this even in the name of religion, committing lowdham on relatives,
relatives that have so much havoc on you that Allah subhanaw taala has given them rights upon you.
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			And this violence has been committed in the name of Islam. This is only an outward display of Islam.
It's not real Islam. This is Islam what the Quran teaches us.
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			Then Allah subhanaw taala says what is a hardener and recall when we took Meena newbiggin from the
profits Meetha home their covenant from the Prophets, Allah subhanaw taala took a covenant, a
pledge, affirm promise. And what was that firm promise taken from the prophets? That you must
discharge the trust that you are being given, meaning you must convey
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			what you are to convey what you have been obligated with one
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			Minca and from you.
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			The prophets on Allah Islam is being reminded that this covenant was taken from all the prophets
including you, woman, no hen and also from know who Abraham and Ibrahim were Musa and mozarella
Center, where he suddenly Maria Marysol has sent him out so all of these prophets, Allah subhanaw
taala took what from them? Amissah Allah says what are their main home and we took from them Meetha
Cancale la mesa a covenant that was really lovely meaning solemn. A we have Alia that's basically
from the letters Elaine Lam LA. And it's used for something that is solid, tough, severe.
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			In the context, it's describing the covenant. So the covenant was firm, it was strong, it was
sacred. Because this is a promise between who the prophets and Allah, I mean, could there be a
promise, a pledge or a covenant more sacred than this?
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			Me Falcon vallila. Now the prophets that are mentioned over here, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam new holy Salam, Ibrahim Arneson and Musar listen, I'm very sorry, listen, um, how many are
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			How many? Five? These five prophets messengers are also known as the ocular Azzam?
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			Right, the ocular awesome prophets of Allah. So Allah subhanaw, Taala took from the Prophets a
solemn covenant, and what was that solemn covenant that you must convey?
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			He can't hide. He can't keep it. You can't keep the revelation to yourself, you can't keep the
message with yourself. Think about it when the Prophet sallallahu sallam was given what he could he
not just keep it to himself? Isn't that what the machine would say to him? He'll just keep it to
yourself, don't say anything to us. Don't preach.
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			Right? The prophets of Allah Islam could have done that. But Allah subhanaw taala, obligated him to
convey and that is what brought him so much opposition.
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			In surah, Allah in 181, it's mentioned what is offered Allah who meet up on the begin and recall
when Allah took the covenant of the Prophet saying, whatever I give you of the Scripture and wisdom,
and then there comes to you a messenger confirming what is with you, you must believe in him and
support him. And Allah said, Have you acknowledged and taken upon that my commitment, they said, We
have acknowledged it, he said, Then bear witness and I am with you among the witnesses. So
basically, the covenant had two sides to it, first of all, convey
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			all right, and secondly cooperate with and support one another.
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			Because every messenger came and gave the news of a messenger to come after him, right and told his
followers to support the next messenger.
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			Why is this being mentioned over here? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam is being reminded of his
obligation of his responsibility to convey LEUs Allah, so that he may question meaning ALLAH will
question or saw the pain, the truthful ones are unsullied at him about their truth? Who are the
truthful ones? It is the prophets of Allah. Allah will ask the prophets about what about their
truth, their truth, meaning their truth in delivering the message?
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			Doesn't Allah already know that the prophets delivered their message?
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			Doesn't Allah already know that? He knows. So why will he ask them on the Day of Judgment?
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			He will ask them, Did you convey how was the response? The prophets will be asked? Why will they be
asked? Even though Allah already knows?
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			Exactly, so that they are a witness for or against their people?
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			Because every criminal on the Day of Judgment will say, I don't know.
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			I don't know. So when people will declare their innocence, Allah subhanaw taala will ask the
prophets did you convey
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			and the prophets are who are flooded clean? There, they're truthful. And when they will say that
yes, we conveyed then what does this establish justice?
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			What are the little caffeine either been a Lima and he has prepared for those who deny a painful
punishment inserted out of it. Number six, Allah subhanaw taala says fallenness Ellen Alladhina
Audyssey La La him. Wilderness l&l More Celene certainly we will question Alladhina OC La La him the
people to whom the prophets were sent and we will surely question those who were sent meaning the
people as well as the prophets both will be questioned. And over here in particular, Allah says that
he will question who the prophets and they are described as a truthful if the truthful will be
00:30:00 --> 00:30:01
			And then what about?
00:30:02 --> 00:30:08
			What about the rest of us? If the prophets are going to be asked about their duty?
00:30:09 --> 00:30:10
			What about us?
00:30:11 --> 00:30:23
			The Prophet sallallahu sallam said that I am your share among the prophets, and you are my share
among the different nations, meaning I am your prophet, and you are my Oma.
00:30:24 --> 00:30:34
			So if the prophets of Allah Islam is going to be asked about his duty towards the Ummah, what about
our duty towards the Prophet? Won't we be asked?
00:30:35 --> 00:30:54
			So in summary, what do we learn from these verses, that these commands that are given in the Surah
whether they are those that we have read so far, or those that will come later on in the Surah they
are not according to the wishes of some men. They are Allah's commands.
00:30:56 --> 00:31:03
			And they are a moral trust that He laid upon the prophets that they must convey and he will question
00:31:04 --> 00:31:36
			So this was a separate covenant taken from who from only the prophets of Allah. Okay, this is
mentioned at least in two places in the Quran, about the Messiah of the prophets and this is
something that happened in the past right meaning this happened before even know her listen, I was
sent as a messenger All right, so this happened before just like our the Aleste was before people
were created, just like that. This covenant that was taken from the prophets was taken before also
all right.
00:31:39 --> 00:31:39
00:31:42 --> 00:31:45
			bu hola mean I mean
00:31:47 --> 00:31:51
			forcing him was Zhu Zhu Joe
00:31:54 --> 00:31:55
			we're all
00:31:56 --> 00:31:56
00:32:03 --> 00:32:04
00:32:05 --> 00:32:06
			God now
00:32:07 --> 00:32:07
00:32:11 --> 00:32:11
00:32:21 --> 00:32:22
00:32:23 --> 00:32:26
			keep on or
00:32:28 --> 00:32:39
			Meenan been me all morning go I mean, you email wrong email or Musa worries.
00:32:41 --> 00:32:42
			We'll have fun.
00:32:44 --> 00:32:49
			meter up on Wally law allows for the team
00:32:51 --> 00:32:52
00:32:57 --> 00:32:57
00:33:00 --> 00:33:06
			to pentacle long will be handy to Allah Illa illa Anta Mr. Furukawa, Tulelake Sarang Marika, what
are what's Allah here?