Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 176B Tafsir Al-Nur 11

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of privacy and privacy when traveling is highlighted, including false accusations made by a woman named Bell and the negative impact of the Prophet sallavi on people's behavior. The need for privacy and privacy to avoid becoming embarrassed is emphasized, along with the importance of sharing privacy to avoid becoming embarrassed. The negative impact of human mistakes on people's lives and communities, including forgiveness and forgetting the people who do not want to be heard, is also highlighted. The Surah and ultimate test for one's guilty status is also discussed, along with the consequences of actions taken by one of one's friends and acknowledging the consequences of others' actions.

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			sutra to know we will begin from iron number 11.
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			In the Lavina indeed those people who, Joe they came bill if key with the falsehood, those people
who came up with the falsehood those people who invented the falsehood, who are they? Allah says
they are rose by two men come, they are a group among you.
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			And this if this big lie letter Cebu do not think of it, shall Allah come as evil for you? This
whole lie that came up this whole slander that came up, don't think of it as something evil for you.
Why? Because Bell rather who were hired on Lacan, it was in fact, good for you. It wasn't bad for
you, it was actually good for you, something that hurts you so much, but still there was good in it.
Now, what is this, if what is this lie that Allah subhanaw taala is referring to in this ayah I
shall Dillo on her she narrative. This incident is reported in many books of Hadith, it's found in
Behati. It's found in western, there's no doubt about its authenticity, I shall do lo Ana, she said
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			that whenever the Prophet salallahu Salam would go on a journey, whenever he would go on any
expedition, he would take along with him, one of his wives. All right. Now, obviously, so many of
them, he couldn't take them along with him on every trip, right? So he had to choose one. So how
would he choose which one would accompany him on the journey, he would draw lots between them. So
you know, for example, putting everybody's name on a piece of paper, right? And then tossing those
pieces of paper together and just picking one, right? So he drew lots somehow not paper, but somehow
he drew lots. So whoever's name would come up. All right, she would accompany the profits on a lot
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			of them on that trip. I was just thinking that how loving was Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam that when
he traveled, even if it was for a few days, even if it was for a battle, he would take one of his
wives with him.
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			Why do you think he would take one of his wives with him? Because they also need to go, right? I
mean, generally what happens? The wife is just at home, watching the kids, right? Doing all the
daily mundane chores, and the husband is having a great time going to a HELOC or going to a class
traveling here going there. And the poor wife is just stuck in one, you know, vicious cycle almost
that she's just sucked into. There is no escape for her. But the profits on a lot is alum. What did
he do? Every trip he would take a long one wife with him, because she also needs to travel. She also
needs to go out and see the world and experience and learn because you learn from experience what
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			you don't learn at home.
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			So she said that when the Prophet sallallahu sallam was going on a particular expedition, my name
came up so I went along with him. Now what was his expedition? This happened after the Battle of
Honda. Alright, and the Battle of conduct the Battle of the Trench was in the sixth year. And this
particular expedition is known as the expedition of Burnham was Talaq, right. So on this expedition,
the prophets that a lot of them took along with him, I shall do a lot more on her. And she said that
this was after the commandment of hijab had been revealed, because the commandment of hijab was
revealed right after the Battle of conduct the Battle of the Trench, so little Zab was revealed at
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			that time, and through to serve as the Ayat of hijab. So in other words, when she went on this
journey, she was observing hijab, all right. Now she said that we traveled the Prophet sallallahu
sallam, he completed his campaign and then we were on our way back to Medina. She said that as we
approached Medina, we stopped for a little while. Right. So they stopped for a little while, and
after some time when the announcement was made that Okay, everybody got ready. We're going to start
going again, we're going to travel again, we're going to make our way to Medina. I should have the
low Martin has said that I went to use the bathroom. All right, because before starting the journey,
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			she wanted to relieve herself. So she quickly went to use the bathroom. All right. And when she came
back, she felt her chest and she realized that her necklace was not there.
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			Do you see anything interesting over here? She's traveling and what is she wearing? A necklace, and
she's wearing the necklace even though she's wearing hijab. So what does that mean? She's wearing
hijab, but under the hijab is is the necklace under the hijab is not unwashed hair. All right,
uncombed here, all right under the hijab is not dirty clothes or pajamas. What is she wearing under
the hijab? Jewelry, and if she's wearing jewelry under hijab, that means she's nicely dressed as
well. Even though she is traveling
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			even though she is traveling
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			anyway, so she said that she felt her necklace was not there. So she realized it had fallen
somewhere. So what did she do? She returned in order to find her necklace. Now what happened? She
comes back and she sees everybody has gone.
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			Everybody had left. Now why is it that they didn't notice that she was not there because she was
traveling in a holder? What is a holder, it's like a box kind of a thing. Not really a box, but like
a special seat. All right, with the covering on top and also on the sides, so that you're not in the
sun. All right. And also so that she could have privacy if she wants to take her hijab off. You
know, she can sit relaxed, all right. When basically people are camped somewhere, they take the
holder off the camel. All right. So that means that when they were leaving, they had to pick up the
holder and put it back on the camel. So she said that the people put it back and they didn't realize
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			that I was not inside. What does that mean?
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			She was very lightweight. She wore hijab, but she was fit.
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			All right, she was fit. Because sometimes what happens is that with big hijabs, we, because
everything is covered, right, everything's hidden. So we don't care about our bodies. We don't care.
Because when we're going out, we just cover everything up. And we don't care about the health of our
body. So anyway, I show below. I know she said that she was very light at that time. And in
particular, she explained that at that time, people only ate mouthfuls of food. We didn't have much
to eat. So because of that reason, also, she was very light. So when they put the holder on the
camel, they didn't realize that she was not there. Now what happened when she comes back? She says
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			everybody's gone. And what did she do? She said that I came back to the place where we had stopped,
and I just sat there. Right? So where her camel was, that is where she sat thinking that eventually
they're going to realize I'm missing and they're going to come back to look for me. And when they
come back to look for me, they better find me here and not somewhere else in the desert. Anything
interesting over here that you notice.
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			She doesn't wander off herself. Rather she stops right there. Because she knows that eventually they
will realize she was missing and they're gonna come look for her. And when they come look for her,
obviously, they're gonna go back on their tracks. So she'd rather be on those tracks. Right? So she
stayed there. She said that I was waiting. I sat there and I fell asleep. So what does that mean? It
took quite a while. Alright, so anyway, she fell asleep. She said that all of a sudden she heard
someone saying in that Illa he was in LA he Raji Arun, she heard a man saying to Allah we belong
unto Allah we shall return. When do you say this? When a disaster has happened, right? Who was this
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			man that said in that Allah who were in LA Roger on it was the companion of the Prophet salallahu
Salam Safwan little the Allahu Anhu what was the one of the Lauren who doing over there? His job was
basically to be behind the army or behind the caravan. All right, that was his job. So he would
always be behind the caravan. Why? To make sure that nothing had been forgotten, nothing had been
left. And if something needed to be, you know, picked up or something, then that was his job. Right?
So So one of the one who he came by this place, and he finds I should have the logo on her sleeping
over there. So basically, you recognized her, even though she was wearing hijab, or at that time
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			when she was sleeping, her hijab must have been off, right meaning her face was exposed. So he
recognized her because he had seen her before she covered herself. So what happened I should have a
low on her said by Allah. He did not speak a word to me after that. He did not say anything. He
didn't address me. He didn't say anything to me. All he did was he brought his camel brought it to
me. I sat on the camel, the camel stood up, it started walking, he was leading the camel. And that
was it. The entire trip was how was done in pure silence. Not a word from him. Not a word from me.
Nothing at all. He was quiet the whole time. And then eventually, by law time, they caught up with
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			the Muslims meaning with the prophets of Allah and Islam with the army. And then they traveled back
to Medina. So I should have the lower on her got home. Now what happened when she got home, she
became sick. Right? And it happens many times. You travel, you got back, and you're sick. Right? So
she said she was sick, and she was sick for about a whole month.
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			And she said that I had no idea what was going on. I had no idea what the people were talking about.
I was sick. But I noticed something that the prophets have a lot is that it was not this the way he
used to be with me. Meaning there was something in the air there were some, you know, discomfort in
the air. There were some awkward
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			Notice he was not as open with me it was like as if he was upset or preoccupied with something.
There was something not right. But she did not confront the Prophet sallallahu wasallam? Nor did he
bring anything up because she was ill. She was unwell.
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			Does that teach us anything?
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			Does that teach us anything?
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			What does it teach us?
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			Be considerate, that even if there's something that you want to talk about with the other person, if
they've got a headache, they're tired after a whole day's work. Right? They're stressed out because
of their work. Don't, you know, stress them out more? By confronting them or by talking to them
about their problems? Or about your problems rather, right? You should talk to them about their
problems. But about your problems? Why worry them even more? Many times it happens with husband and
wife, right that the husband comes home extremely tired and exhausted. And what does the wife do?
You know, the son of ours.
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			He's really stressing me out. And by the way, you have to fill the gas in my car. And by the way, I
haven't had a carwash since like, a month, my car is filthy inside out. And this weekend, make sure
you clean my car, or guy has been waiting for the weekend. He's been waiting for the evening, and
you give him a whole list of things to do to stress him out even more. So what does he do to shut
you out? He turns the TV on really loud. And then you come and say low
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			level, you know level? What is level? Useless, vain talk, right? And then you said turn that off,
turn that off. There's music, there's this, there's that turn that off? You're wasting your time go
read Quran, when is the last time you picked up a two hour book? Right? You make him feel bad. So
what does he do? He leaves the living room, he goes into the basement. And then you follow him in
the basement. Then he says you know what, I better get out. So he goes out. He avoids you even more
because he doesn't want more work dumped on him. He doesn't want to, you know, feel guilty about the
fact that he's relaxing. Look at the profits or loss of eyeshadow on a whole month passes by. And by
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			the way, what's on the profits on the Waltons mind is something very, very serious, as you will
learn, but he doesn't talk to our shadow below on her because she is sick. He doesn't want her to
feel stressed out about it. Because she's sick. And I should allow on her also, she doesn't bring it
up because of the Prophet sallallahu sallam was holding something back there must be a reason.
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			There must be a reason. And what happens generally, when two people are friends are husband and wife
or you have to tell me everything, everything. And then the other person is made to feel bad that
there should be no you know, secrets.
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			You see, there should be privacy, not secrecy. What is privacy that everyone has their own, you
know, space.
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			Everyone needs their own space. But what is important what is necessary to be shared? Of course that
should be shared. So anyway, I shall the Lord has has a whole month passes by and all my sense is
that there's some awkwardness with the prophets. Allah loves him. There's something and he's not
talking about it, but she didn't confront him. So what happened? She said one night, I went out with
one of her friends, right and she was ohm. Mr. Right, one of the companions of the prophets. Allah
loves him is that he had come from Makkah, he had done hijra, and his mother, right, she was with
Aisha Lavanya. So they both went out at night to use the bathroom.
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			So she said that we were on our way back and Ole Miss thaw. She basically, you know, her foot or
something got caught in her clothes, and she almost tripped. All right. So when that happened, she
said something bad about Mr. Her son. And what is it that she said? may mistake be ruined?
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			All right. So Mr. She's walking. She almost trips. And she says Mister be ruined. All right. And why
is it that she said that? What's the connection over here? You see when there's something bothering
you in your mind? Right? There's something bothering you. Then what happens when you get hurt? All
your worries, they become fresh. Right? So this means that Mr. had done something which Ole Miss was
very upset about. All right. And so when she got hurt, she said May Mr. Han be ruined. So I shall go
no, I'm as she said, What are you saying? What a bad thing you have said? Why are you saying that
your own son be ruined? are you abusing a man who was present at Buddle? Mr. was president doesn't.
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			He witnessed the Battle of other wire? You're saying something bad about him and what's the
connection over here? Right. So Mr. said, Have you not heard what Mr. has said? Do you not know what
he's been saying?
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			She said what did he say? What's going on? So then Oh Mr. Told I showed the low on her what had been
going on since the past month since the time that she had returned from the expedition of banana
masala. And what was it that had happened? That when. So one of the last one who was joining the
Muslims, the Muslim army, and I should have the lower Unha was writing his camel.
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			And the two were seen approaching
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			Abdullah even obey who was he the chief hypocrite. He said that something bad has happened here.
Meaning he basically accused both of them off adultery, or fornication.
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			Or the Leben obey the chief of the hypocrites. He said that the two have done something wrong.
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			You know, this was a whole scheme. She stayed behind deliberately. And he also stayed behind
deliberately and something bad happened and now they're coming back.
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			So I'm delivering obey said this about who the wife of the Prophet salallahu Salam Omen what meaning
he said this about software, not Hello, Arne, who? The great companion of Rasulullah sallallahu
wasallam. And when he said this, what happened? Many people were just quiet. They were just shocked
that what has even said
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			and many others were like, possible. Generally, this is the reaction right? When somebody accuses
someone, right of something that has no basis. Many people, they become quiet. And many people they
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			They join how that they pass on what they have heard.
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			They pass on what they have heard. So this was an accusation. And then it turned into a rumor and
this rumor it spread in Medina, many people were talking about it. But in particular, there were
three companions of the Prophet saw a lot of them three Muslims, and there were sincere believers.
All right, who participated in this meeting who said this about I showed the low on her end
software, and we'll do a lot more on who. So when I showed the lower enhanced, learned about this,
that for a whole month, this is what people have been talking about. And this is why Rasulullah
sallallahu is so quiet. And people think that I have done this. How could they think like this about
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			me? She was so distressed that she became even more ill. She said, I went home and I wept and wept,
and I got even more ill. And she said when the prophets of Allah said him came home that evening,
she said, How is the lady? Meaning he asked, I should have the loan? How are you doing? But he
didn't address her directly in the first person that how are you? He said, How was the lady. And
this shows that there's something you know, in his heart that he's not totally comfortable with her.
So I showed the loan on her, she said that please allow me to go to my parents house. I would like
to go and stay with my parents for a few days until I get better. And then I will return. Notice
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			something over here. I should have to lower and HUD does not confront the Prophet sallallahu said
about this matter at all. She doesn't talk to him about this at all. Why? Because she said I wanted
to confirm this information from my parents first. I wanted to know if what Oh, Mr. had told me was
even true in the first place.
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			You see our shoulder the one over here? Just because somebody said something to her. Yes, it's
hurtful. Yes, possibly. It's true. But she doesn't accept it. She doesn't believe in it. 100% Unless
and until she has confirmed it from someone else. And she doesn't confirm it from the profits of the
laws. And I'm because she knows that this is a matter that concerns him also.
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			Right? She doesn't want to bring anything up. So she goes to her parents house. When she goes to her
parents house. She speaks to her mother. And when her mother confirms that, yes, this is what people
have been talking about. I showed the logo on her. She said Subhanallah are the people really
talking about that? And she said she wept through the whole night until morning. She said my tears
would not stop. I could not sleep at all. And the whole night passed. The morning came and I was
still crying.
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			And my mother comforted me that yeah, I should be easy on yourself. For what Allah He never does a
good man, love his wife as much as yours, except that people talk about her. Meaning people love
that your husband loves you. And your husband is Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam people know that
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			and whenever a wife is loved by her husband, then what will happen? People will talk about her
people will come up with one thing or another to ruin their relationship. So ignore this
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			So I shattered the low on her she was extremely distressed about this matter. What happened the
Prophet sallallahu sallam, during this time this whole month, know where he came, no revelation came
concerning this matter. So basically he was in the dark about this also he had no clue actually
happened whether this accusation was true, whether it was not true, he had no idea. But he knew for
sure that Abdullah bin obey. When he started this, what is he doing? Basically, he's taking revenge
from the prophets that Allah is Allah,
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			because he wants to be even with him, right? Because remember, this is after the sixth year and so
far the hypocrites have done much. And many Ayat have been revealed in the Quran, exposing the
hypocrites, and Abdullah bin obey is losing his, you know, fame in Medina, people don't respect him,
don't love him, don't listen to him as much as they used to before. So he basically wants to attack
the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he wants to get even with him. So the Prophet said, a lot of send them
he was in the masjid and he consulted the companions. He said, Who can help me against this our
beloved obey because he has hurt me concerning my family. He's now attacking my family. And he's
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			accusing a man meaningful for another low iron, who, about whom we only know good meeting, this man
has a very good reputation. But our beloved obey has started this and he's going on and on about
this rumor, he's spreading it. And this rumor is gaining momentum. Something needs to be done,
someone needs to stop him.
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			So what happened this particular confining side been we're also low on who he wasn't in Saudi, he
stood up and he said, Yeah, rasool Allah, allow me, allow me, I will deal with this man, I will
finish him. So basically said, I'll kill him. All right. Now this was something very serious,
because killing a person just like that is something not acceptable, especially if that person
claims to be a Muslim. All right. But remember that on the other hand, our beloved obey, he had many
relatives in Medina. And remember that Arabs, they had this tribal system, right? So if someone was
from your tribe, even if they're in a different religion, right, even if you have disagreements with
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			them, even if you hate them, you disagree with them, you will still support them. So certain other
companions who are from the same tribe as that of our beloved obey district, and they said, No way,
you cannot do anything to him. You cannot harm him. You cannot say anything to him. And now other
companions stood up. So basically, there was a big fight going on in the masjid and the prophets of
Allah Islam is just quiet. And then he silenced them, he calmed them down, for basically nothing
came about from that discussion.
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			All right. Now the Prophet sallallahu Sallam consulted two of his companions, he spoke to a little
Dilawar and who he said early, what do you think? What do you say? Because you see, there is no
where he coming? No guidance from Allah subhanaw taala is coming concerning this matter. So the
prophets on a lot of sentiment speaking to the people who are close to him, so he spoke to a little
below one who are a little Dilawar and who said something very interesting. He said, Your son Allah,
you know, she's just one wife of yours. You can divorce her. And if you do, no loss here, right,
Allah will give you someone better.
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			Okay. Now, this is the reason why, by the way, later on, I shall deliver on her whenever she
mentioned our little DeLorean who had anything she doesn't take his name.
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			She doesn't take his name. She says, Amen.
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			Amen. She doesn't take his name. Why? Because she was deeply offended by what I needed to learn who
said, All right, that how could he even suggest that the prophets of Allah has led him to divorce
me? Okay. But if you think about it a little below. I know he said this, not because he had
something against I shoulda low on her, but simply because he didn't want to see the profits on a
lot of them in that stress. Right? Because if you think about it, the situation was so unique. I
mean, the accusation did not carry any weight. The only way that guilt could be established was if
there was confession. Right, but neither of them were confessing. But at the same time, this was a
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			very big accusation. And this is something that creates distrust between husband and wife. And if
there's distrust, then how can there be happiness? How can a person be relaxed at home? So earlier
below, one who was basically giving away out to the profits of a lot of somebody else who alleges
simply divorce her, you'll be fine. It's okay, you'll be fine. And He further said that, you know,
if you really want to know more about her, then you should speak to those who are closest to her to
find out about her reputation and her habits, right, even though her husband knows his wife really
well. But still, her friends know her. Right? A woman who knows her best, her husband, and also her
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			friends. So I need a little arm who suggested that? Yes, we'll let you speak to her friends. And he
suggested in particular buddy law, who was Videla, the freed slave of
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			I should have low on her but she loved her so much that she was to stay with I should have the low
on her and she used to serve her and everything. So basically burrito the low one high is called,
and she is now being interrogated. Have you seen anything about Ayesha? That is wrong. That is not
good. Have you sensed anything ever? That would suggest that perhaps she did do this right that this
accusation is true. So but you know, she's so scared. She cannot think of anything. You know, any
sin or anything negative about Aisha Lorna, she cannot recall anything at all. So what does she say?
She says something very cute. She says Wallahi I have not seen anything from her. Except that
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			sometimes she's supposed to need the door. And she falls asleep. And the God comes and eats the door
when she sleeps.
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			That's the only thing. Negative that Barbara can come up with about I should have Lauren.
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			Right. That's the only thing that she can complain about. To her husband, about Arshad Lorna. I
mean, I was just thinking that if I was in her place, there will be a list of problems. She does
this. She says this, she does this, she says this, But I shouldn't do the line. What is her only
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			in the mind of Medina, that when she has to knead the dough, she leaves it, she falls asleep and God
comes and eats it up. That's the mistake that Aisha makes. Anyway, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is
quiet, he does not say anything. What happens?
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			The Prophet sallallahu Sallam he goes to see I should have blow Erna at the house of Abu Bakr right
in her parents house. And when he goes to her, he basically asks her that yeah Isha.
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			I have been told such and such thing about you. Meaning people have said this about you, that you
have committed evil with someone.
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			If you are innocent, Allah will expose your innocence.
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			Meaning Don't worry, then you don't need to worry at all. If you're innocent. If you haven't done
anything wrong. You don't need to worry Allah will clarify your innocence. He will expose your
innocence he will reveal it. But if you have committed a sin if then seek Allah's forgiveness and
turn in repentance to him, for when a servant confesses his sin and repent to Allah, Allah accepts
his repentance.
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			You see over here, the Prophet salallahu Salam, what he saved your eyeshadow, Lorna, he's not
assuming anything.
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			He's not assuming anything. But the fact that he is suggesting Toba even what does it show his love
for Asha, that even if something bad has happened, you just do Toba? Leave it. Just don't stay in
that sin do Toba and look at the hope that he is giving her if something bad has happened. Do Toba
and Allah He accepts repentance. Meaning doesn't matter how great the sin is. Do Toba. Allah accept
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			And see how the prophets have a lot of time is almost taking himself out of the picture completely.
00:28:14 --> 00:28:50
			Because a man I mean, he has lira, he has some protective jealousy for his wife. If a man is even
told or your wife was sitting next to this man, what happens to him gets angry, how dare you and you
will go and smack her and lock her up in the house and take the car keys away and check her phone
and not trust her with anything. Look at how the Prophet saw a lot of sentiments literally taking
himself out of the equation. And he's just treating it as I should have the lower in house problem
that if this has happened, if you haven't done anything, you're innocent, Allah will make that fear.
If you are guilty, then do Toba. This is a matter between you and your Lord. Do Toba and Allah will
00:28:51 --> 00:28:52
			accept your repentance.
00:28:53 --> 00:29:04
			So I shall go on huh? What did she do? She was quiet. And then she said to her father, please
respond to the Prophet Silvanus. And meaning you say something. I'm not saying anything.
00:29:05 --> 00:29:16
			And this shows that she was upset. Alright. Her father says, I don't know what to say. I don't have
anything to say. So she says to her mother, you say something.
00:29:17 --> 00:29:48
			Meaning somebody speak and my defense. Somebody takes it with me, please. Who's going to speak up
for me? Father is quiet mother is quiet. And then I showed the low on her. She said that even though
I was really young, and I had not really memorized much of the Quran. But I said, By Allah, I know
that you have heard so much of the story, that it has become planted in your minds and you have
started to believe in it.
00:29:49 --> 00:29:55
			That you have heard it over and over and over again. And now you almost believe in it.
00:29:56 --> 00:29:59
			So now if I tell you that I am innocent, and Allah knows that
00:30:00 --> 00:30:42
			I am innocent, you won't believe me. You won't take my word for it. But if I admit something to you,
and Allah knows that I am innocent, if I do admit, you will believe me. They understand that if I
tell you I'm innocent, you're not going to believe me. But if I tell you I'm guilty, you will
believe me. So it's not about what I say. It's because you've heard this over and over and over
again that you started to believe in yourselves. She said, By Allah, I cannot find any example to
give you except for that which the Prophet uses father said, for sovereign Jamil will Allahu Musa
Allah mythos. Lee Fong. She's quoting the Quran over here for southern Jamia beautiful patients, and
00:30:42 --> 00:30:57
			Allah's help is sought over that which you make up meaning the lie that you are saying, the lie that
people have said about me, I only seek Allah's help against that, and I am going to observe
beautiful patients, sovereign Jimmy.
00:30:58 --> 00:31:38
			So I shuffled the low on her. She said, I just turned my face away after that, and I lay down on my
bed. So basically, she wasn't looking at anybody. She turned her back towards everybody. And she was
laying down on her bed, she was still ill. And she said that my tears just stopped. My tears just
stopped. No more tears were coming. My eyes were just completely dry. And what happened? The
prophets of Allah sent and received what he at that time, he received revelation Angel Jibreel bra,
Kalam Allah to him, I should have known her said that I knew that I was innocent and I knew that
Allah subhanaw taala would reveal my innocence. But I thought that maybe the prophets of Allah
00:31:38 --> 00:31:43
			Listen, would you see a dream, right? Or something like that would happen that would show to him
that I was innocent.
00:31:45 --> 00:32:35
			I never thought that Allah would reveal Quran concerning my case. She said I considered myself to be
too small, too insignificant, to insignificant that Allah would reveal Quran in my case, but Allah
revealed Quran in my case, and the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when the wastop He said Be glad la
SHA, Allah has declared your innocence because these Ayato revealed on Rasul allah sallallahu Sallam
at that time. He said, Be glad Allah has declared your innocence. So I should have the lower and
he's just laying there shocked, quiet, what just happened? It seriously Allah revealed my innocence.
So her mother, she says to him, Get up and go to your husband, and thank him. She said, By Allah, I
00:32:35 --> 00:32:40
			will not go to him. And I will not praise anyone except Allah.
00:32:41 --> 00:33:08
			May he be glorified, for he is the one who has proved my innocence. Allah is the One who has proven
my innocence. So I will praise and glorify only him at this point, I sought only his help, and he
alone helped me. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed these ayat, What are these ayat Allah says in the
Levina indeed those people who Jeru Bill iski, who came up with the F
00:33:09 --> 00:33:22
			F, what does F mean lie Hamza calf, Africa, Africa is to change the manner or to change the state or
the direction of something
00:33:23 --> 00:33:43
			right, it is to change the manner the state the direction of something that it was originally upon,
right. So change it away from that. And from this the word if is used for a lie, lie falsehood,
because what is a lie? A lie is a statement that is turned from reality.
00:33:44 --> 00:33:53
			Right from reality, it's not the correct representation of reality, it has been turned away from
reality, it is turned away from its proper manner.
00:33:54 --> 00:34:15
			So what is the if referring to the slander, the slander the accusation of Zina against her Ayesha
and software in the long run? Allah says those people who came up with this if Who are they, they
are rose by two men come, they are a group from among you, Rosebud rain saw it
00:34:16 --> 00:34:49
			or else literally means to twist to bind to fold something tightly. So for example, strands of wool
or thread, all right and bind them twist them, wind them fold them tightly. And when you do that,
what happens you have a very strong rope right. So this is us from this the word DeRosa. What is a
spa a band a group of men, right a band or group of men that come together to defend one another?
00:34:50 --> 00:34:59
			Like a league a union. So they are in a row spa men come from you. Meaning there are a group from
among the believer
00:35:00 --> 00:35:00
00:35:01 --> 00:35:29
			there from you people who came up with the slander? They're from you. They're not from the cofounder
of Makkah. They're not from the hood of Medina. No, they're not from your enemies. Rather, they are
your people. They are believers. Who were they in particular, three companions were involved. Two
men and one woman. And who were they? First of all, Mr. Herman was alpha and Mr. Harold Illawarra.
And who he had emigrated from Makkah. So who was he?
00:35:30 --> 00:35:40
			Who was he? A Mahajan. All right, and he was also a relative of eyeshot of the lower earner. He was
also related to eyeshadow, Blanca.
00:35:41 --> 00:35:51
			Secondly, it was her son Ben Sabbath. Now has salmon Sabbath Rabelo Arnoux. Who was he? Any idea?
00:35:53 --> 00:36:11
			Exactly is the point the point of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he is the one who said poetry in
defense of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And when he said the Prophet sallallahu Sallam made dua
for him, he said, Allahumma Yid will be Rahel, kudos. Oh Allah help him through her codice mean
through Gibreel have Gibreel help him.
00:36:13 --> 00:36:35
			Imagine this is Hassan bin sabot, a great companion of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but even he
said this slander against Asha de la warn her who was the third person. It was Hannah bint Josh, and
who's Hamza bin Josh, the sister of Xena bint Josh, and who was entered into Josh, the wife of the
Prophet salallahu. Early he was ALLAH
00:36:37 --> 00:37:00
			arose, but two men come, they are your own people. You see, sometimes, there are people who are very
close to you, who are known to be good people who have a very good reputation, you only expect good
from them. But after all, they are human beings. And so you hear words from them that are very
00:37:01 --> 00:37:05
			You receive something from them that is very annoying.
00:37:07 --> 00:37:32
			But let it go. Why? Because after all, who are they human beings, there are human beings. Imagine
her son, Ben sabot, hung up on her. And Mr. They all did great things for the religion of Allah.
They were all great supporters of the prophets and allies, and I'm very close companions of the
Prophet salatu. Salam mean, these names are famous names.
00:37:34 --> 00:37:44
			They are companions who had a good reputation. But still, the prophets have a lot of them and his
wife, they were hurt because of what they had said.
00:37:45 --> 00:37:48
			And this happens, this is normal.
00:37:49 --> 00:38:18
			Our problem is that when we are dealing with people, you know, for example, if there's someone from
an Islamic organization, or for example, someone who's very knowledgeable, or someone who has a
very, you know, respected physician in your community, then you place them on such a high pedestal
that you expect only perfection from them. And when they say something that hurts us, or when they
say something that is annoying, we completely lose any kind of respect for them, we think, Oh, they
have no good in them.
00:38:19 --> 00:38:20
			They have no good in that.
00:38:22 --> 00:38:29
			You know, for instance, sometimes people say I wish I never knew any teacher of Islamic knowledge
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			Because once I got to know them, I begin to lose respect for them.
00:38:35 --> 00:38:40
			You know why? Because we think that people who have Islamic knowledge, they are angels.
00:38:41 --> 00:38:56
			We think they're angels, they will have no family problems, they will have no issues with their
spouse, or with their friends. And we think they are just perfect human beings. And even if they
make one small mistake, or they're not worthy of any respect,
00:38:57 --> 00:39:07
			they're not worthy of any respect. This world is a place of imperfection. And that means that the
people who live in this world are also imperfect.
00:39:09 --> 00:39:21
			And all people who are they? They make mistakes, they're sinful, aren't they? Every human being
makes mistakes. Yes, some mistakes are private and some become public.
00:39:22 --> 00:39:34
			But remember, human beings make mistakes. Even the companions of the Prophet said a lot of them
could make mistakes than what do you expect from people who are around you, people who are in your
00:39:35 --> 00:40:00
			maybe your father in law, or your mother in law, or your sister in law, or your teacher, or someone
who helps you learn the Quran, whoever they may be. We expect only perfection from people and when
they hurt us. We lose respect for them. What do we learn from this? Allah says heroes but two men
come they are still from among you. They are from you. Or sometimes what we do is that when someone
makes a mistake, someone hurt
00:40:00 --> 00:40:03
			It says, we completely cut them off from our life.
00:40:04 --> 00:40:46
			Right? So for example, my sister in law, she says words are very hurtful. So you know what, I'm not
going to bother calling her. I don't want her in my house. I don't want to do anything with her. She
can live her own life. I can live my own life. We cut off from people who annoy us. That is not the
solution. URL SMA to Medcom they are our view, they're part of you. They're still a part of your
life. They're still a part of your community. Forgive them, respect to men come and look at how
Allah subhanaw taala makes us think positively in the situation. Allah says laksa whooshing Allah
calm. Don't think of this if to be evil for you. Don't think that it was purely evil, it brought
00:40:46 --> 00:40:52
			only shelter, you know, Bell Hua highroller calm it was in reality very good for you.
00:40:53 --> 00:41:19
			It brought much good to you. Imagine this lander that made I showed up lower in her saucy, worse
than before. She wept the whole night. It created tension between Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and
his wife. It hurt so many people. But what does Allah say? What does Allah say? Don't think it's
evil for you. It was good for you.
00:41:21 --> 00:41:53
			What does this teach us that no matter what happens, be positive. Always look at the bright side. No
matter what plan fails, no matter what disaster happens, no matter what loss is incurred. No matter
what, you know, relationship is ruined. Whatever happens, any loss, any pain, any suffering.
Remember, there will be good in it if you're willing to look for that good. If you're willing to
embrace that good.
00:41:55 --> 00:41:59
			Because when something bad happens, we only focus on the negative aspect of it.
00:42:00 --> 00:42:07
			And because we focus only on the negative aspect of it, that is what we get out of that situation,
negativity and hurt and misery.
00:42:09 --> 00:42:16
			But remember that with everything, hide is also attached because there is nothing in this world that
is pure evil.
00:42:18 --> 00:42:29
			With evil good is attached with every evil mean, if you think about it, when the Prophet saw a lot
of sun and went to apply if and he returned from there, how would you describe the incident of a
flaw? If
00:42:31 --> 00:42:50
			he was bad? He was a big fail, wasn't it? I mean, the prophets have a lot of time went to a life and
hopes that he would get some support. First of all, he doesn't get any support. And secondly, he is
literally chased out of the city. And when he's chased out of the city, he's not just chased out
he's hurt. He's physically attacked.
00:42:51 --> 00:42:56
			But still there was good in it. There was good in it.
00:42:57 --> 00:43:10
			What is that good when you study the Sierra, you see it, the profits of a lot of them chose to
forgive the people of thought if at that time, and imagine what a great victory that was being able
to forgive. And that is so important for a dairy.
00:43:11 --> 00:43:19
			So anyway, here also Allah says, Bell Hua highroller come rather it was good for you. Now think
about it.
00:43:20 --> 00:43:36
			You heard the incident. Right? What good do you think was there in this incident? Tell the person
sitting next to you look for something positive in this incident. Something that brings up
00:43:39 --> 00:43:39
00:43:51 --> 00:44:27
			okay, go ahead. Despite what happened with her and how, you know, she felt she was innocent, you
know, she needed to defend herself. She kept quiet and as she she didn't really interrogate the
prophets. And also after all of that crying and weeping at the end, she was patient because she
realized that it was only Allah that whom she can rely on it and Allah knew whether she was innocent
or not even her parents are at a point where you no doubting her. And she was patient and she had
beautiful patients. I think that was really beautiful. So what good came out from this, that she was
patient he and she trusted on on yes, that it was such a huge test for eyeshadow to low on her for
00:44:27 --> 00:44:59
			the Prophet sallallahu Sallam for Abu Bakar all day long. Warren who mean these three people are not
ordinary people. Right? They're not ordinary. Imagine the Prophet sallallahu Sallam kata will Ambia
the best of all creation, him and then after him Abu Bakar a little more and who the close companion
of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and then I shall dwell on how the most beloved wife of the Prophet
sallallahu Sallam after Khadija of Lauren. All right. So you need these three people were so hurt
for a whole month Imagine there
00:45:00 --> 00:45:07
			are worried they are hurt, but they get a chance to observe beautiful patients.
00:45:08 --> 00:45:15
			And for their beautiful patients, you think they won't be rewarded? You think their dental jobs are
not going to be increased?
00:45:16 --> 00:45:56
			Claire came out, right. Okay, what other hide came out? I think the fact that they like kind of had
a fight, I guess would have brought them closer, you know, because like, I know with my friends, if
I ever have like an argument or fight or whatever, and we make up like, we're closer Yeah, we see
that even though this incident happened. The prophets of the laws in Russia below are and how they
never confronted one another about this, there was no argument between them, but still there was a
distance. All right, there was a distance and this carried on for an entire month. But when Allah
subhanaw taala revealed her innocence, right? Imagine how much more of the prophets of a lot of
00:45:56 --> 00:45:59
			Salem will appreciate her. Go ahead. Sorry.
00:46:02 --> 00:46:43
			I thought the beauty of it was at the I came down for her in this kind of incidents. When the I came
down, it's it declares her innocence in the Quran, something is authentic. Yes, so the ayat II
revealed declaring her innocence declaring the innocence of Safwan rodilla Warren who, so all of
these people there that are Jagtar, elevated. Okay, what other good came out from this incident? So,
me and my friend is discussed and we said that it was it serves kind of as a lesson for us today.
Firstly, in the fact that, and also the companions of the prophets, so that they wouldn't know how
to deal with such a situation and the gravity of the situation if that hadn't happened. And because
00:46:43 --> 00:47:21
			of that, there's also the law about how to deal with somebody who had slandered and also secondly,
we said that it just proves that the Quran is the word of Allah. Because the Prophet says seven
wouldn't have said this on his own exactly, because of this incident. We are taught so many lessons
so many eircom came about because of this incident. So it became a source of height. It was very
difficult. It was very heavy upon Asha to learn how but because of this incident, what happened so
many laws came as you will see, in the Surah, there's so many commands that are given and the
context of the surah is the incident of if
00:47:23 --> 00:47:39
			that we should always forgive and forget those who do run towards career if they're closers in their
being media always forgive and forget because it's not all like those. Love those who forgive and
forget those other people. Yes, a lesson for us. Right an example for us.
00:47:41 --> 00:48:22
			So Tasha Rotella one who became such a gatherer of Hadith and source of delivering so many messages.
So through that Allah Tala his because she has lived so many years after Prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi salam. So Allah Tala has kind of protected her and raise the status of all his wives that
their status is not like other women, so that people were become cautious for the future because she
was so young and she's lived so many years up, so that Allah has protected her reputation forever.
So through this incident, we see that the reputation of the eyeshadow below on high is preserved for
the future. Santa Monica, and there was a lesson for the whole community as a Muslim or more
00:48:22 --> 00:48:50
			African, whatever was living there. Because it shows that the Prophet Elisa Salam, even though he
gets revealed revelation from God, he's a human and he goes through same as problems the others, and
the way he dealt with it. And he did not punish them, even though he got upset, but he did not
punish them, those who did wrong to him and his wife. So it shows that he is a human as anybody
else. And if you think about it,
00:48:51 --> 00:48:55
			if the family of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam can be attacked,
00:48:56 --> 00:49:01
			then what do you think about the rest of the people? Can they be accused of something like this?
00:49:02 --> 00:49:43
			And we see that so many women are accused of Zina, and there's absolutely no proof, but they're
accused very easily. So we see how the prophets, a lot of them dealt with that situation. He did not
assume. Right? Anything he did not assume that she was guilty. He did not assume that she was
innocent. He basically waited for her confession if she confesses that she's guilty if she does not
confess then she is innocent. So we are taught over here how to deal with a situation like this.
That when someone is accused of this crime and there is no proof, how do you handle that? How do you
deal with it?
00:49:44 --> 00:49:59
			Go ahead. When there's nobody for somebody, remember, Allah is always there. And yesterday there was
a very good wedding happened in this alHuda there was a girl convert. She used to come in listless
group and somebody used to clean the toilet quietly. She was
00:50:00 --> 00:50:22
			All alone here her parents are in Kenya and her sister is in Jeddah, he was all around living in a
basement, she convert. And somebody used to clean the toilet quietly. And I was thinking that in the
weekdays, the toilet is messy in the weekend when this is a lot of festivals are there who cleaned
this toilet and washing basins and all the shoes are in a rack. And one day I was just
00:50:23 --> 00:51:02
			sitting for that reason I find out that was the goal. And then I came close to her she was distinct
sitting in my group, I asked her, she said I am all alone. And I am going to get married next month.
And the other day when we had a function, there was a lot of white sheets there and nobody was there
to wash it out. I tended to just help this today's volunteer, and she couldn't finish the job on
that day. She came other day for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. And then she was coming then the
director or moving kura she came, she said that if you have any volunteer, I want to have go to the
printing, I sent that girl. And that girl helped her. And when she said Who is that girl. She's so
00:51:02 --> 00:51:46
			nice searching. I told her she's getting married. She said get a number immediately. I want to find
out about this. And yesterday, finally she got married in Alaska. And it was a grand wedding. And we
were all family on behalf of her. And yesterday, my Eman Bishop so much. I said if you have good
intention, this is the result of intention. This is the result. She has nobody and yesterday we have
25 people, a big banquet, a big dinner. Everybody gave her the new cash and the gifts. And I was so
happy. Is it a loving reward if you have a good intention? And if you're nobody else is there for
you? Yes, this is the lesson. But many times you feel alone defenseless? How do you even say
00:51:46 --> 00:52:28
			anything to defend yourself or to demand your rights, you can't even do much and look at the
situation version of the Lorna, even though she's the wife of the prophets on a lot is that and
people are not trusting her. So doesn't matter who you are. You could have a very established
position somewhere but people don't trust you, they accuse you. But at that time you realize that it
is Allah subhanaw taala whom I should be seeking. So imagine the connection that I should have had
with her Lord, how much that strengthened through this hardship. So let our solution will look on do
not think of this to be bad for you. But whatever Lacan, I was just thinking that it clarified
00:52:28 --> 00:53:04
			between who the hypocrites were and who the companions were. And if they were the Companions, the
paths that I'm found out, you know, where do they mean reformation? What parts do they need to fix
exactly through this incident, what happened, the weaknesses that existed in that society were
exposed, right? That people are accepting these rumors and they're passing them on without
confirmation. They're speaking without knowledge, they're talking about something that is very
serious, in a very light manner. They don't realize the enormity of this matter and they're talking
about it so casually. So this weakness was exposed and when this weakness was exposed, Allah
00:53:04 --> 00:53:48
			subhanaw taala sent guidance concerning this, and that became a source of hate for us also. Right?
And then likewise, like she mentioned that that Manasa Cohen were exposed, because up until now, you
could see that the conversation that happened in the masjid how some people stood up in defense of
Abdullah bin obey, right? But after this incident, it became very clear who are the love and obey
was in reality, it became evident to everybody that he was not a sincere believer he was indeed Oh,
nothing. So the true believers were exposed them when African were exposed. Much plan came out from
this and the main lesson we learned here is no matter what happens no matter how annoyed hurt you
00:53:48 --> 00:54:31
			are, there is good. If Allah let it happen, there is light seek that fade focus on that higher
accelerating I was this passage gave me such a huge appreciation for sunnah. Up till now we have
read a part of syrup it we have covered in the class, but it just gave me it made me appreciate
Mohamed Salah already Salam, the companions and the whole concept and the hikma is having a
messenger and his family and his companions as an example for us. Imagine having Allah subhanaw
taala revealing a small notebook of do's and don'ts and saying you do this, you don't do this. But
yes, it was a huge test for them. But Had this not have happened? How would we relate to the laws?
00:54:31 --> 00:54:59
			How do we say why do we have to avoid this and don't do this and do this. And this hikma is only
from Allah like I cannot have appreciated this to this extent until this because if you think about
it, this incident could have happened with somebody else's family. Somebody else's wife there are
many companions over there in Medina right many rare companions, people who had a good reputation
could have happened to their wife. But Allah decreed that this happened with whose wife you
00:55:00 --> 00:55:08
			The wife of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam again, it could have happened with any of his wives but
Allah decreed that it happened with Whoo. Hi Aisha Radi Allahu anha.
00:55:09 --> 00:55:28
			Because when the prophets on a lot of termination of the line who are going through this test, look
at how beautifully they deal with the situation. Look at how I should have the low on her, does not
you know become angry with Rasulullah Salallahu Salam she does not say anything until she confirms
00:55:29 --> 00:55:34
			and the prophets of Allah said I'm also does not say anything to her. Because she's ill
00:55:35 --> 00:55:55
			Look at the beauty of how they deal with this big test. Look at the o'clock look at it your son over
here. And what happens with us that just because we have a disagreement with someone, the hour
o'clock goes out the window. We stoop to such a low level, what happens to us look at how they dealt
with this huge test.
00:55:57 --> 00:56:21
			One of the companions of the three was supported by Abu Bakr Radi Allahu, and financially. And after
this incident, oh vaker, early Allah Han, he did not want to support him because obviously it hurt
his family, his daughter, the prophets, Allah, he was in them so much, but again, in essence of this
verse, that they're still a part of you. And so one of the companions told them that no, don't do
this. You should continue as a tool, right? Exactly in the Quran. This is revealed in Sharla, as you
will learn.
00:56:23 --> 00:56:28
			So Rebecca Lila Warren, who he doubled, the financial support that he used to give to miss the
00:56:30 --> 00:56:31
			much good came out.
00:56:33 --> 00:56:44
			I also found it really cool how the profit sellers, when he was telling I shared with you alone, he
was like, if you're innocent, like be patient and alone.
00:56:45 --> 00:57:16
			And if you did something, then just ask for forgiveness. You know, and I found it so amazing how
like, he, like, he could advise someone so close to him without taking it personally, you know, like
many times we're advising our friends or whatever. And we're what part does this play? Like? What
part do I play in this situation? How does it benefit me? And how does it harm me? Alright, he's
completely taking himself out of the picture. He's talking to eyeshadow below Orna. He's advising
her because, you know, she was in that test.
00:57:18 --> 00:57:53
			And when he come, I also thought it was very interesting to see how someone that yellow one who also
behaved heating rod react, he himself could have maybe done something to up to Logan will be
saluted, but he didn't do anything. So it was really interesting to see intuition in which we
learned that the final didn't renew, he defended himself and he said that by Allah have never even
lifted the veil of a woman because he was unmarried at this point. Right? And he was so angry that
he went to one of the people who were saying this, and then he basically hit him, you know, with a
stick with his bow and arrow or something like he just struck him. And the issue was brought to the
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			Prophet salallahu Salam, and the prophets of Allah said him, let that companion take revenge so
basically because also was done, so he hits off one of the low iron Hoback even those of one of the
low iron who was innocent, but he couldn't take action until guilt or innocence is established. You
see the justice of our deen slowly can we can learn from this like, nowadays, if we hear about
something about someone? What do we do about it? Do we go and tell our best friend you know, what
did you hear this? We don't even bother to find out. Whether it is true. We start suspecting that
person right away, we start looking down upon them. These there are lots of lessons in this for us
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			for the present time also. Yes. And also if you think about it, you know in the Quran, Allah says in
Allah you there Pharaoh or Anil Lavina, Allah defends those people who believe. You see how I should
have glow on has defended over here. Allah revealed concerning her innocence, he exposed her
innocence. And Quran is revealed. And ultimately think about it. The innocence was declared a month
later, that whole month of waiting, waiting, waiting. What's going on at that time? Allah subhanaw
taala is watching. How does my servant behave? What does she say? What does she assume? How does she
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			Because sometimes, we're just stuck in the middle.
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			Right? We're neither going right, nor are we going left. I mean, in this situation, you see, I
should warn her neither has she been proven innocent, nor has she been proven guilty. She's just
stuck in the middle. For a whole month the situation is like that. But look at all the profits on a
lot of them was in that time, I should have blow on how was how the other companions were. And this
teaches us that, you know, we're being tested. What we should be most concerned about is our,
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			our words. What do we do? What do we say? Because Allah put us in that test, to watch what we do.
01:00:00 --> 01:00:09
			Hola como el Hayato Lea Balu welcome, Leah Globecom he's testing you, y to see a UCOM, axonal, Amara
01:00:11 --> 01:00:33
			Sami calm, I just found it find it really beautiful that Allah subhanaw taala waited a whole month
to reveal her innocence. But it was right after the moment she called upon him right. So she
declared that she was going to be patient and then he was the only one who can help her. And soon
after she was her innocence was revealed. So I just find that really beautiful that you know, at
this point that I gave her that opportunity.
01:00:35 --> 01:00:53
			Then Allah says the Colibri in for each person meant home from them, meaning for each person who was
involved in this incident, in accusing I show below or enhance of one for each person is what my
that which is Tessa he has acquired mineral ism of the same
01:00:54 --> 01:00:58
			meaning those who are involved in this crime,
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			which crime of slander.
01:01:02 --> 01:01:10
			Each individual is responsible for what he did. Each individual has earned his share of sin
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			based on what he did, because sometimes what happens is that, you know, like a plan fails or big
disaster happens a big loss. And then you tell yourself, it's okay in shallow there's height in
this, right? So yes, there is height in this but those who are guilty, they are guilty. That doesn't
make them innocent.
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			You understand? Like, for example, if a brother and a sister are fighting, and the parents wonder,
why are my children always fighting? Right? And they comfort themselves? There must be some height
in this. Right? Maybe they're being prepared for the big bad world. Who knows what they're going to
face in the future? Right? They're building resilience are building strength, right? They're
building confidence, okay, they're insane. But that doesn't make the son innocent of the hurt that
he's causing his sister. And it doesn't make the daughter innocent, free of guilt of the hurt that
she's causing her brother. You understand? There is pain in every situation. However, people are
01:02:18 --> 01:02:40
			responsible for what they do li Kolibri m minhang mcta Subliminal ism will lead itoa Kubra who and
the one who the one love remember that the word to Allah has different meanings. It means to turn
away. But it also means to take Wilaya meaning to assume authority over something. Take leadership
because who is Wali?
01:02:41 --> 01:03:10
			Who's Wally Wally is like a friend a close protecting friend. In a marriage contract. Well he is the
father. Right? So someone with authority. So Allah Tala meaning the one who took over, the one who
became motor will only have the one who assumed What did he take kibra Who its greater share,
meaning the greater share of this entire incident. What was the greater share of this incident,
starting it.
01:03:11 --> 01:03:36
			So in other words, the one who started it the one who took upon himself the greater portion of it,
he assumed most responsibility because he initiated it. Then Allah says, Allah to Allah kiboko
minhang la who are who lean for him as a great punishment for him as a great punishment in the
hereafter. So we see in this ayah, first of all, the innocence of Isobel Orion has proven.
01:03:37 --> 01:04:03
			Secondly, Allah teaches us that no matter what happens, however hurtful, however embarrassing,
however unfair, a situation may be, there will always be good. So focus on that good. Then we learn
this idea that the one who initiates evil, he bears the sin of all those who follow him, right
without their sin being diminished. Then we also see over here that each person is responsible for
the role that they have played.
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			Each person is guilty of what they have done in a particular situation.