Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P11 113B Tafsir Yunus 21-27
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The conversation covers the negative impact of difficult relationships and struggles on people's lives, including the negative impact of difficult relationships and struggles on people's lives. The speakers emphasize the importance of acknowledging the existence of God and not just being the only ones who can survive. They also discuss the temporary nature of life and the importance of protecting one's own life and avoiding old people. The conversation ends with a discussion of the dams and the potential negative impact on people's health and well-being.
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Lesson number 113. So that Yunus is number 21, to 31, either and when other corner, we give a taste we make to taste who Anessa the people? What do we give them a taste of Ramadan? immersi men from barley after the raw adversity must set home that had touched them. Meaning previously, what were they experiencing? Love raw, hardship, adversity, pain, poverty, difficulty in their relationships, whatever the law, it could be.
What happened after the law, Allah subhanaw taala give the people a taste of
mercy. But notice, taste of mercy. Because actual pleasure of mercy of blessings is going to be where, in Timna in dunya, no matter how much you try to, you know, gain pleasure from something, it's always going to be incomplete. It's always going to be partial, it can never be absolute. Because duniya is not that OSHA, Hawaii, that's what is that OSHA, Hawaii, the home of fulfilling desires is where? Jana, right? So what either other Kona, NASA Rajmata mimbar de la Emma sat home, there were suffering adversity, Allah subhanaw taala changed their situation, give them a blessing. Remove that difficulty. They weren't suffering from poverty. Now he gave them money. They were
suffering from a terrible relationship. Now he made their relationships good. There were suffering from famine, from drought, from thirst from hunger from disease. And now all of that was changed. Does it happen? Think about yourself? Was there ever a time when you were sick? Yes. Was there ever a time when you felt that you didn't have enough money, enough clothes? Enough stuff that you wanted? Yeah. Everybody experiences that to some extent, right? So we do experience this, that we go through difficulty, and then Allah subhanaw taala makes matters easy for us. But what do many people do? At this time? When Allah has removed that difficulty replaced it with mercy? What should a
person do?
What should he do?
Nothing. Yeah, because this is normal. It happens one day you're sick and the other day you're fine. One day you're poor and you strive and and then you make money. So this is part of life. Yeah. If Allah has changed our situation, in a good way, what should we do?
Thank him at least, I acknowledge the fact that this blessing was from Allah, thank him. But many people instead of thanking Allah, instead of acknowledging his favors, what do they do either, then immediately, law home for them, meaning they do Macron a plot fee i attina. Concerning our if I add could be Kony or shattering, meaning the signs that Allah subhanaw taala has shown to the servant, that ultimate power is with Allah subhanaw taala. All right. So what do people do instead of being grateful, they start plotting. Now what is this plot referring to? Well, Jay, and he said, That man's attitude indicates a mockery and belying of blessings what attitude of ingratitude when he
does not even acknowledge Allah's favours, he goes on as if he never made dua, he goes on as if there is no God. He goes on his life as if there is no blessing from God. It's about what you do in life. This in itself is a miracle. It's a plot. Because this kind of attitude, what does it do? It turns people away from God.
Right? Like, for example, people have this within them, they go through some difficulty, I'm talking about typical people, whether they're Muslim or not, who have some kind of faith in God, when they go through some difficulty, the whole from God that you know, things will change, and when things are changed, what do they feel that they should be grateful, right? But then they come across a person who was going through some difficulty, and then things became fine, and they don't make any mention of God.
They don't say, Well, thank God for all of this. Nothing like that. This kind of behavior. What does it do? It turns people away from Allah subhanaw taala. No one thanks him. No one remembers him. Right? Everyone turns away from him. And instead, people make
Five of those who thank God at these times, like, for example, you may read in the news or something, that when something happens and people are saved, and they say, you know, it's only because of God that we're okay. So what will they do only because of God, right? Only because of Allah, they will put it in like, you know, they will highlight it or something as if they're mocking at it
that you really believe in God, you still believe in God? Yes.
Yes, it happens that people are saved by Allah subhanaw taala. Because think about it logically doesn't make sense. I mean, recently, you must have heard the news of that boy who jumped onto the airplane and flew all the way to Hawaii. And he survived and people are still they don't understand how he managed to do that.
Right? How he managed to do that, because they were freezing temperatures up there, no oxygen. And he was just fine. I mean, yes, he was a bit faint or what, but then he was fine, no serious issues in his body. And then when the father said, Allah saved my son, it's like people are laughing at him. But really, you still believe in God? Yes, we do. Because logically, it doesn't make sense that a person is up there. And he survives physically, it's not possible to survive a four hour flight, not inside a plane, but outside a plane, that speed those temperatures. It's not possible. Someone made that child survive, right? So these are times when we need to think about Allah subhanaw taala
our fitrah makes us think about God makes us you know, grateful towards Allah subhanaw taala but instead of being grateful either Allahu Macron fee a Tina, they laugh it off.
disbelief as belief in what you're doing, right? So then if you actually disbelieving in something, it requires just as much faith as it does to like actually believe in us. So then by like, disbelief thing just as much you're telling other people that this is actually also a fate, so you should pull it to exactly. I mean, they're so confident about their cover, about their rejection of God, that this has an effect on others also, just like a plot would. Alright, so either Allahu Macron fee i attina. Even generally, when people forget about Allah subhanaw taala at these times on they should really remember him and be grateful to him. What are they doing?
What are they doing? McCrone? V IR Tina? Allah says Polly Leia who asstra or MCRA say that Allah is more swift in macro in plot, meaning, you're avoiding God today you're avoiding Allah subhanaw taala not thinking about him, not thanking him. How long will you stay like that? How long can you survive? Allah is more swift than you. He can punish you even more quickly. And it happens. And ultimately it will happen with every individual who can survive on this earth forever. No one can inaudible Solana indeed our messengers, meaning our angels yet to guna their writing, Madam Quran, whatever that you plot, meaning whatever you're saying, whatever you're doing, it's being written
down all your reactions, all your feelings, even though they're hidden inside your heart. No matter how secretive you keep these feelings. They're being written down. Yep, to bounnam Atom Corona and tomorrow there'll be put before you so how long can you dis acknowledge Allah subhanaw taala and His favors? Ultimately, you have to face the reality. Who will lovely How can you forget him? He is the one who you say Eurocom he makes you travel Sayonara, you say you to see it's basically from say say this to travel Senora right. And say Euro. You say euro is to make someone else travel.
Alright to make someone else travel. So he is the one who causes you to travel, meaning people feel badly will buy her own land. I don't see
how that Allah subhanaw taala has given us the ability to travel. Think about it. If water was such that no ships would float on it, no boat, nothing. Nothing could float on water. The only way of crossing water would be swimming. would travel be possible for people? No, not at all.
Allah subhanaw taala made water such that people can travel over it not just themselves, but they can even carry their heavy heavy loads. Right? And they can go on traveling
like that Not for a couple of hours, but for days and for months. So he's the one who has made travel over water possible for you. And but also on land also, he causes you to travel, he has allowed you to travel, he has facilitated travel for you how that he has given you your feet, he has given you the ability to walk, he has given you the ability to tame animals and ride on them and travel on them all the way. Imagine if a person the only way of traveling was just walking.
Just imagine, he has given us the ability that arco and the resources through which we have made different kinds of vehicles have no means of transportation. And if we didn't have that, how difficult life would be.
Is there anyone who drives regularly and then, you know, one week you didn't have your car? And you would experience that?
Anybody? Or maybe one evening you didn't have your car? How was it? It's really bad. How,
like, I was not able to plan my day, the way I used to plan before I even have a car then I know okay, it's gonna take 10 minutes to get there. When I don't have a car, then I have to look for the TDC route. And it's gonna take more time than I have to leave early. And it's like, you know what, forget it. I'm not going. It's going to take too long. Forget it, I'm not going.
So he has given us the ability to travel on land and on sea.
In a car, who gave people the intellect to make those cars and who gave you the money to purchase that car? How did you have that ability? And to learn how to drive you say you can fill battery? Well Buhari had the until either control when you are filfil key in the ships. You are traveling on ships, and only sea travel is mentioned over here. What Jolina be him and they are sailing with you. Jolina what's the route?
What's the route? Jean brah? Yeah. Any other words that comes from the same route? That Judy what the study mean? That led me to learn how to flow? Right? It's the flowing of let's say water. So Jolina be him they are sailing with the people, with the passengers with the crew members with their luggage. How are they sailing? BD hang with a wind that is the U button favorable? Good meaning favorable.
We're talking about ships that have sales, okay. And you know that sales they require wind, but which direction of wind in the direction that they want to go in? Right? So tayyiba gives them enough favorable, good as unfavorable. It's in their favor. It's in the direction that they want to go in. And it's perfect. Not too fast, not too slow. It's just perfect for you, but completely suitable. Everything's fine. And when they're sailing like this, we're footy who'll be here and they're happy with it. They're rejoicing that yeah, it should just take us a little bit more time when we should be at our destination. Very soon. Everything's fine. Everything's under control. What
happens jet utter, there comes what rihana a wind that is also fun storming out I'll say from their letters I installed via our cell phone module is when a man runs really fast. So from this also is one that blows violently raging Rehan I'll save stormy violent wind. As that blows, what happens? The sails, they collapse, right? They're not able to withstand that storm. And what happens the ship begins to drown and as it is drowning, we're just a home it comes to them a load you the waves when Colima can from every place.
Water is just coming towards them in the form of huge waves from every place from below them from their right from their left from their front from behind. Will one new and there are certain unknown that indeed they are here for be him. They are surrounded. No, that's it. They're trapped. They cannot escape. What are they surrounded with? What are they trapped with the water? If you're on land, and the car is on fire, you can somehow hopefully open the door and run away.
Right? But if a person is in the middle of the sea, and the ship is drowning, and there's water coming from everywhere, how is he going to survive? Can he run away?
Can he fly away? No. Well, one new unknown or handler be him. They know that they are trapped now there is no way of getting out. They've lost connection with the people on shore. Right? They have no way of getting back. They're too far off in the ocean. Even
If they managed to hold on to a plank or something for survival, how long will they do that? Something will come and eat them up from below. Right? Or how long can they survive in those freezing cold waters? how long they'll freeze to death, they'll drown. While one no unknown who hailed him in this state of desperation when they've tried everything, trying to get in touch with people with rescue workers, they've tried everything, but nothing's working. What do they do then? Tao Allah, they call upon Allah miraculously in Allahu Deen mostly seen ones making sincere love who for him a dean over here gives me meaning of worship, because remember, Dean means religion and it
also means worship, and also has other meanings. Meaning they sincerely worship Allah subhanaw taala alone. In other words, at that time, they forget about everything, everyone. They tried different ways to save themselves. But when nothing worked, their last resort was who Allah subhanaw taala said, You know what, let's give it a shot. Let's give it a try. And they make dua. They used to call upon others before and now they forget them they remember only Allah
and there is a very beautiful story of your club in Abuja, of how he converted, when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam conquered MCCA, a Kuma little Dillo on who he was a son of Abuja. And he was basically on the wanted list because he had committed many crimes against the Muslims. So what happened? He ran away he left Makkah, he ran away. He ended up at some tea coast and he got onto a ship and he's like, You know what, I'm just gonna leave Arabia, I'm gonna go somewhere else I need to get out of here. So he ran away. He was on the ship, and as they're sailing storm, and everyone calls upon their false gods first, their idols first. But then when nothing worked, they forgot
about everything and they're just making dua to Allah only Allah and Derek can have a little or no he thought about it that this is exactly what Muhammad said it was it was calling us do we should worship only Allah call upon Him alone. So if I'm doing this now, why not do it when on land, when I'm safe? Why not? If this is the only way of survival here, then it's the only way of survival elsewhere also, if this is what I need, now, I need this all the time. So then he made the intention that if Allah were to save him, then he would go back and embrace Islam and that's exactly what he did. So Darwin Allah meclizine, Allahu Deen making dua to Allah and they say let in surely if n j
dynamin. Heard the you save us from this or like, if you save us from this then Hakuna nomina shirking, shortly we would be of those who are grateful, will be very grateful at that time to start making promises. Yola, if you saved me, if you allow me to live, I will give this much money in charity. You know what, every day I'm going to do this and this and this good deed, I will be so grateful to you, oh, Allah yearly, I'm gonna give this my charity, they make a lot of promises. But what happens for them other than when under whom he saves them, he then whom they yerba Hoonah fill out.
They act outrageously in the earth, they commit excess meaning they commit injustice on the earth. They forget all the promises that they made with Allah subhanaw taala, all that sugar, everything goes away. They forget to Allah, they go back to how they were before yerbabuena Fill up.
At that time, they promised y'all if you let me live, I'll pray for your everyday, Allah, if you let me live, I'll never miss another prayer, your life you let me live, I will do this, I will do this, I will do this. And when Allah saves them, again, Fajr is being missed. Again, prayers are being delayed again. So the call is not being given.
So these two I add, basically, they explain the idea that we learned earlier. This is how many people behave. And at this time, we need to reflect on ourselves.
When we are in pain, when we think we're going to die, when we think we're not going to make it we're not going to survive.
What is it that we do? Who do we turn to Allah subhanaw taala. But that is a time for us and we turn to Allah and then turn only to him for the rest of our lives. That's a lesson for us. But unfortunately, many people they turn to Allah at that time, but then as soon as they're rescued, they're delivered. They forget Allah subhanaw taala completely. Allah warns us Yeah, are you a nurse Oh mankind in numerable you Comala and fantasycon indeed your belly, your rebellion, your disobedience to Allah this ingratitude and ignoring Allah. All of this is going to be against who Allah unfussy come against yourself. It's going to come back to you
You're going to suffer.
If you disobey Allah today, who's going to suffer tomorrow, you yourself will, in nama Bella, you Camarilla and fusi come, we think, if we do something, it's just fast, it's gone, it's over. But you know what it's not over. Because we know that every action has some form of effect, some kind of effect, doesn't it? Like, for example, we throw garbage, you know, in our garbage can, and we think it's gone out of sight, you know, it's gone. Gone into oblivion really doesn't just disappear by entering the garbage can know what's going to happen. Think about where the garbage is going to end up. One day, the garbage truck is going to come pick it up and then gonna go dump it somewhere.
Right? And then Allah who aren't aware it's going to be dumped and what it's going to cause, but it is going to cause the earth to be more polluted, right? Isn't it? So who's going to suffer because of that we are, whose health is going to be affected, our health is going to be affected. But we think that whatever actions we're doing, it's not going to have any impact on us. It will have impact on us. It will come back to us.
It's like if a mother, she is rude towards her children,
rude towards them in the way that she yells at them in the way that she speaks to them. Then what will happen today, they're innocent, they don't know, tomorrow, what are they going to do? They're going to yell at the mother.
They're going to answer back use the same words that she uses against them.
Isn't it comes back to you. Whatever we do comes back to us. So in NEMA bowl EUCOM Allah unfussy Khan, and if not here, definitely in the hereafter about the hypocrites Allah says in the Quran, that they have forgotten their deeds while Allah subhanaw taala has recorded everything. Our Salah when a soul who Allah has enumerated everything and they have forgotten it, so just because we have forgotten about an atrocious crime that we did, doesn't mean it's become non existent? No, it's going to have an impact today. And tomorrow, Allah unfussy calm matar al HYAH to duniya. What is it that you were doing before? After what? After metalhead, the dunya the benefit of this worldly life?
If you think about it, just as one example of garbage let's stick to that, as an example, the way we consume and the way we produce garbage, the way we waste.
We could recycle. But we don't do that. We just throw everything in the garbage can thinking that, you know, everything will be okay, who cares? It's not my problem. I pay the taxes. That's the government's responsibility. But it's the responsibility of every individual that they must cooperate. Right? But why is it that we produce so much waste? Why? Because we're just pursuing our desires. Right? We just want our own convenience. We don't want to take the extra step here and there in order to produce less garbage. It's like we go to a store, for example. And we have a big bag. But we like the bags that they give. We already have our closets full of plastic bags, and
other bags that we don't know what to do with. They're filling up our houses. But we go to a store we have a bag that's NP that has space. But still we insist. I want another bag. And how can we didn't wrap this up property? We insist on these details. Because material had didn't we just want to enjoy. We're pursuing our desires. And in pursuit of desires, think about how much waste we are producing, how much waste we are producing. We could be more intelligent in these ways in order to produce less waste, but we don't want to
metalhead to duniya so this buggy that we're doing it's because of seeking worldly benefits worldly enjoyment. But Allah says it's just for some time. How much will you enjoy a plastic bag? If you like it tomorrow get ripped up and you will be throwing it away metalhead to dunya and in general also, when a person commits transgression in the earth, yes, he gets to enjoy for some time but for how long? How long? Just a few days, some Elaine mo Giro come then to us is your return phenomena be accompanied by quantum time alone then we will inform you about what you used to do. We're going to tell you about all that you have been gathering for yourself.
In a hadith we learn that there is no sin that is more worthy that Allah hasten punishment for in this world, on top of the punishment that Allah has saved in the hereafter in store in the hereafter. What is that sin? Nothing more than oppression and cutting the ties of the womb, oppression, bully, committing injustice against others, the environment, people, this oppression, what does it lead to punishment hastened in the world.
Another sin is which one, cutting blood ties, relationships with blood relatives, cutting those relationships, severing them, not maintaining those ties, this is also something that brings punishment in this life. If it brings punishment in this life, imagine what the punishment would be in the afternoon.
Just think about it, how much more severe it would be. So remember the reality of this life? And what is that reality? Allah tells us in NAMA, indeed not, but methanol higher to dunya, the example of this worldly life, the example of this life that we are living, for which we're so crazy, that we have become extravagant, and wasteful and negligent. And we oppress, and we ignore others. And we got the relationships, this life, how valuable is it? How important is it? What is its real worth?
Allah subhanaw taala tells us if there's something really valuable, and you fight for it, and you produce a lot of waste because of it. Is it worth it? Yeah, because you say, You know what, this thing has a lot of value. Right? It was worth it. Yes, I have to spend a lot of money. But this thing is worth the money. It was worth the effort. Right? But if it's just temporary?
If it's not that valuable, then was it worth all the effort? Was it? No, like, for example, you go to the mall for two hours, okay. And you shop and you will go from one store to the other, making sure that you get what you get at the best price. So you're comparing prices, and at the end, you come home with a decent amount of goods that you needed. And hopefully you should not have to go shopping for another five months or so. Which is very rare, by the way. But let's say you had a very successful shopping trip. You did spend $500 Yes, you spent two hours, but you're like, you know what, it was worth it, because hopefully I should not have to go again for some time. Okay, but
let's say you go to the mall for like five hours. And he goes store to store and what do you come home with one or two things? And you're wondering, I think I'm gonna go exchange this. I think I'm gonna go return it. Was it worth those five hours? Was it? No, it wasn't.
Let's say you go buy something for a lot of money, for example, a phone and you use it for like, two years? Was it worth it? Yeah, I'm gonna use it for two years, it was very useful. But for the same amount of money. Let's say you buy a bowl,
and you get home. And as you're washing it, you drop it and it breaks.
It breaks and it cannot be salvaged. Doesn't have any warranty. You can't tape it together.
You can't krazy glue it together. Right? You can't do anything like that. You bought it.
You bring it you're going to use it, but it drops and it breaks in front of you. What's that feeling that you have in your heart?
What a waste? Yes.
Yeah, it happens with us all the time. We break things, things got ruined, you get the best outfit. All right. You wear it for the first time.
And somebody comes with their greasy hands, and they hug you. And you've got like two big greasy marks on your back. You take it to the dry cleaners, like can you fix it? They're like no contracts, this the color is gonna get ruined, whatever is going to happen. And they're like, You know what, we'll try to fix it. So you pay them $20 to fix it but doesn't get fixed. Annoyed doesn't wasted right. So then what do you realize
I'm not buying such clothes again. They hurt me too much. They get to me. I'm not buying these kinds of bowls or dishes again, because they hurt me too much they break and they hurt me. Or if I'm going to buy them. I'm not going to attach myself with them too much. They're only you know, in order to fulfill a need. Right? There's two approaches. Some people say you know what, it's going to hurt me too much. I'm not
I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna keep away from it. But is that the correct way? If you don't buy clothes, if you don't wear them, if you don't get good things, use them. You're gonna live a very boring life. Right? But on the other hand, there is another approach, which is that yes, I'm going to use all of this, but I'm not going to attach myself to it. If it breaks, I'm not going to cry over it for a year. All right, if it gets stained, it's okay. Allah subhanaw taala has given me many more clothes as well. I will be grateful for what I still have. You understand? So what happens is it something's a little bit that gets damaged, it hurts people so much that they cry over it. Like I
remember, once this girl told me that her aunt, she had beautiful hair. And every time she combed your hair, and if a lot of hair fell off, she would literally cry.
She would cry
that my hair I look after it so much and so much has fallen off what's gonna happen, she will cry.
Some people go to the extreme of not caring about their hair at all. All right? And then there's the balanced approach that yes, you take care of it. But okay, if I'm losing a lot of hair, it's okay, inshallah new hair will come, right, better, more healthier, Inshallah, that will come. Don't attach your heart to it. Tell me which approach is the healthiest approach? The balanced one, right? It's the healthiest one. And you'll see that even people who are not religious, who live like this, who use things but they don't think that they are, you know, the purpose of their life, their happiness, their sadness is not based on those objects. Aren't they happier people? Aren't they? They are,
aren't they more successful in their relationships, because they can forgive their friend of different accidentally dropped their favorite bowl and broke it because the bowl was not the goal in life, it's that friendship that you enjoy, correct. So, this kind of approach is the healthiest with regards to this dunya and also the Accra, but it can only be possible if we understand the reality of this life and the things that it has,
what importance we should give to this life and what importance we should give to the akhira compared to it. So what is the reality of this life? Allah tells us in NEMA methanol Hayato dunya karma in like water like water that under no means summer we sent down from the sky
like water that Allah subhanaw taala sends down from the sky meaning rain that falls when rain falls what happens fuck dellacqua so it mixed it got mingled if the lava from hot Lampa to mix up to Mingo so it gets mixed up be here with it meaning with this water What newbattle of the vegetation of the earth what does that mean? That when the waterfalls down it's absorbed by the ground when it's absorbed by the earth what comes out the battle out vegetation on the earth and you'll see that that you there's mud somewhere No speck of greenery even but when rain falls then what happens you see greenery you see leaves you see grass coming out from between rocks even right on soil, you see it
coming out why because of rain factor tobyhanna Hina battle, but if none of it gives me enough that then a battle mode becomes very dense, very dense very lush full, not a leaf here a leaf there no thick dense a lot of it very green very lush for Donato been about all because of this water what happens then a bad that was already there. So for example, you had shrubs, you had trees that were in your yard from last year, but through the winter what happened they died, but then when this rain water fell and the temperature was right what happened those same barren trees, they start blooming right they start budding
that same dirt is now covered with green grass fall that also been a battle and this new battle out what happens mimma from that which meaning it is that which this newbattle of this vegetation is that which yeah coolness people eat from one neuron and also the grazing livestock. So people eat from this vegetation, the fruit, the vegetables, even the green leaves, write different forms of them, and people eat them who else eats them? Animals and especially an aroma mentioned why? Because when anom eat the grazing livestock
aid then do our benefiting first the livestock and secondly people, right people will benefit from that livestock in the form of their milk in the form of the meat. Right. And with that they have money. So all of this happens. Had that until either when uh huh that will have the the Earth takes on the land the earth it takes on Zaha rufa. It's adornment, its decoration. Zakharov. We have read this word earlier as well. What is it? Decoration? So for example, gold is called Zoho. Why? Because it is for the purpose of beauty and adornment. Gold in itself is decoration. Right? So for example, if a person has a hand and on that they're wearing a gold ring, what's the purpose, decoration,
beautification. So the Earth takes its adornment, meaning it's looking very beautiful. Do you see that these days? Yeah, just do three weeks ago. Your Street was brown and dull. Right? Brown and dull. What was the color of the grass? They didn't have any color. You couldn't describe it as brown or beige or green. What was it? It was as bland. That's what the color was. But then what happened? It became green. And when it became green, the grass is green. The trees are greener, and some are turning pink and some are turning white and some are turning purple. Right with those blooming colors of spring. And those flowers budding what is that? Beauty? That same street it looks so
different. Doesn't it? That same park that same yard it looks absolutely different.
That which was cold and dull and dry. Now it is fragrant and colorful and happy. Doesn't it look happier? And more beautiful. had either a hot little abuse of rufa and with the Zakharov was a unit it becomes beautiful. Is a unit from ze yeah known Xena is also beauty. So as a unit it became beautiful. And when it became so beautiful well one Hello her and its people fought under home that indeed they call the Runa Alia they have full ability over it. They're planning
that okay when this harvest when we're going to have it the money that we're going to make we're going to do this we're going to do that they think that they have full ability over it.
Especially, you know, farmers, they think that they have absolute ability over it, they waited for the right season, they you know put the seeds in at the right time they looked after the crop and now the crop is ready for harvest and they feel that they have full ability over they've planned it all out that okay, next week we're going to do the harvest what happens at that her there comes to it um Runa our command, Leyland by night owner Hollen or by day.
What is this command
for the destruction of that crop? And that crop? Which was there bright, luscious? ready to be harvested? Fajr Allah ha. So we made it Housley, then how see then how see this from the root letters? how solid the how sod is basically to harvest when the crop is ripe when it's ready to harvest. All right. But how seeds refers to
not that which has been harvested properly. But like a crop that has been cut from its root and destroyed, completely destroyed?
One is that think about it, you have a tomato plant. Okay? One is that you go and pick the tomatoes.
And the other is that somebody goes with a baseball bat. And they just go and whack the tomato plant right left again and again and again. What's going to happen to that plant? What's gonna happen to all the tomatoes are going to be burst everywhere. Fallen here in there. Are you going to want to pick those tomatoes up and use them? Are they any good anymore? No. And let's say the wagon right from the bottom. So the plant is uprooted or it's cut right from the bottom. So is it going to grow now? Is it going to produce anything else now? No. This is what helps leaders. We turn it into her sleeve. So it doesn't bring anything. It's useless. It's lying waste like a moon field. alum tahona
Bill amscan as if lamb not Donna. It dwelt from wind dunya Vanya hernia Bill McCann is to stay at a place
As if it did not stay with us yesterday, meaning as if it did not exist before, it was not there yesterday. Because then he can fasudil At least call me at a karoun. Thus do We elaborate the verses for people who give thought for people who reflect,
think about it. These days, we'll see all this greenery coming up.
And then there's going to be a peak of all of this, when it's going to be bright and beautiful, luscious. And then what's going to happen? What's going to happen, seasons will change, the spring will turn into summer, you'll see a bit of decline, where that green grass is going to start turning yellow because of extreme heat and lack of rain. And then what's going to happen eventually fall, when everything will fall, when those beautiful green leaves are going to turn yellow, golden, pale, right, going to fall, and then what's gonna happen, covered with snow. Where did all that greenery go? When you see those barren trees, you could never tell there was anything on them just a couple
of weeks ago, just like these days, when you see them blooming, it doesn't seem like there was ever a time when there was nothing on these trees. So these changing seasons, they teach us something, what do they teach us that this life is very, very temporary. Whatever we have right now, is not going to stay as it is now it is going to change very soon. Everything from your health, to your body, to the money that we have for the house that we live in for the clothes that we just bought today, they're not going to stay like this. We know that the things in this world what happens they go through the process of wear and tear, they go through the process of aging, everything ages,
right. And when it begins to age, it begins to decline. And when it declines, eventually, it comes to an end.
Every house that is demolished, once it was constructed, every house that is emptied, once it was filled up, isn't it. So every person who is buried one day, he was happy, enjoying his life.
Everything in this dunya is going to come to an end.
This is the reality of this life. So should this dunya be the source of our happiness, that if we have it, we're happy. And if we don't have it, we're unhappy.
If it's good, we're satisfied. And if somebody ruins it, we're going crazy with anger. Is it worth it? Is it worth it? No. Should this dunya be the ultimate goal, something that is so transitory, something that is so temporary. And we see this in our lives before our eyes how a person who was so healthy and active. Now He's incapable of doing anything. I'm sure you've heard your parents complain about this, that I don't have the energy anymore, I don't have the strength anymore. I have this problem now. And that problem now, someone who was so active, you know, so bubbly, so happy a source of happiness for others, what happens now they're dependent on others. Now they're restricted
in their movement. And this is going to be the end of every person. We see old people, we pity them, and we move on. But the reality is that one day, we're going to face that too.
We're very happy about the strength that we have, we are having the best time of our life. While people who are old are suffering. And we think doesn't matter. That's their life. This is my life. One day, they were happy as you are happy. And be careful, you might have to face such old age also. So this life, this is the reality of it. And it happens that for example, a family so happy, complete children, grandchildren, and then what happens one moves away, and another moves away, and another goes away and another dies. And who's left that same house that was filled with happiness. Every read is now empty,
That same bank account I was full overflowing with money. Now it's empty. That same house that everyone was coming into, now people are trying to get rid of it. They've got dumpsters outside to throw things that are useless now. So this idea what is it teaching us realize, remember the reality of this life?
realize the reality of this life. It's not always going to stay like this. It's going to change. Either you're going to leave it or it's going to leave you. So when Allah gives us a blessing, what should we do? Use it
in order to earn what the home of the Hereafter before this blessing leaves us, or we have to leave that blessing our time comes and we have to leave everything behind this dunya is not the ultimate, whatever we grab, it's going to slip out of our hands, or we will have to leave it. This connection that we have with this dunya is very temporary. It's not worth it that we fill it, fill our hearts with it. It's really not worth it. It's so transitory it's all cheap.
It's all temporary. It's really not worth all of our efforts. What is it that's worth our efforts. We'll love who you are there who and Allah calls. Ila dat is Salam to the home of Sana to the home of peace to the home of security. What is Salam? Safety, security, where you don't have any worries. Jana is Tao salah? It is the place where a person will be absolutely worryfree
he will not have any stress, any fears in this life? Do we have any stress? Do we any fear?
Any worry? Yes. If somebody has money, what's their fear? What's gonna happen to this, I better take care of it. I better make a girl. I better secure it. Right. And if somebody doesn't have it, they have their own set of problems. Everyone in this life, no matter what kind of life they're living, they have their own set of problems that make them anxious, that makes their blood pressure go up or down. Right? It affects their health, it affects their relationships. Why? Because in this life, there is no Salam in this dunya there is no salaam there is no peace. There is no ultimate peace. Where is that safety and security only in Jannah. Because in Jannah, a person will not grow old.
No matter how much a person enjoys, they will not get tired. In this video, what happens? You're like, you know what, this weekend, I'm gonna have a blast, you go out one day.
And the next day you're like, Please, somebody do something I'm really tired. Alright, because you have limited capacity over here. You have fun, but then you have to suffer the consequences also. But in Jannah, there is no worry. And if you think about it in this life, there's always this one fear. Fear of death Is it is it. Everyone is afraid of death, which is why we're concerned about our health, our children, our financial status, our home, whatever it is, we're always concerned about that. But in Jannah, that is the home of peace. People look for peace in this dunya. So we try to have this insurance and that warranty, and that friend and that relative, that spouse and those
children, but what happens they all leave us one by one.
This is why woman a Habibollah and he said he whoever loves Allah, He will enjoy friendship with Allah, that friendship will be a source of peace and comfort for him. Women have by Allah Ruth DOB. And whoever loves other than Allah he will be tortured through it. The house will become a source of torture, the children, the spouse, the parents, the relatives, the closest friends, they become a source of torture and are that for a person in this life?
So Allah called us to what that is Salah
you're saddled with this dunya so transitory you're happy with it? You're content with less you're saddled with this insignificant dunya when there's so much more Why are you happy with this? Allah is calling you to Tao salaam wala We adore OOIDA data center
where blessings will never decline. A person can eat and drink all he wants. He will never have to use the bathroom. Not tell me
isn't the heading itself source of center that is Salaam in every way possible. Way. The mayor share ILA sweltering was the theme. And he guides whomever he wills to the right by the way to Darussalam is sold out Mr. Kane, Allah calls everybody. But does everyone respond? Does everyone answer? No, they don't. They're happy with this dunya which is why no matter how much they have of this dunya they're not satisfied. But in our Hadees we learned that every day to angels. They make this
announcement that all people come to your Lord or people come to your Lord, anything that is little. But if it's sufficient, it is better for you than that which is a lot, but will distract you from Allah.
So what happens, we keep running after this dunya we want more and more and more. And as we have it, we are distracted. Allah is calling us to double Salam. But we want more of this dunya and more of this dunya we grab it, it slips away, we chase it, it goes away. You know, like one of the scholars said that this dunya is like a shadow. It's like a shadow. If you try to catch it, you'll never be able to catch it. You can run after your shadow all day long, but will you be able to catch it? No.
I remember once my son was really smaller, took him out for a walk and his shadow was right before him. I remember he was running, running in order to step on it, but he just could not step on it until he gave up.
This dunya is like a shadow. We keep running after it and trying to get more and more but we can never have enough. It can never be enough. It can never be a source of satisfaction. So what does Allah say? Leave it turn your back to this shadow. Turn your back to it, leave it go to Allah where the May is share with us that often was stalking and those who go to Allah whose focus is not this dunya but the ACARA lil Latina accent over for those people who do air San they will have a Hausner the excellent the best result, they will do air San, they will get her snow they will have likewise because how does your sunny in the lesson? Is there any reward for good except for good? They will
get good and in return in Jannah.
But not just that was the end more and what is that more? What is that more?
Seeing Allah receiving Allah's pleasure? What are your Haku and it will not overcome would you home their faces, what will not overcome their faces are thrown any darkness but there is basically such dust such dirt that causes the place where it has fallen to become dark. Like you may have seen if something has been sitting outside for a very long time with the dust that it gathers it becomes dark you wash it and become so bright and clean.
So on the Day of Judgment their faces will not be covered with butter any darkness and gloom whether the law nor any humiliation will take us how will Jannetty whom feed her Holly don't those are the companions of Jana and they will abide there eternally. On the other hand when Medina Casa will say yeah, those who do say he had evils then what will they get desert will say you attend mammoth Lee had the recompense of evil is like what are HoCo home Villa and humiliation will overcome them Raha Krakow is like when something overcomes like you can't get rid of it. That Hacohen Villa humiliation will cover them embarrassment, disgrace, man Muhammad Allah him and Alison they will have no one to
save them from Allah arson are installed mean to rescue, no one to rescue them, and their faces will be covered in gloom in darkness and embarrassment, a nama or she it as if it is covered. What would you want their faces Catherine chlorella guitar pieces, pieces of what Mina Laila of the night that is Muslim dark, like pieces of dark night have covered their faces like black dark spots covered their faces, embarrassment, gloom, humiliation, who like us have a nerdy Humphrey he'll call it dune those are the people of the fire and they will abide there and eternally.
So there are some who toil for this dunya those who toil for this dunya they will have nothing but regret in the Hereafter, regret and humiliation and embarrassment that will be visible on their faces. And then there are those who don't strive for this dunya who strive for the Acura and when they will get that Astra when they will get that personal reward and zyada they will be able to see Allah every time they see Allah they will become even more beautiful, their beauty, their glow, their radiance will increase.
The glow the beauty of this dunya will turn dull, it will finish the ultimate beauty of the era that is what will last and that is something that we need to strive for keeping the reality of this dunya in mind