Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P07 082D Tafsir Al-Anam 91-92
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The speaker discusses the importance of learning about profits and respecting people in Islam. They criticize the way people have understood the book and how it is seen. The speaker also discusses the confusion surrounding the title of the Quran and how it is lost in the process of being revealed. The importance of protecting one's sun during the day and night, spending attention on one's actions, and not being distracted by distractions is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying focused on one's priorities and avoiding distractions, as well as staying healthy for one's health and productivity.
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Hola Iike dos Alladhina heard Allah, these prophets are those people whom Allah guided, and because they are guided Furby Houda who Mahkota de so from their guidance, take an example. Take an example from how they were from their behavior, from their repentance from their turning to Allah, from their reliance on Allah, their close connection with their Lord Febi Houda homopolar daddy,
Hola. Hola como la he urged us say I do not ask from you for this any reward for delivering this message to you endure in the recording. I mean, this is nothing except a reminder for the people of the worlds. So in this ayah, Allah told us to take the profits as an example for us. And yesterday, we ended the class with the note that we have to learn about the profits, right? Well, we have to remind ourselves at least about the lives of the prophets, their ways, their actions, so that we can take them as an example. And I requested you to do something, what was my request? Not homework, it was a request? What was that? To read? Or to listen to something about? Adam on Islam? So are you
able to Alhamdulillah those of you who did BarakAllahu fecal, may Allah bless you in your efforts and your knowledge in your time in your learning, and may Allah really bless you in your actions as well. Inshallah. So anything interesting, you came across? Yes. Okay. Whose lecture Did you listen to?
Yes, there is a whole series of lectures by most married men for free on YouTube, right? And you can actually listen to them whenever you want. And they're very, very beneficial. Right? Especially the examples that he gives us. The way he relates it to your life. It's so inspirational. And obviously, his humor as well, which you can never, you know, miss out on from that Allah. So anything interesting you learned about? Yes, go ahead.
The height of Adam Alayhis Salam, she learned that he was 90 feet tall. Amazing. Because at the beginning, human beings were bigger in their size and their stature and as time passed on, they became smaller in their size, Allahu Allah. This is why maybe dinosaurs were also really huge.
Yes, the other word is that when Allah subhanaw taala created him, and then he blew the roof into him. What happened? He sneezed. And when he sneezed, he said Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah and Allah subhanaw taala responded to him. So a big lesson for us of example for us, that anything that happens, praise Allah And Alhamdulillah when, at the beginning, the first words that a human being ever pronounced, were what? Praise to Allah. The Quran also begins with what Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen machi Surah some of them so little, and it begins with and having that in the All praise for Allah Soto gaff also begins with Al Hamdulillah. So good. Anything else? One more point I'd like to
yes, that how Allah subhanaw taala created the universe and then He created Adam erroneous and I'm not that human beings evolved from something else. So this strengthens your Eman in the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is the Creator. So in sha Allah, my request to you is that please continue to listen to such lectures. And whenever there is anything interesting you come across make sure that you share with everybody in sha Allah. Okay. All right, let's continue. Warmer and not other Allaha although they valued they appraised Hola, hola. Haka, as is right, Padre he of his value, his appraisal, they have not valued Allah, they have not estimated Allah correctly. They do not give
Allah subhanaw taala the value that he deserves. Why? Because they don't understand him. Why? Because they don't even bother to learn about him. When is it that you value someone when you learn about them? For example, if there is a person who's highly educated, and you come across them, you might ignore them. But if you learn that they are highly educated, and what will you do, you will give importance to them. So when is it that you can give someone the respect that they deserve when you know about them? So the majority of the people, majority of mankind, they do not respect Allah as they must respect him. They don't value Him. They don't worship him as they should. They don't
thank him as they should. Why? Because they're ignorant of him. And this is the reality of majority of the people and even those who
Know Him, even those who believe in Him, reflect on yourself. How much is it that we give importance to Allah subhanaw taala it is sad, unfortunate that we know that he is the greatest but yet we give importance to people, sometimes ourselves sometimes the things of this world sometimes our vain desires over who? Allah azza wa jal. So it says though a complaint has been mentioned here, when Malcador Allah haka, did he and the word bothered by the way from kadavu Qadr, the root letters are off the law, which is to assess the value of something to evaluate something. So, they have not evaluated him correctly. And as a result, they don't respect him enough. They don't value him
correctly. They don't extend to Him the honor the grandeur that truly defeats him, and especially they disrespect him when it ALU when they have said who the people what did they say that man not unzila He sent down Allahu Allah, Allah Bashar in on human being min che in anything, especially when people say that Allah has not revealed anything to human beings. In reality, what are they doing? They're disrespecting Allah subhanaw taala. Because to have this belief about Allah, that he created people and then he just left them to be in their ignorance to never know where they're from, to never know about their origin never know about their destination. What does it show that now the
biller, God doesn't care about people, that Allah doesn't care about them, he just created them and left them to suffer, left them in their ignorance. But this is not the case. Allah subhanaw taala His mercy, it demands that he also guides people think about it, if Allah has provided for you for your body nutrition, in the best of forms, water, food, you know, think about all these amazing foods that Allah has created. Why? So that your body can be healthy, your body can be strong, when it gets sick, it can recover. Think about how much Allah has provided for your physical needs, using Allah who would not provide for your spiritual needs. And if someone says that, that Allah has not
provided people with their spiritual needs, you know, for their spiritual needs, he hasn't sent down any guidance. He hasn't clarified to the people what the truth is, then this kind of belief about Allah is very, very unfair. It is basically disrespecting Allah. So when my brother Allah haka, Audrey is Paulo Matt under Allah who are unabashedly men che. So when a person refuses to believe in the Quran refuses to believe in the Revelation, it is not just awful, it is not just disbelief. It is also disrespect to Allah. It is also disrespect to Allah subhanaw taala all say same to the people ask them man who ends Allah He sent down al Kitab the Book which book Allah the that which
job he came with it who Musa Musa alayhis salam, that many people they believe that Musa and Hassan was given a book, he had a scripture, a divine book, which is why his followers are known as Oh, LOL kita People of the Book, right? People who are given the Scripture, so you believe in that scripture? Who sent down that scripture? Who was sent down the Torah. People will say Allah sent down the dollar. It was divine. All right, God sent it to the children of Israel. So Allah asks men and Al Kitab and Lidija Ibrahim Musa, which was neuron alight Wahoo done and a guidance Linares for the people because you see from amongst mankind, that your hood also the People of the Book, the
Christians, the Jews, they refuse to believe in the Quran. I say No, Allah has not done any scripture. After this. The only scripture is the torah, the Injeel so when they say a such a statement about Allah, in reality, they are disrespecting him. They're not evaluating Allah subhanaw taala as mercy correctly because to think that that scripture which they have is sufficient, what does it mean that Allah no longer cares about human beings? Because especially the state of the Torah and the NGO What is it today? It is corrupted people don't even know what is accurate in it and what is not accurate? What is it that Allah actually said? And what is it that people actually
added from their own imagination? So for them especially to say that Allah has not revealed the Quran, this is really disrespect to Allah to Allah asks them that who is it that sent down the book which Musa brought the Torah, you believe that it was from Allah? So if Allah sent down the Torah earlier, you think he wouldn't send down the Quran now? Of course he can, and he won't. And it was no one who dealt in nurse alight and a guidance for the people. But how did you treat the book, the Bani Israel the People of the Book? What did they
Due to the Torah, that your Aluna, who you all make it for all these are all please floor love their boss, we have learned the word Corinthos. Earlier, what is lip gloss?
A page, a parchment, a sheet on which something is written. So Allah sent a book, and you divided it into so many parchments. What does it mean into so many scrolls? You see if there's a book,
then all the content is kept together. You know, as you read the book, your understanding will improve, it will increase. But if the book is in parts, and you lose one part, and you lose another part, then how will your understanding be incomplete? Has it ever happened to you that you're reading the series, and then you can't find let's say, the fourth volume, the fourth one, you can't find it in the library at all. And then you wait for a week, you wait for two weeks, and you're like, you know what, I'll just read the fifth one. Now, if you do that, when you ever have that satisfaction in your heart, never, you can't start the fifth one until you read the fourth one.
Correct. So the people of the book, what did they do to the Torah, they divided it into separate sections, and they weren't kept together. And as a result, what happened? Much of the book was lost. Much of the book was lost. This is why we see that, you know, scrolls were discovered. And they give some other information, different information. Why? Because the whole book that Allah subhanaw taala revealed it was divided up, it wasn't kept together, it wasn't consolidated. So as a result, people lost so much of it. So I've actually met just recently, someone who's Catholic, and he himself pointed out that you know what, I don't even know if the Bible is accurate, because he's like, I've
seen so many different versions of it. And I've seen so many like, I don't even know if what the Bible says now is what it actually says. And he's like, I'm Catholic. I'm supposed to be, you know, the hardcore Christian, but I don't know myself if it's true or not.
So having this kind of uncertainty about the book, what kind of Eman is going to be built on that and what kind of actions are going to be built on such faith? So that your Aluna who currently is you've divided it up to Kaduna Hmm, and you reveal it? Meaning you expose some of it, what to foreigner and you hide cathedra and match whatever you like. You publicly mentioned it, you let it be known to the people and whatever that you don't like, what do you do, you hide it with the phone or cathedra you hide much of it? And we see that today? People have a very similar attitude with the book of Allah. Like for example, the Quran, everybody knows there are 114 chapters in it. But many
Muslims, when they want to recite the Quran, they will not pick up the Quran that has 114 chapters. Rather they will pick up a book that has maybe seven chapters. Seven solar, right? Or five sutras. Have you heard of such things bunch surah and I don't know what all right, so it's unfortunate that if they want to read the Quran, what will they read? Surah trc
only Sofia see? So this is literally dividing the Quran up into Kurata is if Allah subhanaw taala only wanted us to read through the scene Why would he reveal the entire Quran?
If he wanted us to read only a few select sutras only five chapters of the quran then why would he reveal the entire Quran so tada Luna, who karate is to be do know how to funa cathedra you hide much of it, you don't read it, you don't understand it, you don't apply it. Allah says addressing all mankind, especially the people of the book that were limped on, and you have been taught meaning now when this Quran has been revealed, you have been taught you have been made to learn math that which lung turloughmore You did not know earlier. If people reject the Quran, then what are they doing? They're depriving themselves of knowledge of reality of knowing the truth. Because in the Quran,
Allah subhanaw taala has taught people that which they were not taught before, which they did not know of before. There are many things that human beings are ignorant of. The only way they can learn about those realities is how if they study the book of Allah, if they study the Quran, if they study every book in this world, every research everything, they can still not know about those realities. Unless and until they learn the Quran will limit them Miralem parliamo This is why the scholar said that if you wish to gain knowledge, then study the Quran. If you want to gain real then what should you do? Learn the Quran because in the Quran, you will find all
Types of
all types of Earth. If you really reflect on the Quran, the verses you go deeper into the words, really there is so much to learn, not just about language, not just about the stars and the moon and the sun, but from the calendar to the psychology of people to the Human Development to different different sciences, every kind of science literally you can learn about it from the Quran, you will find its origin, in the book of Allah, you will find something about it in the book of Allah, anything at all. You know, there was a man he once said, to a scholar that you say that everything is in the book of Allah. But you know, there's so many things I haven't found, it's mentioned in the
Quran. So he said, you know, read Allah Subhana Allah says, First Allah, Allah literally In Kuntum letter animal, that as the people of knowledge, if you don't know about something, all right. So, Allah guides us that if there is something you cannot learn about, you cannot understand about it, who should you ask people who have that knowledge. So, we see that every kind of instruction knowledge beneficial knowledge is in the Quran. This is why Allah says what LibDem Miralem turloughmore And there are some specific things which you cannot learn about from anywhere else about our origin, where we have come from about the Accra Where are we going to you know, you do
learn about the fact that human beings did come from somewhere, right? Okay. And yes, we are headed to somewhere given the way that the Earth is changing, right? But where exactly where did we come from? Where are we going? The author of all of that you can only learn from where from the Quran, Surah lympstone, malam, Darla Mo, you have been taught what you did not know, until you want to enter your forefathers you never knew about these realities. And your forefathers also never knew about these realities. Fully Allah say Allah, this is the answer to the question that was asked earlier, which question was asked earlier, that man and Anil kita Emilija. OB Musa, who will reveal
the book which Musa brought, so ALLAH SubhanA, Allah says, Tell them, Allah, Allah is the One who revealed that book. So muddle home, then leave them for you holding him in their discourse, y'all are Boon amusing themselves they play, leave them in their home, in their venture in their vein, engrossment yella or goon playing about what does it mean by hold? To enter into water? Alright, and to stay in it. So they have entered into a discourse, you know, being very intellectual in the way that they're talking about the Quran. Oh, it's not really from God. How do you know? And they present weird kind of arguments, Allah says, Let them be, leave them in there hold. And many times,
you will find people debating about whether the Quran is true or not whether the Prophet sallallahu sallam was true or not. And all that they're talking about is based on what their assumptions their thinking, their limited knowledge. So Allah says leave them though Humphrey holding him, en er, boom, they're just playing about
what has that and this Kitab unbook Meaning this book, the Quran and Sunnah, who we have sent it down, mobile rock, and this Kitab this book, it is mobile rock, it has blessed it. What is Mobarak one that has Baraka, one that is full of Baraka, and what is baraka blessing. So this Quran is full of blessing full of goodness, the goodness, which only increases, it doesn't decrease, it only decreases. You know, when you first put something sweet in your mouth, then what happens? You taste that sweetness, but then as you keep chewing it, alright, then what happens the sweetness, it grows, and eventually obviously, it fades out because this is the reality of the things of this dunya. So
for example, if there is a date, not a gum, you know, because you put them in your mouth to chew them for two minutes. And that's it, the sweetness is all gone, the flavor is all gone. So a date for instance, at the beginning, it's sweet, but as you keep it in your mouth, it becomes sweeter and sweeter. And by the time you swallow it Your mouth is like really, really sweet.
So the flavor only increases. And the Quran is just like that, that as you learn it, as you recite it, as you understand it as you implement it at the beginning you really enjoy it. But the deeper you go, the stronger your connection becomes with the Quran. The sweetness only increases the benefit only increases and it grows. It is Mobarak think about it. A person doesn't know anything does
know where he's going doesn't know what sincerity is doesn't know what Jana is, as he studies the Quran, his love for Allah grows his love for performing righteous actions grows. And then what happens he hopes for Jana he strives to get to Jannah and through the Quran because of the Quran he gets to Jannah where the blessings and enjoyment is endless. So if through the Quran a person is able to get to Jannah just imagine how Mobarak this Quran is how full of goodness and blessing this Quran is. Allah says well Hara Kitab one Angela who battle con, this Quran we have some town it is Mobarak it is blessed. It is full of blessings, full of blessings, the blessings of which never ever
end, they only continue and if a person gets to Jannah then the blessings obviously they will never have any end. And this Kitab Musa deck it confirms the truthfulness of what Allah the that which been a day before it, meaning the scriptures that were revealed before the Quran, the Quran affirms their truthfulness that they were indeed from Allah, and why Allah subhanaw taala sent this book, while he told Neeraj not just that you take blessing, you seek blessing for yourself, but to that you also warn you also warn with this book who people because many times when we approach the Quran, we think about ourselves only, I want to resign so that I can get rewards for every letter that I
read. I want to memorize so that on the Day of Judgment, inshallah I am honored and my parents are honored.
So we think about ourselves Mobarak right, we want to benefit ourselves. Yes, very good. But this Quran has also revealed so that you can warn, so that people can be informed people can be told which people those who don't know Alhamdulillah you have been informed but there's so many others who don't know, so when he tundra, so that you can Warren and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he was required to warn who Oh Malcorra mother Al Quran of the towns. And Cora plural of Korea, Korea Town, Quran towns. So the mother of the town's mother doesn't mean like literally mother. It's a figurative expression. And mother, basically what does it mean origin? Because the child comes from
WHO? What's the origin of the child? The mother? So own Malcorra, the mother of the towns, the origin of the towns?
And which one is that Makkah? Because in the Quran, what do we learn in a weatherbeaten will be on NSE la vie Baba, the first house, the first building, the first structure that was ever built was were in Makkah, in the city of Makkah. Think about it Arabia, was what abandoned? I mean, literally, there was hardly anybody over there just people who were nomads, right, traveling from here to there in search of water and food. And that was it. But when the house of Allah was built, when Ibrahim Allison built it, with his son is married, and what happened, the tribe of Judah home, they came and settled over there. And then what happened, more people came and as a result, now when you go, you
won't find any place that's deserted and empty. And not just the people off Arabia. But we know that the hood also they were required to come to the Kaaba and worship Allah subhanaw taala over there it was when the beetle mufflers was constructed, then it is that they started going over there and they start going to Makkah. Right. So, um, Al Qura, the mother of the town's meaning the origin, and it's called Mother of the town's moko. Why? Because the mother is what the center in the sense that the children no matter where they go, they go back to the mother. Right? For example, if you're at an event at a social gathering, and a woman comes with her for kids, for instance, one child is playing
with friends, another child is trying to climb up a shoe rack. Another child is running about in the masjid. And then what happens when it's time for food? Or when somebody gets hurt? Then who do they run to? Who do they go to the mother? All right, eventually, when they're tired, they're hungry. They're thirsty, they need the washroom, they need to change of clothes, they got hurt, they will all run to the mother. Right? So just like that the people of the world they all turn towards what towards which place towards which city Maccha when in their salah, no matter where you are on this planet, whether you're in Alaska,
or you are in Canada or in Australia or you're in Finland, no matter where you are. You have to face
is the mother of the town's you have to face MCCA when you are performing Salah and there many other reasons why MCCA has been called Omen kura but these two inshallah are sufficient for now. So the prophets of Allah Islam is told that you are to warn the mother of the town's meaning, the people of Makkah. Why Maka? Why was he required to warn the people of Makkah? Because remember that in Makkah, all the people would come for Hajj, and also for their business. All right. So as a result, the message would spread more quickly, more quickly. And this is exactly what happened. There were so many people who would come to Makkah to perform Hajj and the prophets of Allah Addison would go to
Mina and he would call them to the worship of Allah alone. Some of them would believe and when they would return to their families to their towns, they would tell their people as well, a boy who died of Ebola and who became a Muslim in this way. He didn't come to Makkah to visit the Prophet sallallahu Sallam no somebody else came in and formed him he became Muslim. And when did he finally meet the prophets of Allah Salaam in Medina, he did hit it over there in Medina that was much later so while he tundra, oh man, Cora woman Hala her, and also those around it man who who will around it meaning the Prophet salallahu Salam was required to deliver the message not just to the people of
Makkah, but also those around Makkah. Those around Makkah. How far all over the world. Okay, so when hola refers to all of mankind,
one of the unique qualities of the Prophet sallallahu sallam was what? That he was sent as a messenger to all of mankind until the Day of Judgment. Now, obviously he's not there anymore. So whose responsibility is it? Now, those who believe in the Quran, those who seek benefit from the Quran for themselves are also required to deliver the Quran to others. This is why Allah says we're Lavina and those people who you may know Neville, you may know that they believe Bill alpha in the hereafter. You may know NaVi, he they believe in it. Those who have faith in the Hereafter they believe in the Quran. So who will believe in the Quran, those who believe in the hereafter and also
we're home and they are Allah upon Salah to him their prayers you have alone they guard they preserve. So here, the characteristics of the true believers in the Quran are mentioned. Two characteristics are mentioned a will people who truly believe in the book of Allah, what are those two characteristics? First of all, they believe in the hereafter. And secondly, they guard their prayers. When I read this ayah I was surprised that Allah subhanaw taala says those who guard their prayers are those who believe in the Quran.
And this means that if a person does not guard his prayers, is careless about his salah. Then his belief his Eman in the Quran is also not correct. There's something missing there. So what does it true that the sign of a man in the Quran as well, that a person becomes careful about his prayers? What does it mean by this guarding the prayers you have alone from where half ago half Allah helped to preserve? What does it mean to preserve and guard the prayers? What comes to your mind? When you hear preserve and guard? The Salah? Yes.
Okay, so first of all, being particular about the timings of Salah, because someone who guards their prayer, what does it mean? They pay a lot of attention to their Salah. So when is it supposed to be performed? And when it's supposed to be performed? They pray they don't delay unnecessarily. You have you learned they guard the salah? Because if they didn't guard the Salah, what would they do? They would either miss it or leave it deliberately or delayed to the point that it's too late.
Yes, a guard is attentive and alert. You know many times there are some people who have to be constantly reminded about their salah.
Right, their mother has to ask them did you pray and then the older sisters to ask them did you pray? And the father has to question that. Did you pray or Salah Oh, I forgot. Oh, is it time? Oh, I didn't realize oh, I didn't remember. What does it mean that they don't care about salah
you know if it's a nine year old kid or a 10 year old kid who's developing the habit of performing salah, it makes sense that they have to be reminded to have to be asked, but someone who's 15 years old, who's 18 years old, who's 20 years old was 25
years old, doesn't make sense. They have to be asked about every prayer. Did you perform your prayer?
Does it make sense? No.
A sign of growing up is what? That you become particular about your prayers, yourself. You don't have to be reminded and told all the time. The home or la sala team you have alone. If someone has to come and wake you up, then what does that show? You're not attentive about your prayers. Right? If you're waking up yourself, that means that you care about your sauna. And if you have to be woken up not just once but twice and thrice and four times and five times and sometimes 10 times to the point of the person who's trying to wake you up to feel as though they're harassing you
then really there's a problem.
So my dear sisters, let's grow up.
Let's not be like 10 year old kids who have to be told every time prayer Salah know whom our last one out to him, you have alone this should come from within.
And when does a person pray himself, he becomes careful about his Salah when he has Eman in the book of Allah.
As we study the book of Allah, if our Salah is not improving, then there's a problem with our studying. There's a problem with our iman in the Kitab because someone who benefits from the book of Allah, the first change that happens in their life is what their Salah improves, because that's one of the first lessons that we learned in the Quran. In Surah Fatiha what do we learn? Yeah, can Narrable do? How do we worship Allah through Salah SUTA Bacala the first lesson what do we learn Alladhina Umino Nabil IB, when you came on a salata,
if we have not learned about guarding our prayers, than what have we learned, if we have not learned to become particular, about our Salah than really what have we learned from the book of Allah, one of the first signs is what we're whom I know Salah to him, you have a long way
to check yourself. How much do I have to be reminded how much somebody else has to wake me up? I mean, sometimes it's normal that somebody has to wake you up so that you can pray because you really exhausted you missed the alarm. But if it's an everyday thing,
come on, how long will Somebody wake you up? Eventually there's going to be a time when somebody is not going to be there. You have to take responsibility for yourself.
What's the sign of a grown up? What's the sign Oh grown up, that they take responsibility of themselves. They don't depend on others anymore. You don't like little children. If they have to eat, somebody has to pour food for them. But when you're an adult, what does it mean? That you pour food yourself
that you get up and go get the food yourself. But if somebody is babying you in your food, with regards to your prayers, then that means that you haven't grown up.
But we want all the benefits of grownups. I want a cell phone. I don't want to be asked about where I'm going and when I'm coming and nobody needs to check my Facebook. Nobody needs to check my email. Nobody needs to go through my phone because hey, I'm 18 years old.
I have a driver's license now that I'm an adult.
So if you're really an adult, prove it with your Salah.
Prove it that you are responsible. So well Homer Allah Salah to him, you have a loan and you have a loan also includes being alert and attentive during the salah. Like a guard is attentive, pays attention alert. So be alert and your Salah What are you saying what are you doing and you have your loan also includes preserving the reward of Salah. Not that as soon as you say the sooner you start fighting with somebody, you start arguing with somebody.
Like some people they're just literally speeding through the salah so that they can quickly say the Salaam and give it to somebody, yell at them or just say something to them, or smack them or whatever they want to do. So what is this here? You complete your Salah May peace be upon you, a sinner who already caught a sin I'm already gonna have to make peace be upon you. And the next words that come out of your mouth. Why were you distracting me and so that why are we so loud don't you you're not supposed to do that. What is this? What Peace be upon you?
So here we perform the salah, and here we waste it well whom I lost what out to him, you have alone guard the prayers and in particular Salah has been mentioned why because it is the pillar of the deen right a Salah to remind the deen it is the thinner of the religion. It's one of the five pillars of Islam. So when a person will protect his sunnah He will protect all other actions as well. So it's law
It begins with sunnah you're like some people say yeah you know I'm not that particular about my prayers but I try to be very polite with people. Okay? But until and unless you perform Salah
your politeness doesn't matter that much Salah is first and foremost because one of the first questions is going to be what about
about what about your Salah so whom Allah sought out to him you have a little write this down for yourself on a piece of paper right and stick it on your night table so that in the morning when you're finding it difficult to get up while Marla Salah to whom you have but it as your wallpaper on your phone or on your computer. All right, well home I'll slit out to him you have you alone, so that when you're getting lazy, you remember, put it in your kitchen, wherever you spend a lot of your time. Well whom are those Linetti whom you have feelings? Because sometimes we think oh, I'm being so good. I'm listening to a friend who's in so much distress. You know, it's good to listen to
people when they're in difficulty, but it's okay if my mother Uppsala gets delayed half an hour no way good to listen to others but if you're neglecting your prayer that righteousness doesn't have much value because one of the first requirements is Salah. You know in Makkah, many things were not made mandatory, fasting, zakat Hajj all of these became mandatory were when the Prophet sallallahu Hijra to Medina but Salah became mandatory when in Makkah
so it's one of the first things that we need to become particular and careful about. Let's listen to the recitation
well now although law healthbar bothering me is Bob
long while by sharing
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call please
walk on
two more
will Kitab on
the whole the
Mossad the Benina.
Hola. Hola.
Vina you mean on? Here watching? You may know NaVi you are home nada for that team, you have you
what prevents us from being particular about our salah. Rather, what is it that disturbs our Salah whether when it comes to its punctuality or, you know, paying attention during salah.
Okay, laziness, that sometimes we're just lazy. And even though we're not busy, we just don't want to get up. We've slept enough and hamdulillah these days, the nights are long. So you can really sleep a lot during the night. And it's not that you're really tired. No, you've slept enough. But still, we're just lazy.
So then, along my in the arrows are becoming an urgency. Well guess
what else?
distractions, we're too distracted. Everything just seems so urgent and interesting that we just have to do it. We just have to watch it. We just have to listen to it. We just have to read it. We just have to check it. There's so many distractions. So what needs to be done? limit those distractions. You know, for example, some people on their telephones they have an alert for everything. Okay, even if an email comes, they have an alert. So their phones are constantly going beep, beep beep or communicating something with you. So they cannot focus on anything. And at the same time. Everybody else around them is also getting disturbed and offended. Offended. Why? Because
you can't even have a conversation with them without them looking at their phone every few minutes. So do something about those distractions. Sometimes when we were praying over
phone is buzzing. And we can hear it. Like okay, I wonder what's going on? I wonder who messaged me?
And may Allah help you. If you have alerts from your Facebook and your Twitter account? Really? Yes. Focus on like nothing but just to yourself so that when you go pray salah, you can just focus, that's okay stays Yes. That Don't be reading your, you know, email or a message or something until you say that. No, put it down, put your phone away, give yourself a break, so that your mind can relax, and then you can perform Salah with focus and attention. You know, we learned about Ibrahim Arneson, um, he was Hanif someone who was focused on Allah subhanaw taala. So we need to develop this quality as well. And in general, it's a very, very important quality that you need to have the
ability to stay focused on something. When we're studying, we cannot be focused. When we're reading something on the internet, we cannot be focused, right? Why? Because there are advertisements and you know, things all over the place. Yes.
So recently, I found myself like, I don't know, like, I feel like I was getting really addicted to Facebook, like, I'd be checking it a lot per day. And I'd be wasting a lot of time on it. So I deactivate it periodically. So it kind of cleanses me from feeling like I need to check it all the time and feeling like I need to get updates on everyone's lives, I really don't. And now that I have a deactivate, it's like a blessing. It's like, I don't have to check it right, I can do something else. Like, I feel like I'm more productive. And another thing I'm trying is like, I read this somewhere, like how to use your time more efficiently. So I don't go on the computer after 10.
Because if I like before bed, because if I do, I'd end up on the computer, like for an hour or two hours because it's so like, you know, you watch videos, you go on Facebook, you check your email, right? One thing leads to the other and then it's hard to wake up for Fudger. So like before bed, I just try to read some Quran and just go to bed in your bed, like read a book, not an article from the internet, okay? Because if you're reading that, then you Google something, and then you come across something interesting. And that will waste so much of your time. All right, and what you mentioned about deactivating, sometimes you really need to give yourself a break. So if there are
certain apps on your phone, maybe a news one and you find yourself reading it every now and then delete it for a few days. Okay? Similarly, if you think that Facebook is really distracting, you deactivate it for a few days, I'm not saying forever, for a few days, just so that you break that habit. And then Inshallah, after some time, you can start again. Yes, Salam Alikum. I remember one of the good Imams I don't know if
I, he said, For the servant of Allah, to see one in dunya, and one in Accra, to stand in front of Allah, you stand in front of Allah dunya while you fail, if it's fixed is so good in dunya, it will be so good in Accra, the way you stand before Allah now is how you will stand before him that day.
Like, I was just thinking how in today's day and age, we feel like, okay, we have to have this account, or we're like the outsiders, but compared to the prophets are compared to even our parents, they didn't have these accounts. And having all these things around us, having all this technology around us, it affects our development as well. And because children at such a young age, they're having all these things around them all the time and having TV on all the time, or having computers on all the time, it's making their attention span a lot shorter. So even now, like we won't be able to sit through a two hour class, and it's we have to text somebody or we have to talk to somebody,
but compared to just a couple of years before 5060 years before people could sit through things that were 567 hours long and they didn't have these problems. And because we have these things around us now it's affecting us.
Alright, and one comment or question
have a burden, rather than it being a blessing. So then what I started to do was kind of fix make my schedules a lot and then fit my daily things inside of my solo rather than me doing it the opposite way. Yes. Because I'd always be like, Hey, don't have school, volunteering. I have this I have that. And then I'd feel a void that I feel okay, all this work I'm doing there's no meaning to it. So when I put my salon first and without my schedule, I feel much more at ease when I do my other things rather than it me focusing on something else very true. That one is that a person's priority is similar and the other is that the priority is something else. So what Ledeen humara solid team you
have your own what does it mean that their priority is Salah. So panicle long when we have Nick
Sure to Allah ilaha illa Anta Mr Furukawa to break a Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah