Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 137B Tafsir Al-Nahl 65-66
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The concept of "how death" is discussed, including the importance of water and the potential for life to come back through the use of a water that is "how rain falls". The speaker discusses the process of "ship time of their heart" and the benefits of learning about the cow's accomplishments, including the use of organic lifestyle and raw milk. The importance of actions being pure for healthy life is emphasized, along with the use of technology to produce milk and the potential benefits of learning about the cow's accomplishments. The speaker emphasizes the need to reflect on the benefits of these actions and how they can be used positively.
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Lesson number 137 Surah Tanaka is number 65 to 79 Well Allahu and Allah unzila He sends down Mina sama II from the sky, man water. It is Allah that sends down water from the sky. So when rain falls or snow comes or hail falls, then it is at whose command
whose command Allah subhanaw taala is command because we're Allahu Anza Lemina sama II man. And in particular over here water is referring to rain. Which is amazing. Because rain How does it fall in the form of tiny water droplets but what happens those tiny water drops as they fall so many of them for a here so he brings to life be heat through it through what through this water that has fallen through this drizzle through this rain that has come that has reached the ground falling from the sky. For a heavy Hill Alba he gives life to the earth by the motiva after its death. What's the death of the earth? When it is dry? It is barren, it is lifeless, how is it lifeless when there's
nothing growing on it? When what is on It is colorless, it is dry. It's not producing anything. There are no trees, no plants, or even if there are plants and trees, there's no leaves on them. No flowers on them, no fruits on them. This is the death of the earth. Because there's no sound, no color, no movement. But when rain falls at Allah's command, that same land, it comes to life, what's the life of the earth, when it's covered in green? When those plants those trees are living? What's the sign that they're living, that the color is green?
And there's fruits, there's flowers, as well as birds and creatures and so many other animals around. So for a heavy hill or Barbarossa motiva in Nephi Valley color, indeed in that is surely a sign, but for who you call me as my own. For people who listen, who listen, listen to what the sound of the rain, and the sound of the thunder, and the sound of the leaves rustling, the sound of the birds chirping, who pay attention. In other words, this morning, it was raining.
So what happens? Sometimes a person hears the rain was like, Yeah, whatever, it's raining, move on.
But the sound off the rain is not an ordinary sound. It's quite peaceful, isn't it? To the point that you'll find those internet links out there where you can just you know sound a rain and you can just play the sound of rain in the background. Because it's so soothing. It's so comforting that sound. So the sound of rain, it draws your attention. And if a person pays heed to that sound, what will happen he will naturally reflect on the process of rain. That how it falls, how it revives the debt Earth, and how there are so many good changes that occur due to just this water falling down from the sky. So yes, my own they listen, meaning they pay attention. And they reflect and they
derive lessons. Now, in the reviving of the Earth is a lesson. What's the lesson? What do we learn from this, that if the dead land is brought to life through water? What does that teach us? That Allah subhanaw taala can also bring to life, those creatures that are dead, those beings that are dead, Allah can bring them to life. Because if he shows this to you, so many times that before your eyes you see a dead plant coming to life, you see a dead garden coming to life, you see a dead street coming to life. So likewise, when the creation will die, can Allah subhanaw taala resurrect the creation? Can he do that? Does he have the power to recreate? Of course he does. When he shows
this to you over and over again. That means that he is fully capable of giving life to the creation after it has died. Because who is the Malik of Hyatt and who is the Malik of Mote who? Allah He can give life he can give death and he can give life again after death. This is within his power. Now what is it that Allah brings life to after it has died? One is clear that on the Day of Judgment, Allah will revive the dead. Secondly, we see that the hearts also sometimes die they feel that they feel emotion less as if there is no love for God. There's no fear of Allah subhanaw taala there's no motivation to worship him.
just dead boring. There's no meaning or purpose left in life, everything seems so useless and so uninteresting that a person doesn't find any reason to keep existing. This is a feeling of what a dead heart but Allah subhanaw taala can bring life to it also, through what? Through this special water that comes from where from up above, just like rain water, where does it come from? Up above, there's something else also that Allah has sent from himself to the creation for their life, for the life of the hearts and the life of the soul. And what is that Revelation, the Quran, which teaches us to remember a loss of panel data, to have hope in him to have trust in him to love him to fear
him, and that revives a dead heart. Now in this is a very important lesson, that land cannot be brought to life without water, or can it? Can you bring a dead plant back to life without using any water? You can put all the fertilizer that you want the best fertilizer, you can put it in a perfect place where it's getting just enough sunlight and good fresh air, everything is perfect, but no water, will it grow? No. Can it come back to life? No, what is most essential? Water? Right? So likewise, a dead heart. A dead soul cannot be brought to life except with the words of ALLAH, except with the remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala. Now as human beings we always feel the ups and downs,
right? Where we're feeling happy and we're also feeling sad and depressed. We're feeling really low, we have those laws.
And it's very natural. We're human beings. We go through different trials, different tests in life. So every time you feel down, you feel depressed, you feel sad, you feel lonely, you feel hurt. What is it that can lift you up? What is it that can again bring meaning to your life that can again bring hope in your life? What is the Quran? It is the book of Allah, it is the remembrance of Allah azza wa jal so in a V Delica Aya indeed and that is surely assigned likoni a smartphone. You know that there are that you were given at a duck meal of the tenders. You remember
the bookmark that you were given? Who has it right now? Take it up. So what's the door on it? Allahu Maximilian, Omaha sciatic. Which one is it?
Okay, if you see the last part of this drug
that antigen, Anna, Robbie or Kobe, we're neurosurgery. We're Gela whose knee whether habba him me? That Oh Allah, please make the Quran the springtime of my heart springtime like the season of spring.
When does it come? When does it come? After the winter? After all the dryness and the cold and the deadness right then comes spring and what is spring, color, life happiness. So make the Quran the springtime of my heart that every time I'm low, I'm dead. The Quran just springs me back to life, the light of my chest and the dispelling of my grief and the deportation of my anxiety, meanings a cause for my anxiety to go away from my grief to go away. You know, replace my fears with hope, my negativity with positivity through what through the Quran because the Quran really is a source of life for the hearts so in the field Alika Aya likoma Your smartphone for people who listen listen to
what the Quran because sometimes you don't even have the strength to recite the Quran, you're feeling that law? Have you ever felt like that? That yeah, I know I should read the Quran I know I'm supposed to. But picking up the Quran, opening it up and reciting it a person finds even that difficult. Sometimes when a person is feeling extremely low and depressed, because you don't have any motivation. So at that time, just hit play. That's it, just listen and inshallah that will slowly gradually bring you to life wake you up. And then you will also have the motivation to pick up the Quran and recite it. So yes, my own at least listen. The least you can do is listen, it's the
most easiest thing to do. Just listen. Listening to the Quran even will also bring so much life and happiness and meaning to your existence in the field. Erica, if you call me a smartphone, we're in telecom and indeed for you fill an arm
In the grazing livestock LarryBoy is surely a lesson in the Quran is a lesson for you in the water, there is a lesson for you. The rain, there is a lesson for you and also in the animals that you see around you, there is a lesson for you. Earlier we learned about these animals that they are a huge blessing for us out there a source of food. So many blessings, Allah subhanaw taala has given us through these creatures. So over here, we're being taught that don't just enjoy the blessings. Also take a lesson.
Also take a lesson. And really there is a lesson in everything. If we start paying attention, there is a lesson in everything. And it refers to which animals grazing livestock, okay, four legged animals that are raised, or that are kept for the purpose of food and so on and so forth. And in particular, the term an arm includes the camel, the cow, cattle, sheep, as well as goats. So for
now, in these creatures is a lesson for you What is that lesson that no stay calm, we give you to drink, we give you to drink mimma from that, which is feeble Tony, he in its bellies. Bhutan is a plural of button.
So that which is in the bellies of these animals. From that we give you something to drink, meaning there's something that you drink, which comes out from these animals, and what is that? Milk? Okay, but the smell this drink? Where do you get it from? How does it come to you? From the bellies of these creatures? But what else is there in the bellies of these creatures? Men Baney? First thing from between first, what is false? False is the excrement of these creatures, you're talking about? Something like cow dung. Okay, so it's there, inside these animals, men baby Firth and what dumb in and what is dumb blood.
So, when a cow eats, for example, when a cow eats grass, what happens in its stomach, the grass is going to be digested.
Now, as it is digested, the nutrients are absorbed by the blood, they enter into the bloodstream. And the rest of the stuff, what happens to it, it turns into excrement, and then that is also expelled from the body. Now the nutrients that are being carried by the blood, then they are taken to the other. Right, they're absorbed by the other and in the other. They are turned into milk. So if you think about it, it's amazing how this milk is coming from where there's blood on one side. And on the other side, what is their garden?
And you're getting from that through that in this whole process. What are you getting? Lebanon milk that is Hollis that is pure, pure how in its color. In its texture in its consistency. It's so pure, okay. It's not clumpy, it's pure. And in its smell. Also, it's pure Lebanon, Harlequin, and it doesn't have any traces of manure. It doesn't have any traces of blood. It is harmless. And it is set in one set. We have done this word earlier. Also, when something is palatable, meaning easy to drink, it's easy to swallow. It easily goes down your throat. Sir Yvonne, Liz Sherry bean for those who drink. Why? Because milk has cream in it. Right? And because it has cream in it, it has a little
bit of grease, right? And as a result, what happens it's easy to swallow. It's not hard. You understand what I'm talking about? Right? It's not hard, it's soft. It's easy to swallow, let's share even for those who drink and who drinks that milk. The babies have these animals, as well as human beings, and not just human beings. People also give this milk to their cats and sometimes even their dogs and their other bets. Okay, so Sarah Illallah Sherry bean. If you think about it, the first substance that all mammals eat or consume as soon as they're born is what? milk
from their mothers. Okay, whether it's human being or another mammal, or a creature, an animal, that's the first thing that they consume milk.
Now milk is also made from milk is also sometimes taken from where plants? Correct. It also has plant source, right? For example, soy milk and almond milk and so on and so forth. But is it the same as cow's milk?
It's not it's really not the
What we learn over here is in this if there is a huge lesson, now we can only understand the lesson, we can only take lessons once we understand what is being explained over here. So how is it that a cow produces milk? How is it that a cow produces milk cows, remember that it takes them about 50 to 70 hours to turn grass into milk.
Okay, 50 to 70 hours from the moment that grass enters the mouth until milk is produced.
And there's a whole lot going on inside a cow. A cow is basically a walking factory. It's a walking factory, because within it, milk is produced, okay, and at the same time, it's also clean. Okay, how that it's kept pure from blood and excrement. Okay.
And it's amazing how it's constantly working. Even when the cow is resting or sleeping, or standing or walking or eating. Still, the body is constantly working and producing milk.
For every litre of milk that a cow produces more than 400 liters of blood must travel around the utter. Just imagine 400 liters of blood is traveling around the other, bringing the nutrients get from the grass that it has eaten all the way to the other and those nutrients are being absorbed and they're being transformed into milk.
And to produce milk cows eat a variety of grasses. Okay. And obviously the best milk is that which comes from cows that are eating food that is normal for them that they're meant to eat. And what is that? Grass? Now notice in the eye, what is mentioned Murphy Buitoni it's bellies. What does it show that a cow doesn't just have one stomach within it? Okay, it is one huge stomach but it has four compartments. Some people call it four stomachs and some say four compartments of the same stomach what are the inshallah you will learn about in the video. So just look at the video V i know there is music, there might be a few things that you find awkward and you know that we have to filter
through these things and just take the
1000s of years.
We're talking about milk.
How is milk created? Well, in fact, a cow has four stomachs. The first stomach begins to break down the grass before it passes through the second and third stomachs when nutrient absorption begins.
Eventually in stomach number four, gastric juices finish off the digestion process and nutrients extracted from the food are absorbed into the bloodstream.
In the other, the blood passes through very small blood vessels surrounding groups of secreting cells called alveoli. These that actually produce the milk using the nutrients carried in the bloodstream.
Aside from the foods they eat, cows must also drink plenty of water 18 litres of it to produce just four and a half litres of milk.
And the traditional way of milking a cow was of course by hand using a stool and a bucket and I'm gonna give it a go farmers getting back to the Iron Age milked cows in this way. The first one you've done that, yeah, she's very full because that's coming out without much encouragement, but it's not as easy as it might seem. Girls the average cow produces about 27 litres of milk a day. But it has been known for cows to produce more than 100 litres in a day and you can drink the milk straight from the other as I'm about to demonstrate
that is absolutely delicious. Technology has entered the world of the mukana. Richard and Johnny have come to one of the most modern dairy farms in Britain, where a laser guided robot milks the cows. It's called an automated milk harvester and it's operates 24/7 allowing the cows to enter with their own free will. So talk us through the process. How does it work? Okay, the cows walk on from this side, come into the box and stand there. They're identified by a microchip which they have in a collar on their necks. The computer will then decide whether it wants to milk this cow or whether to let this one go and take the next one. So it's trying to be as efficient as it can. It's always
looking to harvest the maximum amount of milk.
I think what's relevant to us is just about the cow and not how they milk you know in there
or farms? Okay, so what did you see in this video?
What did you learn about the cow? Does it just eat grass? Or does it consume something else also, it also consumes a lot of water. And both of them it takes if you think about a grass and water, aren't they so basic, so basic, but what is it producing? What is it producing something so pure and beneficial, like milk. Now what happens, we also have many resources available to us.
So, really depends on what you do with the simplest of things and how you produce them. Sometimes we think that we have to be given you know, these amazing opportunities and, you know, super fancy places to work in and amazing people to work with. And only then we can do something good. But the fact is that someone who wants to do good, make good, doesn't need a lot. You can do good, you can make good even with the most humble resources, some things such as water, and grass.
I was just thinking since yesterday's lesson, a lesson mentioning sign after sign after sign of things that that fulfill their purpose. And not only do they fulfill their purpose, they're a benefit to the humans. Yes, that so many things have been mentioned in the Surah. Of how when the things that Allah spent Allah has created when they fulfill their purpose, how good they are, and how much good they produce and how much good they bring to others.
anything else that you noticed? Yes.
Your bra, what's the Ebro? One thing that I noticed was that, you know, a lot of first talks about the rain and the water and then the plants and that's what the cow eats exactly, in the previous IO, it was mentioned, rain water, the life of the earth, and then that is what the cow will consume. And as a result, it will produce milk. So Allah subhanaw taala has also sent us where he
and the Quran has, you know, has been there since the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam enough for a person to take guidance from. And if a person just reflects on the Quran, and studies the Quran and you know, ponders upon it, then really a lot of good can come out through this endeavor. You know, she could have been to me in the last two years of his life, he was imprisoned. And it came to a point in that imprisonment, his pens and papers and everything was taken away from him. So he couldn't read, he couldn't write, all he could do was anything that he knew from before he could review it, and what's the best that you can review the book of ALLAH. So he recited the Quran
revealed the Quran at times during that time. And when he would recite the Quran or listen to someone else reciting the Quran, he would reflect on the meanings of the Quran. And he would say that now I'm understanding so many things that I never understood before. And he would regret having spent time on other things. That why did I not focus? All of my study on the book of Allah only, if I had reflected on it, studied it over and over, this would have been enough.
So grass and water pure revelation, it's enough.
What other eyebrow do we learn? What other lesson do we learn from the cow?
You know, what I was thinking was the musty comb, Allah gives you to drink, meaning what comes out from the cow is suitable for drinking,
you understand? Meaning the milk is suitable for drinking when it comes out. That means you can drink raw milk.
You can drink raw milk, it's perfectly safe. It's a problem when cows are standing in manure throughout their lives, just because the way they're kept. So that you know, there's a lot of milk production, okay, and the kind of food that they're given and they're not cleaned and they're not washed thoroughly, and they don't have clean places where they can pasture. So obviously, when they will be milked, then what will happen? The bacteria will transfer to the milk. Okay? Why? Because the environment in which the cow was living is not clean. And naturally those bacterias will travel into the milk and this is why raw milk is generally not considered safe for consumption. But if the
cow was given what it's supposed to eat, okay, and it's allowed to live the way it's supposed to live, then what comes out from the cow is safe for drinking. You saw that guy drinking, didn't you?
And it seems weird and strange, but it's good. Yes. If you can listen to the previous verse or lesson I said, it's assigned for those who listen.
And he also says in this verse that it's easy to swallow. So if you think about that, in terms of context of the Quran, it's not difficult to listen to the Quran like it's
If you just go on one, you know, spend half an hour just downloading all the sutras. And the thing is like download different shoe you. So depends on which mudra. And you can listen to one shoe versus the other. That's very different recitations on my, on my phone. And so it's like one day, I feel like listening to this person. The next day, I feel like listen to the next person. And it's because of that variety, it's easier to listen to, it's more interesting. And each shoe recites differently, right? It's a certain sutra is best recited by once you versus a different one. So it's kind of like, it's not hard to listen, you can find these recordings anywhere online, we spend hours
on YouTube, why not just put the Quran on instead. And there's so many beautiful recitations. And it's not hard to listen to. And the more you listen to it, the more you want to like, the more you like it. So you know, it's like a lesson one of them says, it's easy to swallow, it's easy to take in the Quran, just listen to it, you don't even have to read it yourself. Just listen, even that's good. It doesn't require much effort.
I was thinking the milk is surrounded by excretion and blood. So it's surrounded by things that you don't like, and it's bad, but it's still able to produce something that's good. So in our life, even if we're surrounded by situations that aren't good, we should still be able to produce something that is good. Yes, very true. And when is it that a person can produce good despite how his surroundings are, when he's connected to the original source when he's taking in pure nutrition? And what is that the Quran,
I had a similar reflection is basically like, when the milk starts off, it's not really like pure like, it's not even milk, right? At the beginning, when the cow was eating the grass, it's nowhere near milk. Similarly, as thinking of the believer, like, in the beginning, when they're small, or whatever, they don't have a lot of knowledge. There are no signs of a believer that can come out of it. But like as you gain knowledge, you can become pure and pure. And finally, separate yourself from all the filth around you and in you.
So many come, it seems just looking at the video, just the little piece that we saw, it tells us again that the organic lifestyle is definitely the way to go. Sorry, but I really believe in that. It's just pure. It's, it's better for all of us. So the closer to the better it is. I was watching this video the other day, and this farmer said that, you know, if God didn't intend us to consume all the nutrients that are there, no in the raw milk, then he wouldn't have made them. Right. But what happens when the milk is pasteurized? And so many things are added? Okay, then what happens? It doesn't remain pure. It's not heartless. I mean, when you get a bag of milk, and it says, fortified
with this, and this and this. Why? Why does anything have to be added into milk? It's good when it's pure. Salaam Alaikum, I was thinking that as long as human beings were not greedy, and they just followed what Allah spent Allah commanded, like, giving the cows grass and water, then there was no problem. But as soon as man becomes greedy, they thought, you know, what do we do with all these bones from the cows, so they started putting it in the feed of the cows. That's when mad cow disease started to appear. You know, and that's a lesson for us that as long as we stay with what Allah Subhana Allah has commanded, then inshallah we can go wrong. Yes. And if you think about it, milk is
something that the Prophet sallallahu sallam was given. When he went for a surah. And miraj wasn't it, he was offered two drinks, wine and milk, and what did he choose? Milk. So that means that there's something really special about milk, there is some played in it. But it's amazing how something sold by YouTube. So heartless can be a source of sickness for people can be a source of death for others. Why? Because we have definitely corrupted this pure thing. And instead of being beneficial, it's become extremely harmful.
I just want to share something, it's just kind of a reflection for me, that look at the life of a cow. It's such a docile, such a humble creature with the basic needs, it needs. And similarly, I mean, the production and the outcome of that life and that diet is so beneficial for the whole human race and for the other creatures as well. And similarly, a moment's heart. I mean, you can absorb Quran only when you are docile, you are humble, and you are ready to sell for the purpose of Quran. Only then you can swallow it and you can digest it and you can understand it right so much is very true, because, you know, I was looking at that creature so huge, and here comes a man and is milking
the cow. I mean, generally an animal doesn't accept it, that you're touching me there
Oh, why go away? I mean, if the cow wants it can just kick the person right? But look at that humble creature just standing there. Just standing there no rebellion nothing.
So humble
I want to tell you about Phyllis. Milk is very clean. If something if inside nobody drink it, you have to throw it but at the same time Alexei sort of took the class that we have to make our hearts our actions pure all this last. Because if you worship Allah subhanho wa Taala nothing inside, let's say, what if last you say without anything that is less is for that? Allah use it? Yes. Because if you think about it a cup of milk, if you add even a drop of lime juice,
what's going to happen?
It's going to turn into buttermilk. Right? It's not going to remain milk anymore. It's not harmless anymore.
The milk is harmless, but if you add even a drop of something that is impure, it's not going to remain pure anymore. So actions have to be pure in this way also.
Someone was telling me about when they used to be younger put water in the milk, right? So even when you put the water in the milk it still doesn't lose its color right? So regardless of like what a believer is filled with, you know like things happen right? So like you shouldn't lose like your color have
they explained how the like it's a whatever goes on inside the cow it's a fact it's like a factory it's a process it goes on continuously it's working even while the cow is asleep. So if you look at this in the case of a believer they have to be constantly productive make schedules make timelines you know get things done don't leave it to later and you know how it's handled well even for us when going to sleep if we recite it of course if we were sent out to us inshallah even the you know, night asleep is counted as worship even for us it should be constantly working Yes, I mean 50 to 70 hours it takes for a cow to turn grass into milk constant work, right the body is constantly
working. Anyway, let's continue.
Woman and from a Thamud all the fruits and now Healy, the date bomb while our nap and the grapevines meaning there's also a lesson for you in what you consume of the fruits that you get from dead bombs and grape vines What fruit do we get from the dates? And secondly, grapes. What do you do with these fruits that the he No no, you make Minho. From it seconded on intoxicant. What is on how Santa and good provision psycho psycho as you know, it means an intoxicant, okay, like for example, alcohol and alcohol, what is it made from?
Grapes or any other fruit or grain or anything like that which is left to ferment, okay. So, after a period of time, what happens? It turns into an intoxicant, meaning if a person will have it, he will consume it, then it will cover his brain. And you know, the definition of cycle. So, you make from this pure food from the slave food, what? an intoxicant this fruit, if you have it, in its original form, grapes and dates, they're so good for you. So beneficial for you, but you do something with it. And you make it a source of harm for yourself. And you also make from this fruit that is on her center, there is provision food that is her son, that is good. So for example, dates are dried up.
And then you can eat dried dates, grapes, even they're dried up and you can eat raisins. Correct. So this can Hasina that takes different forms. Likewise, you can, you know, soak these in water dates and grapes and you can actually get a sweet drink. Okay? Likewise, you can ferment them to a point where they turn into vinegar. Okay, and that is discipline Hasina. But if you leave it for a certain amount of time, then what will happen it will turn into alcohol in the field Ellika indeed, and in that is surely assigned likoma er cleadon for people who use reason for people who use their intellect, what lesson in this for us, that Allah subhanaw taala gave you this, which is good for
you, pure for you. If you took it as it was, but then you make different things from it. And sometimes you make good things and sometimes you make bad things. Allah subhanaw taala whatever he has created, it has good in it. But we as people when we you
was dumb, then what happens? Either we produce more good, or we produce evil. It's up to us. So in this as a point of reflection, that the blessings that Allah has given us in what way are we using them in a way that is producing clear and promoting goodness or in a way that is promoting evil, you know, for example, money, it's a blessing. It's a blessing, physical strength is a blessing, mental strength and ability even that is a blessing. And it's up to us how we use it. Either we can use it in a good way, or we can use it in a negative way. Internet. Isn't that a blessing? Some people use it and other people misuse it.
So this is a lesson something that we need to reflect over that what do we do with the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given to us? Recitation whoa long.
mean me smell
we're in a
new state.
Murphy Boone, he means
any pharmacy
fall in