Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P15 151C Tafsir Al-Kahf 32-44
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The speakers discuss the profit margins from producing food and selling land in Canada, emphasizing the importance of avoiding comparing oneself with others and not thinking about vacations. They stress the significance of knowing the meaning behind dams and dams to avoid confusion and misunderstandings, and stress the importance of trusting one's power and the reality of one's life. They also touch on slippery slope and the "rock dust" of the "rock dust" concept, as well as the "rock dust" of the "rock dust" concept.
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Well dribbler home and strike for them. Masala is an example an example of who Raju Laney of two men.
Gianna we made Lea had the HEMA for one of them. Janet they need to gardens. One of them had two gardens. What about the other man? He didn't have two gardens. What did he have? It's not mentioned in the story. But it seems like he didn't have anything compared to this one man who had two gardens and those two gardens were also quite impressive. Because this is not gender, right? This is the NIA. Some people get a lot and other people get very little.
Allah subhanaw taala has given some people more and has given some people less why each is being tested. What kind of armor does he do?
So one of them had two gardens and these two gardens orchards were of what men are nub of grape wines. So he had two vineyards. Well, half of Noma, and we had bordered both of them half off now from half alpha half is to surround something from all sides. So we had bordered these gardens be nutlin with dead farms. So Now picture this in your head, do gardens, grape vines in the middle, and you can imagine grape vines in rolls on trellises. All right. Have you ever gone? berry picking?
No. Strawberry pick, any kind of picking? Okay, so you see whatever plant there enrolls, right. So just imagine a vineyard like this grape vines, all enrolls, and on the size of the two gardens, what's their day pumps? What's your Allah and we made Boehner Houma between them to meet in between the two gardens was Zahra crop. So this guy has a huge piece of land. And this huge piece of land is divided into, you can say three portions. All right, one side garden orchard of grape vines. The other side also orchard off grape vines in the middle crop. On the sides, the border is a What did bombs, he's getting the maximum advantage of the property the land that he has. He's getting crop
the he has crops, he's getting grain,
then he's got grapes. So he's getting a lot of benefit from that also, and the day palms that also is producing a lot of benefit. So he's taking the maximum advantage kills children attain both of the two gardens the word qilta means two. So each of the two gardens at that it produced Ocula its fruit, both of the orchards produced fruit. What does that mean?
I mean, the produce was a good amount. And it shows the land was fertile. While I'm telling him and it did not fall short. Notice the word tells him what what does love mean, and justice. But remember, that little literally means next to fall short. So the gardens did not fall short Minoo from itchy and anything, meaning he got 100% profit. You know, for instance, a person invests in his garden, how it in his property, that for instance, the seeds and everything for the crop to grow, he has to spend, for instance, $50,000. But then when he gets to produce and he sells it and he pays off his expenses, what profit does he make? Zero? What is that?
Right. But if after, you know paying off his expenses, he's making profit. Then what does that mean? Well, I'm talking to him in Russia. He was improving, he was constantly gaining it was a very profitable piece of land. Well for Jonah, and his expenses were also very low. How? Because we're federal now we had cause to Gosh, for predella Houma between the two gardens, so you could say, through the gutter. All right, between the two gardens, there was a new hub, there was a river. So this entire property this entire farm was self irrigated. He didn't have to put in much effort in getting water from elsewhere to water his land. So what does that mean? His expenses were a lot
minimal. What does that show? How was his profit? How much was he making? A lot?
What kinda know who some of and one day what happened? He had fruit, meaning the crop was ready. The vines they were ready. Ready, meaning the fruit was abundant. It was surplus. It was right ready for picking. It was harvest time and
Remember that the word farmer is what product of a process, it doesn't just refer to fruit as an apple or grapes. All right? When a person has so much land, you can imagine that he must have other investments also. Because when you're constantly producing so much food, then you don't just sell it, you do many other things with it. You know, for instance, if such people they also have a lot of livestock. That's another business. Right? And then if he's got water, a low Haarlemmermeer, fish pond, whatever, right? And then at the same time, this food is used to produce more things. Right. So what happened what Canada who farmer ready for picking, ready for harvest? A lot of produce? So
what happened for kala he said who the owner of these gardens, he sadly saw heavy heat to his companion. Which companion because it's two men, right? Roger Lane, the story of two men one man was the owner of all this was very rich. So he's talking to the other men. And who's that other men who saw him? His friend, his companion? What kind of companion we don't know, if he was his best friend, if he was his friend from childhood, or if he was just a passerby, you know, a guest, whatever, Allahu irlam But he was talking to him. So he said in his conversation, what will you have it all while he was conversing with him and you How will is from the How Will? Will Allah Yes, Maru the How
would Akuma How would how our eye is to return, when you're having a conversation with someone, then what happens you say something and they return that with another statement and then you say something and then they say something, right? You take turns in speaking. So while he was talking to him, he said, a thorough Minka I am more than you, Merlin in money in wealth, what are zoom, and I have more is,
I am more honorable or I am more stronger, because there is also strength and might I am more mighty Navara in men, meaning I have more people now for remember is used for a group of people like a band, a small group of you can say soldiers. All right. So he was boasting to his friend about two things, which two things firstly, he said, I'm richer than you. I have more money. And secondly, he's saying I have more people. Because both of these things are interlinked, right? If you have more money, you have more friends, you can afford a bigger family. Right? And you have more workers, you have more servants. And then as a person reduces in his money, then what happens? Family also
goes away and friends also live, right? So he's showing off, I have more money, and I have more people.
If somebody said this kind of a statement to you.
They literally say to your face, I have more money than you.
I have more friends than you. What would you think about that person?
What would you say?
Show off. And what does he think of himself? So arrogant. These words what do they show arrogance and react, showing off? boastfulness? He's boasting.
And notice how he says Minka than you? What does it mean? He's comparing himself to his friend.
And this is something that we need to be careful about. Because many times, we're just comparing ourselves with our friends.
How she has this, oh, yeah, I have to, you know what, mine is better.
And if they have something and we don't have it, we get upset about it. And we want it, we're not satisfied until we get it. Stop comparing yourself with others in the material sense.
Don't compare yourself with others and compete with them that okay, now she has this money, I should also have this money. She has this kind of job, I should also have this, she has this kind of degree. So I also need a degree even though I don't think I'm really interested. But I want a degree just for the sake of having a degree just to compete with my friends.
She's getting married. So I also have to get married, even if I don't find you know, a decent person. I'm just going to marry anybody
think about what you're doing. You know, like this a competing with the Joneses, right? Stop competing with others. Stop comparing yourself with others. What is it that we should be competing in action? What are they doing and what am I doing? What is it that we should compare? Meaning in what matters actions? Stop thinking about the vacations that other people are taking. And think about when did you last go for Umrah? Because when we have money, what is it that we think about? Oh, I think I'm gonna go there.
because my friend also went there with her husband, so I'm going to go there to know.
Stop thinking about this dunya stop chasing this dunya because what does it show that you are a servant to this world? Abdi now? I'm the dyrham. Or the doula servant of the dollar. Right? So another common command and what are zunar? Follow what the halogen Natta who and he entered his garden, and he's taking his friend with him, and he enters the garden. Well, who OLALIA Molina FC and he was actually doing zoom to himself how? By showing off by being arrogant, taller, he said, ma ma, no, I don't think and the vida, that it will perish. Had he this Abba ever. I don't think this is ever going to perish the word de vida is from the root letters by then bade bade is to die to
cease to exist. Bay there is used for an empty desert wasteland. When think about a desert. What's there a tree? A building? A garden? House? Nothing. It's empty. Just sand.
So he said to his friend, I don't think this garden of mine is going to finish. Look at it. It's perfect.
It's got water. I mean, the crop is doing perfect. Look at the vines and look at the date bombs. Do you see my garden suffering any decline? Did you ever think my business is going to collapse? It's doing so well. It's so profitable. I have no fear about my future. I'm very confident about my future. Do we begin to think like that? Yes. That when we see something of this dunya with us, and we think it's doing really well. We think it's going to be like that forever. My car, it's perfect. Nothing can go wrong with it. My house. It's perfect. Now what can ever go wrong with it? My health perfect. What can ever happen to it?
When we begin to admire the NEA too much, we get so impressed by it, that we think it's going to stay like that forever. And this is the greatest deception. Creators deception. You know why? Because in this world, there's a rule. When something reaches its height, now it's going to go down, it's going to decline. Everything, everything. But when what we have reaches its height, we think it's going to stay like that forever, which is why we become so happy with it.
What it means is, it's just going to start declining. Look at your physical body. Aren't you so concerned about you know, in your teenage years, you're like, I can't wait until I'm 20. I can't wait until I'm 20. And then when you reach 20 you realize, oh,
now I'm going to be old.
And then some people they wait for 30 They wait for 35 And then what happens then it finally hits them that now I'm not going to become better I'm going to become weaker. You know, once the prophets a lot of us riding his camel, and his camel was the best camel always ahead. And a Bedouin man came from somewhere. And his camel was running really fast. And he actually went ahead of the Prophet sallallahu sunnah. So the Sahaba God said, that first of all, this man went ahead of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, how dare he? And secondly, the camel of the prophets of Allah Islam is not good enough. I mean, there is another camel that's better than the prophets camel, because they love
Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam right? And they wanted that everything about him everything with him should be the best. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said to them something to the effect of that whatever you know, goes high, then there is always something that will get ahead of it. This is the rule in this dunya
so this man, he said, ma will not interview the head he ever there. And he got so deceived by this to the point that he began denying Akela he said Walmart Oh, no, and I don't think Assata that our Kadima is going to be established. I don't think there's going to be a day of judgment. What are you talking about? This belief that you have this Quran Quran you do all the time, or this after, after you do all the time? I don't think there's any Aqua rights all this life.
You do what you do here and you get what you get here. This is all there is. Do people start saying these things? Yes. As they become successful in worldly terms, what do they begin to lose their faith? The thing is dunya is everything. There is no aka he said, I don't think there's ever going to be a hereafter well eroded to and surely if I was to be returned from rooted in our beat my lord, meaning let's say even if there is a hereafter and I am taken to my Lord, after I die, like a G then surely I will definitely find
And from wild gene that, I will definitely find a minha better than it mon pallava as a return on color from off Lamba a place of old meaning a place of return. Meaning if I am ever taken back to my Lord, if there is a hereafter, then you know what, I'm going to get something that is even better. Why? Because if I have good now, I'm going to be good later as well. Because I am the best. I am good, I deserve it.
And this is a very wrong analogy. Just because we have something today doesn't mean we're going to have it forever. And it doesn't mean we're going to get it in the ACO. We have the sense of entitlement that we deserve. We deserve such and such and we deserve all the good things. Why? Because we have them now. So we should also have them later.
And we become upset when we learn about Hellfire when we learn about punishment. Why? Why shouldn't people be in paradise? Why shouldn't everybody be happy forever? Why?
Who are you to say why? What do you think about yourself? Just because you have something good now doesn't mean you'll have it forever. Realize that we are all Allah servants. And this life, it doesn't show how a person's accurate will be. A person could be very rich today. But tomorrow, you'll be very poor. And a person could be extremely poor today. But tomorrow he'll be the richest of the rich. Call it a whole Sahiba. Who knows. Imagine if somebody is talking like this in front of you. What would you do? Why?
Right? Or you could say, I get what you're saying. But
generally what do we do? We're just quiet.
We feel too scared to open our mouths. But his friend what did he do call Allahu Sahiba who his friend said to him, while were you how we do while he was conversing with a meeting. He continued talking to him. And he said, aka falta Do you disbelieve billary in the one who holler caca who created you? He's saying do disbelieve in Allah, the one who made you, the one who made you mean to Robin from dust?
You see, this guy was becoming so arrogant, right? And his friend reminds him of his origin of his humble origin. You think you're great? What are you made off? Dust? Mud.
Some women not fatten then from a northwest, meaning your origin human beings, Adam was created from dust and you His child was created from the notify of your immediate parents. So muscle workout on July, then Allah fashion you proportion you into a complete man. Allah is the one who made you did you make yourself? Did you make yourself? No, Allah made you how can you deny that?
So what does this I teach us that whenever we start feeling arrogant about ourselves, just remember what you're made off. You're made of something that's supposed to be washed away. That's not even supposed to be mentioned.
This is what we're made off.
You know, like hustle bustle, he said, That man is made of something that exits from one private part. And then he is completed. You know, His form is completed. And then he comes out from another private part. What does he think of himself? Just think about our origin. What are we? Our origin is disgusting.
Think about it. Do we have any right to be arrogant?
Do we have any right to think highly of ourselves? I mean, if you think about your origin, you're embarrassed.
It's shameful.
Thinking about it. It's very mentioned as embarrassing.
How can we feel great about ourselves? He says some muscle work on our doula Lakin. Lacking is a combination of Lakin and Anna, he said but I asked for me. What do I believe? Who Allahu Allah be? He is ALLAH my lord. I'm not impressed by your fancy talk. I'm not impressed by your wealthiness your richness. As for me, I believe in Allah my Lord.
Such a powerful statement. Think about it. Somebody is denying Allah in front of you. Do you have the courage to say I believe in Allah he says Lakin. As for me who Allahu Allah be one who should not be a Haida and never will I associate with my lord, anyone. He reaffirmed his belief. And he, you know, said it very confidently in front of his friend. And now he's admonishing him. He says well Hola, why not? Is the halter when you entered Jana taka your garden? Cool.
Uh You said, Masha, Allah, whatever Allah willed Lao Quwata illa biLlah there is no power except with Allah. Why didn't you say that? You should have said this.
Meaning, if you saw your garden, you saw all those fruits you saw all those dollars coming in. You should have praised Allah. This is what Allah has willed. This has happened because of Allah's power, not because of your will and not because of your power. Masha, Allah, La Quwata illa biLlah in Torani, if you see me under a collar, I am less Minka than you, Mel and in wealth well done and in children, you think you're very rich, and you have a lot of power and you see me as less than you, okay? You felt greatness, but you should have remembered the greatness of Allah.
Because he's the one who gave this to you. And this is what will keep us humble. Whenever you have something, whenever you get something realize, Allah gave it to me, Allah has even more.
I was reading recently in a book, fickle globe, that the author was you know, mentioning the angels of allah how powerful they are. That Gibreel how powerful is he? How big Gibreel is and how big the angels that carry the throne are. That how strong is revealed with just one wing he lifted up the towns of the people of Luke turn them upside down through them by Can you imagine a win, win win.
Now imagine the power of all of Gibreel swings combined, and then imagine the power of his entire body. Imagine it's Rafi who will blow the trumpet once and all the creation will die if this is the power of his blow. Imagine the power of the rest of his body. And then the author said imagine the power of Allah.
How great he is how able he is Masha Allah, La Quwata illa villa.
And this is something that we should say, whenever we find something beautiful whenever we begin to admire one of our possessions, you know for example, children even when you see them say Ma sha Allah Allah Quwata illa Allah
when you see you know your new phone, brand new phone and you can't keep your eyes off of it, masha Allah La Quwata illa villa, it will keep you humble, and inshallah it will protect your stuff from evil also. And then he warns his friend, he said, for us it'll be then perhaps my lord or you Danny, that he will give me Hiram, better men jannettek than your garden. Don't you realize all powers with Allah, He gave this to you? And who knows Allah can give me something that's even better than your garden. If he gave you can he not give me why are you boasting? Why are you showing off? Where you Silla and he can send I lay her upon it. What upon your garden hose burnin a calamity. Her husband
is from hacienda. Hey, Sam, what is herself accounting, meaning he can send something that will be perfect accounting, perfect punishment. For the showing off that you're doing here for the arrogance that you're displaying over here. While you're smiling her husband in Minnesota from the sky. For those be her. So it will become meaning your garden will become sorry than playing ground. What is sorry, surface of the ground, meaning flat Zella cause slippery.
When does your foot slips Zalem pops up is to slip. When does it slip?
Think about it. Has it ever happened with you that you're walking in a park or to the bus stop and the grass is very muddy.
And then what happens? You slip your foot slips because it's too wet. So he's warning him Why are you boasting Allah gave it to you Allah can also destroy this and Allah can give me something better than what you have.
A storm can come from the sky, burning all of your crop who knows this land may be flooded, what will happen to your delicate grape wines.
If it's flooded, imagine it will become so slippery that you will not be able to even stand here you won't be able to walk from one side to the other because it will be so slippery. Something that you feel you have so much power over. You could lose it to the point that you cannot even walk over it. You cannot even go through it.
So what happened? He warned him and what does this show? That if somebody is showing off what should we do? Warn them? Because this is no sir. This is good advice. He says oh used to be her or it may become my Oh ha it's water Allah who run deeply underground, sunken, lower on rain well raw. What does it mean when
Ha, what is a cave? It's inside, right? So well when something goes underground, deeply underground. So it's water this river that you see running on its surface, it could go underground, all the water fell into stuff the euro, then you will never be able to level for a pallava seek meaning you won't be able to seek it. You won't be able to find it, you won't be able to dig it out. So you warns him. He gives him the possibilities. Think about it. You think you're gonna have this forever? No. A storm can come from the sky, the water can go underground. What will you have? What will you be left with? And what happened? What his friend warned him off is exactly what happened. Because some
scholars with the says that his friend actually made dua against him. Because this arrogant rich guy was showing off right? He was boasting so he hurt his feelings. And then his friend, the believer, he was hurt. So he made against him. So exactly what he said came true. What will help will be 30 and his fruits were encompassed. He loved them how to surround meaning by destruction, just like an enemy surrounds. So his fruit is property surrounded meaning with calamity, not even one thing survived. Because when something is surrounded, it cannot escape. So no tree could escape. Nothing could survive everything destroyed. So this man for us Bahai became your own liberal Cafe he you can
label off lumber caliber you can label is to turn something upside down. So he was doing the collab of Cafe he What is cafe, it's the dual of cough cough is the palm of your hand. So all that this guy could do was just turn his hands upside down. You see my ends? When do you do this?
Worry. What am I going to do? How am I going to pay my debts off? What am I going to eat from how am I going to feed my family? For us? What are you a little cafe? And when is it that you can you know do this with your hands turn them upside down when you've got nothing?
They're empty.
He was left with nothing. All he could do was just turn his hands upside down in regret. Why was he upset? Why was he regretful? Are Allah over mad at which unfair coffee her he had spent on it? Did he spend something on the garden? Of course, you have to invest so much your money your time, your energy and his garden. What did it bring for him? Well, he Ahalya while it was collapsed, Allah Arushi had on its trellises Kalia from the root letters Hall well yeah, how will bathe is When a house is demolished? Roush loses the floor live right Isha. And what has already shed a trellis what is a trellis? A frame that is put for vines to grow on? Have you ever seen that?
Because you see a vine, a grape vine, it grows upwards, right? It needs something to climb on. So you make a frame or wooden frame or something. And then the grape vine grows on it. So all those trellises had fallen. What does that mean? Those delicate grape vines and those grapes fallen ruin everything damaged Welco Lou and he was saying yeah, les Tony Oh, I wish lum oceanic Bureau be a hada I wish I had not associated with my lord anyone. Did he do shit?
What kind of shit did he say? I believe in such and such God besides Allah, what kind of shit was it?
He denied Allah hurry. And remember that denial is also a kind of shit.
And he was being arrogant. He was thinking of himself too much. He was trusting himself. He was trusting his money. That is also a kind of shake. He was showing off. That is also a kind of shake.
While I'm Mushrik Bureau be a hada but this regret too late while I'm taco Loafie atone, and he did not have any fear. What is fear a group of people that come together to help you to support you like a support group at the time of your need, but he had no fear. Who could young Soluna who could help him Mendola against Allah. Good. He helped himself no one Makana monthslong he could not even defend himself. montazah intersol nassarawa interesada is to help oneself to defend oneself. Remember earlier we learned he was boasting about his money? Could he use his money to defend himself? No. Then he was boasting about his people, his friends, his children, his servants. But Did anyone come
to aid him know? The man who was showing off about his power about his friends was left alone. You know why?
Why? Because the one who relies upon the creation, then earth the Barbie, he is tortured through it.
Then he is left to the mercy of that creation, and that creation is helpless itself. How can it help him?
And the one who remembers Allah remembers Allah's greatness, then he is left at the mercy of Allah and Allah who will help him Allah will save him. Hoonah Lika right there and then was Al Walla. Walla, what does it mean authority Nosler victory, dominance power, right there and then it was proven that Allah supreme authority is for who? With who Lilla with Allah. And who is Allah, Allah, the True Lord, the true Wali.
People don't have power, your money, your property, no matter how successful it is, no matter how much profit it's bringing you it's not reliable, who will fight until weapon Allah He is better in giving reward, isn't he? He gives the best reward while higher on October and the best in giving consequence. The reward that he gives us the best, and the punishment that he gives, is also the most fair and just this man was boasting about his money about his friends. He got the most suitable punishment.
He was left alone. Allah's reward is the best and his punishment is also most just so what does this teach us? Trust Allah, don't trust the creation, don't trust your money, don't trust your friends. And if a person gets lost in the creation, then this is the greatest deception and this teaches us about the reality of this life and the next is also about the example of the reality of this life nothing is permanent. Only Allah azza wa jal is permanent. Let's listen to the recitation well
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Subhana Allah Morbihan Nick Nisha, they were La ilaha illa. Anta the stuff we will cover in a taboo Lake? Said I'm ready