Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P19 192B Tafsir Al-Shuara 105-122
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The history of Islam is discussed, including the myths of Islam being recognized as the first time ever and the importance of fearing God. The need for people to accept and obey the message of Islam is emphasized, along with the need for people to receive gifts and praise. The speakers stress the importance of acceptance, fear avoidance of God, and not constantly judge others' behavior. The need for people to know who they are and what they have is also emphasized.
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Our other bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim
lesson number 192 Surah sharara is number 105 to 114. Good that it denied go Menuhin, the people of New Orleans Salem, who did they deny al mousseline the messengers? The people of Nora also denied the messengers when no earlier salaam was sent to them. Earlier we learned about the story of Musa alayhis salaam. Then we learned about Ibrahim Renison. Now we look at the story of new Hallasan. Again, the focus should not be only on facts and figures, but mainly on the lessons they're about.
They denied the messengers, whereas only one Prophet was sent to them because denying one prophet is like denying all of them and especially in the case of Noah Hardison and remember that new Hudson I was the first Rasul meaning it was the first time ever that mankind had deviated to such an extent that they had forgotten what the truth was, who really God was. And so Allah subhanaw taala chose new Highness Sudan to be a messenger. So when they denied the first messenger, what does it mean that, that even if a million messengers come after him, what would they do? deny them all? So they denied the messengers, the prophets. And also the ploy over here has been used because know her this
Anam did not do Dawa to his people just for five years or 10 years or 23 years or 50 years. How long? Was he with his people? 950 years that is many lifetimes combined. It's as though many prophets were sent to them in that time, but still, they did not believe they rejected him. And and this is also honor for Noah Hollis salaam that more saline is being used for him. That so important of a prophet he was that when they denied him it was as though they denied many messengers. What are we supposed to do believe and who? Which prophets, all of them in total Bukhara to 85 we burn Amana rasuluh Bhima Onza la mera be? Well me known the prophet has believed and the believers have been
even what Allah has sent, calling on m&r billahi wa Mala Iike Te Waka to be weru SULI.
They believe in who? In Allah, His angels, his books and his messengers, all his messengers Landau, Federico Binah, middle Saudi, we do not differentiate between any of Allah's messengers, if all in the home what is the story of their denial? When he said to them, who said to them a whole home their brother, who was their brother knew how to know how they sell their brother know how to sell them set to them, I let the Quran Do you not fear meaning? Do you not have any fear of Allah? No holy Salam is described as their brother, because the Prophet is one of the people. The Prophet of a people is one of them. Someone who has brotherly concern for his people, you know, just as you were
concerned for your own sister,
is that different from how you are concerned for a stranger? There's a huge difference.
So the prophets of Allah Hi worthy to their people. It was as though every single one of the people with whom their own brother, they had brotherly concern for their nations. And this also shows that a prophet was always from who, among his nation, especially know how they sent him he was from his nation, not always please correct that. Know how to Salam was from his nation, meaning he was one of them. And at the con, he said to them, Do you not fear fear? Who? Allah?
Earlier we learned about the people of their own when they gathered the magicians and they also gathered people, they said, Are you not going to gather together? Are you not going to do this? Aren't you going to do this? Why is it that we say this to people that aren't you're going to come? Aren't you coming? What is it mean? Come? Like, it's obvious. Why shouldn't you come? What reason do you have for not coming? Aren't you going to eat? In a for example, before people are sitting at a restaurant, and one person is not eating? Aren't you going to eat? Why would you go to a restaurant if you're not eating? So another taco? It's something obvious. Do you not fear Allah? Meaning how
dare you associate partners with him? How can you neglect his right? Why don't you fear Allah? You should fear Allah I implore you to have fear of God. What do you see over here? Know how to say I'm the first messenger all the way to the last messenger Muhammad
salatu salam, what was the message of the prophets of Allah? What was it the same? They all invited people to worship Allah to fear Allah in total Baqarah is 21 Also we learn Yeah Are you a nurse or Buddha or a backhoe? And let the Halacha when Medina man publico la loco that Akun. So what do we see if all the prophets told people to fear Allah? What was the purpose of the prophets? Why were they sent
to remind people of their purpose in life?
To remind people have their purpose in life and Taqwa of Allah, why Taqwa of Allah is emphasized, because when a person recognizes Allah and fears Allah,
then what will happen?
Think about it. When a person fears Allah knows Allah recognizes Allah than will that affect his actions? Is the heart sound. The heart is filled with Taqwa of Allah will that heart the sound? Yes. Remember the definition the prophets of Allah set him gave for a clean heart.
The God fearing one. How, because when a person fears Allah, then doing good will be easy. Keeping AWAY FROM SIN will also be easy. Then a person will be obedient, whether he's alone in private or in public, in school or at home. Correct. away from family or with family. I like that tacos. Taqwa is the key. Fear of Allah is the key to Islam.
He said in the locker room, indeed I am for you. Rasool Allah Amin, a messenger who is Amin trustworthy Amin from their letters Hamza mean No, Amana Amin is one who has Amana. What is Amana?
trustworthiness that if something is deposited with you, you take care of it and then you also return it. Not that you don't take care of it and then you don't even return it because that is not Amana. So Amin meaning faithful, reliable, loyal, honest, I'm reading from the same root is used for a she camel, such as the camel that is reliable.
That the writer knows that this camel is not just going to stop in the middle and not move anymore.
It has the strength to walk with my luggage. It's not going to leave me it's a good camera. You don't like your car. Sometimes it gives you problems. Are you afraid to take it on a long trip? Are you for sure you are why? Because it might stop in the middle. Right something might happen. And then you're going to be in difficulty so it's not reliable. So Amin is someone who is reliable why because of their honesty because of their trustworthiness.
So Ruslan I mean, I am a trustworthy messenger, meaning in worldly matters and in delivering this message to you, meaning my previous life, you know it full of Amana? And in delivering this message also, I am conveying to you everything that Allah has sent towards you. Now the Prophet sallallahu sallam was he also Amin? Yes, he was Amin Yet Allah subhanaw taala emphasized insulinoma it is 67 That yeah, you have a soul been lil Mau on Zilla la comida Lubbock, or prophet or messenger convey whatever has been revealed to you from your Lord, what a lump the file from a block that is. And if you don't do that, then you have not conveyed the message. You have not done your job correctly. So
Sonam Amin, meaning I don't keep anything to myself, whatever Allah has told me to deliver to you, I'm delivering everything to you. I'm not hiding any knowledge. And this is something that we have to remember also,
that sometimes the truth is changed.
Or it is presented in a wrong way. Why just so that people like it, the truth is distorted just so that people accept it. That's not truth anymore. Parts of the Quran are concealed, they're hidden they're never mentioned or not spoken off. Why? Because people are not going to like that. No, trustworthiness is key. It's very important for hola hola, hola your own Sofia Allah and obey me, meaning our fear Allah, I conveyed to you the messages of my Lord as they are, I do not add anything to it. I do not leave anything from it. I am doing my job. What is your job? That you accept it? You fear Allah and obey me. Why obey new Harley Salem, because he was a prophet who had been sent and a
prophet must be obeyed in Surah Nisa 64 Allah says woman all of a sudden Ahmed was salam ala Leota the evening Allah We have not sent any messenger except that he should be obeyed. The messenger is to be obeyed. Know how to say
They're also such as people warmer as a new Comala human agile, warmer as a locum I do not ask you. I lay he on it, waiting for this for delivering the message to you mean any other any wage, any compensation any payment. I don't demand anything from you in return. Why? Because in Nigeria, in not Algeria my reward in that except ALLAH, Milan Amin upon the Lord of the Worlds I am his worker so he's going to pay me. I'm not your worker. You don't need to pay me you don't need to give me anything. I'm working for Allah so Allah who pay me? Isn't this a sign of someone's sincerity?
It is right. Remember the magician's? What did they say to Pharaoh? What are you going to give us? That Musa alayhis salam say that you have to give me something? Did he tell the Bani Israel that look I'm going to rescue you. I'm going to save you. Now you better pay me. You better give me something in return. Did he demand anything in return? No.
Even generally speaking, you know, if somebody says, how about I do this for you? What do you ask? What do you want?
For example, if your sister comes and she starts cleaning your room, like hey, stop, stop. No, no, I want to help you. What do you want?
If your younger brother comes and starts pressing your feet, what do you want? Right? Because generally, generally speaking, whenever we do something for someone, we expect something in return. But the prophets of Allah, they never expected anything in return. All they wanted was that people should accept this message. And besides, what does this mean? That the message I'm delivering to you? It's free.
Because you don't have to pay me anything to receive this. It's free.
So when it's free, what do you have to lose? Why don't you try? Why don't you accept it, you have nothing to lose. You're like, if there's something being given for free, like an app is free. And you can learn a language or something through that app. You are encouraged to get that app. And you're told it's free. Like you're crazy if you don't take it, isn't it? People look at you as if you're dumb. But still you don't have that game. You don't have it? Why it's free? We think that if something is free, we must take free samples who doesn't like them?
Everybody likes them? Have you ever seen those people crowding around those individuals? Were giving out free samples, even if it's food, especially at Costco, and then you're wondering who says halal? Is there any meat over here? What is it ingredients? You just had your breakfast? Big Breakfast, you're just gonna go to a lunch party? Are you in need of eating a free sample? You're not in need of it, but just because it's free? What do we say? Have nothing to lose? So in Algeria Illa Allah rabbil aalameen meaning Why don't you take it? Why don't you take this message that I'm giving you? What do you see over here? So many prophets in the Quran when they're mentioned, this statement is
also mentioned that I don't expect anything from you. And this is something we need to remember also, because the moment we start talking about the deen or helping someone learn the deen, we demand respect. We demand praise, even indirectly we demand it. Or we expect that people should give us gifts and all of that. Indirectly, you know, it's there in the back of our minds or when we're helping somebody we hold certain expectations. Prophetic character is what? Don't expect anything in return for toquilla We're up to your own Sofia Allah and obey me how many times the call has been mentioned several times. So he chose that knew her listen, I'm over and over again. He told his
people to fear Allah. And notice with the fear of Allah obedience to the messenger is also mentioned. Because both together are necessary fear of Allah means sincerity. Obedience to the messenger means the methodology is correct. And when these two conditions are met, then a person's deeds are accepted.
Now this was basically a summary of the message of new honey Salam what was the response of his people follow they said an amino Shall we believe locker for you? Meaning Shall we listen to you? Should we accept what you're telling us? What debacle of the loan while and it Tabaka he follows you? Who are your followers alone? The lowest people? How can we believe in you when your followers are the lowest amongst us? Oh, the non * off. Oh, well then raw than lamb and other meat
Most reveal who is revealed, someone who's very low, meaning doesn't really have much status. So out of the loom, meaning the last class of people, the scum of the people out of the room is used for someone who is doing them in cliche. He was lesser than everybody everything low in every way. So not worth any attention. Now, first of all, calling people are the loom. What does that show? extreme arrogance? Who are you to say that someone is very lowly? Who are we to say that? Can we say that about another person? No, we can't. Who is it but would judge people like this? Oh, this one is very lowly. And this one is, he are very impressive, who would say that? Someone who's very arrogant
in themselves, and also very superficial,
and haughty.
Now, this said that your followers are the poor, so low meaning financially, or physically, meaning they're weak, or intellectually, they're weak minded, or professionally, their work is very despicable. It's worthy of contempt.
Your followers are the most inferior people amongst us, why should we follow you or new and become like these inferior people, we have to be different from them. And for that, we have to keep away from them. And for that, we have to avoid what they are doing. So if they believe in you, then we're going to disbelieve in you. What is preventing them from how
arrogance. And this is something that is so frightening, because, sadly, we do something very similar, that we judge people based on what their appearance, the money that they make, the education that they have,
or the beauty that they have. You know, just think of it like this, when you go to a wedding. When you go to a wedding. Who is it that you sit next to? Who is it that you give importance? To? Which table will you sit at people that you know, and even when we are at weddings constantly, what are we doing? This person looks good? No old clothes, I've seen those before hairstyles not that impressive. Those clothes ancient, constantly, we're judging people, either their makeup or their hair, or their clothes or their shoes, or who they're sitting with. And based on these things, many times we will choose who we're going to talk to and who we're not going to talk to.
What does it show, this is a sign of pride of arrogance. Even if somebody's wearing, you know, clothes from the 60s doesn't matter, their human being looked past who they appear to be.
So I know we know NACA, what are the room? What was the response of new Halesowen? Caller? He said, warmer ill me? And what is my knowledge? What do I know? Be my CAN WE ARE Malone of what they used to do. Meaning, I don't know about it about what they used to do. And quite frankly, I don't care. Know how their surname is basically saying that I don't care about their social status, about their level of intellect or whatever it is their profession, the money they're making. I don't care about these things. I don't care. And even if I know, what difference does it make, because I'm not someone who's to judge them. I'm just someone who's been sent to deliver a message. So when I tell
me what is my knowledge, meaning what's the value of my knowledge, be my candle, Yama don't have what these people used to do, or what they do right now their profession, the work they do, or when they're ill me not is my knowledge meaning I don't know about it. I don't care. I don't pay attention to these things. Mind knowing their sins or their actions doesn't make any difference. Now, the Mercado Yamalube can be understood in two ways also
be Mikado Yama, when they're gonna look and refer to their deeds, meaning their actions, their sins. And secondly, it can also refer to the worldly work that they do their occupation, their profession.
Now, many times people are looked down upon because of what their history their past sins, or they are looked down upon because of the work that they do. It's a dirty job.
So now listen, I'm just saying I don't care about their history, about their sins, about whatever they've been doing in the past. Why? Because in his elbow room Illa Allah be there He sat there accounting is only upon who my lord in not he said when there is up in like sobre la Robbie on my lord, meaning you will judge them.
Now, there's this incident we learned about soul who they be.
Remember the Prophet sallallahu send me He left with his companions to do Remora
You had a dream so everybody got ready, they want to do Roomba, and the machine prevented them from entering. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam changed the route into Makkah in order to avoid confrontation. And then the Muslims ended up in her labia they camped over there. So when the missiles were camped in her labia, several people from Makkah came. Or rather, several outsiders came to resolve the situation so that there would be no battle in the sacred land. One of the people who came was Renoir.
erla, he was from afar, if he came to resolve the situation, when he came, he sat in front of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and constantly he was, you know, holding the beard of the prophets of Allah and grabbing it. This was not out of disrespect. Rather, this was something understood in their culture that when you hold someone's beard or touch it, it's like you're showing where equals All right. So why are he was talking to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he would do that touch his beard. You don't like when you really frank with someone? What do you do? You touch them, pat them on the back or something? And when you're really professional with somebody, what do you do? You
keep to yourself. So he was trying to be frank. Okay. So when you did that, somebody moved his hand away from the beard of the Prophet saw the lesson with the sword. It's like, How dare you touch my prophet, keep your hand away. So when he looked up that man his face was covered, said Who is that? And the people around they said, movie era,
movie era, even Shabbat of the low iron, who was the nephew of Urawa.
Now earlier, he said, Oh, treacherous one, I am still
doing my best to prevent the evil consequences of your treachery.
He's reminding him of his boss sense that you betrayed us and I'm still paying for a deal today. And here you are pushing my hand away from the prophets of Allah, etc. So basically, he's reminding lead out of the Lohar knew of his past mistakes, and earlier also said to the Prophet salallahu Salam that I only see people who are really despicable around you that they don't have good records. There are people who have abandoned their tribes and someone who has abandoned his tribe, there is no good in him. So basically saying that you have or the rune following you. Now, what was the fault of Melina Abdullah? Abdullah mine who he was a bandit, literally, he was abandoned. Right? He was
someone who with his friends that would go and rob caravans and kill people and take their money. And early I happen to be one of the elders off. But if so what happened at one time a little bit of the long line who this wasn't the time of Jamelia. All right. At one time, him and his friends they basically attacked some people kill them took their money and ran away. Now while they were hiding, Malika blow horn who also found Islam so he left everything and he went to Medina. When he went to Medina, he actually brought that money that he had stolen also with him and the prophets of Allah Islam said to him, I accept your Islam, but I don't accept this money that you brought. This is not
Now because Melinda blow on who had killed some people, only by being the uncle, what did he have to do? Pay the blood money? So overall, was still paying the blood money. Now, yes, what Molina over the line who did was wrong and the profit center was him did not accept his wrong.
But remember, that no matter who a person is, he is imperfect. Yes, he's committed sins. Once he's changed. He's done Tober. And he's trying to, you know, amend this situation. We don't need to keep reminding them of their sins. We don't need to do that. So we see that the people of new hotness, and I'm what did they do? They said that your followers are the most despicable people, people who don't have a good history. What does New Hallasan MC says, I don't care about their history.
It's got nothing to do with me. I only see them as well as believers. And the fact is that no human being is perfect. It's possible that he's committed murder before Zina, whatever it is, its history.
And this is something that we need to remember also, when we look at people, look at them how they are now,
not how they were 20 years ago in the sense that they used to commit and now they have changed. You know, imagine the struggle that they're going through in order to change and when you keep reminding them of their past mistakes. This is so horrible. It's so discouraging. So your highness, and I'm said we're not really maybe McCann we are Milan. I don't care about what they used to do.
And secondly, Makana, Yama known altar refers to their profession, meaning the work that they do so their slaves or their servants, or they do all those dirty jobs, dirty work. Remember that TV show? By Discovery Channel dirty jobs or something like that, that this person goes and he tries out every possible dirty job that's out there in the world that people don't like to do, but
It's got to be done.
So we judge people, by their professional, so don't we know, listen, I'm saying I don't care about their profession.
They are important to me because they are believers. What matters is their faith, not their background, their race, their profession, whatever it is, I don't care about their money, about their social status, about their history, their faith has got nothing to do with them. And this is something we need to remember also, we keep, you know, analyzing people, according to their profession, they have value. Because they do such fancy work, this person doesn't have value, because they work in a meat shop. Really, he does. Sometimes you see, you go to a halal meat store. And you see how people are treating, for instance, the butcher,
how rudely they're talking to them sometimes or, you know, I went to this meat store and it said, something like, we close at 11, please do not insist. afterwards. This other place, I went to no bargaining. This is not a flea market. It's sad. It's sad how we treat each other. Just because, you know, we're dealing with a Muslim on the other side, we think we can overpower them and demand a discount from them. Right? Just because that job is not very noble in our eyes. When we say the same thing. When we go to another store, a very fancy store.
Do you ever say to the doctors, for example, better give me a discount? No, you're not even paying for it. So why demand a discount? We don't do that. Like, for example, if you happen to go to a very fancy hairdresser, non Muslim, would you demand that they give you a discount? No, no, you don't even ask how much it's going to be on the way out. And they say, Oh, we're charging you $45 Extra for putting the curtains for you. Honestly, they do that? Because they drew the curtains for you so that you could have your haircut done. They'll charge you $45 Extra $50 Extra and you're willing to pay for that. But the same thing if it happens at a Muslim hairdressers? No, not at all.
So over here we see that new Hello Salaam is disregarding the profession of the people their social status, and he's giving importance to them simply because of their Iman and he says in his album Illa Allah Robbie, lo Tasha rude if only you perceive, meaning, there's something quite basic. I have not been sent to judge people. Allah has the touch, I am only to convey warmth and not an eye before he didn't mean at all want to drive away the believers. But one who does farther and farther is to throw something far, thinking it to be despicable. So I'm not going to send the believers away. Because before me they're believers, their profession doesn't matter to me. Doesn't matter to
me, whether garbage collectors, sewer inspectors, whatever dirty job they have to do, I don't care. And this is something we need to do also.
Because Quran is for who, for all people, regardless of the job that they do, in an ill learner, the euro mobian I am only a clear warner. This is who I am. Know how to Salam or any other prophet. Remember the first believers were who the poor and the weak, humble people. But with Eman, their status became great. But in the eyes of the worldly people, they were very low. Because worldly people they look down at the poor. Why? Because they're superficial, and the judge the level of others based on superficial matters. Eman is in the heart. And remember, Eman is heavier than any treasure of this world. It's more valuable.
Now what happened from every prophet it was demanded that he should remove these four people from his gathering. Did this happen with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also? Yes. But Did Allah allow that Not at all. Because a person's value near Allah is not determined by how much wealth they have. Rather it is determined by what by their taqwa in a Croma Camarena, Allah he at corkum, the most honorable before Allah is
the One who has most Dukkha.
So basically, we learned two things from this. First of all, if someone is lesser than us in worldly terms, let's overlook their worldly deficiencies and appreciate the wealth of iman they have.
Secondly, we see that if someone is lesser than us, even in religious matters, their history their sins are being mentioned. Right. So even in religious matters, if someone happens to be lesser than us, then what is it that we need to do at that time? We need to remember
Are our deficiencies and we must avoid passing judgment. We need to worry about the taqwa in our hearts, and not constantly judge other people. Recently Imam Suhaib Webb he tweeted that nothing leads to slander and forbidden hatred of others like assumptions of piety and the allure of knowledge, meaning we assume ourselves to be very pious, we're very proud of our knowledge. And because of that, what do we do? We start slandering other people looking down at them. And he also said that once I sat with a brother and we were listening to a speaker, the brother told me Don't listen to him. He's not a scholar. So I turned to the brother and said, he graduated from a
prestigious religious institution. And he studied with prominent scholars who recognized as knowledge and their response. He's not a scholar. Let's go. I asked the brother, what about you? What are your religious credentials? He got quiet, shy and said, I study it. I told him Well, it sounds like he is our scholar. I'm still memorizing the Quran and studying education. You are an IT student and haven't studied at all I'm staying. And this is something we need to remember also, because you see, righteous company, it is necessary the Prophet sallallahu sallam was told was bid Mexico Marin Medina, you're the owner of bombilla Dotty. What are she? You read in our chat? Stay
with those people. But it's sad that the moment we meet a religious person, we start thinking, are they listening to someone who has been refuted?
Where have they studied? A certain scholar? Their name is mentioned who are they Google right away? is so and so refuted? Have we been refuted?
Seriously, that's what we need to worry about. Have we been refuted by our actions? For sure we refute ourselves don't wait for the wrong that we do. So we need to worry about ourselves. ALU they said Let it lumped into here No, they said if you do not stop Oh no. Letter Coonan nominal merge you mean surely you will definitely be of those who are stoned meaning we're going to storm you to death. Similar response has been around a little bit in Comey the baboon know how they said I'm sorry Oh my lord indeed my people have denied me this is the character of the messenger when people annoy him harm him he complaints to Allah for benei Robina home Fatah faster so judge Baney between
me we're buying a home in between them Fatah a judgment
but it's also used for decision because fat literally means to open something that is closed so this matter this is very confusing for people open it up meaning judge between us so that the right is clarified from wrong one a genie and save me woman Maria and those who are with me many many of the believers save me and the believers who are with me for Angelina who so we saved him or my ma who and whoever was with him fill full kill mushroom in the ship that was mushroom mushroom. This is a new word Xinghai known Shan Shan is basically to load and fill up something and it's used in particular for a ship that is laden with cargo and passengers filled with people so the ship of no
harness and I'm how was it? Was it filled? For sure it was filled with what animals and people yes the one many people but for sure there were animals because he was told that he had to get how many animals
there off each type.
Seriously, can you imagine two goats?
Camels cows. I mean that's a lot of animals. So Phil full kill mushroom Allah save them some rock now. Then We drowned. Burdell Burkean Barbu after al Burkean, the remaining ones flowing of back and back off here, meaning those who remained behind who did not board the ship there were drowned. Amongst them was also the center of Nautilus and I'm Rumi offered believe under the ship. Come on. What did the sun say? I'll go to the mountain. I'm not coming on the ship. He was drowned. Allah says in Nephi Valley color indeed. And that is a sign. There is a lesson that deserves attention or Makana, Akoto homework Mini, but most of them were not believers were in not Abeka and indeed your
Lord Lucha Aziz or Rahim Surely He is the Exalted in mind. The one who overpowers he's not over powered, he overcomes he's not overcome. And he's also over him, the Merciful, He can punish all but he only punishes those who are guilty. So what's the lesson in this in the finale color is what's the lesson in the story of no holy center, that those who remain in their arrogance and pride thinking of them as very great looking down on others, they only prevent themselves from goodness.
What happened to the wealthy people in New Hala salaams nation they didn't believe simply because of
Who the poor people stuck in their arrogance at the end who was destroyed? Who was destroyed the arrogant because they deprive themselves of hire you for example, even if we are jealous of someone who are we depriving ourselves how? Because when we're jealous of someone that means that we don't want good for them and when we don't want good for them that means we're not going to get good either. You know why? Because we are the average of five people that we interact with most and if we are the average of the five people that we interact with the most are all behind then what does that mean? We'll be behind if one of them goes ahead in something good then what does it mean very soon,
we will also improve and if we out of our jealousy want that they should be deprived to where we depriving ourselves let's listen to the recitation of these verses.
Because that bone mono
ball alone no hon Allah
need a Kumasi me double long
in Nigeria in
double long
although meanwhile debacle
ball Paul
may be
in his home in
been through one
board meeting meaning in an interview
all hola
me all follow on.
Follow me
first stuff benei on
how one Genie one MARRY ME and ME for
One can tell
me what