Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P18 172B Tafsir Al-Muminun 23-30

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses the confusion surrounding Islam and its use in gain of power. It touches on the myth of a prophet and its influence on people, as well as the use of "has" in writing and political events. The importance of being aware of one's actions and not letting things happen too quickly is emphasized, as well as the importance of not making requests for people and not thanking anyone. The speakers also give advice on building a ship and being balanced, as well as visiting people in new locations and not giving thanks to people.
AI: Transcript ©
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Whenever you think about chips who comes to your mind?

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Oh, no hurting a salon. Alright, so I am number 23

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one or the other Selena new Han Isla Comey, he and certainly we sent no to his nation to his people for color so he said yeah call me all my people or Buddha Allah worship Allah, all of you worship Allah, only Allah. Why? Because Malcolm there is not for you men Isla hin any God, let you know who besides Him. He is your only ILA you have taken many ILA you do worship many others besides him, but the reality is that there is only one either, and Who is he, the one who made you, Allah, if Allah that the cone, then do not fear. Do not fear Allah, He is the one who made you, He is the one who sent to you. He is the one who can give you that he is the one who can punish you. He is the one who

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has full ability over you. And yet you associate partners with him. Yet you turn away from Him, you give his help to other than him? Don't you have fear of God? Don't you fear Allah?

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Over here, no holy Salam has mentioned about how he spoke to his people how he did Dawa to his people. And then we'll see what the response of the people of New was to their profit. And over here, a comparison is being made between two types of people, the movement on those who believe, what are their actions like? What is their attitude towards their Lord? And then eventually, what is their outcome? Who are ultimately known, called alpha, they have succeeded, they will be successful. How are they towards their Lord Alladhina, whom feels solid to him harsh your own, they're humble, they're submissive, they're fearful of their Lord. And then what's their ultimate outcome? They're

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successful. Over here we see the people of New her they Salam, they did not have fear of Allah. How was their attitude towards Allah? They were not fearful. They were not submissive. So what was their ultimate outcome? Success or failure? For call and Mala? Oh, what was the response of the people for color? So he said, Al Miller, who? The eminent ones, the chiefs, the leaders, the wealthy, the people who had power, because remember the word mela from Mill? What is the feel of something? So mela are those people who fill the hearts of people with amazement, amazement. So for example, a person their wealth is mentioned, or their worldly success is mentioned. And what happens people are

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just like, wow, wow, that's amazing. You know, they see a car and their heart is filled with all or they see a piece of jewelry and other people, their heart is filled with all so mela are people of power. People who've got money, people who have influence, and whatever the mullah, say, what happens? People follow them. Right? So they fill the hearts of people, they feed the hearts of people. So for Colin Mela, the eminent ones, they're the ones who oppose the messengers. Here also, they spoke against New Orleans Salam, in particular Allah says AlLadhina kufan Woman comi there were those who disbelieve from his nation. What did they say? Maha other Illa Bashara myth locum No, Maha

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man not have that this meaning this person. This thing this individual, he is nothing except Bashara. Mithila, calm a human being like you. He is a human being just like you. There is nothing special about him. Why should we have to listen to him? How come he is a prophet? And you know what this prophethood is just a scheme because you really do he wants and that yet a footballer Aleikum, he wants to have precedence over you. Yet the footballer from FIFA BOD love fuggle. What does funnel mean? Extra, right. And funnel is also a favor. Know when a person has a favor gets a favor receives a favor, he has something extra than what happens his status is immediately higher compared to the

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rest of the crowd. So for instance, if a person has the funnel of money than his status is higher than the status of those who are around him with respect to money. If one person has the funnel of, let's say, being a very good artist

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Then what happens because of this fuddle? Immediately? They're distinguished. Right? So yet a footballer, what does it mean yet a footballer, the footballer Allah when it's followed by Allah, it means to try to gain some superiority over another,

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to try to show that you are superior above others, because of some virtue or some characteristic or some possession, or something new. So the people accused new Hyundai Santa, the mullah, they accused him they said, He's only trying to look better than you. He's only trying to have power over you. He just wants to famous.

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This is just a scheme to become famous, to become to have power. If you think about it fit our own. What did he say?

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When Musa alayhis salam came?

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What did he say?

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Yes, that you have come to take our kingdom away. You have come to take over our country. You have come to take over our civilization. And we're not going to let you do that. Did Musa al salaam say that? He came to take Bani Israel away? He said let us go. Not let us take over you. Right? The people of New Khaled Salam also what did they say? That? No, he just wants to become the best one amongst us. And he's using religion to do that he's using prophethood to do that. You know, it's amazing.

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What does it show these people they feel threatened?

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Right? Which is why they're accusing new listener. They feel insecure. They feel insecure. This is why they don't want to acknowledge know how to center. And the same thing happened at the time of the Prophet salallahu Salam also that how the how, for example, Abuja, right Bucha Hill, who was he from a different clan from the Numazu. He did not want to accept the Prophet sallallahu Sallam why? Because that would mean been who Hashem the family of the prophets, and a lot of them they have superiority over us.

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There's pride over here. There's insecurity here. So the people have no harness and I've also said something similar. They said he's just trying to take precedence over you. While Oh sha Allah. And if Allah wanted unzila Malay he couldn't surely he would have sent down angels. Meaning if you wanted to send a message to us, you would have sent angels mas Amira now we have never heard behind the of this of what of prophet hood, fie Ballina amongst our forefathers and a Willie, the first ones, meaning our forefathers to previous generations. They never told us about a prophet. This is something new. And they were right with respect to this because new harlot Salam he was indeed the

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first messenger after either Marty Silla. Why, because otherwise salam after him people were up on guidance for some time and then once they deviated Allah subhanaw taala sent messages, right, Allah subhanaw taala doesn't know how to answer them. He was the first Rasul.

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So they said that this is something new. We have never heard about this before. So we cannot believe in you. But were they right in doing this? No. Because yes, no Hassan was the first one soon. However, did Allah subhanaw taala not promise to send guidance whenever there was a need he did right. When otherwise Sinha Hawa when they were sent to the world what it Allah's parents are the same for ma tn Nico mini who then right then when guidance will come to you from me, Allah promise to send guidance. So here guidance has come. But what's the reaction of the people? No, this is a lie. This is a scheme. We don't want to accept this. And they belittled new Hala Salam they said in

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Hua in not Hawaii Illa except Raju lon, he's just a man.

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Be with him is Jana madness. Jana Jeem. No, no. Jana literally means to cover literally. All right, the verb Jana Jana Jana tone what is that a garden because in a garden, the soil is all covered. What is it covered with?

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Okay, trees, grass flowers, right in the trees also, from them the shade that comes?

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So Jim, is madness, insanity. When a person's article is covered, his senses are covered. So they accuse him off madness. They say, he's just gone mad. Don't worry. Don't give importance to him. Just as you don't give importance to what a mad person says. Don't give importance to what the new says. And they're kind of belittling him. Right? That because he's suffering from madness.

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This is why he's claiming to be a prophet. And you know what, he's only suffering from madness. It's just a temporary thing. This will be over very soon photogra bus will be here. So just wait for him wait for what? For either the madness to go away, or for him to die. This will be over.

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And this is exactly what many people try to do when they're being told about something good that those who are telling them to do something good. What do they accuse them, this is just a phase, you know, this job you have put on, it's just a phase. All these prayers you're performing so nicely and properly. Fajr you're getting up every day. Now since you read a Latino and V Salatin, you have your loan, it's a phase it will be over.

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But it should not be a phase. And we want to make sure that it's not a phase, Allah subhanaw taala has given us Sophia, and we want to remain firm on it. And we ask Allah to keep us firm on it. So they said further Abbas will be just wait a little while and you'll hear these kinds of things. As soon as you start something new, like something good that you adopt. People say let's see how long this is going to last. Let's see how long this is going to last. They said the same thing to the prophets of Allah Fatah bus will be just wait for him had their hand for a time. No her listen. He did not give up

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950 years he did Dawa and constantly what he received from his people was rejection. And then Paula he said Rob be oh my lord on Sony, you helped me. It's beyond me. I have done whatever I could. I have not given up. I have done whatever is within my capacity. You help me Bhima because of what cause the bony they have denied me. My people have denied me over and over again. Yeah, Allah yarby You helped me intro to camera I attend we learn further out of Baku and Nemo Luban fantastic. He called upon his Lord that indeed I am overpowered so help and Allah's help came because of law helped me know for our hyena la he How did the help come Allah subhanaw taala inspired to him for Oh

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hyena so we inspired a lady to him. Um, that is nariyal Falk is not build construct. Sana craftsmanship. All right. Most newer art things that are made produced in for example factories. Right. So it's now construct build make put together and phulka the ship. How big are you Nina? Under our eyes? That a unit deplore love? I mean, who is saying this? Allah subhanaw taala selling know her listen, you make the ship under our eyes. Have you ever heard this expression? Not under my watch? All right. What does it mean that as long as I'm watching, so be are you Nina, meaning we're watching you, we're looking at you.

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And if Allah subhanaw taala is watching someone looking at them, and a person realizes that Allah is watching me, then what does it mean? They're safe, they're secure. Because remember that when Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran that he is watching. It's for different reasons. One reason is that it's a threat. We're being given a threat. You know, for example, you're told you're being watched, what does that mean? You better be careful, better get your act together. If somebody says, I'm watching you, it's a threat.

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So sometimes, when Allah subhanaw taala tells us that he's watching, what does it mean? That he is aware, he has knowledge of what we're doing, what we're saying where we're going.

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So what does it tell us about his knowledge? And thirdly, and other places in the Quran where Allah subhanaw taala tells us that he's watching something or someone in particular, and what does it mean? That he is watching them meaning he is caring for them, protecting them looking after them?

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So over here, what does it mean by the fact that Allah subhanaw taala said to new hola Salam make this ship under our eyes, we're watching you, you're safe. People cannot hurt you. They won't be able to harm you. You will do it right. Has it ever happened with you that you're doing something for the first time? And you tell someone can you please come and watch? Just make sure I'm doing it right? Does it happen? You draft out your assignment, your homework, and then you tell somebody can you please read over it? Can you please look over it? And tell me if I'm doing it right. You're cooking in the kitchen for the first time. You want your mother to stand right there. Please watch

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make sure I'm doing it right. Be Are you Nina? Well, why Ina? Why are you know from what he what does he mean? Inspiration meaning our instruction so far?

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First of all, you are under our supervision, our protection. And secondly, we will instruct you, we will teach you how to do this. How to build the ship? Because know how Lisanna did he know how to make ships from before, it seems like he was doing it the first time.

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And there are many times in our lives where we are also doing something for the first time.

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And we are afraid we're gonna mess up, we're gonna make a mistake, it's not gonna work out. Have faith in Allah.

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Look at these comforting words. We're watching you, and we will teach you how to do it for either Jaya and Runa for either than when Jamuna our command comes, meaning when the punishment comes? And what's the sign that the punishment has come upon the people that were felt like the new Wafaa and it overflowed? farewelled? What overflows at the node, what is the node? The node has been understood in different ways, but the node generally it's understood as a baking oven. Right? It's derived from Persian, the NOR is used for a baking oven. So for example, a circular hole or something like that in the ground. All right, and what is it it's basically filled with fuel. So for

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instance, would call and as it burns for a long time, and the lid is on what happens that the noon that baking oven, it becomes really, really hot. And then what happens you take bread and you put it on the sides of the tunnel, all right. So the NOR is understood in that way. So what found out the no mean the water comes out from the particular baking oven. So in other words, no holy Santa was given a sign that when you see water emerging from the thinner than what does it mean, the punishment has arrived. So what do you have to do? Get away from here? First Look, because you cannot go before that right, each prophet. He could only leave his people when the Command of Allah

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came not before that, which is why we see that the Prophet salallahu Salam also, he did not do Hijra immediately. You see, in the month of Muharram, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he told the Companions go to hijra, leave Makkah, go to Medina and all of them one by one, they left until only the prophets of Allah Islam and Abu Bakr of the lower end who remained and some other companions who weren't able to Hijra. And then one day when the command came, the prophets Allah Allah is an Abu Bakr, they left Mecca immediately. So, no prophet is allowed to leave his people except after the command comes from Allah. So over here also knew her listen, I missed all that when this happens,

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then you can leave and what do you have to do? First look then insert admit seen lamb calf Celica foot where we have entered meaning in the ship that you have constructed so prepare the ship from before. Once the ship is made, now just wait for the command. Just like the Prophet saw a lot of Saddam did. He told Abu Bakr don't go yet. I'll go with you, we'll go together. So what did have a bucket of the lower and who knew he had the sushi camels that he kept ready for Hijra? An eyeshadow the Lauren has said that he would feed those camels, these leads from a special treat. So basically the best food that was available he would give to those camels why so that they were ready for the

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journey of Hijra. The preparations were done from before, so that as soon as a command comes live, does that give us a lesson? When something has to be done, then what should we do? Wait until the last moment?

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Like for example Fajr wait until five minutes before sunrise? Three minutes before sunrise? No, no How about one minute? There's still time I can pray in 30 seconds. No, don't do that. Because if you pray like that, will you have for sure will you'll be able to do it properly, when something has to be done then be ready from before. So first look for her insert in the ship, men column XO Jane, from all meaning all creatures, XO Jane mates, how many mates if name to meaning one male and one female. So every kind of animal,

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get the male and got the female, one each and put them in the ship. What a Holika. And also your

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meaning Also tell your family to go into the ship. Family, obviously which family members those who believed, which is why the exception is made in law except man, those who subaqua it preceded or lay on him. I'll go to the word man home from them, meaning those on whom the word already preceded which word the word of punishment. In other words, though,

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Those who are not going to believe and who were they, the wife of new Hurley's Salam, as well as one particular son of his and the story we learned earlier in solitude.

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One or two hardly Bernie fillerina wala mu and do not address me to Hartley beneath hitop hot lava addressed to speak to someone do not even address me concerning those who have done well. Meaning those who are deserving of punishment, those who are refusing to enter the ship who are still mocking at you at this time, those who are clearly upon misguidance don't even talk to me about the meaning don't make any request for them. Why? Because in the homeowner cone, indeed, they will surely be drowned laying rock off they will be drowned in the water. In other words, don't take pity on these people and don't make any plea for them. Why? Because there is no change in this decision.

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They will be drowned for either than when is the waiter you have boarded is the waiter seen well yeah. Is diva is basically to become balanced and sdwa Arleigh is to settle on something take position somewhere to become stable. You know, for instance, when you get into the car what happens as you're getting in, you go right, you go left until you are finally settled in your seat, you put your belt on, then you're good to go. So when you have boarded under you, woman and those who marca with you our little folk on the ship, meaning when everyone is boarded, and the ship is sailing, for cold and say Alhamdulillah all praises for Allah, Allah Medina Jana, the one who has saved us

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mineral coal meanwhile immune from the wrongdoing people. In other words, when relief comes from Allah, then thank Him, be grateful to him for the help that he has sent your way for the fact that he has rescued you. Because many times it happens that when we are in trouble we ask Allah for help. And when he relieves us then we forget to thank him. We'll call and say the future is bleak. You don't know where you're going to end up as Kim will call and say rugby Oh my Lord and ZIL knee caused me to descend caused me to land because as Allah means to come down, so and ZIL me You make me come down meaning from the ship wherever I end up wherever I land, wherever I reach, make me

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reach one Zylon landing place that is mobile rock that has blessed it Monza learn from the letters noon xylem also and Monza is the place of new zone the place of landing so for example, you sit on a plane you take off right you're saying your dogs know when you're landing should you be remembering a lot at that time also should you be making some dog also is there any do of arriving at a new place? There is and this is the dua that oh Allah make me come to this place make me land at this place Monsterland mobile rockin made this place mubarak for me. Bless it for me, full of goodness for me full of hair for me, make this place a source of benefit for me. Well, under Hyrule

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mousseline and you are the best of those who accommodate Manziel is one who causes someone to descend. So your host, you are the best to accommodate. You see the Prophet sallallahu Sallam when he went from Mecca to Medina, many Sahaba got sick Ibaka Lauren, who was sick, Bilal radula, one who was sick, and I should have a low on her, she would go to visit them. One time she went below the law. And when asked him How are you doing? This is a decent Buhari. And we chose to us that if there is, you know, a Muslim brother of the community, well known in the community and they're unwell. It's our obligation that we should go visit them. I'm not saying you should go visit them in

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privacy, but as a family go, it's their help. So I should go on how I went to visit Bilal. And she asked him How are you doing and Billund on the lower end? Who, you know, he started saying things like, If only I could see the mountains of Makkah, and if only I could drink the water from the springs of Makkah. And if only I could do that and do that. So basically, we're saying, I'm Miss Maka, I miss home. What was my cover them a place of torture, but still leaving your home is not easy. Medina, they were sick in Medina in the sense that initially it was very difficult for them to adjust to the different temperature, the different weather, the different climate, everything was

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different. So the prophets of Allah Sena made dua that oh Allah bless Medina for us, bless Medina for us and it so happened that it became less it for them. So any place we go to new place we go to

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New City new country New School new workplace, new job, new campus, new bus route whatever it is any new place we go to we're afraid anxious make this thorough. But I'll be insanely Manzella and mobile rockin we're under Hyrule Monsey Lane in the valley color indeed and that are surely signs many lessons were in Kunta Lama butylene if there's only one thing that we can remember that indeed Allah indeed can now we were in the move the lien surely ones who test Allah subhanaw taala definitely tests his servants. And no holy Salam was a perfect example for that, how he was tested. The response that he received from his people, the long time that he spent doing Dawa to his people, how

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he had to make the ship himself. And then he had to get the animals and board them on the ship. And then he saw his son drown. And then he's told don't even make a request for these people. And then the fear of where are we going to go? Where are we going to end up what's our future going to be like? We're in canola, Alberta lean in this are many lessons. And Allah subhanaw taala shortly tests his servants to see who is going to make it who will be of those who are successful and who is it that will give up May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the strength to continue with the height that we learn and we adopt let's listen to the recitation of these verses what are the

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ALA Omi PiFan II Moodle long

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the NACA foaming minima

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this new community do

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you read

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being free

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in more

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behaving to

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bought or

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sold need

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for okhane

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knowing for you can be

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so easy

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no fuss loop being mean

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Jane is nine you

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perform we believe

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either stairway to

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full key opponent handling

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we will be

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in Nephi.

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