Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P09 095B Tafsir Al-Araf 155-156
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The history of Islam and the selection of the best calf for forgiveness is discussed, including the responsibility of believers to stop actions that lead to sin and the benefits of apologizing for actions that lead to satisfaction. forgiveness is seen as a means for a person to become angry with their father and avoid mistakes, and is emphasized in personal and political emotions. The importance of forgiveness is emphasized in the context of history and the future of the world.
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Lesson number 95. sorbitol Aarav is number 155 to 168 what our Musa and Musa alayhis salam selected he chose toma who from his people Sabrina 70 Rod eulen Men, why y li mu Caterina for our meeting for our appointment meaning for the meeting with Allah subhanho data for Loma so when a her that home, it sees them what a refer to the earthquake, Allah He said meaning Musa alayhis salam he said at that time, or be oh my lord, lo if shitter you will look the home you could have destroyed them. Men cabello from before what a year and me are totally gonna would you destroy us? Would you punish us be mad because of what Fila he did a sofa or the foolish ones men now from us. In not here it Illa
except fitna took your test your trial to the loo you send a stray be hurt by it Manta shadow whoever you will. What the and you'll guide man whoever the show will you will. Under Willie Yuna, You are our Protector, forfeit Lenna so forgive for us what Hamner and have mercy on us. We're under and you are Hyrule Offering the Best of those who forgive. In the previous verses, we learned that when Musa alayhis salam, he went to the mountains in order to receive the Scripture at the time that Allah subhanaw taala had fixed for him. And he went for 30 Nights initially that was extended to 40 Nights. What happened to the Bani Israel while he was away? What did they do? They made a calf for
worship. And we learned that how to honor any sunnah he stopped them. However, the people were not ready to listen to him so much so that he was afraid that he continued to stop them, what would they do? They would kill him. So what did he do then he just remained silent and he waited for the return of mozzarella Sena. Now, remember that amongst the Bani Israel were some people who worshipped the calf. And there were some other people who did not worship the calf. And those people who did not worship the calf. Amongst them were those who stopped others from worshiping the calf. Like, for example, who don't listen, um, he stopped the people from worshiping the calf. But there were also
some others who did not stop them, who just stood back and watched. They basically watched the show, they'd stayed away from it themselves. And they just watched the people committing Schick. So now when Musar esalaam, returned, and he made them realize about what they had done, the Bani Israel, they felt guilty. And we learned that the best Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness, but remember, in Surah Baqarah, we learned that part of the repentance part of the conditions of their repentance, the acceptance of their repentance as well, that those who had committed Sheikh had to be had to be killed. We learned faculty, Zulu and forsaken, because it was a major major sin a major crime. And
we discussed as to how this was such a terrible crime because when Allah subhanaw taala chose them over everyone here they were choosing an idol over Allah subhanaw taala. So this is the reason why they were supposed to kill those amongst them who had committed Sheikh. Now, the people who remained from the Bani Israel were who, those who did not worship the calf. Right. But like I told you, some of them were those who just stood back and watched. Now this in itself is a sin. Because what do we learn that when a person sees something wrong being done, than what is his responsibility, that he should stop others? It is our responsibility as believers that we should do nahi anil Mancha and if
a person remain silent when something wrong is being done, then what does that mean? That he approves of it? Right? Because silence means what?
approval if a people are talking about Allah subhanaw taala, about his messengers about the religion of Allah in a wrong way. They're mocking at it. They're mocking at the IRS, then what have we been told
that we should get up and leave? And the only exception wherever
person is allowed to remain sitting in such a gathering is when he is stopping them or when he is clarifying the truth to them. Otherwise we're not allowed to be a part of such gatherings. We are not allowed to witness the wrong action. Correct. Now when the Bani Israel eel, those amongst them, we just watched people committing shank, they did something wrong. So what happened then? Musa alayhis salam he selected from those people, 70 individuals 70 men, for me caught with Allah subhanaw taala for a meeting with Allah, meaning those 70 people were to go to mount to with Musa alayhis salam Ye, in order to formally apologize to Allah subhanaw taala because this was a very
serious sin that had been committed the sheikh in itself, so serious, and on top of that, just watching it.
Allah subhanaw taala rescued them from fit our own for this reason that they make a calf and they start worshiping. They should have been better off amongst the people if at all then because what was happening in that society, Schick and if they were to leave that place, and start doing the same thing, then what's the difference? What was the benefit of their freedom? What was the use of setting them free, they were better off as slaves then at least they were getting food and water at least had homes to live in. Now they're in the middle of the desert. Right? So they were selected to go to the Mount in order to formally apologize to Allah subhanaw taala so severe enological en Lima
Katina. So what happened when they came to the mountain to apologize to Allah subhanaw taala and by the way, why the mountain because that is where Allah subhanaw taala spoke to Musa the Sunnah. That is where the scripture was given. And that is where these men were called to offer a formal apology.
Yes, because remember that who was left from the Bani Israel, those who had not worship the calf, those who had worship the calf had been killed, right. And those who did not worship the calf they're the ones who remained and notice the word is Tara is Tara is from ha year raw hate what does hire mean? Good, best. So if dollar he selected the best, the best of the bunny is what either were remaining the best 70 Min meaning the best in their faith in their knowledge, in their obedience, in their piety. Those men were selected to go and apologize to Allah subhanaw taala. But what happened when they went there? Fell Amma ohada tomo logica the earthquake it sees them, Raj fell from Rajin
fell we have none this word earlier earthquake, meaning when they got there, there was an earthquake and all those 70 men died.
Why this was Allah's punishment upon those people. That why did you just stand there and watch? Why did you not stop the people from committing shit?
And think about it if these were 70 men 70 Men along with huddled around a Santa, they would have had enough strength to stop the people. But we see that they did not stop them or they did not put in much effort in stopping the people. So this is why Allah subhanaw taala was also angry with them. When they got there instantly they were punished for Lemma ohada tumor Raja what happened when this happened that all those 70 men died. Musa Sinha became extremely worried. First of all, he was afraid. And secondly, he was worried for his nation is
yes mozarella Salam he survived because we learned that Allah He said so he was there. He was alive. But 270 men were killed. Obviously Musab al Islam was not amongst the people who committed should not at all. He was at the mount. Now most are listening. He got really worried that these were the best people who survived from the Bani Israel. If they're gone, the rest of the people what is the level of their faith? I mean, think about it. These were 70 people who were the cream of the nation. And if they're gone, what's going to happen to the rest of the people? Right? How are they going to remain guided? Who are they going to follow? Who are they going to look up to? Who's going to tell
them because where a leader as an individual, he tells people what to do and what not to do. He also needs from amongst his subject
For those who are obedient to reinforce the commands, right, like for instance, in a family, in a family, what happens is that the parents, they tell the children what to do, what not to do. And when the younger children are rebelling, then who helps out the parents it is the older ones, right? Because many times the younger siblings will listen to their older brothers and sisters. So the mother, she tells the son, you tell your sister to do this. You tell your brother to do this and they will listen. So this is why most artists and I was very concerned that if the 70 people are gone, what's gonna happen to the Bani Israel eel? And then he was also afraid in the sense that it
wasn't these people who committed check, yes, they watched this should have stopped. But after all the Bani Israel are very ignorant. So this is why he begged Allah. He implored him, he asked him for forgiveness. And he said, Rob be oh my lord lo shaped like the human couple. If you want it, you could have punished these people before. Before when, before they came to the mountain, meaning if punishment was decreed for these people for the 70 Min, they could have been punished. There would the rest of the money is not you. But the fact is that these people were not punished. You call them over here. They came here to beg you for your forgiveness. So please do not punish them. He said Rob
below sheer luck, the home and Pablo were a Yaya, you could have even punished me before. Meaning you could have even killed me destroyed me because of your anger, because obviously Allah subhanaw taala deserved to be angry over here. So Musa alayhis salam said are totally gonna be my furnace. So for her, Amina, would you destroy us? Would you punish us for what the foolish amongst us did? Who is he referring to? The foolish ones? Were those who made the calf and worshipped it. So basically, he's saying that we're not those who made the calf. The 70 men did not make the calf. The 70 men did not worship the calf. So what do you punish us for the sin of others? In other words, he's
requesting please don't punish us for the sin of others. Yes, these men should have stopped others. But after all, they were ignorant. So Oh Allah, please forgive us. In here in LA fitna took this entire incident was nothing except your test. Meaning when the Bani Israel eel made the caf the worship that this whole thing was what if it's not it, just like we learned earlier, that everything that happens is a test.
So this was a test to win Lobi Herman the SHA, this was a trial by which you send a stray, whoever you will, with the demon, Tasha, and you guide whomsoever you will, because you see every trial, every test every fitna takes a person one of two ways, either because of that fitna, he goes off track and he goes astray or because of that fitna, he increases in his guidance, that task becomes a source of his guidance. Like for instance, a person falls ill or severely ill, there are some people who because of that illness will become furious with Allah, they will become extremely angry and ungrateful. They will complain. And as a result, they will weaken in their faith, so much so that
the start doubting even the existence of Allah. Right? Or, for instance, a person goes through several challenges several difficulties in his life, whether they're financial or physical, or social. And because of that, he weakens in his faith, and he loses that fit. And on the other hand, there is a person who's going through the same tests, or sometimes even more severe tests, but because of those trials, what happens? He discovers faith, right. He gets to know more about Allah subhanho Darla, he becomes stronger and stronger in his faith. He is patient, he learns what the Quran means he learns what sugar means. So every fitna remember every test, it takes a person onto
one of these two ways. Now when the people worship the calf, when this incident of the calf happened when samedi he made
The calf, we see that some people what happened, they immediately fell for it. They began worshiping the calf. They lost their faith. There were others who were just somewhere there. Okay, meaning they didn't worship the calf. They didn't stop others. And there were others who stopped them. They got to know what chick was. Right. And we see that after the Bani Israel committed share many of them they learned from their mistake, which is why they begged Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness that if you don't forgive us, you don't show mercy to us. We will be of those who are losers. So mozarella Sam, he says over here that in here enough, it's not too blue behind the shadow. What the
handyman, Tasha. He says under Willie Yuna, you are our Wali, meaning Oh Allah, You are our Protector, you are our friend. If we don't have you, who do we have? If you are still angry with us? If you don't forgive us, then where can we go? If these 70 people who have come to ask you for forgiveness, you don't forgive them, then what will become of us? So all these words that Musa al Islam is saying over here, don't think that he's becoming angry with Allah, not at all. This is basically he is asking ALLAH for forgiveness for himself and also for his nation. And these words under Willie Yuna. They're so so important. So important for a person to realize that Oh Allah, if
you don't forgive me, where can I go? Who do I have?
Where can I run to? How can I ever succeed? You see, when a person he realizes that he's done something wrong, he feels that Allah is angry with him, he feels that he has made Allah upset with himself.
Then in that situation, he has two ways. One is that he says, I'm so bad. There's no forgiveness for me. So I might as well have some fun right now. Which is the attitude of who many people today? They say I am too evil. I am too bad. I'm too sinful. God is never going to forgive me. I'm certainly going to hellfire. So what can I do about it?
To have a hopeless attitude, hopeless attitude. And the other is that a person says, Yeah, Allah, I know I have committed sin. I know I have done wrong. I have not shown due respect to you. For your life. You don't forgive me, you don't have mercy on me. Where can I go? What can I do? How can I ever succeed? Where can I ever find shelter and refuge? Remember the story of carbon Malik will do the horn who, when he stayed away from the expedition in which all of the Muslims were required to go, and he stayed away, simply because of procrastination. He said, I'll go, I'll go, I'll go. And the time came when he realized it was too late to go. And in fact, the Muslims were returning. So at
that time, some people said to him, why don't you just go and make up a false excuse to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And he'll forgive you. Like, so many people are going to him, offering him false excuses, and you'll be fine too. And he said, No, not going to do that. Although he was afford, he was very eloquent. He knew what words to use in order to convince someone. But he didn't. He didn't make a false excuse. He went, he admitted his mistake. And at that time, the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he did not speak to him. And he told all the Muslims to not speak to him. And 50 nights passed by like that. Can you imagine those 50 Nights nobody's talking to you? He goes to the
masjid. He would greet the Prophet salallahu Salam, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would just look away, he wouldn't smile.
And Garban malegra Isn't when he would be praying. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam would be watching him. And after his sunnah when he would look at the prophets, Allah laws and he would turn his face away. Then the order came that send your wife home, he said, Am I supposed to divorce her? No, just send your wife home, who he was not even allowed to stay with his wife.
And at that time, one of the kings sent him a letter, that we have come to know that your leader is very upset with you leave him come to us, join us and you'll have whatever you want, because he was a very noble man. But what did he do? He saw the letter he read it, and he threw it in the fire instantly burned it, because he knew that even if I can succeed in the worldly sense, I can have everything I want in the world. What will happen to me if my Lord is angry with me? What will happen to me when I die? When and where can I find any shelter any refuge so he remained firm. He remained firm he begged Allah for forgiveness continue
Honestly, and it became so difficult for him to live like that, that in the Quran and Sunnah Toba has described that the entire earth seemed constricted for them despite its vastness. Because imagine you're lonely. Nobody is talking to you at all. You can't have a conversation with anyone. Then even though the world is vast, it seems very narrow to you. And then eventually, one day, at the time of project the Prophet sallallahu Sallam announced with the companions that the Toba of Garban Malik and his two other companions had been accepted by Allah. So you know what happened? The Companions, they ran out of the masjid, they ran to tell carbon Malik about the good news. One of
the companions he ran, and he saw that somebody else got on a horse and started galloping towards carbon mining. So he said he's gonna beat me, he climbed up a mountain, and announced carbon Malik Yoba has been accepted.
Because he wanted to give him the good news. He wanted to congratulate him. But in the story is a great lesson. That it doesn't matter what sin has been committed, what mistake has been made? Beg Allah forgiveness like Musa alayhis salam did Allah if you don't forgive me, where can I go? Why can I do so please, please, please forgive me. It's like you don't have children. When they want something, they whine and whine and whine like crazy. They don't leave you until you fulfill their wish. I remember one of my friends, her brother, if you wanted to do something, he would not leave his Mom. Mommy, Mommy, please, mommy, mommy, mommy the whole day, mommy until the mother will be
like, leave me go do whatever you want.
People get offended when we beg them. Allah does not get offended when we beg Him for His mercy. He's ready to forgive, proven that we beg Him for forgiveness. So Musar listened and he begged and begged and begged, he said, under Willie, Yuna, we can't survive without your forgiveness. You are our Protector, fulfilled learner. So forgive us, or Hannah, and have mercy on us. Well, under higher law feeding, and you are the best of those who show forgiveness. People forgive. But they don't forget,
do that. Or sometimes they say they have forgiven, but they don't actually forgive. They tried to forgive but they cannot really forgive you from your heart. Right? Or they say, Fine, I'll forgive you. But don't talk to me again. Right? Fine, I'll forgive you. But But But, but Allah subhanaw taala. When he forgives, He forgives in a way that he even could seal the sin of the sinner. And he blesses him with so much more that after forgiveness, a person's rank actually goes higher in the sight of Allah. Remember that square root sign. So when you have a fall, and you ask Allah for forgiveness, you will higher you go higher. This is how Allah forgives, and the halal offering, you
are the best of those who forgive. So what happened? Allah subhanaw taala responded to the dua of most artists. And now he revived those 70 men, he gave them life again. And he forgive the believers. He forgave them. And in this was also a great lesson for those 70 men. Because just imagine, you are trying to ask Allah for forgiveness. And you find out that ALLAH is not forgiving you.
Wouldn't that be a big, big shock? Something that would really shake you up? Because what do we believe? Just say a stop for Allah, Allah will forgive you. It's like, you know, when somebody's upset with you, and you say, I'm really sorry. And they're like, don't talk to me. Like, what am I supposed to do now? Has it ever happened to you that you apologize to someone and they're not ready to listen to you? They're not ready to even look at you. They're so angry. They don't even want to have a conversation with you. Or the turnaround in this, Matthew? How does that feel? And then, eventually, when they say it's okay, don't do it again. Then it's a life lesson that you've learned.
Never again, am I going to deal with this person in the same way? Like, for instance, if a wife is rude to the husband, like sometimes we have a habit of answering back to our husbands. And then one day he is upset and you're like, oh,
oh, what am I done? And you're like, I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry. He's like, don't talk to me. Oh my god, what am I supposed to do? And the woman is panicking. And then she goes as her mom asks her dad goes and talks to somebody, please explain to I made an honest mistake. But he's like, No.
And then she realizes my marriage is gonna fall apart and
She's going crazy running around to save her marriage. And then if he says fine, it's okay. I forgive you. However, this and this and this are your conditions, then that is a life lesson that she will learn. Never again will she repeat that mistake again. Right? So we might wonder that why did Allah subhanaw taala do this with them? This was a lesson for the Bani Israel and also a lesson for us. Also a lesson for us that don't think that committing a sin is okay. It's not okay. Don't think that just because you're going to say, Oh Allah I'm sorry. Please forgive me you will be forgiven. Forgiveness is not guaranteed. Forgiveness is Allah's decision. He decides whether or not
to forgive someone.
Because sometimes we say, Nevermind, it's okay do it just do Toba is to fall. Right? Nevermind, do it. And you know when we will do such and such good deed? Insha Allah Allah will forgive? How do you know Allah will forgive? what guarantee do you have? What proof do you have that Allah will certainly forgive you? Garban Malik was not forgiven for remaining behind from one expedition, one expedition, despite the fact that he was honest afterwards, he was not forgiven immediately. 50 days it took the 70 men did not commit ship, they went all the way up to the mountain to formally apologize and they were killed. So what guarantee do we have that if we commit sin day in and day
out? On the Day of Judgment, we will show up with a record of sins, and Allah will forgive us? How do we know then With what confidence are we committing sins? With what Audacity? Are we committing sins? We don't have the right to do that. You know, what is that a person accidentally commits it. But then we should also reflect on our STL file, how often is it that we beg Allah for forgiveness? And many times it's sad when people are advised do is to file they say what did I ever do? What did I ever do? And if a person is told to reflect on their life, maybe something wrong is being done? They say no, no, I always obey Allah I don't do anything wrong.
But the fact is that we're always making mistakes. This is why it's so important that we continue to beg Allah forgiveness. Musa this time he continued in his
work to blend and write for us meaning decree for us up to from Kitab Cadabra is to write and remember that it is also to decree like Koulibaly cool cm fasting has been decreed upon your meeting made mandatory you must do it. So work to Lana and decree for us, meaning give us fi had the dunya in this world has another one good. Well, Phil era and in the hereafter also, in indeed we heard dinner, we turn back Elijah to you. Most artists enemy said, Oh Allah, You grant us in this life, and in the hereafter. What? Hasina Robina attina for dunya Hazara Warfield, Filati, Hassan, and what is Hassan, good in this life, beneficial knowledge, or even NAFTA, that is Anwar ser ample provision
amongst Salah righteous deeds, all the different forms of goodness in this life and all the different forms of goodness in the Hereafter. And he said in now hood in our E Lake, we return to you holding up from the root letters, how well that and how it literally means a wrongdoer to return. This is from where the word your hood comes from, derives from your hood because there are those who repented to Allah turned back to Allah, from what from the worship of the calf, or from approving the worship of the calf. So they did Toba. So he said in now who denied the lake, Allah subhanaw taala responded Allah He said, Are there be my punishment? Will sleep who I reach, be with
it, man, Masha? Oh, whoever I will, meaning it is up to Allah. If he wishes to punish someone, then he can punish him very easily. No one can object at his decision. No one can overturn his decision. If Allah wishes to punish someone than that someone has no escape, or sleep will be he meant a Shah whomever I will. And obviously, who is it that Allah punishes those who deserve that punishment? Those who have proven themselves unworthy undeserving of Allah's mercy. That is where Sarah that is Shambhala So, we'll see we'll be min Asha I bunny
whomsoever I will, well Rama tea and My Mercy was Sierra. It has encompassed it is vast Kula che in over everything. Meaning every single thing is encompassed by the mercy of Allah, every single one, whether believing or non believing, whether sinful or righteous, whether living or nonliving, man, woman, any being any person, any creature, every single being, what do we learn over here? It is encompassed by Allah's mercy. So those who are punished, what does that show that they have come out of that Percy? Allah showed mercy to them, but they came out of that mercy, they escaped. Allah protected them, Allah bless them, but they're because of their sin came out of there. So whose fault
is it then? If someone is punished? Whose fault is it? Can we say that Allah is unfair? Not at all? Can we say that Allah is unjust, not at all. Because when everything is encompassed by Allah's mercy, then if someone gets punished, then it is definitely his fault. Remember the Hadith that Allah subhanaw taala has divided up his mercy into 100 parts, one part of that mercy He has sent in this world, and it is because of that mercy. It is because of that mercy, that the wild animals show compassion to their children. It is because of that mercy that wild animals show compassion to their children. Because imagine vicious animals
like snakes, or like lions, especially look at the way they take care of their young.
Have you ever seen a cat holding its kittens? by its smell? I mean, think about that mouth that has such sharp teeth. That is enough to have that baby, literally. But it is with that same mouth that That cat is carrying, it's young, with so much love and care, who put that mercy in that cat, Allah subhanaw taala It is Allah's mercy upon that kitten that Allah subhanaw taala makes that cat gentle and compassionate towards its young.
So, every single thing is affected by Allah's mercy. And if someone escapes it, then it is only they who are blameworthy. So what are muddy was the art color che Allah says fossa Aktobe Guha, soon I will decree it, meaning that mercy will exclusively be for who eventually it will be exclusively for who? Lil Lavina Dakota, for those people who fear Allah who had developed Dakwah while you do and as the Katha and the gift as a cat will Lavina whom be a attina you may know and those who believe in our verses, it will be specially for them. This is why Allah subhanaw taala has names of Rockman and a Rahim who is a rock man be entirely merciful. Right? And who is Allah him? What's the meaning of
Allah he the Especially Merciful, because there are two kinds of Allah subhanaw taala His mercy one is Lama Amma General General mercy, which is shown to every single creature, living nonliving, believing non believing sinful, arrogant, whatever, it doesn't matter. And it's because of this mercy that even the sinful people are living there enjoying. Even those people who refuse to believe in Allah, they have food to eat. Because if it was not this Rama, ama, then those who are disobedient, those who are sinful. Those who disbelieve they wouldn't deserve even a drop of water. I mean, think about the sins that we've committed. If for those sins, we were punished in this
world. Would we be deserving of anything good?
Would we know? It's like once a person, he became so sick, so sick, so frail, that it was as though he was dead. He was just living but he was almost dead. And when the prophets of Allah Islam asked, he was told that this man prayed that oh Allah punish me for whatever I've done now. Now, and because of that, he
was almost dead. He was as good as a dead person.
So if we were punished for our sins, we would have nothing we would deserve nothing. So it is Allah's Rama Amma, because of which, despite our sins we are surviving. In the Quran Allah says that if Allah were to cease people punish them for their sins, then not even a single living creature would survive on this earth. Not even a single living creature would survive on this earth because of the sins that we commit. Think about how many times people say Allah has a child. Allah has a son. Do we hear this statement all the time? Are people saying this pronouncing it all the time? In one place on the earth? No, all over the earth. People are saying such statements of Schick. Instead
of Meridian, we learn that this statement is so evil, Allah get so angry because of the statement that the entire skies would rent asunder they would burst what the hidden DiBello had the and the mountains would crumble. This is how upset Allah gets at the statement. But how Haleem Allah is how tolerant Allah is that people are sinning, we are disobeying Allah, every day, every night, every minute, every hour. But Allah lets us survive. Remember the story of Pinocchio? Every time he uttered a lie, what would happen? His nose would become long, if that happened to us.
That here we commit a sin and instantly our body changes. What would we be today?
What would we be today? So remember, Rama,
Allah's general mercy that affects every single one of us. But the second kind of Allah's Mercy is Rama pasa his special mercy, that will be shown exclusively to those who prove themselves worthy undeserving?
And who are they, those who beg Allah for forgiveness, those who obey Allah, those who fear Allah, the characteristics that are given over here, those who gives the care those who yet to call you do not care who Alladhina whom be it no you mean own, then they will deserve those 99 parts of his mercy were in the hereafter and even in this dunya Allah soprano data shows in this special mercy imagine if this one part of Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala is so vast, so great, that because of that sinful are surviving today. Just imagine 99 parts of his mercy. What is that? That is Jana. That is everything inside Jana, but it is for who fossa Activa Lilina takuna tunas de Cata Well, Adina home
be it now
let's listen to the recitation. Whoa. Musa all mammals. Marino jolla Lamy fortina
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all our Gabi Horsley will be Niemann.
Wash Murthy was cool and Sherry fossa turbo
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Tina, you may know