Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P09 096B Tafsir Al-Araf 169-171

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The segment discusses the history and deterioration of Islam's values and criticized actions of leaders. The speakers emphasize the importance of holding onto something, not allowing things to go, and following rules of Islam. They also emphasize the negative impact of actions on people's chances of graduating from school and the importance of learning and listening to past mistakes to avoid future mistakes. The segment also touches on the topic of the book of Islam, where individuals should not waste their time on it, and the importance of following rules and not acknowledging past mistakes to avoid future mistakes.

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			Lesson number 96 solotaroff is number 169 to 187 and the bIllahi min ash shaytaan eulogy for holla
for then he succeeded mimbar the hem after them holophone successors what is oh they inherited al
Kitab the Book but yet who donor they take or other
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			commodities Heather of this L Edna the lower and in brackets life or worldly life, way Hakuna and
they say say you fall soon it will be forgiven learner for us. We're in and if yet to him it comes
to them out alone commodities myth Lu like it yet who do they take it? In the previous ayat we
learned about who the bunny is.
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			That how, because of their sins because of their repeated transgression. What happened every now and
then they were punished Allah subhanaw taala said that he has tested them he will continue to test
them through good things and also through bad things meaning there will be good times and also bad
times. And basically the previous verses, they were talking about the early generations of the Bani
Israel. So soon after they were rescued by Musashi salaam, the book was given to them, the early
generations, their faults, their sins were mentioned. Now Allah subhanaw taala says that after them
came their successors, and how were their successors, much worse than their predecessors. Notice the
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			word conifer ColorFabb mimbar, DM khalfan, from the root letters ha lanpher. And it basically means
to succeed someone to come after someone. So after the early generations, the later generations that
came, what's the word that is used for them call phone. Now, the word health is used for a
generation, basically, successors who have succeeded someone in something bad. Like, for example,
the early generations of Bani Israel.
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			It was a mix of people. There were righteous people, and there were also unrighteous people amongst
them. There were those who worship the cat from them. And there were also those from them who did
not worship the calf. In fact, 70 of them were taken to the mountain with Musa alayhis salam. do
apologize to Allah subhanaw taala how many of us had that opportunity or can ever have that
opportunity to speak to Allah? How many not possible but imagine that the early generations of the
Bani Israel, they were a mix righteous and unrighteous. However, those who came later on, they were
mainly what unrighteous? Because Allah subhanaw taala use the word hunt for them. It's like there is
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			a thief and his child, his son, becomes a thief also. Now that person the father thief, was the only
a thief or who did he have some other good qualities as well? He must have had some other good
qualities also. But the Sun picked up on what only the bad habits so basically, over here, the
deteriorating condition of the Bani Israel eel has been mentioned that how over the generations,
their Iman, their faith, their honesty, their good values and morals, they only deteriorated for
hello from embody him holophone What a fool keytab they inherited the book and over here, we need to
reflect on ourselves. Many people to say, now my mom, she first I had, or many people, you'll hear
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			about them, that they're talking about their grandparents that my grandfather was a Hatfield and my
grandmother, she used to wear a jilbab. And my grandparents they used to give a lot of charity. Have
you heard of these stories? Have you experienced them yourself that you feel that your parents are
more righteous than you are? Or that you heard that our grandparents, our ancestors that were very
bias people? And what has happened today, to our words, to our habits to our dress? Has it
deteriorated? Or has it improved? Has it deteriorate or has it improved? When it comes to worldly
matters? We always say My mother never got to go to university so I am definitely going to go my
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			father could not have a successful business. So I am going to make sure that I have a successful
business. My father always wanted to do this so I better do this. I am definitely going to do this.
We don't say that. Yeah, my parents they use
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			Live in a one bedroom house, two bedroom house. So we're also fine with the two bedroom house.
Never. When it comes to worldly matters, we always want to be better compared to our parents
compared to our grandparents. But when it comes to religious matters, unfortunately, what is our
state today that we are content with less commitment to religion, and this is not being praised over
here. This is being criticized over here for HANA from embody him colophon what is old Kitab they
inherited the book, meaning the later generations did receive the book from the early generations.
They learned it, they understood it, they knew the law, it wasn't that they were ignorant. But
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			despite that knowledge, what happened to their actions, they were completely different. And if you
think about it, the Muslim ummah also, perhaps at the time of the Sahaba, at the time of the tab,
you're in at the time of the Tibet tab, you're in so much knowledge was not that common, in the
sense that we don't hear the prophets that a lot is that I'm lecturing people, teaching people the
matters of the deen every day for two hours, every day for five hours. There was no Islamic courses.
There were no year long programs in which the Sahaba would come and graduate or the Tibet Tyrion
would come and graduate. No. In fact, the first compilation of Hadith was much after the death of
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			the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning a written compilation in a book form. But we see
that more knowledge is present today. Isn't that so you can have an app on your phone, and
everything, all the major texts of Islam, you could have them on your form literally, one website,
you go to buy health.com, you put one Arabic word, it'll give you the meaning of that word from all
the classical dictionaries. Did this much information exist back then? No. And even if it existed,
was it accessible to everyone? No. But what do we see their actions are far better compared to ours.
We have all the knowledge however, our actions are very different. And this is exactly what happened
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			to the Bani Israel. What happened to them, they had the book, they knew the book that all the
knowledge, but you hold on, they take out other adult from the root letters, I draw blood, and other
basically means the things of this world. And something that does not have permanence, meaning
something that is not going to last forever, it's not going to last for a very long time. And
basically, everything of this world is what I don't every single object in this dunya is what out of
why? Because it's not going to last forever. Even something that has 100 year warranty. It's only
going to remain for so many years, it's not going to remain forever. Eventually everything of this
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			world is going to deteriorate, it's going to be ruined. So their focus is on what taking the adult
of Heather Elena, Heather of this L Edna the lower life and other names from the root letters
they're known well from the word the new and the new means near so Adena nearer, meaning this life
which is near compared to the afterlife. There focuses on what collecting the goods of this near
life. The word Edna is also from the root letters dal known Hamza Danny underneath means that which
is low, that which is insignificant and cheap, not worth much. And the life of this world is lower
compared to the life of the hereafter. How was it lower? How is it lesser? Because of all these
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			problems that exist in this world? After Jana is problem free, problem free. You know, the other day
I was trying to explain to my son about Jana. He loves to drink juice. Like any kid, he loves to
drink juice, but what he hates is going to the washroom. Of course, every child dislikes that why?
Because they love to play. They're just so busy with their toys. They don't want to take a break and
go to the washroom so many times I have to tell him don't drink too much. Otherwise, you'll have to
go. So I was telling him the other day, you know, in general, you can drink as much as you want.
You'll never have to go to the washroom. And he was like wow. So these little little problems, okay,
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			little problems. They make our life miserable. They make this worldly life law and less and the
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			Hello, Jana is problem free, problem free. So this dunya had a dinner, the people of the book, what
happened to them, they had all the knowledge, instead of aiming for the alpha, what were they doing,
taking the goods, the commodities of this law life of this cheap and insignificant world, this dunya
became their aim, and the era they forgot.
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			Now, remember that the early generations, the first generation, the early generations, who accompany
the Prophet, okay, any prophet of Allah, what happens with them is that they take their religion
much more seriously. Why? Because they have sacrificed their lives, their properties for it. This is
why, even if they don't have a lot of things accessible to them, their actions are much better,
their sacrifice, their commitment, their sincerity is far greater. And we see that over time, that
people they decline in their commitment in their faith in their fear of God, in everything they
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			And this is not just true with regards to the prophets of Allah and the nations of those prophets.
But anything of this world, if you think about it, the person who started a business, he looks after
that building that business, the way that people who will come after them will not do so. Isn't that
so? Like I know of someone who had their business years and years and years ago, and it was so
successful, they even purchased a building, and a lot of contracts a lot of profit. But what
happened, this person, their son inherited everything, and their son never completed school. Okay.
And now that they own that business, they run that business, that business is basically declining
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			every day. Why? Because they got everything for free. They didn't have to put in any effort to get
it. So the same thing happens with the dean, also, the people who have sacrificed with the profit,
their level of commitment is much greater compared to the people who come later on. Now, this
doesn't mean that we say, Oh, we've come later, so too bad. No, we can also have that same kind if
we actually hold on to the book, and we implement it. Because there are people who came years and
years and years after the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but the kind of actions they did the kind of
Eman that they had. It's worth mentioning, it's worth praising. So over here, we see that the first
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			generations they used the deen the religion of Allah to make their a hero. And the later generations
What did they do? They gave up the deen and their focus became the dunya their focus became this
world. And if they ever followed the deen properly, if they ever associated themselves with the
religion, that was also for what purpose for worldly benefits, how it is mentioned over here, that
way, aku Luna and they say, say you for rolana We will be forgiven in sha Allah will be forgiven.
Why? Because we're believers were the people of the book. So Allah will forgive us. What E to him?
And if it comes to them, I'll do some commodities. myblu like it meaning another chance yet who do
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			they take it? Basically, what has been mentioned over here is the bribes that the scholars the
judges of the Bani Israel would take the bribes that they would take in order to change the law of
Allah subhanaw taala.
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			And what would they do? Basically, they're using the religion to make what money they're saying, A
come, I'll give you a religious verdict. That will show you before people as someone who is
observing the religion, but you have to pay me this much money, you have to promote me in this in
this. Okay, so then I will give you this fatwa, I will give you this legal ruling, and everybody
will be happy. So basically, what were they doing using the deen by taking bribes in order to make
their dunya and what would they say? It's okay, we'll be forgiven. But Allah says if another
opportunity comes to them, meaning someone else comes asking them to change the law for them in
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			exchange for a bribe. What do they do your clue they take meaning they are hopeful of forgiveness
while committing the same sin again and again and again. You see if you make a mistake, even if it's
a major mistake, and later on, you feel regret and you say I have repented.
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			From this and I hope that Allah subhanaw taala will forgive me, then there is a chance that Allah
will forgive you i trans provided that you are regretful, you have done Toba. But if you are
repeating the same mistake again and again and again, and you say a stuff with Allah stuff, well, I
hope Allah will forgive me. That's like mocking at the religion isn't at all. That's mocking at the
religion, who who was repentant is accepted, who will Allah forgive the one who leaves the sin and
promises never to go back to it again. But if a person keeps going back deliberately, deliberately
and he says it's okay, Allah will forgive, it's okay Allah will forgive, then for such a person,
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			there is no forgiveness, because he is basically playing with the religion of Allah.
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			And also the scholars of the FSI. They said that every time the children of Israel appointed a
judge, he used to take bribes. This was a habit, other judges, they would take bribes, the best ones
among them, would hold a council meeting they would discuss amongst themselves, and they would make
each other promise that if and when you get to that position, you become a judge. If Allah makes you
a judge promised that you will never take bribes. So this is what the rest of the scholars would do.
They will promise that they would never take any bribe, if they were to ever get there, get that
position of a judge. But what would happen if one of the judges, he would die, right? Or he was
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			replaced by someone, then that person when he would take that position, he would do the exact same
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			He would do the exact same thing, meaning he would also take bribes. Whereas a couple of years ago,
what did he do? He took a promise, if I become a judge, I will never take any bribes. But when he
would become a judge, what would he do? take bribes? So Allah says over here that we're going to him
Arnold Mithuna, Whoo, hoo, hoo, they take it.
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			It's like many times what happens is that people, they criticize those in authority. They criticize
people of knowledge, as scholars and the teachers and what do they say? That you know what if I ever
get that position? If I ever get there, I would never do what this person is doing. But what happens
when they get to that position? They're doing the exact same things, the same mistakes that the
people before them were making. So what do you model Don't Miss Lou, yet who you who they take it?
Allah says, Allah did not you heard it was taken I lay him on them, meaning was not taken from them
what me Thau called the covenant LT tab of the book, meaning was a covenant not taken from them
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			before in the book. And now your Kulu that they will not say, are the law upon Allah, inland health
except the truth, meaning here they are breaking the covenants that they made with one another. But
they have also taken a covenant with Allah. And what is that covenant? That they will only speak the
truth, they will only say about Allah, what is the truth? And what is the truth? What Allah has
revealed? So if a person is changing the law of Allah, in order to take some bribe in order to take
some worldly benefit, what is he doing? He's lying about Allah. So here we see two mistakes are
happening. They're breaking the covenant that they have made with people, with other scholars with
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			other judges. And secondly, they're breaking the promise that they made with Allah. What Dada Sue
Murphy, and they have studied what is in it, meaning they have studied the book, these people are
not ignorant of the religion of Allah. They know it very well. They're very well versed in it. But
still, they are lying about Allah. They're changing the laws of Allah there misrepresenting the
religion, sugarcoating it. Why? Just for the sake of worldly benefits, just for the sake of
acceptance for money for promotion. What that will O'Hara Allah advises that the home of the
Hereafter it is higher on it is better. ladina Takuan for those who adopt Taqwa of Allah Tarpey lune
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			then will you not understand, because you see, when a person is in that position, being a judge, and
somebody offers you $50,000 somebody offers you $100,000 And they say, please make sure that I am
proven innocent, make sure that I am not punished, I'll give you $100,000 Now that $100,000 is very,
very tempting. It is very tempting, especially when you like it, you want it you're in need of it.
And you know that you have the ability to change the law or misrepresented in order to prove this
criminal, innocent. So Allah subhanaw taala
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			advisors over here that why do you go for this lonely lives benefits? If somebody offers you
$100,000 Also what will happen? It's an adult, eventually what will happen to that money? What will
happen? It'll finish, it'll end. But if you hold on to the truth, if you don't change the law of
Allah, then what will happen? The home of the Hereafter is much better. So don't you understand? One
is the benefit of the dunya. The other is the benefit of the UCLA. And many times it happens that we
have to choose between the two. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, that whoever strives for the
dunya, than his alpha will suffer, and whoever strives for the alpha, that his dunya will suffer. So
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			you have one of these two options. It's up to you, what do you take, Allah will not force it on you,
you have to make that decision. But remember, dunya is adding an alpha is higher, but it's for who
those who fear Allah. When Lavina and those who you must see corner, they hold fast to build Kitabi
with the book, they hold fast to the book, you must see corner from meme scene calf, what does it
mean? To hold on to something to not let it go? Remember the verses of divorce, where men are given
the option that either inside can be marital? Oh, the city can be arson, that when divorce has been
pronounced twice, then you have one last chance either you hold on meaning you keep the wife, with
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			my roof, or you let her go with your son. So in SAC, what does it mean, to hold on to something and
not let it go? But look at the word here, you must see Kona, when you hear this word, you must see
Kona, what does that show?
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			What does that show a lot of intensity. And there's a lot of emphasis. So you must see CUDA, they're
not just holding the book, they're grabbing the book, they're holding on to it, they do not let it
go there hold fast to it. So it's basically to hold on fast to something and guard it not let it go.
Like for example, if you're holding a baby, if you're holding a baby, that how do you hold the baby?
Just casually with one arm? And yeah, doesn't matter if the baby's head is knocking into the wall
and, you know, bumping into someone. Yeah. Is that how we hold the baby? And oops, I dropped the
baby. Yeah, never.
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			You know, there are people who will instruct you put your hand under the neck. Look, the head is
hanging, make sure you hold the baby properly. Make sure that the baby's back is straight, hold with
this hand and hold with the other arm and do this and do that. This is what you must see gonna
means. So those who you must see Kona Wilkie?
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			who hold on to not just babies, but what the book.
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			Has it ever happened with you that you're holding a baby and perhaps it's your baby? And somebody
else wants to hold the baby? And they're like no, my baby, not giving him to anybody. And people are
waiting sometimes in a line. Literally, people want to hold the baby like no, my baby. Nobody can
take my baby away from me. So there are some people who love their baby so much that they just hold
on to their babies. And eventually what happens? That baby doesn't want to stay in your lap anymore.
He says let me go. Let me run.
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			And there are others who hold on to the book, you must see carnival keytab who don't leave it who
don't put it down. What does it mean by that? That they learn it? And they don't forget it. They
memorize it and then they revise it. They study it and they understand it? Well. They're holding on
to the book. They act on it. Not for two days, not for the weekend. But throughout the week, you
must see guna Bill keytab and what's the sign of a person holding on to the book? Welcome was Salah
and they established the prayer because the salah of a person? What does that show his level of
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			Your Salah will tell you the level of your faith. It will tell you the level of your commitment with
the religion of Allah. If your Salah is declining, in the sense that you're just rushing through it
you don't feel like praying. And when you pray you don't feel like saying your sunnah. And if you
are praying then you just want to say salaam quickly and go and do whatever you want to you're not
rushing through the prayers basically just checking them off the list, then that shows that there is
a problem with the Amen. There is a problem with commitment with the book because it is not possible
that a person has love for a line their heart. They are reading the book of Allah reflecting on the
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			Allah Allah and then when it comes time to pray, they don't feel like praying not possible. Eman
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			they are clean. They lead to Amman, Amman and what's the first Amal that we have to do when we get
up in the morning Salah. So you must seek whatever kita what accomplice Allah. Allah says in indeed
we learn ulu, we do not waste a jewel of the reward and mostly Hain of those who reform reform who
themselves and others because true Islam, how is it done with the book of Allah with the book of
Allah. So there are some people who change the book who leave the book, why for worldly benefits,
and there are others who hold on to the book. They're very strict about it in the sense that they
don't take the matter of Kitab Allah lightly, they give it a lot of importance, you must see
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			countability that, then such people are the ones who will be doing Islam, of themselves and of
others, such Allah will not waste their reward. So two ways are mentioned here. One of those who
have the book, but they're very different. The other way is of those who have the book, and who hold
on to the book, and their armor is also strong. What if and when not the kkona we raised algebra the
mountain folk whom above them. Remember that when moosari Salam he brought the book, then what had
happened, the Bani Israel had been worshipping the cuff, remember, and when he brought the book, the
Torah, the Allah, he was so angry when he saw the people worshipping the gods in that anger, he put
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			the Allah down, right. And eventually, what happened that those who had to be punished amongst them,
they were punished. And afterwards when Musa alayhis salam picked up the ALLAH, ALLAH SubhanA. Allah
says that in that was Huda guidance and mercy. Now when he told the people that he had brought the
Book from Allah, remember that there was some hesitation on the part of Bani Israel. They didn't
want to accept it. They said, We don't want to know. We don't want to follow. We don't want to
accept this. Like many people, what do they say, I don't want to study the Quran. Because if I
studied, I have to follow it.
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			I don't want to learn because if I learned, then I'll have to do it. I'll have to become religious
and I don't want to become religious. I'll have to become more bias. I'll have to pray properly. And
I don't want to do that. So I'm happy the way I am. Has this thought ever come to your mind?
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			I know you won't say it. But you can answer yourself in your heart that maybe somebody used to tell
you come let's go for the Quran class. Come let's study this. Maybe as children, our parents used to
teach US dollars. And we're like, No, I don't want to learn. I don't want to I don't feel like it.
So the bunny is filed, they did the same thing. They didn't want to accept the book, they were
hesitant. So what happened? Allah subhanaw taala cause the mountain to lift up, and he suspended it
over them that believe and accept this book or else you're done, you're finished. We didn't save
you, so that you follow your desires. We didn't rescue you from fit our own, so that you chase this
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			world. We rescued you for purpose, and what is that purpose, to follow the book and to tell people
who are dying every day, it's going straight to hellfire, warn those people your duty as a Muslim is
what to live by the book and to tell other people about the book as well. So when they refused, what
happened Allah subhanaw taala caused the mountain to be lifted over them either believe X up or
Hollis, this is over. And the word that has been used over here is Nutana from known cow calf not
another court is basically to shake something, move it violently pull it out, so that it becomes
feeble and weak. So basically, that's what happened with the mountain. Because remember, the
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			mountains are like bags of the earth. They're deeply rooted. So that mountain, whichever one it was,
it was wrenched out on Earth from where it was standing, and it was lifted over them. Just imagine
all the movement and the blasting sounds and the smoke and everything that was present at that time.
So we're in a tunnel Jabra foe calm above them underwater as if it was $1 a dark cloud or a canopy.
The word Lulu is from the root letters, lot lamp lamp will means shadow. So Lola is something that
gives shadow. It's also used for a dark cloud because a dark cloud gives shadow. So as if it was a
dark cloud, a canopy over their heads was learn no and there were certain unknowable that indeed it
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			worked there on one to fall below him with them, meaning over them. There was
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			Certain that that's it this mountain is going to fall on us and we are done. We are finished.
Imagine if we're in such a state
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			imagine if someone points a gun at you literally points a gun at you and says if you don't do this,
I'm going to shoot you. And yet what do you want me to do? What you want me to do? Instant for you
like Take anything you want. Ask me anything I'll give you but just leave me spare my life gunpoint
basically. Alright, so what happened over here? Will one new a new welcome be him there were certain
that they were going to be done with that we're gonna finish Allah subhanaw taala said to them who
take my Athena con, whatever we are giving you because within with strength, this book that we're
giving you hold it with strength? What kind of attitude do you have, that you're not even reading
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			the book, you don't even want to acknowledge it? You don't even want to look at it. You don't even
want to learn what I have sent to you. Who don't matter it now can be cool. What guru Murphy and
remember, learn what is in it. La La Quinta tacos so that you can have Taco. So basically, we see
that they were made to accept it by force, because otherwise they were not willing to accept it.
Now, does this mean that it wasn't fair? If you think about it, this was mercy on the Bani Israel
eel. Because sometimes we are forced into certain situations that we are given an ultimatum. Either
you do this or finished, that what happens? Basically, it is a chance that we are being given
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			another chance that we're being given that despite our previous shortcomings, and our hesitation in
the past, we're being given another chance that do this now, or never. So if you take advantage of
that opportunity, and you do it, that chance was actually mercy for you, it was actually good for
you. Isn't, it's all. Like, for example, if a person is told, either you respect your wife, or
that's it, don't come to this house again. Imagine if the girl's father comes and he says, either
you respect her, apologize to her, or that's it. I'm not gonna accept this anymore. I'm gonna call
the police right away. And you're done. You can not come in this house at all. So if that guy goes
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			and apologizes to the wife, okay, then wasn't that good for his marriage? Because his marriage was
saved? And if the father didn't even give him that chance, he's ringing the bell, no answer. He's
calling no answer. And he's just sent the divorce papers and mail for instance, then is that was
that mercy? Was that mercy? No. So we might think, like, wow, that's not fair. Why is Allah subhanaw
taala forcing them, they don't want to take it? Well, you know what the other option was, what?
00:32:56 --> 00:33:18
			The destruction, they would be finished. So the thing is that there are some people who don't work
with leniency. If you're lenient with them, they're not going to respond. They're not going to do
what they're supposed to. Only when you're very, very strict with them. And to the point of being
harsh with them, then they will listen, is that so?
00:33:19 --> 00:33:27
			Many mothers here, you have sons, maybe teenage kids, right? And you tell them get up and do this?
And what do they say?
00:33:28 --> 00:33:46
			Nothing. They're just quiet. It's like as if they haven't heard a word. So what happens eventually,
the mother is screaming at the top of her voice, you better get up, or I'm gonna take your phone
away, you better get up or no money for you this week, you better get up or I'm gonna do this, I'm
going to do that.
00:33:47 --> 00:34:24
			Like this friend of mine would happen with her brother, he had a habit of playing basketball in the
house, okay, in the house. And imagine, you know, people will love basketball, like always bouncing
their balls everywhere. So he did the same thing. And his mother, you know, she's got crystals
everywhere and glass tables. And she saw saw particular. So she kept telling him don't do this,
don't do this. And then eventually what happened just took the ball and threw it out the window.
They lived an apartment. Okay? So just took the ball and threw it out the window, and the poor kid
is just standing there in shock. What just happened? So, sometimes, we become like this, that people
00:34:24 --> 00:34:43
			are telling us warning us reminding us but we're not listening. And then we're given an ultimatum.
You better do this, or you cannot continue in this course. And when I call, why are you being like
this with me? Why are you being so harsh? Shouldn't you be very gentle and lenient with the students
of knowledge, people who come to study the Quran,
00:34:44 --> 00:34:59
			but the thing is that sometimes it's the harshness and strictness and firmness of other people. That
in reality is mercy for us. Mercy for us, like for example, a person is working somewhere, and
they're told come you have to arrive by this time.
00:35:00 --> 00:35:43
			and they're coming five minutes late 10 minutes late. And if those five minutes 10 minutes are added
every day every day, and at the end that time is calculated and based on that some money is not
given to them. Their pay is caught, then what will happen next time they want to be lazy? They'll
come quickly, isn't it so? So? Likewise, Allah subhanaw taala was strict with the Bani Israel eel
and he said who the OMA Tina can be Kuwa. And here we need to look at ourselves that what is our
attitude with the Quran? Are we waiting for a mountain to be suspended over us? And then we're going
to learn our lesson. And then we're going to open our mouth and recite the Quran in the recitation
00:35:43 --> 00:36:08
			class. What are we waiting for? Are we waiting for somebody to humiliate us? For somebody to cut off
our marks? Why, why wait for these things? This is the kalam of your Lord, this is a column of
Allah. This is Allah's message to you, his message to you, why not read it? Why not learn it? Why
not understand it? Why not recite it? What is holding us back?
00:36:09 --> 00:36:56
			This is also part of Allah's penalty and His mercy because he wanted the people to be guided. So he
forced them to accept it. And again, I go back to my point that what are we waiting for? You know, I
get sad and disappointed when I see that. Almost every other recitation class we are being
encouraged to recite the Quran, recite the Quran. I mean, the recitation classes for what purpose?
For what purpose just to listen, and just to look at the Quran? Is that the purpose? Come on, answer
me, what's the purpose to recite the Quran? So if we're not reciting at that time, when are we going
to recite? When are we going to recite? Think about it if we don't learn how to recite the Quran. If
00:36:56 --> 00:37:19
			we don't recite the Quran enough, then what excuse do we have before alone the Day of Judgment? what
excuse do we have no excuse is going to work over there. So when we are being given the chance to
study the book of Allah, then how should we do it? Who attain airco be Kuwa what strength what guru
Murphy la quinta Takuan
00:37:21 --> 00:37:22
			let's listen to the recitation
00:37:23 --> 00:37:24
			for Hala Fermi
00:37:26 --> 00:37:26
00:37:30 --> 00:37:31
			hold on OUT ON
00:37:34 --> 00:37:36
			HOLD ON sa OH Phone
00:37:37 --> 00:37:39
			yeah before noon out I'll
00:37:43 --> 00:37:44
			say Oh
00:37:47 --> 00:37:48
			Do not
00:37:49 --> 00:37:51
			miss Lou. Who
00:37:53 --> 00:37:54
00:37:57 --> 00:37:59
			Misa Kitabi
00:38:03 --> 00:38:09
			help power those who fee what the whole
00:38:21 --> 00:38:25
			well levena You must see qu Narrabeen kita
00:38:30 --> 00:38:30
00:38:32 --> 00:38:36
			maybe what is no
00:38:43 --> 00:38:46
			one no one
00:38:52 --> 00:38:53
			being imposed
00:39:00 --> 00:39:03
			go was cool Murphy.