Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P11 111C Tafsir Al-Tawbah 119-129

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of remaining true to Islam and not giving up on one's own isolation and rejection is emphasized. The need for comfort for oneself and the Prophet sall campaigns in establishing Islam is also emphasized. The importance of learning and practicing Islam in the context of war and peace is emphasized. The success of the COVID-19 pandemic in bringing people out to do things is also emphasized. The importance of learning and giving charity to those with faith in Islam is emphasized, and the need for everyone to be present for a long period of time to reflect on their actions and learn from their actions is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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And in the next is What does Allah say? Yeah, are you Alladhina amanu or you have believed it up Allah, fear Allah wa Kuno and you should be Masada clean with the truthful ones. Stay with those who are truthful. Stay cool know why be with the truthful ones. Because when you will be with the truthful ones, then you can speak the truth, then you can remain on the truth. You see carbon Malik, he could have easily left the truthful people, right, he could have easily left Medina gone off and joined the people of a certain country, he got an offer from there, he could have gone easily. And if he had gone he would have been accepted for sure. But he did not leave the Saudi pain, as

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difficult as it was to remain with the Saudi pain, he did not leave their side he did not leave them. And this is the lesson we learned remain with the right kind of people.

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Because they will correct you, as difficult as it is

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to bear this kind of isolation and rejection. As difficult as it is but in the long run. It is what is best.

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I also want you to think about the mistake of carbon medical biller Warren. Was he insincere? Was he No. Did he not have the intention of going out with the Prophet salallahu Salam, he did. He had the intention. Even when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam left, he had the intention of going. He said I'll just quickly get ready and go, but the chance didn't come? Because he did not avail it when it first came to him. What do we learn from this? That when we keep delaying things, what happens eventually we lose the opportunity completely.

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And if we lose an opportunity, don't think of it like oh well glad inshallah something else might come up. No, you just lost a very, very important thing. You just lost a major opportunity.

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You see, sin is of two kinds, committing that which Allah has forbidden. And secondly, not doing what Allah has commanded. Even that is a sin.

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Garbin Malik is being punished over here for 50 days. Why? Because he didn't do what he was commanded. We think sin is just doing certain wrong things, you know, alcohol and Zina and we don't do those kinds of things. What do we learn from this? Procrastination is also a sin when it prevents you from doing what you have to do.

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So kumara saw the theme, stay with the honest sincere people, so that you can also adhere to the truth. You can also follow the commands of Allah subhanaw taala. And as difficult as it is, don't leave them Kuno Mara saw the pain.

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Moving forwards What lessons do we learn from this expedition? First of all, don't delay.

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Secondly, what do we learn? My cannoli el Medina. It is not fitting for the people of Medina. Woman Hala home and whoever is around them. Minal are rob from the Bedouins meeting the people who live inside Medina and the people who live outside Medina, those who live closest to the Prophet salallahu Salam, it does not be fit them. And that yet the hull of who they remain behind on Rasul Allah, He from the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, it does not be fit them, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is going with 30,000 people 500 plus kilometers all the way to the book. And here you are sitting at home. Here you are sitting in your garden enjoying the shades and cool waters

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while the prophets of Allah Saddam is suffering from thirst and fatigue.

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Does it make sense? What do we learn? The prophets on autism should be more beloved to us, then who?

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Some strange people. Yeah, then who?

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Our parents, our children, our wealth, and ourselves.

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If we want comfort for ourselves, rest enjoyment. How can we not like that for the Prophet sallallahu sallam?

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If the Prophet saw a lot of Saddam suffered in the way of Allah, then how can we prefer comfort for ourselves? If the Prophet salallahu Salam went through so much difficulty in receiving the Quran alone

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that on a cold night he would begin to sweat. Are you sweating right now? I'm sure many of you are because it's hot in the room.

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The profits on a lot of them have suffered more than us. When the way he came to him on a cold night, he would begin to sweat.

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So whenever we're suffering, in the way of Allah, always remember, the sufferings of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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If you went through so much hardship,

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to receive the Quran, to pass on the Quran, traveling in order to defend this religion in order to establish this religion, so that we have Islam today, then how tell me how.

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How can we think we don't have to do anything for the sake of Allah? We don't need to learn the Quran. We don't need to strive in order to understand the meanings of the Quran. We don't need to spend 20 minutes doing our lesson how

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How can it be fair, maccarinelli el Medina tea woman how Allah Who mineral our love, and yet 100 Hulu and Rasul in Lehi. It doesn't fit them. The prophets are a lot of sort of underwent so much hardship. And we only prefer comfort for ourselves.

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he strove in order to convey and here we are, with the dean, busy making our homes busy establishing our worldly lives, forgetting the religion, not knowing the meaning of the Quran, not knowing the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, not taking his mission forward. Because we are in a phase of life where our family is more important to us.

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It doesn't fit a believer to do that. If he truly loves the Messenger, then he will be on the path of the messenger. Then he will be doing the same thing that the messenger SallAllahu Sallam did. The profits on a lot of Sanlam knew the Quran. The believer will also strive to learn the Quran. The prophets of Allah Islam conveyed the Quran, the believer will also strive to convey it. The prophets have a lot of time spent in the way of Allah, the One who truly believes in the prophets of Allah and will also spend in the way of Allah. The profits on a lot it's on a win for battle when his grandchild was dying, when his daughter was dying, you know, but are smiling a little wine who was

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not able to participate in but why?

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Because the profits or losses daughter was in Medina sick, almost dying.

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Imagine your daughter is dying, and you have to go for battle to defend the religion of Allah. He did that. We are barely sick, that we want to stay behind. We don't want to come forward to recite the Quran. We don't want to come forward to know the Quran. We don't want to come forward to read the idea to study the idea that the prophets of autism underwent so much difficulty to receive and pass on. Think about it.

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Makana Lee a little Medina T woman hola hormonal Arhavi at 100 level one was soon Sula Walla and not your abou

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be unfussy him i Neff see your abou is from rubber and Rafa is to incline toward someone

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but over here yoga boo be unforeseen with themselves or anough C is being followed by Iran. So it means to incline away.

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In other words, it does not fit them to incline away from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam toward zoo towards unfussy him themselves in other words, that they prefer themselves over a smaller loss that Allah has on them.

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They want to sit at home and enjoy while Rasul Allah said, a lot of them suffered for so many years. This doesn't fit a believer.

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It doesn't fit them. We learn about a companion, who stayed back initially from the book. He went to his orchard sat in the cool shade on the ground that was made cool by sprinkling water. And he was brought freshly picked bunches of dates. And as he was about to have them, he remembered Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. He's out under the heat of the sun, walking through the desert going towards the book.

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He said, This doesn't make sense. So he put those dates away that water away, got out, got his animal and ran to join the prophets of Allah

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because it doesn't fit a believer to prefer comfort for himself and difficulty for a sort of loss of allottee

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How can we be Oh

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that people don't know about him. misunderstand him, his teachings his life. And yet we're okay in our houses we say oh yeah, it's their problem. The prophets have a lot of cinemas insulted today look down on his character

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is attacked and yet we're okay if somebody were to attack us in this way would we be okay? When we just sit in our houses? No, what would we do we would get up and do something, right something talk to someone learn go and do something to defend yourself then how is it that for a pseudo lawsuit a lot of Satnam for the Quran that he received and conveyed we think it's okay it's not a big deal.

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Another reason why they should not be okay with this is because they're Lika that be unknown because indeed they lie you sleep at home it does not reach them Obama on any thirst. Are you thirsty? Perhaps? Well, Anna Sabon and nor any fatigue, nuts up physical exhaustion, while I'm a muscle tone, nor any hunger, muscle, extreme hunger, you hungry.

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FISA beat Allah in the way of Allah.

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Any person who suffers from thirst, fatigue, or hunger in the way of Allah. What else when a yacht or owner and nor do they trod mostly on any path meaning they do not take any step? Walking were in the way of Allah, that you Leeloo it in rages Alko follow the disbelievers meaning by which their enemy gets very upset very angry.

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Fifth, wala Jana Luna Menardo when Neela you know Luna from nail, what does nail mean to attain? They do not get anything from the enemy, meaning any victory, any booty, whatever they gain from the enemy, for all of these things, what does Allah say it Allah except cootie Bella, whom it is written for them, what is written for them be for it, arming them slowly, a good deed.

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A good deed, a good deed written for what? For what, what does it say in the I thirst, fatigue, hunger, taking a step on any path in the way of Allah and attaining any kind of success little or big, any success in the way of Allah. For every little thing that a person does in the way of Allah suffers in the way of Allah, what does he get in return? In kuchibhotla home be Ramadan salah, a good deed. So if you're hungry now, and you're thirsty now and your legs are hurting now and your hand is hurting now because you're in the way of Allah you're sitting learning the Quran, Allah oz book, then remind yourself, I should not get up and go with an excuse to get a glass of water. I

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should hold on for a little bit longer because I am hoping for what reward from Allah subhanaw taala I'm alone Salah in Allahu Allah, you'll do your digital merci nein indeed Allah does not waste the reward of those who do good. Those who do good Allah does not waste their reward. So after this ayah who has the permission to stay back? Who? Nobody? Why? Because a Rasul allah sallallahu Sallam suffered in the way of Allah. So who do you think you are that you don't need to go out in the way of Allah? And be because whatever you do, whatever you suffer in God's way, you are being rewarded for it. So how can you stay back? Think about it. You could be sitting in your home, in front of the

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television with the window open, nice sunlight coming in nice breeze

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with a cup of tea, or Bob or whatever you like in your hand.

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Enjoying yourself. But is there a difference in that state and in your present state? Is there a difference? A big difference for sure.

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There you'd be comfortable here. You're suffering a little bit but at the same time, you're getting something What are you getting? You're getting closer to your destination, and at the same time, for every moment, you're getting rewarded also in sha Allah, I'm alone Sonya in a hadith winner and that each time a person goes to the masjid in the morning, in the evening, Allah prepares for him nuzzle in Jana, what is nozel what you prepare for a guest. So for each time that a person goes to the masjid morning, evening, Allah prepares for him.

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nosal in Jannah so if a person keeps that in

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Allah is going to give me something better in return than what happens. you're striving becomes easier to bear. You have more motivation to strive in the way of Allah.

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Well are you on the corner and they do not spend NEFA cotton any expenditure, Selena tan small one that could be rotten nor big, any, any kind of money they spend in the way of Allah a little or a lot. There were some companions who came and poured, you know, heaps and heaps of money in the lack of the profits on a lot of seven for the expedition to the book. And there were others who brought only a handful of dates. Allah says whatever it is that you spend in the way of Allah, what are you getting in return reward? Well, the owner, nor do they cut meaning they're cross worthy in any Valley, where he is a passageway between mountains. So any valid across any money they spend in law

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except cootie Bella Hamid is written for them. Their good deeds are written for them. Leah Xia home Allahu Allah cinema can we am alone, so that Allah may reward them with the best of what they use to do? Allah who will reward them generously for these best deeds that they're performing? And this is a reason why, when a person steps out of his house, for the sake of Allah, whether he is going to the masjid, or he's going to seek knowledge, when he steps out of his house, in the way of Allah, then from the moment he steps out to the moment he returns, He is where in the way of Allah What is he getting?

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When a person walks to the masjid, for every step he takes, you know, what we learn and Hadith and Buhari are hardly a sin is erased. Adonijah our rank is raised. Imagine a sin is erased, and a rank is raised. For what? Walking towards the masjid, for prayer. Anything that a person does for the sake of Allah, he goes out of the house, he's been rewarded for it. So why stay back? Do you get rewarded with money on your way to the mall and back from the mall? No, you only spend and lose.

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Right? Whether it's in the form of a bus ticket or is in the form of you know, your gas or whatever it may be. But when you're in the way of Allah, remember, every step counts, every step is recorded and will be rewarded

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will be rewarded.

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But it's when we take those steps. And it's when we hope for a reward from Allah subhanaw taala.

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We go happily for our own enjoyment for worldly benefits, do we go happily in the way of Allah? Think about it. Well, I am Fiona, another author on Sunday Ratan wala Kabira any money to spend in the way of Allah little or a lot there are being rewarded for it. So whether it's in the form of fees, that we have to pay for this education that we're getting, or it is in the form of purchasing books, or it is in the form of paying for your gas, whatever it may be. Hope for Ajit from WHO? Allah subhanaw taala it's the highest paying job, the highest paying job is what being in the way of Allah?

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Because you are paid for every moment for your thirst and hunger even, you know, like people who have clients, and then what did they do the building, right? For what? For every hour of work that they've put in for maybe driving to a particular location? Do they charge them that I was very thirsty when I was doing this work for you? So therefore, you have to give me 5% more?

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Can they do that? No. Can they say that I was really tired. My back was aching because I was sitting for two hours working on your file. This is why you have to pay me 20% more. Can they do that? No. If you said something like this, what will this it do bad? You were suffering too bad. But Allah subhanaw taala

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He rewards a person for his effort even.

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So never stay back. In striving in the way of Allah subhanaw taala every bit of effort is worth it. Every moment, every striving every bit is worth it. On the Day of Judgment, the Shaheed will come how with his wounds, you know still bleeding but that blood will be like light and fragrance of mask will be coming from there. Why? So that it is known this person was sure he this person died in the way of Allah and Allah will reward him from that moment, actually even before that, in the Buddism

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Even he's been rewarded.

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So doesn't matter what we suffer.

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Your eyes are hurting, your ears are hurting head is hurting. You know what Alhamdulillah and how many?

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That Al Hamdulillah

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your fingers hurting things happen. And these things happen even if you're sitting even after sleeping. You got a headache, don't you?

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So why don't get a headache in the wave unless at least you're gonna get a job.

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At least you can get Ajit you're gonna suffer anyway might as well suffer in the way of Allah. Now with all of this reward that is guaranteed for people who go out in the way of Allah. The Sahaba thought that this is the only way.

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But Allah subhanaw taala clarifies Wolmar Kana and it is not a manana for the believers, Lian pharaoh that they all go forth calf for 10, entirely Kapha Kapha entirely all of them at once, meaning this is not required from the believers that every single one of them must participate in battle always. Because remember that the expedition to the book was an exceptional situation in which the Prophet saw a lot of sudden made it clear to everyone that every single person had to participate. However, Allah clarifies that this is not the norm. This is not the norm. Every person is not always required to go for battle. While there are people who are going for battle, there

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should also be people who dedicatedly go out to do something else also. You understand? Some people should go out for battle, but there are others who must go out for something else also. And what is that something else? Allah says fanola So why not nuff Allah He went out min Khalifa, cotton from every group minimum from the meaning every group of believers from every city, from every tribe, from every community, a group by if I don't, a smaller group should go out for what purpose? Leota COVID de COVID-19 so that they can develop understanding of religion, you had the phone call from fic fic is what clearer understanding of something so that you are able to implement it and also

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pass it on? Phillip, when you've really gotten it. When you get something you can apply it and you can also explain it to somebody. But if it's not clear to you, can you apply it? No. Can you pass it on? No, because you will be asked about something and he was like I don't know. So Leah de facto who fit Dean, a group of people should also dedicate themselves to learning the religion while you little calmer home and so that they should warn their people, the rest of the people who didn't go out to learn either Roger LA when they will return to them, law law on their own so that they can also be cautious, because you see, people are not born with knowledge, or they

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were you born with the knowledge of the Quran, no knowledge you have to learn correct, and every single person is in need of learning.

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Allah subhanaw taala is greatest writes upon people are what? That people should believe in Him alone. They should have faith in Him. They should worship Him they should obey Him. These are Allah's rights upon His servants. And Allah subhanaw taala created us for His worship alone. And it's necessary that we give these rights to Allah subhanaw taala. And for this reason, we need to learn and we need to be reminded also. So some people should dedicate themselves to what learning their religion and teaching it to others so that no Muslim remains ignorant, so that Quran can be for all in every hand and in every heart. Because Quran is for who? For who, just the people who can

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dedicate two days a week or five days a week in order to learn the Quran? Is it just for them? It's for every single person for you, your father, your mother, your husband, your children, every single person. So what do we learn over here? That while some people are dedicated warriors, other people must be dedicated learners and teachers

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because war is not always needed. Right? There are times when there will be war, and there will be other times when there will be peace. Yes, the borders need to be guarded. But you know what is needed all the time? What knowledge

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this is why we see that when the prophets of Allah Islam was told to do jihad in Makkah, he was told, well J head home BG hadn't come up with the Quran. Dude you have with the Quran strive with the Quran, meaning pass it on, pass it on. This is your

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are striving and this is a reason why they're all um I have said that yes going for battle, you know against the enemy is necessary it is important, but because of this idea they say that this kind of jihad is also necessary with Jihad

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learning and teaching and tell me, my dear sisters, isn't learning a jihad

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where you have to fight against yourself and your sleep and push yourself to get up, open your book and learn. You don't get it. Put your mind to it. You don't get it. Ask, listen, read, find out research. It's more of a struggle. For some people, knowledge comes very easy. But for others, it's very, very difficult.

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They have to strive a lot. And we see the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, this is what they did. A group of them would come from every tribe from every city, they'll come stay with the Prophet salallahu Salam, and learn and then go back we learned that about 20 Some men, once they came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, not 20 Some men, it was a group of some youth, they came to the Prophet salallahu Salam in Medina, they stayed and they learn from him. After about 20 days, the prophets a lot of sort of noticed on their faces that they were missing their families. So he asked him who have you left behind? And they said, you know, my wife and my children and my this one and

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why that one. So the prophets of Allah said and told them to go home. And he told them that prayed the Salah, at this time prayed this select this time, because now you have the knowledge when the time for prayer enters one of you should give the other and the eldest of you should leave the rest in prayer. So what happened? This group of people they came, they learned, and then they went back home. Right? So likewise, many of you, you come for two days you learn and then you go back to your school, or your university or your workplace. Now when you go to your school, what's your responsibility? Forget what you learned over the weekend? Yeah. What is your responsibility? Wali

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Yun Viru Calma home either Roger la him, everyone is not able to come and take a course. Everyone is not able to come and study for long hours. But those who can it is their responsibility to teach those who don't know, your husband might be busy working because he has to provide for you and your family. Why should he be deprived of learning? Right? Likewise, your sister, your father, your brother, your friends? Maybe they don't have that support system to be able to come and learn. So you who is gathering this knowledge this goal this treasure, what is your responsibility? Share it Leone little coma home either Roger la him la lucha de moon.

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Then Allah says Yeah, are you Alladhina amanu Oh, you have believed? partido Levina yo, Luna, communal co fowl fight against those people who are closer to you from among the disbelievers. Yeah, Luna comas from wild lamb. Yeah, well, Leah means to be near. So fight the enemy, which enemy that is closest to you. Don't reach out for the enemy that is far this to you. Because think about it, if you tackle the challenge that is closest, then you can reach the one that is farthest. Right. But if you start with the one that is far less than what will happen, you'll get nowhere. You'll get nothing done. Right? So for example, if there's a big mess, and you want to clear it up, what should

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you start with that which is closest to you? Right? So start with your own bed, start with your own room. Start with what is closest to you, and that's what the prophets of Allah Islam did. First of all, he dealt with who the mystic enough Makkah right from Makkah, then thought if after the conquest he dealt with who the people of thought if and then after that, the other people who were in Arabia fighting against the Muslims the prophets, Allah Lausanne also dealt with them. And then when Arabia was in control, then what happened the prophets of Allah said unreached outside the Romans, the book took place. So this is the order when it comes to battle and also in general life.

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This is a very important rule. Start begin with what is closest to you if you want to give charity give to those who are closest to you. If you want to be good to others, begin with who your family.

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One Yeji do FICO Marilla and they should find any littles law meaning your enemy should find a new harshness don't be too gentle and sweet with them, because come on, they're supposed to be your enemy. They're waging war against you. They're coming to kill you. And if you show up in front of them, as if you don't mind what they're doing, then what's gonna happen to you, you're going to be finished by them. So be a little tough with your enemy. Wireless Mo and Allahumma al Motta clean and know that indeed Allah is with those people who fear Allah.

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Allah says

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What either and whenever either man each time on Zillow to Ratan Sula is revealed for many homes so among them meaning among the people are who may a call those who say a you comes out that who had the email Now which of you

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were increased in Iman because of this? What difference did the surah make to you?

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Surah to Toba is a Surah that shakes you.

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It really makes you open your eyes and think about your intentions and think about your actions and what you're doing. Analyze yourself, it really makes you look at yourself critically.

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But despite that, there are some people who they go through the surah and they say, you know, then make a difference to my faith. Allah says for a Medina Armano as for those who believe for that Iman and homea steps, Sharon, it increases them and Iman and they rejoice. They look at the positives. Yes, I've made a mistake but attack a boon. They rejoice, they're happy. But what a Molina feel could be modeled as for those people in whose hearts as a disease what happens was that when religious and LRH see him, it increases them. Filth upon filth, they're already filthy. So when water will fall on filth, what will happen to that filth? It will spread, isn't it? It'll become

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even more nasty. Registered elided seem warmer to warm caffeine and the dye while they're still believers. So even a pseudo like a Toba that exposes the hypocrites reveals their innermost weaknesses and hidden conspiracies, their faults are laid open. Do they repent? They don't repent. Imagine after this suit also, they were the one at 15 who did not repent at all 80 people came in lied to the face of us will Allah imagine they lied? Allah says Oh ALLAH your honor. Do they not see that unknown you've done all that indeed they are put to trial test frequently arm and every year, more than once? Oh, my Watain or at least twice

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every year, at least once or twice something disastrous happens in their life. So Maya Tabone then still they don't repent Wilhelmi at the cone and they don't take a lesson.

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We're always going through tests in life, right? Every day, there's something or the other. You hit yourself here you bump yourself there. You got a cut here. Right? Something on the other happens. But if you think about it, every year, at least one major incident happens right? Somebody dies or you became extremely sick. Or you lost money, you lost your job, somebody their attitude towards you completely changed. I mean, something major happens at least once or twice a year, doesn't it?

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Doesn't it? Does you fail an exam? Your friend leaves you. It happens. Why does it happen? Why do these difficulties happen in our lives to humble us, to make us do Toba to make us turn back to Allah.

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But a hypocrite what happens to him?

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In a hadith we learn when a hypocrite becomes ill and then is cured. Meaning he falls extremely sick, and Allah cures him he was sick in bed for so long, unable to do anything helpless. And Allah subhanaw taala cures him a hypocrite. He is like a camel. In other words, we learned donkey which has been tethered and let loose by its owners meaning a camel that was tied up and then it was let loose. But the camel has no idea why the master tethered it why the master tied it up and why the master let it free. He doesn't know he doesn't take any lesson. He has the I got sick and then Yeah, I'm okay. No.

00:33:56 --> 00:34:38

Doesn't have any impact on his life doesn't change him. But a believer when even a little bit of you know disaster hits him in life. He realizes something must have happened. Something must have happened. I must have done something. So he turns to Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah subhana wa indiquant immunoblot. I mean, I've done something wrong. Allah show me what I did. He reflects, analyzes himself, learns a lesson and improves. But a hypocrite doesn't. What either my own zealot Surah tone and whenever a surah is revealed. What's the reaction of the hypocrites Nevada bar boom Illa bargain. They look at each other. Imagine a gathering of Rasulullah Salallahu Salam, he's

00:34:38 --> 00:35:00

reciting the Quran. People are listening. Why are they listening in order to reflect on the verses analyze themselves? Okay, what are we supposed to do? Do this is Tell me about a mistake that perhaps I've made a deficiency that I find in myself. Everybody is busy reflecting on themselves. But the hypocrites what

00:35:00 --> 00:35:45

they do. They're so disinterested, they start looking at each other. Looking at each other with this, you know, question Halia are coming ahead. Is anybody looking at you? Anybody looking? Yeah, because crying are most looking that way. Okay, nobody's looking. Someone said, then they get up and go. I mean, they quickly go away. Why? They have no interest in learning. They have no interest in reflecting, someone sawed off will they get up and leave Allah sort of Allah who Kaluga whom, Allah who turn their hearts away? The unknown Kamala phone because there are people who don't understand. They're so disinterested. So what happens Allah turns their hearts away.

00:35:46 --> 00:36:09

This is why even a surah like a Toba. They don't understand from it. They don't see they don't learn they don't do any good dead don't change. Because change is possible when after reflection. After you're interested, if you're not interested in changing who can change you, nobody can. So when they're not interested, they're also deprived.

00:36:10 --> 00:36:26

Allah addresses all the believers. Look at the journal calm Rasulo men and physical or believers realize, realize the blessing that you've got. Locker Gerakan was salam and unfussy calm a messenger has come to you from yourselves a human being like you.

00:36:27 --> 00:36:30

As the sooner I lay him out, I need to

00:36:31 --> 00:36:57

very difficult upon him Is that what you suffer? Or is he isn't is to be mighty strong are these and Isla is when something is very hard and difficult upon someone. So what is very hard and difficult upon the prophets of Allah said them to bear ma I met them which you suffer, I need them for my known tell you're suffering. So when you go to the book and you're suffering, it's very hard for the prophets of Allah Islam to see you suffer.

00:36:58 --> 00:37:13

Think about it. There are leaders who are tyrants, who put their people to difficulty and sit in the comfort of their homes. But the Prophet salallahu Salam did he stay in Medina and send the Muslims to the book, he was with them.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:57

Or Aziz in LA, he marinate them. He was compassionate. He was caring very, very caring about them. How do you soon I like how do you use health? How else are to be greedy? wants something badly? What does he want for you? He's very, very eager for you. Meaning he wants every good thing for you. So if you treat a carbon Malick like that, and his companions for 50 days, why it was out of compassion for them because he wanted the best for them. He wanted forgiveness for them. And in general also, if the messenger commands us anything, it is because what he wants good for us. This is why these we learned there's nothing good that will take you to Jannah except that I've told you about it. And

00:37:57 --> 00:38:07

there is nothing bad that will take you to hellfire except that I've warned you against it. How do you sonar Aleikum, build, maintain or overhang with the believers is kind and merciful.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:18

He's very sincere to you. He cares for you. Do you care about him? Do you love him? Do you know him? Do you know what he went through for you?

00:38:19 --> 00:38:25

For Enthoven low, but if the turn away, who turns away all the people who are invited to do Toba

00:38:26 --> 00:38:57

if the Mushrikeen they turn away, then when African they turn away amongst the believers, there are people whom you tell them come forward do this, but they delay they procrastinate. They stay behind. If they turn away the profits of a lot of time is stalled. fuckable then you should say has to be Allah. Allah is enough for me. You see, the sudo was revealed at the end of the prophets life right after the book the book was a last expedition soon after the Prophet said a lot of time passed away

00:38:58 --> 00:39:12

had to deal with our took place and soon after he passed away so the prophets of Allah Assam has stalled over here and through I'm indirectly we are being informed that if you leave the Prophet don't follow his way. Don't listen to him.

00:39:13 --> 00:39:14

Then you know what, he doesn't need you.

00:39:16 --> 00:39:29

The prophet is stalled for call has been Allah sufficient for me is Allah La ilaha illa who there is no god but him la heat our call to upon him I trust well who are a bull out shall leave?

00:39:30 --> 00:39:51

Well who are Rob rubble shill or Liam? He is the Lord of the create the great throne, there is no throne that is greater than the Throne of Allah and there is no one who is greater than Allah. Who is with Rasul Allah, who will help him Allah.

00:39:52 --> 00:39:59

Allah was sufficient for you before and he will be sufficient for you forever and always save the people above

00:40:00 --> 00:40:47

And then you doesn't matter. They don't do Toba. They don't change their ways doesn't matter. All the prophets relied upon Allah and Allah granted them success. So in this surah, all of us are invited to really reflect on ourselves. What is the state of our faith? What is the state of our commitment with Allah's religion with Allah's book? And what is our attitude with Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he who sacrificed everything he had for the religion that we got to have today? What are we doing? To learn this thing? How seriously are we learning it? How seriously? Are we understanding it, implementing it? And if we don't implement, we don't learn?

00:40:48 --> 00:40:48

Then you know what?

00:40:50 --> 00:41:15

Allah has many Junoon he has many armies there are 70,000 angels who do search the every day, who visit Baitul Marmol to worship Allah daily, and they never get a chance again. Because there's so many of them. You think Allah needs us 300 People here No, he doesn't. The Quran was there before we came. The Quran is there today. And the Quran will continue

00:41:17 --> 00:41:25

the prophets legacy will continue it's up to us. Do we turn to Allah to be a part of this legacy?

00:41:26 --> 00:41:34

Or do we say I'm okay in my own home I'm enjoying my life I'm fine. How long are we going to enjoy it for

00:41:36 --> 00:41:37


00:41:38 --> 00:41:39


00:41:40 --> 00:41:41

are you

00:41:44 --> 00:41:51

long oh cool mouth warm up me Monica

00:41:53 --> 00:41:55

Medina T one How

00:42:01 --> 00:42:01


00:42:04 --> 00:42:05

your boo

00:42:07 --> 00:42:07


00:42:09 --> 00:42:13

Seeing none see learning carry

00:42:15 --> 00:42:19

your sleeve on one that oh no

00:42:21 --> 00:42:22

no no

00:42:25 --> 00:42:31

you up or home? What up? Oh no no

00:42:36 --> 00:42:38

no no me not doing

00:42:39 --> 00:42:41

well and good to

00:42:42 --> 00:42:43

be on

00:42:44 --> 00:42:48

wall in a long

00:42:53 --> 00:42:54


00:43:05 --> 00:43:05


00:43:06 --> 00:43:07

coup de Bella

00:43:09 --> 00:43:09


00:43:12 --> 00:43:14

long cinema

00:43:16 --> 00:43:19

Oh, one I

00:43:21 --> 00:43:22

mean wound any

00:43:28 --> 00:43:28


00:43:31 --> 00:43:45

cool if you're watching minimum or effect only attesa Paul de liotta Paul Dini. Well,

00:43:46 --> 00:43:48

the old poem either

00:43:50 --> 00:43:51


00:43:56 --> 00:43:57


00:43:58 --> 00:43:58

are you

00:44:10 --> 00:44:11


00:44:14 --> 00:44:15


00:44:16 --> 00:44:20

dumping ya them

00:44:25 --> 00:44:25


00:44:26 --> 00:44:35

me, ball au combs. That's it man. For

00:44:40 --> 00:44:41

me, man.

00:44:44 --> 00:44:48

Oh, well.

00:44:49 --> 00:44:52

loveliness evolu being

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

Regis and Isla introducing him to

00:45:00 --> 00:45:04


00:45:07 --> 00:45:09

Euston Fe

00:45:11 --> 00:45:14

Walton water you need

00:45:16 --> 00:45:18

to bow

00:45:21 --> 00:45:21

here to

00:45:24 --> 00:45:28

go we're either

00:45:34 --> 00:45:37

boom Isla when

00:45:39 --> 00:45:40

a hobby

00:45:44 --> 00:45:46

for our fellow long

00:45:48 --> 00:45:48


00:45:55 --> 00:45:55


00:46:06 --> 00:46:07


00:46:09 --> 00:46:10

hurry for

00:46:13 --> 00:46:16

me meaning you know for

00:46:18 --> 00:46:18


00:46:30 --> 00:46:37

too long oh boy louder she Loveleen

00:46:40 --> 00:46:48

Subhanak Allah will be handy Masha Allah ilaha illa Anta the stuff you want her to be like a Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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