Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P09 099D Tafsir Al-Anfal 26-40
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The segment discusses the importance of trust in relationships between the piano and people involved in piano play, as well as the importance of knowing one's plans and the potential reward for those who do not trust. The speakers emphasize the need for people to have clarity of mind and be strong in their tribe to avoid revenge from others. The segment also touches on the negative beliefs and fears people have about religion, including their desire to be treated with excellence and dislike of their parents. The segment ends with a discussion of the negative consequences of staying in the Muslim world and the potential consequences of staying in a foreign country.
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Yeah Are you Halina M and who are you who have believed lead the WHO KNEW do not betrayed do not do Fianna with who Allah what was Su and the messenger do not do Fianna with Allah and His messenger, what the whole new and betray meaning do not betray also do not betray a man Adhikam your trusts were undone tharla Moon, while you know
what is Leanna cheating someone do not do what is expected of you do not give to the other. What is do to them? How? By deceiving them? Like for example, you say to them that yes, I will go and do this work for you. And I will do this properly and completely. And then when they ask you did you do it? You're like, Yeah, I did it. But you didn't do it completely. This is betraying the other person this is piano. Likewise, somebody gives you something to keep for some time. And what do you do you never return it to them. You never hand it over to them. They keep calling you. You ignore their phone calls. Somebody gives you something to do. You never hand it in. You never hand it in, they
ask you you ignore them. They come after you you pretend as if you didn't see them, you avoid them. This is all what Rihanna so he Anna essentially is what how would you summarize it?
Betrayal cheating.
So let the Hun Allah her word was who do not betray, do not reduce the hulk of Allah and His Messenger Do not fail to perform the duties and the obligations that have been imposed on you from Allah and His messenger. Rather what should you do? Obey Allah and His messenger with sincerity with honesty? Take the example of will do
a man who is what that when a person is obeying Allah subhanaw taala performing well do they perform it properly? They wash their hands, their face, rinse their mouth, their nose, their arms, everything properly and completely. So what is Leanna? In that, that a person does not care to remove the nail polish from their nails? And then perform well? Do
you understand? Versus Yeah, whatever. It's okay. No big deal. You think Allah is not watching you? You think he doesn't know that you've got nail polish on your nails and your will do will not be proper? Would that nail polish on you have to remove it so that your nails can get wet so that you can have complete will do?
What is piano in Salah that a person knows that now the sun has risen. The time of Fajr has ended. But yet what do they do? As the sun is rising? The sun? Nevermind, it's okay. I'll just pray. No, you're not supposed to be praying while the sun is rising.
You're supposed to pray either before it begins to rise or when it has completely risen piano in Salah that a person is performing the prayer. Why? Just to satisfy other people they don't have will do. They don't have will do. They're just praying so that you know their mom knows that. Okay, fine. They're prayed. They're not interested in prayer. This is piano
piano with regards to court with regards to sujood instead of saying Subhanallah BL Arla a person barely soprano and then he gets up immediately. So
this is
this is Rihanna. Is this performing your duty properly? Is this performing your obligations? No. So let the Hone Allah her well Rasul what the whole new Amana to come and do not even betray your trusts, meaning those that are given to you by people, whether it is in form of responsibilities, assigned jobs, assigned tasks, things that are deposited with you for safekeeping, whatever it is, do not betray it. Your body is an Amana right? Your life is an Amana your money is an Amana your health is an Amana so don't betray the trusts that have been given to you. Whether they're given to you by Allah or his messenger or the people who are around you. Why Allah mu and know a number that
indeed not but I'm welcome, your wealth, your properties were allowed to come and your children. What are they fitna? They're a temptation, there trial for you. Because usually, why is it that people betray their trusts?
So for example, a person borrows money from someone, I'll borrow $100 from you. I'll return it to you tomorrow. I'll return it to you after two weeks. After two weeks, the person calls where's my money?
And you don't pick up the phone. They leave the message on the answering machine. You don't respond, you don't respond, you don't respond. This is
Piano, why did the person do that piano in love have that money, they have the money, they got their money, they can give it to them. But they don't want to separate from those $100. They don't want to have to sell something to pay off their debt. They don't want to keep away from something, keep away from buying something in order to return the debt. They don't want to because they love their things. They love their possessions. They love their money. So many times it is money, that becomes a cause of cheating. kuleana.
Right, your dad gives you $50 Go buy this book for yourself, and go buy your lunch and the rest of the money. Give it back to me.
And you never give any change back to your dad. And he's like, what happened? Oh, the book was $55 I had to pay $5 in my pocket. He's like, where's the receipt? I don't have it.
I don't have it. Lying. The book was $10 and $40 You enjoyed with your friends with this piano, right? So it is for the love of money that many people do piano. It is the love for children, that becomes a cause of piano. Love for children becomes a cause of piano.
If you think about it, people want to make money illegally in the wrong ways. They don't want to pay their taxes all kuleana why? So that they have more to spend on their children so that their children can be happy. They can look cute in those lovely clouds. They can have that lovely nice bed and that room that you've always dreamed off and that nursery and all those toys. It's because of the children that people do Fianna. Once a baby was brought to the Prophet salallahu Salam, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam hugged that baby, if you picked him up, he showed love. And the Prophet sallallahu sallam said in the wallet a mobile holla much better that these children, their make
their parents, cowards and stingy.
Much better. Mobile holla. They create juban meaning weakness, cowardice and they create bottle mobile cola. Is that true? Oh yeah. That same woman who had so much strength and energy. Now when she sees her baby, she's like, I can't pray. I can't go to this class. I can go here. I can't go there. I can't drive. I can't do this. I can't do that. There's a list of excuses. Children make a person weak. All that confidence gone. It's shattered. And also, they make a person stingy. Because he has the money. He can give it in charity. But then he thinks I want to buy that jacket for my child. She thinks the mother thinks right, I saw those cute clothes. I have to buy them from my
daughter. How can I not buy it? I saw those cute cushions. I have to buy them for her bed. I have to buy this for her nursery. I have to buy that toy. You know what spending on your children is also charity. So I'll do that charity, and I won't feed this hungry child. I'll just buy more clothes for my children that I hate washing. But I'll buy them anyway. Because they're so cute. So what happens is that children they make the parents weak and stingy. Many of you don't understand what I'm talking about. But you will know one day inshallah.
But the prophets that a lot of them said and they are the flowers of the Almighty. Hang the halls are too cute, they're irresistible. And Allah subhanaw taala has made them like that. Right? So anyway, what do we learn here that many times the reason for piano is what wealth and children but Allah subhanaw taala says what and Allah in the whole agenda, I believe ALLAH has a greater reward for you. Allah has a great reward with him. If you separate from $100 Now as difficult as it is, and you're truthful and honest in your dealings, that Allah subhanaw taala has much more reward waiting for you. So strive for that aim for that. This is why in the Quran we learn Yeah, uh you Halina
Avenue lateral hukum Anwar LUCAM Hola. Hola. Como en de que la. All believers don't let your wealth and your children distract you from remembering Allah. Wa my F or their Liga for Ola economy will hospital and whoever does that mean he gets distracted by his wealth and children from remembering Allah than such people. They're losers. Yeah, you Halina Amanu all you who have believed in katako law if you fear Allah
then what will happen yet your I'll he will make lecan for you for con and a criterion. If you have Taqwa of Allah, if you fear Allah, if you demonstrate that fear and you obey Allah in private and in secret, then what will happen? Allah will give you for con, what is for con criterion from Farakka criterion that gives you the ability to differentiate between what is right, what is wrong, what should be done, what should not be done. Think about the time when the Prophet sallallahu sallam was in that situation where they had to make a decision. Do we go after the caravan? Do we go face the army? Or do we go back home? Was that a very important decision to make? Yes. Was it critical? Yes.
Was it something that he could delay? Could he just delay it for a week and say I'll think about it a week later? No, it was urgent? Do we end up in such situations where we have to make immediate decisions, which are critical, which are major. And they're also very, very important in the sense that if you make a wrong decision, you could really suffer in the future, you better make the right decision. So at that time to make the right decision, what do you need? clarity of mind, the ability to distinguish between what is going to be good? What is going to have a good outcome in the long run and what is not going to be favorable in the long run. Do you need that farsightedness? Yes, and
it happens many times in life.
So what happens is, when a person has fear of Allah in every situation, and because of that fear, he remains honest, he remains sincere, then what will happen? Allah subhanaw taala will give him the ability to make the right decision and have peace of mind to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.
Fear of Allah What does it lead to? honesty and sincerity. Fear of Allah that leads to what? honesty, sincerity, truthfulness, and when a person is truthful, sincere, honest, then what will he have clarity, then he will have clarity than his thinking his emotions are not mixed up, he can distinguish between reality and his biases. He can distinguish between reality and his own false assumptions. You understand? Sincerity, honesty, they lead to clarity because the person knows I want well for this person, I want the best for this person. So then they have clarity of mind. And with that clarity, they can make the right decisions and they can ultimately have peace of mind. So
all believers, if you fear Allah, Allah will give you that criteria. Allah will give you that clarity. He will give you the ability to distinguish between right and wrong between reality and your false assumptions. Where you can fit on comes a year to come and he will expect from you your sins, while Fila come and he will forgive you will Allah who will follow later Aleem and Allah is possessor of Great Bounty so fear Him and reap the benefits of Taqwa of Allah, Taqwa of Allah is basically when a person's heart is alive and conscious. He's not negligent. He's not heedless. He's alert. And when you're alert, when you're conscious, then you can really see things. But if you're
half asleep, then can you see things. Can you tell between what is right and what is wrong? No, you can't understand. So Taqwa of Allah makes you more alert and conscious. It sharpens your mind. It gives you clarity, it makes you alert. So you are really able to see
you can have farsightedness.
And this is true with every act of obedience, not just a quote of Allah, but every act of obedience, it makes that person more sharp in his abilities in his skills. Many times you'll hear about children who memorize the Quran, went back to school and completed their high school in one year.
Have you heard these stories? Many times? Why? Because they've memorized the Quran, their mind is so sharp now. They're able to understand so quickly because they have the ability to focus. They can focus really well. They have self control. And as a result, no matter what they do in life, they do really well. But that's if they have really done it properly. But if they've done it with piano, if they've memorized the Quran with Leanna in the sense that they cheat when they're reciting in front of their teacher, then what happens? They fail in their hips, and they fail in everything in life. This is why Allah says stay away from clean
IANA Sincerity, honesty Taqwa they will sharpen you they will make you a better more skilled human being.
What EVM Kuru becau Allah subhanaw taala reminds the Prophet sallallahu Sallam of more blessings so that he has more confidence. More thelocal on Allah subhanaw taala in the future recall when he was plotting against you who Alladhina Cafaro those who disbelieve why were they plotting against you? Let us be Tuca so that they could restrain you use be Touka from Sir betta is bad, what does it mean? Sebata is to be firm, right? So it's better to make something stay in one place. So they wanted to make you stay in one place, meaning imprison you. They were planning to either prison you imprison you, oh, you have to dukkha or kill you. Oh, usually dukkha or expel you from Makkah, wham
Corona, and they were plotting. And while they were plotting wham could Allah and Allah who was also planning wala who Hyrule marketing and Allah is the best of planners. What is this referring to? Even our Bessel bluedot. I know he mentioned that some of the chiefs of Makkah. And these were noble people who had great status in the society, they all gathered together among them was also a Buddha held so you can understand which kind of people were in this group. So they gathered together in their own network in their council where they would have their meetings. And basically, they were really sick of they were very fed up with the matter of the prophets of Allah, Islam and the
Muslims, and they wanted to just get it over with. But the thing is that they couldn't just kill him. Because of they killed him. He belonged to a very noble tribe. And remember that in Arabia, you supported your tribesmen, even if you disagreed with them, somebody belongs to your tribe, even if you hate him, and you have a personal problem with him. But if somebody has opposed them, you're going to stand up to defend them. All right. So even though the people were seeking, but if they belong to the tribal, the Prophet saw a lot of sudden they were obliged to support him and defend him. So this is the reason why the machine they weren't able to simply go and kill him. All right.
So they sat together discussing what should we do? We've had enough of this, we better take some action before the problem escalates. So they all sat together, and shaytaan Iblees, he also came in the form of an old man to participate in that discussion. When the people saw this man, they're like, who are you? You're not a person lives in Makkah. He said, I've come from such and such place. And I am such and such person to decide, Oh, welcome. And they basically involved him in their discussion. So they all discussed as to what to do with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. One of them he said, in prison, Muhammad salallahu Salam, you imprisoned him, and what will happen? That's it,
he won't be able to do Dawa, he won't be able to call people Iblees who was in the form of this man? He said that? No, it's not a good idea. Because if you imprison him, he can always get out. He can always escape. And if he escapes, then again, back to square one.
So then what happened? Another person, he said, expel him. Now the man sitting in that constantly said, expel Mohammed, expelled him from Makkah, tell him you're not allowed to live here. He said no way. If you expel him, he is going to gather more strength somewhere else. And he's going to come and attack you. And he's going to come and take over you basically, if you expel him, then you're giving him the freedom to gain popularity all over the world. And eventually, you'll be overcome.
And then they discussed many things.
And eventually, a Buddha held spoke of Buddha Hall said, I have an idea that no one else has suggested yet. And I see no better opinion for you.
Choose a strong and socially elevated young man from each tribe, and give every single one of them a sharp sword. And then all of them should strike Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam together at the same time with the swords and kill him. When they'll all kill him together when they will all share in that crime, then what will happen? The tribe of Muhammad said a lot of Saddam would not be able to take revenge from so many tribes. You understand? When they want to be able to take revenge from so many tribes? What will they do? They will say okay, we'll just take blood money, we can always give them blood money. We have all that money, we have that well. So he believes he said yes, this man has
expressed the best opinion and I do not support any other opinion. So what how
happen, the end of their meeting, and they planned which men should go, they all waited outside the home of the prophets of Allah to send them waiting for him to come out in the middle of the night to go to the Holland to perform his prayers, so that as soon as he comes out, they will all together, attack him. But Allah subhanaw taala he was also planning and what did he do? Allah subhanaw taala informed the Prophet salallahu Salam, and he was told to leave Makkah do Hijra Medina was already prepared now. You see Allah's plan was working out from before, because the pledge of Aqaba had already taken place. There were people from Medina who would come become Muslim. And the work had
already started in Medina. All right, planning for Hijra had already been done. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came out, all those men were asleep, basically, they didn't see him. And he left with a Robocop low on him. And he did the Hijra. So the prophets Allah loves and has been reminded who saved you?
who rescued you at that time, they had a whole plan set in place, they wanted to kill you, they had such a strong plan.
But Allah subhanaw taala also had a plan. So when a person is upon the truth, then Allah has helped is with him. And when Allah has helped us with him, then he's got the best planning, because who's planning his affairs? Who's planning his affairs? Allah subhanaw taala you know, like people who plans their affair, some master mind some the skilled intelligence worker, whatever, but who's planning the matters of the believer, Allah azza wa jal, and his plans are the best ones, because he can actually carry them out. People, their plans can fail, but Allah subhanaw taala his plans, they can never feel what either to clarify him and when it is recited to them, I add to our verses,
although they say for the summer now we have already heard their pride towards the Quran is being mentioned. How proud are they with the Quran? That when they hear the Ayat of Allah, they say we've already heard we know. Yeah, I know. My mom told me 10 years ago, I've heard this from my childhood.
They say loaner shampoo. If we wanted lacuna, surely we would have said Mithila Haza something like that. If we wanted we could have produced something like the Quran in her inlet herself little Awali this Quran is nothing except for the legends of the former people. It's just stories of the people of the past a welline. The first one meaning the former people, they made up the stories and all these stories are mentioned in the Quran. Muhammad's have a lot of them is narrating them as if they were revelation from God.
Basically, their rejection is mentioned. And notice how they call the Quran stories. There was a man another been heard is he went to Persia. And he came across the culture and knew all the stories over there. He learned many things over there. He came back to Makkah. And every time the prophets, Allah Larson would be calling people to the truth reciting the Quran. What would he do? He would say, can people I'll tell you stories also. And then he would start telling stories of wisdom of war, basically, of chivalry of strength. And the people would go and listen to his stories. And he would say my stories are better than the stories of Muhammad Sallallahu Salah. So in her Illa Sal
Tweedle are willing this is their attitude with the Quran with the truth. What if Paul knew and when they said Allahumma O Allah in Cana, if it was Heather, this meaning Muhammad salallahu Salam, his matter the Quran, if it is what it is, and half the truth, men are indeed from you. Meaning if Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is upon the truth, if what he's saying is the truth, then for unplayed, then you rain down, I Lena upon his hijab, rotten rocks, stones minister from the sky, oh or dinner, you come to us, meaning you send us via the oven Aleem a painful punishment. Remember that Abuja hill he said this when the battle of other was to be fought, he said this, that Oh Allah, if this
Quran is indeed the truth from you, then rain down stones on us from the sky or bring us a painful punishment.
Because if we're not believing, then we should be punished. So if he's upon the truth, then please punish us. Look at the stubbornness of this man. And there are many people who behave in the same way. I'm not changing, whatever can happen can happen. But I'm not going to change I refuse. And that's exactly what these people did. If they ask for anything, instead of asking for guidance, what are they asking for? Punishment? So Elesa in Onvia, either urban welfare a sat in a question or what did he demand or the punishment? If the truth is unclear to you? You're not sure what should you ask Allah for guidance or punishment? Guidance, but many people what do they ask for?
If you don't want, if I'm wrong, I should be punished immediately, the earth should split open, and I should just fall inside. And if all this is wrong, then you know what my life should be miserable, but it's not and when it's not, that means that I am right.
This is what people do, when I can Allah Who, but Allah says that He would not leave or leave a home at all punish them, Allah would not punish these people, what Enta fie him while you are amongst them. Because as long as a messenger of Allah is within his people within the nation whom he is calling, then the punishment of Allah does not come. Remember the stories of the people of the past that we learned, every time a punishment was supposed to come? What was the messenger told leave, when he left, then the punishment came. So while Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was still in Makkah, the punishment did not come, even though 13 years of disbelief, 13 years of disbelief and arrogance and
stubbornness at best, yet the punishment of Allah did not come. And this is a warning, the punishment did not come while you were amongst them. Now you've migrated to Medina, and now they've come with their weapons against you, their arms against you. So now definitely Allah is going to punish them, but in a different way. The previous nations were destroyed how? by natural disasters. But the machine at the time of the Prophet saw a lot of times those who disbelieve in him, how were they destroyed? at the hands of who? The believers. This is why we see that at the Battle of other 70 people were killed 70 were taken as as prisoners. So when that kind of love when you are the one
will interfere him when I can Allah Who and Allah would not more I live at home want to punish them or whom we are stuck with all while they're seeking forgiveness. Because remember that the machine, even though they were committed chip, they would still ask Allah for forgiveness, that Oh Allah, You forgive us. But you see how now the prophets of Allah was no longer there. And now their prayers of forgiveness, seeking forgiveness turned into what prayers of asking for punishment. They were seeking forgiveness, and now they're saying, if this is the truth, then you punish us with a rain of stones. So what do we learn here? Two things prevent punishment. First of all, the presence of the
the presence of the people who are calling
to the truth, who are doing a medical marijuana here in Mancha, and secondly, seeking forgiveness,
seeking forgiveness is still false.
As long as this is happening in our society, Allah subhanaw taala is merciful towards the people, he gives them respite, he lets them live, perhaps they will have a chance to repent. But when these two factors are no longer there, then a society is very vulnerable, very vulnerable, when there are no people calling to the truth, and when there are no people begging Allah for forgiveness, when the attitude of the people changes than what happens. The punishment of Allah descends. Wilma can Allah humara diva homea stuff you don't?
Well May Allah whom Allah says and what is with them meaning Why should not Allah that not your a diva whom Allah who Allah who would punish them? Meaning Why would Allah not punish them? Well, whom you also do not while they stopped or an investor that haram from the masjid that is sacred? What is a sacred mosque? The Kaaba and its surroundings? In other words, these people deserve to be punished now. Why? Because A, the messenger is no longer among them. V. Instead of seeking forgiveness, they're asking for punishment, see what's going on. They are stopping people from going to the Kaaba. They're stopping people from worshiping Allah. Were they doing that? Of course, so much so
that the Muslims were not able to live in Makkah anymore. They had to leave Makkah. They had to leave the master haram in order to save their lives.
Why are this stopping people from Mr. Hollom anyways? Who do they think they are? Woman I can know and they are not. Oh, Leah. Oh, it's only up. They're not it's Olia. They're not it's guardians. They're not the ones deserving of being the keepers, the caretakers of the Kaaba. In the Olia who it's Olia, it's caretakers, its guardians mean the guardians of muscular haram or who INLA except emoticon. There are none but those who fear Allah. Who is it that deserves to be the caretaker of a masjid? Someone who looks after a masjid, the guardian of a masjid who, the one who fears Allah, what I can throw home layer on the moon, but most of them they do not know. So in other words, we
that the Mushrikeen they took a lot of pride in the fact that they were the guardians of the Kaaba. The Hajaj that came, they hosted them, they spent on them, they fed them, they made accommodations for them. They supported them in their worship. And because of this, they thought that they were very pious. Allah subhanaw taala says, No, you're not because you don't have fear of God. You can serve people as much as you want. But if you lack the Aqua, you don't fear God, you do. Leanna. Instead of asking for forgiveness and guidance, you ask for punishment. You chase the Prophet and the believers away. You don't let them live. You don't deserve to be the Olia of the Kaaba. Well, I
can activehome lair Allah mode. This also shows to us that religious leadership, who deserves it? The one who's performing superficial actions KNOW the One who has fear of Allah. And how was that fear demonstrated in the worship of a person in his dealings with others in his responding to Allah and His messenger? If he knows yet he doesn't obey, then does he deserve that position? Know, the person who puts into practice the rules that Allah subhanaw taala has given he deserves to be given that leadership? Well, Americana, and it was not set out to whom their prayer or in debate near the house, meaning near the house of Allah, how is it that these people pray anyway? Illa except mocha
and mocha and whistling, what does Lea and clapping?
When they go to the Kaaba, they whistle and clap more than they actually worship? The whistle and clap. Why? Because it's fun. Obviously, it's fun. When do people whistle and clap when they're having fun, right? This is what they've made their religion into whistling and clapping. They don't worship that much. They don't fear Allah. They don't have any love for him. They don't have respect for Allah. They don't serve Allah, who are the serving their desires, their ego. This is why their religion, their worship, is just about fun, fun, fun. And unfortunately, today also, we see that if there's a place where there's some kind of discipline, some kind of organization, people say, Oh,
too strict. We don't like that. What do people like? freedom and fun. And laughs and jokes. This is what people like. This is what they want religion to become. But religion is not a joke Wilma Hua Bill has, this is something serious. For nuclear Allah, Allah says, So taste the punishment, to be more content that followed. Because of your disbelief that you used to do, meaning this is what they will be told in the hereafter. In Allah the Nikka follow indeed those who disbelieve you and feel cornered and wallah, whom they spend their wealth. Because if you don't wish to gain instantly, they came up with 1000 men. Each and every single one of them was equipped with weapons, they spent so
much money in that one expedition one war. So you would imagine in the future, what would they do, especially when they went home, defeated and angry, the next time they come, they're gonna come with more. Allah says, in the Latina can follow you and feel cornered, and while at home, they spend their money, Leah subdue, arencibia Allah so that they stop people from the way of Allah for so you won't feel corner, so they will spend it and meaning they will spend even more they will spend 1000s and 1000s more why to stop people from the way of Allah to stop people from the religion of Allah. But you know what all of the spending is going to be what some meta Coonawarra lay him has certain
it will be for them. It has sort of a regret. How would it be regret that they will come having spent so much money but they will go home defeated like it happened at but they spent so much money, they came with so much pride and what happened? They ran in order to save their lives. Everything they brought fell in the hands of Muslims as booty Hustla regret, because if ever you spend your money in something and you fail at it, what is that? Regret? First of all, you're sad because you failed. And secondly, you're so regretful because of spending all that money. It was a total waste, it will be a hassle for them. Suddenly you will a boom then they will be overpowered me and they
will be defeated. Well, Lavina Cafaro, Elijah, Hannah, your Sharon, and those people who disbelieve to the Hellfire they will be gathered meaning ultimately they'll end up there and there they will have the greatest regrets. Because whatever they did in their lives is a total waste. Lee Amis Allah who said that Allah may distinguish a hobbyist the impure minute fee from the pure. Allah subhanaw taala allows people to spend their wealth against the religion of Allah. He allows such conflicts to take place. Truth to come against falsehood for the theists to fight against the hubby's. Why, so that the pure and the evil, the good and the bad can be distinguished
Because until people go through difficulty, they don't really take sides. Right? When they take sides, then it is seen, okay, who actually supports who, like, for example, there is no conflict in the House, everybody seems to be on the same page. And then one day, the daughter in law, yells at the mother in law, and then there's a there's a fight. And then what happens? Whatever is in their heart, it starts coming out and you find out that oh, they don't just dislike the mother in law, they also dislike the father in law, and they also have the sister in law and they also had the sister in law's mother in law.
You see, like how far the grudges are, how do they spill out? When these conflicts take place? You understand? So why is it that Allah subhanaw taala let this conflict take place between Islam and Cofer so that the sincere can be distinguished from the insincere the pure can be distinguished from the impure? When this happens are so many casualties right? Imagine it better so many people died 70 Michigan died at the battlefield.
Allah says wager Allah and he makes a hobbyist the impure barber who some of it on a bobbin on others filed one on top of the other fire Kuma also he piled it up your coma from rock calf meme to pile up, piled it up, Jamia and together filed your Allahu fija him and he just puts it in hellfire. All of them together a heap of them into hellfire garbage, hula ecoman hospital those are the losers. Because you see, like we discussed earlier, what is it that makes a person's life meaningful? It's the life of iman. Right? And if that's not there, then a person is as good as dead useless. And when he's useless, where will he end up in Jannah Geminis for useless people? No. Where
do you throw useless things in the garbage? So what is the greatest garbage hellfire?
So all the impure the end up in hellfire. kondalilla dena Cafaro Allah says, say to the people who have disbelieved. Ianto if they stop, you'll follow him, it will be forgiven, what map itself whatever that has happened before selasa it past whatever happened before it'll be forgiven if you stop, if you stop, you know, your opposition against the messenger so the law is on them. Even if you came to fight against him at budget, you will be forgiven what he will do. And if they return Faqad then in fact my blood it has passed from mean blood. Yeah, what has passed so Nuttle are well in the way of the former people. What is Allah's way with the form of people what was the way that
when they returned in their disobedience, then Allah subhanaw taala caught them and punish them. And we see that there were people who fought against the Prophet saw a lot of similar weather, and what happened, they became Muslim. Afterwards, they stopped and all their sins were forgiven, one of the companions are moving us when he wanted to become a Muslim. He extended his hand out to make the bearer with the prophets of Allah Islam, and then he stopped.
Imagine somebody's extending their hand out to make a promise with you and they just stop. He was hesitant profits or losses. And I'm asked what happened? He said, I pulled my hand away, because I want to set a condition
that when I become Muslim, my previous answer would be forgiven. My previous crime should be forgiven. If they're not going to be forgiven, then I don't know if I can become Muslim. The prophets of Allah Islam said and Islam will you do Buma Pablo Islam erases whatever occurred before it and doba repentance also erases what occurs before it. So whatever you did in the past, even if you came with weapons against the messenger, salallahu Salam, if you stop and repent, Allah can forgive. This is how forgiving and generous Allah is, no matter what you've done, we'll call to whom and fight them meaning the enemy who comes back again and again to fight you. Then what should you
do? stand and say, Oh, religion of peace, we can't do anything. People are coming to fight against you. You have to defend yourself. So we'll call Tillu home, fight them had that until let Hakuna fitna until there's no more fitna. What is fitna tribulation temptation. And basically it was referring to religious persecution, because religious persecution is the greatest trial because people are tempted to leave their religion just to save their lives. They're tempted to leave the truth and adopt falsehood, just to survive. It's one of the greatest forms of tribulation. So fight until there is no religious persecution, way Hakuna Dino kulula Allah and the religion all of it, it
becomes for Allah, meaning the religion of Allah is established, because of the religion of Allah is established, then what will happen? Everyone will be at peace. This is why we see that when Islam was empowered in the Muslim lands, who survived
the Jews, the Christians, the fire worshippers, they survived. They had their rights. They
in high positions in the government, you know how many Christians worked in the Muslim governments, the philosopher, ascribes they could make money, they had jobs. Yes, they had to pay the Jizya. Just like the Muslims have to give zakat, but they could live. And the Muslims could also live in peace. There's a lecture by Sean Castle, Cody that I encourage all of you to listen to, I forget its name, but it's about what has happened since
1914. Since the year 1914, the last 100 years, please, please make sure you listen to it. It's so important. You know, when Israel was being established, there were Jews in the British Cabinet who opposed the said no, don't do it. Why? Because it will create tensions between the Jews and the Christians and the Muslims until now, we've been living happily. And if you create this, then what will happen? Tensions will happen. So we see this that when Islam was in power, everyone was able to survive way Hakuna Dino kulula for an interview with the stop for in the lobby, Mayor Medina bus lead, if they stop, then Allah is watching all that they're doing and Allah will hold them
accountable or interval low, if they turn away, and they fight against you. They raise their weapons against you, and you're afraid of facing them in the future. Then rely on Allah farla muda know that Allah himolla Come indeed Allah is your friend, is your protector. Nirmal Mola. Excellent is the protector will never mislead and excellent is to help her. Because when you realize that somebody is against you, whether it's an individual, or a group of people, you feel threatened, you feel very weak. But don't worry, because who's protecting you? Allah is protecting you. And when he's protecting you, then he's the best helper. He's the best support that you can have. But who is it
that Allah subhanaw taala supports the one who goes out in the way of Allah? That's listen to the recitation. Yeah
man oh
wow. Oh
more Hola, Dooku. Fitna two
Oh, Joe novoline Yeah.
Are you
come for ball.
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boy. Oh, cool. Wall law.
Lovely. Well, Ian Colby Ken Levine CAFO Lee used to be to weigh up all total Free Joe Why am call now I am Kunal all walawe How you kitty we're either to
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all bothers me
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can I
help Fleming?
Hey, Joe
Dean Dien Bien. Bien le Wanaka no longer only you on the
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long meals. Don't miss
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Hola levena CAFO Oh
Baden Salah Fela
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one year men Knowsley Subhanak Allah who will be handy now should have a La ilaha illa Anta let's have a look at one or two we like assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh