Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P19 196C Tafsir Al-Naml 38-44

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The conversation covers various topics related to the physical possibility of magic and how it could affect the way matter enters and exits. The speakers emphasize the importance of showing gratitude and being a true messenger in order to convince others to change their behavior. They also discuss the use of animals as symbols of authority and power, the discovery of bugs by scientists, and the use of animals as symbols of human loyalty. The importance of showing actual intelligence and knowledge is emphasized.

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			Then what happened? So they man early salaam, he learned that the Queen was coming, okay, because
the delegation returned home and they told the Queen about the greatness of Superman or listeners
kingdom, His power, and of course his threat to attack. So they suggested to the queen that you go
yourself and speak to Sulayman Alayhis Salam in order to make peace. This is not something that we
can negotiate. This is not something that we can handle. This is something that now you have to do
because he's threatened to fight us. All right. So what happened? The queen now is coming to you
today, man. Listen, I'm to negotiate, not to surrender. Alright, to begin the talks like this a
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			right not to surrender, but to begin the talks. Now once in a matter listen and finds out that she's
coming. What does he do, Carla? He said, Yeah, a U haul mela or assembly. Mala? Oh, my counsel. So
so the matter is that I'm is discussing with his counsel. Now. Here also we see the same thing. He's
discussing the matter with the people who are close to him. He says, uh, you come which of you?
Yeah, Dini will come to me mean he will bring me be all she had with her throne. Avila before Dooney
Muslimeen before they come to me in submission, who is going to bring her throne before they get
here? Why does he want the throne? Why does he want the throne of the Queen? Before the Queen
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			arrives? Why? To further prove to her his strength, so that she is inclined towards accepting Islam.
Because a person who's rich, he's going to be impressed by the money you have, right? A person who's
powerful, they're going to be impressed by the power that you have. Correct. So slay mana. s&m wants
to impress the Queen, right with his power, so that she is more inclined towards. So
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			you understand.
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			You know, this is not buying people, this is really telling them that you're not going to make a bad
choice. If you accept Islam. This is similar to how when a person accepts Islam, the cat can
actually be given to them. The cat can be given to them. Why? Why is that a bribe. It's not a bribe.
Just to keep their heart firm on Islam. It's as if you know you're welcoming them, encouraging them
that you're not making a bad choice over here. This is similar to how after the fourth yarmulke,
after the conquest of Morocco and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam fought in the Battle of her name,
and so much, you know, booty was brought in the profits or the loss and him didn't give a single
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			thing to the unsought in other not a single thing to the answer. And he gave it to who, to the main
main people of Makkah. Some of them had not even embraced Islam at this point, he gave it to them,
why to win their hearts over this was not a bribe this was to tell them that look, you're not going
to accept Islam because you fear for your dunya you think you're going to lose everything, you're
not going to lose everything you're going to gain so much. And what Allah has in store is far more
than this. It's like an incentive. It's an encouragement. Right? So so they might notice and I'm
wants to make the same impression on the queen. So what happened when he asked his counsel who's
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			going to bring the throne color if free terminology now listen to this very attentively. Okay.
Refried, from the gin said, Who is it refried are free, it is a kind of gin.
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			Okay, refried is a kind of gin meaning us certain type of gin. You know, just as amongst people
also, there's different types of people,
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			people, different races, and not just different races, but also different strengths and different
abilities. Certainly free it is a kind of gin. It's not the name of a gin. It's a kind of gin. And a
free it is understood as the most powerful amongst the gin being the strongest amongst the gin. All
right, and hence when it refried is disobedient to Allah subhanaw taala it's the worst, the most
evil. Okay, but since Rayman on Islam, he ruled over the jinn also, your fleet over here is not
evil. Okay? He's very, very powerful. So and you're freed from the jinn, he said, and it could be I
will bring it up and up before and Takoma McCormick, before you stand you rise from your place MACOM
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			place of TR meaning the place that you're sitting at before you get up from the throne will be here.
I want you to stand up. Everybody.
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			How long did it take because you were sitting on the floor and now you stood up. Took you maybe two
seconds, three seconds, right.
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			Now take a good stretch and sit down.
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			So just a man
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			Didn't the gin said, before you stand up meaning a matter of a second or two? I can get the throne
in front of you. He said I can do that. Now how is this possible? Physically? I mean, this is
possible. I didn't say impossible, this is possible. Because if the jinn traveled at the speed of
light, then yes, from Jerusalem, to Yemen, and then from Yemen back to Jerusalem, it is possible.
But this is the maximum that any Jinn can do. Okay, this is the maximum that any agent can do, the
maximum strength that the jinn has, because the feat is not an ordinary Janet's the best, you know,
the most strongest, most powerful gene. He says we're in the eye lady luck away, Yun Amin, indeed I
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			am over this task. Are we and Amin? Are we powerful, strong, I'm capable of doing this. And I mean,
I'm trustworthy. You can trust me with the throne. I won't steal any gems and rubies, anything from
it. Okay, I'm not gonna steal it and bring something else in its place. I know, you can trust me
with it. But we, you and me. Now, it's understood that the gin is not going to yank out the throne
from its place and then steal it and then carry it in the sky and then bring it to that people see
it? All right. And then, you know, the people of sub out there chasing the didn't know, that's not
going to happen. Rather, what's going to happen is what he's suggesting is that I will make the
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			throne disappear in one place and appear in another
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			disappear in Sabah and appear where before Sulayman artisan? Is this a fairy tale?
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			I'm asking you.
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			Is it? It's not? This is the speech of who? Allah subhanaw taala This is a story of who? A prophet
of Allah. But then how is it possible? This is our Amen. Belief, believing in the matters of the
unseen. All right. Now, even though this can be explained by the laws of physics, like I mentioned
to you earlier, this is physically possible. And there's a whole clip that you will find online on
YouTube. Just Google yesterday called the and the Queen of Sheba, you'll find it. Okay, how he
explains that this is possible physically, we don't need the science to explain this in order that
we believe in it. Okay, why? Because if Allah is saying it, it is how and science can change. The
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			explanation that we give today could very well be refuted tomorrow. Okay. But just to make it
understandable. When you send a text message from your phone, you're typing in words, and you hit
send. Do you see the words flying out of your phone all the way to the satellite, and then coming
down from there and entering the phone of your friend? What happens? In a second it goes, and in
less than a second. It appears on your friend's phone.
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			Yeah, when you're typing, they know you're typing your online, they know you're online, isn't it? I
mean, they know it's so transparent these days, right? So when it comes to magic, okay, this is not
magic, by the way, when it comes to magic, and when it comes to gin, because magic is also done with
the help of gin, right? So when it comes to magic, when it comes to gin, there is something about
changing matter into energy or causing matter to disappear in one place, and then making it appear
in another place. So changing matter into energy and then back into matter.
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			All right, making something disappear in one place and then making it appear in another place or
just causing something to appear. I mean, there is magic magic is it happens. And when a magician is
standing, you know with a very small hat and from that hat, you know he's extracting a bunny after a
bunny. Yes, in some situation, it's just an illusion. But in other situations, it's actually real
magic. If you look inside, you put your hand and there is no real bunny. There is none. There is no
pigeon. But then with a magic spell, what is he doing? He's bringing matter, you know from nowhere,
it was somewhere before he caused it to disappear. And now he's causing it to appear in another
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			place. The point is that these things are possible through magic. These things are possible for the
jinn. All right? Likewise, there is a person lying down in a box and he's got into half. I mean, you
know about this, it's not just something that you saw in cartoons, it happens in real life also. I
mean, this is what magic is about. All right. Now, just like the way computers have the ability to
turn data into waves, all right, data into waves. The Jinn have the ability to do that with physical
things that
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			A throne is turned into some form of energy, you cannot see it. It's made to disappear in one place,
and then it's made to appear in another. All right, so this is what the fleet is talking about. So
when we read these stories, don't think of it as a fairy tale. All right, this is not a lie. This is
how I mean the prophets, Allah Allah Sinha went on merit Lodge. All right, and when he returned was
his bed warm, it was warm.
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			And when you look at the details of the journey of neurologic it's so long, how did that happen? I
mean, something was different. Allah subhanaw taala caused that miracle to happen. Mossad is unknown
cause the sea to split and both the sides were like mountains cut folded alim. And I mean, water
doesn't stand like that. It doesn't stop like that. Right? So this was a miracle. Now this is the
ability of the gin refried can do that. All right. Now before we continue one more thing, the
prophets in a manner Listen, um, he asked who can bring it and what does the refried say? I can do
it for you. Because I am Kuwait. I am Amin, Number Use of artists and I'm also he offered his
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			services. So don't just wait to be called. I sit there with humility. Oh, I can't do anything. You
know, I'm never gonna say I can do it. Somebody's asking who's going to do it? If you find the
ability in yourself, go ahead, offer your services. Don't wait for people to beg you and ask you.
But that's if you have the ability and if you have that Amana, Allah He said Allah Lee the one who
in the lower in the middle Kitab the one who had knowledge of the book.
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			So the prophets I'm Anna, listen, I'm didn't say to your feet, okay, you go and bring it refried
offered Salamander. Lisanna he didn't say yes or no. But before you could say something, somebody
else offered their services. And who was this one? Allah they are in the who are ill mominul kita?
Someone who had knowledge of the book? Who was the someone? Some have said it was another Jin? Or it
was another human being. It was an angel. Who was it? Allah who are Allah, Allah doesn't tell us.
But what Allah is telling us here is that this one had knowledge of the Book, which book scripture,
scripture, meaning he had knowledge of Allah's AI yet. So he used that knowledge. He was going to
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			use that knowledge the gin offered to us as gin skills, right? Unless you're in the hood, or
illuminous Kitab is offering to use the knowledge of the book that he has. He says, I'm an antique
hobby, I will come to you with it. I've been there before. I noted the illegal folk, before your tax
returns from Rite Aid returns, Elijah to you perfect your vision, your vision returns to you,
meaning you blink, blink? How long does it take? Much, much less than standing up from your sitting
position? Right? So what happened
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			before is that a minor in Islam even allowed him he brought it, he brought it and the throne was
right in front of Sulaiman or the husana. What do we see over here, a free offer to us as Jin
powers, and this one offered to use his guitar powers, his own powers, okay?
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			Who was more powerful, or a fleet or Kitab Kitab was more powerful. And this is what we need to
understand. The Quran is more powerful than any power that exists. Any power that we know off, you
know, one level of strength is using the physical resources that we have, you know, the laws of
physics that we understand that we do have control over, okay? Then there is a greater level, the
power that the jinn have, they can fly, they can go in seconds from one place to another, right,
they can do that. They see us we don't see them, it's another realm correct. And then what is
greater than that is the power of the Kitab. The book that Allah has given, this is so evident over
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			here, you know, the return of the Kitab that Allah has given and by the way around him is different
from just listening to a lecture here and there and getting that Eman, Rush feeling and then
forgetting it and going away. Aim is really studying the Kitab having some, you know, a stronghold
over the information that you have acquired so that you can recall it and you can use it and not
just that having certainty Yaqeen in it and you're keen conviction only comes after in you know, one
has to know that. Yeah, I heard something in sort of earlier and Ron and the other is, I know the if
I can recite it in front of you. I can tell
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			tell you its meaning. And when you hear it, you understand it. And so you're able to derive strength
from it. It's a source of strength for you.
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			And then it will be a source of Shiva for you. It will be a source of inner strength for you.
Recently, I met a sister, and she told me this amazing story about herself. How she had, you know,
her child many years ago, 1520 years ago, and her child was basically born premature. They were in
the hospital for a very long time. And she said that her child was, you know, got one infection
after the other. There were many, many problems was a very, very rough time. All right, and she said
people would tell me, do Rokia read Surah Fatiha. Surah Fatiha is Shiva. And she said I would do it
but nothing would happen. You know, like she didn't really have that faith, even though she knew to
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			look Fatiha, but that Yaqeen was missing. Now, she's had a baby again. And same story, premature
hospital everything. And she says 100 Allah, may Allah subhanaw taala you know, give more and more
shoved out to that baby. That baby was born more premature. Then the other one that the first one
and Alhamdulillah not a single problem has come. And she said what's the difference? It's the fact
that I studied the meaning of Surah Fatiha now. Okay, she took the course she studied the meaning
and she said now, when I recite through the Fatiha I recite with the queen I know this is Shiva. So
when she's with her baby, she says I don't use my phone. I don't talk to anybody. I don't listen to
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			anybody. I don't do anything except that I read through the Fatiha on her seven times. This is you
know, standard practice for the whole family. The moment you see the baby, the moment you hold a
baby, you must recite Surah Fatiha seven times because SUTA Fattah is Shiva This is what Allah his
Messenger have told us.
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			This is the power of Kitab we think the power is in what medication or some man who has some gin
powers you know some genuine in his control to he'll come in you know say some spells or something
and then everything will be fine. No greater power is in what in the book of Allah. So the one who
had knowledge of the book he said I will bring it to you before you before you reach and returns to
you in the blink of an eye fell a model home was the headliner in the who then Wednesday man or
listen um saw it standing in front of him was still Corolla what is called to be still the throne
was right there in front of him not shaking. Still
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			in front of him color he said her them in fugly Robbie. This is from the bounty of my Lord. This is
Shakir. This is a servant who is grateful. He sees the ends, he is grateful to Allah. He sees the
throne in front of him something so mighty, he says this is the favor of my Lord Leah balloony. So
that he will test me a school whether I am grateful, I'm thankful or I am ungrateful, highlight
this, this is something we need to remember. Whatever we have, whatever blessing whatever skill,
whatever favors we have in our life. This is the favor of who Allah azza wa jal and it's a test at
ash Kuru, UK for when we think about tests, we think about problems and difficulties. So a man or
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			listen I'm saying this blessing is also a test a test of what my gratitude woman Shakira, and
whoever is grateful for in Namibia Scottoline FC then he is grateful for who for himself his own
benefit woman cafardo and whoever is ungrateful for in Europe, Villani, Yun Karim, then indeed my
Lord is rich and noble, meaning he doesn't need our gratitude. We need our gratitude. Allah doesn't
need it. We need it. Again, we see the headless binaire. Right. He's talking about Allah's blessings
because this is gratitude.
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			And what we see over here is also that as soon as he receives a blessing, he thinks Allah, this is
what we need to do. Also, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Allah does not bestow a blessing upon
any slave and he says, Alhamdulillah except that what he gives is better than what he received,
meaning what the servant has done is better than what he had received. What has he done now showing
gratitude? So showing gratitude is more important, more beneficial than the blessing that you
received? Allah Salamandre listen, I'm sad not kyrou not kyrou Change disguise from the root letters
known kufra 10 key is to make something unrecognizable. Right? Mon karoun Those who are not
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			recognized so he said change meaning modify what love for her I'll show her throne meaning before
the Queen arrives, change the throne alter it renovated fix it. Okay, modify
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			All right somehow number we will see at that study whether she is rightly guided um or the Kulu she
is Mina Latina amongst those people who like to do they are not rightly guided. Meaning we will see
if she recognizes her throne despite the changes, then yes, she's not just a superficial person. All
right. And if she doesn't recognize her throne because of the changes, then what does that show?
That she is superficial? So what happened? They changed the throne Furama then when Jaya chi came to
her it was at a hacker there are a few key
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			is her Kether like this? Are Shuki your throne? Is your throne like this? The question is not Is
this your throne? What is the question? A hack Canada or should you not have our Shuki a hacker that
is your throne like this toilet she said Anna who who can know as if it whoever it is, meaning it is
as though it was it? Meaning Yes, my throne is very much like this so much so that I've it's almost
the same it's probably my throne. So she doesn't say yes or no. What does this show that she
recognized her throne despite the alteration despite the modification.
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			What Oh, Tina law. And the Queen said that we were given knowledge, men ugly hair before it meaning
before this incident before the throne was brought and everything welcome now Muslimeen and we have
surrendered it as if she said this to herself. That we don't need this in order to know your
truthfulness today man. I have already understood that you are a true messenger. Okay, this is how
it can be understood, that we already knew that you are a true messenger before you brought the
throne and everything I don't need to go through this to realize that you are a prophet of Allah.
This can also be understood as a man and his Salam said the statement that we were given knowledge
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			before her meaning before the Queen what could non Muslim mean and we were muslims first. Well said
the HA now this incident the fact that you recognize her throne despite the modification, what does
it show her intelligence right? So she's so intelligent yet she was worshipping the sun. You
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			I mean, why worship the sun? Look at how Allah defends her while flood the her and it prevented her
what prevented her Makana taboo what she used to worship men doing Allah besides Allah in the hat
indeed, she cannot she was men Coleman caffeine from a nation that was disbelieving. So the reason
why she worshiped the sun was because she was born in a nation like that. That is what she knew that
is all she knew. So who's gonna tell people like her? If such a man or listen um, did not do Dawa to
her? Then she would remain in that chick forever. Yes, it seems a little harsh that why is he
interfering? And why is he insisting but this was for who for her own good. Phila it was said Lucha
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			for her. Oh, the Holy Spirit. Enter the palace of Saudi Saudi Raha sorry means high lofty, beautiful
building a castle. So she was taken to a royal place. Why? Because she was a royalty herself. So
when she arrived she was showing her throne and then she's taken to the palace, so it was up to her
enter the palace but other than one or two she saw it. She saw what the palace meaning that the
floor of the palace has Seba to she thought of it as lewd jetten Luigia. What is does it remind you
of a word we read previously in sort of the new low G
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			look, what does it mean deep water? Meaning not just a little bit of water on the floor, but a pool.
So she thought that she was being told to walk through the water and look at her humility she
doesn't even say excuse me Why should I walk through the water? She thought it was water. So what
happened? What cash effort and she removed she lifted unselfie * from her shins. Sadly dual of
the word sock what the sock mean? lower leg. Okay, meaning the part of your leg which is above your
foot shin. So she uncovered it. Why did she uncover it so that she could walk through the water
easily otherwise her dress would get wet. All right. Now once they mannerist, saw this color he said
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			in the who indeed it Sarhan. It is a sort of a palace moment. That is paved that is leveled
Mentawai. From glass. This is glass it's not water
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			will not rot from their letters mean Rodell.
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			Mirada literally means to be to be bare.
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			okay to be bare. Like for example, Roger on camera is a man that doesn't have a beard doesn't mean
he shaved his beard means he just doesn't grow beard. You understand? Likewise, a tree that is bare
meaning it's got no leaves on it. Same word is used for that. So Memorial means it's just smooth. So
it's been made smooth with what? With our ears. Kawaii is the plural of Aurora. And what is that?
Glass or crystal? So this is a palace that has been made smooth with glass. It's not water, it is
glass. Now when the Queen sees this pilot, she said, Rob be in Neelam to Nuptse Oh, my Lord. I have
indeed wronged myself by worshipping the sun, what a slum to and I surrender. Ma Sulaiman with
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			Sulayman, not to slay man with Sulayman Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. I surrender to Allah, the Lord of
the Worlds. Now when she saw this palace, she recognized the superiority of such a man or a salon.
So she didn't just surrender. She believed. She believed that so they might notice that I'm just not
just a king. He is what he is. He is a prophet of Allah. Because you see all of her power, her
kingdom, her riches, they are eclipsed by the power of the kingdom, the riches of Solomon, are they
Silla, right? I mean, her kingdom looks like nothing compared to the kingdom. So a man or a
listener, I mean, just the fact that she thought that the floor was water. It wasn't water, it was
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			glass. So she was amazed by that. And when she saw this level of advancement, what did she realize
her own backwardness? Right, her own poverty compared to say, a man or a salon. And of course, by
looking at the greatness of the Messenger of God, she realized the greatness of God Himself. Right?
And this is why we see over here that the sun is eclipsed by the Light of the Creator of the sun.
She's not impressed by the Sun anymore. What is she impressed by? The maker of the sun, the creator
of the sun? And how did she recognize Allah subhanaw taala by seeing the servant of Allah subhanaw
taala so she did not submit and surrender to Sulaiman. She's surrendering to Allah subhanaw taala
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			This is a very honorable statement. What Islam to masala mana, little bit aalameen So this is a
story of Solomon and his sunnah. Now there is many details that are incorrect. Like for example, it
is said that Oh, absolutely, mannerism was told that the Queen, she's got very hairy legs seriously.
If you Google Queen of Sheba, and you look at the Islamic version, this is what you find out or she
had hooves like that of a donkey or a goat or something. And so so they might notice and I wanted to
test that. So he had a glass floor made and this is why, you know, he wanted her legs to be exposed.
A StuffIt Allah I stuck with Allah any How dare we can even say this, or write this or narrate this
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			or talk about the seriously without evidence. Again, we're lost in details. The whole message of the
story is what set a man or his salons concern for people for the creation of Allah. And what is that
concern they should know about who? Allah subhanaw taala is that he's doing Dawa. He's getting the
throne to come. He's using all his resources, all his power to worship Allah subhanaw taala he's
using his power to impress people, not so that they're in awe of him rather they should be in awe of
the Lord that he worships. And we see that being reflected through his doors. His Shakur, his
gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala.
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			So make them very dear. We're gonna show us a video on how to communicate and communicate. Okay, go
ahead. Is have long studied of various creatures communicate dolphins in the water chimpanzees on
land birds in flight, but insects could they possibly have anything to say? Well, when it comes to
the tiny ant, it turns out the answer may be yes. Here's Nick watt.
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			ants live in highly structured societies. They are masters of architecture and even agriculture. And
now scientists tell us ants actually talk to each other.
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			Were you surprised by what you found? We were? Yes.
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			With an iPod and an old pair of headphones, they discovered workarounds are indifferent to rock
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			Standard guard when it
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			distressed Queen makes this particular same
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			stand on the speaker with Jones the mandibles opened
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			something like saying I'm defending my queen. Now no one is saying these little creatures talk like
they do in the movies now stay calm. We are going around the leaf around Billy, I don't think we can
do that. But they do have a kind of language. Look at the back end of the end that's the abdomen
moving up and down vibrating. That's how and make noise that's how they're supposed to talk to each
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			Scientists made the startling discoveries by accident while studying the large blue butterfly. They
watched butterfly pupae trick ants into taking them to ant nests and nurturing them and just take a
look at what wood wood looks like. Look at how beautiful this creatures
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			and did you know that who do they also migrate every year from Africa to Europe and different parts
of the world? Just look at the beak so elegant and the crown on the head
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			Subhanallah and imagine it's chirping however and so they might notice it and knows what it's saying
00:31:19 --> 00:31:20
			so finally
00:31:22 --> 00:31:44
			remember silly manner listen I'm he made dua that Allah give me a kingdom a level of kingship
authority and power that you will not give to anyone after me and Allah subhanaw taala gave that to
him. And this is the reason why he had the birds as well as Jin Musa under him subjected under him
he ruled over them recitation of these if all
00:31:46 --> 00:31:51
			a human mother or a yo Dini beyond she covers
00:31:53 --> 00:31:55
			to new Mussolini
00:31:56 --> 00:31:58
			following three to
00:31:59 --> 00:32:03
			Jean de kabhi
00:32:07 --> 00:32:10
			bombing what in me
00:32:11 --> 00:32:16
			following me on lovey
00:32:22 --> 00:32:23
00:32:25 --> 00:32:29
			the interview couple fell I'm
00:32:31 --> 00:32:34
			almost one nine done whoop all
00:32:36 --> 00:32:39
			from me all
00:32:41 --> 00:32:42
00:32:43 --> 00:32:43
			really good.
00:32:45 --> 00:32:47
			G ash go
00:32:49 --> 00:33:00
			one Shakaal offer in school on enough seeing woman gefallen off in be running
00:33:01 --> 00:33:05
			carry all kill
00:33:07 --> 00:33:08
00:33:09 --> 00:33:13
			Daddy Darko no Mina
00:33:18 --> 00:33:19
			valen magic
00:33:25 --> 00:33:26
00:33:29 --> 00:33:30
			Whoa Dean
00:33:35 --> 00:33:38
			mostly me AMI was
00:33:41 --> 00:33:41
00:33:46 --> 00:33:48
			in Ghana
00:33:52 --> 00:33:55
			grafitti below
00:34:01 --> 00:34:02
			told just
00:34:06 --> 00:34:08
			fine for
00:34:13 --> 00:34:25
			me covering all at all being a lot of tuna co Aslam Tomas will email
00:34:28 --> 00:34:36
			me easy to panicle long behind a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta recover to really