Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P07 079C Tafsir Al-Anam 27-32
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The importance of acceptance and being willing to admit to one's views is emphasized in Islam. The use of language to convey opinion and value is discussed, including language to convey pride and value. The importance of the heart's power is emphasized, as it is impossible to create a single human being. The speaker emphasizes the need for a clear understanding of the natural and historic aspects of life to avoid confusion and mistakes. The importance of the law and the law's use during the future are also discussed, as it is the beginning of the life of the world. The speaker emphasizes the need for a person to be prepared for death and the importance of finding a way to make money. The speaker also discusses the importance of the law and how it will be used during the future, as it is the beginning of the life of the world.
AI: Summary ©
Women home, and from them, a man who Yestermorrow he listens attentively elaida to you. Meaning there are some from the Mushrikeen who listen very attentively to what you have to say, oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the words of wisdom that you say, or the Quran that you recite they're very interested in listening to you. So yes them your one is Samira, and the other is, is
Samira, yes, my role is to just listen. But it's Tamara. Yes, the mirror is to listen attentively. It's like when you are drawn towards something, and you pay attention, what is being said, it's like, if there is a person who's not interested in music at all, they hear something they ignore. And there is another person who is bold towards it. So they hear something, some sound coming from, let's say, a car passing by and what happens, they try to come closer so that they can listen,
the heart is being pulled. Why? Because of that love. So there were some wish seeking and remember shrieking are different in the Mushrikeen of Makkah. Also, there were different types of people. Some were leaders, others were followers, some were very firm in their ship, others were moderate. Some were very firm in their opposition to the Prophet saw a lot of sentiment some were okay. So, some among the machine, they would come to listen to the Prophet sallallahu audios on them. Because the language, the style of the Quran, the expression of the Quran, it attracted them. And we learn about three people in particular, I was a fan of Buddha, and welcome to spin shoe rake, all these
three people would secretly come in tonight listen to the profit, sort of artisan reciting the Quran in the hatchet and they would listen attentively.
And then when he would finish, they will try to get back home as quickly as possible in darkness so that nobody would see them, but they would run into each other. And then they would say Where were you? What were you listening to? Because obviously, coming from Mohamed Salah Lawson's house means that you were listening to him coming from the hollow means that you were listening to Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. So they would ask each other where were you? And then they would say, Well, this is what I was doing. This is what I was doing. I was listening to him. And it's a promise by Allah, you will not come tomorrow and say, Yes, we're not going to come again. We're not going to come
again. But again, in the night, they were pulled so they would get up and they would go and listen to him. This happened repeatedly. Why wouldn't they believe? Where they're not attracted to the words of the Quran? Where they're not impressed by its eloquence, of course. Did the words not convinced them? Yes, they did. But they still didn't accept, for example, a Buddha he died on his go for Abu Sufyan. He didn't accept Islam immediately. It was many, many years later that he embraced Islam. So what is it that prevented them? Allah says withdrawal. And we have made Allah Colombia him upon their hearts, akin net and coverings floral off Kenan something that envelops that covers
something like a case, for example, you have a candy and it's got a wrapper around it. So that wrapper is what Kenan, it's a covering. So just like that their hearts are in coverings, or you have a whoohoo that they should understand. So these coverings, they prevent them from understanding the Quran that a year. Wi Fi Are there any human in their ears, plural of Odin is what got all heaviness work, well cough, raw, heaviness, heavyweight, okay? That prevents them from listening, that does not allow them to understand and accept what they have heard from their ears. You see, sometimes a person hears something, but it doesn't reach the heart. It doesn't penetrate the heart, it doesn't
go in, it doesn't sink in. He hears but he doesn't comprehend why there's something preventing him. And over here also, there was something preventing them which again, from accepting what they heard, what was it, it was these covers, discover, of bias, discover of pride, discover of prejudice against Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam, that if we believe in Him, we will have to accept him as the Prophet. This will make his status greater than ours. And there was huge tribal, you know, you can say competition amongst the Arabs. So just because he was from the blue Hashem, they didn't want to acknowledge them to be the Prophet. Why? Because then the status of brainwashing would be greater
than the status of their tribes. This was the akin this was the bias, the pride the prejudice, that
had prevented them from accepting. It went in their ear, but didn't penetrate the heart bounced back,
bounced back, just like that with the air, then even walk along in their ears as heaviness, preventing them from accepting what they heard. Because remember summer, it's not just to hear, but it also is to accept. So they heard but they wouldn't accept Wi Fi, then even walk it off. So what does it show that some people despite listening to the Quran, they don't change. They don't accept, they don't improve? And may Allah Subhana Allah protect us from this because this is the worst condition that a person could be in, that the guidance is around him. He's listening to the Quran. But yet, it doesn't sink in. Yet. It doesn't make sense to him. If this doesn't change a person then
what will? What will? What if he had any him walk at all? Now person might wonder that if they have gone there listening, why doesn't Allah subhanaw taala help them, get over that bias, get over that pride and force them to accept? Why? Because this is not the way of Allah to force people to believe the belief has to come from where from within, because Islam is what submission and submission requires your heart to be submissive.
The change has to come from within, if a person is not willing to surrender, the nothing unforeseen
And if Allah would change a person's heart, you know, in the sense that he doesn't want to submit but Allah forces him to submit. And where's the test? In total, and file 23 We learn well aware I live Allahu veniam Chiron let smart home if Allah knew there was some good in them, he would have made them listen, if they had even a little bit desire to believe, to accept the truth to change. If they had even a little bit of that desire, then Allah subhanaw taala would help them. Allah would definitely help them. So if they're not accepting, then it's their own problem with a euro and if they see
an every sign, let me know because they do not believe in it.
They hear the words of the Quran coming from the mouth of the prophets of Allah who listen, imagine the most beautiful recitation, the most hard moving recitation that doesn't change them. They see the most clear proofs, even that doesn't change them. They even saw the moon split before them. They saw so many miracles yet, they wouldn't accept law you mean Obeah had until this Hatha means that their disbelief, their denial is so severe it has reached to such an extent, so much so that either when Jeff Walker, they come to you Yuja DeLuna, they argue with you, meaning they are ever ready to argue with you. They don't want to accept, they don't want to listen, they don't want to see and
acknowledge but they're ever ready to argue and dispute with you. What does this mean? They don't desire guidance. They don't want to change. Because they would come and argue with the Prophet total audits and why to silence him
to stop him from what he was doing. And the prophets of Allah said them he knew he had there in and these people didn't have very, what's the correct way of speaking to someone who has knowledge that you don't have, that you argue with them know that you ask them, that you have an exchange of thoughts? And if you disagree, clarify to them your position, but if a person is arguing than what's the purpose, to just put the other person down, to disprove him to silence him, it shows the pride in a person. So this was the way of the Michigan Abuja Hall for example, going in the night listen to the Prophet saw a lot of sun during the day coming to argue with him, coming to fight with him.
You Jedi Luna aka Jaco Liu, he says who Olivia aka follow those who disbelieve in her. This is not Illa except a selfie of welline the legends of the former people meaning they come to you, they argue with you the debate with you and the disbelievers. What's the final thing they say that this Quran is nothing what the stories of the people have told us athlete is deplore enough was thorough, simple raw,
and was thorough is basically a legend. The story of the people of the past that they have made up you don't even know if it's true or not. So it's like a myth. Okay, a tale. Okay. The lies made up stories like for example, Cinderella
The story of Cinderella, you know that it's false, right? But it's so much narrative. There's movies or so many books, but it's an example of a surah. All right. So they said that this Quran talks about the people of the people of the moon talks about isa Musa alayhis salam talks about Adam, this is just stories made up stories by who a welline, Florida a well, meaning the people who came before us a while means first. So the former generations they made of these stories, and here Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is telling us about them in the Quran. And he says, this is from Allah, this is all lies. And we learn in Sahih Bukhari and this will be Lauren who he narrated that there was a
Christian man who became Muslim.
And he read total Bacala Surah, Allah and one and he knew how to write, okay, because he knew how to write the Prophet salallahu Salam appointed him as a scribe, someone who would record the way because the Prophet saw a lot of snow himself, but he read and write, no, he couldn't. So when revelation would come to him in order to preserve it, in addition to preserving it in the heart in the memory, he would also have it written down. So this Christian men who had become Muslim, he was commanded to write the revelation. Now, after some time, this man he reverted back to Christianity. He left Islam became a Christian. And he said, Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam knows nothing.
But what I have written for him, meaning I used to write everything for him. He didn't know anything. I used to tell him all these stories, he had no idea. This was something that he said. Now this man, obviously, because of this, so many people were prevented from Islam because I thought, Oh, look, liar, his lies are all exposed.
After some time, this man he died.
And when he died,
the people buried him, they buried him and the next day, they saw that his body was lying out of the grave.
So they blame the prophets of Allah, Islam and the Muslims for it, that you're kind of taking revenge against him, you want to humiliate him. So you dug out his grave and pulled him out and you have exposed him like this.
Now they went and buried him into a much deeper grave, so that the Muslims couldn't do according to them, the Muslims couldn't do anything to the body. But again, the next day, the body was out there and then blamed the Muslims. They went and dug a much deeper grave, a much more secure grip, and buried him again, the same thing happened the next day.
So the people that realize that the prophets of the Lord is in the Muslims, they're not doing this because they're incapable of digging a grave this deep within one night, it's impossible for any person to do that.
And they knew that this was something else. So they knew that this man was a liar, he had falsely accused prophets of Allah.
He said that these are a sales lead will have willing this was his own cover.
So it shows to us that a person could be in the company of the Prophet so a lot of suddenly even but if his heart does not want guidance, he could be the scribe even someone writing the Quran even but if his heart does not desire guidance, then he will be deprived of it. A huge lesson for us. Never think that you are I'm a student of the Quran. Look at my beautiful notes. I have 30 Joe's waiting for me. I have seven Jews now they're almost full. Every page is covered with beautiful notes. Not a big deal. Really, it's not.
It's not a big deal. What matters is the heart. There were people who wrote the Quran when it was first revealed. And they did not want guidance, it was taken away from them. Because this deen of Allah is very precious Eman is very precious. It's only given to those who prove themselves worthy.
If a person proves himself unworthy undeserving of it then Allah doesn't care, it will be taken away and given to someone who will value it. So this person he said, this is nothing but a South little a welline. Have you heard people saying this today? The Quran is is full of stories of the people of the past. Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam learned from a Christian man
now with a biller, and he just made them up. This is something that people say today as well. And when they say such things, Allah says we're home and they en Hona they stop and who from him, way an owner and they keep away and who from him by saying such things First of all, what do they do? Yen honer and who yen Hona from the heat known Haier which is to stop meaning this stop people from him from believing in Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam when they say such
statements there in reality, stopping people from believing in Islam from believing in the Quran from believing in Muhammad salatu salam. Imagine when this man must have said, Muhammad knew nothing, I am the one who told him everything. I made it all up I would write and I would tell him would this not have stopped so many people from embracing Islam? Of course, when owner and who you an owner known Hamza, yeah, this is to keep away, meaning to keep oneself away from something. So they stop others. And they also keep themselves away, they avoid, they run away themselves. Because those who came to argue with the prophets have a lot of said and many of them were leaders. So for
example, a Buddha he was a leader. Right? And if they're the ones who are refusing to believe they are stopping others from believing, so well whom Ian Honan who were an owner on, Allah says we're in and not usually Kona, they destroy Illa and foster home except themselves. Women are Yash Arun and they do not even realize because what do they think? When they're stopping others when they're keeping away themselves? That they are harming the Prophet sallallahu sunnah, that he won't be successful, he won't be victorious, but in reality, who are they destroying? themselves? Because ultimately we will suffer they will suffer? And do they realize this? No, they don't. They think
they will be fine. And Mohamed Salah Larsson will be forgotten. And we see it's the exact opposite today. Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is remembered and his enemies except for a few. Nobody knows them.
We know about 70 people who died at better what were their names
for among them was stricken. But the 70 Muslims who died or heard they're all known. They're all remembered. All right. So what au Licona Illa. And for someone wema Yashraj alone, they do not even realize so what do we understand from this idea that when a person keeps away from something good than indirectly he's also stopping others from it. And what's the result of that? A person is destroying himself. He is depriving himself. Right? If there's some good food,
you don't eat it? Will your children either know what your friend needed know if you look at in your life, pass and you move on. The person behind you even they will pass they will move on. They won't eat it. That food itself is good, delicious, nutritious. Who are you depriving yourself so you're doing yourself a harm? Recitation Well, I mean,
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one oh Tara and if you could see is when walkie fu they are made to stand our island now. Before the fire, if you could only see when they will be stopped right in front of the Hellfire will be for is from well off work, which is to stop to pause. Right. Like for example walk in the recitation is what to pause to stop and then continue. So Will people they will be going and they will be made to stop they will be positioned they will be placed where I learned now right before the hellfire. Imagine the people who worship others besides Allah on the Day of Judgment, Allah asks them where are those beings whom you worship, and they say, We never worship anybody. We cannot find them right
now. They're proven guilty. They're being taken to hellfire, as they are brought to hellfire, just before they are taken inside. Just imagine just before they're taken inside like a prisoner when he's proven guilty just before
He's taken into the prison, the last words the last words are one for all so they will say, yeah later now, oh, we wish that later later is basically a word of the money of hope. So they will say we wish that if only or would that we could not do, we could be returned Rodell dial rod. If only we could be returned, where to the worldly life wanna know cut viva. And we would not deny Biya to Rabina the verses the signs the proves the commands of our Lord, we would not deny them when Hakuna and we would be men and men in from the believers. The last words they say before being thrown into the Hellfire is what we wish we could be returned to the dunya we would never deny any command of
Allah we would never refuse any statement of Allah. And we would believe when a corner middle movement in we would believe these are what words of regret, because there are no second chances then. And words of regret we learned that many people will say, many people in the Quran we learn that there are some people who will say such words at the time of their death, that Oh our Lord, why did you not give us some more time so that I could given charity and I could be a righteous person, I would do this good deed I would do that good deed. And just like that, in the hereafter before being thrown into the hellfire, that's exactly what some people will say, Oh Allah, if you could
give us just one chance, we will prove ourselves good. We would not do what we did before. Now we have understood we have learned our lesson. But it's too late. It's too late, the time to learn and understand his web in the Estonia. From what from what Allah has revealed from the message that he has sent. And if a person doesn't benefit now doesn't bring the change now, then he will not bring that change later either. Because what do we learn that a person does something wrong? He's not got immediately because Allah subhanaw taala is ill Haleem the one who is very tolerant, who is able to punish, but he does not do so immediately. He gives a person a chance. And then a person does it
wrong again. Allah lets him he gives him another chance. Some people they realize they do Toba, they turn back. And some people they continue in that way, until that meets them until they're about to enter hellfire. And they say if only we had another chance we wish we could get one more chance we would go to the dunya and we would never do the wrong things that we did. Rather we would believe is this wish going to be granted. Allah says Bible rather No, this is not going to be granted at all. Instead what will happen but Allah Han it will appear for them. But Allah will meaning it will be revealed before them. It will be exposed before that but is from Baghdad Wow Buddhu by the desert
because in the desert, everything is visible and exposed. So it will become exposed. What will become exposed what will appear to them man that which can no they use to your phone, they would hide Min kabru Before there was something that they were hiding before and now it will become evident it will become visible. What is it that they hid before they hid their recognition of the truth. They recognize the truth of the Quran of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, but yet they conceal it in their hearts. They did not acknowledge it with their tongues. Eman is what a man has to believe in the heart. Right? To accept in the heart, to express with the tongue and submit with your limbs
in your actions. There are many people who see the truth who recognize it and who keep the swear in their hearts. So they never declare with their mouths. I am Muslim. I believe in Allah. I believe in Mohamed Salah Saddam, they never declare such words. They are hiding something in their hearts. They don't express it. So on the Day of Judgment, what's going to happen? What they hid is going to be revealed
because when they're hiding this recognition of truth in their hearts, what are they pretending to do?
but they don't know. Right? That they don't believe. Whereas in reality in their heart, they know what the truth is, but they're hiding it inside. So they're pretending that they don't believe. They're pretending that they don't recognize it to be the truth. So this life of pretense that they're living on the Day of Judgment, their reality will become visible. Let me make this clear with an example of Bucha * did he not know that Mohamed Salah Hudson was the true messenger the Quran was Hulk. Of course, he knew it was very clear. This is why He would come again and again to listen to Prophet salallahu Salam, right. Likewise, I will tell him, did he not know that Muhammad
Sallallahu sallam was true? Yes, he even said verses a forgery that I know that the dean of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is the best Dean the best religion. At the time of his death, the prophet salatu salam encouraged him so much to make the declaration but did he know he didn't? Why? Why? Out of fear of disapproval from his tribal members and friends, right out of that fear. He didn't embrace Islam. The Jewish leaders by whom we have been learning so much in total Bukhara Surah Al Imran did they not? No, of course they knew they saw the signs, they recognize them, yet they pretended do not know, which is why when the people will come and ask them is the true messenger what would they say?
Some ambiguous answer, not for us, maybe for somebody else. Yeah, these things, they seem to be correct. However, this and this, you know, makes us concerned. So, such statements, what did they show that? Apparently, they were not convinced. Whereas in reality in their hearts, they were fully convinced. So this conviction this near the fact that they were convinced that Muhammad Sallallahu sallam was the messenger, they hid it in their hearts, they pretended that they did not recognize him. Allah says on the Day of Judgment, what will happen, what they used to hide, is going to be exposed. Meaning it's going to become very clear that these people were just pretending that they
didn't know that they didn't recognize. And this is specifically with regards to such people. And also in general, many times we hide things in our heart. And we pretend like everything's normal. We pretend we have no idea. We pretend somebody is not getting hurt because of what we're saying to them. We pretend everything's okay.
We hide things in our heart, and act the exact opposite. Such things will become apparent on the Day of Judgment in certain healthcare 18 We learn yoga, even to Rabona law, firm income coffee that day, you will be exhibited for judgment, and not hidden among you is anything concealed, meaning anything that you concealed in this life, it will not remain hidden anymore, it will become exposed. So Bell Budda Lahoma, can we afford them in Kabul? It's like you know about something, and the whole time you're pretending you don't know. And then later people find out that you knew isn't an embarrassing, it's embarrassing. It's humiliating. So on the Day of Judgment, it's much more
humiliating. Well, do Allah says, and if they were returned, la do? Surely they would repeat Lima, that which number one who they were forbidden from? If they were given another chance, as they're wishing, and they're sent back to the dunya? What would they do? They would repeat what they were forbidden from, they would do the exact same thing. Again, we're in the home locker, the more than indeed, they're liars, means they're just lying, that they will change, they're lying, that they will believe they're not going to change, because they were given a long enough life with many chances in which they could change. And if they didn't change, then what gives you the guarantee
that they will change later. And the fact is that if someone has a habit, a habit, then it's almost impossible to break that. So Allah knows that these people are not going to change. This is why he does not give them another chance. We'll call Lou and right now, what's the state of these people that they say in here? It is not a law except higher tonight our life a duniya of this world. When I not national, we remember routine at all wants to be resurrected, like I told you Mr. Keane, were of different kinds. Some of them believed in Allah in idols, some believed in the day of judgment and others rejected the Day of Judgment. Okay. So this is why you will find different things that are
mentioned some wishing they believe in the hereafter and others they did not. Just like today, there are many people who are not Muslim. They believe in
concept of the Hereafter, and there are many others who don't.
So those who don't are being mentioned that they say that it is nothing except our worldly life, meaning the only life that we have is just this life, this present life in this world. Why am I not gonna remember routine? And we are not going to be resurrected. Resurrection is impossible. How is it possible? When our bones have decomposed, our bodies are lost in this world? How is resurrection possible? They say it's not going to happen, resurrection is not going to take place. So it means that they deny the hereafter. Now the question is, who denies the hereafter? Why does a person reject the concept of the hereafter? Why what's the difficulty in believing in the actual
belief in Accra means that you will be held accountable. And if you will be held accountable, that means that you are required to do certain things, and you are not allowed to do certain things. So it basically stops them from fulfilling their desires. They want to live a free life.
This is why they say you live only once. So enjoy how much ever you can. This is what the people of the past said.
And the people of today see as well.
And yet we think we are so much more advanced than them.
What's the advancement in what in just the clothes you're wearing and the kind of food you're eating? Your thinking is the same. They said, We're not going to be resurrected. But resurrection will take place the day of judgment will come why? Because that is what Allah's Mercy demands, it necessitates that there should be a hereafter. Because this dunya we see, it's a combination of good and evil. Right? You struggle you enjoy, but you also suffer. So shouldn't there be some kind of compensation? There are people who are good, and there are people who are bad. There are people who are fair, and there are people who are unfair. So shouldn't there be some form of compensation? Of
course, think about it. If you have put in so much effort in being a good person. And nobody appreciates you. Nobody appreciates you is that fair? It's not fair. Likewise, you have suffered a lot, there should be a compensation. So this compensation, this reward and punishment, where is that in the era, because this life is aim perfect. It is imperfect. And no person can ever be satisfied with this life. Even a person who has every wish of theirs granted, even they cannot be satisfied with this life. Because this dunya is imperfect. It is temporary, you enjoy one thing for a few moments. And after a few moments, you are bored.
Right? You're bored, do you want to move on to something else. And this is what we see that there are many people who are doing amazing things, but they keep moving on from one thing to the next to the next to the next because they can never feel 100% satisfied. Where is that satisfaction kept in the era.
So those who say that this is the only life and that we're not going to be resurrected? This is a false belief.
Please listen carefully and watch attentively.
What are we doing here? And where are we going to go? It's like we just woke up one morning. And then it's Welcome to the show. Don't ask any questions. Just go with the flow. make as much money as you can. Try your best not to get broke. Copy everything you see on the TV from the hairstyles to the clothes and don't think too often. Just do exactly as your toe. And if you ever get confused, then just turn towards the alcohol. You'll still hear thoughts, then just turn off the radio as you learn to live a lifestyle of drugs, * and rock and roll.
But in all honesty, I just need to know is there more to the cycle, then rolling, get an old living and dying just to leave behind a happy home and a whole lot of property that somebody else is going to own. I just really need to know before the cast gets closed, because I'm not willing to gamble with my soul, nor am I ready to take any chances. These are just simple life questions and I'm just searching for some answers. Like what are we doing here? And what is our purpose? How did we get here and who made us so perfect. And what happens once we go or is this world or really worse that question
We don't answer because apparently we don't really have to. There's no purpose to this life in our existence is merely natural, then in that case, please let me ask you, did you create yourself? Or was it somebody else who had fashioned you, because you're a being less impeccable, faultless than unparalleled, you're a product of supreme intelligence and I'm merely being rational, for there isn't a camera on this earth that could come close to the human eye, or a computer that can compete alongside the human mind. And if the whole world was to come together, we wouldn't be able to create a single fly. So many signs, yet we still deny. A science tries to justify that all this could come
from none, when it's a simple sum, zero plus zero plus zero cannot possibly ever give you one. So from where did all this order come? For everything has its origins, and make a creator of its own. I mean, the only reason you're watching this video was because somebody had to press up load. So we can believe in the Big Bang, but I'd rather believe in he who caused it to explode. Allah, the Creator of everything, along with every single soul that ever living the master, the only one who is in control, unlike his creation, beyond our imagination, and no, he's not a man, nor does he have any partners in association. He's on his own. And no, he did not ever leave us alone.
Just like every manufacturer, he left us with an instruction manual. Oh, that could add in the slam. And I'm sorry to jump to conclusions, but it's the only one possible. The only definition of God is the one and only supreme being its logical, a book with zero contradictions with miracles that are both scientific and historical, or revealed over 1400 years ago. Like the detailed description of the human embryo. The descriptions of the human embryo in the Qur'an cannot be based on scientific knowledge. In the seventh century, the mountains is pegs holding firm the earth below, and the two seas that don't mix in a complete separate flow to the planets in orbit, alternating night and day
as they stay in flow, the expansion of the universe and the creation of everything from haitch to o to the stories of the past and the preservation of Pharaoh to identifying the lowest point in the land where Persia defeated Rome, the gushing fluid that created man in the glands between the ribs and the back bone and not a word is changed as soon as same. So please explain how all this was known over 1400 years ago, to a man who couldn't read or write as he would recite whatever the angels spoke. And if you still don't believe, please try to come up with something that's even close, but you can't. So we took God as a mockery and his messages as a joke. could not read or
read or write must not
dismiss the scriptures as legends and tales of the ancient folk as we live life according to our whims desires and hopes, saying This life is the only home we will ever know we will live then died and simply turned to bones, yo, Lo, correction. After the grass dies, the rain arrives in it regrows and Allah promises to do the same thing to dairy, so and bring you back from your very fingertips to your toes, as the old saying Supreme Being watches the so close. And we are surely being tested in our wealth, style, health in our self and everything that we've been blessed with. So believe that we will surely be resurrected, and be brought back to our Lord and account for every single deed as
he hands us our books in order for us to read.
From the bats that are good, and everything in between you yourself are sufficient for your own accountability. So don't be mad at me. You are the one who thought he wouldn't come back to me. I gave you a whole life long to search after me. But you were busy and all that which was temporary. So read in Glad Tidings to all those who believed and if you disbelieve, read, and don't let that day be the first day you find out what you're
Light really means we
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Tula duniya, national beam other routine
so this life is not just the life of the Estonia, there is an era as well. We'll call who in here Illa Hayato Neptunia women will be remembered routine but many people say this life is only this present life and there is no resurrection. And this is a false belief, a dangerous belief, something that will take people into the greatest depths of hellfire. It's not something small Willow Tara, and if only you could see, it will pay for a lot of be him. When they will be made to stand before their Lord, Allah, He will ask, he will say, Alisa hurt, I've been hurt. Is this not true? This resurrection, this judgment, this accounting? Is this not true? Although they will say Bala, of
course it is true. Yes. Why not? Our Lord, it is true. What have been by our Lord, it is true. Definitely it is true. Obviously, if a person has seen it with his own eyes, then he has nothing but to say of course it's true. The real test is now that do you believe His Verses his statements and say yes, it is true. Because if you say yes, it is true now, then this claim will be helpful, then the speech will be helpful in the Hereafter. And if a person says no, it's not true, then in the hereafter he can say it is true many times but it's of no use. Color he will say for do color other so taste the punishment be my contact for own because of the disbelief that you used to come in. So
many times you were told the same thing. But she said no, it's not true. There is no resurrection. No after no Janna, no now. Now you say it is true. This confession is of no help test the punishment because of the disbelief that she used to commit by the hasira. Certainly he has suffered loss. He's a great failure, who Alladhina Katha will be recalled in those people who have denied the meeting with Allah, what is the meeting with Allah, when will that happen in the hereafter. So the people who reject the hereafter, they have suffered a great loss had until either Tomasa to believe that and until the hour we'll come to them. But about the Bellanger is when something comes unexpectedly
all of a sudden, so you weren't expecting it at all. So just like that the Hour will come upon them unexpectedly. They weren't expecting it. And all of a sudden, it will come upon them. What is the sorrow refer to sorrow refers to death. And it also refers to the day of judgment, because death is also the beginning of the Hereafter because my mother, the atomic piano to the one who dies, then His judgment has established, it has been established, it has already begun. So they are living their lives busy, happy, enjoying themselves, fulfilling their desires, and then all of a sudden death comes to them. unexpectedly. Such people are great losers, because at that time Carlo, they
will say yeah has rotten or our regret, meaning how much is our regret over what? Isla over math on Rotten our fee, that which we neglected concerning it for Latona fell well for the field is to fall short, to neglect something. So we neglected this life of ours. How do we didn't prepare for it? We fell short in preparing for the hereafter the real life. They will say we wish we had done something we wish we had prepared. We wish we had prepared for this day and ask yourself right now. Are you prepared to die? Are we prepared to die? That when the angel of death comes what are we
mean to be our words? I wish I had done something. I really failed in my life. I didn't take advantage of the time that I was given. Yeah, hustle Ratana Allama forgotten our fee her well who may or may Luna Oh, Zara home. But the words of regret will not benefit them because they will carry their burdens, or was our Florida wizard burden, they will be carrying their burdens, are they also holding him on their backs? What is it that they will be carrying on their backs? What is his burden, the burden of sin, the burdens of sins that they've been accumulating all their lives because remember, whatever deed we're doing, it's going to take a tangible form in the hereafter a
physical form in the hereafter. So a sin that a person commits, it's like a burden. He's preparing for himself in the hereafter that he will have to carry or allows wounding him on their backs, plural of luck. So the deeds that we commit to like stuck to us, we won't be able to get away from them on the Day of Judgment. If it's good, it will make a person happy and proud. And if it's bad, he will have to carry it on his back. Allah says Allah unquestionably, sir Ma, as you're on how evil it is, that they are carrying meaning what an evil burden it is, that they're carrying, in desireable cathedra. So D is reported to have said that upon entering his grave, every unjust person
will meet a man with an ugly face, ugly face, awful smell, wearing dirty clothes and horrific appearance, and he will enter his grave. And when the person will see Him He will say, How ugly is your face? That man will reply. So, what was your work? It was ugly? The unjust person will say how foul is the smell coming from you? He will reply as such was the case with your work? It smelled really bad. be unjust person will say how dirty are your clothes, he will say and your work to was dirty. Your actions to were very filthy. The unjust person will ask who are you? He will reply, I am your deeds. So he will remain with this unjust person in his grave. And when he is resurrected on
the day of judgment, He will come to him and say in the life of the world I used to carry you because you follow your desire and lust and today you carry me you carry me this ugliness this smell the stench that you want to get away from. I am your deeds in the dunya I carried you you enjoyed me and today you will carry me
and this itself will be a humiliation. So whatever we do sticks to us whatever we do, we are recognized by that everyone is known for something or the other. What kind of deeds are we committing? What are we known for? Allah says woman higher to dunya and the life of this world is not Illa except Larry Boone, Willa one, amusement and diversion. Lottery, play, sport, physical exercise, and low distraction of the heart. So this life is what like a game. It physically keeps you busy and occupied, and it distracts your heart. Just like when a game is going on. People are physically busy, and their hearts are distracted. It's the most important thing. But when it's over,
it's over. It's just temporary just like that the life of this world is as temporary as a game as apparently important but in reality unimportant as a game. One a double and surely the home of the Hereafter it is how you don't it is much better than the the taco and for those people who have so that's what you should aim for a fella Turkey don't Allah asks us Do you not understand do not use your mind. Meaning use your mind. Why are you going for this temporary life? Aim for the era that should be your focus? So may Allah subhanaw taala give us a tofield to really realize what is important what is necessary so that we spend our lives our free moments our time preparing for that
not that we're distracted by this life busy with it. Presentation what oh, all in the fall
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doing the Bambi
Bina wanna Khun
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phone I mean
the moon walk although in here,
In the dunya wanna
see what all the fall between all
been helpful all Bella Bina ball
Tune Tech for two other horses
who believe all
to vote
me Luna
Amma is your home woman Hi Donia
talk to you