Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P13 126E Tafsir Yusuf 108-111

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The importance of faith in oneself to convince others about the joy of the experience is emphasized, along with the need to have a strong faith in oneself to avoid hiding. The speaker emphasizes the importance of expressing one's feelings and feelings in a messengers way, as well as the need to improve one's character and relationships with people. The importance of accepting criticism and forgiveness is also emphasized, along with the need to be patient and use Renaissance in a positive way. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of rewarding individuals for their hard work and making them aware of their worth, while reminding them of the importance of rewarding others and learning from the experience.

AI: Summary ©

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			Had he severely say oh Prophet sallallahu sallam, this is my way. What is my way, the way of though
hate the way of worshipping Allah subhanaw taala only.
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			And this was the way of the Prophet salallahu Salam, this was the way of use of acela, whether he
was in philosophy, or he was in Egypt. Who did he worship? Allah subhanaw taala whether he was
working as a slave, or he was being persuaded by a woman or he was in jail, or he was on a seat of
great honor in Egypt, who was his Lord, Allah whose servant was he? Allah servant, called ahead he
severely. And this was the way of every messenger. This was the way of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam, either in Allah I call to Allah, I don't call to myself.
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			I don't call to a political ideology. I don't call to you know a person. No, I call to Allah,
because Allah made you and you are for him. You need to worship Him, everyone needs Allah. So the
messengers called people to Allah, Allah basura. Tin, I call people to Allah on the basis of basura.
What is Basa? From bustle? What is Basa need to see to look at? But SeRa is basically clear proof,
which is as evidence as something that you can see, as real, as effective as something that you can
see, it has no doubt, no doubt at all. It's like, you know, when you see something, do you have any
doubt about its existence? Know about its color? No, it's clear to you. Likewise, besito is clear
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			proof which when it is given, then there's no doubt left, then the matter is certain, mostly clear
proof, meaning, this is not something that I'm following blindly. Rather, I call people to Allah
based on sound proof, based on their own evidence. Anna, I, meaning I call people to Allah, Allah
basura. Woman in Deborah Annie, and also those who follow me, meaning those who follow Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when they call people to Allah, then how should they call people to
Allah? Based on what vasila clear proof, meaning they have to have that faith themselves in order to
call people do that faith?
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			Because think about it, if you are not convinced yourself about something, then how can you tell
other people about it? How can you convince other people about it? If a salesperson does not believe
in the product that he's selling? How can he sell it? How can he think about it? Has it ever
happened to you that you go to a store and you're discussing with somebody about what your real
needs are? If you should, you know, buy a certain thing or not? And they tell you, then you know
what? You shouldn't buy this?
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			No, no, they will convince you that what they have is the best product for you, even if they know in
their hearts, that it's not the best for you. Right? Because they believe that what they have,
should be sold because they need to make a profit, they must make a profit. And because of that they
can easily convince others also, have you ever been convinced by someone and later on? You're like,
what was I thinking?
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			Does it ever happen? Somebody just makes you spend like $50 or under dollars or sign up for
something? And then later on your family says, Are you crazy?
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			What happened? You just got convinced because they were talking about their product so passionately,
that their expressions were enough to tell you that you should buy it.
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			So a dairy someone who is calling people to Allah cannot be shaky about Allah subhanaw taala about
their faith and Allah know, they have to have love for Allah subhanaw taala fear of Allah is lost
sincerity for Allah subhanaw taala in their heart and when they will have it, they can pass it on
easily. Because Dawa is all about heart to heart. When it comes from the heart it will reach the
heart. And if it doesn't come from the heart, then it will just bounce back. It will not have any
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			Why do you think that that one of the Prophet sallallahu sallam was so successful?
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			You know, like Abdullah bin Salam will deliver and who he was a Jew and not an ordinary Jew. He was
a rabbi. Okay. You're talking about someone who was hardcore, this Wahhabi when he was in Medina. He
says that when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam first arrived at Medina when he did hijra, everybody
went, you know, outside Medina in order to welcome the Prophet salallahu Salam. And he said I was
one of those people that do
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			See, okay, who is this man? Not that he wanted to welcome him. But he just wanted to go and see what
the prophets of Allah Islam was like. And he said, When I saw him, I knew that that face was not the
face of a liar.
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			Not the face of a liar. He said his face told me that he was a truthful man. And the first words
that he heard the Prophet sallallahu Sallam say were What does anyone know?
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			Does anyone know? The first words that are beloved Sanam heard the prophets have a lot of them say,
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			or people have shisler, spread the Scylla give food to others, that are Malta, Malta and Malta will
follow belay. When Nasaan em and pray at night while the people are sleeping, that whole region
Netta Bisola, and you will enter agenda in safety and security.
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			So our beloved Sam, he saw the prophets of Allah Islam and he said, not a liar. He's got to be a
real prophet.
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			Why? Because the prophets of Allah said him, he was convinced in his heart. He called people to
Allah based on basura.
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			Mostly it all he meant it, what do we do, we just copy words from here, and we paste them there. We
hear somebody's words. And then we just repeat them doesn't touch our heart, and we're not able to
convey properly. But think about it. If something has really made an impact on you. Then you don't
even remember the name of the author, or the book, or the speech or the lecture, you're able to
express it yourself.
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			And when you express it yourself, it's your own words your own feelings, then they have a different
kind of impact completely. So other rule it Allah Allah buslee Ratan Anna woman eater barony was
Subhan. Allah He and glorified as Allah perfect is Allah wa and Amina was shaking and I am not of
those who do Sheikh Omar also known in public Elijah Island, and we have not sent before you also de
la salatu salam except men meaning messengers before you Who were they region, Florida Raju men,
meaning human beings No Hey lay him we revealed to them we sent were he to them. Use of Rene Sedan
was a man
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			or a cobra listener was the man and you will profit salatu salam are also Amen. knew he lay him we
did working for them. And they were men I had ill kura from the people of the towns, meaning there
were people who lived amongst others messengers were who people who lived amongst others who were
known to their people. And messengers were chosen from which people a little Cora Quran, remember,
population meaning big towns, not small villages. Why main main towns? Why major towns? So for
example, use of real Islam use taken out of Palestine sent to Egypt a big place compared to a small
village. Why? Why? Because the people have bigger cities. They're different.
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			They run the traditions, they change the traditions, whatever they do, they're followed by others,
right? They're the ones who are the trend setters, the trend setters, people have big cities.
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			And people have small cities, what do they do they just follow others. Right?
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			And think about it. If something happens or takes place in a major city, the news it will spread
very quickly, everywhere. But if something happens in a small city, then will the news spread?
Possibly not or maybe people will come to find out much later.
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			Something that happens in a big city spreads big spreads very quickly. So this is why Allah subhanaw
taala chose messengers from big cities. So for example Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was from where
Maccha as opposed to La if we're as opposed to just the or as opposed to Medina he was from Makkah
from Makkah, he went to Medina right. Likewise use of Rolison he was from Egypt, right? Earlier also
we have learned about the cities of Medina and Okay, and so on and so forth. Major cities, man Al
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			I follow me a zero fill Earth have they not traveled in the earth? For young little so they look
cane for canal people to Latino men, cobbling him how's the consequence of the people before them?
Meaning the people who are denying you to do to so Allah salAllahu Salam? Haven't they taken a
lesson from the people of the past? Having seen how the people before they denied their messengers
and what happened to them? They were punished. What are they
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			I will ask you not to hide. And surely the home of the Hereafter is better than Medina taco for
those people who have Taqwa of Allah Darkthrone, then do you not understand meaning the home of the
Hereafter the reward in the afternoon that is much better than the life in this world. Because
believing in the messengers surely is difficult, accepting Eman is definitely very, very
challenging. And we discussed the reasons earlier as to why it's such a difficult thing. But what
does Allah say, the home of the Hereafter, it is much better, just wait for that. Bear the
difficulties and whether a person you know has everything their way or not their way life is
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			difficult. It is difficult for every person, every person is tested, whether they believe or the
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			So why not suffer in the way of Allah so that at least you have a lot of reward waiting for you? A
fella heterarchy? Don't? Don't you understand that. Now at the beginning of the year, what do we
learn about the messengers that the messengers we're all human beings, they were made of clay, Allah
subhanaw taala sent human messengers, not messengers that were made of light, who is made of light,
angels. And remember that the status of a human messenger made from clay is better than the status
of an angel that is made of light.
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			You understand? Because people try to say that oh, no profitable, Watson was no, he was not a human
being. Allah is saying messengers were human beings, you're not exalting the status of Muhammad
Sallallahu Sallam by saying that he was made of light. No, you're not exalting his status. In fact,
you are reducing it. Because who was made of light, who was made of light angels, and the status of
the angels is less than the status of messengers and messengers were human beings, use of readiness
and I was a man human being
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			had the until, what does it mean by this had either state as a whistle, meaning the messengers, they
were human beings, they were sent to their people, but the people they rejected,
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			they suffered a lot of hardship and every messenger, he had his own set of trials and difficulties.
I mean, the trials that Muhammad salallahu Salam faced were very difficult from the trials that use
of medicine and faced from the trials that jacobellis And I'm faced from the trials that Ibrahim
Hassan faced, every messenger was tested in a different way. Had that until and these tests they
continued. They continued, they didn't stop they did not end
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			until either stay Assad Rasul. The messenger is despaired, disparate from who from Allah. No, no,
not at all. The messengers never gave up hope in their Lord. What does this mean? They gave a pope
in who in their people, that the messengers gave up that there people were going to believe, like
new Harley, Santa, what happened after many hundreds of years, they realized that his people were
not going to believe he gave up hope that they're going to believe had that estate as a Russell.
Well, one no. And there were certain unknown called Cody, whoo, that indeed, they had been denied.
Could they go, it's understood as credible, as well as credible. If it was conceivable, then the
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			messengers knew that they had been rejected. That's it. And now they've been rejected by their
people, and their people are not going to believe. You know, it's like, if you're trying to do
something you and you're facing, like, for example, you're trying to convince your mom, Mom, can we
go to this place? And she says, No, I'm too tired. So what happens? You try again, like, Mom, can we
please go for just a few minutes? And she goes, No, no, no, I don't have the energy to drive right
now. Like, come on, please, please, please. And finally, she says, no.
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			That's it. No. Why? Because I said, No.
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			Now when you get that, no, what does it mean? No, it's not happening. So then you give up, you
slouch, and you go away to your room and you cry in bed or something like that. Right? So this is
what you know that it's not going to happen. So likewise, the messengers they conveyed once again,
again, again for so many years, so many attempts, and eventually they realized that that's it, these
people are not going to believe they were certain that they had been rejected.
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			If the word is read as credible, then it would be translated as they were lied to. And in that case,
we will understand one knew they thought they as in the people thought the people thought that they
were lied to lied to by who by the messengers,
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			that they're not really messengers. They're just lying. They're making all the
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			because if they were really messengers of God, then God would have helped them.
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			How come they're suffering so much? How come nobody's believing in them? How come? They're facing so
much loss? You know, like the Prophet sallallahu sallam, in Makkah, what happened? After he received
prophethood. So many of his children died, right? His sons, one of his sons when he died, what
happened? His enemies, they rejoiced, then
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			that, oh, Hamid, you are tough, you're cut off, no one is going to remember you. No one is going to
know you. No one is going to talk about you, you're going to be forgotten. They were so happy that
Muhammad Sallallahu Islam son had died.
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			Why? Because these people they thought that the messengers are liars, because if they were really
truthful, then Allah subhanaw taala would not have done this to them. And think about it, what does
it show these words? What do they show that the situation became very difficult for the prophets of
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			They were tested so severely, one test after the other, the situation was only worsening every day.
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			You know, when you're going through some difficulty, you hope that the next day will be better than
the previous maybe. Then if you have some pain in your body, you hope that Okay, hopefully tomorrow
I will experience less pain. But for the messengers, what happened? Each day was worse than the
previous each day was more difficult than the previous look at the life of use of writing center out
of the well
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			sold as a slave. And then okay, maybe he's going to live as a slave forever. No, it doesn't stop
there, the situation becomes much more worse. And then he's in the prison had either stay as a
rustle, well, one no unhampered. Kulu then what happened Jaya home near Sedona, then our help came
to them. What does it show? The help of Allah doesn't come immediately.
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			It doesn't come right away? When does it come? When things become very, very, very difficult
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			when they become almost unbearable? And if Allah tested his messengers, this way, his messengers, if
they were tested this way, then what do we think about ourselves?
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			Then what do we think about ourselves? How do you think
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			we expect the help of ALLAH to come overnight? We expect that today, we are praying for the Muslims
in Gaza. And tomorrow, everything should be perfect. But what happens? One year after another goes
by, we hope that maybe things will improve in Syria, things will improve in Egypt, things will
improve all over the world for the Muslims. But what happens? Every news story makes you think that
the situation is getting darker and darker, more and more difficult. Because the help of ALLAH does
not come immediately. Allah sends his help a little late. Why?
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			did test us to see what we do? If you think about it, was Allah subhanaw taala, incapable of helping
use of our listener when he was in the well? was incapable? No. Was Allah incapable of helping use
of our listener when he was sent to prison? Not at all? Why did Allah not send help to us already
sent him right away?
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			We discussed the reasons it was a test, right? To make him more stronger, to make him grow through
this situation.
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			Because what happens is that we Muslims, we believe in Allah subhanaw taala. We believe in His
angels, we believe in miracles. What happens is that we become lazy, and we want things to happen
just because we are making her off. And we don't want to do anything ourselves. We want to go
online, we want to go on cheating. We want to go on living our selfish lives, not care about the
Muslims were just across the border from us. And we think Allah should help them because they
believe in Allah because we are making dua. There's more change that is required from us. Allah is
testing us, what do we do?
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			Ramadan, we spend time thinking about what we're going to eat for a farm, what we're going to eat
for school, what we're going to wear on or eat there. What gifts are we going to exchange how we're
going to, you know, set up our house, who we're going to call how much money we're going to spend,
how much money are we thinking of spending on our Muslim brothers and sisters?
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			How much
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			are we thinking about bringing joy do other Muslims these situations that are very, very tough that
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			very, very difficult, our for reason
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			for a reason.
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			It's not that Allah does not want to answer our prayers. It's not that Allah does not love us. It's
not that he doesn't want to show mercy on the Muslims know, the Muslim ummah is the chosen are Ma.
We are the people of Quran.
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			We are the OMA of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			Allah does not hate us. No, he loves us. He wants to honor us. But we have to do something.
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			We have to make a change in our lives. We need to beg Allah for forgiveness. We've developed that
attitude of, you know, taking things for granted. And feeling that we deserve it all. We don't
deserve it all just because we're Muslim, we have to strive for it.
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			We have to strive to improve our character our relationships with people and then on was help
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			also allows helpers with the drummer. So people who work together Yes.
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			I was just thinking people say that God is so cruel. He lets people suffer. But if you ask anybody
Muslim or not, like what was the point of change in your life, it was always some sort of hardship.
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			So there's always wisdom behind the hardship that people are experiencing the prophets of Allah.
They experienced a lot of difficulty. Think about the life of Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam. What
happened in Makkah, things were just getting tougher and tougher and tougher every day, to the point
that his last night in Makkah than which Sikkim had planned to finish him to execute him.
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			They wanted that night to be literally his last. But that night, Allah subhanaw taala plan that
should be the last in Mecca, but the first of a new chapter in his life, have a big turning point in
his life. So had that either stay as a rustle will run no unknown, but kuriboh then Jehovah Sorona
then our help came to them for new GM and Nisha, then we rescued whomsoever we will, what are your
October sooner, and it'll Coleman Mejuri mean, and our butts our punishment is not repelled from a
criminal people, meaning Allah will punish the criminals because he knows the crimes that they're
committing. He knows. He sees them better than us. He hears them better than us. He witnesses them
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			better than us.
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			And He is the one who is most most just
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			so just because Muslims are suffering today, or just because a particular individual is suffering in
his life, and things don't seem to change. Don't think God doesn't care about you. He does. Because
the Maluma the person who is being oppressed, his dua is heard. But there is a time that is fixed
for it.
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			Mufti Menk, have you heard his lectures recently, the Ramadan series, he's been doing the stories of
the companions. And one story that he mentioned, was about how bad been a lot and this is a story
that really blew my mind. It blew my mind. How Babineau oath is one of those companions who embraced
Islam very early on in Makkah, and he was one of those companions who suffered a lot like Billa,
Lauren who suffered because he was also a slave. And a woman owned him, called Babineau.
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			When he became Muslim, she would heat up these blocks or sheets or plates of iron, heat them up and
place them on his head.
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			Place them on his head. Just imagine
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			she would place them on his head.
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			And her Babineaux audits He was patient.
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			Allah subhanaw taala. He does not ignore the one who is suffering, he does not abandon his servant.
You know what happened to that woman?
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			She got seriously ill,
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			and her head would hurt. And the people tried everything to help her. And the only thing that would
work was heated iron placed on her head.
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			They would have to heat up iron and place it on her head.
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			So that then that headache would go away. But that would bring a different kind of pain and she
would scream and scream and scream.
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			She did this to her Babin, Allah, Allah and Allah did that to her.
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			Allah did that to her.
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			So don't think that the people who are criminals, Allah subhanaw taala will not bring justice to
them. He will He will punish them, because he knows better than you what they're doing.
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			What we should really worry about is ourselves. What are we doing? What are we doing? How much are
we calling
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			upon Allah, how much is it that we are expecting for help from him? How much is it that we are
following his orders? How much is it that we are striving in our lives to please Him? Use of our
lives and I'm just because he was in the prison or just because he was a slave. He did not ignore
the commands of Allah subhanaw taala. He didn't commit haram just because he was in a tight
situation. And what do we do? On every little excuse? We eat haram, we do haram we earn haram.
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			And we expect that our dogs should be answered immediately. Throughout the entire Quran, Allah
subhanaw taala gives examples of different nations that were destroyed. And he's constantly asking,
Do you not reflect? Do you not ponder? Do you not understand? Don't you think? And if you think
about, it's similar for us, because it's constantly if you're doing the actions that they are doing?
If they did, then why do you expect that he will be forgiving of you? Aren't you fearful? If you
punish them for what they did wrong? You're doing the same thing? That doesn't mean you're suddenly
going to be saved? Well, they weren't.
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			What is that we say about Allah, our words about Allah subhanaw taala, they usually negative? How is
it different from the people who were punished by Allah?
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			Oh, my God, I was listening to a lecture and the speaker. He said he was like, the Muslim ummah is
one body. So sometimes, what we do here is can reflect upon the people around the world, like it can
result in their suffering, and not directly but indirectly. So our spiritual state is a reflection
of what's going on, like the zoom on other Muslims around the world. And it's because here we do so
much Astrov are so ungrateful, looking at the state of our hearts. So sometimes we just need to fix
ourselves and focus on ourselves first, and it will just help the whole Muslim Ummah in a way that
we don't even realize, yes, it's like you eat something with your mouth, that goes into your
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			stomach. But what happens? The reaction is somewhere else on the body. Right? So likewise, Muslims
could be doing something wrong in one place. But because of that, other Muslims are suffering
because Muslims are one body, we are connected.
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			Allah says that the righteous servants will inherit the earth. So if we were doing everything,
right, people wouldn't mean Muslims wouldn't be suffering all over the world. It's because of us
that people are suffering, we don't even care.
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			If you think about it, use of really Cena
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			who did he have control over in his life,
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			only himself, and not even on his body in the sense that because he was a slave, he couldn't go
about because he was in prison. He had control over his heart, his thoughts, his actions, right?
This is how change begins. From the individuals, from the individuals, we need to change ourselves,
each person work on himself on herself, work towards honesty be more faithful, better o'clock, and
then a greater change can happen. There was this quote that there was this old man who was on his
deathbed and he was saying that he wanted to change the world when he was young, but he could never
do it. So he said that if I had changed myself, I could have changed my family, who could change the
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			community who could have intervened, change the world. So if we change ourselves, then we can change
the people who are around us and then inshallah change the way it takes generations for change to
come. Generations, many years and it's not within the capacity of a human being, to eliminate
poverty to eliminate injustice, it's not within the power of any one person. You just you know, put
the drop, that is within your capacity, and Insha Allah, a reaction will be caused as a result of
greater change will happen. So each person focus on himself on herself. And this is what we learn
from the prophets of Allah in the prison. He's a Merson as a slave, he's a Marcin and when he's
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			given honor he's even better Marcin.
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			Willa Yura dooba sunnah Anil Comilla moody remain. Also one more thing that I've been thinking about
recently, you know, when you go for Salah Sahrawi or you know people forward your videos of dogs
that are being made
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			in with it. I almost feel shy participating in that girl. Because there is no is that
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			there is no confession of own sins that he Allah forgive us our sins. Forgive us for our
shortcomings. No, there is no praise of Allah just instantly they are Allah help the Muslims yeah
Allah honor the Muslims yeah Allah humiliate the non Muslims. Come on. How gutsy can you be to ask
the Lord of the worlds like that? You better show some kind of humility before Him first. What did
the prophets do La ilaha illa Anta
00:30:00 --> 00:30:06
			Subhanak in the contaminant volume in other lesson and what did he say? Robina Willamina and po Sana
00:30:08 --> 00:30:53
			alumna info Sana, it's our fault. We have been wrongdoers we have been sending ya Allah what we see
what we suffer is the consequences of our own shortcomings. Because you are Marcin, you are allowed.
You are not unfair to your servants. This is our sins coming before us. So Yola You forgive us our
sins, show humility and then ask. So realize the greatness of the one you were asking and realize
your own smallness use of Renison. Um, what did he say? Are Big Data any mineral Malki or lump any
mint that will Hadees further somehow it will ontology if it dunya, Will.
00:30:54 --> 00:30:57
			I need you, you are perfect, you are the best.
00:30:58 --> 00:31:13
			I just wanted to say, I was watching a video on the daily minder network. And he said in there's a
condition for dogs to be accepted. And there was two conditions. One is that has to be sincere. And
the second one is that we have to eat halal. And the fact that we meet
00:31:15 --> 00:31:20
			and we haram doesn't mean necessarily that I will be accepted. So yes.
00:31:21 --> 00:31:34
			So we really need to change the way we ask Allah. And also we need to change our ways, our
practices, our habits, if we want Allah's help to come, and when help is delayed.
00:31:35 --> 00:32:08
			Why is it delayed? So that you check yourself? Am I doing something wrong here? Am I not asking
properly? It's like, you know, when you are sending an email to somebody to hopefully get a response
and you don't get something then you try again on a different email. And then you're like, maybe I'm
sending it on the wrong address what's going on? You don't say? Yeah, I sent an email five years
ago. So just waiting for the response. No, you find out why you haven't gotten the response. How we
can address them in our emails. And if we're not addressing them the right way, they're not going to
reply. So it's like that with the last one of if we're not addressing him the right way. He's not
00:32:08 --> 00:32:15
			gonna answer us to realize who we are, and realize who he is and ask him appropriately.
00:32:17 --> 00:32:47
			I just wanted to mention that story of a prophet I think it's Prophet Musa Islam when he made the
dua to Allah subhanaw taala to shower some rain in the town when there is no rain and but he was
replied saying that there is a man amongst you that is doing a lot of sin. And that's why that's
you've been deprived the whole town has been deprived. So because of the sins of one person, many
are deprived, many have to suffer the consequences. Why? Because those who see wrong being done they
don't stop it.
00:32:48 --> 00:33:22
			Nakada can feel Kasasa humor Ebro certainly in their muscles in their stories being stories of the
past nations there is a lesson for who lil Alba for those of understanding rebuttal is from the
letters I Envira. reboard which is from the same route is to cross over. So for example, you are
walking and there's like a river. Okay, or stream. So you have to cross over it. What do you use a
bridge? This is removed. So you went from one place to the other
00:33:24 --> 00:33:30
			rubra is to take a lesson how that you go beyond the surface of what is happening.
00:33:32 --> 00:33:53
			You reflect on it. And you think, what is my Lord teaching me here? What can I learn from this
situation? You know, one has to say, yeah, in the life of us for this time this happened and that
happened and that happened. Okay, that's just a story. Allah subhanaw taala doesn't just want us to
know the story. He wants us to go beyond the story.
00:33:54 --> 00:34:36
			Have some insight, reflect over the events and take a lesson. Look at the current view Kasasa humor
Obama, but who will go beyond the surface will allow people who have some intellect, Makana Hadith
and you've thought this is not a speech that has been fabricated? Well I can but the sleep it is a
confirmation of what Allah the beignet a day he that which came before it mean the total and the
NGO, the story of use of race and being mentioned in the Quran that itself is a confirmation that
Allah subhanaw taala sent revelation earlier, what have seen and this Quran has altered the frill, a
detail of color shade of everything, meaning everything that people need to know for guidance, the
00:34:36 --> 00:34:54
			Quran details, all of those matters. Well, who then and a guidance Well, Ramadan and mercy for who
likoma You may know him for people who believe in the beginning, the Quran is who there is guidance.
But when a person accepts that guidance,
00:34:55 --> 00:34:59
			He internalizes it. He applies it he benefits from it, then the court
00:35:00 --> 00:35:11
			On becomes a llama for him, a source of mercy for him. At the beginning it is guidance, but its
outcome is Rama. So this Buddha has come, this Quran has come.
00:35:12 --> 00:35:22
			Let's reflect on it implemented so that we can deserve Allah's Rama, for whom likoma You know, for
those people who believe
00:35:23 --> 00:35:26
			in the last I Allah says there are lessons
00:35:27 --> 00:35:41
			in the story, stories of who the people of the past, especially the prophets of Allah, in this
surah, we learned about the story of use of autism. What are some of the lessons that we can learn
from the story of use of Rene Sena?
00:35:43 --> 00:35:45
			Is there anything that you have learned?
00:35:47 --> 00:35:49
			That perhaps you understood
00:35:50 --> 00:35:52
			a lesson, but each
00:35:57 --> 00:36:46
			to even ask someone else to do something for him. So like to get to that level, we really need to
just hold on to Allah and nothing else. No one else is over here. Mind you. I think the biggest
lesson I learned from this survey is probably for sovereign, Jimmy, the importance of sovereign the
importance of beautiful silver, not ugly silver, because we say we're doing silver, but we are not
doing beautiful silver. I think the most outstanding thing for me was that all the plans are in the
hands of Allah subhanaw taala we really have no control on even our own life. If he plans for
something to go one way, then no matter what we try to do, you know, otherwise, it's him leading us
00:36:46 --> 00:37:31
			to something and it's always better for us in the end, yes. If we surrender. So like, I learned that
how use of Islam he worked on himself and his character and his relationship with a loved one with
Allah. And despite like all his hardships, he didn't turn it into something negative. But he had the
most beautiful character and Allah Tala gave him everything that he didn't even ask for and just
made his life amazing. And all he did was just work on himself. You see, use of criticism
surrendered, he surrendered. And Surrender means that you embrace you accept everything, Allah
subhanaw taala sends your way. But no matter how hard it is, no matter how difficult it is for you,
00:37:31 --> 00:38:08
			you accept it. And this is submission. And when a person submits before Allah, then Allah will give
him more than he can imagine. I think one of the profound lessons that I've learned was the real
Tawakkol of Allah, double colon, Allah because, like, you know, everyone, we all like to say that we
really trust in Allah, we do put our trust in Allah. But it is not like that when the difficulties
hit us like, recently I've, I like, went through many changes at my work, where we moved from
downtown to Brampton select, that kind of really made it hard for me to travel. So it was at that
time, I really needed to have to walk all over LA because I started applying elsewhere because
00:38:08 --> 00:38:32
			Brampton was so hard for me. But during that time I found myself though Do I really have to look
good on love? Because when you do you need that the local you have to really hold yourself down
because shaytaan is like, Oh no, just do this. Oh, no, you don't have to go, oh, no, fight your
manager and all that kind of stuff. There's so many things going through my mind. And during that
time, I really had to hold myself down and really established a local level.
00:38:34 --> 00:39:13
			So Michael, one lesson that really stood out for me was how easily use of a lesson forgave his
brothers. And like since we will read that it has been like nagging me because his brothers threw
him in a well, he was stuck there for a long time, how long? And you know, despite all of it, and he
went to the prison for so many years, and he had to literally fight to come out and prove his
innocence and so many things. And I know that many of our students have not done us know well, and
we've gone through much, much like less hardships. But yet it's so hard for us to forgive people we
hold on to grudges for so many years. Like I know my grandparents have held on crutches for people
00:39:13 --> 00:39:42
			for a long time for a variety of reasons. And it was beautiful, how you spell some despite
everything, just forgive his brothers so easily. And you didn't even mention that, you know, you did
this and this and this. He just forgave them and thing, I think that will ensure that we stay with
me forever. And you see when he forgave them, who increased in his honor. Even more use of artisan
himself, because the one who forgives, I mean it shows a lot of dignity and honor that is within the
00:39:43 --> 00:39:59
			As I will go, I want to extend the same concept. It's easier to be to do several when you have no
capacity when you have no option. If you're weak if you're a slave, or you're in some kind of
challenge. That is your only option and probably you have better else to do but when you
00:40:00 --> 00:40:23
			When power and when you know you're right, and when you know if you enforce your power now, it will
get you what you want to get done. At that point just to if somebody is the hardest thing, the fact
that his brothers were standing right across him and saying that didn't You didn't have another
brother who used to steal and all that. And at that point, not saying a single word is the hardest
thing that somebody could do. And he did it.
00:40:24 --> 00:40:57
			Sound like oh, I also like how it was amazing when he was forgiving his brother, if you didn't say,
and I know that you guys were horrible people and you guys doing well and ditched me. He's like, he
blamed it on shaitan. So when they did forgive, there was no resentment built in that he moved on
and Subhan Allah with the patients that he endured, he also grew personal strength and tolerance.
When he did meet people, he understood people and which made him a better profit, and better person.
Because when you do endure a lot of hardship, and you do endure a struggle, you grow something
inside of you, and you build character, and usually sell stops kind of all built out a lot.
00:40:58 --> 00:41:17
			Quickly. One thing that stood out to me the most was that this was a story of string. Every time
something bad happened to us by Sam, he didn't become weak, he just became stronger. He increased in
his isn't so bad things don't happen to you to bring you down. They actually happen to to raise you.
Yes, very true. So
00:41:19 --> 00:42:03
			this story, I can sum it up what I learned, but one thing that stood out for me was like the father,
as a parent, I feel how it's hard when your kid had a problem. Or imagine how many years he was
missing his son. And yet, he didn't mention anything. He didn't complain. He didn't whine about
anything. Nothing he didn't say. But doesn't mean that he was not feeling bad or sad. He was like in
agony, and that show even his physical appearance because he lost his eyes because of that. And that
for me, it was like, and we are complaining, we shouldn't even think about complaining what we have
and what we have every single day in our lives, he complained only to Allah, Sabrina. One lesson
00:42:03 --> 00:42:16
			that really stood out for me is when my dad told me we'll split for Enola you to Azure misogyny,
that whatever you do for the sake of Allah, whether it's being patient, whether forgiving that Allah
Who Never waste your word, but how these two keys in life is taqwa, and Saba.
00:42:17 --> 00:43:03
			When it comes, just wanted to say that, I reminded myself that difficulties are not here to stay,
eventually, it'll go away. Sometimes it lasts for a very long time. But nothing really remains. Yes,
change that no matter what happens, ultimately, what will happen, it will pass because if you think
about it, every single moment on this earth, what's happening, change. Change is something that's
constant in life. Things are changing in your body. If you bring some fruits, leave it in your
refrigerator, what's going to happen, it's going to change over time, right? Things are always
changing. Life is impermanent, circumstances in life, even they are temporary. Whatever is going on,
00:43:03 --> 00:43:35
			it will certainly change it will certainly come to an end. If you think about the life of use of
Vanessa, on the one hand, there is slavery. And on the other hand, there's a lot of authority and
power, what a big change. On the one hand, he's thrown into a well, and on the other. He's been, you
know, honored by his brothers. What a big change. So no matter what happens, don't give up hope,
realize that this will change but while you are going through that difficulty, concentrate on what
00:43:36 --> 00:43:37
			your son
00:43:38 --> 00:43:59
			nothing remains forever. no sorrow, no worry, no anxiety, no power, no wealth, no poverty, no
misery, no headache, nothing remains forever. It will eventually change us over this I went to
prison. I mentioned he also came out. Right.
00:44:00 --> 00:44:16
			Samaniego, that thing really, you know, touched me. He was a very optimistic person, he always look
at the brighter part of the picture. Not looking at the negativities all the time. He's always been
a positive person. Yes. And this is what helps you go through the difficulties in life.
00:44:17 --> 00:44:58
			I think what I learned was taking responsibility for your actions, we see that proper use of it, at
least he was no matter where he was, in what situation he never blamed the people or his situation
for what he did. So he always looked at himself what he had done wrong. And what we tend to do is
when something goes wrong, or when we do something wrong, we blame other people that he made me do
this or she told me to do this or this happened. And if not people then we blame Allah subhanaw
taala. So a software that we should always think about that Yes. And this is something that really
hold us back in life. When we are not happy with our situation, when circumstances are not ideal and
00:44:58 --> 00:44:59
			tell me when are they ideal?
00:45:00 --> 00:45:03
			When are they ideal? Never.
00:45:04 --> 00:45:15
			They can never be ideal. But in every situation, what happens when we start focusing on the
problems, and we start blaming people, we start blaming the circumstances. And as a result, we can't
do what we can do.
00:45:16 --> 00:45:33
			You know, for example, you go to have a picnic with your friends, and it starts raining, pouring,
and you're soaked. And one is that you start complaining, why? Why did you not think mom before
coming here to check the weather. And the other is that you're like, Oh, fun, we call it wet. Enjoy.
00:45:34 --> 00:46:12
			One thing that touched me is when you're talking about change, and how we see the signs of Allah all
around us, but still people don't believe, because like, for example, love keeps telling us in the
Quran, like, we'll come back to him, and that will die. And then he'll resurrect us. But we still
don't believe but there's things that are like, he shows us proofs that it will happen, like, for
example, like the cells in your body change so rapidly, that every 10 years, every single cell in
your body is different meaning like, if you're 20 years old, now you have nothing physically in
common with your 10 year old self. So he's even showing us proof that he can, like give us a new
00:46:12 --> 00:46:24
			body and bring us back to life. We still don't know every single cell approximately every 10 years,
every cell in your body is new. So you have nothing physically in common with 10 years ago.
00:46:25 --> 00:46:27
			Wow. Amazing.
00:46:29 --> 00:47:12
			One thing that really stood out to me from this surah was how Allah works in in very subtle ways.
Like when he's planning out somebody's life. So for example, Prophet use of our when he was taken
from his father, and then his brothers were planning against him. And then he was thrown into a
wall, and then nobody cared about him. And then he was sold as a slave but, and like, in that
situation, it would look like he doesn't have anybody and like, Maybe nobody's working out for him
and stuff. But like Allah was preparing him for something bigger. And he was protecting him the
whole time. And not only did he make him succeed in this world, but he gave him like, taqwa and
00:47:12 --> 00:47:26
			patience in his heart. So it's just like to remind ourselves, like a lot, he has your back, like, he
doesn't leave you. So to his not forget that and like, not give up hope, when you're going through
something difficult. It's
00:47:27 --> 00:47:34
			one more thing that I'm sure there are many, many lessons that you want to share. And I encourage
you to please write them down. So that
00:47:35 --> 00:47:54
			child, this can help you now and it can also help other people. And it can also help you later
because if there's something that you write down to yourself, you know, with your feelings, then
inshallah it will be more and more beneficial. One thing that I would like to mention is that those
who are tested are certainly rewarded.
00:47:55 --> 00:47:57
			Those who are tested,
00:47:58 --> 00:48:02
			are certainly certainly rewarded
00:48:03 --> 00:48:06
			in this life, and definitely in the pocket.
00:48:07 --> 00:48:24
			And if you are being tried in your life in any way, and I'm sure you are, every person is, when
you're in that dust, it's very difficult to deal with it. So what can you do in this story? What is
it that we learn? What is it that we can do,
00:48:25 --> 00:48:28
			in order to help us be patient through the test?
00:48:29 --> 00:48:46
			What the hope of reward, this realization that those who are tested will be rewarded. So if I'm
being tested right now, in sha Allah, there is reward. So focus on the prize, you know, focus your
eyes on the prize, so that you can keep going.
00:48:48 --> 00:48:56
			And then you'll be able to keep going, even though you're tired, even though you're exhausted.
Because you're focused on the price. If you think about it,
00:48:57 --> 00:49:49
			the different exams that we take for our education, are they easy, the different courses, different
endeavors, they're not easy, they're very difficult. But what is it that makes people study like
crazy and you know, spend their nights studying with one coffee after another? What makes them do
it? The prize, the bright future, the bright future, it helps them become patient. It helps them
deal with the hardship when you're focused on the prize. So remember, with every test is reward. But
that's if you pass the test. If you pass the test, you will be tested. And for every test, there
will be reward if you pass the test and how can you pass the test with saba? How can you have
00:49:49 --> 00:49:59
			stubborn if you keep focusing on what Allah has, if you keep focusing on the good that can come out
of the situation. So think about
00:50:00 --> 00:50:05
			it what is your test in life? Right now? What is your biggest test?
00:50:06 --> 00:50:11
			What is your biggest test and perhaps you feel that you're failing at it miserably.
00:50:12 --> 00:50:22
			Just focus on the price. Just focus on the reward. Keep reminding yourself of the reward that Allah
subhanaw taala can give you that you cannot even imagine.
00:50:24 --> 00:50:36
			So be patient. One more thing. Use of our his Salah had no enemies, even though his life was very
difficult. He came across the most
00:50:37 --> 00:50:46
			challenging situations he came across very difficult people, but still he had how many enemies,
00:50:47 --> 00:50:49
			zero enemies,
00:50:50 --> 00:51:01
			zero enemies, his enemies turned into his friends, his brothers with three women the well one day
came and said, Allah has preferred you over us.
00:51:02 --> 00:51:03
			The woman
00:51:04 --> 00:51:23
			who tried to harm him, she said unhealth Hassan. He was right. I was wrong. All the women, they
confessed. Everyone who tried to harm him, eventually became his friend. Why? Because he was a
Morrison. He forgave.
00:51:24 --> 00:51:49
			He forgive and he had no enemies and this is why he was a happy person. Why are we unhappy? We have
too many enemies. spouses and enemy children are enemies. sniffers are enemies siblings are enemies.
Parents are enemies. Grandparents are enemies. uncles are enemies. Aunties are enemies, every person
we have some problem with them. Why? Because we don't get over things that have happened.
00:51:50 --> 00:52:11
			We keep reminding ourselves and this is why our relationships cannot improve. And this is why we are
unhappy we have stress issues we have so many problems. So this character was beautiful. And this is
why he had no enemies and this is really something that we need to appreciate and use of Renaissance
really admire in him.
00:52:12 --> 00:52:33
			And again, like I said, there's a lot to discuss, but inshallah we'll have to end here please write
and share. Recitation we'll have the Sebelius II don't know all I
00:52:36 --> 00:52:36
00:52:37 --> 00:52:39
			was to bear Hannah Long You
00:52:43 --> 00:52:46
			sneaky shrieking well no
00:52:53 --> 00:52:56
			no, he
00:52:58 --> 00:53:06
			mean, Lupo Flm yesI see you feel we fail. Okay, back
00:53:07 --> 00:53:08
00:53:11 --> 00:53:13
			Walla down
00:53:21 --> 00:53:21
			how to
00:53:24 --> 00:53:24
00:53:27 --> 00:53:31
			no one no.
00:53:33 --> 00:53:34
			Padukone move
00:53:37 --> 00:53:39
			on GMM
00:53:43 --> 00:53:46
			Wallah. You want to do that sooner.
00:53:47 --> 00:53:54
			Modularity in lapada Canopy paths also in Murrayville only only
00:53:58 --> 00:54:00
			maca and ahaadeeth
00:54:01 --> 00:54:02
			stone on a
00:54:04 --> 00:54:06
			dose deep on the vein
00:54:07 --> 00:54:10
			of sleep at colletion
00:54:12 --> 00:54:13
00:54:14 --> 00:54:18
			Natalie bone me You mean?
00:54:23 --> 00:54:30
			Subhanak Allahumma Be sure to Allah Illa illa Anta that's the federal governor to Blue Lake a Salam
or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.