Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P12 117B Tafsir Hud 1-5
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The transcript discusses the importance of writing in the language and how it is key to understanding the meaning of the Bible. The speaker emphasizes the need for forgiveness and seeking forgiveness from the creator. The importance of hard work and rewarding one's effort is also emphasized. The speaker discusses the sad reality of living in a home where one is only allowed to do what one wants and cannot do anything else. The speakers stress the importance of hard work and avoiding hiding from oneself.
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was a bit of a minute shuffling rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Rahim
we are now in the midst of McKee Surah as one that we just finished was sort of Eunice and today inshallah we'll begin SUTA tooled, and there will be maki Surah, all the way to sort of the news. And it's so important to understand the mucky background in order to understand the soloists properly.
Lesson number 117 sort of Hood is number one to 24. So today is a murky surah and it has 123 verses. The surah was revealed after sort of Eunice which means that it is obviously a murky surah. But remember that the surah was revealed towards the later part of the McKee era. Which means that it was a time when the opposition had increased. And despite the many attempts of the prophets of Allah Islam to convey the message to the people to invite them to Islam, he wasn't really receiving any positive feedback from them, no positive reaction from them. There were people who would believe every now and then, but on average, what was the reaction of the people pride and rejection?
And this turned into severe form of opposition. Think about it. The first time the Prophet sallallahu Sallam openly invited everybody to Islam, what was the reaction of Abu Lahab he cursed the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he threw a handful of mud towards him to humiliate him this was the reaction to what the first open call. Now imagine how the reaction must have become more severe over time.
But remember that in this sorta like every other McKee Surah, the prophets of Allah Addison was comforted, that despite the rejection and opposition of people, don't worry, keep doing your work, remain firm, and leave the matter to Allah subhanaw taala Your job is to convey and Allah who will bring them to justice. But at the same time, when the message was reinforced in the Surah, that you have to convey you must convey regardless of the reaction of the people. Imagine how stressful that must have been for the prophets on a lot is.
Just imagine the stress that you're trying to tell somebody something, they're not listening, you're getting no positive feedback. But at the same time, you have no choice. Your boss is Allah. You can't say I quit, I can't do this. You can't quit. You can't just walk away, you have to do it. And verse after verse was being revealed, you must convey and the people must believe for if they do not, there's a Hellfire waiting for them, and a punishment that could be sent to them. Now, look at what happened to the people of North look at what happened to the people of wood looked at the past nations when they rejected their messengers. What happened. So while the message was being
reinforced on the prophets of autism, you must convey you must convey at the same time, he wasn't getting any positive feedback from the people. So I want you to imagine the stress that he was going through.
And from some narrations, we learn that the Prophet saw a lot of them significantly aged at this time.
And from some reports, we learned that he said, che your Bethany hood, solitude has made me old. Meaning that stress has really gotten to me. Have you ever been in a place, let's say in a workplace where you have to report to someone, your manager or whoever, was a very rude person, and they're just very illogical. And every day you go to that workplace, you're like, why am I here? I should just quit. And you wish you could quit? You wish you could just tell them on their face? I quit. But you know that if you quit, you're going to face immediate consequences. Where are you going to pay your rent from? How you're going to pay for your car? How are you going to pay for your guests? How
are you going to live? How are you going to survive? So what happens? You keep tolerating everything negative in that workplace and everything negative that you face from that manager or that boss, but it takes a toll on your health. It makes people very stressed out in general.
Now, this is just one small thing. Imagine the difficulty at the profits of a lot of someone was going through
he had to convey but at the same time, people weren't believing. So the Prophet saw a lot of sudden he was stressed out and because of this reason in this surah we will see that he was comforted a lot as well.
Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, la flamme ra kita keytab on Kamath as to who? Sama? facilite Mila doon Hakeem in hobby
early flower
Raw roof Macatawa
that we have learned about in detail many times before kita boon, a book meaning this Quran is a book, what kind of a book is it or came at as to who it is have been orky meant or Kamath, meaning perfected, that have been made firm.
It can is to make something firm in such a way that there remains no deficiency, no gap, there is nothing lacking, there's nothing missing. It's perfect in every way. It's consolidated firmly, there is no weakness. There's no gaps, nothing at all like that. It's perfect in every way. So orky Muthiah, to well, meaning the verses are consolidated, they're perfected, how that in the text meaning in their wordings, in the wordings, how are they perfectly arranged in sentences, they're structured perfectly and beautifully. Their eloquence is profound, or Kimata idea to who and they're not just perfect with regards to language in respect to the use of words in respect to the sentence
structures. No, not just that. But they're also very meaningful how Thumma facilite Moreover, they're also firstly, let firstly, meaning they have been elaborated explained in detail. They're not just perfect and beautiful in language, they're also very, very meaningful, because firstly, that is from the obscene fasade lab and the fleetest, to explain something in detail.
Now, both of these features exist at the same time in this book, which features that first of all, perfect and wording. And secondly, eloquent and meaningful in the language also detailed, the verses are detailed, the text is firm, and the verses are also detailed, meaning in very few words, abundant meaning is conveyed in just one word, there's an ocean of meaning. It's brief, yet, it's very, very detailed. I mean, think about it, how short are some of the verses and you will be amazed Inshallah, when we read more of the mucky sorrows towards the end of the Quran, that how some verses are literally two three words, but when we will go into the meaning, it will take a long time, it
will take a long time, why? Because the word in itself the sentence structure, and then its location in the sentence in the idea than its meaning, then the meaning that the context gives it, it's beautiful. So it's brief, and yet it is perfectly detailed.
Now, what happens is that when a text is brief, what happens? There are a lot of gaps over there. There's a lot of things that are missing, you have many questions, okay, what does this refer to? What does that mean? What is that referring to, you're kind of lost, you need somebody to elaborate it for you. But the Quran, when somebody understands it in its language, then what happens? The verses are short, yet they are so detailed, they're comprehensive, they're meaningful, they're eloquent, they're powerful. And those of you who have taken any writing course, you must have learned that there are four virtues of writing, what are the first of all economy, that the text the
writing better, be short, the sentences better be short, and then directness, that they should be direct clear to the point. And then what detail don't just make it short and direct and boring, no, add some detail describe something, there should be some detail.
And at the same time, fourthly, voice, meaning it should be such that it's powerful, it moves you it moves the reader, it moves the listener, and this is exactly how the Quran is. It is direct, it is brief. I mean, think about it. How many chapters are there in the Quran? How many sorrows? Are there? 114. How many pages are there in the most half? You don't know open was her right now quickly. And check the last page. How many pages are there in the most half? Around 600? Something right? A little over 600? Between six and 700. This is the text. This is the Quran. Just a little over 600 pages. The other day, I found out about someone's PhD dissertation, their thesis, and it
was over 300 pages I was so interested in I wanted to read it but when I saw the length of it, I'm like, over 300 pages come on. I don't feel like it. I'd rather read a book. This is just someone's perspective on something that I don't 100% agree with. Why should I waste my time? I'd rather read a book that's more well researched and proper. Have you ever attempted to read the Bible? Anybody here? Okay, what happened when you try it?
First, it didn't make much sense to you. Okay, but you know what, the first thing that scares me. It's length. It's too lengthy.
When you open it up, and there's like, lines and lines and lines and passages and passages and passages, the length in itself is something that scares people. Anything, even if it's your science book, your sociology book, if you see that it's this thick, and the font size is like eight, you're like, oh my god, I have to do all this reading. It puts you off immediately, who don't want to read all that. Any emails you get, what's the first thing you do? Scroll down? How long? Is it?
Any article, any paper you're reading on the web or in a print form? What do you do? The first thing you do is how long is it?
Now the Quran,
the only 600 Plus pages. This is the book that Allah has revealed. But yet oculata as to who verses are perfect, and forcely that there are details. There's oceans and oceans of meaning. And it's as limited as you're thinking as your reflection. The more you reflect, the more meaning you'll obtain. If you think about it, typically a book, it revolves around one particular subject. Or for example, if somebody has written their PhD dissertation or something, their thesis it revolves around one focus one point of a particular science of a particular field of study. And that is what those 300 Plus pages are dedicated to
the Quran only a little over 600 pages, and it mentions the biographies of so many amazing people.
An entire slide is dedicated to use of aliases Hello, no, hello, acela. His story is mentioned, you don't just find biographies in the Quran. You also find history, you also find science, you also find human psychology. I mean, today and tomorrow, we're gonna read if only three I had, they explained so much about human psychology, typical human behavior, you'll be amazed. Imagine, typically, these fields, these particular subjects, books and books, volumes and volumes are dedicated to them. But all of this is contained so eloquently so comprehensively in the book of Allah, or Kamath Aya to Soma facilite. Why? Because it's not the work of a human being.
It's not the word of man. It's not the writing of a man. It is the word of who? Mila Dawn it is from WHO? Hakeem, the one who is Hakeem, the one who is wise, his wisdom is evident. And you know what, the more wisdom someone has, the more brief they are, in their words, the more eloquent and powerful they are in their speech, Allah subhanaw taala, who is more wiser than him? No one he is Hakeem and his hobbies fully aware of the reality of things, there is no one who is as as aware as Allah subhanaw taala because he is Alim of everything he is hubiera fully aware. And this is why what you find in the book of Allah is 100% accurate, yet there's so much detail. And there's so much brevity
also direct detailed alerta Buddhu illallah, that you do not worship, except ALLAH, the main message of this book, what is this book telling us? Why did the messenger come? What was his main message that all people do not worship anyone but Allah, to convey the message of the heat, the Oneness of Allah subhanaw taala. This is why Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came, this is why He came. This is why the Quran was sent to remind people of the purpose of their existence. Because there were many you can say reformers who exist at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. There were people who used to bury their daughters alive who used to kill their children. There were actually
many tribes, many people who were not Muslim who were Mushrikeen. But who spoke up against it. There was a man, what he would do is if he would find out that this person, his wife, she's gonna have a baby or this tribe, they're gonna have a baby very soon. And they're thinking that if it's going to be a girl, they're going to bury her alive. He would go and talk to them from before. If you have a girl, give her to me. Don't kill her, give her to me. There were people who existed like that, at the time of the profits of a lot of them which Lukina MCCA we learned and sort of the Toba? how hospitable they were when the people would come into Makkah for pilgrimage. Didn't they take care of
them, and they give them water to drink didn't serve them food? Didn't they treat them? Well? Did they honor the guests? They did. They had many virtues. There were many reformists in that society. But what was missing though he'd
And the fact is that people could be doing many good things. But if they lacto hate if they do not worship Allah subhanaw taala if they do shink, then all their good deeds are useless. They're meaningless. Because Allah subhanaw taala created us for what? For his worship, and if we're doing 100 Good things, but we're not giving him his health, then our lives are useless. So the Quran has come, the messenger came, for what purpose to remind people alert our boo Illa Allah, you do not worship anyone but Allah, why He created you. He created everything he sent you here, you're going back to him. Allah doesn't need you. He made you for a purpose. And what is that you worship him?
What does it mean to worship Allah, that first and foremost you acknowledge Him as the Lord, you accept him as a creator, you accept that he alone deserves worship. You worship Him with your tongue, through words through a God through remembrance in your heart, by sincerely doing whatever good you do for his sake for his pleasure, loving him fearing him.
It allows remembering him in the hearts, worship through actions, worship with your money, meaning spending in the way of Allah, whatever it may be, alert our Boo in Allah, trust on him, hope from him, think of him fear him. Try to please him. A letter we do in la ma. In nanny, indeed, I look on for you men who from him, meaning the messenger is told to proclaim over here that I am only from him. Now the Quran, Oba she's a bringer of warning and a giver of good news.
Meaning I'm just a conveyor. I'm just here to deliver God's message to you give you a warning warning of what hellfire, that if you turn away from the One who created you think about the injustice that you're doing. Think about the consequences that you might face in the hereafter. Naveen Bashir, good news, good news for all for those who worship Allah subhanaw taala. For those who are generous and kind towards others, your generosity is not going to go waste. Your kindness is not going to go waste. But she, Allah is there to reward you, He will reward you. So what do we learn from this if the book has come to remind people of the purpose of their existence, and the
messenger has gone to convey this message? What else is the messenger convey? What um, and that is stuff you wrote a book on, you seek forgiveness from your Lord. Because, like we discussed earlier, people, they do many good things. They do many good things. They're charitable, they're forgiving, they're concerned for the well being of others, they can do many good things. But while people do many good things, because they're human beings, they also are they also make mistakes. So what's the solution to that? seek forgiveness from your Lord, for what? For whatever bad that has happened, for whatever mistakes that have been made. Like for example, do people human beings, their friends,
their siblings, parents, children, husband, wife, they love one another, that good towards each other. But what happens every now and then you snap at someone you hurt their feelings, you show disrespect. So then what's the solution?
Stay like that. No, if you stay like that, the distance will increase. It's going to rip both of you apart. It's going to hurt you it's going to hurt them. So every time something wrong has happened, what should be done? Apologize. So likewise, every time a sin is committed to remain in that sin is Thorfinn bacame. And don't just stay there. Don't just hang there. from mother to boo la he go back to him, turn back to Him, repent to Him, seek forgiveness and also repent, turn back to him. What will happen you material, he will let you enjoy he will give you to enjoy meaning he will let you live in the earth. madonn a benefit enjoyment Hassan good Isla until a jelly Musa a fixed time, a
fixed time meaning the time of your death. Meaning until you are alive here in the earth. And you keep seeking forgiveness from him for the mistakes that you do. What will happen he will let you live a good life.
So what lesson do we learn as long as a person continues to seek forgiveness? Allah subhanaw taala will keep blessing him with goodness in this life. We're not perfect in any way we will make mistakes but as long as the person keeps turning back to Allah, Allah who will let him live a good life you material
Madame Hasina. Know her lesson. I'm the first messenger. He also conveyed the same message to his people. That oh people, turn back to Allah, seek forgiveness, repent to Him. And when you will do that, he will shower you with endless blessings, he will let you enjoy a good life. There is a very interesting story of Hassan Al buslee. It is that that once a man came to him asking him, I don't have any children, what should I do? He said, seek forgiveness. Another person came and he said, I'm having financial trouble. He said, seek forgiveness and other men came, I'm stressed out because of this issue. He said seek forgiveness. Everyone who came to him bringing their problems, what was the
answer that he gave? It still fit Allah, it still fit in there? There was a person sitting there saying cool, what's going on? I mean, every person who comes just tell them to seek forgiveness. How could that be the solution to every problem? He said, of course the Quran Allah says, In the Quran, Allah says, over here also we learn, seek forgiveness from your Lord, what will happen? You material Medan Hasina. Allah will let you live a good life. So whenever we're in any sort of distress, whether it is physical illness, or it is some stress in our life, fatigue, exhaustion, too much work. You're panicking because of the amount of work that you have. You're getting stressed out
because of, you know, a particular problem in your life, whatever it may be, what's the easiest way out? What's the best way out? Do is still fall. Beg Allah for forgiveness, because you see, we're human beings. We're imperfect. We make mistakes. And many times we don't even realize, Has it ever happened? That you see someone in a very sour mood and you're like, what happened? What's wrong? And they tell you?
You don't know. You snapped at me this morning. And that ruined my whole day. And you're like, really? I had no idea. I hurt you like that. I'm sorry.
You snapped at somebody in the morning and you went you had a wonderful day and you come back now? What's wrong with you? Why are you so miserable? Why you said something to me that ruined my whole day. We don't even realize we hurt people, people who are in front of us whose reactions we can see. Think about the many times and we upset Allah subhanaw taala deliberately and accidentally. And you know what these sins they have consequences in our lives when difficulties are created in our lives. So what's the solution? seek forgiveness is stuff it all a buckle from Matobo la uma dercum Mata and Hassan Illa, ajilon. Musa. Not that if a person keeps doing this stuff out, he will live eternally
in this dunya No, everyone has to go at some point or another. But at least the benefit is he will live a good happy, peaceful life, content life doesn't mean he'll have all the money that he wants. He'll have all the luxury in his life, you'll have no problems. No. What it means is, he'll be a happy person. And what makes a person happy is not the things that surround him. It's what it says disposition. It's the peace at heart. It's that happy being inside the body. When you do and he will give meaning if you turn back to your Lord, you change your ways you leave shake, worship Allah alone, leave your desires and prefer the Command of Allah, what will happen when you do and he will
give color every the fog Lin, the possessor of fuddle, Allah will give the one of fuggle meaning the doer of follow the follow means one of further meaning the doer of fuggle. What is possible extra surplus? So what it means over here is the follow means the one who does extra, the one who goes that extra mile,
the one who does that extra good. He's not really required, but he does it anyway. Because you know what? Good deeds doing good is like an addiction, in the sense that when you enjoy doing something good, you want to do more and more and more. Because without will you will either Shulk it's like when you have a sip. You know, like for example, your friend gets coffee, or your sister gets a coffee. And like you want to sip some people like No, no, I don't share anything with anybody. But if you're cool with somebody in like, Okay, nevermind. So you take a sip and then what happens? If you really enjoy it, you'll be like, Can I have another one? And another one and another one? What
happens? Like you know what? Have the whole thing. Have the whole thing? Why? Because when you did something once and you enjoy it, what do you want more? Now when you demand more from people, they get sick of you. Like for example, your sister will be so fed up with you. She's like, you know what, go get your own drink.
Are you know what? This take this whole thing? I'll get another one. You're like, No, it's okay. Take it, I'll get another one I don't want to share with you. You're just finishing my whole thing.
People don't like it.
But the one who does good and extra good and extra good. Allah subhanaw taala. What will he give him? For Allah Who? His father, meaning you will give him extra reward.
The one who does more good, Allah will give him more good. The one who brings more Hassan at Allah will reward him with more reward. So then what's the limit? As much as you set for yourself, the higher you want to go, you can go, the more reward you want, you can get it. There's no limit to that the limit is what what you put what you set for yourself, when you decode levy Fogg Lin, for law, who, so you understand what the follow means? The doer of good, the doer of extra good, what will he get? Follow his extra reward. The one who will do extra he will get the bonus.
So while you tickler the fumbling for bla we're into a low but if you turn away, you don't listen to what the Quran is saying. You don't listen to what the message that the prophet is conveying if you turn away for me then the messenger is told to say that indeed I a harmful I fear or lay come on you either by the punishment of Yeoman Cubby, have a great day. I fear for you a punishment, have a great day.
You know, it's like if somebody's offering you something
like you go to the grocery store, and you know, some annoying people, they keep coming to, like a box of cookies for you. If you sign up for this today. You're like, Thank you, thank you, I don't want it. I don't want it. You refuse one person, another person comes after you. Every time somebody or the other keeps coming after you. If you don't take their offer, what's going to happen you won't be able to buy your groceries. What are the consequences? 00 consequences. In fact, you're better off because you have one less credit card. However, if a person turns away from the offer of the messenger from the invitation of the messenger from the invitation of the Quran, for any a half
where I lay Kumar I love a Yeoman Kebede, the one who turns away from the messenger from the Quran. He's throwing himself in what in other eel Allah He to Allah, ma Giro come your return, everyone is going back to Allah. Well, who are Allah Khalifa encoded and he's capable over everything, you have to go back to Allah? What will you do, if you don't go to him nicely, you will be brought, there is no escape here. So when you will have to go You can't avoid it might as well go in a good way prepared.
Nowadays, sometimes you hear people saying, oh, you know, If only my manager would give me a promotion, I could get better, I could get higher. If only I had a job that would allow me to, you know, earn How much ever I put in the effort. So this is like a lifetime opportunity saying you get what you put in? This is what people ask for. You know, why don't you reward me for what I've done. So this is the opportunity do what you can and you know, honestly, you'll just get better for yourself in this world and the next because in this world, the sad reality is that whatever you get is never worth the effort you put in never. I mean, people go to school five years they die to get
an undergrad degree, what job can they get? What job can you get just with an undergrad? Hardly anything. You will have to die for another two years or so. for another year. Study study like crazy. Put everything on hold marriage on hold children on hold, buying a house on hold everything on hold just to get that other certification another degree. And then finally you get a job that pays you like $35,000 a year. I mean, you spend more money for your education.
This is the sad reality of this world. No matter what you do. You never reap the reward that you deserve. Never. The rewards of this world are never equal to the effort that you can put in. But what do we learn from here? You strive for the alcohol, Allah will give you fuddled to hydrogels that only are sunny in the sun. No, it's only our son, but only Allah has just to give you that exam that you deserve for your efforts.
And unquestionably, in the home indeed there. Yes, noon or so Dora home, they fold in their chests, meaning when the messenger speaks to them, when he conveys to them, when he tells them about the Word of God, what Allah subhanaw taala has told them, what is their reaction in the home? Yes, and
No no. So Dora home. Yes, Nona is from THORNWELL. Center. Yes, no, is to fold something to bend. So for example, you bend forwards like you put your head in your knees, what are you doing? Folding, you're bending your chest forward. Or for example, you turn away from somebody you fold in your shoulders. You bring them in together. So what happens? You are in a weak turning away from someone. So what do they do? Yes, no, no. So do to whom they fall their chests. Why? Leah Stoffel men who? In order to hide from him? Yes. The whole from the letters. Hoffa? Yeah. And you see, yes, the full scene and there is mubadala over here to really hide from him, somehow hide from him. It's like, you
know, if somebody's coming, and you know, they're gonna start lecturing you. So you want to pretend as if you don't know they're here. And you just put your head in your knees and pretend like you're sleeping, or you didn't see them? Or somebody's coming the opposite way. And you really don't want to see them right now. So what do you do you just quickly, you know, turn your shoulder away, like you fold your chest and you walk away as if you didn't even notice them? Yes, stuff for men who they want to hide from the Prophet. They don't want to see him. You see, when the prophets of Allah Allah said them, he would go to the Arabs and invite them to Allah, he would recite the Quran to them.
Some people would listen, but others that will just ignore him. They will pretend as if he was not even there. And for that, if they were sitting in a gathering, they will just put their head between their knees in a live go away. I don't want to hear you. I don't want to see you. You don't exist for me. We don't want to hear you. And they would even cover themselves up with their shawls. It's like, you know, their shawls, they will just put it over their heads. They're like you don't want go away. I don't want you here. Imagine what the prophets have. A lot of them must be going through. Has it ever happened and you try to talk to somebody and they just ignore you. You're trying to
greet somebody and they just look away as if you're not even there. What do you feel like like nothing? What do you say to yourself? Fine. You treat me that way. I don't care for you either.
Called the prophets of Allah doesn't do that. Did he have that choice? Not at all. Allah in the home yes no no so Dora home Leah star for men to hide from him so that they wouldn't have to listen to him. The same reaction nor are they salon faced also insert new hire seven we learned no early Salam said we're in the corner mother Autohome little fella home. John, who are Savia comfy as Danny him was social Theobroma solver was stuck Bostick, Barbara, he said Indeed, every time I invited them that you will allow me forgive them. The people would put their fingers in their ears, and they would cover themselves up with their garments and they were arrogant with great pride that were very
arrogant. They wouldn't even want to listen to me. Yes, no one else will do it only as the human Allah says Allah unquestionably. Hina at the time when? Yes, though, Shona theorbo home. Yes, though. Shuna from Alicia, what does Russia mean to cover? Again, seen in Thai? Yes, still Shuna there is no Bella here. They really tried to cover themselves with what Thea home with their clothes. They're hiding. They're covering themselves. Allah says er, Allah Moo. He knows. What does he know? May you say rune, that which they conceal that which they keep as a secret? Where do they keep us a secret in their hearts? Well, now you're really known and that which they reveal that
which they express how with their mouths. Because when they would ignore him in their hearts, that would be cursing him and their hearts and be like, Go away, go away. They would mutter something. Like any typical person. You don't want to hear somebody, you don't want to see them. You don't want to talk to them. You don't want to know them, but they keep coming to you. So what do you do? You just ignore them you're like, go away.
Sometimes you say it out loud. And sometimes you just yell at them in your head.
Why? Because there's hatred in the heart. There is envy in the heart. There's some problem in the heart. What does Allah say? He knows what they hide, and what they say because in the who are Lumumba that is solo. Indeed He is Knowing of that which is in the chests, there is nothing hidden from Allah. If you express something with your limbs by doing something with your words by saying something or you hide it in your heart, or you're just about to think in that way, any level, Allah subhanaw taala knows you inside out in the who are Aleem and b that is, so do what we learn here.
The Messenger when he conveys to the people, a color to Allah when he is inviting people to Allah. He will always come across people who don't want to listen to him, who deliberately avoid him. Deliberately avoid him by for example, sometimes that happens that a person may be sitting in a class and a whole book. And they're deliberately you know, hiding
Find someone hiding behind a pillar or a desk, or sitting really low so that nobody can spot them. And they're saying something in their heart. I don't want to be here. It's so boring. What is it going to end? Why won't you just be quiet? You know, like, in their heart they're going on and on, or they might whisper something to somebody who's fully aware of it. Allah subhanaw taala the person next to us might not have any idea what we're thinking, Allah knows. So at the end of the day, really, we are answerable to who? To the person who's conveying to us. Who are we answerable to? Allah because it's his message that is being delivered right? It's his message that is being
delivered forget the person eliminate him from the picture completely if you wish so, but remember the message is from Him, the word is his and Allah subhanaw taala he does not like if his words are ignored. If his message is mistreated, he does not like it.
Let's listen to the recitation of these verses.
This means your man you're walking
more keytab came
my office cleaner to me don't hacky mean Bobby. A lot
in a lot more in many
many moons
that she
was Ernie stone stealthy you're back home
in a deer
on Hassan an easy
journey mucem
de Kooning lezzy some
were in
a half
can be intimate more general
no now for new
stuff forming.
Hain is still shown as he
be that useful?