Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 140B Tafsir Al-Nahl 114
![Taimiyyah Zubair](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/taimiyyah-zubair-150x150.jpg)
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The speakers discuss the benefits of Halal culture, including the availability of various foods and the use of alcohol as a means of pleasure. They emphasize the importance of avoiding chemicals and finding the right balance between protein and sugar. The speakers also emphasize the need for healthy eating and avoiding junk food. They stress the importance of self control and learning to control one's eating habits, as it is crucial for one's health and well-being. They suggest starting thinking about what you're eating and whether it is lawful and beneficial for one's body.
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Everybody say are older bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.
And don't just say it mean it. Realize that you are about to get some treasure and your enemy
is where
he's ready to distract you ready to make you sleepy, ready to make you remember something else so that you can forget about what you're doing right now and be preoccupied with something else. So are the Vela human, a Shavonda regime.
Lesson number 140 pseudo national ID number 114 to 128 for Kulu so you all eat mimma from that which the Loiselle kakum He has provided you, who has provided you, Allah who Allah because Allah is a was the supreme provider, he is LTU the one who is sustaining the entire existence, the Sustainer of the entire existence. So whatever Allah has provided you with, what does Allah say Kulu eat from it, meaning use it, enjoy it, but just make sure that it is first of all, Helen, lawful. And secondly, it should also be by human good, clean, pure. And then once you eat once you enjoy these blessings, wash guru and be grateful, near Mata Allah He for the blessing of Allah In Kuntum, if you a year who
only him that would own you all worship, meaning if you truly worship Allah alone, then what should you do? First of all, eat, use what Allah has given you. Secondly, make sure that it is halal and play you. And thirdly, wash Kuru, be grateful. So all of this is what Reba? All of this is worship. Because worship is what? Obedience. So when we eat something, when we feed our bodies, then yes, we are fulfilling a need. And yes, we are perhaps also fulfilling a desire. But what are we doing? We are also worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. Through the act of eating, how, how are we worshiping Allah subhanaw taala through the very act of eating?
Exactly, because he is telling us Kulu eat.
So when he's telling us to eat, and we eat, this becomes an act of worship. So can you imagine if you eat your breakfast, your lunch, your dinner, your school, your if thought, your snack, whatever, and you're eating to fulfill this need, right? And you remember that Allah subhanaw taala has also told me to eat them this eating will become an act of worship. Just imagine in what other religion will eat and be an act of worship, who will reward you for eating, maybe your mom will write that you finished your food when you were a six year old, perhaps. But think about it, who will reward you for eating, who will be happy that you ate? Generally, this is something that is not considered
that good. In fact, if you are in a gathering and you're eating, people look at you, I mean, eat a little less.
How much are you going to eat? Are you going to eat all of this, but Allah subhanaw taala is telling us to eat. Why? Because he gave us these blessings in the first place. And Allah likes it, that when he has given a blessing to His servant, that servant uses that blessing. Allah subhanaw taala likes to see the effect of that blessing, the traces of that blessing on that individual. And those traces cannot come unless and until you actually use those blessings. So Kulu eat, but remember that don't just go on eating anything and everything you want. Make sure that it is halal. And for you two conditions, halal, anti EU Halal meaning the food in and of itself should be lawful. For example,
The meat should be from an animal that you are allowed to consume, that you are allowed to eat, all right. Likewise, the drink should also be such that is not going to intoxicate you. Right? So it should be halal in and of itself. And Halal also in the way that it was acquired in the way that that food was obtained. Like for example, Apple, Is it lawful? Is it halal grapes, are they lawful? Yes. But what if you go to the grocery store? You're like, I'm really hungry. I think I need a snack. So I'll just grab an apple
and eat while I shop? We've got to find out who's gonna question me who's gonna say anything to me? I'm not going to pay for it, whatever.
Was that halal food? Nope. Many times it happens that as soon as you enter the grocery store children, they start asking for food for snacks. And many times, I myself have seen that people will give food to their children in the store, grocery store, and they're not going to pay for it, Allah who are alone, but how do you know if you're going to pay for how will you remember? And have you taken permission before even consuming that food? Have you taken permission? If you haven't, how can you use it? You cannot, you know, if it's packaged food and you take Okay one thing out because your child is having a tantrum and you go straight to the cache and pay for it. Okay, you know, you
opened it, but as soon as you opened it, you showed it and you paid for it. That's understandable. But if you eat a banana, and you throw the peel in the garbage can that was not halal banana,
you fed yourself or your child how long food Halal remember is in both ways, in and of itself, and secondly, in the way that it has been acquired.
So eat the blessings, eat these foods, but make sure they're halal.
And secondly, they should also be by him, they should also be good, clean, pure. Allah subhanaw taala has provided us with different different kinds of foods, isn't it so much variety. And in this surah especially, we have learned about so many different varieties from milk to fruits and vegetables and honey, and so on and so forth. But like everything else, Allah subhanaw taala has not created all foods have the same kind, meaning have the same nutritional value. Alright, some have more and some have less nutritional value, some are beneficial for you and some are not that beneficial for you. And this is basically a task for us that from all of this that is made available
to you. What do you choose for yourself? Because what you choose your choice, what does that tell? That basically tells about you? Right, what you are what you prefer, about your nature. Like when the Prophet saw a lot of sun and went for marijuana, he was offered milk and wine.
If he took the wine, it would have been okay with him because he's being offered that up there
when he was still in Macau, remember, and alcohol was made forbidden when later on. So technically, alcohol was not forbidden at that time. If the Prophet saw a lot of sin and took it, no problem. But he took milk.
Right? His choice, the fact that he selected the milk, he preferred the milk over wine. What did that show about his nature that he was upon the fifth row? That's what Gibreel said, right? So he was upon the fitrah meeting, his choice was good. So remember, there are many, many things that Allah subhanaw taala has given us to eat. Some are good for some are bad for us. Some are going to benefit us and some are going to make us sick. Some foods are going to make us stronger and healthier. And other foods are just going to make us unhealthy. unfit.
So eat it. Make sure it's halal, but also select the way YouTube for yourself. Look at what you are eating. Don't just look at the halal label. Okay, and the kosher label and say, Yeah, it's fine. It's okay. And you eat it or you drink it. No, think about how much sugar there is in that food product. Okay? Likewise, look at the nutritional value. Does the packaging have more nutritional value or the food inside has more nutritional value?
Evaluate, see what you're putting in your body.
See what you're putting inside your body. Because what you're going to put inside your body is going to have an effect on you. It's definitely going to impact your behavior. It's going to impact your attention span, it's going to impact your physique. And that is going to affect your body image that's going to affect your dealings with other people your relationship. It's going to make a whole lot of impact on you what you eat, you are what you eat. Right. So sometimes we're just concerned about halal, but we don't care about the EU. We don't care about the EU.
You know, it's amazing sometimes how children are fed sugar up on sugar up on sugar.
What does that do to their teeth and what does that do to their body and what does that do to their hyperness level then it's amazing. It's beyond amazing.
And why it's just that they are having sugar, too much sugar. And as a result, what happens, their immunity declines, and at the same time, they develop other issues, and then they're given medication in order to be calmed down. Right? Because parents are always complaining used to hyper to hyper do hyper, and they're taken to a doctor, and then medication is prescribed, and that has a whole lot of other effects on the poor child. So look at your diet, what are you eating? Is it a balanced diet? Is it a healthy diet? Or is it just carbs? And sugars? Or is it you know, a balance like that we learn about in the sutra.
Recently, I was watching this video in which this Man really like ProHealth. And you know, like an extreme basically. So a question was asked that if we were to, you know, for an average person, if they want to improve their diet, what is it that they should do? You know, just one thing that's very simple. He said, the best thing that you can do is eliminate sugar.
Eliminate sugar, what does that mean? That you don't have a sweet apple? No, you have a sweet apple, but you don't put three tablespoons of white sugar. In other words, aka white poison in your cup of tea. You don't do that. Because if you will do that, instantly, your immunity is going to go down.
And when it's going to go down, you're going to easily catch anything. This guy was saying that for so many years, he hasn't even caught a cold. He has not been sick. He has not caught a cold. Why? Because I don't have any sugar. He has fruit, but he doesn't have white sugar. And what do we do? We have that sugar in the morning in the afternoon in the evening. And then as a result, we get sick and we complain so much. Why is it that our energy levels are constantly you know, going up and down, up and down and with that our mood is also being affected.
Because especially for women, what happens if they have physical energy, they will have emotional energy to write, they will have more patience, more tolerance with their children. But as soon as that physical strength goes down, it declines, then what happens? They become more impatient, they begin yelling at the children over every little thing, right? So think about what you eat, eat halal, and eat by you
eat halal and eat by you. You know, we should have some kind of workshop here. So that we realize what we are eating and we can really check our food. Are we just having pizza and pop? You know, I remember there was this yogurt drink that I got from my kids. And I was so happy, you know, yogurt drink.
And my kids are actually drinking yogurt. So my husband, he just you know looked at the nutritional facts and he said, Oh, this has the same amount of sugar as coke does.
It has the same amount of sugar as coke. The ratio was exactly the same. Can you imagine?
And if you look at the ingredients, skim milk, why do you have to give babies or children skim milk?
Because don't give them full fat milk because they'll get obese, right? So give children skim milk or low fat milk. Why? Because you're eating so much sugar all the time. Of course they're gonna go obese.
So we cut down on good fats, unhealthy fats. And we eat a lot of junk, too much junk. And remember when we're eating junk food, not only are we hurting our bodies, but at the same time we're also kind of, I mean, disobeying Allah, Allah is telling us to eat by you. And if we are leaving for you and eating hubby's, literally hubby food?
Do we realize what that food has been prepared from? What that food has been prepared from what kind of ingredients have been used? What kind of you know a factory was produced in we just all that we're concerned about is what the tongue the taste. If it tastes good, I like and if it doesn't taste good, I'm sorry, I'm not going to have it. Even if it is a mobile rock food or blessing food such as olives. I'm not going to taste it even why not going to try it because I don't like it. We worship our desires. This is a sad reality. We follow our desires. And this is why we only eat what satisfies our tongue. And if something is good for our health, we will leave it just because it
doesn't satisfy our return. So like I was reading in a book that if you have a horse and cost so much money and you feed it the right thing so that it would grow and it can do what you need it to do. So if we're feeding our body junk food all the time, we're ruining
In our body, we're not taking as much care of ourselves we would do other animals and thus being ungrateful to Allah because he gave us such a great body. Yes, that is ingratitude, basically, not eating proper food is in gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala because Allah gave us this body, and what are we doing to this body?
I was just thinking that eating your food basically will increase your lifespan to a certain extent. And I remember the story of the two men. The first one he died as a martyr like he didn't die. He was a Shaheed basically. And the other one he lived for another year. And he lived to see one more of a bun and then he passed away. And just a little Lazada Thailand said that the one that lived longer, he was able to enter Jannah before the Shaheed and if we are eating the food, and that's going to enable us to live longer and in turn, do more good deeds. And that's why we're bringing that up. Because when these two people died, one after the other, one of the Sahaba had a dream that
the one who died later entered Jana before the one who died as a Shaheed a year earlier. So obviously, he was wondering that what happened, I mean, the one who died as your heat and he died a year earlier, you should have entered into first. So the Prophet salallahu Salam said something to the effect of Yes, the one who lived an extra year performed more prayers. All right, he kept more fasts, he performed more righteous deeds, and therefore, he entered the number four. So remember, if our health is good, we can do more, we can accomplish more. But if our health is not good, then how can we have the energy to recite Quran? And how can we have the energy to you know, pray? Think
about it. We cannot How can we have the strength to serve others and help others.
So when I was in high school, Coke and chocolate in the morning was the breakfast to have, like it was the must, you know, to get hyper throughout the day. And then when I found out about how the experiment with coke happened, the bone was put in there and then it rusted. And so I stopped drinking Coke and stuff. And then a couple of weeks ago, I saw another scientific method that was done on Coke, where they cooked the coke for 1015 minutes and it turned out to be some all the sugar came up like you know she'd in like, our all of our stuff. Like it's just water and sugar. And that's it. And then another 10 minutes later became into blocked heart. And it was so disgusting. I
was like, Thank God 100 lie like stop long toe. But
you know what, it seems difficult that how can I live without coke. I mean, I have it every day, I have it with every meal. But the fact is that once you leave these things, then you don't enjoy them anymore. In fact, the you food is what you like, I remember, I could never have a salad without salad dressing. Never. Especially, I mean, if it had kale, I mean, you leave all the kale leaves, you just have the carrots and the tomatoes and the cucumbers, right? You leave all the leaves. But I remember I heard somebody saying that it's an acquired taste, that once you start having salad without any dressing, you actually begin to appreciate the taste of the raw vegetables. And
Alhamdulillah. so happened that we ran out of salad dressing and I did not buy it. I did not make it, I did not buy it. And since then Alhamdulillah we've been having salads without any dressing. And it's mostly kale, with other leafy greens and other raw vegetables, and we enjoy it.
We enjoy it. And the thing is that we always complain about children not having proper food. It's because they are not given proper food from the beginning. What are they given to eat? chips, chocolate, right, candy? Junk, this is what they're fed, basically. So why would that child ever eat something green and leafy ever in his life? Why would he do that? So unless Salam Alikum I was thinking about the white sugar what you said, My daughter wants, she wants tea very badly. The youngest one, and I give her tea. Just she can't sit down. We keep putting her down and she's jumping around almost like having our sheets jumbled. So until she's wet, and I was wondering, this
is not normal. It was a sugar. Yeah, we gave our son. What is that ice cap? All right. But like Yeah, it's hard. Okay, have a few sips and poor child. It was midnight and he could not go to sleep. And he had just a few sips he really couldn't sleep long as I can. I find that sometimes we only eat things because it's in front of us. Like the coke for example. We used to drink it's so much in my house and then my dad said you know what, it's not good for our bodies. So he just stopped buying coke. And then instead he's buying juices and like you don't want to drink the juice but j so thirsty and in
So if you don't want to drink the juice, you drink water. And that's so much better for you. And I find that for me too, because there's nothing like soda to drink. And then, but you're so thirsty, you have to drink something and you're actually benefiting your body by drinking water. Don't bring it, save your money. Use your money in something that's more beneficial. I also noticed that that at home, we stopped bringing junk food, every grocery trip, only one treat allowed. So if it's a sugary cereal, that's the treat. And if it's a box of you know, chips, that's the treat, no junk food and our hamdulillah there has been an awareness, you know, that there's something known as junk food.
And you can, you know, teach children from a very young age, you know, to make healthy choices for themselves, how long are you going to feed them, they have to realize what they're eating, they have to become independent in this. You know, there's this famous book by Dr. Seuss about teeth. And it says about Billy billings, who has 50 fillings,
50 fillings because he has a lot of junk food. And that drawing is just cupcake after cupcake and soda and chocolate and cookies and candy and huge, massive lollipop. And that's the stuff that children like, but when they see the consequences, this kid with no teeth, basically in his mouth. It's kind of scary.
So I'm Ali.
I was taking a class of nutrition as I was doing some research, I find out that before we had all these commodity of diverse commercial food, commercial foods, ancient people used to use food as healing. And one thing that amazed me was, there are so many varieties of food that each one when they take it, they knew what it was good for, for example, because of the nature signature, like banana, it has the shape of smile. And it's high in serotonin that takes down your depression and increases your good feelings interesting. And like tomato that when you cut up in half, it has the shape of the heart. It's good for the heart
beats it's all * and rare.
And it's good for your blood. Purification of your blood interesting. So on and on none of the stock. Like kidney beans, it has the shape of kidney. And it's particularly good for your kidneys. Amazing Alhamdulillah Allah man handled everything we need God gave us it's only asked to look for yes. And remember one thing, food should be eaten in moderation. Because we're Allah subhanaw taala tells us to eat Kulu or Chabot, he also tells us what are two three foods do not be extravagant. Because the moment we leave moderation and we have one food, too much in excess, then obviously that will also have a negative impact on the body. So alikom in my health Psych class, we, I remember
seeing a video on how scientists alter and modify the ingredients in the food, for example, they have labs and the setup, the ingredients that they could be putting in the food. And there's a concept called bliss point in which sugar, fat and salt, because those are the three ingredients that humans enjoy in general. So they modify it to a point that it just makes the person addicted to food, that they go back into buying the food. Yes, I remember hearing about that. Also, that the food basically junk food that we buy, it's been engineered. It's been produced in labs engineered so that the taste is such that you're never 100% satisfied. I mean, you enjoy it, but then you want
more and then you want more and then you want more, which is why you could be having those, you know, really super spicy nachos. Okay. And then you have one or two and you're like it's spicy. But then what do you want to have
more, and then you want more? And once you finish the packet, you're like, I have to get another one. Right. So obviously if you're having all of this junk food, why would you have real food?
Sometimes we think that if it's a vegetable, it's healthy, but sometimes it's not especially, you know, again, too much of anything is not good. And sometimes we cook the vegetables so much that they lose all their nutritional value in the minutes just like carbs and such as
cooking the food to death.
Right? So that literally it's dead stuff in front of you
It doesn't have any nutritional value, everything has been killed, including the bacteria, okay, everything has been killed, the good things and the bad things. So when you eat it, it's not going to benefit you.
I don't really know how relevant this is, but it's about food. So I remember as does the saying that, like, the feeling you cook food with has an effect on the people who eat it too. So like, cook the food and like with good feelings with sugar, and which is the next part of the idea that was cool to be grateful. Because sometimes it happens, and we're eating food, but we're complaining and unhappy. So obviously, if, for example, you're having sushi, and you're like, rubbish, it's gonna make me sick, it's gonna make me sick, it's gonna make me sick. Of course, you're gonna throw after five minutes, right? So be grateful. If you don't want to eat it, don't eat it, leave it. But if
you're eating it, then please don't complain about it. So when you come, while we're on the subject of food engineering, and so on, I also wanted to just mention the fact that we use a microwave a lot, and it's very, very bad for all of us. So I don't know, for me, I've decided to just get rid of it. And I'm so happy about it. And it's been several years and I don't even miss it. So people please Alhamdulillah. See, the thing is, we don't think about what we're eating, how we are preparing it. We don't think about these things, what effect it's going to have on the food and what effect that food is going to have in our body. So start thinking about it, start questioning what
you're eating. You know, when we've been told eat halal, that means don't just grab anything and eat it. First check. Is it lawful? Use your mind? And then check? Is it good for me? Children do this that they put anything in their mouths, right? Even if it's a piece of plastic, they'll put it in their mouths. Animals also mean you'll find goats eating paper. Alright, but human beings when Allah subhanaw taala has given us Ockel intellect, let's use it.
A lot of people think that since my family doesn't eat, like healthy, I shouldn't eat healthy. But the thing is that it only takes one person to make that change. Yes. So when I started eating healthier, my my parents started to buy better food for me, and therefore they would buy the same foods for themselves. And now it comes to a point where if I eat bad food, my mom will say, Why are you eating that. And now it's like a mutual thing. So
you have to be the change. So like, in our community, it's a huge issue about type two diabetes. And both of my parents have been diagnosed with that. So sweets have been virtually cut out of our diet completely. And they still have young children like me and my siblings. But we don't, we haven't had homemade sweets from outside and so long and we crave it, but it's a good side effect of something that happens and they take care of like we remind each other to have a term that and the thing is that this is how we develop self control. And is self control important to a believer. Does it matter? Of course, if you don't have self control, how are you going to control yourself at the time
of anger? How are you going to have sub over any difficulty? Self control begins from what you put in your mouth. What you put in your mouth, if we just put anything just because it tastes good. That means there's lack of self control. So yes, there's food in front of you. But you say no, it's not halal. I cannot eat it.
Or you say, Okay, it's halal, but it's not for you. I'm not going to eat it. Instead, I'm going to eat something else. You're developing self control you're actually becoming stronger inside. And when you will become stronger inside then you will be able to deal with life's difficulties. So kung fu eat of what that which is halal Antalya and wash Colonia Matala. Be grateful for the blessing of Allah give thanks. Don't just eat and fill your bellies and burp. Be grateful. Unfortunately, that's what we do. We eat until we're full. And we pass a comment on yeah, good food or I didn't really like it that much. It could have been better. We complain. Wash Kuru, near Matala, he encountered a
Yahoo taboo don't if you truly worship Him, then remember him when you eat. And after you eat recitation
for Colome
Paco Allahu Allah Allah.
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