Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P19 186B Tafsir Al-Furqan 21-26
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The Day of Jury is a reality where people are faced with the challenge of proving they can do what they want to do. They make demands that the angel should show themselves to show their success, while also discussing the importance of pride and disputing accusations of fraud. The conversation also touches on the negative impact of overdoing deeds and the difficulty of the day, including the potential consequences of the pandemic on mental health and the potential consequences of the pandemic on people's wallet.
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bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim
lesson number 187 sorbitol for fun. I am number 21 to 34
What color Lavina Lael Jun Anika Anna and those people who do not expect the meeting with us, they say Lola on Zillow or Lena and Maria Iike
How come the angels don't descend upon us?
Oh Narada burner, or how can we don't see our Lord?
Allah subhanaw taala says about such people local the stackable roofie and fusi him one or two when Kabira they have certainly become arrogant within themselves and they have become incident with great incidents.
This shows their great pride that they're demanding to see Allah subhanaw taala
who, which people Alladhina Lai of junuh Luca Anna, your Juna is from Raja and Elijah has two meanings first of all, it means to hope for something to look forward to something to expect something.
So they do not look forward to the meeting with us. Meaning they do not look forward to the hereafter to the reward of the Hereafter to meet Allah subhanaw taala to see him. They don't have any such hope. They don't have any such desire.
And secondly, the word Raja is also used for health for fear.
Like for example, manna con letter of June Allah Who ACARA
so Raja also means fear. So they do not fear our meeting, meaning they do not fear the Day of Judgment. They do not fear giving the account. They do not fear being questioned about their deeds. What's the reason behind that? When does a person not look forward to the Hereafter? And when does he not fear the hereafter either? It's when he does not believe in it.
So Lael junuh. Luca Anna, what does that show? They deny the hereafter? They don't have any fear. They don't have any hope.
And because of that, they say no love on Zillow, Eileen almanor. Erica,
how come? Why not do the angel to descend upon us?
Earlier in the Surah, we learned about the many, many objections of the machine of moko raised against the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Amongst them were that he's a human being he eats just like we eat, he goes to the marketplace is just like we go. So there is no difference between us and Him.
So over a year, they're saying that if there's no difference between us and Him, in human terms, that he's a human and we're human beings, then if angels come to him bringing revelation than angels should also come to us bringing revelation.
So why are they demanding that the angel should come to them? Bringing revelation that if the angel can bring we're here to Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and he's a human being just like us, then Angel should also come to us. They should also bring it to us, because we are you better than him? We are more powerful than him. We are wealthier than him.
So this was a first event Lola on Zillow, Eileen l Malayaka. How come the angels do not descend on us?
And the second event that they had was that, oh, not on a banana? How come we do not see our Lord? Meaning how can we don't see Allah? If Muhammad salallahu Salam is really a messenger, that Allah should show us himself, and he should tell us that we should believe in him and we should follow him. And nothing like this happens is our messenger, he is a liar.
And you will see that even today, people make the same demands.
That if we are expected to believe in God, then how can we cannot see God is an utter. If we are expected to believe in the angels, then how can we don't see the ancients?
The fact is, that in our faith, there is something known as belief in the unseen and that is a test that is a test for everybody.
So they make such demands that own are all better, how can we do not see our Lord? What does Allah subhanaw taala say about such people? That leopard is stuck by roofie and fuzzy him? They have become very arrogant in themselves. They have assumed greatness about themselves in their own hearts. What does it mean by this fee and fuzzy him? Meaning with regards to themselves, they have become very arrogant. They think too highly of themselves. They think they're very, very great.
And whether or not
Somebody acknowledges them to be great. They think that they're very great. And you see this as a reality of arrogance that a person thinks he's very mighty. And other people don't even consider him to be mighty isn't until a person thinks he's up there a person thinks he's very very special. However in the sight of others, he's not that special. He's not up there.
So luckily stuck movie and fuzzy him were alto or do when Kabira are those from the root letters? I didn't I well, and or do is to disobey out of arrogance. It is to cross the limits to exceed the limits in disobedience. Why? Out of arrogance that a person does not care about any bounds, any limits, any rules, any restrictions. He just does whatever he desires.
So such people they're so incident, they're so arrogant, they're so disobedient, that they're demanding to see Allah. They're demanding that the angel should come to them. This is as though it has been said that what do these people think of themselves? What do they think of themselves that the angel should come to each and every single one of them and that Allah subhanaw taala should show himself to these people.
And we see that the Bani Israel eel also they made a very similar demand.
They also demanded from Masada sunnah, that I didn't Allah, Jehovah, show us Allah openly, we want to see him clearly openly. But what happened? What happened in a thunderbolt struck them and they were punished immediately.
So we see that any person who makes such demands, the reason behind that is pride. And Allah does not like pride.
Because a person who is humble, a person who is submissive, what is his behavior, that if the messenger tells him something, you will accept it.
And people will think very highly of themselves, what do they want, that everything should be proven to them, everything should be shown to them, I will not accept, I will not believe until I see this until you show it to me. So this is a sign of great pride that a person has in his heart,
make oneself greater than one's actual worth, one's actual value, you see, each person has a certain value has a certain worth. And to consider oneself greater than that. That is thick bar. Like for example, as Canadian citizens for example, we have a certain worth, right. But to consider oneself as absolutely free and think that oh, I can carry weapons. No, you can't do that. You can't do that you're not a police officer, right? A police officer can carry a gun, but you as a citizen, you cannot carry a gun. Can you do that? No, you can't. And if you do that, and you say, oh, I should have the freedom to do it. This is what considering yourself greater than who you really are, what
you really are. And this is what pride really is. Pride is about thinking oneself as greater and higher than what one really is. You see a person who's arrogant. It's not necessarily that people consider him to be very great. But what does He consider himself?
Great. And this is deception. This is foolishness. So Laqad is stuck by roofie and fusi him while and they have been insolent or to one cubbyhole with great insolence. So in this verse, the pride of the disbelievers as mentioned that how highly they think of themselves that they make such great demands that angels should be sent to them and that they should be able to see Allah in total an arm I 124 Also we learn what either atom A atom Kalu learn not Mina Hatanaka myth Lama oto Rasul Allah, that when assigned comes to them they say, We will never believe until we are given like that which was given to the messengers of Allah. If we are given the same, then we will believe Allah subhanaw
taala response into the Prophet if 56 we learn in the medina Yuja de Luna, FIATA, Lehi belatacept, all thrown in at our home infield saluting him in LA Cubitron, Melvin Bieber, Lizzie, that indeed those people who dispute concerning the signs of Allah without any authority having come to them, there is not within their hearts except pride, the extent of which they cannot reach, meaning they're saying this out of pride, who do they think they are, that they should be sent angels that they should be able to see Allah? And by the way, why would a person makes such a demand anyway? Are they really seeking the truth? No, this is just arguing, this is just disputing with the messenger
in order to prove to him that he is wrong, right. Like for example, the hereafter was mentioned that people would say to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Okay, when is the day
of judgment gonna be telling us when it is going to be and then we will believe. Well the fact is that nobody knows when it will be who knows? Only Allah knows. Right? So now by saying that I will only believe in God if I see him, I will only believe in the Quran if I meet an angel.
This is extreme pride. Iana your own Mala Ekata Allah says why not they will see the angels and on the day that they will see the angels love Bushra. Yo mama even little Majidi mean, laugh No, Bush Oh, good news. Yo mama even that day, Lil moody mean for the criminals, meaning on the day that they will see the angels, they won't receive any good news. They're not going to receive any good news. What is it that they're going to receive punishment? Because when is it that each person will definitely see the angels at what time at the time of death. So at the time of death, when the angels will come before them, they won't bring any good news to them. Where colonna and the angels
will say Hedren, Maduro prevented and inaccessible, meaning they will bring bad news and they will say to them, Hadron Madura, what is this Hadron? Madura? If you look at both the words they have the same route had gene
hated literally means manner to prevent, right from the same root as the word hedgehog. And what does hydro mean? A rock, a stone and a stone? Like, for example, if there's a stone wall, then what's the purpose of that? To make it as a barrier? Right? It is also a place that is surrounded by a stone wall.
Have you seen around the Kaaba there's a semicircle on one side of it. There's a semicircle? What is that area called? Hottie? It's also called Hidden. Why is it called hedges because there is a wall over there, right enclosing that place, all right, hidden hedge it is also use for intellect healthy VALIC a customer linear hedging. Why because the intellect your mind, what does it do? It stops you from doing foolish things from saying foolish words, isn't it? So here it is intellect. Also, when something is forbidden, that is also called hedger. Like the machine they said we'll call you heavy an arm or Harrison hedges they say that these CAFO this livestock and this produce it is headed
meaning it is forbidden, nobody's going to eat it. So this is headed. Now what is module Mark Drew is that around which is a stone wall All right, that which is forbidden that which is prevented from that which is barred which is banned. So hedgerow Madura hedgerow medulla is an expression which is used for a strong barrier between two things. Such a barrier such a hurdle that cannot be removed, that you cannot break you cannot go through. Like for example, in total for car only if 53 We learn well whoever the model Bahraini has been ferrata will have a million judge where John Boehner hula boza Han were Hadron Madura. The two different types of water one is sweet and the other is salty,
right freshwater and salty water in the middle of the ocean between them is a barrier hedgerow Magiera, a barrier that does not let those two waters mixed together. So you understand hydro Madura. So, what is being said over here, that the angels when they will appear before these people, what will they say to them headlong Madura meaning Allah's favor and mercy is forbidden to you, it's inaccessible to you. Now you are prevented, you are prohibited from anything good.
Or this can also be understood as hated on my Doula meaning just stop. Now, you cannot do anything. So basically, when the angels will come before them, they will catch their souls and they will not let them free. They will not let them go. Meaning once the angels will come before them, then these people will be caught. Then they will not be able to say whatever they want do whatever they want escape runaway. No, then they will be caught. Today they demand to see the angels but when they do see the angels, it will not be a good day for them. And this is basically describing to us the time of their death in total and file I have 50 Also we learned well Oh Tara idiot, often Medina cafardo
al Mala Iike to see if you could only see when the angels were taking the souls of those who reject yet the Buddha would do her homework at the bottom. We'll do a double hurry. There striking them on
Their faces on their backs and they say, taste the punishment of the burning fire.
So right now in their freedom What are they doing making such demands? But when the angels come before them, then they will lose all their freedom. We'll call them now and on the Day of Judgment, what will happen workout in and we will approach Kadima cough Bell meme, what does Kedah mean? Foot right to step forward? Or the MA Illa? To advance toward something to approach something. So what are them now, we will advance in our two words VA army law, whatever they have done, men are men of any deed, meaning their actions, whatever deeds they have performed, whatever actions they have done, we will approach them, meaning we will regard them we will attend to them, and what will we do
to their deeds for John now who, then we will make them harbor into dust? That is monsoon raw that is dispersed? How about from the letters harbor Hamza? How about is basically fine dust particles.
So fine that you can only see them in light? Has it ever happened? That you clean something like for example, your desk, alright, you clean it, it was dusty. You cleaned it. Now you see no dust over there? Then you open the window sunlight is coming in. And then you see dust specks flying in the air? You're like, where did these come from? I just cleaned up. All right, and you try to get rid of them. But can you? You can't, they're always there.
No matter how much you clean up place, the woman light will enter what will you see in that light dust specks. That is how bad so fine, so small, so scattered, that no matter what you do, you can never collect them. You can never catch them. You can never contain them, they will always be there hubba and especially if it's monsoon, monsoon from the root letters, Nosara Natha. Another is that which is scattered nuts that is also used for the opposite of shared what is shared poetry? All right. And in poetry, you see words they're very precise, you can only have a certain number of words, all right? They have to be of a certain rhythm or sound correct. And the opposite of poetry
is nothing. So what is nothing? Scattered speech, random speech? All right, there's no rhythm, no rhyme nothing in it. This is nothing. So monsoon is that which is scattered? So when something is scattered in this way, is it possible to collect it? Impossible? What is being mentioned in this verse, that the good deeds of such people on the Day of Judgment will be rendered worthless? They will be destroyed? Just like something is turned to dust when it's turned to dust? Then can you put it back together? Can you even collect the particles of dust? No way.
Impossible. You don't like if something is burned to ashes, and those ashes are blown away? Then what will happen? It's impossible to put it back together. Can you fix it? You cannot? If something is ripped? If something is broken? Can you mend it? Can you fix it? If something is broken? Can you fix it? You can. But if something is blasted burnt, such that it scatters and it's dust? Can you put it back together? No way. So basically, the message that we're being given over here is that their deeds will be rendered worthless. So they will not benefit them at all. Which deeds are these good deeds? You see, when you look at people who do not believe you will find amongst them many who are a
little late meaning who are good people, good people. Why? Because they do a lot of good. Like, for example, charities standing up for the rights of the weak, right? Living basically in service to humanity, helping people helping children helping those who are oppressed, the sick, those who have some weakness have some disability, even animals, right, those who are abandoned by people, there are certain others who will take them in and help them and such people have existed. Always, even at the time of the Prophet saw a lot of sudden we learned that there was this helpful food all right, which was a spat that certain leaders of Makkah, came up with, they agreed upon that they will
always stand up for the rights of the oppressed of the weak of those who have no supporters who have no helpers, right? People are known for their generosity. They will spend
Millions and millions to help others. However, what do we learn in this ayah, that their deeds are not going to have any weight on the Day of Judgment? Their deeds will be turned into dust. Why? Because they perform those deeds for the sake of humanity for the sake of people, genuinely to help people right out of kindness just to help people, or they did it for fame. So what happened in this world? Did they get a reward yesterday, how a monument was made for them, their names are mentioned, their names are recorded, right? Their names were entered into world records, right? They're cited as examples, their stories are well known. They are praised in this world for years and years, for
centuries, even. They got the award in this world, on the Day of Judgment, they will not receive any reward. Why? Because they didn't do it for the hereafter. They didn't do it for Allah subhanho wa Taala in total Islam. 19 Allah says, women are all the Hirata Wasana HERSA. You will who will not be known for Hola, Iike Kana Sara Johan mascara, but the person whose goal is the ACO, and then he strives for it also the way he should strive. While he believes then yes, their efforts will be appreciated. And if a person is working really hard, doing a lot of great work, but if he's not doing it for Allah, he's not doing it for reward in the hereafter. Then on the Day of Judgment, he's
not going to receive anything.
He's not going to receive anything. Like for example, we learn about a person who was known for his recitation of the Quran, or who was known for his charity, then what will happen Allah will call him on the day of judgment, remind him of the favors that he bestowed upon him and ask him, What did you do? He will say, Oh Allah, I learned your book, I read it. Oh Allah, you gave me money, I gave it to others. And Allah will say phyto. Leo, Allah, you did it so that you will be mentioned, walk up pillar and you weren't mentioned, you were spoken off, meaning you got your award in the world. You didn't do it for Allah. So on the Day of Judgment, there is no reward for such people. The Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I know of people from my ummah, who will come on the Day of Judgment with good deeds like that of the mountain of the hammer, or the mountain of the hammer. How big is it Allahu Allah, but mountain, it's clear that these deeds are not a few, there are many huge, but Allah will turn them into scattered dust. Allah will turn them into her bad omen surah the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Beware, they are your brothers, they're of your skin, meaning they look just like you. They're very similar to you. They take a portion of the night for worship just as you do. But they are a people who when they are alone, they indulge in forbidden matters, they
indulge in forbidden matters. So because of this, what will happen, their good deeds will be destroyed on the Day of Judgment. Now this is specifically talks about who those who do not believe in the hereafter their deeds will be destroyed. But in this is a lesson for us also, that even if we believe in the hereafter, but we're not doing our deeds with the right intention, then those deeds are worthless. They're not going to count on the Day of Judgment, they're not going to bring any benefit to a person on the day of judgment. And this is something that is so any hurtful, just think about it if you do something with so much effort. Just imagine if you bake a cake, you put the icing
everything you decorate it, and then what happens? It folds just imagine if it falls. What are you going to do? What are you going to do?
Recently I saw a child took a box of apple pie. All right, and the apple pie was just the tray. Okay, straight out of the oven. Nice and warm, mean, delicious. Humble. I was storebought. Okay, because if somebody made it at home, what happened? Grab that tray and it fell literally upside down. Literally upside down. You can imagine what happened to that pie.
Just imagine.
So imagine if you make something with all your heart, you put in so much effort and it turns into dust.
Why do you think when the part of the house is burned, or if it gets ruined somehow? Why do you think they're hurt because first of all, such a huge financial loss. But more than that, it's that sentimental value that that house had because
work that you do passionately, when you've put your heart your blood, your sweat your mind everything into it. And if it brings you nothing, it's very hurtful.
drops, yes, that all year round, you're working really hard in a particular subject. And at the end, you weren't able to write your test really well. And what happens you fail. Or you get a D or something, it's so hurtful. Or just imagine you do an assignment or a project or something and like really mean teacher, they literally take your sheet, your paper, your test paper, your assignment, your project, and they're just crumpled it up and throw it in the garbage, not acceptable. You would sue such a teacher
isn't it? I mean, you do something, you will take some action against that teacher that how could you treat me like that? But what can a person do on the Day of Judgment when their deeds are destroyed like this? This is why it's so important that whatever we do, we do it with the alcohol in mind. We do it with the hereafter in mind, we do it for the sake of Allah because otherwise, we are only harming ourselves as horrible Jana, the companions of paradise, Yama, even that day, meaning on the Day of Judgment, the people of paradise, they will be higher on musta Koran, they will be better in mystical what is Mr. Call a place of stay residence.
So they will be in a better settlement that day. They will be in a better place that day, a place where they will stay forever. Well, I salute Makayla, and they will be in a better accent more beautiful, better, muggy resting place. This is beautiful. mcneilus from the root letters off your alarm.
They Lola what is a Lola?
afternoon nap. All right, basically, when the day is long, and it's very, very hot. And you've been up since morning. Then what happens? Do you need an afternoon nap? Yes, you do. But can you afford an afternoon nap every day? Can you? You can't. I mean in Ramadan, especially what happened? Even though you are up most of the night, and you were up since morning, you hardly had any sleep. Being able to sleep during the day was a luxury, luxury. Why? Because either you have to be at work or at school or you have children or you have so much work to do that you cannot map. And those of you who could now Lucky you, honestly, lucky you because everybody was not able to. You could sleep in until
1112. But everybody was able to people have to be at work at 8am 9am. Right? So by never being able to nap during the day is really a luxury. So never take it for granted. Never ever take it for granted if you're able to take a nap. Now, what does it mean that people in general will be in a better resting place, meaning they will nap? Why? Why does a person need to nap either because it's really hot. You can't go outside? And when you're indoors? How much work? Can you do you end up you know falling asleep? Or because you're tired? Does this mean that in Jannah there will be a lot of heat or that people will get tired because of which they will nap? No. This is not the meaning.
What this refers to is the initial nap that people have done that will take on arriving in paradise. Because Saeed bin Jubair. He said that Allah will finish the judgment halfway through the day, and the people of Paradise will take their midday rest in paradise. All right, meaning this is when they will arrive in Jana. Because we learned that the day of judgment, yes, it is very long. The wait is very long, but once the judgment will begin, like for example, think of it as mourning, the judgment begins hisab begins by the time of afternoon nap, the whole hisab is done. This is why we learned that Allah is city Recep swift in taking the account, it will not take him long to take the hisab of
all human beings, it will not take him long. So by the time people will enter general, it will be the time off by Lulu then we also learn about a certain group of people that will hide your own. All right, that will hide your own, that how a group of them will be the first group to enter Jannah and when they will enter Jannah they will have taken kalola of 40 years before the rest of mankind will enter Jannah Can you imagine? They do that? 40 years. I mean some
about if they're given that chance to sleep for 40 years, they would perhaps do it. Right? It's only because of their parents or their siblings or the work or because they have to eat or because they have to use the bathroom that they have to wake up otherwise. I mean, especially me, for example, I love to sleep. I love to sleep. If I was given the chance I would sleep, but I cannot. It's not possible because you have to get up and do your work and look after your children and basically make use of your life because you know that life is short. Right? You can't afford to sleep forever. But imagine just the initial thing that will be how long? Have 40 years?
40 years, just imagine. And besides people in Ghana, they have no worries, right? I mean, just think about it. Many times it happens that when you have a week off, what happens you spend most of your time doing what? Sleeping,
isn't it? Why? Because you have no work to do you have no worries you can afford to rest. So people in general, they will rest. Why? Because they're tired. No. Why? Because they can
because they can. Nobody's going to disturb them. Nobody's going to bother them. There is no work, no worries, no tension, nothing whatsoever, relaxed so they can sleep whenever they want. Well, I Sonoma Keela. Now over here, Allah subhanho data points out the situation of the people of Ghana. In contrast to that of the criminals,
that the people of Ghana where will they be hydel MR. CULLEN will Arsenal Mikayla and the other group of people what will happen to their deeds destroyed demolished turned into dust? This is why intro to how should I add 20 Allah says layer still we have a nerdy with us how will Jana the people of the fire and the people of Jana? They're not the same? Not at all. There's no way us how will generally you will fire is on it's the people of Ghana who will be successful. Why? Because on the Day of Judgment, they will not face any harm in total MBI a 103. We learned les Arizona when Will Ferrell Akbar, they will not be grieved by the greatest terror. Allah will keep them safe. And then
in general, they will have no fear so they will rest as long as they want undisturbed way over and on the day. The Chicago summer the Chicago it will rent asunder it will break open Chien path of shock What a shock mean? Chicago is basically a torn piece, right a torn piece of something. So the shokaku when it will be ripped apart when it will be torn apart when it will be cleft. What will be ripped apart a summer the sky meaning the sky will not be on the day of government as you see it right now. Right now what do you see blue sky gray sky white sky yellow sky, whatever color it is off, but it is continuous. It's just face above us. But on the day of judgment, it will be
different. It will be torn and what will happen it will tear apart build
with the clouds. What does it mean by this? Meaning it will tear apart it will split open and clouds shall emerge. Clouds shall emerge. And when New Zealand Mala Iike to and the angels shall be descended and Zilla in successive descent, meaning the angels will then appear before people. Right now, there is a barrier between us and the world of the angels, meaning we cannot see them. But on the day of judgment, what will happen these barriers will be broken and the sky will be torn apart and the angels shall come down appearing before people into the rock man i A 37 Wheeler for even shocked with the summer or for cannot well Dayton cut the hand when the sky shall split open and
will become rose colored like oil. Just imagine the color of the sky will be completely different in through the Buchla i 210 Allah says, me and Luna INLA yet to whom Allah houfy Luna liminal Hama, one Mala Iike are they waiting but Allah should come to them in covers of clouds and the angels as well.
So on the Day of Judgment, what will happen?
These clouds will come and the angels will descend and notice the word 10 zeal what distance will mean gradually descend meaning one group after the other one soft one roll after the other and what will happen then hisab shall take place. I'll Monaco true sovereignty. l MOLKO. You see l over here though it gives the meaning of absolute complete total
Total more true sovereignty Yama even that day I'll have to unhelpful meaning in reality will be for who live Rahman it will be for the Most Merciful. It will be for Allah subhanaw taala exclusively in this world what happens? Do people have authority?
Do they have power? Yes, many people do. Right? But on the day of judgment, absolute total authority, authority that will be of HAc meaning in reality, meaning it will be evident that only Allah rules only Allah has power today, it will be for who only have a man What can a young woman and ever will that day be Arlen Catherine on the disbelievers are see law very difficult, meaning that day shall be very, very difficult for those who disbelief. I see from their letters, I ain't seen the wrong URL. So it's the opposite off. Use use it is when something is easy, and arrested is difficulty. I see. One that is difficult, tough, harsh, very difficult should eat Ray your seat it
will not be easy. Meaning Firstly, its length. It won't be easy. It won't be easy for the disbelievers, then it's varities it sufferings, fears that it will bring the scenes that they will be made to see what they will be made to hear all of that will be very, very difficult for the disbelievers on the Day of Judgment. What do we learn in this ayah? Two main things? First of all, we learn that on the Day of Judgment, authority will be for who? Allah alone, Maliki Yomi Dean, he is the sovereign of the Day of Judgment, the only one in power that day. So on the Day of Judgment, people cannot say that, Oh, I was a king. I was a president, I was a judge. I was a lawyer, I was
the mother, I was the one with most authority. So let me decide no way. Not at all. Because each person will come on the day of judgment as a servant humbled alone, with nothing empty handed, so weak, and such a pathetic state that people will not even have clothes. Isn't that what we learned from the Hadees? That people will come completely empty handed? Just imagine, you know, for example, you could have a lot of money. But if you don't have your wallet,
if you don't have your wallet, when you're checking out of a store when you're leaving the store, can you take anything with you?
No. And it's so embarrassing, isn't it? So embarrassing that when you have a cart full of groceries, all right, everything has been scanned, and you are asked to pay for the groceries and what happens you realize you don't have any money.
It happened with me once my children, they have this habit of like of taking my debit card, okay, they love my debit card. So many times it happens that when I'm checking out, I realized I don't have my debit card.
And I happened to be at a grocery store once and I realized, I don't have my debit card. Now, first of all, all that time and effort that you've put in in collecting all those groceries, and then standing there having each and every item scanned and then bagged. And then you can't find your card, what are you meant to do?
So I have to request them to please hold the groceries, run back home, get our money and then pig. So just imagine this is so difficult, that you have nothing with you. So on the Day of Gathering people who will have nothing with them, the only thing that will help a person is what it says deeds, actions and actions, deeds. They're so embarrassing. I
mean, if right next to your name, your actions are written,
your character is described Isn't that so embarrassing to even listen to, or to even read, which is why people when they're writing their resumes, they try to glorify what they have done. Right? They write it up in very flowery language, that it looks nice because in reality, they know what their actions are like, they know what their accomplishments are like. Right? Like for example, it could have been written that okay, so until a person has graduated or has this degree, but you're not going to write your grade or you're not going to write your what is the GPA or something. Right? You're not going to write that. Why? Because it's embarrassing.
But on the day of judgment, what is that's going to be with the person, just their deeds. Secondly, and we learn a hadith that on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will fold up the sky isn't his right hand and we'll take the
It's in his other hand and he will say, I am the Malik and Malik and the Yan, I am the sovereign, I am the judge, where are the kings of the earth? Where are the tyrants? Where are the arrogant, only Allah will have authority. Secondly, what we learned in this ayah is that that day shall be a very difficult day for the disbelievers. However, it will be easy for the believer.
The prophets of Allah Salam said, there's a hadith for Muslims. I declare on oath by Allah in whose hand is my life, that the long difficult day of judgment will be made very short and light for a believer as short and light as the time taken in offering an obligatory prayer. This is how easy it will be for a believer just imagine from Salah How long does it take? You know, from Salah especially, it's easy when you compare the four raka of sunnah with the fourfold what's easy.
What's easy, the four five or the four sunnah. Fold is always easy,
isn't it? It's always easy to the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, the length of the Day of Judgment will be just like that for a believer. Has anyone ever happened that you find yourself in a situation where you have to wait for a very long time? You keep yourself busy. You're reading your phone, you're reading a book, you're doing vicar and what happens? You're able to, you know, wait patiently. But the same one hour is so difficult for other people. Why? Because you've got nothing to do. Like for example, children. Right? You can sit for an hour and wait. But children canvas it for an hour? No way. That hour is like a whole day for them.
Isn't it? What's the difference? One is occupied and the other is not occupied. What happens in an airplane, sometimes a flight is 10 hours long. Some people they're so restless every now and then getting up walking back and forth. Right always checking the time and other people. They've got a list of movies that they want to watch. So for them the time is actually short.
So you see in this world, you you see this difference in people that however some people waiting is easy and for others it's difficult. On the Day of Judgment waiting will be very easy for some people it will be very light for some people and for others it will be very, very difficult
and so to resemble is 17 We learn for caverta Takota Inca photo, yo Mejia journal wilderness Sheba, then how can you protect yourself if you disbelieve? How can you protect yourself if you disbelieve the day that will make the children white haired?
It will make the children white hair so difficult is that day into the Modesitt is eight to 10 we learn for either no payoff in Nalco for Danica Yama, Aden Yamuna seed Island Katherina Valeriya seed when the trumpet is blown, that day will be a difficult day for the disbelievers it will not be easy.
Can we listen to the recitation all
y'all June and you all
love all these clothes
more we will do one
yo male own
even call your
role son will not be healer. Well Natasha.
help pull you off.