Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P14 136D Tafsir Al-Nahl 51-64

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss the confusion surrounding the concept of two Gods and the need for everyone to trust one God. They also touch on the use of "has" in religion and its importance for mental health and well-being. The segment provides a detailed recitation of verses and discusses the meaning of "has been" in the title of Islam, including the deception of Islam and its responsibility to do things.

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			Well call Allahu Allah Allah has said that that the hero do not take Isla Hain to Gods it Nene to do
again is for emphasis that Allah has said to us that do not take for yourselves do God's
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			do is the minimum plural, isn't it? It's the minimum plural one is one. It's not plural if you want
to make that plural, what do you do? You add one more. So to
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			let that Dahiru Illa, heinous name. If two gods are not allowed, if you cannot even associate one
partner with Allah subhanaw taala, associating two would be okay, three would be okay, four would be
okay. No, if two is not allowed, then what does it mean more than two, of course is not allowed. We
are not allowed to associate even one partner with Allah subhanaw taala. Now there are people who
believe in two gods they say, a God of good and a God of evil.
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			This belief is also incorrect. Because when we believe in decree in other what do we believe in?
That Heidi washery good and evil are both from WHO? Allah subhanaw taala he is the one who decides,
yes, Chopin, he brings evil to us, but that is also by whose permission, Allah's permission. So do
not take for yourselves to Gods why because in nama indeed not, but who are he is 11
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			The reality is that he's only one God for a year for her bone, so only me you should fear, fear only
Allah subhanaw taala not other than Allah. Don't fear anyone as much as you fear Allah. Don't love
anyone as much as you love Allah. Don't respect anyone as much as you respect Allah don't have hope
and trust in anyone as much as you should have open trust in Allah subhanaw taala for a year for a
baboon, because he is only one God. And He is the one who truly deserves worship. Because he has the
hate Rubia the right of Lordship, as well as the right to be worshipped, though hate lluvia. He's
the only one who deserves to be in a who deserves to be worshipped because he alone created when he
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			alone created He alone deserves worship. So if you're only him, now, if you think about it, if there
were two gods, like some people find this very logical, Okay, God, the Creator, He is very good.
He's all about love, and mercy and kindness. So we cannot say that God allows any evil.
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			So when there's evil, Where's that coming from? It's coming from the, you know, source of all evil,
and that's the devil.
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			Apparently, it seems very logical, but no.
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			ShaVonne Yes, he does evil, he spreads evil, but He is not God.
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			Don't fear him.
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			The way you should be fearing Allah subhanaw taala. don't obey Him and worship Him the way you
should be obeying and worshiping Allah subhanaw taala. The fact is that for any system to run
properly, you have to have one head, one in charge. One manager, one owner, and you know what
happens when that number increases from one to two?
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			What happens? There's chaos. Who do you listen to? Who is it that you're answerable to one person is
giving one instructions and the other is giving other instructions you don't like in families were
the role of the father and the role of the mother is not all too clear.
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			So then the father says, oh, ask your mother, she's the boss.
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			And the mother says, I don't know what to say you have to ask your dad. And sometimes parents do
that deliberately.
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			when this happens, and children are in confusion, that who are we supposed to listen to? So even
though both parents have authority, who has the final say, in certain matters, the father and in
certain others, like inside the house? Who has the final say? It's usually the mother. So there has
to be one captain of a ship, one bus driver. So this huge universe also how is it possible that it
could be under two Gods no way there's only one God and so the MBI 22 Allah says lo canopy Hema Alia
il Allah la festa data had there been in the heavens and the earth, Gods multiple gods, they would
have been ruined. The sky and the earth would have been ruined by now. Don't you read about this
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			ruin in Greek mythology?
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			One or whomever somewhere it will all up and To Him belongs everything that isn't the heavens and
the earth is the owner because he's the creator.
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			He is the Malik what our Dino asleep
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			for him is a dean meaning worship that is well Sliva continues constant meaning he alone deserves a
dean that is constantly remember the Dean means Armin and it also means Jezza it means action and it
also means recompense Maliki or Medina. What does it mean over there recompense. But remember that
recompense reward punishment it comes after the action. Okay, so the word Dean is also used for
action, which is why religion what is it called Dean because religion is all about action. So what I
will do well, Sliva Dean over here means or bad bar, that he deserves worship and obedience that is,
well slip was like means continuous, perpetual, never ending, while sub is basically used for mental
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			illness. Have you ever been sick? For like, let's say two days, I'm sure you've been what happens by
the end of the first day, you feel as if you've been sick forever. Which is why you complain as
though you've been sick for an entire month.
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			Sometimes, if your hand gets burnt, and even if it's a very small burn, you wonder is this pain ever
going to go away?
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			So illness and pain, it brings that feeling that this is going to go on forever, it's never going to
end. So from this the word wasup is used for the moment to shape the continuty of something. When
something is perpetual, constant. So while our Dino asleep up, meaning he deserves worship, always,
forever and for always, without any break. Without any cessation. He deserves what? Obedience
worship sincerity. Think about it, this heavens and the earth. How long have they been existing for
so long? And from the beginning, they're obedient to
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			Allah subhanaw taala. So then, if we have been good one year, can we say I'd like to take a break
now? I've been so good with my prayers. Come on. I need a one year break. I need one month break. I
need a one day break that I don't have to pray at all, please. I've been really good with my hijab
just give me five days when I don't have to wear hijab. I've been really good with my clothing. Just
give me one day you know, my wedding day when I don't have to worry about my salah. I don't have to
worry about my hair. I don't have to worry about my hijab. And I think just one day. Can we have
that? Why? Why not? Because well ah who? Dino? Lastly.
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			What if Allah subhanaw taala said that okay, one day you're not getting oxygen. You've had it for 20
years of your life. So one day it's okay. What's the big deal?
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			We would die. We would die we could not live then how can we say okay, one day, please Allah
subhanaw taala allow me to not worship you and allow me to sin and allow me to do whatever I feel
like doing? No. Well, I would Dino Wesley, but not just in Ramadan. Not just on Friday, not just in
the masjid not just at home, not just when the parents are around, no forever and for always because
he deserves worship. He deserves worship.
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			And if you think about it, the heavens and the earth everything is constantly obedient to Him. Then
what about us? Have a late Allah hit that the goon? Is it other than Allah that you fear? Because
sometimes it's the fear of other people, right, which holds us back from obeying Allah.
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			You know, with certain people, it's very easy to obey Allah. But when we are with certain others,
we're like, it's okay. It's okay. If I don't pray this one day. You know, I don't know what to say
to my friends. It's okay. It's only one day, my wedding day. I felt late Allah hit that tone. You
fear other than Allah, what have they given to you? What favors have they shown to you? What control
do they have over your life? Over your safety, they don't have any control. So don't fear them.
Woman become Mineiro mutton and whatever you have of any blessing, I mean Allah so it is from Allah.
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			Then how can you take a break from his obedience?
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			How can you take a break from his remembrance when everything you have is from him?
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			Think about what you're wearing right now. Every single person, from your glasses to your hijab in
and you know your hair clip and your jewelry inside and your clothes that you're wearing and the
socks that you have on the pen that you're using in the eyes that you're using. Everything you have
is whose gift to you, Allah. When men become men near Metin feminine law, it is from Allah, whether
it is in body or it is in the form of money, or it is in the form of family, whatever it is, it's
from Allah. So my either must circle then when it touches you what touches you a bone
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			Rule adversity meaning any kind of harm adversity it touches you just touches you just a slight harm
for elated your own. So to him, you cry for help you start moving that your own is from the letters
Jeem Hamza Ra, and you are is the moving of a cow. What is it? The moving of a cow or the moving of
a calf? Have you ever heard a cow moving?
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			What does it sound like?
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			Desperate hear this
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			Don't laugh?
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			Do you see the whole body moving?
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			The whole body moving.
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			It's like a desperate call coming from deep within
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			and calling out like it seems as though the cow doesn't even know what it's saying. What is just
begging in desperation?
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			What does the sound tell you about the call of the cow about the moving of the cow? If you were to
describe it, how would you describe it?
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			Okay, desperate what else?
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			Yes, it's as though someone is taking in deep breaths to yell like sobbing.
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			And the sound is coming from deep. You know when samedi he made the cough, he made it hollow from
inside, so that when the wind would blow from one part to the other, it would make a moving sound.
So when the sound comes from deep, what does it mean that a person
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			you know, he's been trying to bury his faith in Allah subhanaw taala. He's forgotten the last panel
data. But then when that difficulty strikes, what happens from deep you know, with all honesty, with
all sincerity and desperation, he begins calling to Allah. And you notice how the cow doesn't just
move once and stop,
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			makes a call and then again, makes a call and then makes a call again and again and again. And this
is what happens when difficulty strikes. Then people start calling out to Allah. Ya Allah, please,
please, please, please, the keep going on and on and on. It's as if we're being told you have all
these blessings, and you're busy enjoying them, and you forget your Lord. And as soon as some
difficulty strikes you, then you remember your Lord. Then you call upon Him, and you call upon Him.
In desperation. You saw blessedly you sigh from deep inside you pray to Him, but otherwise you don't
care about him. You really don't care about him. You enjoy everything. And you forget him Thumma
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			either Messiah como booboo for LA he dodged a rune, you call out to Him?
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			Some then either Kashia for Darren come, when he removes the difficulty from you, the adversity from
you. What is it that you do either for your command come then a group from among you Bureau beam
with their Lord, you should recall they associate. Look at you.
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			Look at you. You enjoy your life. When you're in difficulty you call upon Him, and then he removes
that difficulty from you and instead of thanking him,
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			instead of praising him, you go on associating partners with Allah while He alone has helped you.
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			Now this doesn't mean that if a person has been forgetful of Allah subhanaw taala at times of
difficulty you should not call upon him. No, he should call upon Him. In fact, when a servant
repents to Allah, He does Toba. Then Allah subhanaw taala is very happy with him. When he goes back
to his Lord, Allah is very happy with that servant. However, after turning back to Allah, please
don't turn away again. Don't forget him again. This is normal that you felt distant and adversity
struck you and you because of that adversity you drew closer to Allah
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			subpanel Darna but once that adversity is over please don't fall back down again because this is
what is being mentioned over here. That when Allah knows the difficulty of party have you associate
partners with him? My family is looking down on me. I want to get married we make dua we make that
joke we wake up with everything is possible. We make them and the last one Tara responding in our
tour, but the first things in the wedding thing we do with this obey Allah subhanaw taala we take of
our Reja we do whatever time for Salah coming we do not want to remove our mica we do we do the only
things we do this by all they will dwell we did it. We disobey Allah subhanaw taala and the first
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			day the first moment yes, so that's the because remember that Sheikh is also Phil muhabba in love or
Philippa Shia in fear. So, you were begging to Allah that Allah give you a particular blessing and
then when the day Allah blesses you with that gift, what do you do? You start fearing others the way
you should fear Allah you start loving others the way you should love Only Allah
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			lick for will be mad at me now home league football so as a result, they deny meaning they're
ungrateful. For what Bhima attina home of that which we have given to them, we give them the
blessings and what are they doing? They're being ungrateful. They're rejecting them as if Allah
never gave them that blessing for tomato. So okay, go ahead, enjoy yourself for sofa tharla Moon
soon you're going to know you will find out where your Aluna and they assign Lima for that which
layer Allah Munna they do not know. They assign, they ascribe for those whose reality they do not
know. What is this referring to the idols, the false gods that they worship for them? And why does
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			Allah subhanaw taala describe them as my lay on the moon? There are things that people don't know
about meaning they don't know whether these things are actually God or not, like for example, an
idol. A person believes it's God. But is it actually factual knowledge? Or is it just stories and
hearsay and just a feeling it's not factual mele or pneumonia, and they're assigned for these
objects and receive an abortion menma from that which was Akane home we have provided them. Allah
subhanaw taala has provided them with provision he has given them their children and their money.
And then what happens? They dedicate their children their money to who to these gods,
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			these gods that have no reality to them, these gods that have not done even a little bit of favor to
them. This is also ingratitude. Allah gives you everything. And instead of thanking him, what does
the person do? He uses it in a wrong way in a way that displeases Allah subhanaw taala. And what is
that act which Allah hates? should
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			remember that the Arabs what would they do? Whenever they would have some harvest, or their animals
would give birth, they would dedicate a portion to their idols in order to please them in order to
draw closer to them. Allah gave us these means these blessings so that we use them we thank Allah
for them and we draw closer to Allah. But what do people do they use these blessings to draw closer
to who? other than Allah, whether it's an idol or human being, whatever it may be.
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			Back then it was idolatry. And today in many places, it's idolatry. That is the focus of people but
we also what do we do with the blessings that Allah has given us? When we use them? Do we remember
Allah do we forget him more? To Allah He by Allah let us alone Now surely you are going to be
questioned, I'm content of the rune about that which you fabricate who gave you this right? That you
can fabricate all these things and you can make up all these gods who gave you that right? way a jar
Aluna. And they make now over here the wrong ways in which the keener being mentioned whether it was
their idolatry or Schick, they're associating partners with Allah that was done in different ways.
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			Where Dr. Luna and they attribute Lila he for Allah al Burnett, the daughters, they ascribe to Allah
daughters, they were the certain tribes, but no Hosea or Benaki Nana, and they held this belief that
angels are daughters of Allah Nehru, the Binda, angels are what Daughters of Allah so Allah says
they attribute to Allah daughters Subhana Allah Glorified is He perfect as he he doesn't have
daughters, he doesn't need daughters he doesn't need children.
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			But at the same time, Allah says well, a homage to hoon,
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			and these people who dare to ascribe daughters to Allah, these people have mashed the one whatever
they desire.
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			meaning, what is it that these people desire for themselves? Daughters? No way. The mention of
daughter, you know it scares them. What do they like for themselves sons? They want sons for
themselves. And here they are ascribing daughters to Allah. Not that ascribing sons to Allah is
okay. No ascribing any kind of Charles to Allah is not okay. But people are made to think that what
kind of a standard Have you set for Allah? What is it that you give to Allah? How is it that you
show gratitude to Allah for a so many blessings that he's given? That even when you're associating a
partner with Allah, this is what you choose?
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			It doesn't mean that ascribing sands to Allah is okay. It's just that they're dealing with Allah
subhanaw taala as being mentioned that how do you think about Allah? First of all, an idol that you
make yourself? You make that as an equal to Allah, Allah who saw our lien who was so great, and you
attribute this pathetic thing with him?
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			And then when you attribute children for yourself, you want sons and for Allah you choose daughters.
What are you doing? What either Bushido or huddle room and when one of them is given the Good News
will unser have a female meeting of a female daughter of a girl child what happens? What lowered who
his face becomes most what then dark, meeting gloomy, fear stricken? Who hurried, embarrass the
color changes, the color of the face changes lowered who was what done well, who are Killeen,
Killeen from Cavalia mean, who is Killeen one who is suppressing his agony, his pain, his sadness,
his anger, his frustration, he's suppressing that, meaning he has become silent and he is grieved
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			deep in his heart. This is how he feels when he's given a daughter. Yet Awara yet Awara he goes on
hiding that tomatoes from wild Ah, yeah, remember, in Surah medida, we learned Lee weary so that he
could hide the corpse of his brother, it means to hide. So he goes on hiding himself middle column
from the people. He hides from his people, from his neighbors, from his relatives from his friends.
He doesn't want to see them, he doesn't want them to see him. Why? Because he's afraid they're gonna
ask. So what was it a girl or a boy.
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			And he doesn't want them to know that he had a daughter, he's so embarrassed that he doesn't want to
let this information out Mitsui because of the evil Mabu shall be of that which he has been given
good news off. Meaning the news of the birth of a child, any child, whether girl or a boy is good
news. But when this person meaning a typical mushrik, when he's given the good news of the birth of
a girl, he considers that to be so evil news. It was better if you had not told me.
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			You know, there is a documentary, it's a girl. Have you seen it? Watch it, it's a girl. The three
most dangerous words that could be said in India or China, even today,
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			you're talking about every kind of family, whether from people who are very rich, or people who are
very poor.
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			All types of people, when they're told it's a girl, that's it very dangerous for that child. Because
of that child is still in the womb of the mother, the mother will be forced to have an abortion. You
know, in India, it's illegal to have an ultrasound done for the purpose of * determination.
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			But still, what will people do? They will drive the doctors or they will go to private clinics. They
will sometimes force women because the mother doesn't want because she knows what's going to happen.
She is forced, you know, sometimes you'll be like in this documentary. It's a girl, this woman
educated from a very well off family. She was allergic to eggs or something. And her mother in law
and her husband, they fed her something that had egg. So she was unconscious, anaphylaxis, right.
And in that state, they took her to the clinic and they did an ultrasound and they found out that
the fetuses were girls.
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			Okay, and now they were after the woman get an abortion done. She would not agree that pushed her
down the stairs in hopes that perhaps the fetuses would die themselves. She survived to give birth
and now she's officially filed a case against the husband and the mother in law but she's not heard.
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			She is not hurt. She is an educated woman from a well off family. But it says though she doesn't
have a voice and she's threatened. If you keep going on like this. You're in danger and your
daughters are in danger.
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			So think about it. This kind of ignorance even prevails today. And you're talking about people who
are educated people who are not educated. If they look down on daughters for whatever reasons
whether it is the burden of dairy or the burden off anything else. What was their reaction when
they're given the good news of a girl? It's so for them Minsu Mr Boucher, Robbie, and he goes on
hiding from people he doesn't want anybody to find out that a girl has been born for him. And he
wonders a human seeker who are alone.
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			A young seeker who are alone, should him Seco he keep it meaning keep the child Allah Hoon despite
the disgrace meaning if he keeps that daughter he will have to face disgrace through his life. And
unfortunately, this kind of thinking is even prevalent amongst the Muslims. That if somebody is
asked How many children do you have? I have three all girls. Yes, I'm sorry.
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			Are you I'm sick who are hola Hoon. People feel disgraced? That they have a daughter or they have
more than one daughter or they have all daughters. They have all girls, AMC. Karla hoon.
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			I grew up in Pakistan, and we were three sisters. Okay, and my brother was born when I was like nine
or 10 years old. And I remember people asking only sisters, you're only three sisters. You have no
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			Only three sisters and no brother. And at that time, I didn't understand why it was a problem.
What's the big deal? Yeah, with recent through we have a lot of fun. What's wrong with you?
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			But this kind of thinking exists till today.
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			Till today, if a person has a daughter and then they have another daughter.
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			Parents feel embarrassed or the extended family feels embarrassed or the people feel sorry for them.
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			People feel sorry for them and as somebody as all boys. Wow.
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			A young seeker who are Allah Hoon? This is Jay Haley. Yeah, this is ignorance.
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			Should he hold it with humiliation? AMEA dusu fedora? Or should he bury it in the dust in the mud?
He had to sue from Dalsin seen this to bury?
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			What could have been the Sangha?
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			Or should he go and just bury that girl child in mud, meaning buried alive? Allah says Allah says
comun evil is that which they decide? Evil is that which they decide? The UN reports that
approximately 200 million girls in the world today are missing 200 million girls.
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			Because so many of them, their births are not even registered. As soon as they're born, they're
killed. And it's amazing how sometimes the parents will confess themselves. Yeah, I killed it. I
killed it the next day. There have been reports of mothers refusing to nurse their babies baby girls
are abandoned. They're killed. They're strangled to death. A wet cloth is placed on their face so
that they cannot breathe they will suffocate to death.
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			brutal ways are adopted to kill girl children today even Allah Azza Amalia comun evil is that which
they judge Lilla Dean, Allah, You mean honorable, for those people who do not believe in the
afterlife is Matthew. So the description of evil, meaning only such people can do this? who do not
believe in the NFL, and who do not trust the decisions of their Lord? What do they do? What kind of
decisions do they make? What kind of actions do they commit, killing their children? Having bias
against girl children, ascribing partners to Allah? Because if someone believes in the law, how can
they kill a child? How can a person kill a child a baby? The Arabs, female infanticide was
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			prevalent, but it was not common. Everybody wouldn't do it. It was only certain tribes, certain
people out of fear of poverty, out of fear of embarrassment, because for them, any child that would
be a source of income or source of strength, a source of defense was worth taking care of. And if a
child was such that they were weak, and you had to look after them, and you have to protect them,
and you have to preserve them, then they're a burden their liability. So this is why certain tribes,
not all of them, what would they do? They would kill their female children. They would kill them.
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			And there were also some noble people who would go to these families that as soon as a girl was born
them to don't kill it, give her to us.
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			And they would raise that child themselves. Literally, sometimes it would happen that a woman as
soon as he entered the state of labor
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			Someone from the family goes and digs a hole. The hole is ready.
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			So that okay the baby came out boy Okay good, girl. Okay, call us throw it in covered. Let's go
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			And we had to sue Fedorov, Alyssa Amaya comun lil Levine hola yo manana Bill Alpha Metallo. So what
an evil description what an evil way? Well Allah Hill methylone are Allah and for Allah is the
description that is the highest and what is that highest description that he deserves. That there is
no God worthy of worship but him. He is one he is alone ahead, Paul R Aziz will Hakeem. And he is
the mighty the wise. So trust his decisions. If he's given you two daughters, if he's given you
three daughters, if he's given you five daughters, six daughters, how many ever trust his decisions
he is Hakeem, well, oh, you ask it alone nurse and if Allah who were to seize people, meaning punish
00:30:56 --> 00:31:36
			them below me him because of their sins, if people were punished immediately because of their sins,
then what would be the state of this world? Man tarkarli him in the Allah who would not leave on the
surface of the Earth, even one DAB but one creature, not even one animal would survive. Because
obviously when people are destroyed somewhere along with them, what else is destroyed? Everything
that's around them, that is with them. So their properties, their houses, their buildings, and that
includes their children also, and their animals also, Samantha, Collingham and Deb. No creature
would survive on the earth meaning there will be no life on earth. What can you say to him, but he
00:31:36 --> 00:32:00
			defers them Isla agilely Musa until a specified time. They only have a few moments to live for
Elijah jello mom and then when their time comes last hit on a PSA. They cannot defer it for even an
hour while I stuck the mood nor can they precede it. Meaning when they're meant to die, that is
exactly when they will die. Not a moment before, not a moment later.
00:32:01 --> 00:32:43
			So what does is it just that how patient Allah subhanaw taala is with his creation, how sinful we
are, how ungrateful we are, how terrible we are to one another. Yet he gives us time yet he gives us
a chance. But still, people have the audacity to blame Allah subhanaw taala for the wrong that's
going on for the evil that's prevalent, this evil that's there on the earth whose fault is it our
fault? But what do people do? They blame Allah. Why Agera Luna and they attribute delay for Allah
macaroon that which the dislike, meaning something that dislike for themselves, they ascribe it to
Allah, what is it that the dislike for themselves daughters? What is it that they dislike for
00:32:43 --> 00:32:45
			themselves partners?
00:32:46 --> 00:32:51
			When someone hurling abuses at them, when someone is made equal to them?
00:32:52 --> 00:33:04
			You know, when someone is not like you, they're nowhere near you, in their qualifications in their
performance, but yet they are put in the same position as you How do you feel?
00:33:05 --> 00:33:53
			This is not fair. But yet the creation is equated with the Creator. they ascribe to Allah which they
do not like for themselves. They joke about Allah. Such jokes which if they were made about them,
they would hate it, they would pick a fight, they would go kill somebody, what does evil Elsener to
Homolka they and their tongues ascribe lies. They describe lies does differ from was to describe to
mention a description, meaning they lie with their mouths. Another home will Hausner that they will
have good they lie with their own mouths that they will get good. Were in the hereafter that Allah
is still happy with me. Yeah, whatever happened, it happened. Allah is Forgiving, he is merciful or
00:33:53 --> 00:33:57
			simply that just because I'm in a good state now I will be in a good state in the hereafter.
00:33:59 --> 00:34:05
			Think about it. How many sins do we commit and yet we believe so firmly that we have a home and
gender reserved for us.
00:34:07 --> 00:34:48
			LED Jarana no doubt about this, that another woman now that indeed for them as fire will unknown
move ratoon and indeed they will be neglected move Platonist from a fraud ferrata a fraud is to
exceed to go ahead. So more fraud is one who is sent ahead. They will be sent ahead meaning deep
deep deep into hellfire and then there'll be abandoned over there never to be brought out. And this
is the punishment for shit. Which is unforgivable to Allah He by Allah Allah Allah Allah Subhana
Allah OMA women public we sent messengers to nations before you fuzzy and 11 mache upon who armella
Whom but Shavon adorn their deeds for them for Hua li you whom will Yom so today he will be their
00:34:48 --> 00:34:59
			friend meeting and hellfire Chet lawn will be different because they are please straight on in the
world and no fire he will be their companion but what kind of a friend is He? Is he going to say any
comforting words?
00:35:00 --> 00:35:40
			Not at all. What is he going to say he's going to blame. He's going to put the responsibility on the
senators themselves. One of whom are that when I leave and for all of them as a painful punishment
one and then narrowly call Kitab and we have not sent out the book to you in there except the only
reason why we've given the book to you is need to buy in a law home that you clarify to them, Allah,
Tala foofy that in which they differ in their many differences that people have disagreements that
they have. So the Quran is an answer to those disputes and differences. Well, who then Well, it's a
guide and a mercy because when it's a source of solution to so many differences, it becomes guidance
00:35:40 --> 00:35:56
			and mercy. You know, a good answer is what a source of guidance a source of mercy but who will
benefit likoma Menon for people who believe meaning not everybody will take this guidance from the
Quran only believers will me Allah subhanaw taala grant us all true Iman.
00:35:58 --> 00:36:00
			Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.
00:36:01 --> 00:36:03
			Well all along
00:36:06 --> 00:36:08
			Isla Haley's Nene
00:36:16 --> 00:36:16
00:36:19 --> 00:36:19
			do you want to
00:36:21 --> 00:36:22
			do you know whilst
00:36:23 --> 00:36:25
			fly you're all along you
00:36:27 --> 00:36:28
			wanna be cool
00:36:33 --> 00:36:34
00:36:42 --> 00:36:44
			my gosh I felt
00:36:46 --> 00:36:47
00:36:49 --> 00:36:49
00:36:51 --> 00:36:52
00:36:55 --> 00:36:55
00:36:59 --> 00:37:01
			down for some fat
00:37:12 --> 00:37:13
			don't lie you
00:37:17 --> 00:37:18
			don't have
00:37:24 --> 00:37:25
			to have one
00:37:29 --> 00:37:32
			will either will shall I have
00:37:36 --> 00:37:37
00:37:38 --> 00:37:41
			more call me let
00:37:42 --> 00:37:43
			me know Bye.
00:37:45 --> 00:37:50
			Oh, she'll be sick
00:37:53 --> 00:37:56
			do so move on
00:38:08 --> 00:38:09
00:38:15 --> 00:38:18
			happy wherever you are
00:38:21 --> 00:38:22
			Serbia Lumi
00:38:32 --> 00:38:33
			wala anarchy you
00:38:35 --> 00:38:35
00:38:37 --> 00:38:38
			German mucem
00:38:40 --> 00:38:41
00:38:45 --> 00:38:46
00:38:54 --> 00:38:58
			car horn oh what I'll say for unseen to carry
00:39:11 --> 00:39:13
			the longing out by the Sun
00:39:21 --> 00:39:23
			shame on
00:39:27 --> 00:39:28
			shame on
00:39:31 --> 00:39:32
			you movie
00:39:33 --> 00:39:37
			nada le want
00:39:44 --> 00:39:45
			to bang in
00:39:51 --> 00:39:52
			were who
00:39:53 --> 00:39:56
			met me You mean
00:40:01 --> 00:40:08
			So panicle long will be handy Misha de la ilaha illa Anta Mr Furukawa to be late a cinema alaykum
Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh