Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P15 151B Tafsir Al-Kahf 27-31
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The importance of reciting in the Quran is emphasized, and the need for consistent recitation and learning to read it consistently is emphasized. The importance of staying with familiar people and avoiding errors in writing is emphasized, as well as the importance of staying with friends and avoiding small talk. The speakers also discuss the benefits of praying at home and staying with people who are familiar with Allah. The importance of staying with people who give priority to Islam and strengthening friendships is emphasized, as well as the benefits of staying at home during quarantine and finding the best food. The segment ends with a discussion of the importance of staying warm during a party and finding the best food.
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Are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim lesson number 151 sorbitol KEF is number 27 to 44 What Lu and recite ma that which Ohia e Lekha has been revealed to you, men Kitabi robic Arabic from the book of your Lord, the book of your Lord meaning the Quran, whatever that has been revealed to you of it, or messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recite it, what Lu
and primarily the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is addressed in this area. However, you know, that there are three types of direct addresses that are made to the Prophet salallahu Salam in the Quran. One type is that in which he is being addressed exclusively, like for example, in Surah, duha, we learn Allah Mia GDK year T min, did he not find you an orphan, so that address is exclusively for who but also the loss of a loved really was then some other if in which the profits on a lot of sense is addressed. Remember that he's being addressed but at the same time, we are also being addressed like this if he's being commanded to recite, and we are also being commanded to recite follow his
footsteps and do what He has been told to do. Because think about it, if something is necessary for him, as Allah servant, then is it not necessary for us? Of course it is. Yes, certain commands were exclusively for him and those we know about in the Quran, right. However, generally, when the Prophet saw a lot of sin was addressed in the Quran, remember that we are also being instructed with the same command. So what Luma or Haiti like and the third type of address in which the Prophet salallahu Salam is addressed, he is being told but indirectly, it is we who are being given the message. Like for instance, in the Quran, Allah says Allah in a Shakta layer, but when I'm a local
Prophet salallahu Salam, if you were to do schicke, then all your good deeds will be wasted. Can it ever be imagined that Rasul Allah lorrison would associate partners with Allah? No. So who is being warned? Who is being told indirectly? We're being told. So over here, the prophets have a lot of them is told to recite, and we should also take this for ourselves. That what Lu do tilava do recitation of MA or hear Eleiko whatever that has been revealed to you, men Kitab Arabic of the book of your Lord meaning of the Quran. Tilawat what is still our? What's the root dalam? Wow, Tala clue till one or two. What does it mean, literally, to follow to go after? And the word tilava is used
for recitation? Why?
Because this recitation does not require any following any action. Yes. You know, you can read something in an article, you can read a book, all right, written by a human being, but it's not necessary that you agree with them, that you do what they're telling you to write. You can say, Nice. However, I don't buy this. I'm not going to do it. Good for them, but I don't have to agree with it. However, when it comes to the Quran, can you read it like that? With that frame of mind? Never. When you read the Quran, you have to agree with it. 100% Even if you don't fully comprehend it, and when you read the Quran, what does it mean that now you have to follow? So Tila is of two
kinds. Tila, love Leah, recitation of the words. So these words are not just to be looked at. These words are not just to be understood, meaning just understand their meaning and that is sufficient. These words are not just supposed to be preserved in a book and you own a copy of that book or you have an app of that on your phone. No, these words are supposed to be recited. So recite the book that has been revealed. Recite this revelation. Recite it when in your prayer, and also outside of your prayer. Recite in the morning, recite in the evening, recite at night, recite what loo
recite the words. And here we all need to see how much Quran is it that we recite
in a week in a day, how consistent is our recitation? The thing is that many of us we wait you know for the point where we will master the art of recitation All right, and when we will develop perfect speed and when we will reach that level then
We will recite the Quran. But the thing is that you get there, how through practice, and what this practice mean, recite. So for instance, you have, it's supposed to be recited every Friday, right? If you want the benefit of move from one week to the next than you need to recite it every Friday. Now person might say, but the surah is so long, and I'm not able to read it. But the thing is, you'll never develop fluency in recitation, unless and until you actually do it. So read start reading, even if it's a little bit on a daily basis, even if it's a little bit but consistently, what will happen, your recitation will improve if you find reciting the entire Surah difficult than
start by reciting the first and if and the last and if set that as your target. Every Friday, I have to recite the first and if so, little curve, start with that little by little and then increase gradually. So what Luma Ohia ileka mean Kitab Arabic, and remember that tilava doesn't just mean Tilawat love Leah but also tilava are Malaya follow, recite with action, meaning follow in your action what you're reading. Don't just read and study and take notes and teach and review Amal also. Because that is what is going to go with you your actions. So what Ruma are here la common Kitab Europe big, la MOBA de la, there is no one who can change me but then one who does step deal by the
alarm. There is no one who can change. Luckily Matty his words, whose words the words of ALLAH, why? Because when is it that something has to be edited? Someone's words have to be edited? When
when they're not perfect. And when is editing required. Okay to update, all right, because again, it's not perfect. It has errors in it. There's room for improvement. It's unclear. It's vague. Have you ever had your writing edited by someone?
A lot, right? So then what happens? You write something and you think you've worded it so perfectly, right? And you're admiring your own writing? And then what happens? You get that paper back with a whole lot of, you know, crosses and so on and so forth. Then what happens It's so disappointing and you realize, I need to improve a lot. But Allah's words are perfect. There's no need to change them. Allah's words are perfect, there's no need to improve them. So when they're so perfect, read them and follow them. Well, Entergy that and you will never find min Duni besides Him meaning besides Allah, Malta Harada any refuge if you abandon his words, you don't believe you don't recite. You
don't follow? Where will you go? Where will you hide? You cannot find against Allah any multihead what is the head? What's the root? What's the root Quickly? Quickly? Lamb, her doll law head? What is the head? A grave? What kind of a grave visit? That's just a hole in the ground? What is it? It goes sideways? It's like an L shaped grave. All right. So this is what law had is. So law had literally means to incline to incline towards a particular place direction. So multihead is one against whom you lean or one whom you turn to.
Why in order to take refuge in order to seek protection. So if you turn away from the words of ALLAH, who will you find to protect you? Where can you hide nowhere? So what's the message then read and benefit yourself. Follow and help yourself was big enough sucker and keep yourself patient. My Lavina with those people who you're the owner of boom, who call upon their Lord, Bill oddity in the morning, well, are she and the evening? Who are these people who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening? Why are they doing that? What's the reason you really don't know what they're seeking his face?
So all Prophets all along this alone, you should stay with these people. You should remain in their company. Look at the word whilst bit. What's the root, sidebar or sub what the subdomain patients literally sovereign means hubs
to retain, to keep something to restrain it to not let it go.
So for example, in times of extreme grief, what do you do? What are you supposed to do, Sabra and what does that mean? That you hold your tongue back? You want to scream and shout but you control your
Your tongue, you want to say something and express your frustration or your sadness, but what do you do you restrain your tongue you bite your tongue. Right? This is what summer is.
So the prophets have a lot of sadness to hold, hold yourself back, restrain yourself with who, with a certain type of people, force yourself to remain in their company. When do you have to force yourself to stay with someone?
Okay, if you don't want to be with them, when you're finding it difficult to be with them, and when somebody else is calling you,
there is another option. For instance, you go to a party, all right with your mother, or let's say your sister, okay? And your sister knows nobody over there. But you have a lot of friends. And what do you want to do you want to go sit with your friends and talk with them. However you say, if I go then my sister will be alone. So you keep yourself next to her. You hold yourself you restrain yourself with your sister. Why? Because even though you want to go, but you don't want to leave her. Right? There's so many other options. But to stay with your sister is the best thing to do. So, the Prophet saw a lot of senators advised Yes, you have a lot of options you can be with a lot of
people. However, one is the best company that you can choose for yourself. People who meet this description and what is that? And Lavina you're the owner of boom Bill audacity well actually those people who do dua to their Lord
when in the morning and in the evening the word the other owner draw remember there's two types of draw draw of masala and draw off Reba the draw of masala masala is a request. So you ask Allah, may I have this and drop off Reba like for example Salah. So those who call upon Allah, those who worship Allah, below that will Arshi for that is the first part of the day, beginning part of the day meaning morning and Aashi last part of the day meaning evening,
and these people you read on Elijah, why are they doing this? Why are they busy in the worship of Allah morning and evening? Because they want to see Allah space.
They desire Allah's face. You know why? Because there is no one in this world who can see Allah, no human being can see Allah right now. If anyone would be able to see Allah would have been allowed to see Allah in this life, it would have been who was artists and I'm right, because he heard a lot. Can you imagine? He heard Allah's voice?
He heard Allah
de la jolla who's Weiss imagine.
And then Musala said when he heard a lot, that sound must have been so amazing. He wanted to see Allah. But what was he told? You cannot see me. Because no human being has the capacity to see Allah. However, on the Day of Judgment, Allah subhanaw taala will show himself to who
all people know, those who really wanted to see Allah.
And you know, it Hadees we learn that the first time believers will see Allah,
they will see him smiling.
Allah will reveal Himself to His servants, show his face to his beloved servants, and he will be smiling. In fact, he will be laughing. Those are the words of the Hadith. So those who want to make Allah happy, those who want to see Allah smiley at them.
You don't like you're doing something and you want somebody to be happy. What do you picture in your head? My mom, she's looking at me, she's smiling. She's so happy. Right? And that motivates you to do your job really well. And you give it your best shot. So these people they're doing good worshiping Allah morning and evening. What do they want to see? What is it that they're seeking? Allah's beautiful, noble, smiling face? They love Allah.
They remember Allah, they seek Him, they want him so you force yourself to remain in their company, even if you have many options, leave everybody else but stay with these people. Why? Why stay with these people? Does your company affect you? Of course it does. You become a source of strengthening your friends and your friends become a source of strengthening you. So remain with these people, why to strengthen them and they strengthen you. Think about it if the messenger of allah sallallahu
Allah, he's being told to remain in righteous company. What do you think about us? Do we need righteous company? Of course we do. We need people whom, when we meet in the morning, when we see in the morning, when we interact with them in the morning, they're remembering Allah. And in the evening also, they're remembering Allah because when we will see them doing that, we will be reminded,
isn't it? Otherwise what will happen? We'll forget as well.
Because we take the influence of our company very quickly, whatever people are talking about, we start talking about the same things. Just the other day, it happened with me. I went to the masjid to pray solitude, okay. I went there. And I was waiting for the time to enter, basically, and I was sitting and doing my work. And then a phone call came, and then somebody else came to speak to me. And then all of a sudden, I realized I had to go pick up my kids. And I backed up. I forgot, I came to pray, because I got busy with other things. I backed up. And as I was leaving, I saw one of my friends walking into the masjid, to pray for us. And when I saw her praying, I said, I'm like, if I
prayed, like, I came to pray, and I'm going without praying.
So seeing her pray, reminded me that I had to pray as well. And I just told her, you know, benefit of good company, you came when you were praying, and I remember that I had to pray. And she said that, you know, I was driving by, and I thought, I'll go home straight, and I'll pray there. But then I realized that no, if I pray at home, it'll be too late. So I stopped, just to pray.
So, this is the benefit of knowing people who give priority to Salah
who give priority to Allah subhanaw taala. Because when they will do something good, you will be reminded you strengthen them and they strengthen you. So stay in such company. And on the other hand, the Prophet saw a lot of time was told what at our do our inner can home what to do and do not let exceed? I NACA, your two eyes iron duel of iron, iron home from them. Dardo is from odd one idle, while an adult literally means to race to run really fast. And when you're running fast, and what happens if you're driving really fast? Do you stop before the white line? Where do you stop past it sometimes way past that you have to reverse? Right? So this is I do to go beyond limits. So
Latta do I NACA, don't let your eyes go beyond beyond who unharmed than them.
Meaning when you look at these people, don't look at them with boredom and say, Oh, I'm bored of their company. Let me see who else is here? And then look for others? No, keep your eyes focused on these people. Be happy with them be satisfied with their company? When is it that you're sitting next to someone but your eyes are wandering around as if looking for someone else when when you're not satisfied with their company. So whenever do I knock on home don't look beyond them to the zenith or higher to dunya you are seeking the adornment of this life. Because the thing is that the Mushrikeen of Makkah, the big big leaders amongst them, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam wanted them to
embrace Islam. Right. And this is reason why he would like to sit with them because the more he would sit with them and interact with them, the more opportunity he would have to do Dawa to them. However, the Mushrikeen of Mecca the leaders amongst them, they would get very upset if companions such as Bilal Roby Allahu anhu, Abdullah ibn Al Maktoum are the lower and who if they came and sat in the company of the prophets have a lot of fun because they said, Oh, he's a blind man, and he's a freed slave. You know, these people have no real status in our society, tell them to go and will sit with you. Think about it sitting with four people, as opposed to sitting with rich people. What
seems more glamorous, sitting with rich people, food is more sophisticated. A conversation is more sophisticated, isn't it? Clothes, the atmosphere everything is more sophisticated. But the prophet saw a lot of time has stalled. Don't do that. To redo Zenith or higher to dunya this is all Xena adornment of this life. And remember what we learned about the Zener of this life? What's going to happen to it? It's going to be finished, while our tutor and do not obey man, the one who all fella called the who we have made his heart with awful, negligent, heedless towards what arbequina from our thicker, meaning his heart does not even remember Allah subhanaw taala and vicar can also be
understood as the Quran.
So don't obey such a person who in his heart does not remember ALLAH, who in his heart has no interest in the Quran.
I don't obey such a person. So when they tell you to make Bilal get up, don't obey them. And these people, what are they doing anyway? What the Baha who he's following his desires, he lives to satisfy his desires. What kind of Unruh Furuta and his affair is full of neglect. Of excessiveness. What is not fair, raw or full for this to be excessive in doing something?
Basically, it's the opposite of moderation of being balanced.
And there's two extremes to that. What is one extreme? Do overdo it? All right. So for example, eating over eat what's the other extreme under eat? This has failed to go into an extreme in either direction, to not remain balanced. So these people their affair is of extreme of excessiveness don't obey them. So what's the lesson in this aisle? There are several things that we learned from this first of all, force yourself to be in good company. Remain in the company of people who remember Allah in the morning in the evening. Secondly, desire teaches us that remember Allah in the morning in the evening, because if your friends are supposed to be like that, then you have to be like your
friends also. You have to remember Allah in the morning. And you have to remember Allah in the evening of Carlos Saba Carol Messiah.
And you see, doing vicar in the morning doing vicar in the evening? Does that have any effect on you? What effect?
Is there any benefit? What's the benefit?
If you begin your day with the vicar of Allah? Then how will the rest of your day be in the remembrance of Allah? And if you end your day with the remembrance of Allah, then how will your evening a night be with the vicar of Allah?
Right? Because if at these two ends, you can make time to remember Allah, then hopefully the rest of the day, you will be able to make time to remember Allah subhanaw taala again,
the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, saying Subhan Allah, He will humbly Lehi, Allah Ilaha illa Allah who will Allahu Akbar, is more beloved to me, than anything upon which the sunrises
when the sun rises, it rises upon what? Everything that's on the earth, you see the light falling on the house, on the grass, right? On Cars, driveways, streets, trees, everything is getting that sunlight. But as the sun rises, and everything has been touched by that light, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, that nothing of that is more beloved to me, than to Say Subhan Allah he will humbly lay Walla Ilaha illa Allah, Allahu Akbar being saying these words in the morning, doing vicar in the morning, doing Viken in the evening, this is something of great significance. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, where I just sit with people remembering Allah from the morning prayer until
sunrise. This is more beloved to me than freeing for slaves among the children of Israel. Imagine setting for lives free, isn't that a big deal for lives you're setting them free. But he said for me dude, remember Allah from budget until sunrise that is more important. And if I were to sit with people remembering Allah from the afternoon, meaning Rasul prayer until the sunset, meaning Maghrib, that is more beloved to me than freeing for slaves are among the children of Israel, right meaning Arabs. So they could have Allah in the morning in the evening has a lot of significance. Then in this ayah, we also see that when you have an option of sitting with people who remember Allah as
opposed to sitting with people who don't remember ALLAH, who should you give preference to those who remember Allah? Because think about it, if a person has turned away from ALLAH, why should you turn towards them? Think about it. If a person is so arrogant, that he does not even believing God does not even remember God, why should you be chasing them? Why should you be giving importance to them? The prophets have a lot of time to stall for our real mentor will learn the cleaner, turn away from the one who turns away from our thicket.
Turn away from them. Meaning don't stay in their company. Because if you stay in their company all the time, then you will get affected by them you will begin to think the same way you will begin to say the same things you will begin to wish for the same things that they wish for. Right? This doesn't mean don't talk to people at all. We discussed this earlier. No engage, interact, because that is how you do Dawa. However, limit limit the time that you spent with them. You know, like we learned earlier
to mirror and allow him to stay on the surface, don't take that relationship to heart, because if you do that, then when friendship develops when a bond develops, then you become like them and they become like you, either you will influence them or they will influence you.
Then we also see in this ayah that where we are being told to adopt good company, we are also to leave bad company.
Adopt good company leave bad company, what's the definition of Bad Company? Those who mon AlFalah, Babu and the cleaner? The one who doesn't remember ALLAH, who doesn't have any interest in the Quran? Secondly, whatever. However, thirdly, what kind of honorable Furuta
because the thing is that if a person remembers Allah, all right, meaning when he's busy doing something in his heart, he remembers Allah, he is conscious of Allah, then there will be Baraka in his actions and also in his time.
And when there isn't, then obviously his actions How will they be thought of extreme is sleeping, sleeping away, eating, eating away, talking, talking away?
Right? So what kind of honorable Furuta will call and say, I'll have Camilla become the truth is from your Lord, from ensure of a human, then whoever wills he may believe, woman shirt or filioque for and whoever wishes, you may disbelieve this iron mean that people if they disbelieve, it's okay because Allah is saying I'm an affiliate for
is that the meaning of this? If
then what does it mean?
Allah is saying Whoever wants they may believe whoever wants they made us believe.
Exactly. Read on the ayah doesn't stop there. There is more. What this means is you have the choice the truth is clear. The truth has come. Both sides have been shown to you. The Quran has come the hawk has come now it's your choice. You're not going to be forced to believe or to disbelieve, choice is yours. However whatever you choose, the consequences will be accordingly in Arthur dinner indeed, We have prepared live Lolly Mina for those who don't what is lol shake go for World Cafe Runa homo Lolly moon. So those who do want for them is prepared not on a fire. What kind of fire is it? A how to be him. It will surround them what will surround them surah the Koha its wolves whose
wolves the walls of fire
imagine if a person is surrounded by walls? What does it mean? There is no escape. He's trapped there is no way he can get out the word Surah
Surah duck is used for a bed with curtains Have you ever seen something like that? A bed that is surrounded with curtains or for instance you may have gone into a room or you know a place where there's lots of curtains at the door so you don't know where the curtain you know splits from in the middle.
So Surasak are the walls okay, that surround and completely closed a place whatever those walls may be made off they could be made of fabric they could be made of brick they could be made of leather they could be made of flowers whatever. And enclosure
and in hellfire the walls are made of what fire now on a how to be him Surah devkota trapped in the fire. What ESD lethal and if they seek lace, what is lace rain meaning water? Or if they seek both? What is Loes relief? If they ask for a break if they ask for some relief? You also they will be aided, be met in with water. What kind of water Gulmohar like molten copper. Because when you're in a very hot place, do you get thirsty? Yes. Certain foods if you eat them, do they make you more thirsty? Yes. So Jehan Lim itself is very hot, full of fire, it's a bit of fire. And then on top of that, the food that will be given to people will be what the comb and what is the comb,
it is such a tree, the fruit of which when a person eats he becomes extremely thirsty, you know like certain foods or such you eat them in your mouth becomes dry,
dry. So, what E is the lethal you will also be my in they'll be given water Kalma like molten copper, what is more molten copper, somewhere in them I have said that mu is basically a thick liquid which is similar to
sediment and oil Have you ever used oil for frying something like deep fry then what happens bits and pieces of that food they remain in the oil you're not able to take them out and then over time they settle to the bottom and then when you pour that oil out into a jar then what do you see golden oil at the top and at the bottom thick black stuff
this is Mobile
it's disgusting to even look at forget about touching it imagine people be given this to drink in hellfire you will also be met in Cal mobile and this modal when it's brought near their faces yes well would you yes we it will broil it will burn the faces.
Yes, we use from Shinhwa show a lamb is to roast or to broil meat. Because how is meat cooked in different ways? And sometimes you expose it to fire when you expose it to fire then what happens? It gets cooked so yes, well would you so hot is this liquid disgusting that when it's even brought near to the face it will burn the face. Bit Sacha Rob What a terrible terrible drink it is. was sad and how evil is that? multivac Resting Place multivac Raphael cough a place where you're supposed to find riff where you're supposed to find is where you're supposed to find rest and comfort. What is motor folk? It's a resting place. But will it be a resting place for them? No sir at motiva
This is held
a place that is full of fire. Its walls are a fire above fire below fire to the right fire to the left fire. It's water repulsive, extremely hot. That a person even when it's brought near it will scald it will burn the face disintegrating the face so the face is on fire roasted completely. And imagine if a person drinks it what will happen to the inside of his body. This is Hellfire that Allah subhanaw taala is warning us about. You have the choice. believe or disbelieve the hook is here, follow it or abandon it. But if you abandon the truth, then these are the consequences. On the other hand, if you adopt it, if you follow it, if you believe in it, in the Levine Ermanno indeed
those people who believe what AMILO Solly had and they do righteous deeds in there learn all the rules indeed we shall never waste a reward of man, the one who has an arm Allah is best in his action. The one who performs best deeds, what does Allah say?
What does Allah say? His reward shall not be wasted, he will be given reward. His deeds will not be forgotten. The good that he did will not be left on appreciated.
In learn all the Agila Manasa anomala look at the word man. What does man mean whoever man woman, old young, whoever it is, but there is a condition Alladhina amanu, Eman, Warrenville. saleha do righteous deeds and what's the condition of righteous deeds sincerity last Lilla and secondly, what are following the messenger so long is doing it according to the guidance that he gave.
So their reward will not be wasted. Ola eCola. Home those are the ones who for them are Jana gardens are didn't have eternity. They will have Gardens of Eden eternity imagine eternity never ending. There is no return date in the sense that then you have to go back. When you're about to travel somewhere. You're excited about going but then the thought of coming back. What does that do? makes you sad? Such a short trip.
It's such a short trip. But Jannah is a destination a permanent destination. It's a home of residence what kind of residence of off eternity.
The stay in Jana will never expire. The good times will never end Ginetta I didn't that did even back then you will unhappy underneath them rivers will flow under their control or literally under their homes, or literally underground However, Allah knows its agenda. It can only be known once a person sees it, that dreamin data he will unhappy and rivers of different kinds of water of honey of milk of juice Daydreamin 13 Will unhappy you Hello no fear they will be adorned in it who will be adorned in it. The people of Jana who will be adorned
You know this word you have loaner? Very interesting. What is heylia
Helia jewelry, your necklace and your rings and your you know bangles, your bracelets, whatever jewelry, this is Hillier you Hello now they will be
jeweled They will be adorned meaning they will not have to put it on themselves it will be put on them. What does that show that engender literally a person doesn't even have to move his finger
a person doesn't even have to move his finger. Don't you wish for that in this dunya? And if somebody says just touch this button, like come on, after touch that as well.
What do you want that somebody comes and touches for you? This is why we like voice command
isn't it? Then we don't even have to do anything. And now we don't even have to press a button and swipe on lock. Right? What do we want that our fingerprint is just read on us we don't have to put in much effort but even that requires effort you have to touch it you have to hold it but in Jannah imagine you have alone a fee has so much service that people don't even have to put their stuff on you know their jewelry on themselves it will be put on them they will be adorned in it but with what
with what mean a salad
with bracelets plural off see where
what kind of bracelets mean the hub of gold anyone like gold bracelets here?
I'm talking to women of course everyone likes it. And here are women who complain or men will have such an such an agenda. What about women? What about women? Don't Don't people say that all the time. Here. You like jewelry?
Would you like to have more than what you have right now? Better than what you have right now. You Hello Nephi Herman Aircel Well, I'm in the hub and the gold of Jana don't compare to the gold of this world. It's far better. Different. Far more amazing. Far more beautiful. Your Hello Nephi Hammond asylum in the heaven. Well, the Sunnah and they will wear meaning they have to put on their clothes themselves. They haven't clothes what kind of clouds cauldron of green color. Color is mentioned. This doesn't mean that clothes in general only green. This is just an example. This is just one description of the goodies and Jana yell bassoon at the oven hub run. Why does Allah
mentioned green because green is beautiful. But at the same time, it's very comforting to look at. And this is a reason why grass is green. It's not bright pink. Even if a person loves pink, right, but grass is green. Why? Because imagine if grass was pink. I mean, you'd like it for a few seconds, which you can keep looking at it. Right? You're like for instance a child wears a really bright shirt and you're like looks nice. However, it's hurting my eyes. No, go put something else on. So green is beautiful and it's also very comforting to look at. So hold on one min sunless and what's the fabric? Silk. What kind of silk Sundance's silk which is very fine. Meaning it's light. It's
light. It's delicate, fine, fine silk fabric soft.
But what if somebody likes heavy stuff? It's also there. What is the little What is it still block is the block is thick, rich silk fabric which is woven with a raised pattern. You know what I'm talking about? Alright, woven with a raised pattern meaning it's got a pattern and that we've slightly raised.
So when you feel it with your hand when you pass your hand over it, it feels good. So you're Hello Novia they will be given jewelry and then their clothes of silk. Do you wear silk everyday?
What happens if you wear a really nice silk hijab?
Honestly, I'm asking you what happens to it when you take it off? What do you see on it?
stains that you don't want to see? stains that have ruined your hijab. So then you keep your silk stuff for when for when special occasions. You can have your silk dresses hanging in your closet for three years but you're not able to wear it everyday even though you love it because you know that when you'll wear it and you'll go around your house working you'll get ruined but people have Janna will wear silk. What does that mean that most of the time, this is what they're wearing? light, soft, comfortable, right? Cozy, whatever you want to call it. So hold on one second. Listen, what is the rock and what are they doing working in Jimena?
mood Turkey in sitting back, chilling, relaxing. With Turkey in reclining floral of Mottaki. It Tikka welcome Hamza is to recline. You know, sit with your back or your arm leaning against something.
People generally like to lean.
Why? It's more relaxing, right? This is why many people prefer to sit on a chair. Because when you sit on the floor, then what happens you have to sit, you know straight because if you lean against the bench that's behind you, then the person behind you will get upset, right? You can't even lean forward on your desk because you're supposed to be writing. So it's uncomfortable. What is comfortable when you can leave when you can relax? So machina fi have in general people will be reclining. What does that show? Relaxed? Chilling, satisfied. No worry, no tension, or raw IQ on couches, seats, or IQ? Chlorella Rica, and Rica is a bed with a canopy or a couch with a canopy.
What does that mean? Shade? Little England isla? Nero masala boo. How excellent is the reward? Well Hassan at Moto Falco and how beautiful is the resting place? Two options.
One was *. Its walls of fire. Its bed of fire, its food of burning, disgusting food.
Bits Assura was sat at multifocal. And Jana, what is that? Near Mithila. Notice, in contrast, what has been mentioned reward because this reward includes drink, it includes food, it includes rest, it includes clothes, endless reward, or hassle not more difficult. And what a beautiful place of rest. This is Jana, this is what we should be aiming for. But what is it that majority of people are striving towards rest and comfort, where now
we want to lean and recline and rest. Now we want to sleep now.
We want to wear nice clothes, even if we cannot acquire them through lawful means even if it's at the cost of not giving hugs to the poor or to the relatives we want to spend on ourselves because we want to enjoy now.
But how much can we enjoy right now? Is it forever? No, you got the nicest dress and you were two times and the third time you want to wear to a party. you're hesitant because somebody will say oh, I've seen you wearing this before.
Right? And then again you have to go spend $150 or another pair of clothes. So if you keep chasing this dunya you will never be satisfied.
I was just thinking oh Allah Subhana Allah says that this is Jana. The Good Food the reclining all the good quotes, then why are we aiming for it right now in this dunya when it cannot be accomplished in this Binion's? I mean, this dunya also has good stuff but not have this level. And what is it that we desire?
Perfection. Right. But that perfection can never be achieved in the Estonia.
I sound like I was just thinking about like in the January you know how we're gonna get really good food there. Look in you know how we have already have good food here, then why don't we just aim for for Jana instead? Because it has really good food and everything. Everything's much better. No, seriously, she's right. She's 100%. Right? Everything in Jana is far, far better. So why not delay a little bit and focus on cinnamon so that we can get the best later on? What stops us from isononyl? This dunya right. So now Michael, I was just thinking how you know in the Quran, many people use it use that old for men, there's this mentioned, right? Why not for women. And I was listening to a
lecture by Norman and econ. And he was saying that he did a test with some of his students were males and females, right. And even the papers in five seconds, write down what you love the most. And obviously, you can tell the men always pretty much had the same answer of what they wanted. And the women they're like, some gave him like a you know what, I want to change this or, you know, give me five more seconds. Let me think about right women, how Allah has made us whenever sure we always want our desires are always changing. And each of us wants something else. And in a way Allah has given us so many categories over here, but also he's sort of left it open that you know, he hasn't
said you will only get dresses because what if a woman's like Yeah, well, that's nice, but dresses aren't really my thing. So Allah has left it open and he's given us so many options of rest and close and it's sort of like, you know, a mercy on us that he hasn't specifically put one category in there.
Just with this sort of Allah keep saying those who
do best in good deeds, you know. And just from the story alone, we learned that first you have to make that effort yourself to that to do that good deed, but also you have to be surrounded with righteous company to do that good deed. Like you know, you said yesterday Islam is spiritual growth, you have to keep growing so you need your effort, but you also need the people around you to do this. Yes, I mean, it was horrible to have what were they a source of strength for each other? Even if there were only seven
so righteous company helps you focus on what is more important helps you you know, do your ama with your son I said, well, and this is what is necessary to obtain Jana and its comfort recitation what Luma
mean kita mica
Deena you can emerge
also enough second
read on our agenda, we're
going to read Uzi in higher dunya to
help calm your walk be calm
study for your loss
be Sasha
ball in Medina
Wally has
a German accent
you can own German to
How long have
is developing the keen eye fi
or near
death ball